Newspaper Page Text
□ Schwab Poiitively the Best Shoe evei sold in Water Vailey Every Pair Under a Strict Guarantee. For Men and Women. .PRICES RIGHT . A. B. PORTER. LOCAL AND PERSONAL — TELEPHONE, 249. - Photos that are different by C-!SH. The >an’.;s, railroad sh ops and postGffice all observed holiday. Misi Nell Nendorfer left a few days ago for a visit to frie nds in Nashville. Mr. G, D. Able, now of St. Louis, was in the city several days of the week. The City Public Schools took from Wednesday to Monday for Thanksgiving holiday. Mr. Geo. W. Oofer and Miss Virgin Stares were granted mar. riflge license Thursday. Por Sale: 100 acres hill timber ed land, 2 miles from Water Val ley. Apply to J. 0. Tate. Every good picture is a pleas ure. Poor photos are worthless. Good ones only by GISH. Mrs. Mamie Wagner is spend ing the week with her friend, Mrs. H. M. Romberger, at Wi nona. Mrs. J. W. Tarrer and Miss Sue Tarver were with friends in Memphis several days of the week. Mrp. W. N Stoker has return ed much impro ted in health from a visit, of’several weeks to New Orleans.* j The entertainment Tuesday night for the benefit of the Kings Daughters was a pleasant success in every way. The University defeated the A. & M. tean in tue football game at Jackson fbank^iving day by the score of 33 to (♦. There is to be service in the Episcopal churcn at 11 a. m. next Sunday Nov. 27th. to which you are cordially invited. Mr. E S. Byers returned Sat urday from a visit of sevfi. d weeks to Mineral Wefis, Texas, and points in Oklahoma. Miss Mrude Fulscn came up from Winona Wednesday aiter noon to spend Thanksgiving hoi iday with the hone folks. Mr. S. S. Spencer, the popular druggist and well known citizen, has gore to Cleveland to take a position in a drug store at that place. Drop in at Turnage-Atkinson Drugstore and try the handsome piano that is to be given to the most popular lady in Yolobusha co inly. A meeting of Peatherston Camp will be held at the court house this, Saturday, alternoon at 2 o’clock with business of im. portance to be transacted. Remember, every dollar paid to the Progress on subscription gets 2,000 votes in the piano con test — other contestants are bring ing in dollars, why not you. 200 Boys ' 2hool Suits from$l, ■ L0 up at Wagners. Bring tbe boy flown and let us fit him with a suit toat will please you in quality i-nd price, and also in tbe 8515.0H worth of valuable Presents. Mrs. Leland, wife of former postmaster T, B. Leland, and who will be remembered by our people as a most excellent wo men, died Sunday last at the fam ily Lome in Pontotoc. Mr. Le land and the other members of the fatn.'y have the deepest sym pathy of a large Lumber of Water Valley lriends. Conference Nexf Week. ! iiev. Messis. J. H. Mitchell and A. N. Goforth will leave 1 uuoday of next wee’: to attend the Anuual Conference of the Methodist church to be held this year at Sardis, The Progress believes that it voices the sentiment of Water Valley irrespective of denomi national lines, and of the Metho dist congregations especially, when it expresses the wish that | these clover gentlemen, capable preachers and splendid pastors may be returned to their respec tive charges in this city. To use the base ball term, they have “made good,” the people like and want them for another year. Messrs. Jas. F. Greer and Jas. G. McGoweu are the delegates from this District to the Conference and will also be in attendance. Santa Claus Appoints Agent. While the balance of humanity slumbered and Blept the other night the famous old St. Nicholas, who brings each Christmas so much of cheer and mirth to the good children of earth, was trans acting a bit of important business in this city. At the witching hour of mid night he came in his auto to meet a representative of the firm of Nolen Bros., the talk was held on the hill near the school house and the Progress is pleased to state to its young friends that the con ference was entirely successful. ■■santa' appointed noien r$ros. as his agents tor this section and has already placed in their Main Street store the very choicest goods from his wonderful supply of this year. In toys and dolls arid books and vases and albums and wagons and doll buggies.— in fact, in everything in the gift line the jolly old Saint has out done himself this season. The dis play is marvelous, by far the largest in Water Valley, and he asks the Progress to say that eve ry little girl and boy in town and country, aad the mother and fa ther of every little girl and boy, and the male and female relatives and friends of every little boy and giri, and everybody else is especially bid to come and see what he has for you this year, Mrs. Herring Goes to Memphis. After forty-five years of con tinuous residence in Water Val ley Mrs. W. M. Herring, widow of Ihe late Oapt. W. A. Herring, a d oue of this city’s best known and most esteemed women, de paited Thursday afternoon, ac companied by her niece, Miss Winifred Miller, for Memphis where b,. will reside in future with the family of her brother, Mr. W. W. Miller. Mrs, Herring takes with her to the Bluff City the very warmest regards and sincerest good wishes of a large circle of devoted Wa er Valley friends. Good Woman Passes Away. On Monday morning Mrs. Al mira A. Neubauer, wife oi Mr. George F. Neabauer, a well kuown employer in the railroad shops and for the past ten or twelve years a much esteemed cit 'zan of Water Valley, died suJdenly ol neuralgia oi the heart, aged 70 years. M i s. Neubauer bad been a great sufferer for a number of years, bearing her pains and trials with Christian-like fortitude and cheer fulness. She was a woman of un usual mind and information, and was much loved by those who came to know her well. She and Mr. Neubauer came to this place from Bridgeport, Conn., it is understood that she had no near relatives. Funeral services were held at the residence Wednesday morn ing, Rev. Mr. 0. D. Srown of the Episcopal church officiating, and the remains were laid to rest in Oak Hill cemetery. The Lonely husband has the sympathies of a large circle of triends. Judge W. M. Harnnr of Green wood wm in the city Wednesday Jfertbe H rron.^ollins mairiage that evening. Brilliant Church Her r on-Coll i». The First Pr98byteifen Church Wednesday evening I was the scene of thr most brilijant society event of the fall seastp, the mar* riage of Mr. Sam B- 'ferron and Miss Louise Collins, two of the city's most popular yc ung people. * The handsome auditorium was lavishly decorated at i the build ing was filled to its tt most capa city by eager and interested friends of the contracting parties. Rev. Mr. Hobson said the service in a beautifully impressive man ner. The ushers were Messrs. Dud* ley Wagner, Lewis Addington, Hugh Baddley and Charlie Her vey, and preceded the bridal par ty up the aisles. The bride’s maids, Misses Mary Lou McLarty, Rowena Pate, Hat tie Leland and Carrie Whitson, wore pink satin with train and short veils. Messrs. Holley, of Ooffeeville, Rowland, of Oxford, Cooper, Oak. land, and Carr of Coffee ville were the groomsmen. Mesdames Ilamner, of Green wood, and Blackard, of Jackson, Tenn., both recent brides, were handsomely gowned, the former wearing her exquisite bridal robe. Master John Henry Wagner and sweet little Alice Gordon Cooper scattered rose leaves. The bride, radiantly sweet and beautiful in a full bridal toilet of white satin and veil, came in on the arm of her brother, Mr, Ham. ner Collins, while the groom, ac companied by his brother, Mr. David L. Herron, came the other aisle and joined them before the altar. Ju 18S »V 111 It) ailUgisu □ , OI \JHD ton, provided at the organ; Mr. F. H. Smith aang “O Promise Me,’’ and Mias Kate Whitson sang “I Love you Truly.” The groom is a member of one of Yalobusha’s best and oldest families and iu hirtsolf is a fine and capable man. The bride is the only daughter of Mrs. Louise Hamner Oollina and has been re garded as the prettiest girl in the city. Mr. and Mrs*. IJyviiJn departed the same night for a brief bridal visit to New Orleans, after which they will have aparrments at the Herring. Changes in Program. Attention ;s directed to the changes and additions made to the piogram in the Obopin Club recital to l e given Friday even ing of next week, Dec. 2. This promises o be a rare treat for the music loving element of the city and v cmity, and no one should miss it. Have Xmas photos made Now by GISH. $515.00 worlh of presents to be given away absolutely free at Wagner’s. Don t forget that. Mr. W. D. Morgan and Miss Ivey Hill, two of the most popu lar young people of the section north of the city, were united in marriage the 17lb, Rev. Mr. Go> forth officiating. The union services at the First Methodist Ohurch on Thanks giving day drew a large congre gation, The services were inter, esting and helpful, and the musi cal prograine was unusually pleasing. The people of Water Valley appreciate fresh, good, up to date goods, and that is why Wagner & Co. are so busy. Their stock contains only new, fresh goods, no out of date, shop-worn goods in their stores. Call and see their three stores of strictly up to date seasonable merchandise, and also see the 8515 UP ortb of valuable gifts they are g<dn.t to give away absolutely free. '1 WWtWWt'H’t ilil*♦♦»♦♦♦ W. C. BLOUNT Attorney at Law Will pra tioe in ad the Court* ot the S ate. Office comer Man nd ' ood Hta. IwACUB val; i:y, J as 1.. I or. s. WHITE i (Meat | I First-Class Beef, Pork, Hatton and Kid in season ii Hams and Bacon. Home Hade Sausage Steak 12 1-2 to 15c, Roaat 7 to 15c, Sauasge 10c 1 I My meats are all thoroughly chilled before being cut and | are handled in a cleanly manner. | Prompt, free city delivery. ’Phone 108. | Hair Dressing and Manicuring. Firs Class Have your old puffs made new; I dress fifteen puff's for 25c. I treat the soalp for dandruff; twelve treatments a cure, Have your hair singed for split ends and for falling hair; 35c a singe, Puffs, 20o each. Curls, 18o eaoh. Braids, 1 stem, $1.75. Braids, 3 stem, $2.50. Braids, Coronet, $2.75. Dying hair, 50c, and up. Hair dress, fancy. 50c. . Manicuring, 35c and 50a. Hair dress and manicure, 75s. Shampoos’, S5c and 50c. Call md have pour work done by. MRS. J. W. GULLETT, Goforth Boarding Houte, Phone, 275. ' .'~fr~- ~ 1 THE PROGRESS bM made a special clubbing rate with The Memphis Weekly Commercial Appeal by which we will furnish both papers for one year for the regular subscription price of $1.00. You know what The Progress is. The Commercial Ap peal is one of the largest and best papers in the South, and we hope to receive many new subscriptions on this offet; $1.00 cash for both papers. Piano Given Away. On the first page of this pgper will be found a large advertise ment of a handsome $400 piano to be given away in a great popular, ity contest inaugurated by the Turnage-Atkinaon Drug Oo. and the Progress. Any white lady in Yalobusha county may win this piano. There are no strings tied to the method of giving it away—the person re ceiving the greatest number of votes will be given the piano. This splendid instrument is now on exhibition at the Tarn age-Atkineon Drugstore, where you are invited to call and test and thoroughly examine the in strument. Read the announcement on the first page. It is plain and un equivocal. The Piano will be giv en to the most popular lady in the county. If you don’t want this handsome instrument yourself help some friend to win it foi her own home. SEEDS Frith, illtlbll, Pur* , Seereiteed M PlMM i Every Gerdeser n< PUutrr should teat tho j supsrljr merits of Our i North* BGrowaffesdSL INIIH 9W9WM Fon iu uma we will e«q4 |NNtpeld our FAMOUS COLLECTION 1 pk|. CO Pay Taaito . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Write today! Send 10 cants to help pay postags^aad parkin* and rKtiti tbs »bo»« “Famous Collection, te* «cth> 1397 Rose BU Hoc* ford, Illtuolr Can’t look well, eat well or feel well with impure blood feeding your body. Keep the blood pure witb Burdock Blood Bitters. Eat simply, take exercise, keep clean and you will have long life. Mrs. B. M. Herron, Hon. W. V Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Herron and ton, Parish Taylor and David L. Herron of Oakland were in the city Wednesday for the Herron.Collins marriage that night. Every dollar in cash yon spend witb Wagner & Co. not only bays you the value of your dollar in good upto dste fresh goods, but also entitles you to a tioket in tbeir grand distribution of $515, 00 worth of valuable Gifts. Don’t forget that. For Xmas get a "Kosy Kame ra,’’ order now, by GISH. The best line of Boys and Girls hats and caps ever shown in this city. See this line and also see the $515 00 worth of valuable gifts to be given away free. Wag ner & Oo. _ “My child was burned terribly about the face, neck and chest. I applied Dr Thomas'Eclectic Oil. The pain ceased and the child sank into a restful sleep.”—Mrs. Nancy'M. Hanson, Hamburg, N.Y. Commissioner’s Sale of Land For Partition. Mrs. Maggie Eubanks, Vs. No. 1434. Mrs. Jennie McNamee et al, By virtue of the provisions of a decree of the Chancery Court of the Second District of Yaio busba OoHnty, Mississippi, rend ered by said Court on the 11th day of June, J91Q, the undersign ed a Special Commissioner of the said Court in the s?id cause, will on Monday, the 5th day of Decem ber, 1910, at Water Valley, Miss issippi, within legal hours in front oi tbe Court House door, expose for sale and sell to tbe highest bidder for cash tbe fol lowing, described real estate situ ated in Yalobusha County, Miss issippi, to-wit: 45 Acres West side North half of south west 1-4, Section 83, Township 11, Range 5 West and 47 acres West end Section 4, Township 12, RaDge 5 west and 60 acres East end Section 5, Township 12, Range 5 west and North half of North East Quarter Section 2, Township 25, Range 5 East. ra*L_ J i__3 • _i j c_ii. _ AMU DUIU muu ID DUIU 1UX IXIU purpose of partitioning among the owners in accordance with said decree, and the title is be lieved to be good, but I will con vey only such title as is vested in me as said Oomumsioner. Sam B. Herron, Commissioner. Oreekmore & Stone, Solicitors. 50 Ladies Suits, the newest ere ations from New York and Chi cago, perfect in style, fabric and finish at $12 50 and up, at Wag ners. See this line of Ladies Tai lor Made Suits, and also all of the $515.00 worth oi valuable gifts.