Newspaper Page Text
7 'SI ice' .! IV 01 ... io r.i; d 11 1 Ml at tt 'THE ' . . ...K ;lllrP l.l "' V 1 I Pll rry Satcrhav a i'ai 3..1UV ut-m iusti ii'Mi 7 jri ,J(ito'l one dollar pr : p d , I 1 1 ' I i lf nirfc iii-ri in.'ti IT Dd J J M X o isoial n:itntr will iti- erl. v , .,!., i,rirc of ot Jiiarv a.l- inert-'" t i-i n,- A deJiJCtion will be .m-v "v j.iirrtifi! by Ihuyear to asuf l':!o''iia'ii.e il for the uueiet of wet- Itv Kcilli & Kockt-tt. 3 ill an. 2itiv' C' ',,( ;-,: of t'ne ilirct line oT btiii 'y n.l.ortisrr will be charged for ,',,. .v-linarv rite. i our-N rvt nlu-ra'-is lor rif vcar, .'iinnr less ton rl.V.r.iri. ":'1-",' lid-it" for coiinl oftire will f . -vc dollar?, vn always in a 1- If " s! itc mYu'e t.'ii vlolitvra. . . .,, 'r,lt.-vcu will -vrr be ,lflivml i..i filcvoloil loeux, Politics, Commerce, Agriculture) A:c. Two Dollars in.4 clvancc. "Eternal Vigilance is the trice of Liberty.1 VOL. 1. PANOLA, ML, SATURDAY, JUNE 14,1845. NO V As it sluill bo uucxeeptienable in all re spects. It is intended to invest it with that kind of well-written miscellany which will render it eminently quali- . iri'iitar-'orr(.mmMir:itio:i'f:ily n j lied to supply the Wants of both City '-'itereot, will be oii'irt;-1 at ball Pr,,;e ! au j oouat ,-y readers afiording an a ,j ,.ivert..i.-w aJ l'e P,lltI " g,.L.eau.. ainoun: Gf choice yariety, with . .4 mi nruko l wit'i tbe numl or of I matter of a more solid and important " 'l iV.-o:u!micl 'till loibi.l, aivl any I character. ,i'!rlir ;iftpr i't-rii -it ebavfiea extra. 'niti editorial deoartment has been S:yXl!SSl '.'.. of gentleman ,-Pllt n..t later in anv 1 nosy uiiiiiucs hiki uAiuiinn.c an lavn'sbt. i editor an writer are well known bv the T Ii m : 15. T " r n c r, .1 TTORNE V J T 7. .4 IF. Will practice in the Circuit Courts Panola, Tallahatchie, Yalobusha, Lafayette, Marshall and Desoto counties the Chancery Court at Holly Springs, and ihe Federal court at Pontotoc. ' " ".'.l-.".; K" m.ii Ijh uaiil It.r on ce'iv- i . .,.,, ,, .,.,1.1;., I,, ,i;rliirn!nir tVio i V'"' - r t IkiiLI I'U JUL- III H.JVtn. .."p , w ' 1 . - . . . . 1 . I. . 1. .1 ., .1 -i 'limit's mil :f i v ui in- ihi-uv. . .v.' ,nnl ft tr'.nnnFvwii , . . . ' n , r . r st r .1 ' , ' ' he will receive, tun unite wih his own nouon x Aiian.u iu . 'ieaiis.. v' .'..-. tit 7 . . 1 1 1 r t . i l i i k : I : - te--- 1 -rd pensonal attention, the aid ol i i- unoisonisq, oincmuu vaio UKrERKXCKS. Thomas II. Allan, Mcmjdiif, Ten. Allan & Apperson,Confn Merch'ts" Archabal.i Walker, Memphis " Walker, Anderson & Co. " " J. Willis tkCo,Com M. te r T. ,i i' w- 1 soino of tho bust talent in the country. James Murdock, lluntsviiio Ala. Ajrancetncnts have been made for; PANOLA CO., MISS. M.i 1-"-' 111 .1 . 1 I - 1 Al-Tiv.'ii' arrivpoa I u.;-:a j an extensive noma ami tl.)Vlo-k no..,i, mil -lcpait t res: ondenee, antl wfitera 1 .-I-ck tin Mm' liV!. I ' '-.;jr(l arrive 'i tiM"- ! Foreign Cor el' eminence fr;vn ar f .l: 'i. k. a.i l arrives Tb;i rs.lay Th-I' pi... , . om:.i st - - . .. i v, . , . ',-j.. a 55in.lnv r". p- Xh-.Il !I'T' air., w . x - . .,.'? J con-.- i"...itvl lor Ox::-i c.-'e3 o.i ,-) nock. ! f,r Mt-.n. '!' ''"" : .-.-j at 1 '2 oV-io'li ito.'it. 1'hV. !Ioa Ivy e ve- are en"aied to eontribm in this man-ne-r sketches of men und society with j pirlraiiures of all the variety of custom j and character to be four.d m various parts of the world. A striking feature in the general charactar of the Saturday Emporium, will be its bold and graphic SKFIVIIUSOK m r.TnoroLi TAN I.IKK. There will npj.'cnr from time to time, illustrated by engravings, and will form a new era in the d.'Vtlopements of so cie'.v, civil, foeia!, and ilomcstie, Ktit- WILLIAW SMITE!. (Late (f the Jinn of Miller &l Smith.) ttorncy &. Counsellor at Law, PANOLA,a)UNTV. MIS. B.lLJ practice in the Circuit Courts j of the lUh Judicial District, the j Chancery Court at Molly Srings, and j the Federal Court at Pontotoc. I Ollicc in Celniont. S-tf CALVIN MILLER. Altomey and counsellor at Iav. "t rr ffT a cvrrMT" ft I I. . l ILL I. thi: 21- tn th.- iUVI-:K. t'cmuicuiriiig of Sept. toll. t VKEKLY MA(i: i;T. liO.MANCi: AND AK I , ,. Smith, yt 1 by . L" p.. i (.'.-. N'-i 1 -i'l Fit:t St., New Vo;k. W in'.1 ii d i n g o r w i s 1; i n ' o d i ? f'.hor works, the publishers :3.2'j'.Uy to the charge of attempt t) nia'.;e tlv: ! over the best, the " .. for the price, among the vari-.ser:o3:.-."'s nf the country. Kach 'v niiii.t.' i contains si !t en la rge ; eal .He. I mr in IV.) bl 1C lilt. ' r I ne evils at'ouiii la-niouab'.e society will be un- u.ak' l. the d:cp di'uradation ol ihe abandon!'- made visible, the spiait of I licentiousness which prevails to tin a I la r niin " extent in all clashes wi the eoMi- uiunifv, walking abroa itl Uli a .1.1 ;ed and liidcpenueut air, will and h.;'.d u; for public gaze 1 j Will practice in the Circuit Co.u ts of the 3th Judicial District and the Circuit Couri of Tallahatchie County; in the District Chancery Court at Hol ly Sprinirs, the Federal Court at Pon to't.c. ami the lli'h Court of Errors r.t noonday : :m,i .,m..,!s at Jackson. Otlice in Panola. 3 l'2m choice mat-cngraviiui. s of bcautiim I y printe V! h H If .id 1 1 ! 11 1 c!f -dot t ap in .1 liichlv -i!)belli-h lauu'-'d e ver, making two vol- ar . 1 I and. in fine, public anuses evils, ol whatever nature or name, will be oonfrontec an 1 exposed, and what ever mav tend o the public are :h:i! u.l receive e ncouragement sii'iport. i W t: i and Tho titt-b tshers will sr-n n hibor or expense in famishing ihe pub be with a paper which shall be unequal neither in any attainable point ol eve oth0!' similar pi(b;icatioii r. ', via j'la't-v. 1- mg p ges an. Tx !ia now :tv .1 an Jtge m i: in s.i.i- decree a diameter to t'r i!eif. and to warrant couti cc m it :i !": r. if :.a! -'u'- r e w 1 1 ihev i hi.- . I - V W )i ates. X it shiRi-a ! ?- V b?o'if:r' ma Ihe pr ler net nt let cur will pnii-'c us. W e i Miake a ir.agi'.ira , ,- t thi- coitimunity. est t'na ctaild po-s-si- !or tha price, vom.'inmg rliiiuerr.eni u i ni-it rueuon. uissemi- ihe arts and encour- itera- pJ jutinj !a.:e for ihe arts a nil e vi":a'n2 i"vlieieoiin: and elevated vear eo h-iice. by any in the world. S'lbserir.tion 1 wo Dollrrs per mi advance. fjz'j' Lief.ers on business rm:st be post fa i'l in otder to receive attention. Address MIIiAfiiSJ!!TSIl.C. HF undcrMgned having permauent- ly located himself in this place, is prepared to execute all work in his line, on the shortest notice, and in the most complete 'and durable manner. His Shop is on the main street lea din" from ihe public square to the where he may be found at all Panola, Mi. Jay. 18 1315. '2 3w WM. K. FAKMFR. THE HASHFUL LOVER. BONE BROWN IV A FR ACTICAL JOKE. Black, White and Brown, were young men, in some respects very young the first especially, for they were inexperi enced, thoughtless, and giddy, to many ' degrees beyond the average. But they were generous, warm hearted fellows, notwithstanding, and would rather have had a tooth-ach a piece than given pain, wilfully, to a man, woman or child to horse ,dog, or cat. The trio lived together in the same boarding-house, more like brothers than ! friends, united in every thing bulone- a desperate passion for Miss lheodoru Wilmot. Thai was Brown's secret, in which tho two other young men, how ever, went partners; and many a rally- mg the lover nau to uear cn me sunjeci from h'i3 heart-whole companions. u ! 'e jests at scars who never felt a wound." But, like Benedict, the inamorato was too far gone in love for a whole college of wit crackers to float him out of his humor. With such a fiaroe as he had in his bosom, burning as he did, one of Lcve's martyrs, he might well dispise a few squibs; besides the wags would give over when he was once married But there was the rub, he was one of those of the most shv and difidentof mankind j the most bashful bachelor that ever j blushed all the shades of miiwaise hon- le, from a warm flesh color up to a rose j damask the most shrinking of all the tli3 race of Sensitives. How could such a man propose? A thousand times lie determined to break the ice, but the ubsenceofany real competitor, they invented one, as formidable a heart catcher in personal graces and accom plishments as ever was manufactured for a novel. A six foot fellow in his stockings; White even estimated his height at another inch taller and then such black glossy riuglets, and black eyes, with an aquiline nose, and a fine ly chiselled mouth, a capital chin, and such an exquisite complexion, and w hat a noble bust, and yet so quiet and gen tlemanly; for Black and White to avoid inconsistency, agreed to describe their imaginary hero from a certain haidres ser's window. And the bait took. nil. But tho slowest coach, even if yon lock one wheel, w.l! ,gct to somewhere last, or still further, and on the same principle, at so many minutes to what j you-please oc!ocU, tho deripateic lover I arrived at the door of his-lady lova and raised his hand towards the lion's head, his heart, though forestalling him, and with a rapid series of little thumps and big ones, giving as good an imita tion as human heart can, of a footman's thundering double knock. His hand tried to copy it, but it was a sad bungle, for after two cr three little uncertatn, unmeaning taps, as if tho wind had done it, and then a pause, he let the iron knob fall with a loud, abrupt bang, as if it had burnt his fingers. The mo ment afterwards he repeated, and wish ed there was such a thing asuuknoclt ing, as well as unbuttoning or unpick ing; but the irrevocable sound went its course through the hall and through the car of John Footman, till it played a tattoo on its drum. And so John went up stair, and through the hall, he and opened the door, catching Mr.Hrown iu the very act of turniug away, tho sneak otF, as the mcar prepetrator of a Brown metaphorically swallowed his ri-1 runaway, knock. What an abominably val, ringlets and all; how happy could j fast footman! If he had but slopped he havedoneso in reality. ! to yawn, and stretch, and enquire, was Poor Brown! If that phantom had ! that the knockc-'? through the regular been a diabolical enc, such as is said to ! three times of asking; but there he vast haunt and torture the consciences of 1 and there was no escape from him. guilty mortals, it could not have caused ; So Mr. Brown walked in, or rather him more perturbation. He thought of! stumbled over the thcsba'd, and baring him, talked of him, swore, but trembled stropped his shoes on the mat, from at him, shot at him, fenced at him, got heel to point, for at least two minutes, tho best aud then the worse of hinu , and hunp: up his hat twice, for the first and above all, he dreamed of .him. His time it fell down, without catching it; nights were terrible, for go where he ; well af;er that, having first haJ a "tc would, and especially if walking, row- : dious attack of influenza, he pocketed ing, sailing, dancing, singing, declaring ': his handkerchief again and at last; his love, cr even saluting Miss Wilmot, j what a nasty, short nervous cough ho there was the odious rival, turning the i had, with a sort of an aguish fit from river, limes. the ice always broke him. A miilicn times at least he resolved to speak his mind, but first his speech went cut of his mind, and then his mind seemed to go cut of itself, it was so mad at the failure. At all other times boiling, fry ing, burning, piping hot, salamandered duetto a trio, or taking her other arm, protesting in her ear, squeezing other hand; zounds! kissing her other cheek! That was unendurable; so at it they went, foot and fist, tooth and nail, shovel and poker, hammer and tongs. swords, pistols, and blunderbusses, rug ging, riving, kicking, smashing, stab- ,. bing, shooting, wrestling on the ground, up and pown, over each other like dogs, nvr- p. - 7 o bitin" brow.; i WARD & COMPANY. 30 Ann stre.-'t -w York. ro Til 11 THE PATRONS OF REGISTER The 'indersicnc ofF. A.Tvleu Esq. .the II vckly Lcgis-trrO'iu-f, deem it lludr duly to address i oivMi'i pii rciaseu fOTII:Ci!b The partnership heretofore exis between the undersigned, has been 'bis dav dissolved bv mutual consent. CALVIN MILLER. WILLIAM SMITH. Ur.unry 20th 131o. 3 lw. i k m Ti "ryT i hems selves to its Patron and the j-ubhe. . rJ ij VJ 1 V 5 in re ;rc. How 'r we have been successful in Nation f the manner to whichit will,! ,v ,3 hs "thanks to his friends and in future, be conducted. r'thc public generally, for the: r very In thus assuming the h;gh duty ' liberal patronage heretofore, & assures conducting a public journal, they may, j tiieill ti,al he will spare no paius to perhaps have presumed too muui .p j nRril u in fulure. he attainment of these objects does not become us to sav. That ihe Kover has heeu stis'ained by the public, through ts ia fancy mid up to the present nme, .i.i. ..I.,. nii.n waV 111 iU- :P --ii nw 1,3 " " , public, tm he nn-: tiihnai anv extraneous aid . )r, is a recommendation of its character and an eviuen-o ui puunv. em;mpntin its favor, which makes us both sraif:t d and gtateful. Without n ma'.et';;u change in the plan ot the Tvorkwo shall enter upon tne t-ntrtn volume ,f the work wiih a s'eady pur-''j.-c to sj.vatn its interest and useful-ne-i, hnl l) i-.Tibra'.'c every opportuni 'o mcrcasr; ihe value of the work. TtR:ii. Si.)'i,'c copies thren dollars i vear : two ' for five dollars, and 0i r fi.n .b.ll.-l ra. y lav tacrhMoa money free uf charge their abilities and the indulgence of the public; but they feel assured, that if application and unremitting attention, he the chief requis'.tes to ensure the r,Mron i"e of a liberal and enlightened -. success oi inu ivc-i iv-i " bf' certain. The political aspect oi in : v Panola, Miss. Jan. 1, 1815. l-6m till done brown by the warmth of his affection, and eloquent as a barrister a- , ' lone in his own chamber, in the presence t ' U !S I of the lady his blood ran as cold, and his tongue was as dumbfounded, as if the Circean enchantress had actually transformed him into a codfish. Ilis very passion seemed to have died sud denly, and left him to stand mute at the door. If Miss Wilmot would but have help ed him out with a leading question, such as whether he was even in love, or, if that was too bold for her delicate na ture how he liked such a song as Cra del or Come and live with me and be Dr. A. J. HOLCOMBft. Thankful for former patronage, con tinues to offer his professional services to the citizens of Panola and the snr rounding country He hopes that his i'i the treatment disease during ,vill undergo no change. To the Whig , season, wiH entitle him to a hebnoT- nnd in the ranks ol ; r,,,j p (- ..,. practice. His that rartv, we intend to do battle, w neili J cjmr(T(fS vv;u jG moderate, aud a liberal victory perch upon cur stanaaru. or ; discounl aiowed ,n all cases ol prompt r.oi ,ml ruin rnsi? around us. 'C; I tf . - hm.: I i . er Ul " . . . " .i . 1V1,: n- ,t tr hold the principles oi " '" I"'1-' to US r.V'i Cu'ncs for ten hold tne prim-ip" to be the true principles of the Ooi nK-nt-thc principles handed uuwr by Ihe saaes of U. 1 Although the result oMe recent con- . . 1 .t mnti .lisastrous lo us Post Mas-O-- ,nrhn, traii,d in the T a no l a M i . J a n ua n y 11, .1815. . ! .. i . I,-., nti mi r r? are rit horied by law to torwara j niili-inah its "stars and stripes have grown suddenly dim, and our irmies routed and scattered, every j where, yd, like valiant soldiers, we I will snalch up our banner, and brush the i.lust from it folds; and rally for anoth- ! er contest. ...,. v. The Register will.noi ou ub.uhui,.. variety . , , ;. and ueiigni out i;"! it.. t ;r,c1-iirt ina as me will bom ean a..u "-';-.;",,,. contine men aowun-w, of conuu el and till tlv one's teeth were entangled with the vile ringlets; at least so he found upon walking, with the fieece of the blanket! What a life it was! Death at the stake would have been preferble, wheth er tho stake was tender or not. Anni. hilation would have been still better, provided always, that the rival was an nihilated long with him; like an infinite deal of nothing.! Why had he ever been at all! In the meantime a solitary gleam of comfort sometimes visited nim. From a cause that may be guessed, Black and White, whilst eloquent in praise of the face and chest of the handsome pre'.cn- der, were unconsciously rather silent a- bout ti e rest of the figure, in particular never savins a word of his let's. Por- my love; if she had only looked at him hapg thjy wer bowed Uke Bacch.i3, a little less like the ladies at Madame rrom riding on a barrej. TussoudW had she merely seemed to perhap3 Uuockej.kneoJ) like the baker's understand his case; no; she was either urinaturaiv si10rt. a hannv idea! naturally ignorant of his symptoms, Grown jurr,ped at it, and indulged it, till or wilfully like Aberfeldie, when he . r he had lwisted u , ,; bg said to a fanciful pvient, who hinted !f h riyal jnl0 a Lracc 0f rht anj ?.EAI A"it:;.-AN Fa.mIlV NEWSl'ArtR. X. V. S:i tin tiny Kmiiorinm AWiLY Ml-CIXLANKOUS JOURNAL. iLiterature, Agriculture, Hui Median- 'C arid Fine Arts, Political Economy, ''n'iciiui, Metropolitan Life, Do tttCaL'ciinJ Foreign News, Poliii. xa! aa) Commercird Intelli gcace, Statistics, Talcs, Vo ftry, Muiic, Engraving, Ac, Nutral in poli tics and religion. 'BMTF.D BY HDMUND B. G HE EN Tho subscribers have made arrange- "'"' i;r .mblishins in the city of New- a weekly newspaper, to be called Iie''Satur day "Emporium." It will be PfirittJ nn n fiifirk sheet o f the largest 'Wrioiis, embracing thirty six col- I . reading matter. The quality l the par er nnd (he typographical exe-(-'Uion will be of the niost superior char n5!cr. The first number will puplish Saturday June 30. full, comprehensive, miscellanc us newspaper, the Emaorium shall not surpassed by anv other in the Uni 21 Slates. It will embrace every thing can be brought within the range Ol.c newsgatherer, the literature, the ,ti;er writter, the poet, philosopher and clt'c. It win present a daguerreotypo a3 it is men as they are RAtfers a lid ih'ms .'ts "they soem; and . ii ' '-- ...;." "" ' - it a ,-lusivelv to Political intelligence. As va V is the spice of life," - -ntend I . ' n,t .telioht oui readers, wuno ! we cball at the same time puhl uh w hat i ' . i nnit ns the ! will b'llh edit ! nnblishers will 'delusively to the business ol conuuet 'inf the paper, they may venture to i 1 L ,Ur svbscribers an inlerel- pro.m- .v.. years a jpoiiucai i aunna such not tobc anuuiu, .... . ,, -,,., ,.i m strive bv all means PMmi, ana g,.- C-3 00 in adtncp Xvv Good, I IN MEMPHIS. J& S. MARTIN & Co. having re moved from FRONT ROW, to the corner of MAIN & MADISON streets; where they are now receiving and oneniii', a large and desirable stock of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, which will bo sold for cash as CI1EP, OR CHEAPER than goods have hereto fore been sold in Memphis. They invite all persons visiting I Menplv "'' view to purchase goods ; to call anu avetT bTOCK. .. "! 12 tf. something about ossificalion. "Young man, bring me your heart on a plate, and Fll tell ou what's the matter with it " In vain he tried the usual expedients left corkscrews, with a pair ofclub feet. That decided him. He resolved to walk with his own legs straight to the adiy house, lo kneel, lo throw himself if necessary, at her feet, and with as i- 4 t f r . j1! 3 V J - u w A - v a vvc Wm. S. K r. t I it- F. Y. ROCIvETT. .. . . tv... i i. 1844. '. ., IVoin oar head, have changed bc name ofourpar .lfc21 Itnnk Place, Gio.Poi.lard, MA '.Horn8 10-22-tf O0rt?i3 I I I PW Memphis Tennessee feSrS THOMAS G. JOHNSON (LATE OF TH3 EXCHANGE HOTEL ) This new and splendid Bouse, with new furniture throughout, is now open ed. THECOMMERCIAL HOTEL is situated in the centre of the buisness part of the city, near the Steam Boat Landing, in Andrews1 fine block of buildings. The proprietor pledges him self lo be excelled by no one, in.,his accommodations. Memphis Jan. 29 1315 6 Cm. . i. . ' ' with which basn Hi I young men secu oj much a(tvantageas possible, display his reinforce their resolves; his case was cruei nicrnbers, and hint that there were beyond brandy. It he had seen -a uou- mcn whQ werg Qnly fa o approach a ble Mis Wilmot, it would oniy nave fair ,ady by jumping in a sack Awa, turned into two codhsh, insieau ui um,. but first hQ communicaled a In vain, taking the hint form fcchtier s of Jjls purpose to his two friends Fight with the Dragon, he uressea up swaggering not a little, in his utter ig- a lay figure of a lady, for his courage to practice on: he never succeeded be- 1 tho rehearsal. 1 When he came on j - he was damned, Poor Brown! In the mean time his two friends, whpther nitvin his condition, for the - - i " aug fin sad X9C ! RANGERS NOTICE. WAS posted by ANDREW WAR REN, living four miles North west of Pharsalia 1 dark bay horse, G or 7 years old, 144 hands high, a small star in tho forehead, has a small white rm(T nhovo his left hind hoof, has had the fistula and swinney. and appraised to $T. Wm.' S. KEITH R. r. c. April 19th 1845. 14-3-w. Job'vork of all k inds done at this office. sporfs sake, tried their utmost to egg him on; but it was anything else but egging a gamo chicken. Like some vi vious horses, the more he was urged forward the more he backed; or jibbed of! the road; or turned short round and and bolted. They even offered to go Ktm and heln him. in the legal Willi ! 1 ' noranceof the share they had in screw ing him up to the desperate pitch. Of course Black and White lauged in their sleeves; but they said nothing but what was euqivalent to a pat on the back, or the policemen s move on. lood bye, shouted white remembei faint heart never won fair lady. Nor a . brown one, either, bawled Black. She's mine! shrieked Brown, cutting a caper with his right leg, and flourish in" one arm above his hat, like a colonel at the head of a forlorn hope, going to nhrase, in delivering the declaration, or storm a fort; for example, Badajos to propose for him by proxy; but to Aud no hero could have borne himself both proposals he gave a decided nega- more bravely, for a lew rods, poles or live"! There seemed nochance,in fact, perches; but then he faltered ; then ral- f hUpver ottering himself tc tho lady's lied; then wavered; and then marched acceptance, except by a posthumous be- on again. For whenever he thought nf Mis Wilmot ha lingered, but then nuest. DiacK. ousiuvj ium of Miss W7ilmot he lingered, he remembered the rival, and that spur red him forwnad; and sometimes he thought of both together, which brought him to a stand still, that he might stamp and White offered with Black's assist ance, to draw up the will, but Brown as is usual, would not accede to the pro- -:;r. finrl tfpterm'.ned to die intestate 1JU3IUULIJ "" " - - in-nite of the additional duty on the a little, and vow vengeance a Utile, and n.-WnU.ratian.. shake his fist a good de..l at some uti At last, it occurred to his two.backers, conscious cow, or innocent donksy, or ,k, nrhans the appearance of a rival still more innocent, empty air. No man in the field might induce their man to ever went so many paces to the mile, s rush into tho ring, nj accordingly in besides occasionally going on .price at ti coming over the Flats; at last he got up ihe drawing-room stair, heard hij name announced, and a hive of bees swarming at the same time: saw a car pet, then the a ceiling, and then a table, with two candles dancing on it, appa rently for the amusement of Mis? Wil mot. bhc was alono, and as ho wished to be alone with .her, so we leave them. In (lie mean lime Black and White, over their tea, discussed the chancea for and against tho success of the woo er, and settled that the odds were some thing like all St. George's. Hanover Square, to dissenting chapel in his fa vor. In reality he was rather well looking than otherwise, with an -elegant figure, a good address, and pleasing manners iuch a person as few young' ladies, if disengaged, would be likely U refuse, nd as to any rival, they had never heard or seen any trace of one, except the fellow with the ringlets, and of him only his figure-head. It was a favorable sign, besides, that Brown's visit was such a long one: hour struck after hour, but he did not return how could he! Doubtless, having told hi love, he had extorted a mutual confes sion in return, and was enjoying that sweet confidence between young hearts, for which the longest day a bittock would hardly seem long enough! Nine! Ten! Eleven and still ho came not; nor yet at Twelve; when tho pair determined to wait no longer, but to retire to their bsls. In the way to their rooms they had to pass BrownV chamber, the door of which stood wide open; and amongst other prominent objects within, Black's eye was attract ed by a very large stout hook project, ing from a beam on the wall. The hint was enouhg. In his own room he kept a stout cord, to escape by from his first floor window, in case of fire. This rope he fetched, made a slip noose in it, most scientifically, and then fastened the other end to the hook. White looked on, till the apparatus was com plete, and then with the burnt end of a stick inscribed on the wall FOR A REJECTED LOVER. It wasi capital joke by tho amount of their laughter, but suddenly turned rather grave. Suppose, said he, thai by any chance she should refuse him; he will perhaps take it in dudgeon and besides he would be terribly cut up, poor fellow, and I should be sory to vex him Not he said Black. She is sure to have him, and he will return in such raptures, that the worst joke in the world would seem the best in it, and set him crowing like a cock! But be will want something to throw himself off from and with a chuckle he push ed a chair immediately under the rope. The friends then shook hands, bade each other good night, and went to bed and from bed to sleep, as sound as tops. Black dreamt of nothing; White had a vision of Brown's weeding, and that he fe'lin love with the bridesmaid, but all the amenities of the dreamgra dually vanishes, till afAer several ob scure entanglements he found himself tied neck and heels apd with that ;ir- ",tDnntedafine lot of warraat -ery tow for cash.