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Headquarters for U. M. C. Ammuniton Genuine Irish Mail. Just the thing For ; * the Boy who Needs Exercise. I Rubbers'llres. One-Jsize only \ .Price $5.00. J \ j No. 0. 75c. No. 1.1.00 \ No. 2.1.25 | No. 3.1.50 Keen Kutter Food Chopper Chops perfectly without mashing all kind of raw and cooked meats* vegetables aud fruits, also acts like a charm for pulverizing bread, crack ers, etc., and for making delicious Nut Butter. ^ No. K 10, With Four Cutters, $1.25. That we are giving away $125.00 in CASH PRE MIUMS absolutely free. Every dollar you spend gives you a chance. We are also allowing tickets for cash on accouhts;due Nov. 1. Ct> 'light 190't, by C. E. Ziinmcnaan Co.—No. 57 There can be no injunction so valuable and will so prove it self as not to put off starting a bank account, but to be the wise and proud possessor of one at the first opportunity that you have to lay a dollar aside. THE PEOPLES BANK WATER VALLEY, MISS. G. W. Rayburn, Pres, : : W. M. Hendricks, Vice-pres, V. R. Patterson, Cashier. Farmers’ Union Meeting. A meeting of the Farmers’ Union will be held at the coart house in Water Valley at 10 o’clock a.m., Saturday, Dec. 10. This meeting is for the purpose of electing officers for the com ing year. AH locals of the county are requested to Bend in full dele gations. E. G. Brower, Sec-Treas. If you want the value of your MONEY iD good, fresb, new goods, go to Wagner’s. No out of date, shop-worn, shelf-soiled goods in this store. And don’t forget the $515.00 worth of valu able gifts. Twelve negroes have been ar rested and seventeen others are wanted for wholesale cotton steal ing that" has been taking place for some weeks in the section be tween Nettleton and Okolona. Judge Gaynor and Duty. "As for myself or my political future, I eball not consider that at all. Mr. vVatterson is in error in supposing that I have the pres idency in my mind. Never. And it iB too late for me to begin shaping my course for my am bitious fu'ure, and when a man has gone down into the valley of the shadow, and looked the spec tre of death in the face and said to it: ‘I am ready,' nothing in the. world looks very large to him as 1 can assure you Such was the conclusion of a letter written by Mayor Gaynor some ten days ago, and only recently made public. There can be no doubt of his sincerity. He is doing his work aB it has been cut out for him, and with no de sire for higher material honors as the reward of his services. The bullet which be carries in his neck killed within him all ambi tion for world'y honors. So near was approach to the shore of death that with the Preacher, he realizes that‘‘A 11 is vanity.’’ Yet in a year be may change. He has never shirked the call of duty, and should that call to duty come in the shape of a nomination for the presidency, be may though coveting not the distinction, dis inclined rather to the worldly glory of the high place, see a duty and consent to its undertaking. Much will, of bourse depend up on his physical condition, upon whether his wound is entirely cured, There tre more than a few democrats In the country who give evidence of availability for the presidency, but none has so convincing a personality so com manding a re< ord of service as the mayor o New York. It is likely, tberefere, as we have said, that when the time comes, if be a ■ | r I g o _ B a ? w g S o s * sr I 2. 4 «* 82 I » tB* ^ K ®g ? O W >5© S* © * Sfe £. H H s O II © » « >rt "i © .. p " pf - § ? © A family recently returned from Europe paid 148,000 in du ties at the port of New York. Hives, eczema, itch or salt rheum sets you crazy. Can't bear the touch of your clothing. Doau’s Ointment cures the most obstinate cases. Why suffer. All druggist sell it. Illinois Central Rail Road. Time of Trains at Water Valley (Schedule of May 8, 1909.) All trains remain at station five minutes. TRAINS NORTH, ARRIVE No. 6 Northern Express....3:38 a.m No. 34, Local Passenger.2:25 p.m No. 92, Local Freight.4:45 p.m No. 98, Local Freight, Dep’t, 7:30 a.m TRAINS SOUTH, ARRIVE No 23, Local Passenger.11:05 a,rr No, 5, Fast Mail.10:00 p.o No. 97, Local Freight. 4:30 p.m No. 91, Local Freight, Dep’t 6:30 a.m Local Frieghts donot run on Sunday: Bid? Qisa I J iUJUtscrsBU si succeed! 5* mw SPECIAL OFFERs^fa •ic to W’d Kew It A V&U 1 will m you a poi:- r •- r.t cu.i- ^ r. Sr.tit' ■ uiofl ecu ur yoiu." W Soi! Coilsclio:: ■ ■ ■ “ ..Ins, S.ionfl.ii'. Isia, Spams’. Lri<, •» — i .c j.- .. k, Am ad Lm ED TO PLEA: .. ‘ ’iC "r > k: Z .N £ 5 2G 0£ZiNTf;"" f ’aeorcrrostoyea i‘g* 1 rrcciv- Is v*:-i .Me ce 4 f lit 'wi -l, W ’ • : n. -h Bit Id* ’’ i ^ ,, :.ulc>«d, DuPic . 1 l*’.aut Itooi. Tcils all aw.u. ths iWjc A T-vrU-.le: of .»«. lie' * .ad P.a tv Iu nci-iT’CaTiOTStioU of • coptlutimM, 4n^cr?«ful lus'.nesr slice 1. .1, loi'l «m 'cut fr-*e of ch-E’e »l.h •». ' clij\ 1 , ll&'.tlor.Uu Iloru.d Tulip Y ;"h. The cr< r.t. 't s’.ontl wander or tb* ago. Xhu HaiD alone :a«ortl •» qua tier. 1 II Uf 0 J.L.,, 1397 ECCKCCL ST ^tl, n. uU3i.5C3 BOcsicr.D ill. >ak has the strength, he will be called upon, despite bis aversion to ac ceptance, and will yield to the country’s call.—News Scimitar. One Reason for It. “All going out and nothing coming in’’ fits the poverty of a community as well as it does an individual How many Southern ers ever stop to think that this is the cause of poverty of so many of the most favored localities of this section of our country, while the reverse is true about some of the less favored communities of the North.—Jackson (Jlarion Ledger. We Have Secured an exceedingly close clubbing rate with the St&rkville Progressive Farmei and Gazette, one of the largest and best Farm and Home journals published ip the South. The price is too low to name. Call or write. The Progress. ^ . i W. F. HAMILTON Attorney at Law. Practices in all the Cou rts. Office in Masonic HuiKlen? Water Valley Miss. I. H. Creekmore - - W. I.Store CREEKMORE & STONE LAWYERS Oflices in Water Valley ^ AND C’OFFEEVILLE. Water Valley office over Bank ol Water Valley. Coffeevl lie office over Coffeeville Hank. ’RAOTICE IN ALL THE CL'La T« W. C. BLOUNT Attorney at Law Will practice in all the Courts ot the State. Office corner Main and Wood Sts. [WATER VAI.LKY, MlSS. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦»♦ G. L. WILSON, Dentist Offlice in Masonic Buiding -— Telephone 44. wtitm n*i r. G. McGawen : : II. M. Baddlev WcGOWEN Sc BADDLEY Lawyers Office over Mackey’s Grocery Store. Water Vslley, Miss. W. H. KISNER Attorney and Counselor at Law COFFEEVILLE, It ISS. Ptactice in the Federal and all State Courts. J. L. HARRIS .'Attorney at Law. Office in Pythian Building. Practices in all the Courts. JNO. R. HODNETT t Attorney at LaW — Office in Court House Water Valley Miss. Bring Ycui Job-work to the PROGRESS OFFICE *nd get it drr e to please you. t- .»■ »_ « ■ ». ». ■ .t. rTvTTTTTYTYTrrVTxTTTTTTTT" CURE YOUR KIDNEYS. Do Not Endanger Life When a Citizen of Water Valley Shows You the Cure. Why will people continue to suffer the agonies of kidney com plaint, backache, urinary dis-. orders, lameness, headache, languor, why allow themselves to oecome chronic invalids, when a jertain cure is offered them? Doan’s K dney Pills is the remedy to use, because it gives to the kidneys the help they need to perform their work. If you have any, even one, of the symptoms of kidney diseases, rure yc ureelf now, before diabetes Iropsy or Blight’s disease sets in Read this Water Valley testi mony: Mrs. C. T. Smith, Main & Mar set. Sts, Water Valley, Miss, ■says: ‘I praise Doan’s Kidney Pills highly. About two years igo I used them and they prompt ly removed a pain in the small of my back and also disposed of an other annoyance which had caused me considerable suffering ind inconvience. Doan’s Kidney Pills were procured at the Turn tge-Atkinson Drug Co. and can oe depended upon to give satis factory result^.” For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents Foster-Milburn Co., Kutlalo, ’Serf York sole agents i'or the United States. Remember the name—D o a n’s—and ,ake no other. Claiborn county is aroused over the mi’ration of labor from ;hat section. Don’t use harsh physics. The reaction weakens the bowels, eads to chronic constipation. Get Doan’s Begulets. They operate jasily, tone the stomach, cuie jonstipatiou.