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PASCAUOULA, MISSISSIPPI, SATURDAY, SET. 7, 1918 NUMBER 1. OLUME XXII - g (EAT LABOR DAY CELEBRATION ttpive Hundred Pascagoula Uftton Members in Monster rade Monday Morning. Day, Monday, Sept. 2, wit he greatest labor demonstra- i staged in Pascagoula or the Mississippi. At a conserv- timate twenty-five hundred ers and other trades union- Sfcrticipated in the monster H which formed at Marshall t Led ly Scranton Fire Co. brass He line of march was down HB street to Delmas avenue and t 'down Pascagoula street to jh Park, where an all-day picinic Held m Organizations participating in Bonstration and parade were nters and joiners, machinists, emeu, engineers, structural kers, bridge workers, caulk- nters, pipe titters, plumbers, and retail clerks. All orgin carried - banners with the I their union, and throughout ks Hags, bunting, banners and rs with patriotic mottoes trated the nature of the oc and the sentiment of the ra. sands of people fined the to witness the parade, many from neighboring towns for fcasslon. In Park was decorated in colors and at night hundreds trie lights and Japanese lant- kghted the grounds and builld- ;s the workers and their thousands of other citizens the park during the day and lit. bltfi speaking program was ar for the afternoon, same tak- ce in the Beach Park Casino. H. Franck presided and intro- the speakers. Prof. Harrison & M. College made a splendid i along patriotic lines and prolonged applause from the audience. Gov. Theo. G. Bilbo, ate for congress, was the next r. He spoke at length, out whot lia Hfljt nc.rnmpHahed dur- s administration for the benefit Or and relating many instances hout his public career wherein Id stood loyally for the laboring ?r speakers were Mr. W. H op of the Carpenters' Union, ey Wm. Estoplnal of Gulfport r. C. M. Laurendine of this city Ige Paul B. Johnson, candidate pngress.was also to have spoken wired that his automobile had n down and he was unable to here. fcr the speaking a number of is and contests for prizes took Dancing in the pavilion fol . and was enjoyed until a late the concessions did a big butt the profits of which were donated ( Red Cross. Mr. Ahley of the i Airdome presented a splendid re program at the casino at night 25 per cent of the proceeds also the Red Cross. e labor organizations and those In ;e of the celebration have ample s to feel proud of their success. w.s.s. :ks blodgett gets lontract for more ships CITY COUNCIL IN REGULAR SESSION. V. P. DeJean Named as Mayor and F. D. Becht as Clerk Fire Limit Ordinance Repealed. Complete Wooden Vessels to Built Here. om Pathway To Democracy) are at liberty to announce that ompany has received an addition Jer for wooden vessels complete t is. they are to have the ma ry installed at our yard. This Ulition to the vessels covered ed under the present contract, B tint we hrve enough work In !o last (ho entire year of 1319. ho have the welfare of the com at heart Will be entitled to lear.t Might ail Hi . t t; additional id f-i given ui as a recognition e results accomplished with the nt contract. It is therefore up ?ry workman on this yard to con to give results. In order that ay retain the good opinion of the gency Fleet Corporation and e more work from time to time. W.S.S. i. B. E. Green and a corps of ants frem Jackson. Miss., rep ting the Children's Welfare I at Jackson, were in Pascagoula ast week for the purpose of tak irphans and children whose ts or guardians were incapable ring for them, to the Home. gathered quite a number from ;c and Jackson counties and left uesday afternoon to place them it splendid institution, until good s will he offered each ward. W.S.S. I L. N, Railroad has resume 1 on Uit extension to its Ireight touae The mayor and board of aldermen met in regular session Tuesday night Alderman V. P. DeJean, mayor pro tem. presiding. Alderman Watts was appointed clerk pro tem., the resig nation of Clerk Geo. B. Hague having become effeective Sept. 1. Mr. Olsen, keeper of the beach wat erworks, was authorized to cut off the water from mains every night between 10 p. m. and 4 a. m. in order to fill the tank for tire protection. Alderman Nelson was appointed to ascertain if better water supply at beach can he obtained. A. Baroul was granted permit to build blacksmith shop. ' Reports of officers were received and filed and a number of claims approved for payment. The sum of $1000 was appropriated for use of Public Health Service sani tary work. Alderman Lewis was appointed to confer with U. S. Public HeaJth Service officials in regard to cty em ploying sanitary foreman. Alderman Watts was authorized to ascertain if L. & N. Ry. would with draw any claim for damages if city withdraw injunction proceedings. Adjournment was taken until Wednesday night. Following resolution was adopted: "Whereas the records and papers of the city appear to be scattered over the City Hall, without regard to their value or usefulness, the present Board is unable to ascertain whether all the records, books and documents and valuable papers of the city are on file in the city office, therefore, Be it resolved, that the Mayor and clerk of this Board take and make an in ventory of such records and papers as may be found in the safe and Office and which inventory shall he spread on the minutes." Another resolution adopted was as follows: "It is ordered that the city tax col lector show cause why certain taxes on personal and real property, as shown by Auditor Watkins, were not collected, and why lie should not be charged with such uncollected taxes." Ordered that notice be published for bids on temporary school rooms to be erected on grounds of Central Ordered that 12,000 barrels shells for streets be purchased at 17c per barrel, f. o. b. river bank. Alderman Watts reported that L, ft N. Ry. Co. had agreed to make no claim for damages against city in re Injunction suit, and city attorney was ordered to withdraw suit. Mayor Pro Tem. De.Ieean submitted his resignation as alderman from second ward. Mr. F. D, Becht was elected and sworn in as his successor. Mr. DeJean was then elected mayor: F. D, Becht, clerk; and F. H. Lewis, mayor pro tem., for remainder of term ANOTHER VESSEL LAUNCHED HERE The Cawker, Third Vessel Built by Dlerks Blodgett Yard, Left Ways Wednesday. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. County Law Makers Hold Three Days Session Tax Levy for 1918 Fixed. All members and officers present. Report of sheriff relative to prison ers received in August approved. Report of convict foreman for month of August received 'and approv ed. Report of supt. of education for month of August recelvediand approv ed. Report of county comthlssioner of Amid the blowing of whistles and shouting of the multitudes the steam shiD Cawker. third of the tile wonelpn ships being built for the Emergency ' BTicuture for month of August rec- Fleet Corporation by the Dlerks I e,ve(1 an(I aPProved- RlmiTott Khtti.ti n i Report of county agent home goula, glided gracefully into the I economics for August -received and waters of the Pascagoula river Wed- approved' nesdav morning at 11-45 ! port o '"""H nealt offlcer for Very simple ceremonies accompa- August received and apeVbved. nled the launching. Little Miss Mary Report of county prosecuting at- x a ii. i A. .-nln,l Bulllngton, niece of Mrs. D. V. Dlerks, lr""K3r luI ",u'.'"' "l "uf u" broke the bottle of champagne and i B,lu BUU,UVCU nhrlatnnnri the vessel g it otnrtnd I "eport ferry tor month oi jvugusi receiveu of ferryman Pascagoula down the ways. In the stand at the bow of the vessel were some of the officers of the company, their families and guests. The vessel was decorated with a large American flag which floated nrniiillv from thti uCi'f at l.or l.ow nml . , ... , , , -for year 1917 received and approved a string oi the varicolored flags of ' and approved. Report of bridge commissioner for month of August received and approv ed. Tax collector of insolvent, supple mental, and erroneous assessments interational signal code stretched from bow to stern. The name for the vessel was furn ished from Washington and its sig nificance is not known. The Cawker is of the Ferris type, 3500 gross tons, 9SM II In lonirtli J fl f.oan. an1 (', ft u t. j ,,, i i purposes of covering deficit in current depth of hold. She will be equipped v v Consolidation of Gautier, Martin Bluff, Bethany, Belle Fountain and Pleasant View schools approved. Consolidation of Myers, Dog Wood Point and Florala schools approved. Clerk directed to give notice of the issuance of $15,000 loan warrants for with 1400 h. p. engines and have a speed of ten knots. -W.S.S. CIRCUIT COURT. expenses 1918 County and State levy for 1918 made as follows: Supervisors' District No. 1. Outside separate school district, $21.30 per thousand. Circuit court adjourned Saturday, In Big Point school district, $30.30 after a three weeks' session. Expen- per thousand." ses of the term were as follows: Supervisors' District No. 2'i Jurors $1211.70, State witnesses $44.40, Outside separate school district, officers of court $047.05: total $1993.15. $21.80 per thousand. About $100 in fines were collected. In Escatawpa school district, $23.90 Following cases were disposed of per thousand, after our report last week; In municipality of Moss Point, $18.80 State vs. Will Register, assault, per thousand. Convicted and fined $2E and costs. Supervisors' District No. 3. State vs. Geo. Tyler, having liquor : Outside separate school district, in possession. Not guilty. $25.70 per thousand. State vs. L. A. Murphy, embezzle- In city of Pascagoula, $22.70 per ment. Passed to files. State Revenue Agent vs. Southern Paper Co., controversy about assess ments. Verdict for defendant. HI I S. udiun a. . ' Luv V. u . Black well. Judgn ent for plaintiff per thousand. thousand. Supervisors' District No. 4. Outside separa" school dis , rr thousand. ;rlct DEFENSE COUNCIL Citizens Meet at Courthouse Wednes day Organization Effected With A. F. Dantzler, Chairman. FRANK LISCA DIES "f WOUND. Italian Ship Rigger Mysteriously Shot on Jackson Avenue Monday Night Assailant Unknown. Frank Lisca, an Italian ship rigger and sub-foreman employed at the International Shipyard, was found on Jackson avenue about 8:30 o'clock shot in the back, the bullet pentrating the abdomen. Albert Sheffield, colored, while pass ing along the avenue near the colored At a meeting of representative church, heard groans and on lnvesti citizens, held at the courthouse Wed- i gating discovered the wounded man. nesdav afternoon, the Jackson County ! He secured assistance and carried Council of Defense was organized. Mr. A. F. Dantzler of Moss Point was Lisca to Dr. Kell's office, where the bullet was removed and the man sent named as permanent chairman and ; to the infirmary at Mobile on No. 10. Mr. Jules K. Johnson of Pascagoula i He died early Thursday morlnlng. as secretary. The body was brought to Pascagoula Mr. W. S. Fitch, organizer for this ' Thursday evening, Inquest held and district, assisted by Mr. B. C. Cowan j burial taking place at Pascagoula of Gulfport, effected the organization. cemetery. The verdict of the corou Both gentlemen made short talks out-1 cr's jury was that he came to his death lining the purposes and duties of the j from pistol wound at the hands of council. Mr. E. B. Martin, chairman j party unknown. The funeral was in of the Self Preservation Loyalty j charge of the local Riggers' Union. League, acted as temporary chairman ' The shooting is something of a of the meeting. mystery. Lisca stated to Sheriff Both Mr. Dantzler and Mr. John- Parker that he was walking along the son were elected by acclamation. railroad track when he met a negro These, with the chairmen of the Draft man, who ordered him to throw up Board, Liberty Loan Committee, Food ; his hands. He thereupon turned an Conservation, Loyalty League, Red ran and the negro shot him in the Cross and other war committees, make ! hack. He could give no definite de up the permanent governing body of scription of his assailant, the council. W.S.S. The following gentlemen were nam- CAPT. JOS. C. DELMAS. ed as temporary chairmen in their re- i Captain Joseph Carlos Delmas died spective school districts for the pur-1 on Saturday evening at 8:30 o'clock, pose of perfecting a community org- at the family residence on Pascagoula aiiization to report to the central ! river, following an attack of paraly body: S. P. Walker, Pascagoula; E. j sis, on Sunday the 24th ultimo. 11. Alien, Moss Point: E. It. Glass- Captain Delma;; was born on Noveni cock, Ocean Springs; P. M. Davis. ber 29th, 1849, and was a lite long Escatawpa; .1. A. Loekard, Vancleave; ! resident of Pascagoula. He was a W. It. David, Vestry; W. H. Hamil-i son of Mr. and Mrs John B. Delmas, ton, Harleston; J. B. Gibson, Hurley, both members of the pioneer Delmas Edwin Booth, Big Point; W. M. Bord- j and Grant families of South Missis ner, Helna; T. J. Miller, Orange sippi, and prominent in the civic and Grove; O. C. Marthaler, Pecan; Will I business affairs of Jackson county Parker, Wade and Oak Grove; V. B. j for many years. His education was Pierce, Kreole; W. A. Hooks, East obtained in the private schools of Pas Side; Walter Gautier, Gautier and j cagoula. Though too young to serve Hilda; Polite Bories, Harrison-Jack- tin the Confederate army during the son Line school; IS. F. Wilkerson, j war of 1881-66, he performed a man's Laine: I. W. Ramsay, Dantzler; J. J. part by the service he rendered the Fletcher, Dead Lake; H. Wilson, town in driving to and from Mobile n of fl'-onli Sprmh for the purpose of bringing provisions to tl(e community, when no other means of communication was avail able, and with no asistance or com panion except tht of his pet dog a perilous undertaking for experienced LEAVE FOR CAMP, men even, during those troublous days " - He was in the Government sei vice. BoUny, Larue and Armour Krebs: M. B. Tootle, Tootle; M. J. Roberts, Arena; W. A. Seymour, Bayou Talla ; Stewart Seymour, Bayou Porta. W.S.S. I HIRTY-IGHT SELECTMEN REAL ESTATE IN JACKSON COUNTY Recorded In Chancery Clerk's Office For Week Ending August 30th. David Mizelle and wife to Mrs. Elizabeth Perry, about 2 acres In 18-7-F, $75. Chas. W. Perry et al. to Joseph Bar row about 4 acres in 18-7-5, $100. Joe Barrow and wife to Frank J. Cunningham, about 2 acres in 18-7-5, $100. Mrs. Charlotte Clark to Russell and Leona Caver, contract for deed to cer tain lot in town of Oceans Springs on Kotzum and Porter aves. in 30-7-8 for $1000. Chas. A. Jones and wife to J. C. Howell, lot No. 3 in Ely tract in city of Moss Point in 25-7-6, $300. W. S. McLeod to N. A. McLeod, quit claim .deed to parcel on west side of main st. in city of Moss Point in 25-7-6, $1. N. A. McLeod to J. C. Howell, 2 cer tain lots of land on main st. in city of Moss Point in 25-7-6, $2750. N. E. Pritchett et al. to W. R. David, quit claim deed to nj of net of 27-5-7, $25. Henry W. Lear et al. to R. M. Duke, 60 acres In 22-7-5 and about 21 acres in 27-7-5, $900. W. F. Kohler to E. W Pool, part of lot No. 2 square 1, V. Delmas heirs rtact in city of Pascagoula, $100. W. T. Alexander to L. T Perkino, si of lot D in share 7 of division of nwj of se of 30-7-5, $1 and other valuable considerations. Sarah E. Alexander et al. to R. H. Perkins, parcel of laud in uej of swi of 30-7-F, $1. Sarah E. Alexander et al. to Emma Stauter, parcel of land in nei of swi of 30-7-5, $1. N. Seymour to J. R. Woodcock, part of lot No. 1 block 36 in town of Ocean Springs on Dewey ave., $300. John C. Nelson to A. P. Bugge, lot No. 14 In Sarrtizin in 11-8-6, $250. John H. Turner et al. to Frank B. Turner, lease on John H. Turner homo stead consisting of 40 acres in 28-7-6 for 2 years, $200. Grant Dobson and wife U A N. Ladner, sei of nwj of 6 T 7, PMi Mrs. Maggie Mary .lot." " $flo and land in controvery to plain tiff. Horace Hinds vs. J, M. Flurry. Judg ment by consent for plaintiff for $280.78. State vs. Margaret White, robbery. Six months in penitentiary. State vs. John Pelham, having liquor In Ilarrlson-JacMoii con. winmi district, $33.70 per thousand. In Lyon consolidated school district, $31.70 per thousand. Supervisors' District No. 5. Outside separte school district, $24.30 per thousand. In Vancleave consolidated school Thirty-eight white selectmen from for a number of yenn,. employe?! as i hi iina Jackson counti urainod Pasei captain of government sna boats, and j of hwj Nine parcel of rami iif 30-7 5, $450. in possession. Fined $100 and costs, district, $42.30 per thousand. $50 suspended. In Daisy Vestry consolidated school City of Moss Point vs. Dixie Walker, district, $30.30 per thousand, assault. Fined $50 and costs, $40 sus- In Woodrow Wilson consolidate! pended. I school district. $30 :10 per thousand. O. C. Marthaler vs. It. A. Roberts. Minor children of Mrs. Emma Smith The only remaining vacancy I Dismissed at plaintiff's cost. ! committed to Mississippi Children's en the hoard is that of alderman from ward one. City Atorney Everitt submitted the following written opinion regarding the much discussed fire limit ordin ance: "I was requested by you at your last meeting to make you a written report giving my opinion of the leys status of the several respondents who had been notified to appear before the Hoard to show cause for alle ged viol ations of the lately adopted fire ord inance "In the first place, I will say that W.S.S. : Home. Society. Thursday Sent 12. is registration; Minor children day for all males between 18 and if years except those already registered. Failure to register will be severely punished. . W.S.S. The Chronicle '..50 a year. Mrs. Dora Goff committed to Mississippi Children's Home Society. Ordered that Itimlzed statements and reports of all expenses incurred in sanitary work be tiled and approved before allowance be made. Reports road districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 for month of August received and goula Thursday morning for Cam; following that he became captain of the Marine Hospital boat "Welsh1? plying in the ;aters of the Gulf of Mexico, Mobile Bay and as far as New Orleans. Upon his retirement from the government service, he built Pike, Ark., for military training in the United States army. Included in the number were: Jourd Avent Rollins, John Quitman Havens, Carver Leneai Cunningham, Charles Hardy Ramsay ations not. being an exterior addition 1 approved, to the building. Committee appointed to inspect road "The general defense made of ig- from Wade to Graham's Ferry allowed noranco of the law or the time when additional time within which to re the ordinance went into effect as , port. the ordinance is defective in that the 1 pleaded In 'these cases .while not an Claim of .1. M. Tanner for loss of description of what is called the 'ire ; excuse for violating the law. presents cow by dipping dismissed for want o!' limits is vague and very uncertain as j an excuse that appears in these cases proof. to certain designated points of the j to have been tle outcome of mislead- Specifications for bridge over ('hot line. For instance, there is mentioned mp information from such sources as scabawfa in district Xo. 5 considered as one point the northwest corner of j entitles it to be respected. But this and rejec ted. Rbberts. Martin and the intersection of Pascagoula street! Hoard is powerless to stay the penalty Colmer voting yea. Itamsay and Rob- and Jackson street when in fact Jack-1 except bv repeal of the ordinance, inson voting nay. on street does not cross to the west That penalty that Is most serious is Clifton Lcroy Dees, Willie Albert ; and operated a model iiiotm- tow boat, Florence, John James Bailey, Aaron ! the "Rita J." until his health failed Tanner, John Oliver Cole. Benjamin 1 aml lle ,llen took charge of his farm Franklin King. Everitt Dowell Oliver, at the Toim, where he worked with Cleve Jackson, Edward I). Scar- unbating interest and energy until he borough, Robert Earl Woodham, became physically unable to continue Charles Brlggs Wilkinson. Ira Day the exertion. The last years of his Bang, Knox Goff, Harvey Edward Uf8 were spent at the J. B. Delmas Golf, Henry Prentis Hurlbert, Joseph family home on the river, where his Marion Rogers. W. E. Burrus. Dimp sister and brother, Miss Isabella and Oneal. Harold Lafayette Grant, Henry Mr. Valentine Delmas reside. Lee, William Edward Loekard, Edwin He was married to Miss Eugenie llardman Potter, James 0. Smith, Lel'evre of Mobile, .who died some Wess Ramsay Jones, Duniont F. eighteen years past. He was a con O'Neal, Albert Southern, George Car- sistent member of the Catholic church, son Fletcher, Henry S. Beaugez, Syl- possessed many lovable traits of vester A. Krebs, Andrew O. Pollard, character and personality. Arm in bin Eniry Sledge Clark. Harry Bertram convicltons, fearless in the perform Ramsay, Mauley Nelson. William M. ance of duty and devotion to his Mathieu. 1 family and many friends. He is surv- , W.S.S. ived by three brothers, Messrs. irv- "TO HELL WITH THE KAISER." " Delmas, Valentine and C. H. "To Hell with the Kaiser." the great Delmas, two sisters, Mrs. E. O. Foster seven-act Screen Classics, Inc. and Miss Isabella Delmas. all resid patriotic production, will appear at cuts of this city. His iimeral took Warfield Theatre Wednesday after- place from the family residence on noon and and night. "To Hell with Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock, pro die Kaiser" la the most vital of all ' ceding to Our Lady of Victories the pictures dealing with the world Catholic church and from thence to war. It strips bare the vile soul of the Catholic cemetery at the beach WOhelm of Hohenzolleru. and shows where interment was made. Rev. B. Mabarlia & Mississippi R. R. cited I the plot by which he and his "Potsdam O'Reilly officiated at the services, and side of Pascagoula street and, hence, the holding of the building condemned to show cause why penalty should not that poin has no existence. The line to destruction or removal by the be adjudged against them for failure from Jackson street is then described I officers of the city who are sworn to to maintain proper R. R. crossings. as running northeast along Pas a-' enforce the laws and ordinances and Ofrcial bond of 1. L. IieLasbmcni coula street when in fact Pascagoula I the Mayor and Board of Adermen can- notary public approved and filed for street runs northwest. But In ad-'not pardofl the violation of the law record. 1 i t ion to this and other similar in-1 or relieve the officer in the matter of. Road commissioners directed to im- accuracies the line is arbitrarily Ii x- this performance of their sworn duty, mediately repair all roads J with reference (o its distince from bv which the Poard itself is bound, county. F. H. Lewis to Albert Bosarge, lot 5 square B of Hebrard tract in 11-8-6, $225. Rosa Delmas et al. to Pascagoula St. Ry. & Power Co., lots 16, 17 and 18 of Delmas Bros, sub-division of a part of Sarrazin tract in city of Pascagoula, $2000. Judson Rogeis and wife to John F. Krebs, about 3 acres in sel of swi of 12-7-6, $250. Rachel and Robt. S. ChildS to J. W. Pounds, about 2 acres In 12-7-6, $250. Scranton-Pascagoula Realty Co. to L. D. Herrlck, lot 29 and part of lot 27 blk. J of Commttay tract In 11-8-6, F. H. Lewis et al. R. E. Tillman, lot 7 block I Liberty addition In city of Pascagoula in 12-S-6, $50. Lampton Realty Co. to George P. Clinton, wj of nwi of se', of 28-4-F, $500. Kate T. Dear to Delia Lancaster, part of lot 7 in block 2 MorreU's sur vey, $12. Elizabeth Page to Eniile Bigot, nwj of 11-0-7. 11, Fred Taylor, commissioner, to II. S. Bugge, part of lots and 6 of A. D. Krebs sub-division of n of nel of 7 S-5. $200. Louis Garlotte to Everette Byrd, parcel of land in swi of nwi of 10-7-8, $100. F. H. Lewis and W. D. Cowgill to T. G. Hibhler. 2-1 interest in parse! of land 66 2-3 ft.x88 fl. on Magnolia st. in city of Pascagoula. $1 T. C. Hlbblei and Coast Xut Fruit K- Laud Co.. tc Hugh Atkinson, r and gang" hoped to get possession not only the pall bearers were the following of Europe, but of America. "To Hell six nephews of Captain Delmas: with the Kaiser" shows the final des- Messrs. .Morris Jonte. Charles Foster ! all that part of l lying north ot L. & tlnation of this mad inonach, as well of Blloxi. Albert L., Francis H., Lee I N. R. R. in 25-7-8. $500. as relating his cruel deeds oil earlh. A., and Harold J. Delmas. Preston Bosarge to Mn. Margaret T. W.S.S. : Zink. nuit claim deed to sei Ot IWf Starting with scenes taken on board , of 1517-3. II, a Paci Hi3 Hoi: Which ."es.-ite tlajakawa is starring Grove blue print and being tk- A great cast has been chosen to interpret this magnificent picture the; which has been directed by Qeorge Irving from the scenario by June certain streets instead of having in "in conclusion, there is no escap- Road commissioners supervisors' ; Mathis, and photographed by George view lots, blocks and squares already ing the proposition that since you hafe district No. 2 authorized to buy autoK Hollister. a war-photographer and established, which seriously effec ts pone as far as you have it is your mobile tnick at $800. former war correspondent. 'ts consistency and reasonableness in plain duty to enforce the law or re- Occupants of residence on c ourt I "To Hell with the Kaiser" has that la both thrilling and te the application of the restriction as peal it and by repealing it you will house premises directed to Vacate I total of the most unusual features Briefly, the situation cjeal- i.ii the 1,'f.atl inn, "TKo II.,,....- F Me T71i-, I , 1 ai. !.u ..... , ,11, (luiaui L'1 .,,-,. l.ailll.VMl iu -' lie .IIJIIUC. ." a Paramount picture in ! tract No. 10 as shown by South Or in ;e 3f it the WarQeld Theatre Thursday. InJ of nw of swi of 36-7-5 less- 53 ,'t iccbc is with steady strides a climax off the east end for deLamorto 1 ave., $600. Great American Oil Co. to Herbert to building requirements. These mat- adopt the only possible way of re- same for county jailor. W.S.S. ters are worthy of serious consider- lieving against its penalties 111 tne ation in an ordinance of this kind. several cases ,of its violation To "Touching the violations of this continue and enforce the ordinanc e ordinance it appears that some of the would, in my judgment, result in the persons notified have itrohahly not ' Infliction of hardships considerable in violated the law. while others have, view of the poor ability of most of A Cnw .... I ' ' ?,,. J, .1 l,.,.r,, ..... ....... I. ,n hdflr it .ml in V.HU' '""' - " 1 -""'-'- 7 " - " . next Tuesday, matind? and night, is tlic construction of their buildings be- of the fac t that they ac ted on the act- . . r fore the ordlninre became in force ; vise of persons highest in authority and effect, would not be amenable he- among the city officials, a wrong cause the ordinance could not make would be perpentrated and an Injust unlawful a lawful act already done or , ice done to these people that would by retroactive effect slop the con- be out of proportion to the present structlon of the building that hail been value of the ordinance to the c ity " begun in good faith and was p.irtly i The board thereupon adopted ordin construc ted. Repairs of old buildings am es repealing both the original fire by replacing wood with wood or other ordinanc e and the ordinance amending i.lence on Krebs .... cue around to fa.-e combustible-? is. net I -lolation o On ame "1h r trpr' " '" ' ' a store law, or iuterual chanjfes and alter-1 Adjourned until ilouday. Sept. 9 1 building on Krebs svenue A BEAUTIFUL PICTURE. Marccrite ( lark's latest starring vehicle. "Uncle Tom's Cabin." whic b will he shown at the Warfield Theatre said to be beautiful and impressive. It is filled throughout with rapid-fire dramatic action and unusual heart ap peal. Miss ("lark plays the parts of; Eva and Topsy. and her support is of a high artistic standard. W.8.S. Mr. Y. D Becht has moved his res- I eve r seen in a photodrama. The cloe- love of two men, a Japanese end an Respaas, 5 drill ttacts containing 1,- Ing scenes contain a genuine surprise. American, for a Bslf-caate :;:r. villi combining beauty and forcefulness. the victory to the latter by tea mm of and the Kaiser is shown in those ac- the Jap's great sacrilic c. c ursed regions to whic h his base rec W.S.S.- ore! has desfined him. INFANT JESUS ACADEMY OPENS. Scenes among the American sol- The Infant Jesus Academy, under diers in the trenches are shown, and direction of the Sisters of Perpetual a genuine air battle of two opposing Adoration, began its 1918 19 scholastic aerial fleets is reproduced. The session on Tuesday, the 2nd instant, pages of history are unfolded to show with the largest enrollment of pupils the deeds of Frederick III of Prussia, in years. The Academy has added a and the instruction of the present business course to its curriculum this Kaiser In his war policies by Bis year, and has a capable corps of marc k. then the events leading up to lea. hers in c harge of the- vaiious de file .resent sac rile me of the tlowi-r l artmeuts of I be school. of nations. Romance plays ' part W.S.S. in this ani:c mg picture, showing that All men in iJie UMttttti Stales be love and lu.-alty w ill nutlhe s then- tneen ivand 45 veart, must regiHter nd "arc i next Tburada?'. ' 00 1 scjuare feet each known as No-. 1. 2, :'., 4, 5 in blk. 20 sub division of el of swi of nwi of 33-7-E, $225. Deeds of Trust. ( has. E. Clark and wife to Ocean Springs State Bank, deed of trust for 250; seucred by about 19 acres in 17-7-S. .'has. E. Clark and wife to Mrs. Carrie A. Girrard. deed of trust for $1000: secured by property in town " of Ocean Springs south of wha Is known as Hoi I logs worth lane in 30 7i(. V1 .' Delia Hohin .cn and Int.- bam! to .1. I. Smith, dee.t of trust for $111.75; e . ure.l by part of lot 7 in hloek No. MorreH's timer and other Uad in city of Moss Point.