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i THE PASCAGOULA CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, UPttMUft 10, 19Z0. TtoPascaulaChronicid WKKKU. PA8OAQOOZ4A. MISSISSIPPI 0. O. 8COTT, Editor and Owner T One SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Year, $2.00; Six Month, $1.00; Three Months, 50c. Foreljrn Advcrtifiirix Representative THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION MISSISSIPPI'S FIFTEEN LARGEST CITIES. According to preliminary census figures already made public. Missis sippi has fifteen cities of more than 6,000 population. Meridian is the largest, with a population I of 23.4.'!6, i $ and Tupelo barely goes over the mark '. 3. 4. e. 6. 7. 8. a. 11. 12. 13 14. with a population of 5.055. Lautel shows the largest percentage of growth, with the exception or Pasca goula, while Vicksburg is the only city to show a loss, having declined 13 per cent within the ten-year period. The figures and the standing of the cities are as follows: 1. Meridian. -- 23,436 2. Jackson 22,679 Vicksburg 17.931 Hattiesburg Laurel 13,037 Natchez 12.608 Greenville 11.560 Biloxi lf,982 Columbus 10,552 Clarksdale - 8.522 Gulfport 8,157 Greenwood - '.793 McComb 7,775 Pascagoula -- 6,082 15. Tupelo 5.055 We are giving Hattiesburg fourth 1, 1.... no a natuiil,i,pli' ftnllPtOBV hilt it is our candid opinion that Laurel .1 is the larger of the two cities. I he y population of Hattiesburg has not as yet been announced, but we have it on pretty good authority that the census will exceed that of Laurel ny .;. only a few hundred. It will be re- J rembered that the enumeration in i -y Hattiesburg was held up several weeks X in an effort to secure 15,000 names and thus save the city charter (Hat- tiesburg is operating under the code X provision for cities of more than 15.-1 000), but the number actually fell far y short of that mark. The enumeration X of at least two of the wards of Lau- , T rel was poorly done, hundreds of citl-1 zens having been overlooked entirely, j .j, and there Is little doubt in the minds of our people that this city now has j -j- more than 15,000 population. But a gain of 54 per cent, in ten yeas 's a population showing of which Laurel has a right to be proud, and the Daily Leader confidently be lieves that this rate will be maintain ed for many years to come.-Laurel Leader. I 1 t 1 1 X X i i-H-W-M-M-H-H-H- EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Services at St. John's Church, Sun day: 7:30 a. m., Holy 10 a. m., Sunday School. 11 a. m morning prayer and sermon. 7:JU p. m., evening prayer and sermon. At the Union Church, South Pascagoula, 5 p. m., evening service. RBV. JOHN CHII'MAN Mrs. Mark Kean of Ocean Springs, ' was the guest of Mrs. K. A. Bowers I , 1 M,,,, ,l,iv communion, on moi Rector, : I I' I i i PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Sabbath School 9:30 a. m.. Mr. Sam Seaton, supt. Morning worship 11 a. ni Theme "The Root of Evil." Even ing worship 7:30 p. m., Theme "The Fatal Dream." You are most cor dially invited to worship with us. The church with the cordial welcome. W. P. CHALMERS, Pastor. THE METHODIST CHURCH. Services Sunday morning, Septem ber 12, at 11 a. in. and Sunday evening at 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 9:45 a. 111. Come with us to these services. J. H. MOORE, Pastor. Pas- Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Mayo and son Lawrence, and Roy Woodman motored to Pass Christian Monday, where they suent the day and returned liome! that evening. NOTICE OF SALE EVERGREEN SCHOOL HOUSE AND LOT. NON-RESIDENT NOTICE. The State of Mississippi. To W. W. Hazzard: a., 1 1 ., h iiwn I at the suit of cagoula National Bank, a corporation, against your estate, for the sum of $582.07, returnable before the Circuit Court of Jackson County, at Pasca goula, Mississippi, has been executed, and is now pending in said Court! ami unless vou appear before said Court ON THE SECOND MONDAY OF FEBRUARY, A. D. 1921, and plead, answer or demur to said action, judgment will be entered and the es tate attached will be sold. This September 7th, 1920. W. C. HAVENS, Circuit Clerk. NON-RESIDENT NOTICE. No. 4086. The Stute of Mississippi, Jakson County. To Frank II. Roulsong, N. Raff and A. It. Raff, and to any and all persons having or claiming any interest either legal or equitable, in or to that land situated in said County and State, described as NWJ or SW1 of SE. of Section 34, Township 6 South, Range 5 West, sold lor taxes by the Tax-Collector of said County on Monday, the 2nd day of April, 1917. You are commanded to appear be- After an extended visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Lewis on the beach, Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Ross and children left Saturday for their home at Grenada, Miss. WANTED TO BUY Forty to eighty acres land. State lo cation and price at 0111. Address ''A. B. C." care-Genen'.l Delivery. Pasca goula, Miss. Read the Chronicle $2.00 a Year. Coprrlf tit 1620. Hart S. btToer a Uirx Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes save your money Good clothes cost a fair price these days; but good clothes save money for you. They do it by saving them selves; they keep on looking well long after cheap stuff "isn't fit to be seen." It doesn't take much thought to figure out how longer service saves your money; you'll find it a simple proposition. We guarantee that you'll get all the wear, style and value you think you ' ought to get in Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes. If you don't get it Money back. Get Acquainted With THE ANDERSON SEAY CO. THE STORE OF SERVICE The Home of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes Mallorv Hats Ralston Shoes Manhattan Shirts Notice is hereby given that ''Ever green School House and Lot" situated In Section 14. Township 0 South. Range 7 West, will be offered for sale j fore the Chancery Court of the County to the highest bidder. ON MONDAY j and State aforesaid. ON THE THIRD THE 4th DAY OF OCTOBER. 1920. (3rd) MONDAY OF NOVEMBER, A. All bids are required to be sealed ! D. 1920, to defend the suit in said and filed with the clerk of the board ; Court of A. I.. Staples, wherein Com or supervisors on or before noon of plainant is seeking a confirmation of said date. Purchase nrice must be j the sale of said land for taxes afore- paid immediately on acceptance of j said, and wherein T. J. Castenera W. R. CASTE N ERA'S GARAGE Pascagoula Street, Near L. & N. R. ft Now Open for Business First Class Work. Reascmabh77wT All Work Guaranteed. m r Phone 55 1 itiitiiiiiiiitiiiiiMriii4uii,i4Miiiiiiiiiii.j......vA.,J.' Pascagoula, street "iM'!5'!"!!M5"M-: M"l"Ht DAGGETT'S 14th bid, and the board reserves the right to reject any and all bids submitted. By order of the Hoard, Sept. 6, 1920. FRED TAYLOR. Clerk. J. K. LEMON. Pres. Pro. Tem. Carhart Overalls. Seaton Building. Krebs Avenue r I1 1 1 1 l't"H't I l"H"t'j"l"t"M"H 't"M"t f lt"f'tf"T'1'f',t'T"t"f4'if"r Mrs. W. V. LeJeune of New Or leans, spent Tuesday here with rela tives and Friends. Airs. F. E. Dean left Thursday for an extended visit to New Orleans and Baton Rouge, La. The Doc said "5oo" i MADE a date. ON THE eye-sight card. WITH THE Insurance Doctor. AND THEN wroto down. FIRST HE poked me. "IWENTY.TWENTY. . . THEN TICKLED my ribs. THAT MEANS your eyes. HAD ME cough. ARE SATISFACTORY." AND BREATHE and blow. AND I laughed and said. t THEN HE listened la. CAN always aco. WITH HIS little trumpet TWENTY.TWENTY, Doe. t AND MADE me run. MY CIGARETTES. RIGHT IN one spot. COST TWENTY cents. FOR FIVE mlnntei. FOR TWENTY smoke THEN LISTENED some more. YOU BET your life. t AND FIRST In one eye. THEY SATISFY, too." AND THEN In the other. IT doosn't take a "20-20" eye to HE PLANTED Mt thumb. 1 "see" the real value in Cheater- I 1 field's exclusive blend of fine Turk- AND MADE me read. ish and Domestic tobaccos. Your taste tells you that their quality is genuine that the blend t dif- THE RUSSIAN prayer. ferent that Chesterfields da "satisfy." . &3icitexAd(l Kttlr SA - y CIGARETTES CONTRACT NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that con tracts for the furnishing of all sup plies to convict camp, for months of October, November and December. 1920, as shown by schedules on file; and the contract tor furnishing all legal blanks, etc.. for all county officers, for a period of six months, as shown by schedules on tile, will be let to the lowest bidder ON MON DAY THE 4th DAY OF OCTOBER, 1920. All bids are required tf be sealed and filed with the clerk of the board of supervisors on or before noon of said date. Bond will be re quired as provided by law and the board reserves the right to reject any and all bids submitted. By order of the Board, Sept. 7, 1920. FRED TAYLOR, Clerk. J. K. LEMON, Pres. Pro. Tem. NON-RESIDENT NOTICE. No. 3757. In the matter of the Estate of Jos. M. Blanchard, deceased The State of Mississippi, To Wm. M. Blanchard, John R. Jones, Mri. Julia Jones Hall, Miss Mary Blanchard, Pete;- Blanchard. James j Blanchard, Dorothy Blanchard and Jo seph Blanchard: You are hereby commanded to be and appear before the Chancery Court j of Jackson County, on the 3rd Mon day of November, 1920, at the City of Pascagoula, Miss., and then and there show cause if any you can, why the Final Account of the administrator of said Estate should not be allowed and approved and the estate closed and administrator discharged, and further to do and suffer such things as shall be considered and ordered by the Court aforesaid in the premises. Given under my hand, this the 19th day of August, A. D. 1920. FRED TAYLOR, Chancery Clerk. 011 are made party defendant. This the 8th day of September, A. D. 1920. FRED TAYLOR, Clerk Chancery Court Jackson County, Mississippi. ANNIVERSARY NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at Jackson, Miss., August 31, 1920. Notice is hereby given that William Charles Prouse, whose postoffice ad dress is Ocean Springs, Miss., R. R. M. A., did, on the 14th day of June, 1920, file in this office sworn statement and application No. 08462, to purchase the lot 4, section 32, township 6 south, range 6 west, St. Stephens Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of the act of June 3, 187S and acts amendatory, known as the Timber and Stone Law," at such value is might be fixed by appraisement, .mil that, pursuant to such application, the land and timber thereon have been appraised;, $448.23, the timber estit mated ir0,00() board feet at $2.00 per M, and the land $148.23; that said ap plicant will offer final proof in sup port of his application and sworn statement on the 15th day of Novem ber, 1920, before Chancery Clerk of Jackson county, at Pascagoula, Miss. Any person is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or initiate a contest at any time before patent issues, by filing a corroborated affi davit in this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. W. F. CUMMINS, Register. an NON-RESIDENT NOTICE. No. 4078. The State of Mississippi. To Hope Gandy: You are commanded to appear before the Chancery Court of the County of Jackson in said State on the THIRD MONDAY OF NOVEMBER, A. D. 1920, j to defend the suit in said court of Mrs. Jennie Riley Gandy, wherein you are a defendant. This 10th day of August. A. I). 1920. ' FRED TAYLOR, Clerk. I SALE Crepe de Chines and Silk Shirts regular $11, $12, $12.50, $14 and $15 Shirts, Daggett's Special, each $8.98 15',,' off on all Men's Dress Shirts under $10 each. TIES TIES TIES Ties, regular $3..r $2.48 , regular $3 and $ $2.25 $1.75 $1.35 t One Lot Men's Silk Ties, regular $3.50 a Tie, Sale price i X One Lot Men's Ties, regular $3 and $2.75 each, Sale price i X One Lot Men's Ties, regular $2.50 and $2.25. Sale price i i ' I One lot Men's Ties, regular $2 and $1.75 a Tie. Sale price . !! ! c ATTENTION Wm. A. DAGGETT The House of Kuppenheimer Clothes Agent for Florsheimer and Regal Shoes. Krebs Avenue Pascagoula, Miss. Z 1 IMPORTANT I I I All parties residing along the line of the Alabama & Mississippi Railroad, or otherwise Interacted in (he con tinued operation of said road from Vinegar Bend, Ala., to the Port of Pascagoula, Miss., are invited and urged to attend a Public Meeting to Be Held in Lucedale, Miss., Monday, Sept. 20, 1920 at 11 o'clock a. m. to then and there discuss and adopt a plan by which the removal of said road may be prevented and the opera tion of the road continued. Communities and individuals are further requested to secure all information touching the subject and formu late some plan of action for consideration of the general meeting September 20. Respectfully. GEO. W. O'NEILL: Mayor of Moss Point. F. H. LEWIS, Mayor of Pascagoula. J. J. McINTOSH, Pres. Chamber of Com. Committee. Pascagoula, Miss., Sept. 9, 1920. t Our Business is to Serve 1 A your freight on mosi product, V There are no claims to fight on goods bought from X ? 1 1 i the Merchants in this territory. Having competitive rates from most points we save US, ;,. US. we fight the claims when goods are received by By giving us your business we both gain. i -h-w-h-m-i-!--m--h-. 'Ml HUH' w-w-4--:-:-H-.-.:;..x-:--r..:-:-': f t f ALLRED GROCERY & GRAIN COMPANY I PHONE 316 KREBS AVE. I SMITH & FAILS t FUNERAL DlRFfiTODC Awn cuidai MERS 5 We 'olicit business anywhere in Jackson Co. . M i.jyg?Jift 1 Residence Phone 215 M:Ptl Li