OCR Interpretation

The Neshoba Democrat. (Philadelphia, Miss.) 1881-current, June 22, 1922, Image 6

Image and text provided by Mississippi Department of Archives and History

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87065535/1922-06-22/ed-1/seq-6/

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Mississippi happenings
J. M. Oarruthers, fisherman, gard
ener and hotel man of Marks, Is ex
hibiting a freak iu the way of a vege
table., which out-Qurbanka Burbank.
It is a well developed Irish potato
growing on a spirg of coco grass and
be says he -believes he has discovered
In an accidental way a method where
by the obnoxious coco can be made
profitable through the popular Irish
potato. The potato is about two Inches
In diameter and ia attached to the
root of the grass.
•*• *
W. A. Shelton, of Washington was
in Jackson recently from where he
has begun a circuit of the state in
an effort to size up the cotton crop
situation (or the coming year. Fig
ures in regard to this matter of para
mount Importance to Mississippi are
difficult to secure at this time, and
veteran prognosticators hesitate to
commit themselves too definitely as
to results.
Dr. Hudson Obadwlck executive of
the state live stock sanitary board,
has returned to Jackson from several
of the counties of the stete, where
the question of the eradication has
been a burning one (or a long time
past, and reports that there has been
a noticeable change in public senti
ment, Jones County particularly,
showing a decided change of heart.
Superintendent Tartt has received
a telegram from President Harding
extending invitation to Confederate
veterans from Jeff Davis Soldiers'
Home to visit him at the Whits House
while on their trip to Richmond re
union. Arrangements have been made
for the Beauvoir veterans to accept
the Invitation.
5•• • *
A report from several farmers In
Tate county who have made close In
spection of their cotton crop ie to
the effect that they are finding dead
boll weevil in their fields. The ex
tremely hot and dry weather together
with the frequent cultivation of the
crop, is thought to be responsible
for the death of the weevil.
A bear weighing 260-pounds was
killed by Dock Lee, a farmer, living
near Arkabutla, in the western part
of Tate county. Mr. Lee . was plowing
in hie field about a mile from town
when his dog encountered the bear
In a thicket nearby.
•*• • •
County Register Henderson of
Leake county has just completed his
round of the .county' with his new
registration hook and reports only
28,739 registrations In the county. Of
the total number registered, he says,
850 are women.
Sherriff J. H. Regan and his depu
ties of Yazoo County have declared
wholesale warfare on “moonshine"
stills having captured three stills
and made two arrests for the illicit
distillation of whisky In one day.
Humphreys County has instituted
legal proceedings against Yazoo
County for the collection of $13,803.-
14 for 16 section funds Humphreys
County alleges Is owing them by
Yazoo County.
"Nig” Hanna the 15-year-old boy,
who at Carthage, killed his uncle.
Baly Freeny, In tha Preeny community,
has been granted bail. His bond was
fixed at $4,000 at a habeas corpus trial
held at Carthage.
Clint Dickerson, living about 10
miles west of Newhehron was shot
and killed this morning, about 4
o’clock by his son, DelWltt about 17
years old. The cause of the killing
is not known.
A fire st Batesrllle destroyed ths
planing mill of J. B. Seay. Te origin
of the fire is not known. The loss
is estimated at $6,000, with only sl£oo
insurance on ths machinery.
Peaches, apples, plums, figs, dew
berries, cultivated blackberries and
other fruits are being placed on the
market by the farmers in south Tip
pah county.
For the first time In the history
of the town more than 60 years—the
Wesson public school will have a
woman superintendent at the session
which begins in September. -
sst $ $
A series of revival services are be
ing held at C off Seville at the Metho
dist Church. The Rev. Mr. Ward of
Lexington is assisting the pastor, the
Rev. W. F. Rogers.
The mayor and alderman of Coffee
mie have sold $20,000 worth of bonds
for the purpose of erecting an elec
tric light plant
It is said crop conditions In the
vicinity of (Hernando are much farther
advanced than they were this tints
last year.
••• * •
The tax assessor and his deputies,
of Tate County are in the field. Both
poroosmal and reel estate Is being as-
Ths vegetable movement at Hazel
hurst readied Ms senith on June 14th
whan $4 ears of tomatoes left that
point for northern markets.
The Gulf Coast Life Insurance 00.
of Oullport has been sold to Inter
national ute 00. of SR.
••• • ♦
WANTED—To rent a small house.
Notify Neshoba Democrat Office. 2c
The farmers are making good time
knocking out the grass since the ruin
is holding up for the past few days.
Mr. Maynard Kennedy of A & M
College vis.ted homefolks last week
Miss Lucile Smith visited her sister
Mrs. J. B. Harrison of (’old water
last week.
Mrs, May-'Jaue Gainey of Dpwd
ville and little nephew, Bernice Me.
Donald visited Mrs. R. E L. Smith
Saturday and Sunday.
Little Maui ice Harrison of Cold
wder visited his grandparents Mr.
and Mts .1 C. Smith last week.
Many were dissapointed by t e
Philadelphia team not coming
Saturday afternoon to play ball but
au interesting game were, played by
the local team.
Alston Spivey lias been very sick
caused from getting too warm while
playing ball Saturday af ternooh.
M. C. Smith and daughter Louise
attended the M. E. Conference held
at Dowdville last week.
We are ery sorry to learn that P
G. Moore has a case of fever. We
hope he will soon recover.
Quite a crowd from this place at
tended the singing at Pleasant Grove
The attendance was good at Sun
day SchooHSunday tho many ware
Little Edna "White is visiting her
grandparents Mr. and Mrs Franklin
of Coldwater.
T. A, and Mrs Pilgrim were guests
in the home of George and Mrs Sikes
of Waldo Sunday,
Miss Maud Sherrod of Stallo was
shaking hands with friends and
school pupils here Sunday.
Amos Posey had the misfortune-of
losing a fine poney last Friday,
while one of ids son's was plowing.
She got too hot, which caused her
Mr. and Mrs Walter Phillips of
Phila. attended the singing here
Mr. and Mrs. Hillard Sharp are
the proud parents of a fine baby
Tile baby of Mr. and Mrs. Bunch
Crocker has been ill but is improv
Chancery Court of Neehoba County,
Mississippi May Term 1922
J M Griffin vs Unknown Defendants
The State of Mississippi:
To all persons having or claiming
right, title or interest in the sw% of
ne% and sw% and the sw% of nw)( and
14% acres in the sw corner of se% of
nw% and 9 acres more or. less East of
the N O M & C Railroad in ne% of
nw%, and a wagon road on the East
and South lines of of uw% and 9
acres more or less of the se% of nw%.
being all the land in said of
East of the N O M & C Railroad, less
the railroad right of way, where the
said N O M & C Railroad, now known
as the G M & N Railroad, may chance
to pass through any of the land here
in described, situated in Neshoba
County, said state, all being in sec
tion 30, Township 12 North, Range 12
East. You are copimanded to appear
before the Chancery Court for thd
County of Neshoba, said state,on the
First Monday in November, 1922. t<>
defend the suit of J M Gnffln, where
in he seeks to perfect his title to said
land, wherein you are defendants.
This the 29th day of May 1922
622 2 J D Pettey, Chancery Clerk
To the Qualified Electors of the Dixie
Consolidated School District of
Neshoba County, Mississippi
You will take notice that pursuant
to an order passed by the Board of
Supervisors of Neshoba County, Mis-
at their regular June, 1922,
meeting there w ill be an election held
at the Milldale School House within
the above names district on July Ist,
1922, for the purpose of submitting to
the qualified electors of said district
the question of whether or not they
will vote to authorize said board to is
sue bonds of said district in the sum
of SBOOO 00 to be used in constructing
and equipping a school building and
teachers home in and for the said
district. The lands embraced within
the said district are described as fol
lows to wit:
Sections 8, 9. 10. 14, 16. 16, 17. 18, 19,
20, 21, 22, 28, 26. 26, 27, 28, 29, 80, 81, 82
88. 84, 85, 86, and 6%, and of w>£
section 5; the se% and e% of ne%, aqd
sw% of and e% of nw% of ne%, and
se% of and s% of sw)£, and ne%
of sw%, and e% of nw% of sw% section
7; the ands% of se% section 4; and
of section 11. township 9. range 10
east; the w%, and w% of e% section 80;
the w% of section 81, township Orange
11 east, all in Neshoba County, Mis
sissippi. 4 , i
Witness oar signature this June 6,
1922 8 H Htrlbling, T N Crockett
Election Commissioners 6 29 2
■ IS
-r* •
Tanloc builds up the weak, nuj
■Sown system and makes you feel
strong, sturdy and well, os nature
Intended.— Turner’s Drug Store.
George . Taylor, Leo Taylor and
Estls of Platteburg were In Neshoba
Omalda Tyner la in bed with Ty
phoid fever.
Mrs. Bruce Vance Ih Improving.
Everybody is enjoying the Chau
tauqua in Union tide week.
Miss Connie Nicholson passed thru
Neshoba Sunday on her way home
at Dixon. She Das been teaching in
Homer and Edd Graham of Dixon
were In Neshoba Sunday.
Bro. Kelly filled Rev. Hughle. Bur
rough's appointment Sunday.
J. W. and Mrs. Burroughs, Laura
D. and Mrs. McDanial motored thru
the country to Louisville, Sunday.
Glll)ert and Mrs. Banks gave a
party Saturday eveplug for the ben
efit of the orchestra.
Coon Walton Is on the sick list.
Mrs. L. O. Bowling and Katherine
Howie have gone on a three week’s
trip to Memphis ami Helena, Ark.
Misp Ora Lewis is taking her vaca
tion traveling. Ten... Okla., and
Mississippi and other state*.
Mrs. Moody Lewis entertained the
B. Y. P. U. one evening last week.
Supper in the moonlight after which
was served cream and cake, and
games of various kinds were played.
Edith Mcßeath has taken op a floe
class in violin and piano at Union.
Thelma Lewis spent last weekend
in Union.
Miss Mamie Taylor of Union spent
last Wednesday with Mrs. Carrie
Sunday night brought a big rain,
which will add to the growing of
gardens and crops.
James Mtill ng Is sick.
Let Us Do It
- Our Shop is Clean
and Sanitary
Our Work the
Very Best.
State of Mississippi, Neshoba Cos,
To the Qualified Electors of the
Zephyrhills Consolidated School Dis
trict of Neshoba County, Mississippi:
You will take notice that pursuant
to an order of the Hoard of Supervis
ors of Neshoba county, Mississippi, at
their regular June, 1922, meeting,
there will be held alj the Litchfleld
School House within the Zephyrhills
Consolidated School District in said
county and state on the 80th day of
June, 1922, for the purpose of submit
ting to tlie qualified electors of said
district the question of whether or
not they will vote to authorize the
said Board of Supervisors to issue 8
per cent bunds in the sum of not over
S7OOO 00 to be used in constructing
and equipping a school building and
teachers home and purchasing the
lands for same in and for said dis
trict—witness our signatures this tfie
6th day of June, 1922.
S li St rib ling, T N Crockett, Elec
tion Commissioners 6 29 2
State of Mississippi, Neshoba Cos.
To the Qualified Electors of the
Burnside Consolidated School Ole.
trict of Neshoba County, Mississippi;
You will taka notice that pursuant
to an Order of the Board of Supervis
ors of Neshoba County, Mississippi, at
their regular June, 1922, meeting,
there will be an election held at the
Burnside School House within the
Burnside Consolidated School District
in said county and state on the 30th
day of June, 1922, for the purpose of
submitting to the qualified electors
of said district the question of wheth
er or not they will vote to authorise
the ald Board of Supervisors to issue
6 p i cent bonds in the sum of not
over S6OOO 00 to be used in coustraot
inp and equipping a school building
and purchasing the lands for same in
and for said district
Witness our signatures this the 6th
day of June, 1922 8 H Stribling, T
N Crockett, Eieetion Commissioners
• 8 29 2
V* - -
By virtue of the authority vested in
me as trustee In the trust deed given
by C J and M E Gipson to W tl Mare
to secure certain indebtedness men
tioned therein and of record lu Book
32 page 477 of the records of Neshoba
Counts Miss.; and default bein||
mads Ik. the payment of said indebt
edness, I will on July 18th, 1922, nt
the north door of the court bouse in
Philadelphia, Miss., within legal
hours sell to the highest bidder for
each the following land situated In
Neshoba County, Mississippi to-wltt
The se% of swjf nod tw){ of se)f
(less the 21 acres sold to N L Parker
on Deo 6,1918} section 17, township
10, range 19 and out of the proceeds
pay .aid indebtedness and the ex
pense of executing this trust.
Witness my band June 19th 1982
J V Stribling, Trustee 78 2
Professional Cards.
Adjustments made and glasses
fitted. Philadelphia, Miss
J. R Byrd J. Lw-Byrd
Attorneys at Law.
Philadelphia, Mississippi
Newton, Mississippi.
Ottlce for tiie present at the
Court House.
And glasses fitted. Office over
Mars Bros Store. Office hours 9
till 8 P. M- —J. U. McOtoskey,
Optometrist, Phils, Miss. c
Dr. R. F. Hays Dr. M. S. Phillips
Telephone Number 204
By virtue of authority vested in
me aa trustee in a certain trust deed
executed by L 8 Russell on the 4th
day of Kerch 1990 to secure an indebt
edness due the Neshoba Land Com
pany, Incorporated, in the sum of
Twelve Hundred Seventy and No 100
Dollars, ($1270). S2OO 00 of said sum
being paid oa the date said instru
ment was executed, and S9OO 00 due
thereon on March Ist 1021, SBOO 00 due
March Ist, 1922 and the balance of
$470 00 due March let, 1923, and the
trust deed providing that in the event
any of the above amount) were not
paid when due, then the entire in
debtedness should immediately be
come due and payable, and default
having been made in the payment of
the said sum of SBOO 00 on March Ist,
1921, and SBOO 00 on March Ist, 1922,
and I as trustee, having been reques
ted so to do, wilt on Saturday the 24th
day of J une 1922, in front of the mrth
door of the court bouse of Neshoba
County, Mississippi, within legal
hours offer for sale and sell to the
highest and best bidder for cash, the
following described property situated
in Neshoba county, Missi-sippi, and
which is described in said trust deed
the same being of record in the offle
of the Chancery Clerk of said county
and state, In Land Mortgage Record
No. 86, at pagefi, said property being
as follows to-wlt:
The nK of en% and all of that por
tion of the nwK of sw}£ of swJ4
and swj( of sw>£ Section 96, lying
east of the center line of the Kentaw
ka Drainage Canal and all that por
tion of the ne% of se]( section 27 lying
east of center line of Kentawka
Drainage Canal and those portions of
the ncj£ of nwg and sej£ of nwj£ Sec
tion 35, lying east of the center line
of the Kentawka Drainage Canal, all
In Townehip lln, Range 11 E, and
containing 147 acres more or less,
and reserving ail righte and ease
ments granted the Kentawka Drain
age District (or roads, drainage and
other purposes.
Said sale will be made to satisfy the
above indebtedness with interest due
thereon, and taxes heretofore paid on
said property by Neshoba Laud Com
pany amounting to S7B 60, together
with the cost of executing this trust.
witness my signature this May 80th
1928.— Paul Dees. Trustee 6 22 8
Whereas, I, J P Cooper, was on the
11th day of May, 1922. by a decree of
the Chancery Court of Neshoba
Gouty, Mississippi, made and enter
ed in that certain cause pending in
said court, styled Mrs Fannie Cannon
et al vs. x C Cannon et al. appointed
Special Commissioner of said court
and authorised, empowered, and di
rected to sell the hereinafter describ
ed lands for division of the proceeds
thereof among the owners thereof.
Now, pursuant to said decree so
made, and entered in minute book
No. 6, page 178, of the records o( said
court, I, J P Cooper, Special Com
missioner, will on the Brd day of July
1922, within legal hours, in front of
the north door of the court bouse,,
in the town of Philadelphia, Missis-'
sippi, offer for sale and sell to the
highest and beet bidder fur cash the
following described lands towit: Nhf
of ne qr Ism li acres lying along the
east side of said subdivision, said IS
acres being a strip of laud 164 yds
wide at the north and and 181 yds
wide al the south end, section 86,
township 11, range 11, containing
sixty five acres more or lees, in Ne
shoba County, Mississippi,
Said sale will be made lor a> divis
ion of tiie proceeds thereof among
the owners of said land as their in
terests appear in said dspree. The
title to said laud ft. believed to be
good but I will convey only such title
as is vested In me ns Special Com*
Witness my signature, this the 6th
day of June. A. D. mi
<1 P Cooper, Special Commissioner
Work Well Done
==■■: -■■■■■ '
If you'wlsh work well done do it
That is just what we do. We
do our own work.
Our many years’ experience with
Fords, and our desire to give
full value received, makes] our
repairing the kind that pleases,
you. Bring your car troubles to
us. We can do it.
Oarage and Part Service
New Ice Plant
Philadelphia’s new ice plant is
Mitchell’s ice Plant
Three Reasons Why
You Should Trade
With Blount
1. We maintain a prompt
delivery SERVICE.
2. We sell at reasonable
3. We handle only the >
Cali Telephone No. 110
Visit Us When in Town
li. C. Blount
Low Summer Excursions
via Illinois Central to
aidtbe Resort* of Michigan, Ontario, New York, New England,
Wisconsin, Minnesota, Colorado, California, Yellowstone Park
and the Canadian Rookies. *
Tickets on Sale Daily. Return Limit t October 31.
Tell us where you ate going and we will cheerfully arrange for
tickets, reservations and all details. Consult any agent of the
V * Or write W, H. BRILL.
General Passenger Agent, New Orleans, La.
FARM WANTED—Wanted to hear
from owner of a farm tor ia|e, tor toll
detlrery. Give lowest price. L. tones
Box 861, Olney, 111.
-j*" .*■ ■ - v - >
*‘l feel twenty years younger,” la
what thousands he,re said after
Tanlac restored them to health. Try
It.— Turner’s Drug Store.
—X. r. AMaA V

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