OCR Interpretation

The Pascagoula democrat-star. (Pascagoula, Miss.) 1878-1920, May 30, 1884, Image 3

Image and text provided by Mississippi Department of Archives and History

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87065532/1884-05-30/ed-1/seq-3/

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1 -.
'runi ' to" Kraatoa.
,i.itm- ucmom
v;,KlI)lY May 30,
Ciast Tim-Tabia L & N. R.R.
rBtil further aott peaaenger tram
lV MA N. railroad will arrive and
M follow, raauina by etaadard
whifc i th ame " Orleaa
,M" 8 vtMNS KAST.
w. a-Leaviug New Orleanaat 8:20 a.m.
.rT.rii B.y Uhi, iy.a . Pa
MuMM-ipi City. 11:14; Bi-
, liaS Oraud Bay, liM Mob.1.,
'-Leaving New Orleans at :00 pa.
. ,' n y St. Leui. 7:60; Pae Chria
'iiv Mui-ippi City. 45; B.Ui,
Oraud Bay.W.44; Elm.. W-.37; Ma-
ooi! wist,
K.-IM""g Mobile at 5:00 ejn, ir
vivee at teraatoo, 5:51, Ocean Spring
fcai, Bitexi, 7:01.. Mimiaeippl City, 7:41,
pita Curiatian. 7:47 f Bay Bt. Louie, 7:59.
v Orleana. 10:10.
No. 1 Lcvi"K Uobila .3 4:15 p.m., ar
riva at Cwil Bay, 5.W., t:ranton, 5.-44,
(VcM Spring, 6:18., Biloii, 6:47., Mie
HHipni City, 6:48., Pane Christian. 7; 18.,
Bjj St. Louie. 7:30.. New Orleana. 9 50.
-Luke wool U quoteI in New
Orleans at 20921 cents.
Regular luetling ct ScrnMton
Fir t'oii)'iiny No. 1 next Montluj
Tlio coolost and bent Blinded
place in Scrauton in Pankey's
Tbo party at Mr. Donovan'
ridence lust Friday night wua a
pleawnt sltair.
Im received lumber to have lib
lot I fonecd In.
Those who have tried it sny
ihnt Mm. Paiikey can beat the
the world on ice-cream.
The smiling face of Ihe drum
mer in not aeon hereabouts in as
great number! as formerly.
The live atock over at New
Venice is on the increase. There
are now four goata in towu.
-Mr. Cuwt. E. Tubf, of Ocean
Springs, ruined a turnip thia season
tliat WrTglii'd 1 pounds 10 ounce!,
Vr. T. W. Brum Khipped this
wrt-k Ave ImnlieU of tomatoes to
Cincinnati ami nix uiitdicls to Louis
viliv. Tlieie wut a party given at the
reniileiice of Mr. F. Liiidingi'r l.int
Tuesday night, which passed ofl
vry pk-nsantly.
Misses Mlna and Josie Martiu,
of Mobile, w ho have been on u visit
ol u week to this place, left tor
home lust Tnesday.
Tlio schooner lteliunce, from
Galveston, dipt. Bruce, is out on
tliu ways at New Venice under
going general repairs.
The celebrated Buflot sleeping
cars are now run daily on the L.
and N. railroad from New Orleans
to Louisville and Washington, 1). 0.
' The Pascacoula ice factory is
in full operation, and Messrs. Del
imit Bros.,pr6prlctors, are shipping
- large quantities ot flsh and shrimp.
The schooner Eugenia, of Cor
pus Christi, Cant. Cook, after un
dergoing repairs, atTrenta & Val
verde's shipyard, was launched yes
The Norwegian brig Julia,
from SautuOruz, after serving out
her time at Ship Island quarantine,
moved ap to Ilorn Island last Wed
The Bremen's ball advertised
to take place to-night bas been post
poued to next Thursday night,
June 5th, at whioh time it will take
V Wo hear nothiuir lately of the
tows Point, Scranton and East
Pascagoula railroad. We hope the
projectors hare not abandoned the
idea of building it.
Dr. W. A. Cox has resigned
it position, as assistant U. S.
Marine surcoou at thia nlace. and
br. L. J. Leger, ot Haudsboro, has
moved over here and takeu charge.
The steam tag Seminole has
been out on the ways at Freuta &
Valverde'i ahinyard baviuc a new
shaft put in and otherwise improv
ed. She was lauuehed yesterday.
The Sweetgum Exchauge at
I'wcugoula, ander the manage-
wut ot Mr. Walter Deaa, has quite
amerent look. Everything is
brightened np, and new fixtures
ded. , . ' , -
If you wish to take your wife
ana children or your sweetheart
t Sunday evening, by al means
Ro to Tankey'a park, wbcro you
w"JPnque piH( chiAv,pt piling
Fankey'a park will be open at
4 p.m., SutMliy for the reception of
Mr. P. J. Montrosa, proprietor
MontroM Uoase at Biloti, bu a
green stu turtle wt-ibiu 700
pouuds, which he will kill and serve
to his hoarders on the Fourth of
Little Charley D. ilendrick
son, at Pascagoula, graudsou ol
Mr. W. & Dodson, lost $300 by the
failure of the Marin National bank
of New York. Quite a heavy loss
for the little boy.
The New Veuicw saw mill bas
been abut down this week owing
to repairs going ou. A new furnace
is beiug built, which will be com
pleted by Saturday, and the mill
will start up afain next Monday.
Mm. Dawson makes a specialty
of white dress goods tor ladies and
missea. She is selling this class of
gootrt at 8 cents and up. She also
has a fine atock of laces, and em
broideries iortrimuiinga.
Mr. C. A. Simpson, customs
collector, left last night to attend
the national republican convention
which meets In Chicago next Tues
day. He says be will cast hia vote
tor Johu A. Logan, but we will
wager a nickle be don't.
Lust Wednesday night, at the
resideuce of Mrs. M. L. Pol, in this
place, Mr. Geo. II. TIuggiis and
Miss Belle Pol were united iu mar
riage. Father J. A. Fopjie, perform
ed the ceremony. We extend our
heartiest congratulations.
Last Mouday theSheriS sold
in front ot the courthouse door a
lot of blocks and tackle, dynamite,
divlug gear, etc., levtdd upon as
the proerty of J as. Lynch to satis
fy a judgement obtained against
him by Capt. S. li. Thompson. The
entire lot was bought m by Capt.
Tlkoinpson for about $150.
J. J. Lovett who has taken
charge of tbo biiNinesa lately con
ducted by Mrs. O. W. Ilij-htower,
has just returned from -New Or
leans with a full atock ot all the
1 itest lityles in dry goods, notions,
eto. Also a line of men a aud boys
clothing, groceriea, feed, clocks,
and all goods kept in a well rou
latcd store. . AH of which will be
sold very cheap.
C. T. Irving & Bro., proprietor
New Venice stiipjnid, are now
building a barge for the Naw Or
leans Il.ubor Transfer Company,
wliich is one ot tlio largest ever
built here. It is.'W b.y 90 foe t, and is
to be very staunch. This firm ulxo
has a contract to build two more
barges similar to theatiove. This
work will put iu circulation here
about $8000.
Mr. F. W. Ming died in Ocean
Siings, Tuesday May 27, 1884, ot
hemoihage of the lungs, and wns
buried Wednesday. Mr. Ming wh
sn old citizen of Ocean Springs,
and was proprietor of the Ming
hotel there, lie bad been suffering
for years with consumption, yet
his 1i ath was quite sudden, as he
was np aud ate heartily the day ol
his di ath.
Last Monday the sale of lots
of the Ker tract iu thia towu took
place In front of tbo courthouse,
Mr. II. F. Krehs, being the nuc
tioneer. There were twenty-one
lots sold. The lowest brought $110,
aud the highest $293, we suppose
an average being $250. These lots
are situated from two to four
blocks from the business portion of
town, nnd- the nrieea obtained
shows that property is not decreas
lug, but brings good prices in our
We saw the other day growing
in the garden of Capt. Jas. Smith,
of this place, a curiosity such as
we had never seen before. It was an
orange bush about 3 iucbes high
with eight leaveson it,aud in the top
was growing a small orange. When
we saw it the bloom had fust drop
ped and the fruit had appeared
Tlio seed was from au orange eaten
by members of tbo family and
nlantcd siuce Chrlotmas. It was
certaiuly the youngest and smallest
bearing orange we ever beard ot.
schooner R. D. Pot is out
oa the ways at Dautxler'a shipyard
undergoi ag repairs.
Capt. Cba. Vlnon keeps all the
latest weeklies motilities aud
other iriodieuls.
Miss Kate Griffin left last Mon
day for a visit to her brother Mr.
J. W. Griffin, in Clarke couuiy.
The Baptist church buildiug is
receiving a new roal of paint,
which adds oiuch to the looks ot
the edifice.
The Log tutu' Exchauge has
closed ita doors. The late financial
crash waa the cause. We presume
business will soon Im resumed.
Mr. Ii. W. Liudop and family
moved this week to New Orleans,
their old borne. We suppose Mr.
L. will engage in bnsiuess there.
The youug ladies and gentlemen
of our town intended baviug s pic
nie last Wednesday at West Pas
eagoula, but owing to certain cir
cumstances the programme was
changed, aud the party went op
the river. Two Scrauton gentle
men got beant fully Iett.
There were rumors the first of
the week to the eflect that Mr.
Bandnll weald give bond and open
op bis store, but up to jesteidsy
morning be had uot douo so and
his store was still dosed. We un
derstand, however, that negotia
tions are going on, aud that Mr.
Raudall will resume business
The only new developments this
week in the late DeSmet failure is
thut several parties have sued out
writs of attachment, aud two dwel
ling houses of DeSmut at this place,
and one piece of proiierty at Scrau
ton have been levied upon. Also
a bill in chancery has been filed to
set aside the salu of DeSmet to
Carriero & Sous. This suit will
comu up at the next term ot chan
eery court. In the meantime the
mills me running night and day,
and the bnsiuess of the firm is go
ing forward.
All who are indebted to the
firm lately conducted in the name
of Mrs. U. W. llightower, are ur
gently requested to come forward
aud nettle their bills.
An entertainment for the benefit
of t he Catholic ohurch, will be gtveu
at DeSmet flail, in Scfantou, re
centlv resideuce of A. R. Latham
on the rivpr, June 10, 1884. Al
persous purchasing tickets will be
entitled Jo a chance in. a prize,
Flint prize, $5 in Jtold. Tableaux
and daucing will form part of ths
nroeramme. Admission, 50 cents
fnr ndnlts. Children. withoutcban oe
In a prize, 25 cents.
TONEtt H()OLET.At 8t. Jcum.li'e
rliurcli, Mnliili. Ala., by Itttr. Knihrr
Wiuklrveil. April 30. 18H, Jiihn 11. To-
ner, of .1ii I'oiut, Mies., suil iline Itur
garel 11 wile;, ot .Vobile.
Treasurer's Report from the Sth day of Jane
ary, 1SS3, to April 7, 1884, Showing Be
ceipU and DUbantements.
To tke Ifozorablt Mayor sad Board of AUcrmen of
the Tw of JUlari i
Gkstlemkx Below please find statement of the
amounts received and disbursed from Januarv 8.
1S83, tuApiil 7, l&t, all ot ahich is i espvtit fully
Jau. Uec'd from J. A. Boaeqnet. i-treaeurvr
O. W. Comlil. pedllr
Juba Peleruut, pmlitlrr
Ourge Kturr. (mldlrr
Jau JO J. W. Heolcy. wanliaJ, iu the coj ut taw a .
P.J. Moutiw
.. Tdwb ve. Kemmsiia
.. Tewa , K V. Klmer
Tewa t. Y. Anure
Feb. 5 T. JielaiM, rut liceaM, pre rata......
Keb,ta . J. MuutroM, tioe
tW. Elmer, Sn
T. Aware, Hue...
Keb.17 kin. V. Kugwaa, retail liiiour
KebJIO-J. O. Correll, p llor
Keb. K. lMiiiUti, aliow
May I tieorgu HtiBl.earm;; UceoM
(ienrge Hnut, cart lieente
V. Thomaa, barber abp
.. . B.Tact, ahioa atora.....
.. P. Leetratle, private tart
.. Phil. Deapiirte, abipper of ojetere
.. IT. S. CiwtUN, druf atort...
. . B. Beggae, cart
.. B. BoKua, earriagw.. .........
.. 11 Bi'gjtiM. atore
.. l'.tirveuin, ice hone. ......
. . Jua. Turi, alioa ahnp
. .. tlra. U. K Dryailale, barmen).
Pat Uillen, grocery atura
.. P. Uillen. rarrUge
Hmilry & Urwly.oyater liop..
3-ln UnMly, carriage
E. Matliawa, atora
A. Kornnianu,.Teve(ablea
..1H 03
.. 1 OU
.. 1 00
1 uu
1 00
1 00
1 ou
3 75
3 00
3 en
- 3 00
'10 00
1 00
a OU
li so
14 f
10 00
10 00
W 00
10 00
13 SO
1-4 SO
10 00
I.-, ou
lit 00
100 00
io eo
U 60
10 00
10 ou
11 M
6 00
Mr. C. M. Ketaou. atora 10 00
ti. W. Harriaon. eotitectianeiy 10 00
klra K. Mohan, ab el ore 10 00
lire. V. I'ucuira. giovery atora 10 00
Mrs. J. bherrer, grocery atora 10 00
P.J. Moi.troaa. 3 billiarj table 30 00
P. J. Montroee, barroom loo 00
)rn. Y. t'ngaaaa, barroom 110 00
., dry gowla atora... 10 00
K. J. Bean, furniture atora 10 00
J. M. Grady, V carta K5 00
Mrs. Itoveanx, prtva curt a Ml
Mra. Deveanx, etore 10 00
II. Agn-guard, cart U SO
II. AgregoarU, oyster anop...,
Louia Veyaiere, atora
'. A mare, )i barmnm.
y. Amara,3 billianl tallica....
V. 3. Wetzull, lauibar yard..
M. Pi-rux, bei-r aiilooii .........
P. ft haefvr, dry giMMla atore .
t . T. lluwara, priTat cart.
Oi kick or ths Dkmik'kat-Stah, I
Pascauoixa, May 30, lf.-4. j
Itcport for wcvk ending Miiy
Nor bk Julio, Cliriti:iie-n, 3S4 tona from
Nt ('roll. IJuiiiah oat Imlioa to A Car-
l ie St eoue.
Br bk Manitoba, Join, 749 ton, by A.
Cnrnero & eoha lor ewanat-a tng. witn
!i?0.04li ft liiuiber and iU.W8c ft timber
Nor bk Lietjeld. Eveuaeu, HIS tona by A.
V Diiuuer & oo. for UouHenr ir. with
409.7MH ft lumber.
Am acli TUoa. 0. Smith, Koater, 154 tona,
for Wilmington Dot. by W lleuny & co.
with 500,414 f. lumber.
vkmikiji IX Ptiltt.
Nor bk Dilatator. Tcilman, 1'iW tona.
Swed bk Wagoola, Wingren, Mil tona.
Ainach Wdi U'hiteheiul, Moouey, IVJ lam
Aua ah in Kainer-Kudolpb, Muny, UI'J
Qit b Iris, Mledbrodt, t,M tona.
It. bk Otavia btelloo, 6chian-uo, 84 f lous.
Nor bk Celrr. Klocke. 634 tona.
8wwl bk Ralnruus, Johnaon, 74(i tona.
Nor bk Onldrtign, Voight. tona.
Br bk llritiali Princeaa, Jamoa, lH toua.
Nor b Trimiipli, Olawii, 651 tona.
Nor bk Perliu, Marcellua, 4M tona.
Nor bt 8vnnkun, Unuan,5til tona.
Swed bk Frederics and Carolina, Baatron,
f.WI tona.
Anat b Dora, Rodoalnvicb, 1131, tona,
Dan bk Atalantrt, ferternen, not vmn.
Am ach Mary E. Clark, Banten, 115 tons,
Nor bk Eaik, Thoreaen, 4'.W tona,
Unas bk AhtL Ro., 326 tona.
Kuaa bk Iliana, Engbloom, fa tona. .
Kuas Yatavat, Tnrniblom, 054 tona.
Br abip Amoor, Jonea, 1338 tna.
8wd bk Fredorica and CaruliuR, Boatram,
Brbk Magnificent Ford, ltona.
Nor bfc Ellen Grant, Sorennen, 66 tona,
It bk Kichetta, Rivera, 678 tona, from
Cl.rA from Hent. l.'ttt. to Sent.
. ' ' .wi Art en-i
1, 'Kl W,UOT,
Cleared aince 8opt. l,18f3..
Cleared aince May 'A 1W4
Total alnca Rapi 1, 18KI. -. . .33,943,556
... 764,93i
Tonsorial Parlors
Fritz D. Decht,
Having recently built a new, comforta
ble and oommodiout barber shop, I am
nrenarcd to aenre ouatomor la the beat
1 . l . i . Von knfc
manner auaateuj f"
Flrst'Claas Artistes
re employed iu ny eatabliahiant, and
enatomera can rely upon being promptly
and artlatieally aervod. 8Uuving. bair
liamiMtoinir. dvelog. t'o.i done
inth.bct.tyk F. D, BEC1IT.
Jan. U.14
Und for Sale.
anraa of nil', timber
lands for eale.tliree mlloa to tlie north of
Ocean Spring", wao;e " w
flgorea. Apply to JACOB ELMER,
Biloxl, Hartiaenoquafy, Mnw.
Jauul'.V 4, last. " H
10 00
10 00
300 00
30 00
15 00
30 00
10 00
ii 60
M. Bance, cart W 60
.. t . A. l uillav. t, cart w 60
F. W. Elmer, l arrooui 100 00
F. W Eln.er, 3 billiard tublea 30 00
N. Vaivedicb, barroom 100 00
atore 10 00
P. Mnnay.rart 14 50
.. Jfra. Obr, atora... 10 00
J. Elmer, atora 10 00
May 3 Lonia Uitl, atora 10 00
.. .. carriage li 60
.. , Vm. Gill, carriage 14 50
.. Lonia Hill, private wagon U 60
.. Mr. Weber, private carriage f 00
... .. . private cart 8 60
Mra. Dution. atora 10 00
A. billion, carriage H 5
L. Loprx, atora 15 00
.. ' n;ivote avacon ii 50
J. Kornmaun, barber abop 10 00
.. Ulenuon A Bedding, atore law
,. . private wagon 4 50
V. Haws prlvatu car . ii 50
M. yiliieii. private onrt..... 50
,. (iro. Riiaxel, blaukawUh aboj 10 00
J. A. Iluitwini't, atore i ' 10 00
P. McCnbu, atore '. 10 00
.. ., privato wagou... 8 50
.. J. il. Grady, 8r., private cart H 50
., I). Lang.cairinge... 14 50
atore 10 00
C. F. Theobald, atore 1-1 00
, , ,. private ciirringe.. 5 00
Mr. Gaupp. private cart v 8 60
A. Obr, carriage 14 50
.. cart 14 60
John Bradford, cart l i 50
M-y 6 Lopez, Elmer & Co., canning factory , 50 00
B. enaw, carriage .ou
J. II'. Davie, private carriage 6 00
.. private cart 4 60
jft,y 7 Sum Lyona, carriage 14 60
df. Honee, ice cream w
N. E. Builcy, private curriago 5 00
II. Knapp, beer anloon 00
Job. Kulin, lumber jard 15 00
iu-'. 4 J..S WiUoa. private citji; . . .
J. E. Swetmao, baUaceou aiarkei....
Aag. 6 Mrs. Perry, hotel
Aag. 8 k iu Patrick, private carriage
Aas. l-A. U Haahng, hotel
lr. Tharbef, private carriiMre
Aug. SO M. Baraea, paotograph galirry. .......
J. Johaatuiipay ball aud raat. ........
Aag. 44 M. Broachi, private cart...
-. .. carnage
Aag. 35-Mre. L. Meloue. hoUl
a Hare, peddler
L. Martia, peddler
J. Mihiiick, peddler
Mr. Beck, Syia horaee.....
Aag. 47 Luok Sua, peddU-r
Kept. 31. tk-jawMii, Weal tad aaarket
riept. 5 Mr. Bradford. cart prorata
SltJ M. KiiBi. peddler
J'. Iloril. peildler.
Sept Obr. Sue
Oct. 44 J ok a Aggregeerd, bottle lieenea.
nv.ar Jobs OrailtufO, laaierr yarn t year....
1h(. 1. Lratrjde, rail pro rata
Dec. It C. lWiug,Wr i year
accctrrs v tut mojitm or
Janaary, lv3
tebraary. lefCj
May. 13
J a no, lct
July, 13
Aaguei, ima
eVptesbar. 1-Kl
October, 13
November, IhKJ
December, IMS..
January, 1V4, Strphea lUbec, peddler.
Total amount received to date
5 w
li 10
l.'i 09
a 00
Id 00
5 eo
19 00
7 50
i Hi
15 l
I 09
1 00
1 eo
I w
l oo
34 W
a 35
1 00
1 so
6 oo
5 00
T 60
3 75
3 00
4,l 40
. I Ijo as
.. W 75
.. 1.H7I 40
.. 354 OO
St 00
M 60
47 35
6 0
7 50
S !5
$4,631 40
.. 1 00
Sc t 7 -far! I. !.' .-t 'r .t i-M
.. ..1 I-, . i
. . -, at.. .-w- n
St.ll .. Joha 8aace
kit u i
t uo
tMaSl-UIMlLkta 13 IBS ktu.liut or
January, i VJ W
February. 1J .16 K
March, 13 V "3
May. 1?K1 1,76 3i
Jaa, lvct 15 f5
Jaly, 13
oepuuber, l'rt MJ
Ja S Paid tot . lor la'-r. 50 W
Jaa.7.. f-irb-bet. WW
S"."4. P.Gaeaoa, W
AotMBta paid eat from Jaa M,lX
U Jan. 1. 14 IW234 25
Paid eat from Jaa. 1, 14, to Apr.
7, 19B4, iueluaive 3:4 ')
Total amoant V,'''
Balauce ia traanry 3 65
Keapecuuliy, R. bLOXON,
Treaa. Teata ot Biloii.
Jaa. 8 Paid Mra. U. Ceillavet, warrant 64...
Mch. 5
May 1
H. Pradat, warrant 84...
F. Ariruellaa, warrant 4.
K.CaHlavat, warrant HO..
I . Muitb, warrant S3
F. Delamare. warraet 77.
J. Merrit, warrant 107
A. Boneqaet, warraul IStt. . . .
H. Pradat, warrant 104
J.L.A. Itenlar warrant 104
W. Smith, warrant 105
W.Wetiell, warrants? ,
8. Shaw, warrant 94
J. A. Bouanet A Co., warrant 74..
Aug. Ohr, warrant M
John Lyona, warrant 73
W. Oill, warrant 76
P.Gilleu, warrant 63
1. Lang, warrant 65
John Grady, warrant 6S
R. Grady, warrant Crt
Lopei, timer A Co., warraut 7. ..
Geo, H ant, warrant !)5
B. Beggue, warraut 64
Geo. Itiiut. warrant 67
Phil Deaporta, warrant SO
H. Agregoard, warrant 71
W. Morril, warrant 174
D. Grady, warrant 154
F. Toe ho, warrant 93
B. Beggue. warraut 100
Trueteee colored achool, warraut 91
) . fihaw, warrant 76
W.Gill, warrants
Johu Bradford, warrant 70.... ....
Truateea whito achool
Mra. ltevaiix, warraut 76
Geo. Hunt, warrant 150
W. 8mith, watranl lit
B. Beggue, warrant 154...
B. lUiggue, warrant 157
R. Grady, warrant 101
John Grady, warrant 136
Dan Grady, warrant l.'vl
L. Bradford, warront 14H
.. . warrant 144
F. A. Caillavet. warrant VM
Lopet, Elmer it Co., warrant 140. .
.. 144..
. Rec'd from Secretary oo Market. .
May 9 Mra. Harver, carriage
. I.. Kcuon, oanurj......
, , private wagou
May 10 John W. Litllo, bakery
JjOpea pnm oniacca inmi prisma ivumiv.,
Mra. Arch, private cart
May 14 Ar. Boulo. hotel. . .
Alia. n. ii:ck, ooiei.i ,
. D. Lang, carriage
Jra. Brown, pay bull.....'
Jay 14 Jra. CM. A'elaon.drng atora
May 15 Joa. Sednlio, curt
Mra. Fry, hotel....'. .'
May 13 P. N. Bonney, privato carriage
May 19 P. McCabe, public carriage
May 40 A. Knrtiiuiinii, balance ou stall in market..
May 85 Jra. M. E. Dryailale, hotel
. m. Micu, oyaierauop
J. W. Little, private wagou
,. C. T. Howard, private wagou
May 2d J. O'Dounhoe, private cart
May 30 H. Knnpp. rcatanraut.
May 31 P. Gannon, cart
June I M. Sauce, cart...
I )e uuaay, private rarriugi
June 8 P. J. Montroaa, liotol..
Juue 4 N. E. Bailey, private cart
June 6 Mra, Hintou, restaurant
June 6 Mra. H, Thompaon, confectionery.
Jnne 9 .Mrs. E. Hahn, hotel....
June 11 Geo. W. Harriaon, private wagon
June 13-N. Voivedich, private cart ......
June 14 Cleary, pnvute carnage
June 16 E. Gletmon. carriage....
Lopes, Elmer & Co.,' Ice-bonne.
H. Knapp, carriage.
June 80 Geo. Coiiaiua, hotel.
Juue 23 Mra. Sliroder, hotel, v
Juue 84 Jra. Honae, Ice cream
June 45 Peter Gillen, carriage
8 60
8 50
8 60
6 00
15 00
14 60
12 60
6 00
85 00
3 50
15 00
10 00
85 00
4 60
8 60
6 00
14 60
15 00
14 50
' 10 00
10 00
10 Oil
14 50
Jaa. Mullen, omnibus 60 00
Mra. Marion, hotel
A. Meynlor, hotel
private wagon.
June 26 E. Webat ncddler
Juu. 27 Geo. Bm.th, private carriage..
A. Dorria, private carriage. . . .
Mra, Arch, private carriage. .. .
Juue 28 Mr. Demon II, private carriage
Oacar Johaaon, pnvaie wagon
E. Seymour, paid balance on market
. , A. Korumaun, eofle. sttnd
Jan. 29 J. M. Grady, oart
H.Gravea,prlva. wagou. A i
Mra. Bridge, private carriage
July 8 Joe. Horil, peddler.'. .t
... Mra. E. huUivan, hotel
N . Pel re, barber ahop
July 6 A. K. Hopkina, private cart.....
July 9 Vincent Pratt, peddler
July 1M, H. Keller, private part. .... ,
, , , , , ' 8 private carnagea
.Tnlv 13Mra. Elder, carriage
July 14 Mra. Perry, private carriage
,,- private cm....
It. Miller. oriviiU carriage
July 1 ft Mrs. Hiutou, pwtdlcr
July 18-L. Deaporte, peddler egga
J. M. Cook, carriage
July 30-M. Bell, private carriag
Jnlv 16 A. Klncher. peddler
July 83 D.J. Mullen, peddler....
July 30 J, MUlalik, peddler.....
H. Kociaet, peddler
Aug. 3-Ja. Polling, pcdair..-t. ;. ,
10 00
10 oo
2 50
1 00
5 00
6 00
6 Oo
5 00
2 60
43 00
3 50
14 50
2 60
6 00
1 00
10 00
10 00
8 50
8 60
2 50
10 00
18 60
6 00
8 50
5 Oo
1 00
14 5o
5 00
1 On
1 Oo
I 00
1 0
May 3-
May 7
May 8
May 14
May ID
May 27
Juue 4
Juno 10
Juuo43 .
June 27 ,
June 30 ,
July 8
Sept. 3
John Agrrgoard, warrant 133.
h. Hradtortl, wanant 14o
8. 8haw. warraut 140....
F. Oatllavct, warrant 177 '.
P. Murray, warrant 144
1). Lang, warrunt 134...
N. Payurd, warrant 104 ..
II. Agregaard, warrant 144
J. Grudy, warrant 135
Geo, Hunt, warrant 173
8. Shaw, warraut 139
Geo. Hnut. wurraut 174
F. Cuillavet, warrant 174
J.J. Cowart. warrant 148
F. A. Caillavet, warrant 137
P. Murray, warrant 141
Ctiaa. Mct'alub, warrant 112
A. Lea'rade, warrant 161
W.Wetiell, warrant 130
E. Ulenuon, wun-ant 103
.. warrunt 134
GerniueKyan, warrant 89
R. Laulue, warrant 16
R. Caillavot, warrant 164.. v
J. Mayooek, warrant 81
H. Colier, .warrant 158
K. Cuillavet, warrant 108
A. Bcllande, warrant 7"i
H. Culler, warrant 110
F. A. Caillavet, warraut 90
.. warrant 74
A. Bcllnnde, warrant 155...
.. warrant 98
21. Long, warrant K'6
. , warrant 167
J. L. A. Ilouley, warrant 160
warrant 179
., warrant 1H1 ...... ...
It. Colier, warrant 159
N. Fayard, warraut 16-1
L.Coeraa, warrant 157
E. Bradford, warrant 140
P.Allen, warrant 169 i
L. Bradford, warrant 147
J. Lvona, warrant 11...... ,
Q. W, Andrew., warrant 8
. . warraut 165
Peter Reed, warraut 170
P. Murray, warrant 74
G. Strong, warrant 164
L. Lopea, warrant 131
Lopez, Elmer 4k Co., warrant 145. . . .
.. .. warraut 144....
Agregoard, warrant 143
John Henley, warrant 180
Returned Korniuann'alioeuae
MoCraokeu cV Brewater, warrant 86. . .
Geo. Ellis, warraut 87
Phil Deaporte, warrant 94.
Joa. Kuhn, warraut 184..
.. warrant 102 ...
.. warrant 119
(lerome Ryan, warraut 184
R. Caillavet, warrant 11
J.M. Grady, Br., licenae returned...,
Lopez, Elmer &. Co., warrant 127
Snauiah Association for rent, warrant
John Henley, warrant 1H0
Jaa. Ma j-cock, warrant 189
E. Motrin, warraut 1H8
E. Glennou, warrant 187
Gerome Ryan, wanant 191
Mra. Dryadale, warrant 1'J0....lv..,.
W. Grant, warrant 194
J.L. Henloy, warraut 194.....
Geo. Ruaaol, warrant 193
M. LeniuH, warrant 195
J. M. Grady, warraut 1!6...
R. Caillavt. warraut 197
Johu Henley, warrant 198
J. L. Heulev, warrant 199
Truatee pubiia aohoot. cul'd, warrant
P. Jfnrray. warrant 204
E. Glenuou, wurraut 807
John Henloy, Sr., warrant 408
warraut 218
Glonnou eV Redding, warrant 216. . . .
John Bradford, warrant V00
, John W. Henley, warraul 217.
, E. Gleuuon, warrant 214
, if, Lanius, warrant 211.....
, O. Ryan, warrant 413
. P. Murray, warrant 415 , .
, t'j Butou, wart ant 214
.ti,m 40
..I CO 00
.. 8 00
.. 3 75
.. 17 00
.. 9 00
.. J90
.. 4 04
.. 5 00
.. lo 00
.. 13 85
.. 11 50
.. 8 OS
.. 8ii35
.. 76 65
.. 17 Si
.. 16 10
.. 17 98
.. 14 70
.. 84 85
.. 4 45
.. P0 55
.. 191 85
.. 13 75
.. 86 65
.. 87 40
.. 47 70
.. 87 50
.. U 25
... 9 80
... 6 40
.. 3 90
.. 80 00
,.. 23 05
.. 1 HO
... 67 85
.. 10 00
,.. 84 05
... 1100
... 3 75
... 9 40
... 10 00
.. 9 95
. 14 60
.. 10 00
... 10 00
... 4 40
... 6 20
... 10 00
... 10 00
... MOO
... 10 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
lo oe
10 00
14 75
?o on
T 00
II 90
10 00
10 00
10 40
3 00
10 00
9 00
10 OO
10 00
IS 00
13 75
6 00
57 60
10 00
Millinery, Notions,
Dry Good Eto.
Mra. W. A Dawana ha Jat piH.t oa
ths career of Kreh evcaue and
goula street, opptaite D-ee eld t'aud, one
of the tfiwel Mocks of entirely an aiuli
nerr. aotioiia, dry rood. etc., ever r .jrH
to ncrantoa. fcduvatone rtaitfe, GiogbauM,
Lawna,Calicue. Non a Viilinr. KooUi'ig..
Laeea, Hoairry, Kibbooa. G'ove, etc.
Lawn and Callco at 03
I intend to lea s Srat-claia milliiM-ry
atora for Iodic, and d'wire the lalles ef
MoaaPuiut, Scrir.ten, pxvrajula a 4 vi
cinity to call aud exnmiae my gtwl Jf
out menus aua euatouiar are oMtienlkriy
renrateu vo ran.
Scrauton, April 4. 1894. r--iui
(Formerly Biiley, Rhodee Sc. WiMer'a,)
Thnr$dv Wight, JmncG, ,vk.
Scranton Fire Coupsoy No. 1 will give
at th above umwl bolt nu tU eight of
the 87th inat., fjr the purpoa- of v.Uiug
fuuda to bny a f ro engine The I t l
order will be Bud!itwnf,i.
Adtniia 50 eenta. Ladies fras-.
By order ol Com. of Arraiige:uctil.
8. R. THOill'S'j:,', Chklrivnr.
May W, 114. ' l-:-it
Blalack's Hotel
Livcry Stable,
South Sid. R. IL Depot,
tic ronton, M is l! ppl .
Jan. 19, 1W. '
Scranton Sank,
E. F. Xrebs, Manager,
Scranton aud Pascagoula. Miss.
Will deal In
Ce'lwt Drafta, Bill", A reunite, aid do
ah description of Bauking bn.iin-s,
Jan. 5,1184. 41-1
Chas. S. Collardj
Denier ia
10 00
1 00
3 15
1 00
4 50
6 00
18 75
17 00
7 80
10 00
20 00
88 60
8 00
2 60
15 90
14 40
3 10
10 00
5 00
14 40
10 00
4 CO
10 00
7 60
16 25
8 60
8 60
10 00
2 60
1 00
3 75
5 00
16 65
8 75
8 20
10 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
ft 09
94 50
89 25
8 70
15 00
5 30
13 30
5 00
10 50
2 55
13 15
15 00
17 50
4 50
86 00
8 60
60 00
8 85
10 00
2a 00
14 60
10 00
10 00
10 00
3 60
5 00
30 00
9 90
6 00
15 00
2 65
2 60
14 60
6 85
10 00
Dry Qcsas & Qrcclhizs.
A full anpplv of general muichninliae
always on baud and '!il at loweat prices.
Frcah Lager Beer, Porter, Ate, Cider uud
8oda Water.
April 25, 1-484. Mra
For Hale.
The two-masted at hooner Sarah. She I
of forty-eix tone burden, aud will tarry
about 65.000 feet of lumber. For fur'.hut
particular, apply to
Scrauton, Mia.,
or to John O'Dono-U, Mobile, Ala. -May
23, 18-)4. 14 lin,
Old Clothoa made New, by
J. NICHOLSON, Oceii Springs, Mir.
May 43, l""4.
Laud OrricK at Jacxsos, Miss., I
May 23, inn I. (
.T . . , , ,1... 1 1
Ing named settler hue tiled notice of hia.
intoution to make proof iu auppnrt of hia
claim, and that aald proof will be wtado-
lx loia W. M.Ilanuy uircuitoiurn, at rjcmn
tflii, Miaa , an Juue3i), 1884, viat Alexi Uo
biuger, hotuoatead No. 9,453, for the a
aw iaec band e t a aeo 6 township 6 a
range 7 woat, and naiuoa th. following
wituoaaua to move bia sonliuUxaa roal-.
drnce upon and cultivaMou ot aaid laud.
viz: Joaepn Uarile, Mtlto (Mbioger. Kooer
Page, Samuel Barney, all of Vnaclava
poatoflice, Jackson oonuty, Siiaa.
n, i, Ktinn, negTier.
May 23, 14. 12-6t
jFor Sale at Public Wuttry,
To the highest bidder fr ena'a, on
Alondny, 2d day ot 3ite, 1381,.
that certain honae and lot on Jackson v.
nue iatho town of CH-aun Wprlnfn, Hi., 1
aud deacrilied a follown I H--tia urn' lot
ou tho taat aide of Javkaon aveuiia with a
front on Mid alret ot one h'in.!re.t auJ
.even fevt extending back between purn.v.
lei lmea two bundrod ti-et l itiea iivrlvci
and all Uxea paid to date, Bale Intake
pluo. in trout of bum bouse ana lot. lu.
Occau Spring, Miaa.
I. roi.'REMENT, Owner,
. . Jubilu, Alas
May 8, 1884. -5t
NoTicr.l In aunlher column will Ih
fonnd an article in which al. (Mhcth.-;
they will fir no) are intrroatod. (fej;irt'
lag to read it may ptove a very riioii m
well as au expeoaiv affair VV rt-L to
the .drertlactneat of Prickly A:ih Biitara,,
A knowledge nf ita meriliand tl.o OT.t'iti
you or your family may dortve I-c ji uxiu ;
it wiuaavu uotoniy nealth bnt many
lara others l eMHitidcd in "Dactora'
ibilla." Hire.
ocjieragjfs. - , ; f

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