Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME XXII Sylops it OFTHE WAR AM i0BJer Expected to Open Way for ir Attack on Germany and Austria from East lEf TOl ilngton, Oct. 31. Turkey Is out 'war and Germany's remaining e 'uatria-Hungary, badly defeated field of battle, her battle line twain, and with chaos reigning her borders, is pleading for an ce. Thus far her importunities Leceived no better answer than oubllng of the efforts of the al- arush utterly her warriors. e meantime Vienna officially re- ""hat an Austrian deputation has : emitted to cross the fighting ,.: preliminary pour parlers with lian commander. . capitulation of Turkey is be to have been an unconditional 'he victories of the allied forces -he JBStro-Hunaarians threaten J what remains of the enemy reeling bad; to their border fjnttered and completely van J "a than 50,000 prisoners havei taken by, the Italian, British i, American and Czecho slovak and everywhere, from the (in legion to the platns of Ve the enemy is being sorely tried, i maintains, where stiff re'sis- tud been offered to keep the foe lettering the back door of Aus h enemy's front is cracking "the Violence of the attacks and antetrategic positinos are being TO the east of the l'iave the hare driven in a sharp wedge to rtheeat of Ilelluno, some twenty from their original point of de e, and severed connection be the armies in the north and on the Venetian plains, r the plains leading toward the an frontier at the Isonzo river vaders everywhere are in full , With the allied troops pressing hard. Here the debacle seems complete. The enemy in his is leaving behind large numbers II add great quantities of war MMo endeavors to reach the IrTHftr the Tagllamento river. US not improbable that on the and in the region east and west uno large numbers of the enemy ktined to be captured. Ugh the defection of Turkey the of the Teutonic alliance be a critical one. The gateway to litem boundaries of Germany angary is opened by way of the telles and the Bosphorus and Ml shortly allied fleets will in he Black Sea and begin opera (n the heretofore unattainable Such warships as the Ger-lave-afloat in the Black Sea, in f the Russian Black Sea fleet, rove no harrier to the mighty fortresses the Entente can against them, tered little Rumania, by the col )f Turkey, again is likely soon nside the Entente fold and aid th operations against the na rhlch c rushed her. Likewise the CO' which lets Turkey out of the a menace to the enemy in Rus t Is likely to prove of the great ue In quickening a return of conditions in that country. H W.S.S. OES NOT DIFFER FROM ER EPIDEMICS OF MALADY. p Oct. 29. Bacterial Invest! jpOws that the present out- Ill Influenza does not differ PP epidemics of the same mal- higher mortality rate being Secondary infection, William Mher said in the House of H today. He added that he jiejeson to belive the spread of ante was due to malnutriaion People generally, lithe rise in the ! !h ni'o i? rtbl he said, it is net a great Hp Vienna, Paris and other edicai authorities and bae Hf experts today ordered a Hpto the cause and nature of K. It is hoped to trace and Hp microbe. m- w.s.s. LICENSE REQUIRED. Mkn season for quail hunting git on November 1, and this Hlters in Jackson county will quired to have a license for fBego of hunting. W.S.S. PASCAftOULA, MISSISSIPPI, SATURDAY, NOV. 2, 1918 NUMBER 9. THOUSAND PLANES A WEEK TURNED OUT FOR ARMY. America Now Has More Battle Planes Than Any Single Belligerent Equip ped With Liberty Motors. Washington, Oct. 30. Production of American aircraft now has reached a stage where it is being limited prac tically only by facilities for transport ing the planes to France. The pro duction of Liberty motors during the month of October reached a stage of one thousand a week, a goal which had not been hoped for before December. The latest official compilations show that since June 1 approximately 2,500 gluing planes of all descriptions have been shipped to the American forces In France. When it is realized that none of the belligerents at any one time since the beginning of the war has had more than 3,500 airplanes actually in service, the significance of an American production ot z.ovv planes in five months becomes ap parent. These 2,500 planes included nearly one hundred and fifty heavy bombers. and the remainder were planes of al! classes, including observation ma chines and day bombers. Reports from all the production cen ters show the results rapidly growing. The American forces have been mov ing so rapidly during the last few weeks that it has been found neces sary to give up some ot the trans portation space which was intended for airplanes to other material, but within the next few weeks the full movement of aircraft is expected to be in swing again. As a matter of fact, tonight's reports showed that there were more Amer ican airplanes awaiting shipment at points of embarkation than could be loaded. In speaking of fighting airplanes, the single seated plane in which are fought the spectacular duels of the air is not included. These types are changing so rapidly that officials say it never will be practical to build them elsewhere than alonist upon the battle field. All the American built planes, however, are fighting planes, armed and equipped to care for themselves on the duty for which they are design ed. W.S.S. FOOD CONTROL MAY GO ON AFTER WAR. RESTRICTIONS NOT TOBE RAISED "Flu" Situation Still Improves Sut Not Sufficient to Allow Modifi cation of Quarantine. SHIPYARD MEN GIVEN NEW RAISE. Further Increases If Cost of Living Continues Up 400,000 Men Affected. Washington, Oct. 27. Upward re vision of wages in all shipyards of the country to provide uniform national rates for practically all the shipyard trades, effective immediately, was an- nounced today by the- shipbuilding labor adjustment board. Two great On account of the continued report districts are created, one for the Pa- HAS KAISER LOSTJONTROL? Now Appears That German People May Be Forcing Hand of Govern ment in Peace Move. Belived Situation Will Continue settled for Several Months. Un- When peace is declared between th entente allies and the quadruple al iance it is probable that the officials of the food administration will not be disbanded until months afterwards. The nation will face the problem of supply and demand of food as great for a few months after the war as the country faces at present, according to government officials, and a plan has begun to,, keep track of all foodstuffs from their sources, to the Ultimate consumer and prevent any waste. Letters sent out from Washington emphasize the importance of urging the city and state officials who inspect food to trace all instances of spoilage to their sources with a view of avoid ing such losses in the future. This may go beyond the jurisdiction of the local food officials anil the administra tors will be called on to aid them. Where food has been condemned much material of value may be recov ered, food officials say. In some in stances a large part of the condemn ed material is destroyed in city in cinerators, causing not only a loss in material and food, but also in fuel. The fuel administration lias joined in the request that the use of coal, gas or oil for such purposes be avoided as far as possible. The United States food adminis tration at Washington lias set up a garbage utilization bureau which is insisting that cities operate a serv ice which will eliminate food waste and Whloh will put to use to the fullest extent possible all garbage "material. The United States bureau of chem istry, octing in co-operation with the food administration, has pointed out that the waste of foods which could he used in by-products amounts to an enormous total. Officials state that the idea of the utilization of the waste products will be worked out as a war measure. W.S.S. SOUTH TO RAISE MORE ot new cases of influenza no modifi cation of the restrictions now in force will be made at this time. This is upon advice of Lieut. Frank, of the 0. S. Public Health Service, in charge of the Costal District. There were 303 new cases reported in Jackson county for the week ending Oct. 31. Of these Moss Point reported 120, Pascagoula 85, Escatawpa 35, Ocean Springs 5 and 5'j miscellaneous. No deaths have been reported in Pascagoula since Oct.. 29, and so far as we can learn there are few, if any, influenza victims critically ill at pres ent. The total death roll since the he ginning of the epedemlc is 29. cific coast and the other embracing the Atlantic and Gulf coasts and Great Lakes. In the first, Increases aver age 20 per cent., in the second 15 per cent., with the basis rates for the TWO AMENDMENTS WILL BE DECIDED. Voters on November 5 to Vote On Classified Property Tax of Major Importance. REAL ESTATE IN JACKSON COUNTY Recorded in Chancery Clerk's Office For Week Ending October 25th. Washington, Oct. 30. The general opinion among officials and diplomats here is that the German proposal for an armistice and peace while having its origin in a plan to gain time for principal skilled trades fixed at 80 strengthening the army and restoring cent1: per hour in bqth. This decision will be reviewed evtsry six months and further increases granted If costs of llbvlng wan int. The Pacific coast award is retroac tive to August 1. Under the two awards in some instances there will be differences of a tew cents in hour in favor of the Pacific coast, to off set higher living costs there. In that section half of the award already is Six deaths for white and one colored, in effect, having been granted by em reported since our last issue, are as ployers in December, 1917, and con- Mrs. Mamie Elizabeth Beck- Smith and follows : Oct. 2. ham. Oct 26, Robert Milton Mary Vivian Alexander. Oct. 27, Mrs. Marie Norma Toche. Oct. 28, Eddie Cook (Colored). Oct. 29, Mrs. Ruth Denmark Walker W.S.S. firmed by the board last February, so that the actual average increase in the west at the present time is 10 per cent, of the wages In effect October. 1917. Owing to diversity of conditions in various parts of the country it was not found advisable to establish a nationally uniform scale for laborers. I r "5 'b 'I' ''r ! 'I- J" "i i" 4 H rates for them having been fixed on J. MOSS POINT three basis: - J. .t. .!. .j. .j. t. .j. .j. ,t g : The Pacific coast, the north Atlantic and Lakes, and the south Atlantic and Because of the Influenza epidemic, i Qujf which is somewhat improved, tho not yet stamped out, there is nothing doing In the social line and except where it is necessary to travel very few are going or coming. Hence the social items are seemingly in quaran tine too. Dr. Carl Eley was a recent visitor ao Gulfport. Mrs. Lyde Thompson has returned to Mobile, after a visit to Mrs. F. S. Herrin. Mrs. Ruchel Mclnnls has received a card announcing the safe arrival over seas of her youngest son, Dan. Fred Colmer has recovered suf ficiently from a recent attack of pneu- j . No changes in existing piecework rates are to he made until after eon- 1 ference between representativs of the shipyard:; and th piecework crafts to I be held here this week. Further ex tension of the premium, bonus and contract systems in effect in some yards is prohibited, unless authorized j by the board. The decisions directly affect 400,000 ; shipyard workers and the board be- I lieved they will have an indirect bear ing on the wages of other workers in I all parts of the country. j Rates above $5.25 per day were in creased an average of 15 per cent, in the east and 20 ner cent, in the west. monU to return home for a short, stay wMle b,,low tnat f,Elu.e ,Ae men were before resuming his studies at the A; j granted as much ag aeemed requjmi M. I by a strict application of the cost of air. i). ( . Aveni transacted Business in Avent. this week. Mrs. Frank Wilson, nee Miss Eva Lecore, of Tarpon Springs, Fla., is a guest, of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Lecore. Mr. and Mrs. Coyt McLeod and baby are visiting relatives in Harleston. Mr. Geo. Smith was a recent visitor to New Orleans. Misses Mary Florete and Eva Dalle; are visting relatives in New Orleans this week. Mr. Guy Brown has returned from New Orleans, where during his ah- i sence he was a victim of the "flu." I Mrs. J, E. Pendola returned Tuesday after a week's stay at Arbita Springs, La. Mr. Scott Denny has returned to I Mobile, after spending several weeks here with his family here. Ilr. and Mrs. Geo. Izard have return-' ed to Mobile, accompanied by their son. Henry, who is convalescent from a spell ol the mi. Misses Berths and ajpjble Ward, who were called to Pascagoula by the : death of their cousin, Mrs. Howard Walker, are guests of Mrs. Robert Cowan. W.S.S. MRS. BECKHAM DEAD. Mrs. Elizabeth Otsen Beckham, aged 2-1. wife of Mr. T, T. Beckham, died last Friday evening at the family res idence on Pascagoula street of pneu monia following an attack of Spanish influenza, and was buried on Saturday afternoon at :! o'clock. Rev. Father B. living statistics reported by the de partment of labor. Arrangements have been made with the labor department to continue the gathering of such statistics, so that, the hoard may review its awrds every six months. On the first of April and first of October each year, increases will be garnted If a aise of 10 per cent, in the cost of living is reported for the period since the last review. Creation of shop communities . to handle grievlences between the various crafts and shipyard manage ments is provided in the decision and shipyard owners not parties to joint agree mentS with their men are di rected to co-operate with their em ployer's in putting; this phase of the decision into effect. This decision by the shipbuilding labor adjustment board is part, of a new governmental policy towards labor recommended by the war labor policies hoard and agreed to by all the governmental departments employing labor directly. W.S.S. DEATH CLAIMS MRS. WALKER. Mrs. Ruth Denmark Walker, wife of Mr. Howard Walker, of this city, died a) their home on North Pascagoula street at 3 o'clock Tuesday morning after a brief illness of double pneu monia, following an attack of Spanish influenza. The funeral services were private and were he'd from the family residence on North Pascagoula street its shattered morale, has now gotten beyond the control of the military party, and that the German people arc the force which is driving the German government makes for ending the war. Another note from the German government explanatory of the changes that have been made or are projected in the. German constitution and form of government was received today through the Swiss legation, but the state department did not make it pub lic. This note was understood to be supplementary to the preceeding Ger man communication saying to the president that he must have knowledge of the efforts that have been made to democratize Germany. President Wilson was at work today on his reply to Austria's renewed plea for an armistice and peace and it was expected that it would be dispatched before night, but later today it was said at the state department that there would lie no announcement regarding the reply tonight. It was understood that in the note the president intended to touch upon the steps hat Austria and Hungary have taken in the direction of releas ing subject peoples from political bond age, but that the Austrian govern ment's plea would be referred to the allied governments. The administra tion was said to be well convinced now that Austria already is nearly out of the war and that her will for peace is simply tempered by a natural dis position to get the best terms possible short of unconditional surrender. The report that Count Andrassy, the new Austrian premier, is about to sue directly to Italy for peace on the ground that Italy is Austria's "sole antagonist" is generally regarded as confirmatory of his understanding of the hopeless situation in the dual em pire, it. was pointed out that, since Italy solemnly engaged with the other Entente powers not to make a sep arate peace, if Austria carries out this plan it. naturally would be referred to the supreme war council. There was no official information here today as to the progress of the deliberations of the supreme war coun cil and notice was taken of the re served attitude of the council in issu ing any statements to the public. The interference is drawn that a definite policy has been agreed upon to with hold all information regarding the ds cussions before the council of the grave diplomatic and military ques tions which now engage its attention in connection with the preparation of an armistice. Jackson, Miss., Oct. 30. Mississippi voters will decide the fate of two pro posed amendments to the state con stitution, one providing that all property be classified for taxation and the other lowering the age limit for candidates for governor to 21 years when the election approving the Demo cratic nomination of the August pri mary ish eld November 5. The amendment known as the "Clas sified property tax 'amendment," fost ered by Joint committees of the house and senate of the state legislature, and supported by such progressive and constructive l'.h'. senators as W. M. Whittington and Alt Stone, Is by far the most vital of the two and its failure to pass means a step back ward in tax reform, its sponsors point out. The amendment is the result of two years' work on the part of the com mittee appointed by the legislature of 1910. It has also been approved by : Snrinira mart nan the National Tax Association, a non-! w. J. Brunson to partisan organization, as well s the progressive element In Mississippi. The amendment proposes to classify property and fix taxes for each class, instead of assessing all property by the same plan, as present method does. The amendment lowering the age of candidates for governor is promoted in favor of Speaker Sennett Conner's candidacy. He is only 28, while the age limit now stands at 30. Mr. Con ner is speaker of the house of rep resentatives of the state legislature. Strong opposition has developed against the amendment, especially among the newspapers of the state. -S'S'AV- RED CROSS SAVE PITS AND SHELLS FOR UNCLE SAM. Charcoal made from them used in gas masks will save lives of many of our soldiers "over there." The Red Cross has been requested to receive and ship the pits and shells from Pascagoula. Leave your donations at the chapter house on Kerr street. Don't let your boy or your neighbor's boy die in the trenches for lack of a gas mask with the proper carbon in it. The Red Crs chapter house is open daily from i: 30 a. in. to 5 p. m. Instructions for sending Christmas Boxes to Our Soldiers Overseas. Only one parcel will be accepted by the War Department through the Red Cross for each soldier overseas. Each soldier will be provided with one Christmas parcel label. This label will be forwarded by him to tlfe persons in the United States from whom he wishes to receive his Christ mas package. Packages that do not hear this label will not be accepted by the Red Cross for delivery to the Post Office authorities. Labels that are lost will not be duplicated. Christinas parcels must he placed in cardboard boxes, 3"x4"xS" in size. J. J. Marthaler to F. E. Marthaler, all of the sej of swi west of Six Mile branch except lot 6 in block A., $1 and other valuable considerations. Dee R. Jones and wife to George W. Huffstetter, swi of 29-F-5, $1 and exchange of property. B. P. Byan and wife to L. N. Dantzler Lumber Co.,Xextension of timber lease for 10 years on nj of nel of 21-4-8, $1. J. B. Fountain to Henry Frederick Letort, lot 2 of block 2 of John B. Ladnler Grant in 15-7-9, $262. Edward W. Kuss to Daniel Rod riguez, parcel of land 135x171 ft. in 9-7-9 on west side of the so-called Ocean William Henry Dawson, lot 5 block A at the Delmas addition, being a sub-division of lots 44 and 45 of the Sedolne Kreb's tract 50x150 ft., $100. Great American Oil Company to J. A. Hudson and Smith Bennett, 2 drill tracts, containing 1,000 square feet each, and known as numbers 22 and 29 in block No. 6 in its sub-division of 20 acres, known as the ej of swi of nwj, sec. 33-7-5, $90. F. M. Apperson to Mrs. Emma Pan. key, parcel of land 81x97J ft. in 11-8-8; $20. W.S.S. OUR NEW FEDERAL JUDGE. Colonel E. M. House, who is in Paris These boxes will be provided, lo hold- as the special repcresntative of the American government to the Euro pean governments, has been making lung reports to Washington, but it is believed these do not relate to the proceedings of the war council, but rathr embody the individual views he esr of labels, by the American Red Cross. They may he obtained at Red Cross Chapters or branches after Nov ember 1. With each box. will lie given com plete instruction regarding the articles Which may be sent, and a list of O'Reilly officiated at the funeral at four o'clock c:i Tuesday afternoon, services, which were held at the home proceeding to Machpeiah cemetery for of the deceased, proceeding from there interment. Rev. W. C. Forsythe pester to Our Lady of Victories Catholic . of the Methodist church officiating, church, thence to the Catholic ceme- The death Of Mrs. Walker Created 0 has gathered from many private con-; articles which are bcrred by the postal ferences with the Entente premiers, uthorities. Study these instructions cabinet officers and military and navol and avoid mistakes. No messages or officrs in attendance upon the coun-'. written material of any kind will be ell. ' allowed to go in the boxes. When the There has been much speculation in ! boxes are packed, but unwrapped, official circles as to the probable they must not weigh more than 2 lbs., features of the armistice which will ) 15 ozs. If the parcel is over weight, be offered to the Central powers, but ; some articles must be removed. it is admitted that there is no definite Do knowledge on the subject. One com-1 candy, The nomination by the Present of : Hon. E. R. Holmes, of Yazoo City, for federal judge to succeed the late Judge Henry C. Niles, has met with general approval throughout the state. The Clarion-Ledger comments on the ap pointment as follows: The new federal judge for Missis sippi is Hon. Edwin R. Holmes, of ' Vazoo county. His name was sent to the senate by the president yesterday' evening, and his confirmation will seedily follow, as it is stated on good authority that both of the Mississippi. r senators will vote for his confirmation. The new judge was endorsed for the place by a majority of the bar of the state, and had the endorsement of the eight representatives from Mississip pi, in addition to that of Senator Wil liams. There could be no higher tes timonial of his qualifications 'and worth. A federal judge is appointed for life, unless there should he reasons to remove him for had conduct. He may retire on full pay at the age of seventy, provided he has served ten years; but as Judge Holmes is quite a young man, there will be no occasion for his re tirement for many years. In this connection it may be inter esting to recall that Mississippi has had six federal judges since being ad mitted to the Union, Judge Holmes being the seventh, as follows: William R. Shields, appointed ii 1818. Peter Randolph appointed in 182; George Adams, appointed in 1836. Samuel .1. Gholson, appointed i : 1839. Robert. A. Hill, appointed in 1866. Henry C. Niles, appointed in 189 Judge Hill was appointed by Prei. dent Andy Johnson, and held the c (ice till he reached the age of seven: when he retired on full pay, and Jud; Miles was appointed by President Hi rison, holding the office till his rece' death. It is predicted that Judge Holm will prove a worthy successor to 1 distinguished predecessors. Jacks not put perishable food, soft ( larion-Ledgcr. Ilquldss, or anything in glass tery at the beach, wliere interment was profound shock paratively new proposition relates to the guarantees to be exacted from Germany for the repayment of the tremendous financial losses suffered by those portions of Belgium and I France occupied by the German troops. In Ihe community This i-; understood to contemplate the made. Besides her husband and one-year-old daughter, -Mrs. Beckham is survived by her father. Mr. C. O. Olsen: five sisters and one brother, Private John Olsen, who is now with BROOM CORN.! 'be American Expeditionary Forces containers in the package if you wish it to reach its destination with, the! other conens unspoiled. Do no maii the box yourself. When packed, the box should be taken to the nearest collection station designated by the Red Cross, unsealed, and un wrapped, ready for inspection. Red Crcsa r i esentatives are authorized1 to remove objectionable articles from' -W.S.S.- ffotJnited State Immigration Is looking after all incoming W8 and it is predicted that iof the Federal government Kits hands full after the war alien not properly admitted an Immigrant inspector is rrest and deportation. W.S.S. Mrs. J. T. Brustarr left Sun- nebrldge. Conn., where they Reed spent last Sunday Replies to an inquiry in refernece to broom-corn production recently sen; out by the States Relations Service of the Department of Agriculture have been very encouraging. Florida. Mis sissippi, Tennessee, Louisiana. Ala bama in fact, the majority of the Southern States give promise of de- in France. -W.8.8.- COST OF NEWSPAPERS. Some people appear to have an idea that the newspapers are especially flourishing in these times of war. re marks the Greenville lionioc rat-Times: "The cost of everythinc that goes in- cided future activity in the raising of to the making of a newspaper has this crop, which, at the present ex-1 so heavily advanced that many news cessively high price of brooms, is j papers are suspendini. publication to quite remunerative. In November, at I keep pace with the necessary outgo, the conference of represntative from The Blzoni Item, published at Belzo the various boys' and girls' clubs of ni. the new county site of Humphreys, the South in Washington, increased issued its lasi edition last we"k. ai cultivation will be emphasized and en leist for the duration of the war. leav couraged. At this meeting also it is ing the Banner as the only newspaper planned to have a hoy broom maker published in the new county. The Pon from a near-by State demonstrate the totoc Advance, edited so ably by K T. simplicity of "home" broom making Winston for year, closed shop last and give actual figures on the low cost week and the editor has gone to work of turning out the finished product. where the remuneration is better." I when announced on Tuesday morning, j possession by the Entente BOWen Of r.s she m known and loved by prac-ja number of important industrial cities tically everyone in i'arcagoula and ' in the Rhine country and of the pro- Hon Point. Possessed of a magnetic j ducts of the mines and the soils there- parcels. Shippers will then affix suf personality, unusual intelligence and j in until compensation has been made. Relent postage c: their s.rcels to ability, her many qualities of sweet Thus Germany would be dependent carry them to Hoboi en. .1. Parcel womanliness, charity and friendliness upon the Entente powers for any iron post zone rater, will be charged. The won for her the respect and admiration 1 and coal or manufactured products parcels are to remain in custody of of everyone with whom she came in I she might have to draw from that the Red Cross until delivered to the contact. Mr. Howard Walker, her husband, who is employed at the Pascagoula Streei Railway & Vow or Co.. and one Utile daughter about eight years of :c:e. survive her. with several brothers and two sisters, one of whom. Miss Claudia Davis, is a nurse in France, and I number of relatives in various parts of the country, and at Hatties burg. Moss Point. Chicago and St. Leeds, The grave was covered with a great number of exquisitely beautiful floral offerings, attesting the sympathy of a host of friends. W.S.S. Good streets and of'er good things are coming to Pascagoula soon. territory. W.S.S. All Saints lay. November 1st. was observed as customary. Numerous beautiful floral designs were placed on ihe tombs and graves of the de parted ones. Because of the many recent bereavements the observance postal authorities. No Christmas parcel will be accept ed by the Red Cross for shipment after November 20. Keep this fact in mind when planning a Merry Christ mas for the boys "Over There." W.S.S. Capt. W. U Hodden is home from a of the feast was particularly sad and successful voyage. He is looking well much sympathy was felt for the rel atives and friends of those who mourn their loveil ones. W.S.S. Met and every shipyard worker in and says that he is happy to be Pascagoula. W.S.S. Preparaton is half the struggle Build comfortable homes in Pasca- should share his earnings with war goula. savings stamps. Save for a rai-y day W.S.S. and be wise. ' Let no one overlook his or her W.S.S. obligation to keep trash off the streets Our trade mark, "Pascagoula Built." and sidewalks. Burn all refuse. FFiEE HUNTING IN JACKSON. The Gulfport Herald says: Jac .011 county a few days ago agreed . suspend hunting licenses for the pri ent season and throw down the bt to everybody m4m cared to go afli with a hunting dog and gun. E when tire news of the Jackson coi: ;':' board reached the Harrison cot ty hoard it had become twisted ! transmission and made it appear th Jackson c ounty had shut out huntt from other counties. The indgnatii and resentment of the Harrison coun solons was great and reprisals we. 1 on that needs those then ened by Frame against Germai tame in comparison. Eut when the truth was conveyed . the board a sheepish grin went a around :.m! it was agreed that Jaci sou county acted somewhat mat Qamlously. though it was not seen ho Harrison county could follow suit. W.S.S. Get together" and start a clean up program of sulphur fumigation and blot out the "flu." Every home In the county should use sulphur and slack linn, freely. W.S.S. There are brigther days coming. Be cheerful and grateful.