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THE PROGRESS. G. D. BROWN, Ed. and Pub. Hntered at the Postoffice at Water Valley as Second Class Matter. Official Organ of Yalobusha Co. and the City of Water Valley. SATURDAY, OCT. 9, 1909. Telephone, No. 249. Editorial Brevities Subscribe For The Progress. Eight fre? Dight schools opened in New Orleans Monday. The Independence League is to put a mayoralty ticket in the field in New York. The mayors of 361 cities are attending the convention of Mayors in St. Louis this week. Governor Patterson of Tennes see has practically admitted that he will be a candidate for a third term. The Chile pepper crop of Mexi co is said to be a total loss, due to the recent unprecedented spell of freezing weather. There were 107 accessions to the churches in Corinth at the close of a revival conducted by Rev. W. M. McIntosh. Several North Carolina cotton mills are considering closing down for some time on account of the high price of cotton. The pendulum has swung back In Connecticnt and a number of towns that have been dry for years went wet in elections held Monday. President Taft is tiring of the repetition of banquets being served np on bis tour of the country and a few days ago wired in advance for a dinner of beef and cabbage. The cotton market went off name fifteen points Monday and as mush more Tuesday, and that despite the government and other reports stating the exceeding shortness of the crop. Dr. Fredeic Cook, discoverer of the North Pole, has agreed to submit bis records and instru ments to the United States Geo grapical Society and let that body pass officially upon the question as .to whether he did or did not reach the northermost part of the earth’s surface. lady's suit case was ipenen on a public street in Bir _ningbsm a few ago and searched for whisky, exposing her lingerie md toilet articles to the gase of ping crowd that quickly as bled. This outrage oq corn the grossest yet our craay sister .. .I-1' 1 '■ -r-—,-■-• - 1 - ' ' ;v • •l \ B.1ELAKBX C. Water Valley’s Leading Dry Goods Store, Announce, to their host of friends and patrons in Water Valley and vicinity that their Immense Stock of Fall and Winter Goods has been received And is now ready for public inspection. ♦HHWtMlMMUHMIllll 19* Merchandise of all kinds has’advanced sharply, but this firm •9* having contracted long ago with the manufacturers for their 19* goods, are fortunate in being sjble to give their customers low* 19* er prices on all new and desirable Dry Goods than can be X9* found elsewhere in all this land. ♦ *t* <$> <$• 19* A visit to this Great Store wiB'convince all buyers of the fact that they are in the right plate. ft •S* I Cotton Condition The New Orleans Times-Dem ocrat in its issue of Oet. 4th, compiles a statement of cotton conditions upto Srpt. 20th, made up from the reports from sever al thousand correspondents throughout 4he cotton belt, as follows: Taking the Belt as a whole, there has been no marked change. The cbaDge, if any, has been to ward further deterioration. The storm of bept. 20 did great damage in the districts whioh came within Us sweep. Pioking has made rapid prog ress and there ie generally an abundance of labor for this pur pose. Farmers seem disposed to soil at current prices, at least enough to pay their debts, but a consider able part of the crop is likely to be beld for an advance later on. Tbe boll-weevil has wrought havoc in certain sections, but the * intense heat minimized the loot from this pest. The Government cotton report issued Monday estimates the cot ton condition on Sept. 20 as 0&fl per oent compared with a normal yield. The estimate for Mississip pi is 58 per cent. Notice to. Road Contractors is Boat 1. All work most be put np ac cording to speefleations before any more pay will be allowed. . D. E. Pate, Supervisor. A bale of staple cotton sold ai Olarkadale Monday for a trifle less than 0120. Newsy Items of This Great State. ' The Jackaon Loatr and Trust Company la to erect a handsome office building. McComb has decided to revive its Mardtgraa Club and will h old a carnival next year, The Cumberland Telephone Co. estimate# its loss by tbe storm of Sept. 20 at <250,000. J. W. Tedder, white, was giy on a life term in the penitentiary at Indianola for killing a negro. The Coffeeville Courier has been revived with Mr. E. H. Har ris as editor. We wish it much prosperity. An experiment is to be made on the penitentiary farm in Sun flower county of fifty acres in winter wheat. A young white farmer wee hone-whipped near Olarksdele Saturday for an alleged insult to a neighbor’s daughter, J. W. Roberta, Jr., chanoery dark of Suaflower oounty, bee been indicted for changing the oeurt record# of hla oounty. Montledio haa organised a wheel improvement league. A splendid thing; even county end aohoel district should have each an organisation, KEEPINGS Bros, sun anob PH Smith, trans lunette F H Smith, feed printer— “ JR Haynes, lumber Wegner ft Oo, eon sotf Herald, printing J E Laycook, td Nolen Bron. sun P M Hendricks, pi Tnrnagc-Atlrinidn, F It 8mitb,mek cation license Progress printing Itemizer, printing 8 B Young, iambi Lee Herron, rep J E Lisles, lumtM G VMIilstead, ri W E Morton, 1 L B Burke, lum B H 8ims%osti H W Davis, rdi Pass ft Alien, le Belt Wllbourn, Trusty Bron. ft Bvaas ft Dyer, J L Reese, 1 W 6 Langetoi SPWriilMi Solon Hotrell, TT tff ft__ - —---r -'— ■ 1 ■ i' We will sell you any goods In our store at prices which cannot be beat in Water Valley. We now have on hand a nice line of Fall Dress Goods. Ladies, Misses and Childrens, Fall and Wtd-' ter underwear, Misses and Childrens Cloaks, Childrens caps, Calicoes, Outings. Flannels and Domestics. ‘ <411 the latest novelties in Ladies Neckwear, Belts. Hair Ornaments anda new assortment off our Famous S cent Torchon Laces. Etc. ForT/mMen: " Wo havens fine a lino of roady-to-wonr Suita, atovo* shown in Water Volky and at prices you cannot boat anyWhoro, ' Mon and Boys' Winter Underwear. Mon and Boys' Si line of F.oc/sbirt, you ever w^H^SSLsft Ite Sm* mmd UtmtStyL fa Mm'., ^ii ^ VCroosdss ws^hnyn n,