Newspaper Page Text
: '-..-'" ' :'.- v - PASCAGOULA, MI8SISS.IPPI, SATUJiDAY, JUNE 22, 11) ltt VOLUME XXI NUMBER 42. jOJ ,.u.ti ,iu usee; BILBO AND. ANDERSON SPEAK li A .J- ,t,.r, .J. . 4. 4. -iI. .T-.B SHIPYARD LEAGUE TO HERE. .J- MOSS POINT .. OPEN SEASON JUNE 30. ' - Iter Mvm HIT YELLOW DOG ON EVERY HAND, AMERICA IS URGED. Organize Boys to Ferret Out Whining Menace, Says Patriotic Writer. New York,. .Tune 15. Henry Irving Dodge, author and patriotic propagan (list, today made a natioual appeal for the suppression of "The Yellow Dog" by the establishment in every munici pality in the United States of a branch of the Boy Detectives of America. "The Yellow Dog," according to Mr. Dodge is the whining native son who constantly harps on German efficiency, of our figthing England's war, of its being a rich man's war, of the crime of sending our boys over there, of the im posibility of defeating Germany, of charging our 'Dollar-year' men with being profiteers, of declaring that a large percentage of war tax money goes to grafters and 'all the rest of thefet ble minded twaddle.' " In making his appeal for the co-oper ation of the mayors, superintendent of public instruction, members of pa triotic societies, Scoutmasters of the Boy Scouts 01 America and Y. M. C. A secretaries, -Mr. Dodge declares that "The Yellow Dog" is a menace far greater than the German army. His atacks are concealed while the at tacks of the German army may be guarded against. '", speak onservatively, says Mr. Dbdre, "hen 1 say that every 'yel ilO ,' .,ual in strength to one intently ' '.,','u in the Gorman army. , lies Ite. Yellow Dog1 are sap llwj tits streugth at home, They are ie foundation of attack and lefV'hi Phey are working for the ini .! lany of (hem don't know If plan for the supression of "The Yellow Dog" is outlined in his most recent work of fiction. In it he portrays the manner in which the hoy power of a suburban town was harnessed under the name of the "Boy Detectives of America" and the town was cleansed of yellow dogism without unto Ward friction and without the use of the usual pol ve channels. Now he wants the hoy p-wer of every munici pality la America harnessed in the same manner in order to accomplish the same result nationally. All that is necessary to make the mnipairp an accomplished fact, accord- lu fr Dodt determined meleaaer.a of bl .'y municl I ho :!'. idke the trouble of ex . 'he details to the youngsters. P 'oys are first to be organized. They are to be regular detectives for the purpose "f ferreting out "The Yel low Dogs." "Every boy must keep his ear? wide open for direct ami implied attacks upon the government and keep on the end of his tongue the one ques tion "How do you know?" The first move in the campaign is for some patriotic citizen to arrange for meeting with the boys and ex plum to them just what the "Boy De tectives' of America" is and the mean ing of tin organization to the welfare of the United States. Then the club is to be organized. Every boy is to be given an official membership card and every member is to receive a sup ply of the "Yelloy Dog" cards to pass out to pei suns who pass along the "feeble -minded twaddle." Mr Dodge i at his own exepense. of fers to furnish membership cards ami "The fellow Dog" cards to the mam bars of every club that is formed. The reverse side are numerous de scriptions of just what constitutes "The Yellow Dog." Some of these en lightening phrases read: "If a man talks against the govern ment and can't back up what he says, he's a yellow dog." "The meanest yellow dog of the lot Is the one that stands up and hears hi country abused without protest. "Any man who tells the government about its faults and how to correct 'em is its friend; any man who tells the government about its faults just to discourage, is a yellow dog." "Anybody who says Colonel Vander bilt loaned Franc forty millions is a yellow dog He ain't got that much." "Any nan who won't buy a bon I isn't Witting to pay his share of the expenses of our brothers in the trendies who are risking their lives lighting for him. Can any yellow dog be yellerer'n that?" "Anybody who says United States bends ain't the safest investment in the world is a yellow dog." Anybody who says anything that glW I the Germans a chance to write Icune as stiy this ain't a popular war kj a yellow dog. It's popular an' then " iiylmdy who talks peace by com premise is a yellow dog. Judas made a "('.in peace with the devil. Every body knows where .ludaas (tot off." "This is an American town. We're behind the government. Swat the yel low dog." 1 "All yellow dogism is made in Ger ' many." A supply of these cards should be carried by every member of the Boy in ' ' lives of America and when he hears any person make a remark in d" t.ii5 that person is m "The rt lu bog ' tlits the to-:- detective B34d approach him with the query: Gov. Theo. 0. Bilbo and Hon. Zan Anderson addressed a large audience Thursday night at Marshall Park in the interest of their race for Congress from the sixth congressional district. The speakers were introduced by Hon. VV. D. Bullard. Gov. Bilbo who spoke first based his eligibility to the office In Washing ton on three things; his preparation, his record, and his convicitons. He bid of having studied long at the University at Nashville, the University of Michigan, and Vanderbilt Uni versity, after which lie served success ively as state senator, lieutenant gov nor, anil governor of Mississippi. He enumerated his accomplishments while in the latter ooffice. Among many things he mentioned the estab lishment of a pardoning board free from politics, the fight for good roads, a reformatory school for boys and girls, the creation of a state tax com mission to work toward the equaliza tion of tax burdens, and the exemption of shipyards from taxation. The Gov ernor pointed out, that after the waf there would be a great likelihood that the millionaires would try to enslave the people of this country econom- -ically. He urged the voters to use their discretion and to elect a man to Congress who would pledge himself to protect, the interests of the working man. He pictured the great future that lay in store for South Mississippi, and promised to lend his support to make this country the playground of America, into which the riches of the East and North would empty. Hon. Zan Anderson followed Gov. Bilbo. Mr. Anderson declared himself for the unmitigated prosecution of the War. and for intelligent reconstruction w'hen peace would come. He called upon his efficient record of many years as a public servant in the state legis lature to testify as to his fitness for the congressional office. There were many innocent person alities and pleasantries indulged in by both speakers, and the audience re celved these remarks with much applause. w.s.s. BRIDGE.' The Bridge ('lull was delightfully entertained on last Saturday afternoon when Airs. J. A. Tabor was the charm ing hostess. The lour tables for the bia; et were arranged on the delightful porch up stairs, and the lovely decor atlom, of potted ferns and palms added a refreshing note of cool green to the pleasant surroundings. Three inter esting games were enjoyed. The club prize, four Thrift Stamps, was won by .Mrs. X. P, Emmitt, and the guesta' prize, a box of handsome correspond ence stationery, was won by Miss Btodgett. Following the games of auction a de licious plate luncheon of chicken salad, brown bread, tomatoes, crackers and iced lea. was served by the hostess. Participating in the pleasant afternoon with the club members were Miss Adele Krebs, Mrs. J, Blodgett and Miss Blodgett, The Charter of Incorporation of The Batson Company. 1. The corporate title of said com pany Is The Batson Company. 2. The names of the incorporators are: X. Batson, I'ostoffice Millard, Miss. I. mile Batson, PoStOlflce Millard, Miss. :i. The domicile is at Moss Point, Miss. 4. Amount of capital stock Three Thousand Dollars. ,r. The par value of shares is $50. 6. The period of existence i not to exceed fifty years I is f0 years. 7. The purpose for which it is created: To do a general mercantile business. 5. The rights and powers that may be exercised by this corporation are thee conferred by the provisions of Chapter 'H, Mississippi Code, 1906. M. BATSON, VI.UCILE BATSON. Incorporators. Acknowledgment. State of Mississippi, County of Stone. Tliis day personally appeared be fore me, the undersigned authority N. Batson. I.ucile Batson, incorpora tors of the corporation known as the The Batson Company who acknowli ilt ad that they signed and executed the above and foregoing artic les of incor poration as their act and deed on this the 3rd day of June, 1918. A. BATSON. Notary Public. War Proclamati PRESIDENT'S PROCLAMATION Tire WHITE HOTTSB, WASHINGTON, D. 0. MAY 29, 1918, TO THE PEOPLE OP THE UNITED STATES: THIS WAR is one of nations not of amies and all of our hundred million people must be economically and industrially adjusted to war conditions if this nation is to play its full part in the conflict. 1 appeal to all who now own either Liberty Bonds or War-Saving Stomps to oontinuo to practice economy and thrift and to appeal to all who do not own Government securities to do likewise and purchase them to the extent of their means. The man who buys Government securities transfers the purchasing power of his money to the United States Government until after this war, and to that same degree does not buy in competition with the Government. I earnestly appeal to every man, woman and child to pledge themselves on or before the twenty-eighth of June, to save con stantly and to buy as regularly as possible the securities of the Government, and to do this as far as possible through membership in War-Saving? Societies. The twenty-eighth of June ends this special period of enlistment in the great volun teer army of production and saving here at home. May there be none uuenlisted on that day, y W00DR0W WILSON. GOVERNOR'S PROCLAMATION THIS STATE OP MISSISSIPPI EXECUTI VE DB PA RTMEXT JACKSON. TO THE PEOPLE OP THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI: THE PEOPLE of this State will have the opportunity on June 28th, 1fl, of showing their loyalty and consi'crntion to the great enterprise this nation is engaged upon by pledging themselves to save and eeonomize and in vest in War Savings Stamps. Tlie material needs necessary to successfully prosecute the war can be met only if the people of this nation deny themselves some of their customary ex penditures. It is not enough to furnish thousands of yBung men as this State h doing. Those men must be clot lied, fed and equipped. Surely when they are so willing to give their lives we should not hesitate to lend our savings. The people of this State are expected to save and invest in War Savings Stamps to the maturity value of $'10,000,1)00.00. Similar allotments have been made to other States and the President of the United States has called on tho people of the various States on June 28th, to indicate their willingness to prac tice the patriotic self-denial required of all of us, by pledging themsolvos to pur chase War Savings Stamps dining the remainder of this year. This" Slate lias always responded fully to calls made upon it, and I feel sure tho-present will be no exception. In order that this State and its people may not fall behind other Stales in responding to this Call, T hereby proclaim Friday, Juno 28th, as War Savings Day, for the Stato of Mississippi, upon which day all persons shall give their pledge! for War Savings Stamps at such times and places and in Buoh manner as may bo appointed by Hon, F. E, Gunter, War Savings Director for this State, acting under the authority of the Secretary of tho Trea-ury, and pursuant to the proclamation of the President of the United States. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hero ns to set my hand and caused the Great S,-al of the State of Mississippi to be affixed, this the 6th day of June, A. D., 1918. THEO. O. BILBO, By tho Governort JOS. W. POWER, Secretary of State. NELSON-AKINS. Miss Bertha Nelson, the dMgbU r of Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Nelson, and Mr. G. U Akins were married Tuesday evening. June ISth at 8:30 o'clock by Hev. W. H. Carter at the Kirst Methodist church of tlowison, Miss., in (lie presence of a law number of friends and relatives. The bride wearing a veil of illusion in cape effect and a BOWfl Of while Korgette crepe and carrying Wkttt d ililias. was attenedd by Mrs. Maude Davis matron of honor. Miss Nellie May Nelson, maid of honor and Miss Faith Cirlot bridesmaid Mrs. Davis was feH in a blue gorgette and men saline gown ami carried an immense ImiU'jucI of pink dahlias. Misses Nelson and Cirlot were gowned in yellow gorgftle. and carried trailing Ixniiiuets of Shasta daisies. Miss Isaliella Nelson, the I small sister of the bried was flower How do you know?" I'sually the person spreading the un patriotic libel dosen't know. So and so told him. The winner is then hand- d cue of "Von'rc a ellow Dog" i ard The reverse side enlightens him as to jri M,Sses Itulh DuMa and Velma why lie is a yellow dog Mr. Dodge declares thio treatment soon will stop the unfounded stories now so rampant. Noliody likes to lie laugi d as a yellow dog. Nolxwly likes la l ridi' "led. The Chronicle, 11.80 jwu. Lauderdale were ushers. The groom was attended by Mr. V Callicun. best man. and Mr Alfred M Intosh groomsman. The music for the (wrassion was furnished by Mrs. IS. y Hell" and Mist- Kflhrr Daniel'. .!Ur U.c icrcmon"- a reception was hi it at the home ot the bridt s parent? where I delicious ll urse was wn- ! NOTICF. OF SPECIAL ELECTION. ed. Following the reception Mr. Me- Intosh threw open tSU dooiv of It is Notice of Special Election to vote on home to the guests and dancing was enjoyed until a UxU) hour. The young couple received many beautiful piescnts among (hem being a handsome chest of silver from the office force of The Native UkT. Co. Mr. anil Mrs. Akfeu arc Mjoytal I few days in New Orleans after which they will lie at home to their friends. at the Hotel Native. Among the out of town tending were Mr and Mrs. K. Ituiile of Bond. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Mc Henry of Mcllonry. Dr. Cowart of llovey ami Mra. t, M. Cirlot. Jr.. of Moss Mat was Chaplain P. E. Seidler. for the past increasing indebtedness Ten Thous and Dollars and increasing levy for general revenue and for general im provement purposes one rnd one-half mills in and for the City of Pasca goula. Mississippi. year attached to one of th big C. S battleships doing service in foreign aaters. is at home on a short turlough. Mr. Seidler was sent home on account or illness and is just out of a naval hospital. He has :Jxut recovered. W.8 8. Miss Annie May Armour of Memphis. Tenn . is tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. J D. Crane. GMBeaNat W. H. I'th Jr ci'im d Tuesday trum Lt-ksvillc. where a short term ot chancery court was held. I Notice is hereby given that the I M.'ivor anil Hoard at Aldermen of the Kuests at ' ('"y ot P0!, Mississippi. Bt their meeting Held on June zv. ivi. have called a special election toJju held in said City on Tuesday. July 2. ISIS, for the purpose of voting on the uneslion of increasing the indebted I ness Ten Thousand Dollars, and in creasing the revenue for general rev enue and general improvement pur poses, one and one halt mills, in and for the said City of Pasoagoula, Miss--ssippi. The polls for said election j will lie open from eight o'clock A. M. I to six o etix k I'. M. and the polling ; pTicin of said election shall he at the ' Mayor's office in the City of I'asca- Koula. Mississippi. C S M .ItltlW KTHBIt, V P. DaJBAJf, k H. Wll . Commisciuners of Election. a t. .j- 4- At the JawiMi Teniple in MotKe last Sunday Miss Ida Scharff ami Mr. Joseph Flalier ' were married.' The ceremony was. solemnized by ItaJihl Wsjhttjijav Th.e bride wlio.wore a wert ding gown of wlilto . gorgeltn crepe witlC'u veil .of. illusion curried a bouquet of .rnrnationu and'fehi's, She wfis riven in marriage Ijy; hor brother-in-law. fijjr. Bernstein of, l'asejgouja. After the ceremony a reception was' given, the' happy young couple ,at the home of the bride's' aunt, 'Mrs. M. SChaYff, Mr. and Mrs.' Fisher after la short bridal trip to New Qrleans will make their home here with their mother, Mrs, Eva Scharff. A sweetly simple wedding Which was performed by U. v. W. II. WoluV. at the Baptist church Wednesday even in;; a I K:;sO was that Of MisH Annie Bell Stokes and Mr. W. S. Kitrell. The church, was prettily decorated in Shasta daises and ferns and the bride and groom who were unattended came in together. Miss Jessie Bounds who played the wedding march was ac companied by Miss Thelma Harnett on the violin. Before the ceremony Mrs. J, ('. Montgomery sang "1 Love You Truly." The bride is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Stokes. Mr. Ketrell of Lucedale, is employed at the Hodge Shipyard. The best wishes of their friends here are ex tended to the happy young couple. Mr, and Mrs, T. A. Garner spent several days in Guifport last week. Mrs. Geo. Leather and children of Hattleehurg are visiting Mr. and Mrs. D. Vv. McLeod. Mrs. Richard Belin, Mra. Michel Cir lot and Miss Faith Cirlot attended the wedding of their cousin, Miss Bertha Nelson in Howisot Wednesday. Miss Rachel Mclnnla left Monday for the University Ot Ya., where she is an assistant teacher in atheistic dancing. Mrs. Rachel Mclnnis is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mclnnis in Chicora this week. , Mrs. M. A. Cohen of Hammond, La., Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. smiiii at the home of Mrs. G. W. liowen. After a pleasant visit to Rev. W. H. W'elih and family, Mrs. Dan Dull and children and Miss Clara Whitting ton have returned home. J, V. V. Blumer is spending this week with his family 'in Atlanta. Ga. Mr. and "" '- 'im Fish r and little faugl'ter recently ot Culcbra have moved to MoM Point. Mr. and Mrs. E. H, Allen and liltie son motored to Mobile .Saturday. Mr. and Mr.;. Park and baby. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Avant of Leaf are guests of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Delmas. Mr. J. Bounds spent several days in Washington this week. Mr. E. O. Hodge visited his family in Huston this week. Mr. Hodge has purchased the vacant lot next to Dr. Itaper and will begin building a res Idence there In the near future. Mrs. F. S. Herrin and Mrs. Norman Mclnnis were visitors to Mobile last week. Mr. an dMrs. Horace Overstreet and baby of Geneva arrived Monday and will make their home here in the future where Mr, Overstreet will open a mercantile store in the build' ini formerly known as the Sugar Bowl. Miss Neta Sullivan of Columbia is here on an extended visit to her sister. Mrs. Julian Stewart. Mrs. J. Hounds and Miss Jessie Hounds were Monday visitors to .Mobile. Mis. J. K. Pendola left Monday tor a several weeks stay at Cooper's Wells. , Norman Mclnnis motored over from llovey Sunday. returning Monday with his family who had been visiting Mrs. F. S. Herrin. .Miss Gertrude Kennerdy and Jim Kennerdy of Pollard are visiting thetr aunt, Mrs. D. C. Avant. The members of Dr. J. C. Walt's Sunday school class which numbers some BftMB men. with as many young men friends enjoyed a bathing party at the beach Tuesday night. The trip was made down in an auto truck, and a lunch was enjoyed afterwards. Mr. and Mrs. M B. Ilobdy and little daughter are enjoying a stay at Coop er's Wells. Chairman II. ('. Herring of the Wat Savings Stamp campaign has had out this week a bevy of pretiy girls taking a census of the town. The real cam- Pasoaoouja and M6ss Point Each Have .- Two Teams in League and Will Have High Class Baseball. The Shipyard Baseball League was formed at a meeting hefil recentlyOn . thq TourlBts Weleqme 'club rooms in Monlle.'- The Dierk "(Blodgett and International Shipbuilding companies df . Pasc'agoula, tfee'tfodgip and Danulcr yards St Ms's Point; and" the Alabama and Mobile shipbuilding companies of MoBiJe will each have a team in. the y new circuit. . " "" ... , It was agreed at the meeting fhat each team iivould Jje limited to the use -of five professionals, and that they would be employed aa shipbuilders, paid - wasps .according, to their- ability f as shipyard workers, and if there was' . a surplus at the. close, of -the season in baseball receipts, M WtibJ be divided among- the players, lepras also decid-' ed to scatter the" professional 'players t among the-dijferent teams iu' unlet- to have the 'league as well balanced as possible. Mr, H. Bernhardt, of the Mobile -Ship-- , building company, was efeced tem poral y president, and Mr, W. B. Mc Atee'the temporary secretary. A schedule committee was named to draw-.- up a schedule and a meeting, to hear the report of this committee will -be held in Pascagoula soon. . The formation of this' league will bring a high grade of baseball to Pas cagoula. and with the completion of a ball park at Moss Point, we can al ways expect a lively and interesting game somewhere In the neighborhood. It was decided that the season would formally open on the last of the month. W.S.S. : ' Due to the Inadequate street car service, the Beach park Theatre will discontinue vaudeville for the .time being. Pictures will be shown, how ever, on the nights of dances and on special occassions. The park is open . and the concessions are still running. : W.S.S.- ' THE CHARTER OF INCORPORA TION OF THE POST OFFICE CONFECTIONERY. 1. The corporate title ot said com pany is The Post Office Confectionery. 2. The names of the incorporators are: IBPMBWUBMBflllBfe W, li. Ladnier, Postoliice Pasca goula, Miss. Ladnier. restolliie Pasca-. OS, I'oslofllce Pasca goula, Annie K. goiuii, Miss. Nick Strat goula, Miss. 8, The domicile is at I Jackson County. Mississippi. I. Amount of capital stock Twenty Five Hundred Hollars ( .f SfiOO.OO). S. The par value of shares Is Fifty Dollars. G. The period of existence (not to exceed lifty years) is fifty years. 7. The purpose for which it is created is: Manufacture and sell at both retail and wholesale ice cream, candy of all kinds. And to sell all manner of soft drinks, to manufacture and sell at both Wholesale and rcla pies and cakes, to ewn and oper soda fountains, and buy and sell cigar's, cigarettes and tobacco, and to buy and sell all other things usually handled in a modern confectionery. S. The rights and powers that may be exercised by this corporation are those conferred by the provisions of ( hapter U, -Mississippi Code, 1906. W. 11. LADNIKU. ANNUO K? LADNIER, NICK 8TRATAKOS, . Incorporators. Acknowledgment, stale of Mississippi, County of Jackson. This day personally appeared before me. the undersigned authority W H. Ladnier, Annie K. Ladnier and Nick Stratakos, incorporators of the. cor poration known as The Post Office Confectionery who acknowledged that they signedi and executed the above and foregoing articles of incorporation as their act and deed, on this the 19th day of June. 1918. T. G. Hihbler, Notary Public, City of Pascagoula. lackson County, .Miss. day to confer with the business men in regard to estabishing a V. M. C. A. here. The La Mariposa Club which for curious reason has not enjoyed a meeting lately was pleasantly enter palgn tor the sale of Thrift Stamps tained by Mrs. W. B. Herring and Miss will begin next Week, where it is need Mnttie Campbell Jackson last Friday less to say Moss Point go over the top. usual will afternoon. A profusion of shasia j daisies and ferns lent their beauty lor Miss Louise Cowan attended a house , the occassion and delicious cream and parly given by Miss Dorothy Ewen in cake refreshed the guests who inelud- Biloxi last week. ed Misses Thelma Barnett. Allie Ford, Miss Hass of Biloxi is in town this I. Ida Merry weathec Louise Cpwan Dora ( owan. Jessie Bounds. MaT Ada Stewart. Madams F. A. Williams,- Joe Montgomery and Munson. , Mr. and Mr.,. Marcial Turner and a party of friends fhotofed down -groin Mobile for the day SundaJ and wen dinner guests of Mr. and .Mrs. '. C Turner. Mr. and Mrs. E K Oanttare enter Ip.ining ibis week Mrs. T. & Stough. Bernard Stough." Mrs. tt ' Vttf ffli' baby, Misses Wilmer, Martruaret and Marie Darnels of Montgomery. week teaching the ladies how to op erate the knitting machine at the ited Cross room. Itobi. Cowan who has lieen assigned for rraaining at Camp Sevier at Green villi'. S. . is spending several days with his mother. Hirioh Coffee of the Submarine Base. San Pedro. Cal.. is spending his fur lough here with his grandmother. Mrs. i'abme Cuda'-ack. Mr. Make Goritrey. state secretary of the Y. M. & A. will be here Mon- 4 I i A