Newspaper Page Text
THE LYNX. nil'..! i ... - 1 fdf tn linf'1 orlcs,) (or the first insertion, ' "'"ffiftv'rent"'"'' l',(lne,u insertion, i 4 ur'rti",'l "fil l'prs,",aI nnuuc will in i H,. 1,. .-luirftl loull price of ordinary ad I r ...... Vi ir riiNi . lt,r who advprtifc by the year to anil 1 ..-..iintM HiaWeit for the' inteiost ol nit r- tiClf"," ...flUn rVirp.t lull, llf lllixi- w o JW Kcilli & Koclictl. licvotcd lolVcivs, Politico, Commerce, Agriculture, &c. Two Dollars in Advance. -A ("eduction will I) I "Eternal Vigilance is the ru i c i: of Li h e 11 T V A Ivrrt i of t ie yf:irt- ndvertier will lo char;;cl for rntc'v at tle ordinary rntfs. I'MlrJ'ionnl cards not alteraUo for the year, , ' leu linV or l-i!3 ten dollar. '"lV n-i.M of candidate for county ofin'rs w ill (';rl,.l ...rf,ved.UarM.ava!,h.aluv,.ncd- ,,,.nnd Svt? nffii-M trn iMlnrj. VOL. 1. RANOLA, ML, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1845. NO. IX Wicl circular-rconn,, j' hBlf dividual ,! .mist l,c paid in dav a- r.mvenient not later in any ,U-prtisin4 ..Ihflra. V j ,, than Thnr-day nht. ,).VO!ll mint be paid fo !p . r,;K I.? paid on all letter?, or tlicy wil tor on dcliv- r-; , . it' p- to ia on , fie ; an mJ 3 IvJ kc i i i'j rooj As it shall Imj unexceptienablc in all re spects. It is intended to. invest it. with that kind of well-written miscellany which will render it eminently quali fied to supply the. wants of both city and eountrv rcadersafiordinii an a- I grceahli amount of choice variety, with ,lvBnce. Mn nia,jird with the mimhrrof j matter of a tnorc solid and important iSTJill" continued 'till lorhid, and any character. raf,o.i made alter 'T ' J The editorial dopartjnent has beQn i'1" . ..... ...,.i,m 1 favor us lv handing - ., llPril t . I !tlt.!.. .... .1 n' ha ! editor an writer are well known hy the i American public. n discharging the : j duties connected with that department, ! i ho will receive, and unite with his own ; i time and pensoiial attention, the aid of j some of the best talent in the country.: i Ajranccmcnts have been mode for Th. MH fro... MMphi. arfMrson lot-dav extCnSivc Home and Foreign Cor- j i!Sat,ir(hv-SMtl oo o,-k noon, and depart . n , wfitpM nf pm:nfinre f arc engaged to .contribute in this man- ! I ner sketches of men and .society with j j portraitures of all the variety of custom j i :m,l rlinrnptpr5. to be found in various! j parts of l he world. I A striking feature in tire general jcharnctar of the Saturday Emporium, i will be its bold and graphic 1 sKFri'MKs ok Mi-ynioHM.rrAN i.ifk. There w ill appear from time to time, illustrated by engravings, ana win lorm D r n jt n y. Written for tltr. L'n.r. LOXd.lCO. Addressed to my wife. When from far distant climes, we first met, my beloved, Long, long ago, long ago, Your faith then was plighted; and well was it proved, Long, long ago, long ago, Chill penurys minds then assailed our way Iut love warmed our hearts, and en livened the day, Long, long ago, long ago. I often have mused on the fervor Jiail Arrangements, Phill. His facetiousness arid love" ot fun were proverbial. And although he has long since been gathered to his fa thers, -and there has.been no biography of him, yet he still Fives in tho legjn dary stories of the country in which he resided, to .all intents and purposes as fresh as if a Washington Irving had chronicled his deds. . One unacquainted with Phill would, on first sight, mistake him for a plain, homespun-clad clergyman. At the da'c of the occurrence to which we are about to allude, he was fifty years of age, though his appearance would not indi cate more than thirty five. He was of common size, with a slight disposition to corpulency, exhibiting a remarkably doors and ran for hoim; but out rushed the corpse after him 1 The race down Thurmond lane was run without any jockeying on John's side, lor if he had any thought on this subjec at all, he con sidered it lus last race. About half way the lane (and it extended nearly to Il'imsv's house) John received a blow Lei" na-ordujary violence. upon his. naked head for in his hurry he left his hat soon after another, and then another, and vhen a fourth, fifth, sixth, and divers smallor ones. Either of the six bfows first received would have fell John; bit for his supernatural ellbrts. Near his own house, Phill left him, and whilst waitinir to "ct a little breath, heard John ru-sh violently against the door, dii1 at I o'clock the sanitf day?, i Uird arrives on Wednes- , , l .11 Ir IvJii.i--- o'-loi-k, and d-'pam Tuesday .,t i nt I n'clock. M..;i ! n mi I a r. o. I v.i nrrmv Ml.' ,,-o.-k, n.vl departs of youth, If the visions of love, were the p.;c- j clear, light complexion, with small blue ! breaking it open. and falling midway in eyes. II is countenance, upon the whole, I the room, to the consternation and suc was preposessmg, and would have been ! prise of his lamily I si Mai .f liii; at on Alondav nt ,, Ah l for Carrollton closes on Sunday evp- o'clock. M iM for (Kfor.l clones on Monday cve- v1- nt " . M. I l"..r "IeiiV);llS CIO" 3 Oil ,n i TaeHpav"? istiinl-iv at 'l o'clock noon. TISS'V iiOVEK. Fnjrtn vmIuiuc commencing on the ! i;i. Ml I) '.'1st of Sept. IC l l. I WEEKLY MAGAZINE f Tales, S'oetry, Iieends, WIT, UOMAN( V. AND AUT, hy Skb Smith, and puldishnd l-y S. p, 'j. Na 1 : Fulton St., Now York, a new era m me ueveinpuuiu-iua vi ciety, civil, scial, an(f domestic, politi cal "and public life. The evils abound" imr in fashionable society will l tin- masked, the deep degradation of the abandoned made visible, the spialt ot licentiousness which prevails to an a larmtng extent in all clashes of the com numitv' walking abroad at noonday with a'Uild and independent air, will bo rebuked and held up for public gaze and, in due, public abuses and private evils, of whatever nature or name, w . . 1 I. Uithout or w.sinng iu u.v - ,llirrnntfi(, and exposed, and what publisuers i . . .i. n.,ur other works, the iWiv m the charsrc ol j prage 'n t.i make the Hover the best. lf h T. on , O: !I U !'! t mriff a. l c r,,r nriee. amoiin tue van- oas pcriortcals of the country. Each (Tkly iimnbei contains sixteen large ,.,,'es of U-aJtifuMy printed choice mal ii,.ritha teautilul steel engraving. ttiiJUdonc up in a highly emlellish ..Jiliuininat.'d cover, making two vol umes a yeur, o.mprising C'J'J pages and ol s!ccl plates. Tli..- w.irk has now lived to an age to encouragement neither i i -ti, u i line rue' of is, raid atpc to irt ;lr st e'ay le ? t . K- StU or pints J Lot!, c. cn- l: ; by J Tea iv IuihI f April Pro'iti: bv Pfl'-i, ; GOCi il of ti p, ,r"tir r n ll A m tuomntfi the nuhuc 1. 11. .-I. nil PliPlMl'n 1 1... r w ei uii iu n i-vi.v- and support. ! The publishers will spare alor or expense in furnishing the pub lie with a paper which shall hcunerpual j ed. in any attainable point of excel -; lenee, by any other similar publication ! in the world. Subscription Two Dollrrs per year, in advance. CO" Letters on businc must be post I : 1 " ; .. nttnntiriil decree a characier lo r ' w, ,n . nnuatW - i ii, l r.Q iv .All vv .'ii in . i . I w:iit;iiiI . eonn-r . x, , m.vaK rr i .-cii, mm , :jll Ann street .ew mri its stabduy. preler noi TO turcs of truth , Long, long ago, long ago; Put our warmth of aflection, and confidence tried. Is now with. my wife, as it was with my bride, Long, long ago, long ago. The landscape of morning was lovely and gay, And love as the dsw-drops that sparkled in May, Long, long ago, long ago. The calm mellow evening, now cheers my soul best, And the sun gilds more pleasing the .clouds in the west, Long, long ago, long ago. Iove's mantle, embroidered bv fervor and truth, Long, long ago, long ago, Knoiicled us both in the spring-time vof.vouth, - Ions ago, long ago! Lovcs garden enriched ' with her fruits and her vines, Can now give more joy than Pe ruvian mines, Long, long. ago, long ago! Dost thou remember the evening we roved, Long, long ago, long ago! Then, then you. told mb how fond ly you loved, Long, long ago. long ago: strikingly so, but for Us .very serious j .What account "John cave of the and almost solemn cast of expression. rnights adventure to his wife and chil lle seldom smiled, and when he did, it i dren was never known, as they observ was with a motive. It was hi 3 invari- : ed a dogged silence on the subject and able practice, whenever he left home, to j soon after left the neighborhood, drink freely, which had no other ctFect Some fewdavs after this resurrection, upon his intellect or countenance than to sharpen .the formgr. and render more serious, if possib e, the "expression of the latter. It was really amusing as well as curious, to'wituess the eonsumalion met. I nil, with the most serious countenance the human fucc ever assumed, expressed himself to-be under lastin'g obligations to John,, for that in fact and in truth he was dead, of one of his plans or tricks. When but that John's attempting to swindle his . 11 t.i .11-- widow had urougtu mm to nie, auu ui;r. hf bad always said that such rascality would make him. ""bile" even out of ljis Ijonjr, he stranaesUmd most ludicrous events '(brought Hbnut altogether by his contri vance) would occur, and every one pre sent was ccHivrulscd with irrepressible laughter except tho objjet of his at tack, -who would be boiling with-,rage or overwhelmed with' confusion there would sit Phill, wtih a ccuntcnince that would lend additional gloom to a f moral grave. but let us. our We to inaKe a maga.iuu ilcii.r in lo sound i'iir own praises, u,-U. if tbev will i)iai-e lave lairered ban lor the great mass ot tin.- community, that should be the best tha' could possi bly be oil'.' red for th. price, combming iiiMusciueiit with instruction, disscmi uaiinga tnste lor th arts and uncour iigitijju whtdesomc and elevated litera- llow far wc have been successful in the tiuaimncnt of these objects does not ko,o ,,s to sav. That the Rover has hetn sustained by the public, j From the. Macon (Ga.) RepuhHcan ITU PATRONS OK TIJH TIIE RCSURIIECTION QF PJULL RUGISTKR. . THURMOND. Tho undersignod having purchased . owest Judical Tribunal inGeor- of . A. Tylku Hs... the It ecUfffMcgis- . Juslice Court Limited in its , . i : il..;. .l.itw in nildrrss . i .!.- i-i teriy'CT, ccem ii ihvn,u7 - - Jurisdiction to sums unuer iniriy uoi John, on the other hand declared most solemly it was a deliberate attempt on his lifer that it was PhilPs intention ! to kill him with fear or the stick, or both, and that if such things were only procession. - - i 'coHisanf in Squire Jo DurhanVs Court, Although he was well known and , he would .Vnake him smoke for it. dreaded by a certain class of the com- Whither John went no one knew ex munity, yet he was always welcome ac'ly. But after, Georgia had enacted wherever he went. He had"an uncon- n law" which prevented Indians or their (luorabln tlislike to daubies. loafors, i Jescendants ' from testifying against idlers, and persons of suspicious char- ; White parsons, and had extended their acter. It was from among the?e he "se-1 jurisdiction over the Cherokee nation, loeted his victims. So deep, well laid ' Phill swore that if John was deaj he and mysterious were his plans, the indi-1 would come to life and move amongst vidual he doomed to public ridTcule eould , the Indians, as he would have such a Oli then a pledge from your lips ( never suspect ilcm, until escape was mi- nne cnance in tnc jusuce wuris ."nc. nave new life. possible. t. QVUAia. Give the tdedge now as you did then, I Phill studied well the chnracter of v 1 Ramsey, weighed it iu the balance, ana ; : found it wanting. Ho laid his plans to 1UISHAND. i drive him Irom the country, which sue-; 'rceeded admirably, as we shall - soon sec. lie became exceedingly tnendly and , intimate with him made. Ramsey his"; friend as firmly as posslple for tho lat ter to be AN AKOLlTiOSfsTEAMlSR. . The runaway, slave, Frederick Dou glass, lately went out rn one of the Cunard Steamers, with a design to en- ' lighten the people of Groat Britain, on the subject of his Lectures, American Slavery by which he gratifies the Ma lignity of our enemies at home and abroad, and what is to him of more im portance, lines his pockets with cash. The last day of the voyage, the Cap tain of the Steamer, with many other . jgentlemen, and some ladies, hearing that Douglass was a goad speaker, de sired to have a "touch of his quality" on the promenade deck. During his remarks he opened a iiook, and began to read the code of slave laws in Sjim'i Carolina. A gentlemen from Connec ticut disputed the sentences as they were read. He was sustained by tho slave-holders and most of the other American? on board, while Douglass was backed by the Englishmen. The account of which came from one on board at the time, says: ''The Captain was Very cool at first, but finding him self grossly insulted by a slave holder from New Orleans, (who made his boast that he "owned a hundred and tin rty niggers'") he (Captain) order-l the boat-swain to call the 'watch, uu have lhrce')airs of irons ready at. a mo-me-nCs learning. lie then adJressed h.mself to" the audience about as fol lows:' 'Gentlemen, I . was once the ' owner of two hundred slaves. If I had them now I should not bo obliged to follow the sea. dlut they were liberated? and it teas rigftt. Frederick Douglass may ppeak. 1 am Captain of this ship. No mention is here made of the insult to the slave-holdets and others by per mitting a negro slave to make a speech on the promenade deck of the steamer. We hope our southern people will take tins matter into consideration, and those who have business abroad will avoid the Cunard line of Steamers which run from Boston to Liverpool, unless this Captain is removed Irom his post, or proper amends are made. It is due to the South, also, that ofiicial persons should find some ojher mode of convey ance. Raleigh Indejtendent. mv wife, Long, long ago THE TEXAS1 RELEASE OF ' - SANTA ANA. The fecret treaty which Santa Ana formed with the authorities of Texas, by which he obtained his own liberty, & preserved the army ol Mexico, nas While "this neighborly feel-' jut teen published by Texas, of which i.i - t.i : .t,r.cMY,: tn ts Patrons niiJ me .uut., in relation to the manner in whichit will,, in future, be conducted. . i .i ...iim'inif ibe h"h dutv ol III lllUS U3.- . o larfl. it is enacted by law that the par- i ties litigant have the power to .establish their demands and otfsets by ttieir- own oaths. The policy of this infringement through . ... t . . - . . - V'lll 11" . . - .....i.t:. run i ipv mnv. - . . . . c i conducting a muuv, r , j 1 ol the rules -oi cviuence i54v:.y iuc- perhaps have presumed too mucn upon i lionnb as ;t gives, the dishonest nnd ntJit M'am the inuuigenet; w. , . i.i , i.; .. ; ,t f.4'an( l ie lnumtieiiiu public; but they feel assured, that it application and unremitting attention, be the chtel retpnsuus iu ...oU.y. liberal and cniiguienuu mmfatu-vand up to the present tune, - . r r in a lett to ma.,e : P "' " " 's " r llUter will ibe world without any extraneous !imbllf),llcsUca- i)r inllueticc, is a recommendation ol cerlain pP(T;stor .character and an evidence of public Thc plllical aspect of the Register . r.... wiiiob makes us ...:ir ...lorrrn no clianoe. lo tne wing nnsorunulons a decided advantage over the upright and conscientious, in settling ihncn minor frnniroversies that invari-1 W. i linn in g" was at the highest, Phill, just at the close of a long spree he had tajien at the j court house, where Ramsey, knew he, hud been, and from, whence he had j made several unsuccessful efforts to take hinVpretended to die one night af ter intimating to his family what he in tended,d an instructing them , in their performance of the solemn farce. Ac crdingly,a shroud was made, and Phill laid out in real funeral style' he how ever .carried into his shroud a good ably men grow out of the About thirty-five or forty years ago there lived in the middle part of Gear- oLa arf individual who was famous for niinentin its favor, which makes us j WUI undergo no change. To the Win i aVailin2 hfniself 0r the aforesaid statu iA ratified and grateful. Without i parJy wc beloirg; and in the Tanks ol , 'pr"ovisio;i. No man could be fotid .... .B..,:ni .l.nnn in the plan of the I ,tiat ,,artv, .wc intend to do battle, whctli f law-9Uit3 th John Ramsy. . ii -..i?.- .nnn tiw tniirth I - rinfir norcli nnon our standard, orj . nrnnr;Dlw.A in pnrlv life had urk we snau imi i'u" ui i.uu.; Ad m.Oi mrs La ! o Probati .- for a fl it the Ja?: ourt: hereby r and -sho fii. id urx'oun IN SON, 3w v.'umw. nf ibe wor k with a steady pur 'viuiuu wi . tHJscto sustain its interest and useful-. mss, and to embrace every opportuni ty to increase the value of the work. . Terms. Single copies three dollars i year; two copies for five dollars, and live copiM for ten dollars. Post Mas ts arc amWi zed by law to forward U-ription money free of charge. UiSAT A.MEIIICAN FAMILY NeWSPM'ER. V Y. Saturday Hinponm" AUXIIKLY JIISCELLANKOUS JOUUNAL. OfLiteraturc, Agriculture, tho Mcchan ic and Pine Arts, Political Economy, Criticism, Metropolitan Life, Do mestic and Foreign News, Politi. i cal and Commercial Intelli gence, Statistics, Talcs, Po- ? , etry, Music, Engraving?, kVc, Nutral in poli tics and religion. Pr Courts i where he found the con v i l.A .lAin.minJ en In ownW-SO mucn so, ne ulidiuh. i , r I rncrn nrOUIld US. aeicat unu : . v hold the principles of the h.g party to be the true principles of thc Govern-ment-f-lhe princiilcs handed- dowr. to us by the sages of 7G. Although thc result or the recent .con test has proved most disastrous to us--although our banner.has trailed in the dusMlthough -Us -stars and stripes l,o., -nrntvil suddenly Uim, ai.u uu, nrtn; routed and scattered, . every T 1wsiv nrftVided with legal evidence CI I Mivw w - - . i I CV4 i . j - - w where, vet, like vauam. Su.u.v..o, j0hn became so nminenuy m.u. i t n o r ip ' re 'u ii v hl transactions of I hickory cane with n.nj. une oi tne ! negroes was despatched in great naste to lnlorm Uamsey ot me mounnui evcnt,and requested his immediate at tendance. Notwithstanding John's many 1 faults? he was a kind neighbor, and particularly so to PhilTs famity. Uver he cameras soon as he possibly conld ai the . hour ol midnighl. With tears streaming down his cheeks, he entered . the annartment where lay the corpse of 1 cnt th( iiisp.onso- science of witnesses not so phant as h.s . "r " ,V , :n hfir a littlp experience in early life had prejudiced him greatly against the high- late widow with her face burjed in her. iY Sai V thv a disputes handkerchiefto conceal her emotions. "f. -How are you Mrs. Thurmond?- sobbed John. with his neighbors and the -world gen erally should, to use his own-expression. be "conisant" (cognizable) in the Justi ticeV Courts. There he could proceed ithout the expense of counsel, ana wi 1 I A ll.n will snatchup our Uann.crnu uruS,. dust from its folds; and rally for tinoth- er contest. . -ru u.Utor will not be devoted ex- x nv . ...... , clusivelv to Political rntelligence. As "va leiv-is the spice of life," we intend .... .. i:r.. ,1 insrtrnct anu us will bom cu.o ".,... .;n. .,M;hnrs Will COntincmeir u.. to amuse and dei.gnt ou. - " i n .ii.,. time publish wnai we snau bi " . ; , nB fK tended Spiiro "Jo Durham's Court" ot the 65Gth District of Georgia Militia land carried on there- a kind ot steam law practice to some protit. n was cu rious to witness his prosecution or de rann nf suits. If he conld not con- vince Judge Durham by quotatious from ninvton's "Georgia Justice," "Prince's LYNX 4 idvcrtii Itle. . i s ii&s - T 4 Sotiec :ion M wing ned, at t obatc Cou it ate of VV 3 a','. rs1 ome (orPi inet,flnd tin st saw t the sai: authentic 1 bi d. . x ' S. ii' r.urrr.D uy v.. gkken , Tho subscribers have made arrange rs for publishing in the city of New ark, a weekly newspaper, lobe called 'Saturday Emporium." It will be r 'Leu on a folio sheet of the largest tensions, embracing thirty six col Ur"r.s of reading matter. The quality f tlie paper and the typographical exe wlion will be orthc most superior char ac!r. The first number will puplish ,n Saturday Jnnc 30. .. A3a full, comprehensive, misccllanc J'Js newspaper, the Emaorium shall not fje surpassed by any other in the Uni xf States. It will cmbracecvery thing ,h cm be brought within the range plte newsgatherer, the literature, the le'ter writtcr, the poet, philosopher and ciUc. u w;n prcscnl a daguerreotype r,le of hfe as i is men as they are Otters and things as they seem; and Fhing shall ln wnni!nr to make it a Lrrv.o the business ofcbnduct- the paper, they may venture to Xise their svbscribers. an .ntcrcst-'.-niM -For the next two years a ,nf- nft.ct for iho Presidency is political cOn.C-1 ior h not to be anticipated , and, iu 0 time, we intend to stnv. . in nlcasc our patrons iw. , - -alwPayrgivingPall a chance j lo bo beard, excluding personalities, and giv in" ofiencc to none. ' The Terms of the Register, will be S3 00 in advance. .tTir 9 Wm. S. KEITH. F- Y. ROCKETT. . Panola Dec, 14, 1841. A a tvi 11 anncar from our have changed the nairofpajn head, we pldlarU, Hopkins & Co. I it & 2 1 B a n k P 1 a c c, UIUT - o . - . I . I 1. ' DiSt,77 Or the IU -lpmaaaj, (which latter authority he always left at home) he would deliberately take a swear at the case himself, and as the .vrlmnn sav, 'knock out the black:' Hfi became ouite a terror to the young- limbs of the law vhose fate brought them in contact with him so much so, that thev had rather 'have "met as op- -oHn" COUnseJ-niei JUbuce iuursiuw, Lrl ir? his judical prime. ' . t,., .vcnUvaYSon the look-out for a law suit forhimsehor some one else. It was an lnvariauiu 1'iuwn.u v. f his neighbors died, to ex hibit to the executor .or administrator of the state an account just under thirty dollars, and demand payment, upon the refusal' of which suit was brought as the law permitted, and the money recovered 1 . t.. o ilinrnnrt was holden. as certain.y . -, GKo.roix.viw, Wm.C.IIopkins aug 10-22-U Jxo.E.Towxes r J4ist Printed, WlNIS lot of Warrants, Executions ; xVc. for sale very cheap. ctm... i;w.r1'JohrK uccessfully snuab- i", the.livin2.and robbing the . P Phill Thurmond, about the Heau'r. ':i write, moved into his SoS and settled within a half .. r t ri n mnn. woman ui 'ntlrtol the State with unknowing or hearing ol OUl l' " All she could do was to conceal her face more completely, and extend to him her hand which act and silence. John mistook for unallotted grief. "Poof fellow," said John, "how sud denly he left us'. How slender, is the brittle thread of life! Jn the midst ol lile we are in death, the good book says. Let mo see once more, and for thc last time, the face of my best frie'nd." Mrs. Thurmon removed ihe folds of the shroud, when John gazed through his crockodile tears upon Phill s lace. Had he not been attempting, to sorrow too much on the occasion, he must have seen that the features before him be longed to any one but a dead man Phill performed his part with the aid of a white napkin around his jaws, as well as a man of his appearance could pos sibly have done; his features were as im- . . ! .1 1 I 1 : r. movable as it mey nau u;eii wrvwi m marble. 4i0h! oh!" cried John, a3 if the sight Kofnrf? him cave a new empetUJ to his rief, "how I shall miss him as a friend! how we shall all miss him! He was a Iriend to every body, and the worst ene my tohimsell. tie owed me jusi twenty nine dollars, eighty seven and a hal cent:, but . 'That's a We, Ramsey!" said tne corpse; and at the moment the only can- .1 .nn time nv 1 1 rl rrii l chf-fl die in me ruvm o aih.,.. Mr. Thurmond shrieked: John stoou oack aghast,1 the perfect personification the following is a copy : secuet Ireatv. Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana, a general hi. chief ot the army of operations, and President of the Republic ot Mex ico before the government established in Texas, solemnly .pledges himself to fulfil the .stipulations contained in the fo'lowing article., as far .as con cern himself: Article 1. He will not lake up aims,' or cause them to be taken up, against the people of Texas, during the present war of independence. Article 2. He will give his orders that, in the shortest time, the Mexican troops may leave the territory of Texas. Article 3. He will sq prepare mat ters in the Cabinet of Mexico, that the mission that may be sent thither by the government oT Texas may be well re ceived; and that, by means of negotia tions, all di Terences that have been de clared by the convention maybe ac knowledged. Article 4. A treaty of commerce, ami ty and limits will be established between Mexico at)d Texas. the territory of the latter. not "lo extend beyond the Lio Bravo del Norte .Article 5. The return of General Santa Ana to 'Vera Cruz being indispen sable, for the purpose of effecting his solemn engagements, the government of Texas will provide for. the purpose of effecting his solemn engagements the government of Texas will provide V ' . tr. . 1"1 fo- the purpose ot enecung ma so.emu j engagements, the government of Tex as will provide for his immediate era- barcation lor said port. Article G. This instrument being obligatory on one part as well as on the other, will be signed by duplicate, remaining Tolded and sealed, until me negotiation shall have been concluded, when it will be restored to his Excel lency Gen. Santa Ana no use of it to lie made belore that time, unless mere -i 1,1 i. n ;n(VitIiin hv nif hnr nf thtt SUOuiu uc an j ii 1 1 u.v. j - - contracting parties. Port of Vclasco, May, 14, IUS'j. (Signed,) JJAVID U. LHTkNET, Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana, James Colling lworth, Sec'y of State, Daily IIardijian, Sec'y of the Treas ury, P. G. GRAYSONTAttorney General. Farewell of Gen. Santa Ana to uie TeXHtTArmg. Z- . My friends! I have been a witness of your courage in tne nem u u.., J 1 .....mis If IV and know you to De -.i nciDnw on mv cincerity, and A Missouri Jtdge A good tory is going the rounds of the papers, of the manner in which lliey do things out in Missouri. It is told of one judge Allen, more familiarly known as 'Iloss Allen," I who once npoa a timi determined to ad minister the law in due order, for the punishment of certain offenders; and ac cordingly the sheriffs jury and witnesses were assembled. . The first order was to 'strip and go to work, and raise a court-house. This was done with a few and tho court was opened, when a re mark from some one called down the indignation of the judge, and he order ed business to be suspended forTifteen minutes, and going up to the disturber gave him a terrible whipping. He then r&turned to the bench puffing nnd blow ing from tha exercise; an J rising, 'Peo ple, said he, 'I am here to adjudge thc law and administer justice, by thunder! If you care anything about civilization. I?m ready to give you a touch of It. If the sheriff and his officers are not enough, here am 1, single handed; and if'Uny one says he ain't satisfied, rl I adjourn the court again and give him a chance!' It is hardtv necessary to say that the etiquette of 'Hoss Allen's' court was "never infringed after that. Anecdote Judge Dooly, Df Georgia, was remarkable for his wit, as well as for his other. talents. At one place where he attended court, he was not well pleased with the entertainment at the tavern- On the first day of the court, a hog under the nama of a pig had been cooked .whole and laid. on the table. No person attacked it. It was brought the next day, jmi the next, and treated with same respect; and it was on the table on the day on which the court adjourned. As the party finished their dinner, judge Dooly rose from the table and in a solemn manner addressed the clerk, "Mr. Clerk," said he, "dismiss that hog upon his recognizance until the first day of the ne-xt court. He has at tended o faithfully during the present term, that I don't think it will be neces sary to lo lake any security." Drawing olta Needle by Magnet. A colored -woman, at Fraqkfort, Ky. ran a needle in the 'fleshy part of the palm some months ago. Last week Mr. J hn". Goodman, to whom the w maa belonged knowing the needle would not remain stationary, that it would pro duce supparation and gradually move from its imbedment, it struck him that it might be attracted to the surfanceor "skin, and , he proluced a magnet and applied it to the hand. Soon a sensa tion of pain was produced, and three das after the neeJle'made its appear ance just under the skin, when it was easily extracted. The hothouse system of education is doing wonders for thc youth of our. land. The youth kicks off his diaper and frock, and jumps into calfskin boots and a long ttibdcoit. He even chang es the nipple for a cigar, and the sugar teat for a quid of tobacco. Tho girl is either haby or lady. She makes one jump from her nurse's arms, into her husband's and of course is 'finished.' of terror and alarm. His guilty sou ii M haV(j nQ cau3C l0 regrel lhe trembled at what he heard, he believed J . mQ i. beg. you to re- " t - 1 1 w . A it a solemn rebuKe irom me up ... ceiye Jho smceEe thanks ot your grate- dead Uut wnai wjas.ius uisuj evenly up rose the dead and made to- him! - With tho wildest energy r...i,nr inspired, he rushed out of IUUI V , 1 ' fnl friend farewell. Antonio Lopez de &anta ana. Yelasco, Ul June, U33G. The Natchez people to think that their city would be a better and more accessible terminus for the railroad which it is contemplated to run from lhe Atlantic (Charleston) to I he Missis sippi, than Memphis is or would be, as proposed. It strikes us as if our Natch- ez neighbors are not far right.; JY. O. Delta. from being