OCR Interpretation

The Pascagoula democrat-star. (Pascagoula, Miss.) 1878-1920, February 01, 1895, Image 1

Image and text provided by Mississippi Department of Archives and History

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87065532/1895-02-01/ed-1/seq-1/

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ID '
oiMi iei
- I.
K, Proprietor. t ' LOVE FOR OUR FRIENDS ? COURTESY FOR ALL ; FEAR FOR NONE. Terms-Two Dollars per Year in Advance
fu , , t L , - , i
I j Mini
IE 0
No. I.
HI Sc Mint,,,
Xrt I .
2HTt-2nd Dist.
derail ton 4:ll
.vu. a. Uci
rKRBAU Jodg.
Lauderdale, nn the Brut
and July ana continue
unry and August una con-
"?TIri!h ud September and eoiitluue
..' . ..iklKM Km.
lOunty f" t.iwrww. V '
krch aMa ciKwiuurr w" ..
t iiu
unfSy of Wayne, on the irst Moti-
I HJIU UCUIIier lluu uuimnw ...
uniy of Oruene. on the second
4 of iv
kprll and Uclouer una continue
btyof Pearl Rlver.on tlie third
aix day.
In the. eon
Momluy of I
Ixdav. '
nt'llunnnrk: on the fourth
fil and October und continue
i.. 4 ui coun
Monday ol All - n,,.inn. on tlifi second
twelve (lays,
in i he conn
und November una continue
f,0"i'iiyaav "f Jackson, o" '' "rth
twelve days, v viveuibcr und continue
in inn co.i"vj-
?!,eW?yds N-irlon.Flrf District, on
tWi imnt-T ofcf June and Deeeniher hiul
M .nityT I the foond District,
!:!rnU.ue S'cUy.Vr of June and December
on the Kwond Mony '
- ---. t'HAKCKLI-OIl.
bnu oni.iiiiieiuy'
. V. i, , Rvr tlie flrst
Tii the comity of rejij jy an,j continue
Monday of Jmi.uary '
In lhecomty of : TOunry nnrt July and
'the iieon Mondiiy of J, Kutrlot.
rnntlimo six dav. " "unuury mid July
continue- mix rtii of nunry
. on the third Monday oi r
itnconiinue on tne ioiin
the fourth
onduy of Jitnuiiry una Jui,
In tne count j ... unil continue
lx Us.vs. .,.ri
on th first
In t he cnHinj ' -.'j., nun.
raionduy of February unu
a.B' ' itcUson. P "
4i lxnn ,.bu h th wwond
V1 V'Tol " February u.id Au)m
tiMie."7 . . wfc hna .
Wmcl,V ,S r";,, nf Wayne. orktho won
1 1 ii ne
sm Jti ,. ...I Def.i'inber. il coniinu
i.. rho
Monday of
lx duvs.
arJiineft. nn Hottest MondllV
. .i.u ..mm
I'liteiulH'r and nintlnue six
of March nu C lones, on thiflrst Monday
III in
0,Vi, the county o.m "J1"'"' l'"lt""ie Blx
""'."i..; eoimtv .W- P ..ttfr and con-
Monday of March MV ,
tliiue six days. .A'VVa coV m,,,,7iiv of
In thecoiiniy of U)a..,' ""("'
nue si ifaya.
the First District, ony
March and Hentembcnsi.
In the town of IliiltleslniT?
Hecond IMS'
e and Decern
""aSlLteMre fourth Mon
,M "'flnTie sljaKcrt jind continue
,1.-- Minify ol,.tlllni.
"Way of March and BeotinhTHiiirsday after
day. v 'SSwyuWj.nd
c,mti..i.iVihr..ed J,, ...Mthm I
t he u..i...ti.l i..h.. .. , . ..... " .. . ....e
... riiMTiiy in lYrneno. o. t
Mfttirhtk. I.. , .VIii ........ . . ...... M -
ill Ilio eiimitv .tf I I .
ui. .V.. ..L " "ciont tlie nisr, mm-
i.i.i , ,1 continue six
In t hi. county of Xewtnn. i
ay of April mid November 1,. n the first
In thecoiinlyof I,an.lerdr 1
May and .Novemr.i,
yr ana cuiin""
twenty-Mur,,;: r " "
day of April an
in in-, iiwl'li , " . ,.........-
im ""
p'r ore s it o fL ,
(,( Syrian: ,li 1
u....i.,t ..iKniitlnii uiven tuVlbVrayit.
tioijot liintl titles V'A i
it ft, A. J. v 14 ' . rt1
Holi'i'itH prnctiee nil iilong llie Cfltcnl
Offlnej Limliert. lunne. PusV, IV
Street. rCllllllon, Miss. I ,
T. M. Kvask. , V.O.Kv.t, tilt
SeiHiitiin. Mi JIIISHlwliplV'tri;
AITOllXETS -W-frurr-nfaoite'.w..
LAW. r"
' Will priictico lu ull the courts of JCk
Min eonaijn . . -;
Residence and offlne nt Mos Poi.it,
Also otnee ill Hie court, house, r
ton. MisSj
mw tir,,i.lk
PriietinoH lu thettonrtsof JmisUsoii, Har -
rison, Hancock. Perry und Oreeiie.
tVlll piiictice in the counties of Jack
aim ami Hariisoii, ,
Offu: Svvaiitim. foist.
PraolleeH ill Hie ooni'ls of the 8ecy
iniiicbir Oistiiut. .
Scranlon, Afi. S
Offica in Hie Freilci'ic.'uildrViir. '
dextal aim! box,
' Will ut c a( to oft call ind piactioe
aloujttlio (lull Ctu : :
LAW, ,
T""t, 8eratn, Wu.
Will practice In nil (lit Courts of the
(Mtionu J n (Ilea l Ulstrlcf.. .
rraaMMtt. y. Prw't,
(2:iie COftL CO.,
TiT. riUims oTUKKT,
Mobil, .- Ala.
Wtmilo Dlerti in
For 8tmn. J Donnstlo nue.
Alto Ar' :c!CorV-l
Dccaiu bet 81,1 V
r W. J. K. GKRAKD,
Wholesale uuil Rotuil KvciytbiK.
C. 11. DEI.MAS,
Wlioli anle ISliipei of Gulf Ojsteni.
KOUT. VVESTERBEKO.(at Soy' Hotel),
Liver? Stalile. Teinna to Hire.
NOV'S HOTEL, ft. J. June, 1'iopiiclor.
Hot of Wineauiid Linnoin.
GEM SALOON, ( G. Uklmas, I'rop.)
Fine Liquom, diiiiini und Toluiuco.
Millinerv, Notions, etc.
I:idersif Low Prices iu fill MeicbuniVme.
Pinirs. Medil'iiifK PeWnmnry. Etc.
O. 15. Kfl.AIND.
AsriMwv for 1 lie Sniper MiliiiiiHOtr.rin Co.
Gen'l Mercliunliae. Sliiylcr of liisli priced,
k. rr.KMirirs miVat mark ei
Krosli Beef, Mnjiloii. Pork.
. 0. S. COLLA1SD, Asent.
rmicTtJioifriea, l'Veill Country Proline,
r.ISHOP LARSON. niucksiiiilliH, Boil-r-iniikrN,yft-'irnU
flniker Ship work,
PHEONIX HOTEU(H. 8chiiMiler. I'rop )
Best Accbiimin.Uitioini. Lowest m tea,
Gh'IST MILL, (Henry Oolnier. .Jr. 1'itip.)
Vresli Menl. Gritsaml Feed.
rmniiV (li-oieiies. 'I'olinceo unil I'eed
Dry Goods. Gioceries.Tioes und Tiuwiirn
Miinuf-io.tnror ot Yollow Pino Lunitiei-
Millinerv. Kuiiry Goods, Notions, e'c.
Desleriii Dry Goods, Groceries, Ele.
- WlilVEl! WOOD, Justice of I lie 1V.KT.
Jl 3d nn
ami 4ili Siitiiriliivs in I tie Month,
1). K. MclNMS A .Co.,
Deult'l ill Dl'iiss. Medicines, Etc.
iolts!iietV Retnil Denlevs in EVerytliins.
,C, Ja. DAVIS.
i Choice
Choice Groceries Feed unit Notions.
i " i
Sacrat Societies.
Uf'T? A VTl'fi
. Scrauton Lodee n. 4.",. in eets ev
ifcetalay eveiilnjc at (hid Fellows' Hall at
7::to.Vc1&L.V '. A. Parker, N. Q,i F. D.
itecht,,Heextiry. y j.
Hccant'in Enjcamptnent Noi 83. tneets every
id ii nd 4th Krllday evenlnn at Odd Fellows'
Hall nT:iW o'clock. L. V. DeJeun, V. V."
llos. Htii'the. I ,
Knlllhtaot Plythlas. Mississippi l.ndgc No.
K, meets every Thursday evening at Odd
Fellows' Hall at 7:W o'clock. .1. W. All
nmn.U. IM 1 E Browne, M. of F & K. of If,
ft H. r i . ,
k'niirhta nf Honor. Hcrantnn Lndie No. 8824.
nets every i!d and 4th Monday evening at
Odd Fellows'' Hall at 7:: o'cloi:k.
v, A. M.. Oulf Lodo tin. 41!). meets 2nd
Wednesday In each month at Odd Kcltnwa"
'Jail. J. B. rural h. m.i nin. o. rai Ker.
fterel.itrv. !
l v, - 5 lit I. ft 1 ? tt
rand tl BKST
Sylcg of JOB
X catexlin tho
1 b (lepartny ,t
firm i t
n I jl I iiiiuiii hiiu
PArEUS always onSj
hand. i .
Pi ices the
NEW 0RLC1M8, - LA.
MunufaJtnrer and
Whole lie Dealer In t""
Tobactlct, Pipes,
Snuff li rrAckr' Article.
Having eulmled Ihe eiipscitV of
me imitoi v. I Jim naw side to sim
ply nivctisnwinin "Rmik llotmin"
piioDK with ny own make, und all (
niliei lirnnilrtof Ciirinn. CiirareUea, i
Sniokiuif miM ClMwini'ltilHeeoa, J
8iml, wlar Articlaa, di
short not loci, .
rc.miW4. PW. K
The DM(bCBATSTAB Jflb oClc
turns out irtlsjio job Printing Jiit
an nood In vwy respecV-M cah
i dune in ino fnoans or .ouim ax
ti i vira
I will sell at nublieoutcrv. to the hiirlicst bidder for cash, at the front door
of the Court House, lu the town of Scrauton, Jacksoa CountJvState of Missis-
slppl, on
commencing at 11 o'clock, a. m., the folliiwinu described hind and lots, or so
much thereof as may do necessary loruaKeine amouni 01 taxes inereon tur me
fiscal year 1894 and all costs.
W. W. Tunnel'..
llej of owj
C. 8. UriHln.. ..
lot 9 ;
E. W. Di-vis....
Levie Dye
4 of iiwi niofswi
sj of lot. 1 or sei ot ui
Hugh Iliutou..
i 111 KWJ
u( of ni.
nei sw ami s'i of nwi
M. R. Roberts.
all except net ot net;
si- of so scj nf sw4;
m i nwj ot swi nei ot
all fractiouiil except
tiej ol se.....
swof sej'.
Tliof. 6. GiUlcbrand.
rtl'iof Kt-
ol sei
wi of sei s4 of in 4
II wj
wi of s4 nelof a4
of si nei ol s i
n4 of n wj
eaf lie
i of se
nw of uwi
ni of uwi set of uwl
nwjol sei
i ol s4
w of swi
wj of u J
Ill Ol lie
S. If. DickeiioRio.
Q. Y. Ciiiliale
sw sei ttf nv
s ot ll wi
wjof swi n wj ot'sei......iM..
uw4 of ni ;
Si of n J.,
J of III'
se of sw
II W Ot Se
Ill' Ot III'
wit of ve
se of lie
tiaclioiial section.
Clark t& Wilson .
aw w uf ne ne of
11 ol se
e of ' se ol'sw sh
4 of ne
ne of se
lots 7 mid 10
lie olse
IIW of III' iiw of nw
se of se w uf II v 8e
lie ol se. ....... .1
RoIipiL Weslfiinl.
fl. IJIuoninclU.. .
lots and 'i
of uj
K. Swartwoiit. . .
ill except sw ot H
se of sw
nil dilution, il
iiw sw ol se. . . v
nil tint: I M I II ii I
,. N. Henick...
itll 1 1 not i o li a I
nil except 80 acres 1'.
"II '-v ;
nil except ne ot ne
nil tiiifct iiinal
u of Se se of se
nw i' of ne
lie n of se
u tit' lie
0 building lots ill e
V. L. Dr'mkwuler..'..
Waer & Wells
Iiw se of ne
of ne Iiw of Se
kw ol'sw
SW lit IIW
s w of lie se of nw
wol SW )cOt SW
of nw
nw of sw se ol sw
el of se se of lie.
nw w ol ne se ot
f e in u wj u wf in
nw n j of in s of
nw of lie
ii wj
a of sei i-,vnf see(ot sw nw
oi sw s in uw t
Ely T. Moffatt
A. G. Deluuis
.1. W. Tannei'
M. J. Roberts
J.K. Dickeu Estate.
eof se ,
sw ol nw., .. v...
lie of se
IIWOt tlWi..,,.,.!
lie nf sw
iii a in se of ne; 7
mills ol ne...... ...i
eofaes of up..'. .,
sw wofse
Vuleutiue Tinnier.,
n ot nw se of nw
se n ol u.v lie of
lie of uw
sw of sw se of sw
se wi of lie se of
i' ol se
Uv known ..
ne of ne n ot sw
ii ol'sw ne of ne
sw of mi
J. M. Ruby
Sl''toi et
""V'ie lie of ne
swof oV i llw.ot swi,
uw4ol u'K. ,, id. ..
, iiw of ....,....
nw of uw ,,
lie of lie se of iiw..!,
uw of sw nw of iiw..
ne of se
se of lie
uw of sw of tiw....
sw of se.
se w of lie
J. Li r, -. . . . .. ."
e ot lie
H. Wood..?..
lie of sw.
w4nf se
sof uw
11 sw se ot
lots .1, 4. n, 0. ,., . .
II n4 olel...
.... ...
.. i i
tJH or...!-(-
0- A.N'on
swi i
- .oUfciir
lots ;, 4 und n
Coutlni'iWonSocontl Pa go.
& swj u 4
I 4
i 75
cVuw J of ncj
of sr$ uw. . . .
wj ol i i
7 17
7 74iS 3i
nei of lief
M 12 6 l i
ii 29
ne ii of sw
of sw
4 OH-4 (i
ISO .'1 (I.- 10 D."i
20 1 1X1 a 5
JO J 50 li OG
l'jn ! 0,-) -jo o:i
und excepi
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w. .......
of III'
i:ifi 6'J li)
3 12:1 12
10 ot
3 m
IIW Ol sei l)j
iiw of lie. .
ne w J ol se
7 53
...e. .. .
H in lie of nw f
(1 60 60 140 4 K 13 01
ui w
tr. 74
3 Gti
se ol uw.
2 tt)
3 11
5 3 36 3 36 ISO 3 35 13 67
5 25
4 til
3 06
ii 29
5 70 7 70 40U 35 18 27
... .a
4 02'4 62
84 4 84
ft 00 3 00 Wl 20U 40
...... Uii
ii" IW6
. 30 If
8 6
28 H
r.. ne,
12 lii
34 6
8 5
0 5
13 3
36 3
21 6
Editorial and Otherwise.
Gas pipes are now made of paper.
Galena, III., a named from its lead mines.
Nukwunian looks well in a faultfinding babit.
Thanks In Hon. Thus. C. Calchings fur
public documents.
In the whirligig of time someone must take
the dust. ,
A wnman is most a heroine when she has
her hero by her side.
There are two women members of the Colo
rada legislature.
The I.cxiiw Committee of Xew York has
ceased its investigations.
The number of suicides in this country in
18V4 ni 41112, the largest ever known.
McCulloin will be Senator from Illinois
A market for the sale nf horse flesh has been
opened at Newark, X. J.
The Tiixaj cotton palace at Waco burned
Saturday night.
The banana groves of Cuba were ruined bv
October cyclones.
We cannot do any man a greater wrong than
to misjudge him.
It takes more courage to endure than It does
to set.
Yaioo means "river of death," an allusion
to the malarial diseases generally prevaleat
along Its bunks.
The I'dsI Master nf Xew Orleans will mount
bis special delivery curriers nn bicycles.
A fashion item announces that this spring
will bring women more sense and less sleeve.
An oyster weighing sixty pounds Is occa
sionally discovered in I'nget Sound.
The speed st which a cricket ball is deliver
ed by a fast bowler is a mils' a minute.
A man nut west shut his wife because break
fast was cold. The citizens are now making it
hot for him.
Miss Mary Stevenson, daughter of Vice
President Stevenson, died in Ashville, X. C,
M. Bourgeois is attempting toJiirrrTii cabinet
for France.
Gladstone announces that bis health is suf
ficiently restored to allow him (u return (a
The 'supreme-court of Illinois has ordered
that I lulls and his associates now in jail be
admitted to bail in the aum of ? 2000.
The colored agriculturalists nf Alabama,
hare culled a meeting to be held In Ilirniing
ham for tlie purpose of taking steps looking to
the reduction nf tlie cotton acreage amongst
the farmers of their raco.
It mnr be more honorable to tell a man his
faults to'liis face, but it is safer to tell them to
his neighbor.
Phillips J. Greene, a Denver, Cnlorad;
capitalist, is to open a bank in New Orleans
with a capital of $500,000. JP
Nothing but your stupid blindness hinders
you froM seeing and appreciating thesplendor
of the characters that more all about veil.
The world is now running nn full time at
grcst speed. The birth rate nf human beings
is 70 per minute. It is lore that makes the
world go round. 0 "
In Switzerland they make floor mnsaica nut
of wood pulp. The next thing they will be
making cluck teases out of boardiug'tiouae
It is said that five million tons nf ice will be
harvested this- rear nn the Hudson river,
I'arkhurst certainly should be able to keep
cool, jt
The Starkvillo Times is rigidly adhering to
the press convent inn rule, und charges fl for
publishing "slates" of prospective candidates
It is said that anti-toxinc Is all tlie better
for keeping a while. It will keep perfectly for
at least two months, and if used too fresh ii
likely to close an eruption of the skin.
The girls who insist nn spelling their names
"Knthryn'"have been boycotted by Ihe young
men of Spring Held, Mo.
' Though your name be nn the registration
books It will profit you nothing when election
day rolls 'round, if you have failed" to pay
your taxes.
Edward Atkinson says that the time, will
come when the fiber in the cotton stalk will be
utilized, and there are important elements for
tanning and dyeing in the root.
The editor of the Quitman Quill is exocrine
ing considerable trouble at present. His sub'
scribcrs do not pay up promptly and dogs are
making life a burden to the inhabitants of
Congressman Linton, of Michigan, Intro
duced a proposed sixteenth amendment in the
House last Friday. It aims to prevent appro
pristion of public money for sectarian use,
The reign nf Ihe Populists ended in Kansas
last Monday when the lately-elected Republi
can officials took charge of tho State govern
Intensely cold wealhor pr. vailed in Europe
last week, attended by heavy snow storms
Likes aad rivers wore fruen ana many death:
1 were caused by the bitter cold.
It is rather comforting to know that very
aged people aro generally from the ranks o
the very poor, and that no millionaire has
yet succeeded in bring to a very great age,
Isaao Bassett, acting assistant door keeper
of tho senate, is the oldest official in pnbli
life at Washington, Daniel Webster appointed
him a page aixtv-thrcc years ago.
Ex-tlnv. Hogg, of Texas, Is not going!
write s book, but he Is going into th news
paper business, ne can then give the Clark
faction "Hail Columbia" 36 days in a year,
The New Orleans Picayune condenses much
truth in a small paragraph when it say
"Tho inodren newspaper is fo from perfect
but it is, perhaps, as perfect as the people for
whom it is inado."
Hugglns, a Gerinen scientist, lias discover'
td that men arc becoming scarce and that in
3000 years there will be but one nan to every
J2J women.
Kissam I wish my birth had been post
poned a Uw thousand years.
mis MW rot TEV41S.
Hew Judge Culberson Once Wee a case
that seemed Hopeless.
Washington Post.
Congressman Dave Culberson, as
he Is familiarly known In Texas from
the Rio Grande to the Red river, Is
one of the most entertaining members
of the House. He is always ready with
witty reply tJ any law or political
question propounded to til in by his
associates, an j Is the subject of more
stories than any member of Congress
except Thomas H. Reed.
'In I860, Just after Lincoln had
been elected President," said an old
friend of Judge Culberson the other.
ty, "there was a neighborhood quar
rel between two citizens In Upshur
county, Tex. The Southern question
was at fever heat, and the feeling was
very strong on both sides. Each side
of the case, of course, was anxious to
get the verdict. The defendant went
to Jefferson and engaged Culberson,
ho was then rising to distinction as
bright lawyer. Dave's client didn't
have any case, the evidence being all
igainst him; but true to his trust, as
0 always is, Culberson determined to
make the best tight he could for film.
When the trial came off it turned out
that the other fellow had employed a
smart young saddlebag lawyer from
Maryland, lust located in Texas.
"Culberson had the opening speech,
and made a good defense for his client
nder the circumstances. When the
Marylander replied in belulf of hi?
client, he produced a vast array of
iiithorities, from which he read in
support of his case. When the young
man closed, Culberson picked up one
of the books, from which the oppos-
ng counsel had been reading and
'"If your Honor please, this young
brother of tbeprofession has been
reading for your instruction Massa
chusetts law. This book Is printed In
Boston. It is Greeuleaf on Evidence.'
We don't want Massachusetts law to
govern us in Texas. I have been giv-
ng you genuine Texas law, luado by
ur own people.'
'"What's that?' asked the Judge
sharply, 'been imposing on the court
with Yankee law?
'"Yes, sir, your Honor,' said Cul
berson, 'he has been reading from
this book, which was printed In Bos
ton, Mass,' a
" 'Pass It over this Way,' said the
urpriscd court, looking at the fly "leaf.
Then he said:
"'Mr. Culberson, the court llncl
that you are correct. It Is a Boston
print, and we don't want any of it
here. No abolition law for Upshur
county, and the court will be if
we will have it.'
"To the supreme disgust of the
young lawyer the Court continued as
follows: 'Sir, upon the evidence of the
case I dismiss the suit against Dave
Culberson's friend and fine tlie plain
till $1 and costs and his lawyer $5 fot
contempt of court. Now, young man
let that serve as a warning to you how
you try to practice abolition law in
this State."
Culberson's client setup the din
ner, and the ycur.g Maryland lawyer
was one of the first men to enlist in
the war. I(e wanted to whip Massa
chusetts for the loss of his first case."
The Mississippi Ctrl.
"The boys at home" will doubtless
be able to appreciate the truthfulness
of tlie following portraituro ot the
'Mississippi girl," as given by the
experienced newspaper reporter in the
Washington (D. C.) News. Here It is:
The Mississippi girl Is a plaintive
mystery. Here yes aro cloguent with
mild pathos. You call tho first time,
and she bewilders you with allusions
to "Cousin Jane" and "Aunt Carrie,"
of whom you have nqver heard. Airs,
with the contldent expression of en
lightening you, old, wholesome, pleas
ant ideas ideas you believe In at the
age when one makes marginal notes
ulong the pages of a blue and gold
"Lucille." She sings little songs with
ad refrains, "Never Again," and
"Years Ago." You thinks of her as
"old timey," but you thlnic of her.
Somehow the soft lamp-light from
her parlor window has a will-o'-thc-
wispy fascination. You get In the
babbit of dropping In. At the end of
the season Just before she returns to
Mississippi, you rashly ask her to "be
your wife." She "declares" she Is
"real sorry you've thought of sucti a
thing," adding confidentially that she
''does not mind telling you she lias
been promised to one of the boys at
homo tlifeycar ago?"
Mrs. t lorence Maybrick, who , l
serving a life sentence In the peni
tentiary for poisoning her husband, Is
a native of Mobile, Ala., Her tiother
11 u 1 sj i a t'i wi ' 7 ' y vi oau ' un
is making strenuous effort toge tM
English authorities to re-open, ""1,a
case. She is satisfied that her -aogu-tcr
was convicted by clrcwtantlal
evidence and is Innocent f tbo cr I me.
r lluvavmir loh nrlntinffQoneat the
I - r -m.
Sao work at mMiU6. prtcu.
Criaie of Last fear.
In 1894, la this coWtttry, there were
4,912 suicides, an Increase nf nearly
500 over the suicides uf the year pro1
Last year 0,800 persons died by vlo'
lence, 3,285 more' tlmn-in 'ninety-three.'
Only 132 persons were hanged, and
ninety-one of these were in the southj
inost of liicln bc'lilg negroes.
There were 100 lynching; last year
166 of them licit!' in tlie south, no'
cording to The Chicago Tribune's
record. The total is smaller than that
of 'ninety-three, which was smaller
than that of the year before.
Tlie Tribune also gives these start
ling fiVures:
The embezzlements and defalcations
in the United States din ing the last
year amount to the largest total of
any year since 1878, when The'Tribune"
began reporting thcr.i In annual sum
mary. Thi aggregate is $2.,234,122,
being 26 per cent greater than the
$19,929,092 reported for 1803, and 14
per cent greater than the 22.154.00u
reported for 1884, which was" tuc
largest since 1S73 till It was surpassed
last year. The nilmlierof embezzle'
ments was 629. Of these 44 ere for
sums more than $50,0(:0 and less than
1100,000 each, 37 for more than 100,000'
and less than $500,000 each, 4 for more
than 500,000 Imd less than a million
each, 'and 4 each of which exceeded a 1
million dollars. The largest month's
record in the year was the t4,600,00fj
of August, and the smallest (He $677,
047 for October: The greatest aggre
gate of embezzlement for any ond
StatCjWas the $9,147,379 for New York;
and the least reported was the $2,500
for Florida, but tlie record is clear for
Nevada, Arizona, the District ot
Columbia and South Carolina.
The amount embezzled last yeaf
was the largest ever reported In our
history; and it would seem that the
penalties of the law no longer fright-'
en those who are tempted or driven td
Altogether, it Is a pretty hl'ick re
cord, but there is some comfort in Thd
Tribune's statement that for three
years past tlie number of hangings
has steadily grown shialler.
Ibeut Prohibition.
When the Prohibitionists of Missis
slppl review tlie work they havetlone
during the past two or three years
hey are doubtless very highly delight1
ed, for the very simple reason tha
considered from their standpoint, they
have accomplished great good,- and
from any other standpoint, wonders';
There are seventy-five counties in
the State and until tho last very few
years saloons and grog shops of Jiigtl
and low degree were in full blast in
most of them, but one county after
another has arrayed itself in the side
of the cold water advocates, until in
T804 only fourteen counties remained
friendly to whisky.- "r ,
The counties wherein the Saloon ,
were in "operation last year and the
amount, each paid into the State
treasury were.: Adams, $13,000; Gre
nada, $4,800; Hancock, $1,200; Harri
son, ,00O; Hinds, $,(!00; Issaqjctia,
$3,000; Jackson, $").704 Madison, $3,600;
Monroe, $2,400; Quitman WOO; Talla
hatchie, $1,200; Tunica, $1,800; Warren",
$30,500; Washington, $13',200. Total,
During the last few months local
options have been held in several of
the above named counties, about half
of them, and in most, if not .quite,
every instance, the result has been in
favor of prohibition.
While in 1891 the handsome sum of
$107,600 was paid Into the State treas
ury by the sa'loori men of tho above
named fourteen counties, Unit sum
was $22,800 less than the State re
ceived from tills source In 1893. Tlie
reduction along the line for 1805 will
be still more glaring.
Tlie high license laws in operation
In Mississippi the past few years have
been powerful fwtor In driving the
saloon out of business. The State
license in even tho smallest town otv
village IsSMX); and the municipality'
has the right to' double or quadruple
that sum at pleasure. . ,,
"The hew constitution Iii regar'W ,
tho $2 optional poll tax," v tb "
Byhalla Journal, "is meet!' w,th
great deal of comment lflne Press
throughout the St iityi'flin-- J- R
Prosthr.. St.iit,iin..V'T"1B0l.fedU-
cation, says that if c,,Kd ma,e
were forced to -
,1... .... tw.i..' the ! wtue-Vtution
v,.w -.." ... -h -ifv-M.
went - kto f..:r- :r . ,t."v c
.liowd nchool limd. Ascitis
iTjSwtt ono negro out of fifty PJ
k .-poll tax, and hence the white natt
ts called on to educate the darky. Why 7
aw -" - . -
imt have an amendmsnt, making tw
payment of the optional pull tax m-
poleory, and tuns jnore iini
education ol the race;- , .
NosloporTJr(.riitlotttby tb
KixOCiMT-tiW oOW. AU U M
' '
. J. s - . .
, tl I'

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