Newspaper Page Text
T K N U (W THE LYNX. evrry Sv.Ttmirv at jnwrt(l for on dollar per . ...i n Wifl "1 ' ; ilui .IIIBU AHvt.r" i. ) lr the first nttertion. tmn 11112' ul 1 . ' mart r .'fr -,,-H Tilwqent insertion. ml fW of a pconal nature will in- Ad-",,r'" . double price of ordinary ad- nert"- .,.im.:. A deduction will be I null make it lor the inttieat of iner rient put of tfo direct line of liini- Aflvetti' a,.erti!Hsrr;i21 be rhargnil for rpflriw ? , aIjs not alterable fW tire vear, p-,'!.?1' . .l-ii 1 ' T line or ier it'" "",tr"' nfoBilidt3 forntnuy ortVca will The 1 " f five ,imr, payaWo alwuys in ed- HA By Keith &llockcff. llcvoted to News, Politics, Commerce, Asricnllnrrj, &c. Two Dollars in Advance. xre'' t vkot i v ill never be delivered mit'll I ...!nliAltlArrtt(lir HT1 ..! circular uir cnminin"i'" .......,, "Eternal Vigilance is the price of Liberty. VOL. 1. PANOLA, ML, SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1845. NO. 30 As it shall be unexceptionable in all re spects. It is intended to invest it with that kind of well-wrillen miscellany which will render it eminently quali fied in sunnlv the wants of both city '!Sintor,i" bacltarg vt half price j Q t y readers nfiording an a "i;;iT adveitlM.. ' 3 luyn0unL 0f Ch0ice yariety, with matter of a more solid and important character. The editorial department has been placed iu ihe hands of a gentleman whose abilities nd experience as an 4lf.-.iemenW ivt nin nrVed witli the numlfrof ... . ... i ?.:n (,rl;,l ami anv ,.;, Will l) COlHinurw ' V'1 .. . .. I. ...... 1 Mvtra. J I .,; i,ns made alter uvem , ,. Vrtislng patrriw will favor . W liPad,S ! lVi.lrtiirinpnM nearly after oar regular t VJ , .... .,..;.,,t not tater in anv tlOII"11" !" . , j(-WOKK miMtb pnidfor on deliv- t nvit t. paid on allletter,or they wil is0 f itail Arrangements, ijyil from .Memphis arriveion Tuesday' ;.ii:inv at rj o ciocR. noon, ana uepari '-,hii ut 1 o'clock the same days. J M.iil from Oxford arrives on Wednes- ,11 I4S a u riuuii, aim ut-'aj a .jmt f Mail from Carrelltrn, iii 7 o'clock, and tlep at o o clock. arrives Thursday parts on .Monday 1 Xt f jr t'arrol'.ton closen or Sunday eve--hi' u'clcick. T'l,;i for Ox ford clones ?n Mondiy ere M o'clock. fM.llr Memphis clones on Tarscay's .:i:irJ:ivi at 1 "olnck noon. Thomas It. T n r 11 c r, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice in the Circuit Courts 'Panola, Tallahatchie, Yalobusha, Lafayette, Marshall and Desoto counties the Cha ncery Court at Holly Springs, and ihe l-'edcral court at Tontotoc. REFERENCES. Thomas H. Allan, Memphis, Ten. Allan tc Apperson.Comn Merchs'4 editor an writer . vclS known by the ;trchabald Walker, Memphis ii t it 'liii. . . on tne t k XII r. UOVEK. fU'.rih volume 'Commencing I ilst of Sept. 1041. IWKEKLI: MAGAZINE LlTalrs, Toetry, Legends, f WIT, ROMANCE AND ART, V-yy Seba Smith, and. pjblished by S. D. p-n i Cc. N 1 13 Fultoit St., New ork, V,;hout iniending or wishing todis oilier works, the publishers g;:ity to the charge of attempt--.fjmake the lover t!e best, the v for the price, among the vari- V v i'tMir cor.tams sixteen Rrge s ufbtiu'.tifully printed choice mat- ith a w.'jlul steel engraving, . i. 1. 1 ., . i ;d. !, u.'l.t: Up i" liljjlliy t'luuviiiaii- ,,:i,;.ua;fii cover, making i':y p'u'cs. lit; work Uas now lived t an age to : i m some 'k-ero'J character to ior i'vei?', Hud to warrant Conft- ia stuDi'iiy. Vc prefer not o".ir csvjj n raises, but two Vol 's H veiif. t o. n:. rising 33i agcs and a, a" they will praise let us. our We e'n'jori'J hard to make a magazine ;.'.)gr"ul r?s ol ttjc community, 'I i... il. Iwv llinlfoilld nnsi- .4jcc.fcrcl lor tht price, combining iii':ciiifiit with Mtstruction, dissenu- 0 a tuste I or the arts and encour 12 a lick some and elevated litera- Ihw far we hive been successful in . n'.UiifU'.it'iit of these objects does not us to say. 1 hat the Itover has .n sustained by the public, through 'j a a.'ey and up to the present time, jh leit to make its own way in eoorkl without any extraneous aid ' Jutnce, is a recommendation of ':;.:.-acter and an evidence of public 's.atin its favor, which makes us 'gratified and grateful. Whhont ?'al change in the plan of the ! we shall -en or upon the fourth -lot ibe work with a steady pur : a sjstatn its interest ami useful unJto embrace every opportune- ;r.crease tne vaiuu ui m wuia Single copies three American public. In discharging the duties connected with that department, ho will receive, uud twite with his own time nnd pensonal attention, the aid of come of the best talent in the country. AJrangcments have been .made for tin extensive Home and Foreign Cor respondence, and wliters of eminence are engaged to contribute in this man ner sketches of men and society with portraitures of all the variety of-custom and character to be found in various parts of the world. A striking feature in the general charactar of the Saturday Emporium, will he its bold and graphic SKETCHES OK METROPOLITAN LIFE. There will appear from time to time, illustrated by engravings, and will form a new era in the developements of so ciety, civil, social, and domestic, politi cal and public life. The evils abound ing in fashionable society will be un masked, the deep degradation of the abandoned made visible, the spiait of licentiousness which prevails to an a larming extent in all classes of the com munity, walking abroad at noonday with a bold and independent air, will be rebuked and held up for public gaze and, in fine, public abuses and private evih, of whatever nature or name, will be oonfrontec and exposed, and what ever may tend to promote the public welfare shall receive encouragement and support. The publishers will spare neither 'abor or expense in furnishing the pub lie with a paper which shall be unequal e.l, in any attainable point of excel lence, by any other similar publication in the world. Subscription Two Dollrrs per year, in advance. 07 Letters on business must be post paid in otder to receive attention. Addrvss WARD & COMPANY. .10 Ann street Now York. REGISTER. Ths u:ukr?ned having purchased ofF. A.Tyler liq.. the Weekly Agis ter Office, deem it their duty to address themselves to its Patrons and the public, in relation te the manner in whichit will, in future, be conducted. In thus assuming the h;gh duty of conducting a public journal, they may, perhaps have presumed loo much upon their abilities and the indulgence of the public; but they feel assured, mat u application and unremitting attention, be the chief requisites to ensure the patronage of a liberal and enlightened of the Register will Walker, Anderson & Co. " J. Gil I is &Co.,Com M. Robson & Allan, C M N. Orleans. W. Y. Gholson'Esq, Cincinnti Ohio James Murdock, Uuntsville Ala. rANOLA COMISS. WILLIAM SMITH. (Lateoflhejirm of Miller Sc Smith.) ittoraey -Counsellor at Law, FANOLA.COUNTY. MISS. ILL practice in the Circuit Courts of the ih Judicial District, the Chancery Court at Holly Srings, and ihe Federal Court at Pontotoc. Office in Belmont. 5-tf i CALVIN MILLER, Attorney and counsellor at Law Will practice iu the Circuit Courts of the 8th Judicial District and the Circuit Court of Tallahatchie County; in the District Chancery Court at Hol ly Springs, the Federal Court at Pon- TO LYNX, Jun'r. 1 send a bunch of grapes to thee, A cluster from my dower vine; I send thee, too, fresh from the tree, A blushing peach with roses twined. The fruit and flowers I send to tiieo, Are offered fiom my hand to thine, Because the froit of vine and tree, And roses t lit thee Moses shrine, JULIA. Qf TO JULIA. Allow me, Julia, to retjrn The thanks I owe to thee. For the rich fraits thy fairy hands Have kindly sent to ins. I have no glowinghoughts to breathe, Nor Blowing words that bum, Nor any fitting gift, that I Can give thee in return. The plum?s the peaches, art 1 the grapes, And flowers thou hast sent, Form a rare combination, and Thyself do represent. The plum, thy lip, the peach, thy cheek, The grape, thy darkling eye ; The flower, thou art, in innocence, Tha way-side blooming by. 1 have but one kind deed to crave I neer craved it before Before those blushing fruits are gone, Vd like to have some more. LYNX, Jr could. When Hepburn U asked what it is that prompts him to jump in after every body that falls into the water, his an swer is don't liketo see any body in distress." to ISC 12 li LAi HOIJS. AMPHIBIOUS MAN. The Southern Literarv Messenrrer totoc, and the High Court of Errors gives the following account of Ander- and appeals at Jackson. Office in Panola. 3 12m IJI.VCIiSlII TIIIC4. son Hepburn, a muatto man of Alex dria, whose extraordinary powers are only equalled by his courage and hu manity. Strano-e and shame to sav. THE undesigned having permanent- hi3 on, fd ierctolbro has tecn ly located himself m this place, is J prepared to execute all work in his j h,s n Bood conscience, line, on the shortest notice, and in the j 44 II he be not, by his nature, am most complete and durable manner, j phipious, he has appended that quality ins onop is on me main sireei .ea- . :. &Q c.omDlete1v as to cause it to do- serve the appellation of a second na- We clip the following from the Lou isville Journal. Whether founded on fact or merely a sketch of fancy, it is a rich production, and if the reader is fond of a hearty laugh, we commend it to his perusal. Prentice has been laugh ing at the Astronemers of Cincinnati far some time, and having exhausted ail the amusement to be extracted from them, he now mounts the editor of the Cincinnati Enquirer: An Astronomical Observation. Brough, ef the Cincinnati Enquirer, went a few nights ago to look through the big Cincinnati telescope. He took his seat and began his astronomical observations. There were several gen tleman standing near him, who were greatly edified by the running commen tary he kept up on what he saw. He recoiled from the telescope after he had looked into it a moment, and swore Tie saw the ugliest thing ever made. Again, he looked and said; 44 iee some thing that looks like man no it's more like a baboon dressed op in human clothes, h's rot ears as bis as old HOUSE INSTRUCTIONS. 44 Delightful task to keab," &c. The following immortal extract ha immortalized the author to a moral ceTtainty, if a body only kn9w him': "Now close your book, Bob,"said the mother, soon after I was seated; "and, Alec, give me yours. Put your hands down, turn from the -fire, tni look up at me, dears. What is the cap ital of Russia?1' "The Birman cmpire,,, Said Alec, with unhesitating confidence. "The Baltic sea," cried Bob, emulomand ar dent. " Wait not so fust; let me see, my dears, which of you is right?" Mr. Thompson appealed immediately to her book; after a long and private commu nication with which, 6he emphatically pronunced both wrong, "Give us a chance, mother," said Bob in a wheedling tone, (Bov knew his mother's weakness,) Them's such hard worda. I don't know how it i, but I never can remember 'em. Just tell os the first syllable; oh, do now please?" "Oh, I know nw!" cried Alee, 4 It's something with a G in it." " Think of the apostles, dears. "What are the names ot the opostles?" 44 Why there's Moses," began Bob, counting on his his fingers, " and there's Sammy well, and there's Aaron and Noah's ark" " Stop, my dear," said Mrs. Thomp son, who was very busy ivith'her man ual, and contriving a method of render ing a solution of her question easy. 44 Jnst begin again. 1 said was Peter no, not that who was an apostle?' " Oh, I know now '."cried Alec again, (Alec was the sharp boy of the family,) "It's Peter. Peter's the capital ofRus- sia. No net quite my dear. You are Smith's jackass. Jehu! what an trgly 1 very warm vert warm, indeed, but ding from the public square to th river, where ne may be tound at all times. Panola, Mi. Jay. 18 1045. 2 3w WM. E. FARMER. The partnership heretofore existing CJ ' this day dissolved by mutual consent. CALVIN MILLER. WILLIAM SMITH. January 20th 1845, 3 4w. R EMERY, T A 1 LOR; Returns his thanks to-hts friends and the public generally, for their very liberal patronage lieretotore, oc assures them that he will spare no pains to merit it in future. Panola, Miss. Jau. 1, 1845. 1-Cm ture. The water and the land, the sea and the shore, are the same for all -practical purposes. He can stand in water, walk in it, lie upon it as camly as an infant in a cradle, with his face towards the blue arch above or towards mouth ; it looks as if it had fed on noth ing but green persimmons and horse radish for a month. Its eyelids. keep falling down as if it was afraid to look an honest man in the face. One eye sqaints, and the other jumps olout like! a pea on a hot shovel. The critter's bumps are awful, the I) ing bump sticks out like a wen, and the stealing bump is so big that he'd make a mighty bad customer for a bank. I'll swear that if that is the man in the moon I'm looking again 1- v )f I d i4 w. t ir 8t tb ft -t if 3 ft IV.C- lV alt? ; by7 ej; . par tain 9 f$.' O. - Americas Fa.mIly Newspaper. V. Saturday Emporium MiKSLY MISCELLANEOUS JOURNAL. literature, Agriculture, the Mcchan- '' Fine Arts, Political Economy, i "i-j'siii, Metropolitan Life, Do f MiticanJ Foreign News, Polili. I ctl and Commercial Iutelli- g'iuce, Statistics, Tales, Po i ctry, Music, Engravings, fj &c, Nutral in poli- public, the success of the Registe lif rf-riain. The political aspect of the Register, will undergo no change. To the Whig party we belong; and in the ranKs oi that nnrtv. we intend to do battle, wheth at- uirMnrv norch unon our standard, or A.C.nt curl ruin mfffi a round us. We hold tha principles of the Whig party to be the true principles of the Govern mentthe principles handed down to us i it ! hv ihfi snnrns of76. 3ns.-55.ngle copies inreo oouar , ft onie rccentCon- , or five do.lars and AuS;oved mosl disa3trous to us--xs lor ten dar 1 ojt AW , . Pur banner has trailed in the treeot charge i ii.ivr l u aa nrmipx routed and scattered, every u,i,r- vrt. like valiant soldiers, we will snatch up our uanner, and brush the dust from its folds j and rally for anoth er contest. The Register wilnot be devoted ex clusively to Political intelligence. As the snice of life," we intend to amuse and delight out readers, while j ii tUQ cmo time nuDiisn wnai we snaii o.- , wi'l both edify and instruct auu publishers will confine their attention, exclusively to the business of conduct ioi he paper, they may venture to promise their svbscribers an interest in Journal, for the next iwo ar; Z "poTitical contest for the Presidency .s iTia 'be anticipated; and, during such .: ' iotnnd to strive by all means to please our patrons of both parties, always giving' all a fair chance to be heard, excluding personalities, and giv- uiff onencu i . .,, H. rv o r Vio TJooister. will l ne icni" u o "ScW CSoods, Kl MEMPHIS. J& S. MARTIN AcUo. having re moved from FRONT ROW, to the corner of MAIN & MADISON streets; where they are now receiving and opening, a large and desirable stock of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, which will ba sold for cash as CHEAP, OR CHEAPER than goods have hereto fore been sold in Memphis. They invite all persons visiting Memphis with a view to purchase goods to call and examine their Stock. 12 tf. at, ihts old follow had better wear 1 t'c3 and religion. subscribers have made arrangc- Jtor publishing in the city of New- ii "weekly newspaper, lobe Called 'urday Emporium." It will be on a folio sheet of the largest Vions, embracing thirty six col- Of rnndirw mnttA. Tha nitntilV lfiticr and the typographical exe lwiU be of the most superior char The first number will puplish , Saturday Jnne 30. 411, comprehensive, misccllanc? f 5est.aper, the Emaorium shall not r-u oy any oiner in uic um Wea. h will p.mhr:irifverv thinjr :can be brought within the range ,;s ws'itherer, the literature, tne ;;rwruter, the poet, philosopher and It Will nroPtit n Anrrnor rROtVDO lit e as 'l is men as they are ,fsand thingj s they seem; and , J nS shall be wantins lo make it a THE undersigned, Admistrator of the Estat ofZimry, W. Tait. de ceased, having, at the January Term A. D. 1845 of the Probate Court of Pa nola oountv, filed his accounts for final settlement "at the March Term A. D. 1845 of said Court? Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in said Estate, to attend at said Term of Court, and show cause if any they have, why final settlement and allowance of said accounts should not thenbe made. JAMES, RUFFIN. Adm'r of the Estate of Zimry W. Tail de ceased. January 25, 1845 3 6w, be i in in advance. v Wm. S we . KEITH. F. Y. ROCKlii i. ,1 . Tiat 14. 1844. ...:n ,nnpnf from our head, S Will i I have changed the name of our paper. iiniiard, II opUins & Vo. lO tc2l uankPlace, GEO.r.OLLARD, W.C.IIoKIS JKO.E.T0WSM nun lO-22-tf ..NOTICE..,, THE undersigned, num... .uu,4 the Estate of George. W. Terry, deceased, having, at the Januray Term A D 1845 of the rrooaie oouri ui Inola county, filed his accounts for final settlement at the March Term A. D. 1845 of said Court: Notice is hereby given to all persons :.,oei !n said Estate, to attend at aid Term of Court, and show cause, ir anv they have, wny nna. wiueuiem and allowance of said accounts should 4 iUnn' llfl mfldft. " ROBERT. W.BRA1IAM. AdnCr of the Estate of Geo. W. Terry rfw'cf. January 1 " " For sale. A RARE BARGAIN. T will sell at a bargain the dwelling . ' . Pannla. in which I now re- nouse iu side- F. A.TYLER. 14-lf TM mi Irs. . . . h,l mrr ! n 1- Anril 9. '184a any posisition and in any direction; can plunge deeper into ihe aquatic abyss and live longer in the nether element, than any o'her man. Anderson Hep burn has rescued ninteen human beings from drowning! With the instinct of a noble humanity he plunges into the water, no matter how deep or how gusty, and snatches the scared, screa ming, panting, trembling victim from the grasp of the destroyer. He never pauses to deliberate, to consult proba bilities, to u hold parley with ttumaniy fears)" imagines no dangers, and seems to take it for granted he has a com mission to save all who need this par ticular kind of help. How few can give ill It must be instant relief or none; and he is the man for instant action. How many fond hearts has he filled with gratitude to overflowing Who can forget such a deliverer? On one occasion he saved three drown ing men who clung to him with such fierce tenacity, such preternatural wild ness, that he was well nigh strangled with their convulsive efforts. But hap pily fcr him, he seems to possess a sort of superhuman impenetrability to that m03t contagious of all emotions, sympa thetic fear in a common danger, and his energetic spirit triumphs over all Ilis first successful effort was the res cue of himself from drowning, after having tumbled over the sides of a ship into the bay. A fine little colored boy once fell into a well, in a dark night, with such appalling suddenness that not a sound was heard from the sufFe?-. er by these who vVere tto rods distant.1 e nVust have shrieked but it was in the dark depths beneath. The apper- ture in the pavement, near the pump, made by his breaking through the rotten sleepers uuder the bricks, was so small that an umbrella, which the boy carri ed was left standing, or rather spread over it. Other feet had a few tributes before pressed over the same spot. Two days were spent by busy men sounding and raking for the body. At length Hepburn came; h3 descended into the well, disappeared beneath the muddy waters, laid his hand on the child imbeded In the reappeared above the ater to lake breath, went down a pain and brought up the dead body. It was some comfort to the poor grief stricken mother to receive again her dead child. The faithful man could not, like lhe prophet, restore the child nhVto bU m:v.h-jr,but he bU wnai ne mask. "Mr. Mitchell " continued Brough," takicg his eyes from the tel- rj. , r-iis uic man iu moon lit As Brough very innocently put this interrogation to the Professor, the whole company, which had been con vulsed with laughter while listening to the editor's brilliant astronomical re marks, roared aloud. For five minutes, there stood Brqugh looking as vacant as an apple dumpling at the uprorious astronomers, wondering what the devil had got into the fellows. At length one of the company having become sufficiently composed said: "Why, Brough, you are hoaxed." 4 Hoaxed!" repeated Brough, look ing as fiat as one of his own editorial. 44 Yes, hoaxed," replied the astrono mer. 44 You have been looking at your self." And this was true, for some wag had slipped a looking glass into the tube, and poor Brough, instead of describing the man in ihe moon, had given a pret ty faithful descr.ption of his own ap pearance. He pulled his hat down over his ugly eyes, rammed his fists into the depths of his breeches pockets, and, hanging his head in his usual way, left the observatory muttering curses against astronomers, telescopes, and men in the moon. not quite hot. Try 44 Paul " half murmured Robert, with a reckless hope cf proving light. 44 No, Peter's right: but there's some thing else. What has your father been taking down the beds for?" Ther6 was a solemn silence, and three indus trious sisters blcsed the faintest blush that could be raised upon a maiden's cheek. " To rub that stuff npon the wall!" said the ready Aide. 44 Yes, but what is it to kill!" continu ed the instructress. ( " The fieas," said Bob. Worse than that, my dear." " Oh, I know now," shrieked Alec for the third time. " Petcrsbug'a th the Capital of Russia?" Mrs. Thompson looked at me with pardonable vanity and triumph, and I bestowed upon the success full students a few comfits which i had purchased on my road for my humorous and comfit loving friends.' FAIR BETTING. A correspondent of the Spirit of the Times says ho saw an Irishman bet a Dutchman one dollar on Fashion, which of course the Irishman lost. Shortly afterward the money-taker came around and was offered by the Dutchman tho dollar he had won. "No, no," said the collector, "thi don't go, it's pewter." Xi Der duyvil, said the Dutchman the cursed cheat." "jWell, well," said the collector, "you've got another dollar you mus havo had, OTyoti couldn't have bet," " Oh, yes," said the Dutchman, find that he was concerned, " oh, yes, but mine Got, mine ish a bad won too?" THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Some of Iho difficulties which meet a foreigner in attempting to learn our language, may be seen from the follow ing, where words of the same sound oc- CUr, but entirely different in their sig nification: Parallel to the beach rati a. row of beech trees. He is a seller of old clothes, aria" lives in a cellar. Did you ever sco a person pare a pear with a pair scissors? The bear seized him by the bare leg. I could not bear to look on. Sol staid at home to sew my clothes, but John went out into ihe field to "sow wheat. He succeeded by and manceuvcr oT sleighcot hand shghl all suchtrickery. He threw the javalin, and pierced the hart through the heart. llisgaitU very awkard. He swings like a gate on its hinges. : Sheridan once fell into a coal cellar, on his way home, after supping at Dru ry Lane; and the abuso of the vender for not keeping a light at the cellar door, was warmly retorted by the wife, " What," cried Sheridan, who was not hurt, "do you think 1 want to pock et your coals?" " No," retorted tho wench, "but your hose htany set tno coal-hota "on fire," " How does the razor cut?" said & barber while shaving one of his custo mers. " Pretty well, I should think, seeing as how you have cut me in two places already." A young lady at Lowell proposed to open a school to teach young ladies "crewel work," as though they did not already understand it. Inquest. "Caii you fell me, Pomp; what a jury of inquest am?" . . " Yes, a jury of inquest am a body of men what sits down on a dead man to find out whether he are dead for sar tin, or dnly playing possum." "How 'mazin cute you is, Pomp!" "A hose habit," sighed the shirt orl the handspike. Dr. Skipp recommends a hop $'6XU tics for jumping tooth ache. ' ' i ! I j.:r r. ' i i I s it i. i f i . -I ' 4 1 V .1 . 1 1 t I! t V I tf. . ' . i : St X t i ,1 i . ,4i "i'l t. . " ; I !' ! " i " ;.'! : . i' i ; Ml 1:51. . ! i J V ' I hi.., ! ! i 1 ;t I H I ' ! I 1 t S 4JSYSpApl;i, F0R FA MI LIES Just filiated atme 101 oi - . rauiMa,.M f.n,Terylow for ch. j