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J. 0. PEACOCK, Editor. WATER VALLEY, MISS., JULY I, 1899. yOL. XI--N0.32 An indiscreet Intcrmeddler. We have no disposition to fur tC r discuss tin- (tilths-Wagner (controversy. This mntt• r has rt> gemlcrcd enough of lliat bail spirit whi h makes men forget tin ir re ligion, am! try only to overwhelm f heir enemies. The facts of the ease have been ( fteii told ; and yet ovt r the State we gather from exchanges that V, -ter \ alley is protecting a lot of •• a-sins. liars, dupes and hirelings 0 tin* Wagners. A weak and In sitiiting assault, which brought l.o physical harm to Rev. Gibbs, followed by his death from the usual fevers of tho climate four weeks after, has been magnified int i murder and persistently re iterated by the Columbus Com mercial and endorsed by Rev. J. A Bowen, who was pastor of the principle Methodist Episcopal Church South in this city for the past threw years. The ui"in 1 'ib of the mass - meeting which assembled at city hall to give tho true facts in the case, and deny the insinuations of the Columbus Commercial as to the pretended murder and other slan derous attacks upon the good eiti ■/"liship of out city, has been thmnse'.yos foully slandered, and cub'd t.h; i .'lenders of assassins and the protectors of the worst mul m :'T vicious or hutnn city. Rev. J. A. Bowen lived here three years, and it was his special voca tion to examine the morals and the character of the men that he was supposed to assist in solving the most momentous question for men. He was acquainted with all those men and knew them, and yet, without reservation, lie eudorles all the coarse slander brought emiinst these men. who assisted him like Christian soldiers in his ciTotto in Water Valley. We ask : Is it. necessary in tin. zeal, to pro t et even the sacred profession of the ministry, to endorse statements known to bo slanderous and un true? If the Bov. J. A. Bowen will recall the characters of a few of those man, he certainly cannot join the foul insinuations of the editor of the Coinrubtas‘Commer cial in branding them with such epithets ns hirelings, and defend ers of assassins. Cnpt. ’It. D. Jen nings, ex-Mayor B. Belaud, G. D. Abies and Cnpt. I. T. Blount—can any riiy of the world boast of men truer in all the nobler Christian graces and virtues ? There were many more just as true men in the meeting, whom the Columbus Commercial calls the protecturs of mi assassin, and which statement Rev. J. A. Bowen has endorsed. We ask again : What good pur pose in a Christian cause can such statements andendorsements give ? And this foul slanderer who, by the endorsements, we learn is an officer in the church of Rev. J. A. Bowen. The people of Water Valley may be relied on to settle to a just and charitable public sentiment, all questions when left to themselves. But when people a hundred miles away—strangers t9 our affairs, enemies of our prograss and in different to our welfare—under take to meddle even in the most delicate of our affairs and invite ns to condemn our best people and fight an un-Christian warfare among ourselves, they are justly incensed at the intermeddling. If Rev. J. A. Bowen knows now the conditions of the Water Valiev factory, ami that Rev. Mr. Gibbs gave a just and true dcscriniiou of its multiform evils, he certainly knew it while he wns in Water \ alley, or ought to have known it. Why wait until lie wns in the | distant eitv of Columbus before raising his voice against it? Why not. while yet in Water Valley close to the “festering cess-poo! of vice and oppression," take his usual course in calling these same good men I now the defenders and protectors of assassins ) to a secret ineoltng and discuss and agree on n united ‘course to eradicate it just ns they and he and other Christians did to strangle the blind tigers ? Mr. Wagner is just about as able to buy public opinion, or to atfeet it in any way, as the poorest man in Water Valley. In the first, l inen, his wealth, as is usual in small places, is much magnified, and even his reputation for being wealthy only briiigshini prejudices and jealousies, as it does every where, and makes him vastly more unpopular than be would be as a p ior man. There was nothing in the Gibbs-Wagner altercation that might not happen anywhere. It would not have excited oue-thou M.uUth p»vl of flic interest if one of the parties halt not'tnkemrtrtr' noddled. Ti may again he stated that no one, not even Mr. Wagner himself, has ever approved the assault on Rev. Gibbs, The case was tried in the courts and the parties punished. The Grand •Tury meets here next month, and those who are silly enough to en dorse the flippant, slanderous and irresponsible charges of tin' editor of the Columbus Commercial can have-the opportunity of going be fore that body and prove that murder has been dona, Since Mr. • Bowen endorses the charge of as sassination, he will no doubt be on hand to give in hi-, evidence. Rev. Bowen left his charge heie with the good will anil affection < f his church, and it is with regret that the Herald can say one word which might detract from his go<xl reputation. But we are bound to admit that his sseal hns made hint indiscreet, and we believe that here his influence is gone forever. He has thrown into the church here and into the Christian though; more bitterness than perhaps can be overcome in ten years. I f we should be left at peace, and siragners ana enemies would have us to work out onr own problems in spiritual and moral progress, we would recover from the unwise (but perhaps well-meant) inter meddling of Rev. J. A. Bowen, When a Northern man under takes to solve Southern problems, and dictates n coarse of action that he does not have to rub up against himself, we say :|“You don’t know what you are talking about.’’ We are indignant and impatient about the officious advice. Mr. Bowen is not one of us. . He has lost sym pathy with our trials, and is a pure intermeddler in our affairs when he takes up the ^ cause of our slanderers. ' •ee-.-j _i,_ i j. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers benefit permanently. They lend gentle assistance to nature, caus ing no pains or weakness, perma nently curing constipation and liveV ailments. For sale by J. R. Smith & Son. Thk gold standard is tho fathe of trusts, and the high tariff tin mother. J. V. Hobbs.?,!. I).. Fort Valiev (la., says : have be >n pr et citig medieino tv.vntv-five y. r. and know piles to he one of tin most ihffieult of disease to cure bill havo known DoWiit's '.VjtoI If a7,el Salve to enve numiiers o cases and do not hesitate to rec omiiiend it." Be films you go "1)'WittY.;" there are injurious counterfeits on sale. For sale i 3 •I. 1{ Smith & S.m., Epidemic of Charbon. in Warren and lsaquemi conn ties an epidemic of chnrboi prevails, and cattle and hordes tiro doing by the score. The disease threatens to spread. The Stati B -aril of Health has taken aetioi in the matter, advising the inocu lation of sound animals, and mrik lug it compulsory that all catth or horses dying from the disra-i shall bo cremated by the owner Our people should be on the look out for this enemy of the animal kingdom. v—-... _ ... III III — inaiCNih] You have used all sorts of cough reme dies but it does not yield; it is too deep seated. It may wear j itself out in time, but j it is more liable toj produce la grippe, I pneumonia or a seri-! ous throat affection. J You need something 1 that will give youj strength and build | up the body. SCOTT’S EMULSION | | will do this when everything | . else fails. Thera is no doubt | about it It nourishes, ] strengthens, IhmMs up and | makes the body strong and j healthy, not only to throw i off this hard c^ugh, bid to ) fortify the system against * further attacks. If you are I run down or emaciated you J should certainly take this | nourishing food medicine. | y>c. apd, all druggiats. * SCOTT & BOWNfc, Chemian, New York ? Fresh Lowney's > Chocolates And Nunnally's Candies. ROBINSON S DRUG STORE* North nnd South Main St fGold Dust docs it. Morning, noon and night. Makes alt dull thingsbright. Housework’s ■U a delight with will ! , ,rt 8lves to an humble home or a palace the cleansing tonch that H l both alike require. It’s woman’s best friend and dirt’s wont enemy. H | THE N. K. FAIliBANK COMPANY, Chicago. 8t. Louis. New York. Boston. Pbllsds, H iiBfrB^P^rjr^FT^rrr rrr rmT*HrJ*rg*r*r«r*rfrararj.r»r-r“rT^r»^^>J^J A new car-load of Buggies just received, ni • In this lot we have buggies that will suit onipman the taste of the most fastidious. We have handsome Surries, Pheatons, Box H d rd ware BuSS‘CS’ Can°Fy toP Buggies,Pretty Bug gies, Cheap Buggies and costly Buggies. We are anxious to exchange some of Q these tor cold cash. and >n order to do this we have arranged some special special prices for the first dozen buyers. ; ^MHIS^.g-DQfcLAB Cut tills iv1, or* t*.«.d penJloVla oiihl-t.W, «vi l wewj.l bbi/lvuu uiltj | hi.lV iSPKOVXU M *1E <;l'KV* PAUPOU t>iMA*,h> f<cl/,H# 4..U. U., *?»»««« T1*’! -‘xn***r*b**i »A *.t i*vu* ntarro»t I'eH* ht a«ci . .Ch.jTnrfU;.**‘ - —■ '« i, fy;w%l *;> *.*V«VU tilit- rwt-.! At «►»<»<„.. i»—i rn -4V'df«r»Mrtrfl an otyanurdvbriJseflUy cw,ht*Mat r» pr yt:TQ. rcffrtrt‘.nwi.r A ft •l>.>' Ur.rt)aa5*«ir*r prise, *.1.1*, 1 lu.iAl.orl vt.T3* -lfc- W .teaadijiM. $31.75 B CU3 SPECIAL 90 BAYS PRICE. &URS .zrz’j^zzz: •■^^zzstj-r^-aAj., price chare ©d by other*. fJtieh en of:or uw never mad* heford, TyC Af*ir'JT ftflCCU Iwotjeof the ■asi<l.imM»aad tweet ssttee** In* qt. yJlLR etrumoiitsvrorinaik. * -mtho 1 Um,tratlon shown, wUi*U is on ic raved direct frmu a phoi ■ = ? apt. you ©i»n form son.t luce of il-4-»utifal ajw**ra:ir-’. MCu<i *fcrn Quartarftaw»d Oak, antique lit'.Mli.biimb.oi. «'.vd«e.»r-.t eUnml o)'uu«.iu«,l,Tat©«t ^\y|Q( TH& A».fWills 0 feat5 inch©* h.^h, *•: indie a lap7,sSrUiohw, *vlde and weiffbfl .V^p-minlsroonCHil:- »• ttops»0*!oU< W«pH*» n. Principal. IHiitlkM, 7l«'k>4te, trlcol*. Crrnwina, !',iu» Coeplwc, Trcb’o Coupler, i»lup«W'o forte, Priji <•*».-.! forte, An»l Vox llu ua >.u; 2 Oetuvn luupl'-r*, 1 Tano 6r»M, 1 Grand Orn»u %«*<•', l, 4b.-u Ori-brctml Toned Rc .auntury 1*1, *• «>u.ltty heed >. 1 i! id SI fun Swot M-'odin KtrdH, 1 Snt of U> CWnrinlnply Br.lfnat Lalo»'.r lined,, I S' t d ‘*4 nn-fcXelhxvk «n«4to llUpsna&lvecde, 1 ttet of 9.i t’K'»*!ag Suit•loUltma PrbiL-hiul Kc*ul. i THE ACME . In the blKha '! jrrade lnotrujnentH, nl..o f win* Jt <«*-, nioud 4 uHphvanil Vos Hum tua, al*oli<.:l Solve ft Its, Icntuorsi etc.,bellow of tlia bent nibbar doth, g-ply tkcitow ttook a ud llnest leatherin valve*. THE ACME CL-tCENi-* lli.l>h«d witn a 10xl4beveled plate trench mirror, nickel YdatodpecuHrameeand every tnocerniinprovemtdb MS rl UXImI KRVic a imn-.P mio < rgu stool and the barton; an instruction book imiolchcl. Ar.iac (juc«n •«r/. u we Idstld a written binding Vj y--’r rnamntco, bytUe tortus amloondUlona of which it «.* __ part. Rives out. v.*e rejmir it free o£ c'iar;re, lry l oai! annohand vc will refund your money 11 vou kt6 _I perfectly rati s lied. aOA of theta ur^auk will b4 avid u<]UJc^V*'--C2L; *ai.T5. Order Stcoei'. fb»N’t delay. Pf-ife-'i:*8 I CUR RELIABILITY IS ESTABLISHED &3&PSE not dec :t with use *k your neighbor about u?, write^NE|ripi$i-<a^ tlie Putdlsher of this puik.*;*. O'* Alet.i'onvlitau l-c.tional UAOK, Aiuionai IH UK 01 tno iwpuime, or mu* or minerM, t:*H»iro; or German JCxchanira Dank XW ajjy rajlrur* I or express company in Chicago. 'T® h .*•«, t.i-M or.,ver *450 000.00. o^*7v*nf rrr?,,A. .1°. 1 OH6 lu?~in®Hs blocks lu Chicago anjJ over wropooifte iil oor own buildintr VTUhSIl ohga\*at Lm^***! op, MAMKt. SldJ ObKad-i,; al^avonthin;.' in .uumcLi iLlnmuits at lowest special organ, piano an<l musical instrument catalogue. Address, u Ibices. \\ uto for fia« SfcAR£,**ROEBUCK A. CO. (lac.). Fatten, DeapfelnesandWaymanSts., CHICAGO, ILL. Maybe Gan. Miles, would prefei b >ng assigned to the fientuckj rebellion. Pure, clean bloo ! and a health} liver results from the use of Do " itt’s Little Early Risers, tin “ am' ns little pills.-' They cure constipation, biliousness and sick headache. For sale by J.R. Smith & Son. Politics in Kentucky are grad unlly crawling up to the Mississip pi temperture. Ho oats heartily in the hottest veath r who uses Prickly Ash Bitters. It keeps his stomach, liver and bowels in perfect order. Sold by T. A. Robinson. Willey's ice crenin parlor is a popular reso.rt. Cream tonly 5 cents a plate Mr. and Mrs. B. Lackatnp Els ton, Mo., writes: “One Minut« Couijh Care saved thte life of our little boy when nearly dead with croup. For sale by J. R. Smith & Son. A SLUGGISH BRAIN .... 1* caused bp Imperfect Digeuioa aad Phowfaf in the Liver and Bowels. PRICKLY ASH BITTERS IS A BOOff TO BRAIN WORKBK5. It purifies tiie bomb, strengthens ami regulates the nlfc digestion,promotes v^ar ^ body, •old av all oauoaisTs. mtoc si.oo m some.