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\OL. XX— Ko 45, WATER VALLEY, MISSISSIPPI, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1902 TERMS $1 A YEAR WAGNER & Usher in the new Fall and Winter Season with a shower of bargains*^ genuine deluge of low prices* The prices 1 quoted below together wit’i the reputation that the firm has for r , TRUTHFUL ADVERTISING and RELIABLE MERCHANDISE, will doubtless bring crowds of purchasers to our Store. Every department is stocked with new goods—fresh from the mills and lactoriea. We hare no llast year’s 1 goods—no canned-over stuff; which means that we are not carrying any old styles, everything being strictly up to date. By .purchasesat this atore, the savings 1 alone, caused by the low prices, will enable you to purchase other things that yop need. , Money Savers —IN— DRY GOODS. Unbleached Domestic, 4c yd SSoft Finish BJeach. Domes. 6c yd Bound Thread Cot. Plaids, in checks and 6tripes, 4c yd Heavy Cotton Flannel, at 8c and 6c yd A Large stock of Flannel* ettes, many patterns and shades, worth more than our ' price, 10c yd Heavy Fleeced Goods, for Underskirts, a very low price, at 10c 3 d Underwear. Children’s Union Suits,all sizes 26c Boy’s two-pieced Suits, all sizes, fleeced lined, a bar. gain, 75c a suit Ladies’ Union Suits, 35c Ladies’ fleeced lined rib bed vests, 20c A better one for 25c Drawers to mttch, 25c We have a dozsn different kinds of Ladies’ and Children’s Under wear, too numerous to mention, but at prices that will save you money and please you. Money Savers -IN WORTED S. Solid and Fancy Patterns, 10c jd CASHMERE—Double width. Solid shades only, regular ‘25c quality, our price, 15c yd DIAGONAL. Double wid h, solid colors, worth and sold 25:*,—our price, only 15c yd 36-Inch WOOL CASI1MLRE.' All the new aud popular shades, sold rigularly at 35c—onr price only 25c yd VENITIAN DRESS CLOTH. Beauty and quility combi* lied. The new shades. Other stores ask G5c mr it —you buy it ut our store for 50c yd WAIST QpODS. Many kinds, beautiful de signs, A large assortment to select for and they are genuine bargains, at our price from* * 15c and 20c jd 54 INCH LADIES’ SKIRTING' Ih'Biue, Black, Brown and Gray, worth ev*-y bit of 75c. our price only 58c yd What One Dollar Will Buy at Wagner’s 25yds Unbleached Domestic 25yds Round Thread Cotton Plaids. 20yds good qual. Flannelette. 20yds good quality Canton Flannel. 20yds Bleached Domestic, solt finish. 10yds beet qual. Flannelette. 12|yds extra heavy Canton Flannel. - 10yds extra quality Ferther Ticking, 22yds best quality Dress Cal ico. A boy’s good winter suit, ages 6 to 15. A pair of solid leather Shoes, frr either man, woman or child. Come to see us whether you tiade with us or not. It will afford us pleasure to show -you through our stock. Various Money Savers » from Various Depart ments. All- wool Rad Flannel, wo*-th I 15c a yard, our price 12 l-2c ( AII-wool White Flannel.worth 15c yd, our price 12 l«2c. Best quality Opera Flannel, worth 40c yd, our price 25c. Lar^e White Bed Spreads, as low as 65i*. Heavy large-size Towel, sold at 30c au-d 35c a pair, for 20c. Linen Toweling very good quality, 6c. a yar d. Come to Our Store. Bring your children. Bring your friends. Bring this price list, and see that we have every thing we advertise, and at prices named. Wagner & Co., are the lead ers in everything stylish and up to-date in Water Valley. Men’s Underwear. Men's good, extra heavy, Gray Undershirt, 25c Drawers to matbb, 25c Men’s half wool, natural color, Undershirt, 40c Drawers to match, 40c Men’s lied.’allwool, heavy medicated Undershirt, 75c Drawers to match, 75c worth double the money. MEN’S SWEATERS. Big line, all colors, from 50c to $3 00 Finest line of Sweaters ever seen in this city. Ladies’ Tailor-Made Garments. 300 different varieties of Collar eties and Jackets, the very lates’ styles, beautifully tailored, ele s*antly trimmed and made. flh very newest thirds of the season -From $1 50 to $5.C0 Best values ever offered belore. —Ladies’ Tailor-m do Skirts,— Flounced bottom, in mobaus. serges, meltons and coverts tjoro -$1.50 to $5,00 New idea in bkiris Ladies’ Silk Waists, all stales, splendid value*, very swell, -Choice $1.50 Corsets. • Our line of Corsets includes all the new styles—Corsets for the stougbt person, Corsets for tbe slim person—any 25c sliape or style you de* . 50c sire, and they are of the and best quality, $1.00 ——I——H—■IMIII——II II I ————TTTirM I—MIL)_ Men's Department. 0 A Jarge stock of Men's and Youth’s nicely tailored .garments in such lasting and seasonable clorhs as Worsteds, Chevoits and Cashmeres, and the prices ! You will wonder how wo manage to sell them at such low prices! X $9.50 Suit Isn’t an unusual price, but we give you an unu.ually good suit for $9.50, and we don't charpo you a cent for calling in and examiring it either. , A big assortment of Men’s wool Suits from $3 50 to $5.00. Magirilieent Values 1 The very Uto* t styles in up>to dat» Ladies’and Missts’ millino. ry. Como and sev 500 Boy’s School Clothing. 2-Piece Suit. J-Piece Suit. f Finest stock of Boy’s Clothing ever seen in this city. In this department you will find most and kind of a good, warm, strongly made suit—built for the child who is rough on clothes. $1.00 to $6.00 the Suit. 500 Suits Boy’s All-wool Knee Pants. Ages 4 to 16 years. They are yours while they last, at a pair lot -25c, 50c and 75c A Special Drive In Children’s Hose. Children’a Kibbed "ose, extra ing, well won th 15c • for fOc Children’s double-rib bed heavy, vinter hoee 1 gular 25c. kind, reduc ed to 17c pr • In Ladies’i fine quality Hose, worth 35c., our rice 23c % Ladies’ Fast Black Seamless H0S9» __ 3 pmr for 25 cents. Shoe Department. This department is really a store in itself—such a large stock—so many different kinds and styles, among which yon will find some thing to enit your taste and what is very important, yonr pocket book. The quality! Every pair of Shoes purchased at our store it warranted to give satisfaction. If they are not right—your money back. Our own Brand Ladies' Shoe, leather bottom, solid counter, heel, spring heel, lace and button, com* mon sense or opera toe, elegantly finished, stylish, worth $2.00, Our reduced price now $1.50. «5elz” Ladies’ Shoe. Of world- wide reputation. Looks well, bat wears bsttsr. Ths pries is xeasonable, $2.50 a pair. The bast shos on earth for Mop. Dressy, Stylish and Solid through* out, well worth $100. Our pries, -$1.50 MEN’S HATS! __ % Latest Styles and Shades. ■ • r New Fau Derbies. # CAPS, Cheapest in ibis city. Trittuniags. —100 Kinds of Silks.— Appliques, from 150 t0 Gimps ap’d Braids and Pas samentrfee, all kinds and colorB» tOc to 25c yd Silks, Satins and Velvets, all shades and eolers, at reduced prices. Children's School shoes, They arc l he lasting kind. We have shoes for rough- wear—shoes ini dress wear. Shall be pleased to have you examine tbs lint, * Irom 78c to $1.8#, • * 8 M •V* . , -/" ■ ;i *-*•' . . ■ * ■ -IVxr^IlNJ JS mBET^— WATER VALLEY, MISS.