OCR Interpretation

Southern reveille. (Port Gibson, Miss.) 1851-185?, May 19, 1852, Image 4

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every Wednesday at two »oixars
per annum, paid in advance-, th»» dollars if not
peid until th* «piration of si* mdbtha, and foc»
soLLabs payable at the end of the year.
Rates of Advertising.
For First insertion, per square of ten line« in
Bieviar, One Dollar, for every Subsequent inser
tion, Fifty Cent*. .... ....
Oy* Political Circulars and Addresses will be
charged a» advertisements, and payable in ad
VT All ad vertisoment* not marked with the
number of insertion«, will be published till forbid
(jy*Prefesrional advertisement* will be charged
a* follows:
Per Square, for 3 months, - -
« 0 "
- - 85 00
- - 9 00
- • 12 00
Cjp*I.iterary, Political and Agricultural Com
munications respectfully solicited.
py Liberal discounts made to those who «aver
ti» by the year.
C 7 "Any Postmaster or other person sending Six
names, will receive a copy gratis for one year.
A man that gets a pretty wife
Need have no other "crony,"
So all who would lead a happy life,
Must join in matrimony.
New Spellino. —The most original mode
of apelling that wc have ever seen, is the fol
lowing—it beats phonetics :
80 you be—A tub.
80 oh ! pea—A top.
Be 80—Bat.
Sec 80—Cat.
Pea 80—Pat.
Are 80—Rat.
See O ! double you—Cow.
See you be—Cub.
See a be—Cab.
Be you double tea.—Butt
Be a double ell—Ball
A Problem.
And a
I once had
On both I set great store,
And got his note therefor,
To my
I loaned my
I asked my
I lost my
Of my
And naught but words I got,
„ Bui
For sue him I would not.
ut not my
•• Hallo, stranger! what are you ped
" Quack medicines. 1 '
'• All right—go ahead ; I've got a load of
d ^*' 4 Do you know how to cast iron ?" said
the proprietor of a stove foundry to a green
countryman who applied for work
44 Wall, yes, ' said the pumpkin scratching
his head, " I was reckoned good at pitching
quoits down at hum."
(£ 7 » A sailor looking serious in a certain
chapel in Boston, was asked by the clcrgy
if he felt any change, whereupon the tar
his hand into his pocket, and replied, " 1
have not a cent."
jjy A Patlander with a hod full of bricks
fell from the top of a three story house, with
great force to the ground. When he picked
himself up, a bystander asked him if the fall
did not hurt him ? " Och, vour honor," he
replied, "not in the least, but stopping so
suddenly has near kilt me."
1 X 7 *" A gentleman being asked whether he
was seriously injured when a steam boiler ex
ploded, is said to have replied that he was so
used to being blown up by his wife, that mere
steam had no effect on him.
[£ 7 *" An Irishman in writing a letter to
his sweetheart, asking whether slie would ac
cept of his love or not, writes thus : " If you
don't love me, please send back the lettlicr
without breaking the sale!"
05»" I'll bet a sheep," said Meredith to
his other half, " that our hoy Otho, is going
crazy. He is grinning at the plow, and he is
grinning at the barn, and he is grinning at
the table, and lie is grinning to himself
wherever he goes.''
44 l*oh," replied the old woman, " don't
you know he got a love letter this morning."
[( 5 »" I cannot imagine," said an alier
why my whiskers should turn gray
so much sooner*than the hair on my head."
"Because," observed a wag, "you have
worked much harder with your jaws thau
your brains."
35 » A young clergyman having preached
on ono occasion for Rev. Dr. Emmons, was
anxious to get a word of applause, aud as the
grave doctor did not introduce the subject,
was obliged to bait the hook for him. 4 1
hope sir, I did not weary your people by the
length of my sermon to-day.' ' No, sir, not
at all,' replied the doctor ; nor the depth
A Vegetable Idea. —At what time of life
may a man be said to belong to the vegetable
kiugdoin ? When loug experience has made
him sage.
Selling "Not Walnut." —A farmer in
Burrilville once drove to Providence a load of
green white-birch wood, and after trying in
vain, a greater part of the day, to dispose of
it at a fair price, he unexpectedly met a weal
thy gentleman, who admired the outside ap
pearance, and inquired the name of its species.
The farmer perceiving that the gentleman was
about as green as the wood, answered,
" Not walnut."
" Knot walnut !'' said the gentleman ;
" what kind of wood is that ? I never heard
of it before."
" It is a wood," answered the farmer, " that
will kindle the quickest and last the longest,
* any wood that grows."
"What Uthe price of it?" inquired the
" Seven dollars a cord," answered the far*
"Seven dollars a cord!" exclaimed the
gentleman ; " why I can buy the best hickory
and oak for five."
"What of that?" said the farmer; "you
could bum out two cords of good dry hickory
oak, while you would be burning one of
44 Very well," said the gentlman ;■
to No.. . . . - Street.
Not long afterwards, the fanner met the
E ntleman, and a^ked him how he liked that
id of wood.
"Like it!" said the gentleman,
all ; you gouged me fairly- But I will give
you credit for telling tbe truth, and pocket the
joke, for aa noon aa a lighted match touches
the outaide bark, tbe Ire runs all over tbe
wood like mad, and then all Providence could
not burn H I »ball never be out of wood.
not at
Cotton Culture.
Some of the incipient thinnings of ootton
will have already been done ; but the bum
of reducing to a stand, yet remains ; and
in this month, this important branch of Cot
ton making is to be attended to Much care
and good judgment is now required, and close
personal attention should see that all is well
don«. The fate of the crop is often settled
adversely, by careless, rough work, at this
time, the cotton plant is very tender, and
by bruises and damages at this working, is
often made to die for weeks after, when other
are sought to explain disasters to the
weed. Too much care cannot be taken to
avoid these results. We have said before,
that the distance must be regulated by the
quality of the soil, and the probable size to
which the plant will grow. We have said
also that the tap root of cotton is the main
feeder. This opinion has been objected to ;
and it is insisted that the main office of this
root is to give strength to the plant. Wc do
not admit our error ; but. that we may not
have been fortunate in making ourselves un
derstood. All for which we have contended
is, that this is the main root, and the parent
from which all other roots emanate; and
whilst wc agree that the lateral roots may in
strictness be the feeders, yet these supplies all
back through the common parent of
them all, to send up their support to the plant;
and our theory only insists that provision
shall be made to encourage the vigorous and
ample growth of the tap root, which we have
termed the great feeder, that it may send out
a large supply of those little rootlets, that
they may search for appropriate food, and
bring it through this common parent, to sup
ply the wants of the stalk.
We have thought it necessary to fall back
upon this explanation, for the better under
standing of the opinions which wc held, and
that we may prepare the minds of our readers
for the care which we shall advise in the cul
ture of cotton, not to disturb these lateral
roots, after they have been formed, by close
deep plowings. At the present age of the
plant, not much damage is to be auticipated,
but as it grows larger, the plow should
further oft and shallower. In lands which
not very soft by nature, or which have
been made so by previous good work, we
should advise, at this time, close and rather
deep plowing. This is the more important to
be done now, because it may be done without
damage to the plant ; and if not now doue,
cannot be safely at any other working. Af
ter the squares appear freely, if the work up
to that time has been well done, no deep or
close plowing» will be required, or should be
allowed, in the culture of cotton.
By bad management, or with very adverse
seasons, cases may arise in which it may be
necessary to depart from this rule. All such
cases present a choice of evils, and the best
which can be done is to choose the least. The
hoe is the great implement for cotton culture,
and must now be used freely aud skillfully.
Only enough dirt should be added at this time
to give a better additional support to the stalk.
Beware of working cotton when the earth is
wet ; and if it is very dry, do not depend
upon killing grass by covering up, lest you
may fiud, when too late, that you have been
deceived in the operation.
Beet Sugar. —Beet sugar is extensively
manufactured in Frauce. Great Britain, in
consequence of deriving a large revenue from
imported sugars, lent no countenance to its
culture in that kingdom. Lately, however, a
company has been formed in Ireland, and the
operations of the Irish Beet Root Sugar Com
pany, at Mount Mellick, are favorably de
scribed. The average crop of beet root in
Ireland is said to be thirty-six tons per acre,
while on the continent it is only sixteen tons;
and it is affirmed that the minimum yield of
saccharine matter is seven and a half per
cent, in raw sugar ; whereas on the continent
seven per cent is the highest. The cost of
the process as carried on at Mount Mellick,
averages £ 6 . 5s. per ton, whereas it averages
£9 per ton abroad. Mount Mellick Beet
Sugar Manufactory employs one hundred and
sixty laborers, two steam engines, and works
about three tons of beet root weekly. It will
commence manufacturing refined sugcr in a
short time.— Farmer.
How to Judge Cattle. —In all domestic
animals, the skin, or the hide forms one of
the best means by which to estimate their
fattening proprieties. In the handling of
oxen, if the hide be found soft and silky to
the touch, it affords proof of tendency to
take on flesh. A beast having a perfect
touch, will have a thick, loose skin, floating
as it were, on a layer of soft fat yielding to
the slightest pressure, and springing back to
wards the finger like a piece of soft leather.
Such a skin will be usually covered with an
abundance of soft glossy hair, feeling like a
bed of moss—and hence is ever termed a mos
sy skin. But a thick-set, hard, soft hair, al
ways qandlcs hard, and indicates a hard
For Cattle and Horses.— Mix
ally one part of salt with four parts of wood
ashes, and give the mixture to different kinds
of stock, summer and winter. It promotes
their appetites and tends to keep them in a
healthy condition. It is said to be good
against bots in horses, murrain in cattle, and
rot in sheep.
The Grtbs in Horses. —A person of
much experience in veterinary science is never
troubled with this disease in horses. His
simple practice during the fall months is to
keep a greasy cloth in the stable, and once a
week ruD with it such parts of the animals as
may have been attacked by the nitflv. Grease
destroys and prevents the eggs from hatching.
Household Measures. —In the. absence
of scales and weights, the following list of the
relative measures and weights of articles in
general use, may be of some service to our
lady readers:
Weights and Measures. —Wheat flour,
one poand is one quart.
Indian meal, one pound two ounoes is one
Butter, when soft, one pound one ounce is
one quart.
Loaf sugar broken, one pound is one
White sugar, powdered, one poand one
ounce is one quart.
Best brown sugar, one pound two ounces
is one quart.
Eggs, average size, ten eggs are one pound.
Liquid Measure .—Sixteen large table
spoonfuls are half a pint.
Eight tablespoonfuls are one gill.
Four large tablespoonfuls are half a gill.
A common sized tumbler holds half a pint.
A common sized wine glam holds half a
rkao the woxdwful cure fkrfobbed by
mm ci mi*
The Original and Genuine Prepa
Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis,
Liver Complaint, Sjhtting Blood,
Difficulty of Breathing, Pain
in the Side and Breast,
Palpitation of the
Influenza, Croup, Broken Constitution ,
Sore Throat, Nervous Debility, and
all Diseases of Throat, Breast
and Lungs; the most effec
tual and speedy cure
knoten, for any of
the above
W 12 S3 SJBä S3 UBß S3*
Wild Cherry.
A Truly Wonderful Cure.
Dkckmbeh 25tb, 1848.
Dr. Surnym: ..
Dear Sir—Having contracted a severe cold,
which settled upon my lungs, attended with a
lent cough, pain in my side and breast, difficulty of
breathing, I was attended by physicians of the
first respectability, but my symptom» became very
alarming, there was an abscess formed in mv lungs
and made its way through my side, and discharged
large quantities of pus externally, so that my phy
sician thought the functions of one of my lungs
were totally destroyed—therefore supposed the
case hopeless. This mournful state of things con
tinued for a long time, until I was wasted and worn
to a skeleton. 1 had tried a number of remedies,
but all failed to do any good. But there still being
a spark of hope left with me and my anxious pa
rents, and having heard of the great virtues of your
Compound Syrupof wild Cherry, and ita being ap
proved of by physicians of the first eminence, I
concluded to make a trial of it and to my great
satisfaction, my cough gradually grew better, the
hole in my side began to heal, and I am now happy
to say, from a poor and almost hopeless skeleton
I have become healthy, and weigh more than I
ever have. All my neighbors can testify to the
above fact. ABRAHAM HUNS1CKER.
Two miles from Skippack ville, Skippack Town
ship, Pa.
Be very careful to purchase the "okioixal axd
which must have the portrait and signature of Dr.j
Swayne on the wrapper around each bottle. None
other it fftHuittt.
Prepared only by Dr. SWAYNE, at his Labra
tory, No. 4 North-Seventh street, above Market.
Philadelphia, and for sale, wholesale and retail, by
Sole Agent for Port Gibson and Y'icinity.
\ 10
Patent Ointment.
TI1V IffAftT
Ulcers, Piles, Rheumatism, and Burns,
and also for Galls and Sprains
in Horses.
VERY planter and every physician should have
Lj Gray's Patent Ointment among their supplies.
There is no other remedy equal to it for the cure
of Sore Legs and other Ulcers so common among
negroes ; for Snake Bites and other poisonous at
tacks, it isa speedy and certain cure, and the most
painful and obstinate cases of Piles may be imme
diately relieved by its application. It is equally
valuable for the cure of fresh wounds from cuts
or bruises, as it will quickly remove allinflamma
tion, and heal the wound. To the owner» of horse*
it is invaluable; as for Scratches, Bruises, Sprains in
any of the joints, Galls Cuts, Cracked Heels, and
other injuries, it is an infallible remedy. The gen
uine article is prepared and sold by
Sole Proprietor for the State of Mississippi,
For sale by Druggists and Merchants generally ]
in the State.
L. A. Johnson, Travelling Wholesale Agent. ;
N. Jarvis & Co., New Orleans. Sold by t
A. J. McGILL, Port Gibson,
J. B. HARWOOD «1 Co.. Rodney.
Nov. 19.1851
Uterine Catholicon.
W E now come to the most important medicine
of the day, when the number of those af
flicted is taken into consideration; and when it s
remembered that until the introduction of this
remedy, it was thought impossible to remove: he
disease without mechanical means, and by a pain
ful course of treatment.
Marshall's Uterine Catholicon
is the discovery and invention of Dr. Theodore
Pomeroy, of Utica, an old and successful medical
ractitioner. Its
■peculiar efficacy was suggested
by unexpected developments in a case of Prolapsus
li teri while under treatment for another complaint.
The suggestion in this instance fed to a course of
long and severe study, which resulted in the com
bination of the Catholicon. We have seen so much
pain and patient endurance of suffering to those
who labored under these diseases, with the cor.vic
tion that there was no cure, that we feel this medi
cine will, ere long, be deemed an inestimable ac
quisition. . .
A physician of much eminence, after examining
the medicine and observing its effect*, remarked
that "a new era had sprung up in the lives of fe
males and that did they but understand in the least
degree the virtues of tne remedy, and the inability
of the profession to treat their cases, they would
not long waste their money in doctor s Mils, nor
yet suffer from the torture of a curable disea»."
This medicine is a certain cure for Prolapsus
Uteri, (falling of the womb,) Profuse Discharge,
and painful Menstruation, Luchorrh®», or Whites,
and for most of the distressing Complaints incident
to Females.
pecial pamphlet gives full pa
nature and effects of this wonderful
B^"Price 83 per bottle.
rticulars of the
A s
Sole Agent for Mississipp
Port Gibson
J. B. HARWOOD & Co.,
Rxlney, Miss.
Sold also by
Nov. 19,1851-13-ly-c3m.
Steam Saw Mill .
T HE subscriber takes this occasion to inform
Carpenters, Planters, and the community gen
erally, of Claiborne and the adjourning counties,
that he is prepared to furnish first-common, Pine
or Oak LUMBER,
of every description, to customers, either at the
"Mulbery Old Field," or at Port Gibson. His
prices at the Mill are,
For Pine Lumber,
" Oak do. :
$12 50 perM.
15 00 " *
In case of his hauling the Lumber to any place
distant from his mill, a moderate charge will be
made for it. His terms are caah, on the delivery of
the Lumber. Hia Mill is situate«! on the Gallatin
Road, 16 miles from Port Gibson.
January 7,1852—20— ly
To the Citizens of Port Gibson.
M R ISAAC ULLMAN, late of Fayette, ha«
the pleasure of informing the citizen« of this
place, that he has established a REGULAR MEAT
CART, from which he is prepared to deliver at
their doors the best of Beef, Mutton and Pork.
He is an experienced butcher, and will supply the
town regularly.
Planters or other persons having cattle for «ale
Will pleas* leave word at this office
ana m
T HE undersigned has Fiva Hundred Bushels
Corn for safe, this country raised com, which
ha will daliv*r to persons in town, or at tha crib.
It ia excellant white corn, suitable for Bread.
Jan 14. 1832 S O BRIDEWELL
T HE aubscilber begs to call attention of Post
masters and others who may be disposed to
aid in the circilation of
(the best and most popular work for the Ladies
ever published to the following liberal offer, vu :
he will send, for one year, two copie# of the^Ladies'
Keepsake, fret of postage, and a copy of the
free of posta», to the Postmaster or person who
may «end him the money ; or for two dolman«, he
will send thrw copies of the Portrait of W aslung
ton, free of pwtage. to the person who may »end
him the orderwitn the money. .
He begs to refer to the advertisement which you
will receive lerewith. and to aay that the univer
sal voice of the press has pronounced both the
Keeksake and the Portrait, superior to any thing
of the kind e'er before published.
Publisher, 143 Nassau-st., N. Y.
1 »
Published Monthly, by Joiln S. Taylor.
W ILL make one of the moat elegant annual
volume» ever published in thia country. I he
volume for 1851 will contain twelve splendid
graving* of the most
Illustrious Women of the liibte,
with descriptive sketches of each.
The subscriber begs to call attention of the La
dies to thia work, and as an inducement to sub
scriptions, (instead of the usual commission allow
ed to agents,) he will forward the work free ot
postage, to each subscriber who may send to the
office of publication one dollar ; fifteen copie» tor
ten dollars. ^ . . . ...
Money may be sent by mail at the risk of the
publisher; all communications should be addressed
Publisher, 143 Nassa u-st. N. Y
Power's Natchez Literary Depot
rpHF, attention of the public is called to the a
i bove Agency, which has been established for
the purpose of furnishing the best and cheapest
reading matter published in Europe and America
Among the principal publications are the follow
ing :
Weekly Newspapers.
per year 83 00
New Orleans .Crescent,
New York .Home Journal,
" Bennett's Herald.
Philadelphia ...Model American Courier,
4 at unlay Evening Post,
Boston .Littell's Living age,
HasAiaWon...National Intelligencer,
Monthly Magazines.
New York .Merry • Museum, per year 81 00
44 Hapers' New Monthly,
44 International Monthly,
44 The Eclectic Magazine,
Phihuitlrpia.. .Graham's Magaziue,
" Oodey's Lady's Book,
44 Sartain's Union Magazine,
Boston .Brownson's Quarterly Review, 3
New Orleans ..Medical & Surgical Journal, 5
Foreign Illustrated Works.
The London Art Journal, (monthly)
Illustrated London News, (weekly)
London Punch,
Historic Times. do.
Also, the Five Re-Publications, 10 00
The subscriber will supply in addition to the a
bove, orders for all the principle papers in this
country and Europe. A more complete list ol
these paiiers and magazines may be procured by
calling at my office. STEPHEN F. POWER.
Q^-Office at J. Warner's Book Store Main St.,
Natchez. Miss. Oct22-9-tlj52.
2 00
3 00
2 00
2 00
6 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
5 00
3 00
3 00
3 09
8 9 00
10 00
3 00
n a T p M T n I M T TVT r NT
** a **•«* * *« -^ *-. x .
Tj^OR the cure of scrofulous and other tumors, ul
Jl rers, sore legs, rheumatic pains, old and fresh
wounds, tetters, sprains, eruptions, bruises, chil
blains,swellings and inflammation.pile», scald head
corns, and external diseases generally. Planters
would find it an important saving if they would
procure and keep on hand a supply of Gkay's Pa
tknt Ointment, which is a sovereign remedy for
all kinds of sores which are so prevalent among
Negrpes. This remedy has been so long before the
public, and its reputation so well established in all
] other parts of this Union, as superior to all other
ointments, that it is unnecessary now to publish
; certificates. For the satisfaction of those, nowev
t er, who have not yet tried it, we select the follow
ing, which will show a few of its many qualities:
New Caethaoe, La., Sept 6 ,1815
The first trial I made of Gray's Ointment was on
had been troubled with a
and it was so bad that
physicians to exam
nis remedies did
one of my servants who
sore leg for about two years,
I had employed one of our best
ine and prescribe for him: but
tie or no good, and we changed his treatment with
but little improvement. After I got this ointment
from you, I concluded to try it, and the result was,
that two ofthe small boxes made a perfect cure and
I do assure you there is no mistake in this case. I
can recommend it as one of
ulcers lever tried. WG FRAMER
Richmond, Va., March 4, 1841.
Mr Wx. Gray,— Dear Sir: I have the great sat
isfaction to say, that your ointmenthasmsde a
wonderful cure on me. I had been afflicted w ith a
painful ulcer 0 » one of my legs, for more than 20
vears, and tried various remedies in vain, until 1
heard of your »aluable ointment, which I procured
and used very slowly. About three small pots an
swered the purpose, my leg being now entirely
well, contrary to all hope of expectation. Very
respectfully yours, Roland William.
Price 50 cenis and 81 per box—Prepared and
sold by O. O. Woodman sole proprietor of the
patent for the State of Mississippi, and by Moody
& McGill, in Port .Gibson. F. B. Harwood & Co.,
Rodney; J H Dorsey, Fayete.and by all Druggists
Merchants generally in Mississippi and Lou
Aug. 20
Grand Gulf, Mtss.
T HE undersigned would respectfully give notice
to the pubL'c, that having purchased the hull
the steamboat Bulletin, lately a packet between
New Orleans acd Memphis, for the purpose
Wharf-Boat, he is now prepared to do a neavy
Wharfage Storage and Commission
The Bulletin has just been in tbe dry dock at
Cincinnati, is iopervious to water, and is capable
of storing oiw ho a sand tons with safety. Her
Cabin has been .-ntirely refitted and is complete in
all its appointments with capacious sleeping apart
ments and neat airy beds. A good table will al
ways be found on the Bulletin, with a constant
of all thi luxuries which the market af
29 tf
of a
Grand Gulf, March 10,1852
Insolvent Notice.
Claiborne CountyJ
To all creditors of the estate Charles
Hood, deceased.
Y OU are he Mb y cited and notified to present
I your claim» against said estate, declared in
solvent, probata! according to law, to tbe Clerk
of the Probate Court of said county, on or before
the 15tb day of February, A. D. 1853, for examin
ation and report, or the same will be forever bar
WITNESS, the Hon. James A. Max
ww, Judge of the Probate Court of
CInborne county, the fourth Monday
lof February A. D. 1852.
&sued the 29th day of Februaiv
A. D. 1852,
March 3,185a
For Sale.
T HREE Seta Blacksmith's Tools for sale—a
portion of heae tools are entirely new, the
other« in very pod order. Call and see them.
Apnl 7,1855
33-tf ;
"— 1 r&a&ÜD&B'ïT 9 **
VthW% WW*
B ' *
rpHE LADY'S BUU* lor me '"•''"'i;"' 'T
jL present many novel feature* suited toth
cient^to attest h?» brilliant .ucces. The prompt
?£r£ tssslSisX
howf,., fo »y.h..
Book and family M*g«zia«, will 1 kent in
The useful and the elegant will alw.y. be kept
"K th, Magtsinoo .lo« -. «- <-* U
effusion of the master-minds of Literstuce^ It
sstwiaaa -sweats
amer'ioah writers,
MALE AND female.
r t «.«„». Rook for January, 1852, will
contsun^in Sion to th. most beautiful andnu
merou. engraving—three of which are colored
addition quantity of reading by
There is no Question about the fact »****£°
thousands of notice, that we have from the con
temporary prera will establish it that it rathe
in the world! The publisher will give twelve
numbers for 1852, that the London Arta Union
would be proud of. and their price ia tU> a year.
It must be observed that the Lady's Book cater»
to the taste of the __
It furnishes them with every thing that can inter
est a Lady, and among other. 1 . the follow mg:
Godey's Reliable Fashion I lates Month
FOR 1852.
increase of reading matter.
with full descriptions, besides chit-chat upo
Fashions every month, giving full explanations ot
everything new in the fashionable world.
We have undoubted Receipts, Model Cottages'
Model Cottage Furniture, Patterns for Window
?uril!ns, Muric Choehet Work, Knitting, Net
tim» Patchwork, Crochet Flower Work, Hair
Braiding. Riband Work, Chenille Work, Lace
Work Children s and Infant's Clothes, Capes,
Caps Chemiseta; in fine, every thing that can in
terest a lady will find ita appropriate place in her
own bi.k
_ « v j. Advanne
Terms, Cash in Advance.
One copy one year. 83 ; two copies one year. S3;
one copy two years, 85 ; five copies one year, 810;
one copy five years. 10; ten copies one year, $20;
and an extra copy to the person sending the club of
ten. Address L. A. GODET.
113Chesnut street, Philadelphia,
Godey's Lady's Book and Arthurs Home Ga
tte one year for $4. Nov. 18 1851.
g -V ^ • n
Democratic Review.
I II A K t* A U 1 n U AU JI s s -n.
W ITH the Julr number commences the 29th
Volume of the " Democratic Review," and !
conseauentlv. the 15th year of its existence. Du- j
ring tHat period the work has been the fruitful 1
medium through which the concentrated intellectu
■ I ,nprwi>i of the friends of the iiopular cause have i
been given to the public. It has united the at
tractions of a sound and vigorous literature, a polit
i™l ch.mctcr capable of giving efficent support to j
the doctrines and measures of that party, now j
maintained by a large majority of the people, and
it has seen the final trumph of the great popular
issues which it has supported. By discussing the [
great questions of policy before the country, ex- j
noundirig and advocating the Democratic doctrine,
though the most able pens that that party could
furnish, in articles of greater length,more condensed j
force, more elaboratory research, and more elevated j
tone than ia possible for the newspapers, it has '
been an instrnment of inapprecieble value for the |
enlightenment and formation of public opinion, and I
for the support ofthe principles which it advocates,
As long as the Democratic Party remained united
it trimphed. and sustained those cardinal doctrins
of political faith, with which the eau» of the peo
pie, in every age and country, is identified. By
annlving these doctrines to the government, the
country prospered at home and tnumpfcd abroad,
increasing in material wealth, and rising in the
Thedivi.ioooOhe I*rty,bring
ing with it defoat, has subjected the country and
cause of human liberty to retrogression and the
their nationality of character, and been mindful of
the sacred obir Ç .tion. implied in constitutional
contracts. In tie campaign of 1852, it ia necessa
. . ÄC
cratic Party should regain itsassemlency. For this
purpose every citizen ought to exert himself, re
gardless of other considerations,
The Review in order to bring it within the
reach of all has been placed at the very lowest pos
sible sum, and every Democrat, va^o desire, to
have the party re-unitad on a national platform, p
can draw the attention of one more acquaiatance F
to theq^cessity of supporting this work, an obiiga
tion w7ah.ll not be slow to acknowledge. ^
in™ ^^n^T: ^ Hr w"r ir mP h r, r
« y g®® k ' * teel
portraits of lead^ Hwmba ra^tha p Ay, » tower
cïr,h.! .n, ^rt nf fhl whota iîï ^
cordial support of the w hole part.
fh. Ä ? wh.ch take. pl.ce on
the 1st July, under the new law, brings the rate*
within 500 miles, when paid in advalce, to one
nit^ to^utocribera* 8 ' W ^ ,C ^ ** anai ** t ' ona * indem
u' B ^T* A1 !k C P mmu? 7 ti0 * wi ilv. he A e * fter
addressed to the Proprietor» office of the Democrat
,c Review, 170 Bnmdway
John William Moose J
n the
ry to the cause
fence of self-government, that the
Adapted to the southern and western States of the
Union; including Statistics of Foreign and
Domestic Industry and Enterprise.
published monthly in new ORLEANS,
At 85 per annum, in advance.
Kj- Complete seta of the work, eight volumes,
bound handsomely, are for sale at the office, of
New Orleans, and will be supplied on order,
deliverable in any of the large cities or
towns. They are an invaluable reposito
ry of practical information regarding our
country, and should have a place in every
public and private library. A few seta only
remain. out
T HE REVIEW is now rapidly growing in cir
culation, and will exhibit many great improve.
menti in the coming year, in size, matter and ap. be
pearanee. The following are ita leading divisions era.
1 . Litesatuke. — Criticiem, essays, poetry,
sketches of fact and fancy, summaries of foreign
and domestic news, movements in New Orleans,
etc., etc.
2. Commerce. —Ita history, laws and statistics,
commodities, shipping, navigation, treaties, tariffs,
exports and imports, trade of the South and West,
home and foreign trade.
3. Agriculture. —Discussions npon cotton, rice I
sugar, tobacco, hemp, ludian corn, wheat, farming
and planting interests, statistics, slavery and slave
laws, etc.
,4. Marufactueeu—P rogress of manufactures
in the South and West.
5. Ixtkbkal impbovemexts.— Canals, railroads,
S ank roads, general intercommunication South ag.
est —in the Union and abroad.
6 . Statistics— Complet« tables upon all of the
above head*—of population, resources, wealth,
mortality, black» and White«, etc.
Three month«' notice of discontinuance re
q'iired from subecribera.
(NEW buildinu» on «« £**"•) ..
H AVING recently commenced the 8 rr© bn«
ren* in this city ; we beg to inform our fn*nd«
1 and the public generally, that we hare on hand a
moat extensive supply of r? ,,nrh
A "ïâSi
andmost ayovyreceived b;
- w—
0 - »*«-.*»• ~y
^mrissa* »■■•••
in A l-„, further particular*, we would refer to i
F»JMto>J»tW ^ ^ ^ Also
U to ooÆ«»l C.foio««,... in «» 1 P»U
cation Tomato,
riar ^sr* «Ä
« Dwarf, Leek. Canary,
u jg verities,Lettuce, Hemp,
Beeti , „.orted, ''»vuieti«," » 3 ^.
BrocoU Murt.rd, do Crassand Crain
Borecole, M ; ,on ... . „ n ... red
»;!» . . ?££ S -hifoliulrh,
"U vari ties, Onion, assorted, French Lucem,
Okra, Millet,
Cau)lrtoWer Parsnip, T-mothy,
chevil, Parafer, . Blue Grata,
Cellery, Pea., tell and
Cress, assorted. All the most
« true water, approved vane-Barley,
Cucumber aat'd, ties, «inter Tare»,
44 9 varieties,Pepper», «sorted, B 01 » d Are or O
Chicory o, En- Jj-lf». M
sJÄ Carden Tool.,
jj ew Orleans,Dec. 10 ,1851, HMm.
irate o* thou
English Patato
T EONARD COTtTcÔ., No. 51 Gold «tr„t.
A^ |
tur ,[ work , „lied the Farmer's Guide to Seien- !
tific and Practical Agriculture," by Htxav Ste- 1
F.R.S., of Edinburgh, a'uthor of the "Book
„f the Farm," etc., etc., assisted by John P Nor
T0!( M.A., New Haven, Professor of Scientific :
Agriculture in Yale College, etc., etc.,
in- Thu highly valuable work will comprise two
her ] ar . P ro yaf octavo volumes, containing over 1400
nsge. with 18 or 20 splendid steel engravings, and j
more than 800 engravings on wood, in the highest
* the artï Ltrstinz almost every .dru- i
S3; ment of husbandry now in use by the best farmers,
the best method of ploughing, planting, having,'
j harvesting, etc.; the various domestic animals in
of thejr highest perfection; In short, the pictoral
I feature of the book is unique, and will render it of ;
i incalculable value to the student of Bgriculture. i
Ga- phe work is being published in semi-monthly I
numbers, of 64 pages each, exclusive of the steel !
engravings, and when not taken in connection with
the Reviews or Blackwood, is sold at 25 cent«
! «ch or 85 for the entire work in numbers, of ]
I Which there will be at least twenty-two.
The British Periodicals re-published are as fol
i ow ., m
Th. Lo,.« Qt..r,.L, Review. (Co«,«.
The Fd«x». »oh Rrview. (Whig.)
The Nobth Bbitish Review. (Free-Church.)
Wrstximitki Review (Liberal I
Blaciwood's EniN.raoH Magazine. (Tory.)
Although these works are distinguished by the i
! political shade, above indicated, yet but a small
j portion of their contents is devoted to political]
1 subjects. It is their literary character which gives
them their chief value, and in that they stand con- :
i fessediy far above all other journals ol their class. ]
Blackwood, still under the masterly guidance of n
Christopher North, maintains its ancient celebrity, O.
j and ia, it thia time, unusually attractive, from the j
j serial works of Bui wer and other literary notables,
written for that magazine, and firat appearing in it» I
columns both in Great Britain and in the United
[ States. Such works as "The Caxton'a" and "My
j New Novel !" (hoth by Bulwer.) "My Peninsular !
Medal," "Tne Green Hand," and other serials, of j "
which numerous rival editions are issued by the ^
j leading publishers in this country have to be re- j
j printed by those publishers from the pages of
' Blackwood, after it has been issued by Messrs, 1
| Scott 4kCo., so that Subscribers to the Reprint of j _
I that Magazine may always rely oil having the ear j
liest reading of those fascinating tales.
[See jj* of p remium Volunle . Mo * ]
rtk anx
p„ r nn e nf rh» four l?»i-i« u -<. »mi « '
miLn volume - - . - P «3 00 th
For anv two of the four Rovirw. an d n™. * an<
. ! . . ,00 J-"
p f f .. f R.vtaw. and i«- n ^
premium volumes - ... 7 00
00 i
F Blackwood's and three Review.*««!
th " e nr^mmm vo! „mH ReV,eW8 ' ,nJ
For Q J Revfew. *. n d
„< _,,_, . ,
Fftr pi"i^°°?-' *, nd on * P rem ' um ^ lum *;
F<,r LTt'"' '„S, "ir.! , L. W ° P " *'
p Fanoer « Gio. e and Inv < th«.n R«r,Hn(.
F .ndtwo voh™« R *P nnta
p,,„ olumes - -
For Gmde.ndan y four Reprint«,
For Farmer's fcuide and all five Reprint.
*od th ree premium volume. -
,p aymfnti tobe made in all case, in advance )
The premiums consi.t of the following works,
back volume, of which will be given to new sub
gcn beni according to the number of period.caU or
„ a L_ ve ..„lained
' ^ volihxs.
Foreign Quarterly Review (comprising one
Blackwood's M^ine (6 months.)
Ixmdon Quarterly Review (1 y..r )
Bentley's Miscellany (6 month.)
Edinburgh Review (1 year.)
Metropolitan Magaiine (8 months.)
Westminster Review (1 year.)
Consecutive Premium volumes cannot in all
cases be furnished, except of the Foreign Quarterly
Review. To prevent disappointment, therefore,
where that is not alone wanted, subscribers will
please order as many different works for premiums
as there are volumes to which they may be euli
■ —-
! w
, try
~ 00 j own
9 90 j
G 99 j
13 00
14 00
8 00
» 00
10 00
For Farmer'. Guide (in 12 number.) and |
one premium volume • - • 5 00
For Farmer'» Guide and one Review or
Clussins—A discount of twenty-five per cent
from the above prices will be allowed to Clubs or
dering four or more copies of one or more of the
above works. Thus, four copies of Blackwood or
of one Review will be aent to one address for 89 ;
four copies of tbe four Reviews aud Blackwood foi
830; and so on.
*** No premiums will be given where the
above allowance is made to clubs, nor will premi
urns in any case be furnished, unleee the suuscrip
tion money ia paid in foil to the publishers, with
out recourse to an agent. Money current in the
United States where issued, will be received at par
Remittances and communications should always
be addressed, poet paid, or franked, to the publish
Jy 79 Fulton street, New York
«MMumi; mu,
T HE subscriber would announce to th* public,
that he has opened a
House of Entertainment,
in Grand Gulf, and ia now ready to meet his old
friend«, and all other* who may favor him with a
call, as in times "af yore," Thankful for pest pat
ronage, he request, a continuance of the same, as
suring the public that no pains shall he spend on
hi* nairt, to giva entire satisfaction to tha customer*
of the 44 Haseixotox Hoc««."
Grand Gulf, January 01 .1852
mWU MVttUki«
tics. General Literature. Art», Morality, and Ktw,
—Agricultural, Mechanical, and Commercial I,
professes tol*e So« TN.*» » «U itopoin t e devot»)
io the interests of the Stato of Miasissipi*,
the South—strenuously advocating their right» ap.
on every occasion, without yielding laany deg ,
to fanaticism.
ia a Democratic paper—battling lor »hat it dm nj
in accordance with *ueh principles, and
at all time* any meaanres it may deem anti-r*pu<
lican. It look» upon the G«n*i%l Govenunerc
a Federal Compact, and tha Bute, forming *b 4
compact a* separate and individual Sovrai»
The true honor of thia Union of State» it «hall n.
hold »0 long as the Conetitutton, as formed by tt,
Revolutionary Fathers, shall be interpreted tnoati,
for every portion of th* Confederacy
Its Religious Creed is the Golden Rnlc, behei iu
all charity to have ita foundation in these word,
"Do unto others as you would have others do um«,
it recommends itaolf, in as much a* it will eonta
As Much Reading Matter
aa any Paper in the State
it shall be a valuable companion, containing cor
rect information of the Prices Current, not onissf
his own production*, but of the product* 1
from every portion of the country
no pain* shall be »pared to render it acceptable I
shall advocate every true commercial and mecta:
ica! enterpriae of the South.
Nothing of an immoral or indelicate charact»
ihall be admitted into ita columns-, but on tfo
other hand, ita great aim will be to make its«
not only acceptable to all Buaincse Claaaea, but v
the Family Circle, liberally furmalune all th*
can imtruct and elevate the mind, tfijl elm*
Bad Iflaa._
rets (post paid),
Port Gibson, August 12 th, 1851 .
«tr„t. J*™"?' ****■*«"£
| ^ ■»
Seien- ! ' , of /» v °r-tb* spontaneous expmcioiit*
Ste- 1 delighted acquaintance«, which come pottni(
"Book J" Jy almost every mail, »me harm, uiwd it in .
Nor- ni ""y
: "* hf Y P f h t 7"* 1 ' th<in f cunn f «"«*•* "*
two to eight hour».
two M e no occasion to exaggerate or mwepi»
1400 . J* 1 * voluntary and spontaneous testing :
and j * ^.interested parties prove more than wo tot,
*'* r dared to hope, and far more than weset fait
i wh * n that it will cure all Febrile dis
***** " 17° *?—**.,**"*"■ There in
f ° 7, ,^ f ; » nil
>nd ,fih5?JuIViTsiyahSl
of ; * Jt X ,,n - * , t h*y c » i l n us they shall be cured tp.:
i their own term«.
I B *s also a sure remedy for colds and hesdathr
! P*™ 0 *** »«PIKNse they need phyu;
wfll bo c urod by a single dote, taken at bedtimr
w *B>out experiencing any operation of med ich»
of ] w ^* t * v * r -** hl1 * unobjectionable to ta,
* T Mie ?* * , J om " h , ^ ,
fol- , Over M,000 bottles have been diepmed of alm
fro n fou i
when the direction, were carried out.
. ®P* C * »*, too hmited to admit of recommends
t,on *i we ,n ** rt • f * w nam ** of ti,e many of the
highest respectability (resident, of Missis.!^
the i *?, re thu w i!* c,rc ' ll * t *l " j - ,
nJJjjf 'ÂJîfi Vî ruT a t «"ft 11 ' C *
^mple. Wright « 4-"ter. Kev, A. T.N. Fly.
Adams County. Right Key. Mr. Green, Biahof
: Dioct *c of . ati hez, Col. Bingaman, F. Nggrtt
] *■*3' _ _ -,
of n
O. O. M oodman. U m. Bobb, Esq.. A. B. Readiof
j Clinton, Hind» County—D r. 8. Alexander ,
_ Simms, Mq.
it» I .Canton, Madison Cm-nty—H on. O. Singleton
If*!*™: * n '* ,| y * Moaby, Col. W . Lyon. Rev. W
"•.*'• ,, _ „ „ ™
! Shabox. Madison CorxTY—B. F. Fly, Esq Col
of j " J". Fly, Rev. A. Davidson,
^ Madison County.—R ev. David S
j «ooalow, kigures Low,
of Hinds County,—D r. Ihillips, Dr. Thoflni, L
1 Montgomery. K*a.
of j _ ' AZ °° ClYV—YIewtB. Holmes <c Co., R. Picket
j L*q-, »harp at Hicks.
LorrEEviLLE.—-James Baker. —— Bridges. Esq
Fran «lin. —M essrs. Coleman & Drennon.
Gbenada—J anie. Simms, Esq., P. M.
CoorraCwxL^ üv pîT.ton Cooner
Loorra t Wells—K ev Fre»tan Coopcr.
' The Hon. Members of the Legislature, and of
th * * nn " 1 c ® nfer * nr * ° r M. E. Church, geMrally
an< ! ^' OUMn<1 * others, from Maine to Mexico
J-"- 1 O-ifi Elend, le California, dl er *n, «k
^ Bv * ï ,ven ** 8 ®ur trial.
W* freqn*ntly hear of persons pretending to
i -*!-'?• w,, l- o.-'eleotUty of langes,.
right Ate., for making tb*
of others, w ho express them
■ —-- —— — — — - - j ... f,—, or a knowiai
! w ink, as understanding ita composition, and tb»
mode of its preparation. We again caution tb»
public on thia aubject; again assert that all such
an deceiving, though they may do it innocently,
being deceive«! themselves. It partially oricmatK
with us, and with us it still remains. We off«
medicine everdiscov
the schools; if they will
fail a sacrifice in order to avoid paying u* the psJ
, try sum we ask for it, the consequences be upon
j own heads.
I None genuine without a "facsimile" signa
j with the likeness and fac simile signature of Ji_
I Speed on the envelope with the words, 44 Dr. J
j Speed's Fever Tonic, New Orleans," blown in th*
Principal Depot, No. 72, Magazi
Orleans A. KEND
| SSftlîlîïi?«)ÎS
ne street. New
Sole Proprietors
OST For nie in the principal towns throughout
the State.
Always on hand, at wholesale and retail, a large
assortment of select and superior
Family Medioinea,
— «rca a ü
A valuable and agreeable remedy for bowel com
Hioo«l Purifier«
; Warranted to cure Scrofula and all dis«»*« depend
ing on impurities of the blood, mercurial affection*
secondary syphilis, and Parsix or Gastric Jui*«
obtained from the fourth stomach of tha ox; tlx
true digestive fluid; the natural remedy fordispep
sia. and all kindred complaints.
Mitchell's Indian Rheumatio Extract,
Warranted to cure: the
Ab article of celebrity for wounds, bruises, pains
rheumatism, he.
Cofleen's Chinese Liniment,
he., he., he.
72 Magazine street, Depot of family medicines
Aug. 23-1
un im.
n AVING permanently located himself in
Gibeon, 1 * prepared t o furnish every kind el
Having provided himself with every necessary
fecility, he is ready to fill all orders promptly and
satisfactorily, nutting up hi* Pumps, and warran
ting them to give perfect sati«taction,—" No
faetùm,m Pmm," ia his mle.
Mr. B. is also prepared to furnish and put up, ia
the moat improved manner,
07" AU orders left with John C. Melchior, will
be wmetenUy attended to. Tav an.
Port Gibaou Feb. 4, 1852.
^ D / 4 E. ncALLIITER.
fAFFERS tea professional service, to the eiti
v/ urn of Port Giboon and »unrounding couarty
lately occupied by tte
Qy Office, in the roon
M id and Coerttpossdasu
Port Oiteon, February 25, 185a
oft '«•

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