OCR Interpretation

The Pascagoula democrat-star. (Pascagoula, Miss.) 1878-1920, December 19, 1879, Image 3

Image and text provided by Mississippi Department of Archives and History

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87065532/1879-12-19/ed-1/seq-3/

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'Ike gmarraWar
Maters & J) K s f
Pasceqouia, Miss:
Entered tit the nostol
!., a aeoood-claw mail
Far annum (in advance)..... 2.50
Kix Bioiith)i - " I .
Clulwol ix. nrr year, each 1-H)
One quart, tint insertion ,...$l.fiO
Kadh at.Laroneiit insertion 75
Marriage and Obituary Notices, of over
joa linen, will be charged for a regular
A liberal deduction made to tboae who
advertise bv the voiir.
All persons haiidiiifr iu advertisements
-will be charged one uoiiarauu r my lchw
tor the Brut and 8cvrnty-tive Cent for
ai'b. BUUatKiiirut insertion of au inch or
square, unless a special agreement is made
previous mi iiieirpuuiicauou.
All advertisements not having the nun
ber insertions marked, will be published
til forbid, aud charged accordingly .
Snecial Notice.
' All letter relating to the business of the
old Haudslioro Democrat sliouiil ue nu
4ressed to P.K. Mayers, Haudsboro, Miss.,
and all matter pertaining to the Pasca,-
ronla Dkmockat-Star should be address
ed to Mayers A Decs, Pawagoula, Mis.
WPEC. 10, 187
mHC Sorantou
Cbriatuias gift,
ii Keep sober next week;
' Weather most too warm.
1 Go to Cliidsey's for candies,
f Cbrutuiaa fire-crackers and
Sauta Glaus will be on hand nest
The shipments of oranges from
1 tliis place will be much larger this
'm aeason than last J''iJ,
1 M rs. Dodroii.i&ft ot Mr. W. S.
Doilsoti, Sr., is lyinfcH(Yy low, and
is uot expected to recorer.
Mr. Vincent llos has collected
for the sufferers in Spain 98 35
between this point and Biloxi.
There is money in the oyster
IniKiiK'se, and it seems strange that
no one here is engaged in the busi
ness. Young man, if you wish to
make your sweetheart happy go to
lilalack jA-Mriinoii's and buy her
one of tfiose elegant toilet sets.
The pay train of the New Or
leans and Mobile railroad passed
through Monday, and paid off in
gold and silver. This looks like
ante be Hum days.
Dr. S. Moore, who resides at
the neashore, was striekeu last
Tuesday with paralysis, aud has
V - frcM"" '"-'''f nntii-o.li.fr
We learn he is in
precarious con-
lilion. '
It is ntlinoied that two stores
arc soon to be opened at tint Sea
aliore. We inpp se it such tie the
-ase the public rill be notified
through the colui na of the Demo
crat Stah. ( -jr
M me. M-A. rSc fd,Tewl3i leans,
new ud trtisj.Tit in this
She deal", in l'lvncli uiillin-
J ry, B.
,S -K fancy g
Beilin fceplryis, laces, and
goods, atitl Me meuii her
t.i mir lady friend.
The steamer Ieainbia, Capt.
toe Pelnias, is agfin afloat after
Hving been overruled. She has
iw boilers, hf i otherwise ben
fl',ei up mid isA'inly to do good
cr iee during fie winter.
Herr Wi'llulm Majors, the
Iiopular propi ietir of' the Seashore
and Scranton hack ''' desires the
lnblic to know thatis hacks will
always be found at tu0 depot in
waitingoti the arriya.o' each tram.
Friday, the 2Ctb w ill be the
last day in which to puj' taxes fe
of the extra cost, Aftitf lb'8 dilte
the ten per cent. cosV will l
added on. Owing to tbeVlelay '
siting the roll books Slu' 'lark
"lenueu t"e time to tbeU
Mr. R. A. Vancleavefi8' l)re!,"r
J"g to build a bote! A Ocean
jfeJr now on
I to note
ter city.
found an
ug house
w OrlentiS)
tin. This
ats, boots,
oods, and
se of
i baiioe
Mdace I
kit r I
I, to
l .rl
. -J. m
t the
) P.
All who wish to be supplied
with hard or pine, wrod, cutfu foal
foot feugtlfs, can bo aceoniinodatetl
bv iimih inar at his ofllce.- The
price Haired tor the wool la as low
as anv man wanfs- Winfy foY cortl
wood,- arid if those wanting fuei
will call afoMnd they eair fa con
viuced Ot the fact
Santa Claus has estaMfshed
his head quarters this year at A
Blumer's, Mobs' Point, where the
children and alt Others who wish to
lay in a supply of Christmas pres
ents, fire works, gifts, etc., will find
anything in this line they may
wish. Rend what Mr. Blutnersays
iu to day's advertisements,
The firm of Griffin & Evans,
Moss Point, was dissolved on the
12th by mutual consent, Mr. Griffin
retiring from business. Messrs. L,
N. Daiitzler aud M. M. Evans have
united iu business and will con
tinue at the old stand of Griffin &
Evans. These gentlemen are clever
aud popular, and we wish them
much success.
The winter sedsou has come
and Godchaux's great clothing
house, 81 aud 83 Canal street, New
Orleans, is the place to buy stylish
and well made clothing. This is a
reliable house, and all goods will
be sold as low as any house in the
city can afford to sell. See Mr,
Godchaux's new advertisement in
this issue.
The Christinas tree ot the
Scranton Sunday-school will be
displayed on Christmas eve, (next
Wednesday at half past 7 o'clock),
and the public generally are invited
to be iu attendance. " The presents
on the tree will bo for the pupils
of the school, only. Yet we would
be pleased to see all of our citizens
present upou the occ.sion
To Capt. Francisco Ferrer, of
the Union restaurant, the Demo
CUAT STAR office is indebted tor a
bottle of sparkling champague aud
lots of cake. The Union restaur
ant is a popular institution, where
aliot lunch can be had at all hours
of the day. On Christinas morn
ing Capt. Ferrer will set a free egg
nogg and invites his friends tocall.
Dr. E. Blooniliehl, surgedu
dentist, will be in Scranton on the
18th ot this month, aud remain for
five or six days. The doctor will
come prepared to do both opera
tive and mechanical work at rea
sonable charges, aud we would ad
vise all those iu need of dental
services to call on him. Jlo will
Jia.ye an office at the drug store of
Dr. Cox, lint wlieirrn j4.Jled will
visit residences.
The attention of buyersTni
rected to the advertisement iii'this
issue of Mr. A. .dinner, proprietor
of the Moss Point boot and shoe
manufactory. Mr. Bliimer has ot
late added largely of machinery to
bis factory, a -id is turning out daily
a large number of boots aud shoes,
which he sells at wholesale as rea
sonable as can be purchased in
Northern ei'ics. He also makes
boots and shoes to order for men,
women and children, aud will guar
antee to give satisfaction iu every
Next Sunday night Eld. J. B.
Uamlierlin will preach his last ser
mon on the coast at Scranton acad
emy. His labors here will eease
after this time, as he has beeu
called to the' care of the church at
Vicksburg, Miss., and will enter
upon his pastorate at that place
the first of January. As this will
be his farewell sermon he especially
desires to see as many attend as
possible, as he will have a t ord
for all who may attend both
Christian and the unconverted.
Services will begin at half past 6
"And don't you forget itj" Bla
iack & Johnson have one ot the
nobbiest assortments of Christmas
toys iu Sera n to u.
tllisville Items.
Can't you move up this way aud
bring your printing wagon T
Sheriff Baylis is offering tax-receipts
for sale cheap for cash.
A. B.'s gin is filled to overflowing,
and the old man says he will put
steam power to his giu in time for
the neat crop.
We have the livliest little town
in the State. There is more buti'
ness done here than at Shubuta or
Waynesboro. Cotton is bringing
a good price, and at this writing
there are VI or 15 wagon loads of
cotton in town.
Mr. Jeff. Barner, (be sou of our
energetic and go-ahead fellow-citizen,
Mr. Wui. Barner, wts married
on the night of Decenber 11th to
Miss Auna.tbe handsome daughter
of oor prince ot merchants, Mr. A.
B. McLemore. The solemn cer-
nioiiy was performed by Ret. J. W
Pilgrim, aud the attendants ware
rJ. T. Lee siiil Miss Mailer Jer-
r Tl!Jiereu bless JeffV.au
Mon Point Items
Another baby this week.
A wedding on tire tayifl.
Next week Is Clrilstmas-cltfs(d
tfp for repairs.
We have not seen our Chirfftmus
turkey lion t put it oft till too late.-
The weather is ab 1 well ask
Prof. Ticey and take esre that Ire'
ba-Tioe thee not
The Presbyterian Efabtmttf-sebool
has decided to give a supper to
their little folks during Christmas
week, on Friday evening, the 20th.
Christmas toys are arriving by
every boat, and some of our iner
chants, despite the hard times, are
determined that Our little folks
shall not be forgotteu.
Another little stranger came
among us tho other day call on
Mr. Alex McLeod for particulars.
Judging from the number ot boys
among the weekly arrivals we oou
elude that Providence is preparing
for anot her war.
Don't forcet the Christmas tree
aud supper at Live UaK academy
Christmas eve. The supper is
given to raise money to repair the
Methodist euurch, anu an wuo can
ouirht to go and contribute to a
good cause beside getting a good
square meal,
Our clever justice of the peace,
O. Randall, had bis hands full at
bis court on Monday aud 'Xuesday,
The suspected parties for attempt
ine to rob the store of Denny &
Castenera were on trial for same,
and after a fair hearing were com
uiitted to jail in default of bond.
Wtieti you start out to purchase
your Christmas gooddies don't tail
logo to tho drug store ot v. t,
Bingliam, where you will tind a
complete assortment just received
by boat, especially tor the holiday
trade. His stock includes a full
line ot fancy caudiesi raisins, ap
ples, eocouuuts, currants, citron,
uliiioiids, etc., all at low dowu fig
ures. (Jail and make your pur
chases befdre the stock is reduced.
On Sunday uext Kev.J. B. Ham
bell in will preach at the Moss Point
Baptist church for the last time
prior to tikiug charge of the
Baptist church at Vicksburg, to
which church he lias been called.
Our community are sorry to give
Mr. Haiuberliu up, aud his place
here aud along the coast will be
very hard to till. We corumeud
Mr. Hambeiiin to his new charge
as a zealous advocate iu the great
cause of Cnrist, and an earnest
worker tor the upbuilding ot the
Master's kingdom.
That woelul day tax-collecting
day why-i our county sheriff,
armed with it book fit 1 1 Of little
papers called receipts, has come
upon us like a ravenous beast, and
we felt like wo could "silently fold
our tents and steal awayj" If by
thus doing we could avert the im
pending calamity. The little pa
pers called receipts, Mr. Sheriff
would willingly give to any one
in return tor the hard cash, but
nothing but the eash could get
them.' We emptied our pocket
tfJf-XaJiu, ami left the scene of
financial sJaughtet with our tuiuds
fully uiatleTTrTreinacouutry
where a poor sinner wjis'TaTPevWii!!,
U poll when lid cull prove beyond a
doubt that be uuver owned a pole,
Good-bye, Mr. Sheriff till uext
The finest Itsntirtuielil of CANDIES ever
brought to Scranton, at Chidney's.
Biloxi Items.
Our enterprising citizen, James
O'Doiiohuej is ereetmg a ueat resi
dence on his lot near the depot.
Owing to the weather turning
somewhat cooler, the oyster mer
chants may be seen running to and
fro with a broad grin on their
countenance, prima acta evidence
that the oyster boom is looking up.
A new charter w ill not effect anv
one holding a position iu our ttfwri
and will Ue a benefit to all. Agi
tate the question gentlemen, one
and all, aud have the papers ready
to hand tol. beul prior to bis de
parture for Jackson,
The enterprising firms bf Elmer
& May cock aud Lopes A Co. aie
shipping a great quantity ot
oranges to the inland towns: The
goldeu fruit of our coast is eqilal it
not superior iu flavor to that gruwu
in any portion ot the country:
Our new board are having hauled
a quantity ot shells and nutting
them on the Pass toad, A good
deed, gentlemen, and do not weary
iu well-doing, but continue the im
provement of the streets. Let not
a shell be lost evety Oiie is needed:
Some of enterprising citisens are
of the opiuiou that our towu char
ter should be revised. An excel
lent idea, gentlemen, tor the pres
ent charter has so many amend
uieudoieuts, etc., that it would take
a Philadelphia lawyer to get at the
meaning and parHrtof portions ot
it. We have seeu a draft of a
charter which embodies all the
good qualities of the old one,
without any of its detects, and is
so plain that any one ot ordinary
intelligence can comprehend the
same. Call a mass meeting or get
pi a petition, and let ns have a
new, charter by all means.
Cologne. Orauae Flower Water and
Sice Powder just received at Chiusey's.
All who wish to boy fresh aud
pure family groceries,- canned
goods firckled pigs feet, raisins.
eatHiiesy etc., sbontd call m ana ex
amine the slock of Blalmk;
uonnsoti, lA-lnras avenue. AMgwMM
lealth ot '
of the saVv
Some i
uing away. ,
The' popuhttNiiiVj ;
is increasing, f j ,
Lahr ftiie'orl J'
at a cent a pieee.VL'
Mr. W. T. Atrey W
new skingied roof. S
Weddings expected duriitg
Christtnas holidays.
ThO health
The work on' the villain irraveN
yard will soon commence.
Goats are more plentiful than
merino sheep iu liandsboro.
The boom in business circles has
uot reached liandsboro yet.
Good cor u fed beef and pork is
selling here at ten cents a pound
We will have some sort of a fau
tor v one of these days.- that we
Christmas turkeys are roosting
high now. They will tumble next
Two deers were near town the
other day. They skipped away
Our merchants are receiving
their stocks ot toys and Christmas
gooddies. .
Ship building still going on
Mr. 11. Leiuuurd launched a new
flat Saturday.
The ehost is not to be seen in
Happy Hollow now. The potatoes
have been gathered.
Rev. S. J. Bingham will preach
iu the Presbyterian church uext
Sabbath at 11 o'clock a.m.
Improved property is very, very
cheap hero. A home can be pro
cured lot' a small amount of cash.
Dr. John J. Harry has moved
into the Dr. Lyon ofllce, near the
residence of Mrs. Catherine Lyon.
A young man from Stonewall was
in town Snturd.ty and carried away
the picture of his sweetheart. He
was ho happy.
Justice Crawfoot's occupation is
about gone. No legal business to
transact, aud very lew travelers
to ferry over the bayou.
Saw logs are being hauled along
our most fashionable streets to the
mills' on the bayou, lhu logs
measure twelve inches and up
There is stfme talk of the old
liandsboro Democrat printing office
building being converted into a
mercantile establishment the com
ing new year.
A branch business office of the
Pascuiroula Democrat Star is
kept in the old liandsboro JJemo
crut buildinsr. on the corner of
Bridge and Coiume:ce street; Pj K.
Mayers, manager
The youngest looking benedict
In towu says his twenty-lit'th wed
ding anniversary occurs during the
liollilavs. I'lesentsoi suvei, irom
a salt spoon to au entire service ot
sterling w ill be acceptable.
The tide ot travel is turned via
Mr. H. Leinhard's free terry over
bayou Beinutl. This iu conse
quence of the impassible condition
of the road on the north side of
the bayou leading to the old terry
landing. '
(ji7-Year's eve a most agree
able eiitertamui;o''tcin)latel
hv the ladies of the 'FSl-bytenau
and Episcopal churches for theTen
etit ot a worthy cause. May it be
eminently successful financially as
it doubtless will be otherwise.
Both Sabbath-schools of this
place are to have a Christmas tree.
The Union school, on Christinas
eve night rti tbo, I'resbyteiiaii
church, aud the Baptist school
Christmas uight at the Baptist
church. A pieasaut time is antici
pated by all;
Tue Reformer, a temperance pa
lter, was the tirst newspaper pub
lished iu this place. It was pub
lished by Hev. Henry T. Lewis and
P. K. Mayers, and was started over
twenty-nine years ago. Thellands-1,
boro Democrat was the Outgrowth!'
tf tin. t'fllVlVI? '
been over in tho Lone Star State 1
HI. II 1. TO V..I.....1I ... I.
for a couple of years, is spending
some time here with his relatives.
Hugh gives a glowing description
ot his new home; and hopes to be
able to return to it Some time iu
thi near In tine:
Eld. J. B. llumlierlin nrenchcdi
his farewell setuiousat the Baptist
..I. ...... I. l.i.r Mo 1. 1.... I. .......
and night. He leaves for his uew
field ot labor soon alter Christmas.
The church losses a faithful pastoi;,
and the members of his church
part with him with regret.
Fresh invoice of Drugs and Chemicals
just received at Cbidsey's.
Blalack & Johnson have In
store for sa le. low doW u, China m tigs,
vases, toys fire crackers, Roman
candles, rockets, flag, and a full
assortment of goods for the Christ
mas holidays, "and don't yoil for
get it." N...
Tho following gentlemen are fully an
borizert to act as Agents for the Demo
John t. MorrtsWrij Hifoxi.
A. O; Webhj Columbia.
Ki Hntchert, Pass Christian.
A. B. F. Ram Is. Bpriue Cotta:
I, Miss.
Geo. W. Hidleiuan, Uaineevillk.
Geo. W. Brown. Paarliiiutmi.l
Capt. Joseph Martin, Kieevi
HaiTv H. Minor, Ocean Sprintes
Ifon. Henry Koberts, Urvcn cJOitbty
Ibomss Bond, Kett Cfeek.
Jno. H. Bvnnin; KlIiaTille.
E. II. Velvertou, Elba, Perry cjeanty.
Huts McCallanL. Anuusta.
I CtuVLeooard Kinrtiall, Hobol
Tho W. erayapniilaxi Kirfer,
pivaeher in'
ti .likii r..p,.iii
hope that he
this circuit agSafl.
Careful wife to auiA r:
John, before going to ft " :
the water so the cat won't
of it." John "All rigw
hang up the dipper." '
The steamer Lolie left yesty'
for New Orleans with a t iir
including a drove of tine gn!x
cattle, shipped by Eugene FoJ
worth, from -Marion county
Deputy U. S. Marshal Cage sold
at auction here today two lots of
pine logs, seized in Iloboloclntto,
aggregating 1"00. J. E. Wheat
bid t Iiimii iu at Uj cents per. log.
1 he seller Stated that life brands
were invisible on a great many of
die logs,
Rough lice from this point sold
in New Orleans thiil season at ?5
per barrel. Kice bids fair to be the
main crop of this section aud
source of profit to those who want
to make a living at home. Our
Pearl river swamp lands are pecu
liarly iiuapieu to that enterprise,
and our piney woods make a fair
There is a kind of earth or clay,
supposed oy some to be kaolin, not
a great ways from here. It is of
various colors, such as orange, red,
oiue ami wuue, and is used tor
paint or whitewash by those who
live near to it and is considered to
be superior to lime. An exoeit
might hud a big bonanza in the
way of manufacturing crockery;
ware irom the material.
While Postmaster Key is booked
for reform I think it would be iu
order to do away with those greasy
envelopes furnished us and get
some that is easier to write au ad
dress oji. It is quite provoking
when you are nearly too late for
the mailt after hurryinir throiii-h a
lei ter, then have to 'baek" one of
those envelopes and have your pen
go dry shop, slipping about on the
envelope like ujgreeiiborn tfii ice.
" i)on't you forget it," that Bla
lack & Johnson's is I he place to
get choice apples and bananas.
LYON'S KATHAIUON lor . the hair at.
CliidseyV; also JAVNE'd HAIR TUMC.
" And don't J ou forget it," this
office is the place to get artistic job
work at low figures for the cash.
Sinunou's Liver Regulator at Chidsey's.
For all kinds of Christmas
goodies, toys,gifts, etc.,go to4Bla
lack & Johnson's. . -- -
f-lioes and Boots maniifiu'tnred At the
Moss Point Shoo Factory
lire warranted to last aud give 8utinlae
tion. Sold at wholesale ns low as snihe
quality can be purchased in the liaat.
Ladies', Gent's and Chi hi ren's Shoes made
to order, and ot the best material, at low
prices. A. BLUMEK, Moss Point, Miss.
Dec. 19, 1879. 39-lt
irisbs Mosey!
I WANT 200 Xtt&N
Cllt -tjFOSS CrOSS-TiCS,
5x10 i ee " '"c'u'8 loug,
Iu timber nher5 tuere l'"" "ever been
croJW-ties made.
IPifl fay lUhfMta vr Tie ut
the J&ttiwp.
Pay off every 8a"'av f"r a't work
connected with' tie. Will guarantee to
inrnish work for t lea-,t six months, prob
ably for a year. ApiiUeatinns should be
niaile early, as I only waut iJOO njeu. Also
want four or tire foremen, who can bring
or romtnainl -id men or more.
Will also let out contracts for deliTery
on the1 railroad or rivers, etc.
Also want to .Contract for some pine
ties. Will pay 25 cents eneh on cars.
G. M. DEES, Fern land, Ala.
Refers by permission to A. V. Dauuer &
Co;, Mobile.
Dec. 12, I9. . 3H-tf
Job Printing'.
At letter fates than else
where in the South, Cards,
Letter and Bill Heads. En
velopes, Programmes, Post
ers, Briefs, Blauks, Pamph
lets, and every other class
of printing. Seni! as your
orders. Satisfaction given.
Democrat-Star Job Office.
Job Printing'
NEW Ihi.
Oi'leiniNliHi-hei' Nhop
Common St., oppomt t.-Cltarles Hotel,
Sharing, Shanipoaningt
Hair Cutting and Dyeing iu tho most ar
tistic manner. . .
Also the celebrated L''linine Eni'liull
Hair Itrusliiui; Muehine in snccesfnl op.
elation III thm mhop. . .
GEOl.'GR H'.'BEXErt, Proprietor.
Sept. 1, WD. 25-ly
ii. ii. iia;i:i,Ij,
Mattuim turer of
Importer and denier iu
Saddlery Mlartltrare, Leather,
22 Magazine mid 74 Cofuino'n Streets,
Dee. 12, lH7g.- 3H-ly
THF.O. II. 11 All,
Dealer in
lYorthr in and WflrMi
Beans, l'eas, Green and Dried Fruit,
No. :i6 Foydras at., NEW ORLEANS, LA.
Sept. 12. !'... 25-fim
8 Camp St, Nelw Orleans,
And dealer In
Fine Watches, W-J '
Silver Ware and Spectacles.
Brrrr r f Watehea Rpalra.
Jewelry miwle to order. Diamond reset
In the newest style. AU at reatonalila
trices and folly guaranteed,
April 11, lt!79.
Jolm IcCaiIi-e',
Dealer in
CLam aw a 1 aia1 m v A ia
No. (MMagazine St., NEW ORLEANS.
Partk-ularattentioniduMsii) tlicsalc of
Counlrt.iinti'. "-f
March 21, 1S79. . . 52-ly
Rice, Born & Co.,
Importers and dealers ill
Foreign hud Domestic
I'limpi, Pipes and I'oitit,
Aricullurnl Jiuplements,
Cooking and Ilentiiij' Stoves,
Munufacttirers of
Sole Agents for the Celebrated
Cooking: Sfove.
JT-oi- 1M7D.
We desire t call the a'lteiitiou of ctery
ING STUVE, with ei;ht new improve
nients over old styles; Tlie most com
plete Stove ever made, the most lieautilul
in design, the heaviest Store manufac
tured. We invite everybody iu need of a
Cookinff Stove to call at nnr stores and ex
before pnrehasini; elsewhere. We jrnaran
tee it excel ail others iu poiut of Econ
omy, Durability aud C heapness.
89 nnd 91 Camp Street,
Oct. 17, 1879. 30-6m
kufus 6. Elliott,
Lumber Commission
....Delord Street, 288
Not. llla.
vorgini Kitchen
r '-- i ii -it
('unionIstreet) (
July 1. Ie71.
icw liivcntiei
liORED WELI S A ereiit inip
on tlie tlrove wells. Anf oue can
them. Giinruuteed to get pine and li ,
waten ('iikap mid lSKtnAi sTiiiiYB.
Soiithern liiaiinlii' ture. niudii of ?
coal iron, i(Ooil even buker, liyl'V
double bottom and back, hollo;
warranted nut til crack or winp '
teed to jrire Satistiictioii: II '"
trial or money ret'ti luleil: Clint
iu the market;
: 'i!
V... '
TORCH A blessing tb Steiuil
and I'hmters. Wind or ruin ii
tinuisli theui. Cannot exploile '
placed on a freight pile ;ir uinveit (
without danger uf sparks. A t;r,'U
for I'luiilers to destroy Insect.
est cnmbiiiatiou known. Eleven
tions in one. Over IWKJ.tKIO no t
Every family should have oue. I
ticlo purchased separately v '
$7 50 where these only cost jp.
Only sifter iu the worlil that Kt
aparti Agmts vatitcd. ' f
Jas. H. Rey.vo'
90 Barouue s
ELECTOR More heat. No at '
lust. Less fuel; Acta as a ver
suuiiner. To lit all aize ratc
cure lor smoky fire places.
mora heat thrown into tUe '
would otherwise go up the eu
out one of the Valuable
only St each.
Ja. H'
of brokea wires; , . I
a knob. Wanj- -
f' -C ' '
OA- i
cbiue Jrti
l.v f entsp '
eeni: per gal ;
us. s-
tlemtrml nvf)
hteami i'iiift'H
Mtanfi i
I OOBaii
Between l uw ' Perilide s,
Jan'T 31, 117U
Vair brhle.
u iree ui cuorge
,m m4TM i ui1
'853 3R

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