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It" THE PA6CAQ0ULA CHRONICLE, FHIPAY, SgPTgfti BE. 10, 1M0. ... MMirna Paetlms. : - jMM Wr ipek of anythlur W lPPM' because It mean. that rK Um act In question for tUHJK of squandering Uiue. VM Hfldt of our Uvea should be NM ta.aarh pursuits as will build mi lodtaCaod minds, our spiritual M UMUarlal Interests, and prepare to discern opportunity when It conws, to the end that we make our j lives fun of satisfaction to ourselves ad MMSltag to tbe world In which w Uve.Escbanre toiie Used as Barometer. There U in tbe northern part of Ftoland Jctrlous stone which serves tbe people -instead of a barometer. TkH stoneMhlch the Finns call II makluf, turns black or a blackish gray when bed weather la upproachlnr. Fine waalher has the effect of turning It abaost white. Tbe Finns regard the toe with .f superstitious reverence, but the satentlstH say that Its changes In color aw due to salts contained In Its composition. v f. Cities Oav Names to Fabrics. ' About the year 1326 the woolen trade of tftajoAoVfjecame located at Worsted, abotft 10 Btfles from Norwich, and It was at this, place that the manufac ture Of this twisted double thread woolen, .afterwards called worsted, was first made, tf not Invented. IJnsey wolsey was first made at Llnsey, and was for a long time a very popular fabric. Kerseymere takes Its name from the village of Kersey, and the mere close by It, In tbe county of Suf folk. - RESOLUTION. I thirteen to sixteen, both Inclusive,, I Khali mature on the 20th day of Sept., Whereas it is found to be expedient 1929. Bonds numbered seventeen to that the owners of property abutting twenty, both inclusive, shall mature on streets paved and being paved be on the 20th day of Sept., 1930. granted indulgence In making port Section 2. All of said bonds shall ment for their pro rata share of the bear interest at the rate of six per cost of paving ceratln streets of city j centum per annum payable semi-an-for a period of eight years on deferred ' nually on the 20th day of September, annual payments, and that the issue and the 20th day of March of each of the bonds of the city for securing year and shall be evidenced by in- the funds to presently liquidate the terest coupons attached to said bonds , '.Vast Size of the Sun. It may surprise many people to learn that the sun, which Is by no means a large star, as stars go, could easily fentaln within its boundaries the entire earth and moon and also the distance between them. In fact, three systems like that consisting of earth and moon could be strung out In a Vow through the center of the sun, without coming within 50,000 miles of ' his surface on either side. cost of such paving levied against the abutting property owners will be necessary; be it therefore, Resolved, that it be and is hereby declared by the city council of the City of Pascagouia to be the intent and purpose of the city council at the regular meeting of said council on the 5th day of October. 1920, without the express sanction of the electors of the city (unless on or before the date last aforesaid 20 per cent of the said qualified electors tile a written protest against the same) to provide for and issue $20,000 of the Street Paving Aid Bonds of the City of Pas cagouia, or such an amount thereof, not exceeding $20,000 par value, as may be required for the purpose afore said. Resolved, furthdr, that I the clerk; be directed to publish this resolution In the Pascagouia Chronicle, for three weeks next proceeding the date, afore said for authorizing isuance of said bonds. Approved this 8th day of September, 1920. F. H. LEWIS, Mayor. I. M. L. Valverde. the city clerk of the City of Pascagouia, Miss., hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by said council o he 8th day of September, 1920. M. It, VALVERE, Clerk Keaauth on Liberty. But If you say "American liberty." and take that for your policy, I dare , aay the time will yet come when hu manity will have to mourn over a new proof of the ancient truth, that with out coroninnlty national freedom Is never mire. Ton should change "Amer ican liberty" Into "Liberty" then lib erty would be forever sure in Amer ica. I.ouls Kossuth. Couldn't Get the Idea. Elmer's' father had purchased a hunting dogmhi(li he called a setter, and the boy was greatly Interested In If. After af few days of observation, '.however, lie announced: "I don't see wtfy ynti call him a setter. He never Sits: he's aUvays either standing or on the run." Girls One! Under Lock and Key. In ancient Athens girls lived in llie strict,! seclssinn ill! Iholr marriage kept virtually ler lock and key They weit seldom permitted to leave thulr homes, except on some greal festnl occasion. NON-RESIDENT NOTICE. No. 4087. The State of Mississippi. To Jacob S. Storm, Terre Haute Ind.,; The Securities Trust Co., In lianapolis, Ind., and all persons hav ing or claiming any title to or interest in that land in Jackson County in said State sold for taxes on the first Mon day of April, 1918, described as the SE;', of the NWJ, the NEJ of the SWJ and the SE of Section 6 Township 6 South of Range 5 West. You are commanded to appear be fore the Chancery Court of the County of Jackson in said State ON THE 3rd MONDAY OF NO VEMBER, A. D. 1920, to defend the suit in said court of K. J. Dunten wherein you are defendant, and where in complainant seeks to confirm the aforesaid tax sale and tax title. This 10th day of September, A. D. 1920. FRED TAYLOR, Clerk ORDINANCE NO. 34-1920. Powerless Knowledge, flee! hut It's a pity a man never can dispose of bis motor experience for . as much ns It cost him. If he could, what a lot of ready-money guys there would he tunning around loose. Amer ican Motorist. An ordinance entitled an or dinance to authorize the issue of Ten Thousand ($10,000) Dollars public school buildings and repair bonds of the City of Pascagouia, Mississippi and prescribing the details for the is suance of same. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Pascagouia, Mississippi Section 1. That for the purpose of the purchase of a site and the con struction of a public school building and the repair of other school build ings of the City, the negotiable coup on bonds of the City of Pascagouia shall be issued to the amount of $10, 000.00. or so much thereof as may be necessary, in dominations of $500.00 each, shall be 20 in number, num bered from 1 to 20 inclusive. Said bonds shall be known as public school building and repair bonds of 1920 and shall be dated 20th day of September, 1920, and payable as fol lows: Bond numbered one shall mature on the 20th day of September, 1921 Pond numbered two shall mature on the 20th day of Sept.. 122. Bond numbered three shall mature on the 20th day of Sept., 1923. Bond num bered four shall mature on the 20th day of Sept., 1924. Bond numbered five shall mature on the 20th day of Sept., 1925. Bond numbered six shall mature on the 20th day of Sept., 1926. Bonds numbered from seven to eight, both inclusive, shall mature Stephen H. Blair left last Thursday on the 20th day of Sept., 1927. Bonds night for Mississippi A. & M. College numbered from nine to 12, both in Charity. How many things might be tolerated In peace and left to conscience, had we but charity, and were It not the -Chief stronghold of our hypocrisy to be ever judging one another. John Milton. Sinking Fund. A fund which is instituted and in vested In such a way that Its gradual accumulation will enable It to meet and wipe oat a debt at maturity la known as a sinking fund. World's Species of Insects. The most conservative estlmste places the number of species of Insects In existence at 0,000,000, while the estimate of Blley, tbe famous entomol ogist, Is 10,000,000. In order that be might take up his duties as president of the Junior Class. Athletic Director Cbadwick had also requested all the old foot ball men to report two weeks before the regular opening date, Sept. 21st, so that tbey might get in shape for the stiff schedule that has been prepared for them this coming season. elusive, shall mature on the 20th day of Sept., 1928. Bonds numbered from Mr. J. E. Krebs, financial secretary and business agent for the Carpenters & Joiners Pnion, will leave next week for Indianapolis, Ind., to attend the convention of this organization. Mr. H. V. Canty has taken posses sing of the Claude Delmas two story residence, on South Pascagouia street. This la one of the handsome homes of our city. ATTENTION! AUTO OWNERS Mr. W. P. Browne. Jr., wife and two children of Jacksonville, Fla., are spending a few days with Rev. and Mrs. W. P. Browne at the beach. Masters James I. Ford and Lawrence Mayo, left - Thursday for Mobile to enter Spring Hill College fot the lio-1921 term Mrs. Walter Pelham has returned home from a visit to relatives at Jackson and other points in the state. Miss Sallie Havens is spending her ' vacation at Vancleave with her moth er. Mrs. M. F. Havens. Mrs. Anna Breckenridge of Mo bile spent the week-end with her Mrs. Euren We have opened up a BATTERY SERVICE STATION and are prepared (o give you expert service. I have been in the factory, making a special study of the Crescent Battery. We overhaul, rebuild, recharge and sell Batteries. We have what you want in stock at all times, to fit any car made. We also have rental batteries to Install in your car while yours is being recharged. We are agents for the famous Crescent Battery, a South ern product, made in New Orleans. We are authorized by the factory to give an 18-months iron-clad GUAR ANTEE. Call around and have your I battery tested. Water free. Crescent Battery Station Railroad Ave., Opposite L. A N. Depot. and both the principal and interest of said bonds shall be payable in law ful money of the United States of America, at the Merchants & Marine Bank, Pascagouia, Mississippi. Section 3. All of the said bonds and coupons to be attached thereto shall be substantially in the following form, respectively, to-wit: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, COUNTY OF JACKSON, CITY OF PASCA GOULA. PUBLIC SCHOOL BUILD INGS AND REPAIR BONDS OF 1920. No $ Know all men by these presents, that the City of Pascagouia, County of Jackson, State of Mississippi, ac knowledges itself to owe and for value received promises to pay to the bearer hereof the principal sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) on the 20th day of September 19 , with interest thereon from the date hereof until paid at the rate of six per centum per annum payable semi-annually on the 20th days of September and March of each year, as evidenced by and on the presentation and surrend er of the attached coupons as they severally become due. Both principal and interest of this bond are hereby made payable in the lawful money of the United States of America at Mer chants & Marine Bank, in City of Pas cagouia, Mississippi. And for the prompt payment of this bond at maturity and the interest thereon as it falls due the full faith, credit and resources of said City are hereby irrevocably pledged. This bond is one of a series of twenty bonds of like date and tenor amounting in the aggregate of Ten Thousand ($10,000) Dollars issued for the purpose of raising funds for the construction of public school build ings and repairs for same In pur suance of and in strict conformity with the provisions of Chapter 99 of the Mississippi Code of 1906 and the special directions of a resolution therefor duly adopted by the City Council of said City declaring the pur pose of the issuance of said bonds heretofore duly adopted by a legally field meeting of said City Council. approved by the Mayor, published and enrolled in the ordinance book of said City as provided by law, of which due notice was given by publi cation in a newspaper published in lid City as required In such cases and against which, issuance no protest was filed or made. And it is hereby certified and recit ed that the said City of Pascagouia lb a legally organized, municipal cor poration under the laws of the rit'ite of Mississippi, that the present totil ndebtedness of the said City not pro luciug sufficient revenue to pay th" interest thereon does not exceed fifteen per centum of the assessed valuation of the taxable property and itatt all acts, conditions and thing.) required b the Laws and Constitu tion of the Siate of Mississippi to be done precedent to and in the lilllinf of this Wind have been properly Joue. happened and been performed in regular and due form and time, as re quired by law, and that the City Council of said City will each year at the time provided by law levy a spec ial annual tax to be used exclusively in paying the interest on this bond M its interest coupons shall severally mature. In testimony whereof the City of Pascagouia has caused this bond to be signed by its Mayor and counter signed by its Clerk and the seal of said City hereto affixed this the 20th day of September, I9i0. Mayor. Clerk. COUPON. No $15.00. On the 20th day of , 19 , the City of Pascagouia, County of Jackson, State of Mississippi, promises to pay the bearer Fifteen Dollars in lawful money of the United States of America, at 1'ascagoula, Mis sissippi, for the interest due on that day on its public school buildingff'and repair bonds of 1920. levy, and this ordinance providing for the same shall be Irrepealable so long as any of said bonds shall remain out standing and unpaid. Section 5. That all ordinances heretofore passed in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance or any portion thereof shal! be and are hereby repealed. Section 6. That there being an urgent public necessity for the con struction of Public School buildings and repair for same for the City of il'ascagoula, therefore this ordinance shall be In force from and after its passage, approval and publication, as required by law. Approved this 7th day of September, 1920. F. H. LEWIS, Mayor. I. M. L. Valverde, City Clerk of the City of Pascagouia, Mississippi, here by certify that the foregoing ordinance was duly adopted by this City Council of the City of Pascagouia aforesaid, by unanimous vote, on this the 7th day of September, 1920. M, U. VALVERDE. clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 33-1920. All ordinance llxing and providing for (he payment by abutting properly owners, of their pro rato cost of the paving of the streets of the city al ready completed, as well as those In process of completion under existing contracts. Be it ordained by (he city council of the City of 1'ascagoula: Sec. 1. The pro rato cost assessed to the abutting properly owners for paving the streets of the city lately completed, according to assessment already made and now on file, of Frederic St.. Ferol St., St. Francis St., Ker St., and Delmas Ave., and which are due and payable within thirty days, as provided by law, shall be paid either in full as required, within such time of thirty days, or there shall he paid within said time an amount equal to 20 per cent of the sum due against each lot or parcel of property as now assessed, and the balance evidenced by promissory notes to be executed and delivered by the owner of such lots for the remainder of such sum. j divided into partial payments of one- eighth of same each year for the period of eight years, hearing interest at the rate of six per cent per annum until paid, the giving of which notes so executed to constitute an agree ment with the property owner, for such method of payment and carry ing with It the statutory lien on the lot against which the same Is assess ed, and which shall be designated in the notes, each note being substantial ly in the following form: $ Pascagouia, Miss., H20. years after date 1 or we promise in pay to the City of PasOQU, the , ...dollars to- sum of.- gather with interest thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum, and if same Is not paid at maturity, and is placed In the hands of an attorney for collection, I or we agree to pay 15 per cent fee to be added to the principal due. This note Is given for the pro rata paving assessment against following lots in the City of Pascagouia: Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Burns nnd two little sons of Mobile, are the guoBts of Mr. and Mcb. P. H. Lewis at the beach. Mrs. Cecilia S. Scott returned Tues day from a pleasant visit of several days with friends at New Orleans. Miss Ivan Johnson spent Thursday In Mobile. for cost of paving or.- street, upon which (he same abuts, in accordance with city ordinance, No. 33-1920, and is one of a series of eight notes of like tenor and effect. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained that on the completion of the paving of other streets, and the assessment Of the pro rato costs to the abutting lot owners, the amount so assessed, and owing therefor shall be paid as ' pro vided In section one, within thirty 'days, or an amount paid equal to 20 per cent of same, and the Daianoe evidenced by eight promissory notes of like tenor and effect, as therein pro vided on same terms and conditions as provided In section one hereof, and shall have the effect as an agreement between the city and the property owners for the settlement of the same as the statute provides. Sec. 3, This ordinance will take effect and be in force from and after js approval, publication and enroll ment as provided by law. Approved this the Sth day of Sept, 1920. F. H, LEWIS, Mayor. I, M. 1-. Valverde. the city clerk of the City of Pascagouia hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was duly adopted by the city council of said city on the 8th day of Sept., 1920. M. L. VALVBRDB, City Clerk. NON-RESIDENT NOTICE. No. 40S9. The State of Mississippi. To Win. H. Martin. Albert Dearth and the Security Trust Company, as well as all persons having or claiming any interest at law are in equity in nnd to the E.J of Section 18 Township ti South qf Range 5 West in the County of Jackson in said State sold for taxes on the first Monday of April, 1918. You are commanded to appear be fore the Chancery Court of the County of Jackson In said State ON THE 8rd MONDAY OF NO VEMBER, A. D. 1920, to defend the suit In said Court of F. J. Dunten wherein you (ire ,a defendant, and wherein complainant seeks to ICOtt firm his tax title to the above describ ed lands. This 10(h day of September. A. I). 1920, FRED TAYLOR. Clerk. 1 Miss Nellie Ankerson is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Walter Bosarge. Koula last week hffiSl unce of her Ht.i. M'hJ rived Tuesday, AuBU8?" the home of u BU8t . to b Bosaige. The Um.r, f name of his r..i.t "f Hi Jr. ""uw' wll M ... t for Tt!m Mrs. WulterBosarge. S Rad the Chronlcpg . ! NOTICE We are making a specially of drain laying U t sewerage connections and are in a nosition to a - - -x waua V ...l..,.,, I:..!,,'., of uraacmt ffmior ntrva !.. ...1 , .;. C1UOC iifiun. ...v.. injm in ail VUllClng rapj j X and we can save you more Dy doing your work ! NOW We carry in stock a full line of Plumbing Puttum and accessories. J. H. PELHAM & CO, Phone 20. t A A A A J. A A sla A A A A J A A JJ A aft J J A A A. I The Globe Roofing and Sheet Metal Works Delmas Avenue and Frederic Street Modern Wedling Co.'s Old Stand Roofing, Guttering, Pipeing, Siding, Hot Air Heating, Ventilating, Window Caps, Finals, Skylights, CorniceS, Tanks, Automobile Fenders and Radiators, Stove Pipj, Stove Repairing. Composition, Slate and Sheet Metal Roofs a Specially, Prices Reasonable A. F. Struck, Proprietor. Phone 383 1'ASCAGOULA MISS. Goodrich jfres today cost 200 less than they tar and 100 mileage 3 t.iiH. - .ey m. .w f i Mr Mr IV ng T' V3 V 41 r?j imate vera fife Mayor. Countersigned: Compare these prices: as ' Clerk. Section I. That the said bonds shall he lithographed or printed in two or more colors and he signed by the Mayor of said City and countersigned by the Clerk of said City and the coupons attached to said Bonds shall he executed with the original or en graved fac-siinile signature of the said officials, and the said officials ire hereby ordered and authorized to o execute the said bonds and coupons to and in behalf of the City, and utter being executed as herejn provided for. the said bonds shall lie delivered to the purchaser thereof on the payment o the purchase price thereof and the proceeds of said sale shall be paid j as directed by the Mayor and 'City Council, and shall be used for no other purpose than the one for which said bonds are issued. SecUon 4. That there shall be levied and collected each year a spec ial tax sufficient in rate and amount with which to pay the interest on said bonds and also to retire then as they severally become due. which said tax Adjustment Basis: Silvertown Cords, 8000 Miles Fabric Tires, 6000 Miles FABRIC TIRE PRICES SIZE I9IO TODAY 3Qx3 25.45 jjug KS 33. 8 S 23.20 32x4 48.65 36.80 34x4jfr 65.35 53. IS Goodrich Tires Best in the Long Hun SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY SERVU SERVICE STATION McVEA YOUNG, Prop. PHONE No. 115 aar-.f