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5 ' ' " ' ' "LZ-p-" i-iiniiiT-r t If-firr-n-inVriiiMiiii iin " ! I THE LYNX. fftowJ rl published every SaTuruat at jjft'iis'nou inserted far one dollar pr Lit (of Mia liiaaorle,) for ihe rirst insertion, kJ ifty cent ror each urjqiint insertion - AlV"tiietn'iWS ' a parwatal natn-e wilT'" nfit'y b ch.'id tillable pr.cof o iHaary a 1- Vkiult ..iCUT-un.-- tie l.i.-tiort will bp mibtot'vMrwhinl.f tWe ly tin ynar t a s il .namt to maas it for tiio inine; chanta and othsrs. A UrtUe.ttt i-M of the t In' of ...! 9,sof thevairly alva-tir be ciiared l-r tperetely at the ordinary r ,.,,. lVifeM.o.: car Is u t altera . for the year. eoa'ainmjt-.xr.m...' I'-4'1" !"' 7"- . will p r , i; Uf ffr ci miv o!ic will k . e - i.n-i ;iv"int alw ay in ial- be inserted far five -l-'i'a ,i" o. ... tir tsa floilars. p'i!rtl -ir-.iarori:oinnnniral5onofonlv an In.liridml ititr.t, will b rbarRd at half prcr af rf-aary a l.ertuemen: aau mm; ue patu in ,! uie. A I-urt'us-n-mt Ait marked. with the number rt iertlt wW he continued 't:!l toibu!,nnd a:y i;erntia ma 1e after irnerti 'n r.hrg 1 ext a. Advertising pitrotw will favor us by ha-vling l,iSafrH.'riir.vianiw a early aftur narTs,itr ribli-atioii diys m cnrn-eiainit nm !atsr in any caw if paa'-bl.. tSai Th vdny n"Rht All JOB-WOItK must be paid for on dehv- "VoSTaik at he paid on all letter, or ihy wil vol be attends 1 t A I MM Mv Iil2i ifc i:Hcli. gtWoOi to Eo!iti C'omiciercc, Agriculture, &c. TJtrcC Dollars in tlvancc. 1". t e r n a i. Vigilance i s the r r i c d of Liberty. VOL. 1. PANOLA, Ml., SATURDAY, .MARCH 15, 18J5. NO. 9. Where Sumter bled, nor bled in vain ; A thousand hearta shall break before They wear the oppressor's bond a jiit in OI! never can thy nons forget Thi! iti'ghu letsons taught by thee Sinee, tea-tired p )' oil l( h' Thfir 'A -.itr.hv'iri! ' .:nr Nothinji. he ive inc my fix.l. ci.mmit'tM thi- crime in lhi hope of hut so little that o'te;t 1 g t Ihj.1 hun- piinii g somt tnonfy hy letting out grV.11 it ft chhmiey Awc'up t) one ot thi voc i- 4iAh, Veil, I will speak to yotir mas- tin. Ivuly I., too happy ril thn mo tcr.1' mont to jpro ich him aa I thinliiti th it no mailani, lu will heat ms ivorc G l h id pcrmit'i!.! thu pvpiU i t order i t, I compiain to nubotly hut ir. thu ev- ! ih;i! Charles miyht tc ji'ifei! in rir- cu;n-tanct tnoro f.ivor.ib'tt lor ih g"o.l Mif his soul finely jir I iIj uiihtp- its a h c i , i . a n i : i hi s . The iitile i hi isury vi ei p, C'har'.CH whs an only crhiM. aiul was deeply beloved by his widened uio'Iht the L'oiintos; of i',e I urt Sat irdav at t ! oVlo-V ntu, ml dciarn for M"!!noh:" at 1 oclo.:K t'ls ain day Thi Ma i f'Oin tKfo-d a-ri'M oi Vedn dayereii.US at 7 oVIo.-k, a:vl depam Tasslay nio-aia at 7 o'rlork. Thi Mail frvn C arolina, rtnn Ti i lav veaW & 7 o'cloc', a id departs on Moalay The Ma'1 fararrol'tJ.t clo2s oa Sunday eve jii-Ki at" o'ciock The Mail fn O Tb Mn;l fr Meph; c'o on Tieeay'i end Safi-lar at 1 1 o'clock noon. euitij; to "To whom? 'To Co l."1 "And "what do yo i ay to him?"1 M ak him to take tnc back to mV i no! her.1'' Then yon have a mo h"r?" "tJa es. Aa i a vei y i .d mother; it' I cuii d j.i iu her I h.ald not be ituha,pv .,' -) yo i know where slm lives?' "No: I recollect on. hou. one garden. See! sde! ma.lam, i: wa like ibis; the trees, of the garden were BiBKiai-oV". - . . t..- Th Mail far tiilo.-J cioes oa 4iq.i.ibj ct- villewina iou. JT""d l.i.l v. a.i 1 enii;ht to have? lift dariuit lxy G d MutCii u ie vviis ;v wild, disnh -ilien' chilil. and care I very liule lor the in .structin, oi' his kind mother. She compos! many little prayers for htm ( c.vtn througb the winfovvs of the snou to learn, hut be never t: hvoi'ted hnt : us x ,, M.c thee poplars in; ihu i'Ue of ibem to natiiorv, w hwh he would : t-himiie'v was on the riiiht hand like if peat inn careless hi inner w h n beljlH. n,e door in f rent, ami mother was went to bed. Ctiarle jjrew to hj very ! u,. v. u,on!v ho was hand-ioni; and aas imi drvSiuJ in litack a vou uie mucii pmn about the vvellure ol lus,,l0w." pv m.Mi, :od :tv hitn die in hopo that tiod had jiariloned him also. "omeihiiig wrong about it. raided ibe coffin an ! opened i dnd, behold! there wu nothing in it but a log of wood! After the unprincipled rum-seller had ruined hirn, soul ai d body, to cap the climax, he rmde the last outrage up n his putrid corje, and sold the liody lor dissecioul His frame now hang ing up in one of the doctor thops in ilii4 village." so ul. SUMTEH. BV JAMES W. SIMMONS. When Carolina's h. p - grexv pe. before tire Hrilih lion's trea I, And Frtedous igh. in every ca!c. Was heard uboe her u.arty r1 bcal. When from her mountain height sub dued. In p r it c of place forbade to Soar, tier eagle banner, queiche I in blood. Lay sullen on th' in indignant shore, r.rf.nhine revphe iuvikin doom. J y rant' upon lh ii. r p'" host; When "tool wn.t in steadfast gloen. Ai dMlrr.te biiodid o"er Kct toast, Srralthy, as nhen from thicket dun. The Indian springs noon his bow. Uprose South-Mount thy warri..r-son Ar.d heailoug d tried on th-j tool Not in tie pri ld of war he canfi'. With pur lc note and banner high, A , 1 nndtiiner olu i 1 stt el r.( flame. " 11 . Red battle's gorgeous blazon r . With followers few, but undismayed Each change and chance of Hue with Js'invl, Peneath her snshlne and her hado The same heroic bro.hrhood! TAesc words oveicame lady .. a hiver ran through her tram'e; her haucls trembled, she cxVjld scarcely stand upon her leet; slu sunk upon t!ia so a, taking th boy by one h and, he drew him m ar to her, un J continued the con- One day a Servant emu an.l told la 'y I J. tlut Charles was lost that for i . i L I l !....?., 1'iir an Hour it cy nan oeu i"UM"p h m but could not find him lie bad iu tn loll a.oae playing in the garden.1 and when sa'ught !r eould not h:! iound. : Kicy means w -ero emp!o e I to lain) w hat had becomo ol Ii.m, nut a i in ,.,,i,t V i i .. I . I.. I., v.. ; " . .... vain, uue er-mi i a i M-ei. .i .o..c .... ... ,., iim: but he wi hear me i -ue !a 1 "nn -uie.M Sure! an I w hv V lice ui-e ho has said so in hi word.11 "Vou have con ft leuce then in prav- LcttCI from Patrick Owen' Aunt in Ireland to him in America. Dear Nemiew I have not written to you since my last i inil tuAv. lfecau-e we have moved from our former place of iivii'C. I did not know where a let ter would find jou; but 1 n w wih pleasme tuke my p;n to inf.rm you of the ii.elam h"'y news of the Midden b a'. h of v our nl v living uncle Ki'pat in k, waudicl very mi IdcnU listw.-tk, after .. 1 1 is o--r i u dines oi five inon'bs. The piH.r man wm m violent convnl- s.ons the whole time of his, I V - j leg pei f e ly q ti:t and speech ess, talk ing rieohereni i V an i call ing for w ater. I had no opportunity o! you oi 'h.s diatli Moiier except 1 bad wrote to you by ibe las'. pot, which went olF two lavs lieforu ho die I, mil the.i Vol would l ave had postage to pay. I am Origin of tbe rrorJ TarifT. The puzz'ing name 'tari.'P is derived from the town of TariOi, at ihu mouih of the Siraits of Gibraltar, and the most .southern pout iu Europp, not even excepting Cape Mat ipan, at ths fo it of the Moren. Tnril'a wm ths last strong hold which tlie M. irs disp ite 1 with the cliris ians, and is still wi bin three leagues of the empire of Marncco when the Moors held possession of both the jpiliars of Horcules, it was here that they levied contributions for ves sels entering the Mediteraneau, whence the generic name. a rnrtyof gentlemen, and their ladiiS from that village, visited a place freshmenttn MidJleburg, where ihej passed n short time, and after they de j.arted a boy o tout the house who had occasion to enter their room several times during their sliy, remaikedlfat they were the queerest gala that he f vr seed; 'cause when there was chair enough in the room for them to sit on, the larnal critters would sit in the boyi laps." Horn Tooke was the sou of a poul terer, which hcallud-d to when called upon bv the proud stripling-of E'on to describe himself. "I am1' said HoiTf -the son uf nn eminent Turkey" A Kilty Repfy.'l can marry any g'rl I p'.ctue," said a young follow boaitingly. Yes, for you can't any," to jiiticda coinj'anion. Lore.- What is love Clara? said Ulil the other night, as he Fat beside his sweet-heart. Love Dill, I hardly know what it is; but I euppose it muJt be get irg married and kissing little oabies. Bill fainted. AGiEClJIrUttAIs. Mode cf preserving II a as s. For the following recipa, I am ir.da'j- ted o the Hon. E. : A common barrel will hold on? hnr . Ired an J fifty pounds of hams, and the recipe is for a barrel sjpposed to con tain that weight. We kill our own hoga and the meat v era ion. -An I has the Lud never iintwuic 1 i!a ing on the banks of the river, and! Kissing a few- mi nehts after ho wasj not there. rue mother thought this i was her own little Charles, an I that he j ing ii Yiu madam, because I have already been 'heard.'1 "In wha f1 -I it ivo a-ke i G 1 to m ike me hel ler, and itseeois to me that I am not as t ad as formerly. Now, I do almost I 1. . . . ! nil that my m ister tells nw; an i vv neii ' t cjii, t read a little in the New Testa- uum:, which a go il gmtlemii gavo me. nl I pray every day wilt, pleas u rc. Venality of Popery. Ten years ngu the Pope received be tween 10,000 and 2J,000 from the is cu up before it becomes cold; and King of Naples to make a Neopolitan then the hams are put on a table or woman a saint. And two or three ears -helf, on the skin where t'.ey lie until f . m r-r I t. C t r . . r i- . l.V. I I I) . I r . - . i .. ...... . I V. t C :.t a loss to i. II vo l what his death was ) Xiw.uuj ,rom hii u.aiai. ue- cum. ... .u .i J .cci-siolKd bv, lut ear it w..s brought ! Bu, ,Uo ,nut,,,jr ol U-vce ""x SK,:l Scones ury ana narj, it is .... hv l.U Inst sieUnes,. for he was never to say aMn-emass lor inesaivauon oi .mpoS31u.o o, u io . su ber sou.! Tunis the ni in who is styl- I state, you nave prouaniy noticeu t'.os in ed the "Vicar of God'1 the man w ho I .he feet you havo huht in th tmrket. i denounces the Liible as a -ha I bojk.'1 Toe hams should be taken in hani the lay the hogs are killed. To oue barrel weli ten days together duringthe w hole time of h.s confinement ; an I 1 believe bo ate too much of rabbi's stuffed with j-as aud gravy, or pins and gravy stulf.d with rabbits. I cant tell which; hut be that a- it will, as soon asTie hi eat lad bis last, tac d- I't r gave over all bojes of his ncuvery. I need not tell you any thing about was diotvneu. oiie uio'ured tor ni.-n i as dead. She caused to be sculptured on a tomb stone a child kneeling, and had inscribe I upo i the uiirble. th ; lit it pruvrtr I n i--t i. i irglit have i: h 'fo m her. due, two. and three years pas-ed, ml no tidings cam- of Ch irles. Lily It. used to examine in her own walks in he city. every Iv.y she liVt "who wou'd 'inve been of "bis ag-. hoping tba' he as not dea I, bit she was always co n- gelled ta-nl 1T searcn in :n yi j aU p!eKfinr ,'o you sav sorrow, that the boy was not her own .OJuriJ? .lU.,ve alt, hen billing son. I J i-eoeal thepiaver ih.u my motT:er ()., day on re'.irning from the court-1 ,)V wrtrl,a try. she saw withMirpri-e. on , lraycr ,eM it ,e I l..r :i1oo;t. a lltlle IV ---- le ininjl aain -t the jam . . . .... i. sorrowful and m spue ..t the wou . ( ..,, SOll,. !eur,, ho said with . v.. 1... n, . . tious an ...... .1 1 J I ICO lll-WIll IK VII , ( - ih'.s extreme thinness " ' , ..,... did; he sa:.l he a i..t .irn.K ... .1 hoi il. convert me, cian m oi The vitlholic Church. We copy the following from the N- O. t'ica uiie : Our readers generally are probib'.y not aware of the rapid increase of the Koiiian Catholic Church in the United f-himiieV sween i l..o.i-t. Villi. He wa very i ' Jtt . Mjk , - . . j',,u 1 lio eniiu Kile .) ... j his nge, for vai kn w that in December ; Elates. We have been Rtirpts.-el in ears old hit king ten in.nths. and had j.,j. ci in a Philadelphia paptT. I t 'iy ho lived till 'hen he would hive been years ago there were in this country just h.x moitihs dead. His property i i,ut one bishop and twenty five priests i 1.... hij iikvi L i ii. who nil ' tl.i a hivmi:n itio i. with a fev scat- HtlW UI.V... . L ' f ( vn.i.. --. died some tm.c ago. so 1 expect it will j tyred eh ire is, tlure are no 21 b V he divided betwt.n i; mid ) oo know j v an, nearly 1000 priest", with his property as something onsidera i -j.jy churches an 1 about o'JO in;s-iotm ble. for he had a fine estate which was I r stations. They have 48 fccaJauuea sold to i.av his debts, and the reminder o et.lusim ical Mininarus. 3d houses ho lo-l on a horse race; but it was the ,or n,;ji.ioUs women, an I 26 rph;m as- j inii n f tvery ltdy at il e time, that jin.s. Their increase isat the ratio he would have won the race had not ; tJi neany 100 per cent, every t. nvears the horse he ran against been too fast ' ,etrrg ol courso large! ai lvd by Vint for lorn, i never saw a man (and the ( grauoii. be inci ease of the general doctors ailsa-d i..)ih-it observed direr- p,,pu'.utKn is .it percent d took m-dcinc bet'er than be From secret nrr.k. inther land, Emrgmg fl. et along the ptn-, rone down he ru-hed be.nre his hand Like eagle, on tne British line! Catawbas waters smiled gain, To see her Sumter's soul in arms; . v.rt Mf!i fr'aJj A: den, Tvukindlod by war's fierce alarms, ThrmftPd hundrcih thro1 the ?oliude Of the wild forest, to the call Of him whoe spirit, unsull ied, Frcbh impulse gave to each, t all! fly d ty the hjming san Is they ply, N'lttht ses them in the fell ravine; Familiar to rach follower's eye. The tanglcJ brake, the hall of green. Roused by the tread from covert deep Bprings'.he gaunt wolf, and flies r while near Is heard, forbidding thought of sleep. The ratiliug serpent sound of fear. nefore, or break or early morn, Or lot look out fromropse or close tieforethe hunter winds his horn, Sumter s.1 already on his foes'. He beats them back beneath the flame Of valor quailing, or the fheck: And carved at length a hem's name Upon the glortcus Hanging lock. w hite skin an His head rested upon his breast; the. roor child was weeping and hw-gewars, rolled down his cheeks, leaving wiu.e traces upon his dark face. Wh it is thi matter child?" asked the 'oil utess. Nothing mndam it is nothing We are come tosw.ep 'jour chimney. Mv master is upon the roof;hj is cn- tng own lint whv I von weep? -I, is b,-eaue,' triug fo restrvin Iciirs, Lecausc T.ko co i rage my loyi good la "tell me you r t ronb.e-.' -1: is fcee-tuso m master will beat i'r.'i apain.'r you sty, d tea ha beat you often?"1 i uvnrv d iv .-V iiii-i .; - - j AnJ for what?1 sai 1 the tea'.'h ute to hive thee, and to love my brethren as Je-cis Christ loved us, Amen. -My chill! my chill!1 cried the Couu-ess, pressi.ig th.! h ..y m her arms; Thou art my s n Char'es!'1 My uMth-jr!" sai I the child, whjfe is she? It was thus she called m - j Char:e,Chu'ie'! "I am :hy iivvlie:', I tell th.e;' atel s:o,pel tin voicj "of tlu mother an I the ehil I. th-V bo h wept, hut they were tears of i y. Thu nioth'i knelt 'ruel a wine if il had li e same tate. ma Curious Facts There i a gentle- i m in ihi province, says n Moinieat and wou'd as so- n take j,lp as . n paperho has a tote tor a meml-er o, st. ak if i had the Mime relish Parliament in 44 different place.. I ni. lh.t j.K.r m.uI! he will never eat r la about universal Suueag. Mr. Webser calls geology the world's history of itself. Ii is a beauti ful dofiuition and true. drn.k note, .and now you have not a single relation in he worldexcept my self, and our 'two cousins who were k.liod in the last war I cant dwell upon 'his mournful f'.h j. t. and V.a:i seal tn'y let 'er w ',. h lint k MMl'm-j wax, and put on it J'oiU otu-le's coi, so In g you will riot break the seal when ou oprn lie letter; and .lout ....en it in two or thno days after or to 153 pounds t hams, thus cooled .he foduwiug cjmpound is to bo ap plied : Four qnarts of silt, two pounJs of su gar, and one pound of saltpntre, pound ed fine and fully mixed. Each ham is ,-1.1... ...iu - J,---- -Vs. V-S ATi A A over lite eaure sur. ace, u:iu m .v ...... the bone as it can le reach sd. The rubbing should be lnrd aa 1 we'd ap plied. Th e hams ore then packed inn barrel as tight as they can be placed, vVheie they Ira two weeks. At the ex piration i f iwo weeks, put six quart! of light wiod ashes, into 'a kettle, with 3 piiNof wa'er. (nl.ut tsn gallons) and hoi I them about two hours, and let them stand until morning, to settle. At the same tiuu m ike a brine of sal', strong enough to bear up an eg so as to ex pose the s:7.i of aquirter dollar. The proportion is uiii'J gallons of this brine to one gallon of the lye. The hams must bo thorougly covered, tf they rise any places a weight on them. They re main in this preparation four weeks Take tlumout, hang them up one day jto drain, and then pit the n ft the s uokt -'. 6 iSi and smoke them with htc c ory if possible. II irn arj very fre quently spoiled in miking, b an un savory, and by heating. Asmoke house should not be tight to mtk tha A Strange Gal. "Every thing is , hanl an j ti)ey 9ho-i'd never be Si nrran'ed for your vvedding witn ousan ; u Ve,j as lo run or drop tlia tat. o1 ;.;,! .-4 father to his onlv i iiv.i.-nn mir htrtis ni a drv. dtrlc hv thu ni io im ine child, an I exckr.iiie I ;, hv whith time ou will - -j - - j a I'U I IV 1. I au J , ' Ik prepared to receive-the sorrowful ti ii -Because 1 don't earn monoy enough. When 1 return at mg i. crie after having 5.out all day w. houi .iaw..; , rt!meuil)0r , lhou Uan st nliways; ed any work, hi stvs I it ivc .( tt.,rtst to ausw. r. it is in . i . .. I I..v t r I 1... I iii me oi un uc.i, mv C?o1. forgive me for having offen 1-e-Hhce by iii, vv icke.l u'lheiief; pardon ,,, tor havm: ihy promises; forgive .ov.i.npaiieiict;. I h ive prayed fur his ci iiversion. but 1 was unwilling tovvai'jand et thou hast heard inl and answered my prayer. Teaeh mo . . t Tom kins" -aid a lather to r.n nniy i foii, the other day: "1 hope you vvill ! i:: aa have vonrsen i .' roo i. in ibeseconl s'ory. wlnre a fl never enters. S people put th?m The individual thus addressed was a UJown ; asj,es, salt, : smoke, . bran or dings. Whcu you get to this plare stop; and dont reid uiiy more till my next.- Your aflcet innate a mt, , Feggy Owkn. P. S Do not wriu U me again-till tu icccive this. , . yoiiilg man. seated in a chair. .Iep:i'cn ing a piece of bread covered with nw lases. His only answer was a sigh, accompanied with a flood of tear: . The pa lent started, and in nn angry I mini! demanded "What Oljecuon can ..... t..v SJiisiin is handsome, and . till 11" - a- -'"- ----- at . ml III. I I f 1 1 .' i i r i v.. iii l)Ul I " J ciii. an ..le to I nrv out as Ion I .. . i ......k'l lor.'rt ttolMidv cans me; . let me sweep their chimneys. - i.... .t.w.i mil nas Hut then every naj . without work, and .hen tour mas-er . .,' siil th- CWtve3. doet not whip vou, .u i .Well, madam, then he t dimb fast enouyu; ....... t. - I nniHIlMl. atl 1 W ll O . don't scrape nam - P- ! i . .. . h.. strikes m.- ag.itn. and nil C:,,m: U: , ;thitleaa. More than i no uuiu . i mr. . . .1... rodi oi Ml. ing, once 1 have run , yes.uro . .. . ...rohat O Lord, to confide in thee, teach ice ' iJle remei. . . The. loip.w ;ng n an eXtraC trom.a t ' onler to b'e-s the better, but it Him jgtu.-r , ft, v. John Marsh. N.Aork, I others encase the.n in cotton bags and whitewash '.hem. We prefer the dark roan as ln.e7 are safe anJ c'.earr. ' L'ghfvingn jV.mfirr:- St range as it may seem, electricity has been applied; wealthy, and married u must be some j successfully to fertilize5 the . groun-j. time V m her.' Your mother and l! This lms been the novel idea at the re- irrii,'!. mid ii is mv commatiu cent meetings ol the nn '.s., -is,c,a. that ou prepare for your nupiiaU. that 1 don't from J H. Coffi.i. an able and zealo. s temperance agent, now on a it'cniring tour iu We-let ii N. York. n'oVir VniS.X.ait d,v re'eh," wIm) had tr..!loWi'd ri.iwn as.!! his subanc'. lived jtnrl ihnt shades or sears V II II U . - wfeatn Where glory binds the soldier's b brow. Kept brightright her Sumtervs Anna r in peath his hour of proudest triumph-no". 'fZrmj&'' " "" 1 .,.. ' '"' hore ' ...O.I..OOS are ihc a.u,.uy r , . ln)V weit Imi ' ill 1 I II I - - i the knees, nn. ,e'.M;"- iM. yo. -1. day?n dost not . as we vVould wMv, it 'ner-tuse thv .ways are not avi.ur ways, an t ihi.u kimwest hotter than we what is for our good. . Henceforth, I will say let ihv will, not mine, he done.11 Here the master sweep entered the j jlV hanging round one of those ihnsof saloon, ami was m l -h s irprlsod o find rorrUption, and doin linle jobs as of his a uieiith-e an 1 this great lady lih 1 f,.rcJ.. He sickened and did at the luu.iVtheir kn.'es. .She asked hirn' how j ,.mn hole where he hud gotten his bane ii h id liecouie the possessor of the fur years. The rum-seller very kindly child. He answered that a man calling ft.nt for the minister to come and ut- himself his father placed him in his u.uj ,is funeral. In the kmdriesij ct hands for a sum ol money, that tin- i,ls heart he went ami pt r oi 'ni id the man for some tune, passed, h rd lieen ill tS of a dergv man at .'us funeral.--- at the hospital, ani perh tps was now The daughter oi thv- p tr lost wretch . i . came in from the count rv to take her iieaii. , , Ltdv Helviile now h.iste ted to tho last loo; :,i lur faiher. b it was to d it hospital, and found a dying nun. who locked s ha I, it wo il l be i ,ru confeed to her that about three years U vipea ihu colli . After the coffj had h had stolen a child who was Leen let down into the grave, and thu jumping over a pardon wall; that ho people retired, the sexton lelt there was '.Yes',1 finally sobbed Thom:is, "that is a diflerent case; you married mother, hut I'm sent tajv to. marry a strange gal.' ia Irish Philosophy. The ' Snicker b icker says vThe philosophical argu ment, eiied by Piofes,,r Ihish, touching the change wbic, the human body un dergoes ev-ry Fvan years, was turn:?d to a viooJ Account rite other day by an rish-.nan. who was rn leavoring to T tl.;.t lilt prove toa faaiive aineii... j-ustulatj d his doct r'me 'was altogeth er' erroneou. Look, said he, see We have anew body every seven years. I came here nine years a . at Irish man.but I've got new b dy h Vv, m t U on the so l. m m : and Pin as good a Na tive American asyourself.11 ; tion. It was first discovered 'uy a lady in Scotland, vho carr:,ej some wires from nn I'CctricV Uaitery to her flow er ground, nd found it very useful oihce inat the experiment has been Vuccessfully tried of collecting the natu ral elautricity. by wires on poles, and conveying ti toa limited piece ofgroini with powerful efit-iA tyi the vegetation. A NEW Pi 511. We Hal in tU Maine Cultiva:or. a receipt" for cooking, beets, which deserves a'ten'mn for its novelty.' Having 'unshed1 the beets free of dirt, roast them in thr; fi?J as you vVOuld da p .ttiUKJs. Whea the process ofcookirg is comple el, peel and serve ''up the beets in the usual manner. The dish is said to ba deilV cious. IFo shall have it tried. Queer Girls. ,Vpaper published at Akron, Ohio, states that somstims since A Mtdcrii Sj'oFi. Lgisla'ors ' are not w iso men, although they mak o 1 great pretensions to wisdom. In thcJ t , , i . r if r i r V r: i ; i t -