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JEALOUSY. There is an old sin called jeal ousy that has the fangs of an ad - der, the slyne&s of the scorpion and the coil of a worm that never dies, turly remarks ao exchange, jealousy is in every nation, in ever community, in every litrrary and professional circle. It is the fath* er and mother of one-half the dis contentment, outrages and woes of the human race, it is .the thun der of other people’s popularity souring the milk of our kindness, jealousy put a stick in the hands of the first boy that was born and now it pierces the earth like a fiery diamiter, and evelops it like a fiery circumference. And it wants the heavens, it will delude you with the idea that you can build your self up by pulling somebody down. Surely, this world is large enough for us all, let us not stab some one in the back, just to satisfy our own selfish greed. When we see others do good, let us try to be better; when we see otheri more industrious, let us work more hours, A1 ways remember you are not the first man to have his faults looked at through a microscope and his virtues through the wrong end of a telescope. We want to grind beneath our feet that pas sion which would if it could cap ture the palace of God, dethrone jehovah, and chain rhe Almighty in eternal exile and after the de molition of the universe would cry out: “Satisfied at last, me the un disputed and everlasting jealous. ' ■ 1 m The Georgia Senate passed without a dissenting vote the House child labor bill, which, without doubt, will receive the approval of Goyernor Terrell. The bill prohibits the employment in any manufacturing establish ment in the State of any child un der 12 years of age, the employ ment of any child under 14 years of age at night work, the employ ment of any child under 14 unless such child can read and write and the employment of any person un der 18 years of age unless such person shall have attended school at least three months during the preceding year. Hon. Earl Brewer’s campaign speeches are receiving more com* ment from the press than that of any other candidate for governor. His bold, aggressive enunciations are being criticised by those against him as well as commen ded by those supporting him. He is an able man and is going to continue to proclaim the princi ples upon which he has pitched his campaign and will no doubt, more and more, provoke the political wrath of a certain set. Grenada Sentine. - -- " --• — The first Confederate monu ment erected in the South was at Liberty, Nov. 26,1866. Mississippi did some other notable things “first.” This State, was first to abolish imprisonment for debt; first to remove the common law disabilities of married women; first to “solve the problem of white supremacy in the South by lawful means;” first to charter an institution of learning for the higher education of young women; first to make its judges elective— although this system now no lenger exists. Now she seems to have been also first in honoring the heroes of the Confederacy. John Lane, of Washington now 80 years of age, says that he is the only man now living who has seen the face of George Washing ton. When a boy eight years of age, he was present in May, 1834, when the body of Washington was removed from the old family vault at Mount Vernon to the tomb where it now lies. At the time of the removal the lid of the leaden coffin was removed, and all present at the ceremony were per* mitted to gaze upon the face of Washington, which was perfectly preserved. At no time during the seventy-two intervening years has the coffin again been opened. Souvenir Spoons. We have a splendid line and engrave them any way you wish, at Jobe's. Bring your Job Work to the Progress Office. I Quickest and Best Work, More Low Rates.". West Via The Iron Mountain Route. On April 3rd And 17th, May 1st and I5tb. June 5th and 19th, July 3rd and 17th, Aug. 7th and 21st, Sept. 4th and 18th, Oct. 2nd and 16tb, Nov. 6th and 20th, Dec. 4th and 18th the Iron Mountain Route will sell Round Trip Home-Seekers’ Tickets to all points in Texas, Indian Territory and Oklahoma and cer tain points in Louisiana and Ark ansas for one fare plus $2 00 for the round trip. Tickets have a going limit of fifteen days with stop overs at pleasure and and a final limit of twenty one days from date of sale. For rates and information per taining to the Great South-West write: H. D. Wilson, A. G. P. A , Or 0. F. Rountree, T. P. A-. No. 40 S. Main St., Memphis, Tenn. Trespass Notice. Notice is hereby given that the lands of the undersigned have been posted against all trespass ers. Any and every person vio lating this notice will be prosecu ted to the full extent of the law. Wm. W. Walker. J. L. HARRIS Attorney at Law, WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS. Office over Spencer’s Drug Store Water Valley, Miss. A. SEYMOUR, County Administrator. COFFEEVILLE, MlSS. Friars Point has at last suc ceeded in securing a nice flow of excellent artesian wate* at a depth of 1,U0 feet. The well was bored with money contributed by the citizens, and all declare it one of the best investments ever madr. Whi’e manufacturing industries of all Kinds have developed won derfully during the last six or eight months in Mississippi those connected with the lumber and woodworking industry and grow ing out of the timber wealth of the state seem everything else. Fifteen hundred people atten ded the Mississippi Baptist Young people’s Union encampment at Blue Mountain. Low Rates From Holly Springs. Aug. 18th. $5.40-Hot Springs, Ark. and return. $8.40°Eureka Springs, Ark., and* return. $9.90-Kansas City, Mo., and return. $20.90-Denver, Colo., and return. Write for full information. At tractive literature, worth reading, sent free. J. N. Oornatzar, W. L Evans, » A, G. P. A., T, P. A Memphis, Tennj SOUTHWEST The Lhnd of Big Crops and Prosperity. Are you makiDg as much off your farm as you ought? No doubt you are making as much as you can. Thetrouble is the land costs too much, it takes too much money to buy a big farm, and so you are trying to make »a ivingon a small farm, or perhaps you are renting one and paying a good share of what you raise, in rent, Wouldd’t it be better to go where the price of good laud is so little that you can own a big farm—where every acre of the ground is working for yqu and all you raise is paying you good profits. -There are thousands of acres of fertile land in the Southwest along the line of the Cotton Belt Route that can be bought for from $3 to |10 an acre. This land is increasing in value each year. See the Southwest at Small Cost. A trip to the Southwest would convince you that your best int rests lay in settling there. Tne Lip can be made at very little expense. On the first and third Tuesdays of each month you can purchase a round trip ticket to any point in the Sonthwest on or via the Cotton Belt Route at very low rates, Stopovers will be allowed for you to examine any looalitv you are nterested in. Write at once for free copies of books describing this wonderful country and for full information about cost of tickets, etc. W. C PEELER, D. P. A., Cotton Belt Route, 25 South Main, Memphi, TenD BARGAINS IN TICKETS VIA THE ROCK ISLAND * Tfl Pfll HR ADD Very low round trip rates all summer. Spec U ial reduction September 23 to 29 inclusive. m TO PAI IPHRNIA Very low found trip rates all summer, IU unurunillft reductions September 3 to 14 inclusive. One way “Colonist” tickets will be on sale Sept. 15 to Oct. 31. TO HOT SPRINGS, ARK. low /ound trip 7 all summer. i ' I Illustrated Booklet and Full Information Regarding D Rates, Routes, Etc., on Request. GEOG. H. LEE, W. L. EVANS, Gen. Pass. Agt., Trav. Pass.Agt., Little Rock, Ark* Memphis, Tenn Bring that Job-Work to The Progrss If You Want it Done Right. CUMBERLAND TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH ! { (incox pokatbd) j I | Long distance lines and telephones of this Company enable you to talk almost anywhere in Southern Indiana, Southern Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi and Louisiana. We can put you in quick and satisfactory communication with the people of this great section of the country. We solicit your patronage. Rates reason able. Equipments and facilities unsur passed. JAMES E. CALDWELL, President A Gen'i Manner. LELAND HUME, Swc’jr * Aai’t Owl Up. T. Money to Loan in Sun s of $300 and Up, On improved larms at 8 per e n . Terms easy. Kimmons & Kimmons. OLD MADE GOOD AS NEW * ■ * — ___. New Reqaif Shop Corner of Calhoun Street and Railroad. W. A. ROPER, Prop. All kinds of repair work on Buggies and Wagons. Blacksmlthing, Wood work and Painting. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Your Liver is out of order you go to bed in a bad humor and get up with a bad taste in your mouth. You want something to stimulate your liver Just try Herbine, the liver regu lator. A postive cure for Consti pation, Dyspepsia and all liver complaints. Mrs. P—. Ft. Worth, Texas, writes: “Have used Herbine in my family for years. Words can’t express what I think about it. Everybody <in my household are happy and well and we owe it to Herbine. Sold by S. S. Spencer. ' All the World knows that Ballard’s Snow Lini ment has no superior for Bheu matism, Stiff Joints, Outs, Sprains Lumbago and all pains. Buy it try it and you will allways use it. Any body’ who has used Ballard’s Snow Liniment is a living proof of what it does. All we ask of you is to get a trial bottle. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by S. S. Spencer, J. G. McGOWEl , Lawyer I Houaeu for Rent. Houses ftf Collection a Specialty. J So 109 Main Street Li WMm WATER VALLEY, Mis! j iff —AGENT FOR THE—^ Humbolt Marble Y HUMBOLT. TENS, f i ^ Marble shipped to the n< depot at Company’s expense money demanded until w< completed. S3f~Satisf guaranteed. Dr. W. Mt Chambl DENTAL SURQBON * Office over R. B. Pate’* 81 Tel phone—No. 180. Water Vallry, Mi8£ DR. G. L. WILSO . Dental Surgeon. : (Office with Dr*. Fox ft Sh . Masonic Buildiro, ,r WATER VALLEY, MI:\ * —-Ul 1. T. BLOUNT jr ATTORNEY Water Valley, Mlar L>" * V * JOY OF LIVING I GAIT B1 rUIXT BBAUZXB WHMl TOO ENJOY GOOD HEALTH nmPUF \aamtam \ -wmt- — Pop ’ar Liver Medicine Will Keep You WeU TEED CURE for all diseases produced by TOR* and IMPURE BLOOD. Do not fill year systsa I Calomel and Quinine. They aet as rank poisons the blood, debilitate the system, and leave a fern urns which reauire vears to obliterate HERB* ^^^^^^ToL^EN^3co35wNo!^5r 8. 8. Spencer. W. I. STONE, Attorney at Law COFFEEV1LLE, MISS. Practices in all the County, District and State and Federal Courts. * .. ii "■ ■■M High grade Watch work. This department under the direct charge of Mr. Parsons. Hotchkiss-Parsons ewslry Co. WANTED, Your Plumbing Work) Prompt Service, 1 Reasonable Prices, Jr JACK MILLER. ff Shop la Whitaoy Block, nortk of KM PrwbytsrlM Cjtrch.