Newspaper Page Text
Jir-rJe Trve Demnrat. ' Paclding, Mil. Srpt. 18, 1345. 'Xo th$ wiry Mounger, p Hon. Sir: On the 10th in?t., I addres sed yoa tho original letter, which I here .with publish, for the public judgment, jit comparts with your view of propriety, land sense ofjustice, to turn a deaf-car, to 1 my complaints.. What will bo the result I of public opinion, when all the facts, taken I in fnnnnplinn vilh 1 1 tilt rrnsrmahlf-. nnd re- I . .. VIIHWUMVU . 1 . - - - - . . ...... .--J . . - fpectfnl letter, are submitted to the public eye, time will develop?. I asked nothing unreasonable, and if their is n vord,ofdis i respect to you, in that letter, it has defied the scrutiny of myself and others, to dis- earn such feature in it, though it has ua j derwent my best reflection. , I I discovered the course of some of your f friends, nt an early period, and suspectinjj they had your sanction, 1 could not have 1 resorted to h moro respectful or appropri ate mode, to remove, or confirm, my suspb don, than to assume your ignorance of their conduct, disclope the point of injury, nnd solicit your kindly interposition. Was there anything improper, or disrespectful in this ? Nothing ! 1 did not request yon to "instruct your friend f how to act to words pic." 1 only assumed that you icould tint ''hesitate for a moment,'' to ad monish tli cm, thi'.t was, request them, to ''cease their standi:" To have done so, would have been nothing more than nu act of justice, I might have hoped to have received, at the hands of'some, who are open, in their malice arid envy against me! Then why thou!d yon refuse m reasonable a thincf. Our population, nearly or route, doubled, since I was first assailed, and to have the f tcts prevei ted, and misrepresent ed, to thoe who have came into our Dis't. since 1840, is a fpecica of injury, 1 was not prepared to expect, would recieve your couiuenaiice. Disappointed in this re jionable conclusion, I am utterly at a loss, to conceive the motive, which dictated the denial.'. If it vr. to drive me into a i i d i c a -tion of myself, hoping, thereby, to cabi an nd eat it ago over me, inf ivoiir f yotnseifor niun, I will take thn occasion, to inform you, that any nlvmitrv-e you may ;r'tiii, in ilint way, shn!l I e loo small to Milwrve your purposes. I assumed in my letter below, of 10th hist., tlni', ''I l.;.ie not llie least doubt, yo'i have, Inn;; since, been tatrfitd, thnt I was unjustly charged, icroiilfitUsit:jicii!eu - and, consequently, thereby in rp.u voly injured," and that th "funis am'y ki.own to you." iS'ow, a.s the ;'-( ts arc no! I nowu to al!, though tl.ey arc, to you, ami a low other-, you tiurt allow ii.e to do f.-r r:r.:: If, u 0;.i one word, in bindings from you, would hnvedo-.e. Ye:: : !::l nllmv ne, on the 15th day tf (Mobr r r.ext, (which is the earliest day I po.:.ib!y can do fo, o .villi to the of wit::' rsrs.) to lay before the public, such a Matei'ient if m, irjrii ,;, SUfpoited ly I reffso in Ciit i'o v 1 1 i! le, as fully lo eMidilih a!l the asii:i, -tio-.s of -thru mt!d letter, which jwi have declined atrsweri.i. Will vou and your friends rai. e the cry of persecution 1 Will you say I have yrl poned my io!ioniion. nr. til ti 'period jo Jato.ihat you fiaviMiot time h ft t eo.ssu innte my r'iiii? Then let me say to yon Timv.lhr.l 1 have iv--n von one pri vf.te, ai d row n public ei iuie. to do just if vou refu-v. or evade, veil! cry Willi II. I e)t:;e whru t!ier-!.!j.ill be no tar to I ;:, or eye to pitv ! 1 seek net the downfall ef any, nor w ill I. silently suffer you rrn.-.y other man f roe or ov u Hand on my ru;r-s. The te.aC.r has been, and yt t is, wi'hm your own, not mv control. I make tbi.i publication that the people may n ml my rwonablc letter nnd there!. y to enabled to pidiff rihironslv bcrenfier nnd net n diey think will best comport with the pub lic interest. With rrorT r sprct. tic. JOHN STi'.LLE. Pavi ruNC, Mi , Sept. 10, A. 1). IS!". lion, llrvry Mcunprr: Sir:: 1'ioin arj early pri. d. in the pre sent cnnv.''s, Mmi of your friends have been, industriously circulating s'anderous repreentniio!i!, relative to my suspeiition, j nnd the injmtiep done m in relitiori to a charge, concerning a Hook. I have not thde.vr doubt, vou have, long since, born satisfied, that I was unjustly charged, wrongfully suspended; and, rocr-equonily, thereby irrer.nrably injund. The facts tire fami'iarly known to you, and I cannot surpo?p, you will hesitate for n niomrr.f, to j Rddrrs vour fripnos tnroOEh llio CIarion,a kindly r-dmonition, locensi tbeir?lander. I thus nddrrc you, because I do net wih to rindica'e myself, Jest your fi iend? raise the hue rrvrf persecution, nnd,tbcnby mnke capital for you, against my prospects. YfJu know, I have been most rpcklcssly, nr.d r-bamrf'iliy persecuted; vet I liava born ir. with n;pck;is. and patience. As your oc:l nuii, w ill call vou, sun to the lewererd rf v!ip District, I hope I shall j hare tb rrrtificftion, cf Seeing myself) fully y nerved, and yte.r frirnds Ixiud.'v ndmonisbed, by vour 1 liner, in the noil I am, Sir. w ith d:.o rr pct t Vc tir '1 c't f errant. JCIIN SI EC .11 Mr. J,'m Aa.V, T7 Sir; As 1 1 n-C8C-d tidi I tb'lirfrcd tip nlove original letter to the Hon. Il-nry Mouneer, en thp llth inst. OnrecftDtof which he stated ta believed he wou'J r?wrr i', nnd invi:- i ed re? ta ligbt a-d wa'k h, v.t oi firlhrr j frjf :i n h dT o J d'lWf rin j it,:J r- tn-nri !'--rr f n, sivirg bp neu'd j rrt isirnrt Fj f-ir bri- to ret ftrarf yio. He rrrr.-.r. ' J n f.::.t.rn;f:"r;, if .-.t 7- t b- evrj y-! T--'f isr.ff.t rfthe f t I s 1 ?. I rueful f'Mri v c:.r.;sj Yc:;-i d.c. Arci 5 mens. P. S.. Judtra Buuuwr, since the', above was in type, I lmve wen your ''Varro." The most unexpected, unexampled thing, that I think could have come, from a man, occupying the relation to mankind, you do. A' professed christian ! at the very moment, when vou should have been, en- 2ii2i!i2 all your thoughts, for tho promo- f- r ' i ... j ...:n uori oi peace anu jroou win, you come lonu with an' exortation, to your satellites, to commit crime even, to embrue their guil ty, ruthless hands, in my innocent blood ! Judge, may the Lord forgive you, for my heart grieves me, at your lack of grace and a sense of justice ! When I had solicited you, respectfully, and you had refused to do nie justice ! -When I had published a correspondence, among the members of the Car, fully exculpating myself, to the satisfaction of every mind, of ordinary mo rality and justice, you catch the publica tion, irTount your horse, and ride off in speed; but, alas! at nightfall, wheu no one could have expected it, you return, at a dark hour, for a dark, and malicious work! Wheu truth and justice, could find noplace in your nature, instead of kindly request ing those, who ell kyow, to be in your ser vice, to forbear, yon come forth, yourself, with an SUxkgouy'' charuinsr, and af firming guilt, wherein you had acknowl edged, my proven innocence. Your au thorship is not only proven, by the above mysterious, and inexpltcabje conduct. Hut when you assumed the name of Varro," in every part, you stampt the mark of the l'east, in your forehead particularly in these-words, ; Idx voica ?;? lonJcxt in the privacy of Roman's hoincf' cc. Judge, how could you have thj presump tion, to allude to tin: eulogy, I passed on you, years since, at a lime when I did not comprehend your character. A period, before your confidoit, advised you, that in order to become popular, you must pre t'lul to get religion., j m the church, and turn to be a Democrat. Judge, could I have kiiown your hypocrisy, do cu jhink 1 would bare eulogiz ed yon! no Judge ! I would h iv.: branded the lh:p r.ritG."y my silence. Thh very alb.sion, establishes yon tlieauihor of 'anu," for there was not itnolht r, 'f that convivial seranade, who could hav ! written it. Vou wrote it, or furnishid tho fuel, ei'ber of which, I siilimit to tho impniiial woild, li'.as your guilt, aul fitiitless ;ill be ibe lalor of Votir.cif and wi'nesi es t f a jcnri''' l r n rt,cit,7,io txe.u!j:;.!eyi)-i. I l.-avo it uiili t'u" justice of n-anbiiid, to determine be tween thee ncl n o. J. ,S. l-K ia i.i-.' Mis'issipj i in. (Jurri'pondent t lu-hi ru ihr. (!.re.rnnr rf Mississippi nnd lion. Win. L Marry, tStrri.lary of War. Mej. (lem rLls Did!;. M. Quif-nr.n, Hrad ford at.d Jlrandon; l!i i'oidiir (J.-i.ra's Ib nio-tf, Heard and i'rou n Iiai e ti mb red t'u ir :-ei vici s to (loV. Iliinv; N, in the event a requisition is made upon t i:s ,vat sides tiiesf a great numterot interior o;- ficei ? nml ciliz-n''1 loo ii'iun.-rous inuii- tion, liave leude.ivd their services. The m.! joined correspondence will be read with interest. Waj: PrrAr.TMfNT, 11 Jiil Qlrn, August ")'b, I Si s 11. s P,eei:e::cy. A. (. Jtu-nvx, ('o irwr of If" &:n- if .Wsrissippi: Sin: (it t.rral Taj lor, m wl, ni has been c n : i 1 . i ! t d t'1." com rrmd rfthor.rmv of (ice'iriiiim in Tev; inthoriz'-d to draw i.iiy nv.xiii.irv f 'rcehc may need from Tew. ' If such aid 'hou'd be wanted, it is riot double d that tiie j-atriotic ciilens of tiiat State will rally to bis ii:s;sfoi:ce wi.h alacrity, in Mih".cii-ut rium'oers to enable bun, in conjunction with United .States troops, to repel the invasion r f Texas by Mexico, should it bo attempted. Though our information as to the force Mexico may bring into the field tor such a purpose, i-; not very accurate, yet there is reason to apj reliend that it is more numerous than that under the command of fji:cra! Tay h r, and may, pt rl.aps, exceul bis e!i" ctive torce, when augmented with t!;e auxiliary aid he may derive hoin Texas. Desidis, he may need additional troors toacreater number, and soonc r than they can to furn ished In in licm that Mate. SnoulJ he need assistance fioui your State, lit, is di rectul to t-ignify to you tho number and description of troops he may decn necessa ry to rcciivc ns volunteers into service. Helving upon the z vd and public spirit of. the gallant mi itta rf Mi-sissippi, the goy erimienl hern da not doubt li will be promptly furnished with such, and so ma ny as he may express a desire to lini-e mistered into the service of the United Siates; ur.J it has the most perfect reliance upon vour and cooperation in oiganizing and into Texas such a voiuntecr force from yuur Slate r.s lie may desire. It is ncccssiniy h f i to bis judgment todesimto the numbtr. Il is proper to observe that thecmcrgency, rcndcringsuc'i assistance from t!i un'aia of your Stato neccrnry, docs notoppearto have been foreseen by C'-ongres, and consequently l.o appropruvicn wasn.aJe forpaymg them but it is not lo Ic douittej tiuit such e pro vision will promj.ily u;adc. when Con gress shall aaiu nemh!e. In order lo be paid, the Stale troops must lc m.u'errd in to service. In organizing companies nnd rrir!int$ f r thst purpose, the number of rliic-rs mst be rrnion to of the privntcs. Enclosed I sen i vo-j from the Adj Uant General, n stafemt-nt of the mim- t"f anJ rank of oJicors f r pnch compativ cf men, a? xvt. I as tba regimental and sta.T Zc( Tf. sbou'd a rceinicijtnf volnntrrrs be or. l rom tne kr.ov.-n rr.'noiism -. t r . . era rr.i itary sraor rt ire mi. ma oi your S:te, it i p rtsurr cd i-iat vclur.trprj to thp number thi may ta required, will te&nij tender their ervices lo tbtir c.iotry in the corttrj cc'r-fr.ex- 5-?u!Jtii f n i . . r, ro".l Piilhe. I1M and its vicinity; and that the Keystone state ;i:.i;io miu'ht lur- m-,:i .i-MMi. b ich is tue patriotic spirit of tlu Ameiieans ut this time, without re gard to paity distinctions. It is tho spirit which should animate the eiiliru pcopbi of the United States. It would roust! tha va'ley of liio M issippi at once ; and the ehtieMilty would r,:tiiy !, not how i.miiy soldiers would inarcih nnd' r the eagles of the republic, but how many should remain at ho. no. And yt t, is it not supremely strange, that Mexico should place herselt in the behige'rjut attitude which she professes to assume? She, who fr eight years past, ever since the battle of S tn Jacinto, has bten miablo to rally troops tmoujrh to place l!u ir stationary feet on the soil uf Texas, is now presuming to declare that she will se u 1 her ten or iwei vc thousand tr-op over the llio (ra::de. For what purpose? To encounter what opposition? S'ot Texas a lone, but llie indomitable spirit nnd the dis ci pi i tied f rce of the. Unitt d States, along with I he volunteers of Texas. Shu could ni t defe-fl Texas single handed; and still she boasts of her willingness to meet the aliied fuctsof Texas and the United States' It is idle lo talk ofthe impression which tho Mexie.tns will produce in war. It is ridic ulous lo calculate on her ultimate success in arms. Her government must have oth er olj "Cls in view. Is it a ruse de guerre, (we repeat,) to affect her pending elections Or does Mexico expect, that, when fairly arrayed against us in the field whether with or without an open declaration of wur - sh ) will prevail upon England and France to mediate the terms of pnco, and , then to guaranty tiieboundaries which she i desires to obtain? Are we to have a practi cal illustration of MoasieurGuizot's famous maxim of "the of power in A merica?"' May not Mexico bo mistaken in the visionary calculation? Will she pre vail upon the powers of Europe to mediate between us? Or what ii still more im iortant dors she expect ns to assent lo the pripositioii? Slits may be mistaken in the whole system of pjlicy which her states men may have imagined. At all events, she may n deceived about our disposition to accept of uK-dii;ioii. If Mexico then ad vances to tin verge of hostiiiii.'s if she de clares war ii;u us, orstrikesat us witbor.t any decl.iraiimi, s te may feel tho blew re coil wit'r tre.neud us force tipjii her own head. We would spare her in Iter weak lier, if wc cou'd. H it it is high li ne for ns tos rtle ail our differences with her to demand atonement for her aggressions lo secure j.iticc for oe.i injured claimuxt and toenpy an bonorableand permanent peace. We desire this. Wcixpccl no honor in a contest ti;h a po.ver so com par aiively weak as Mexico is. But if we ran have no honor in I anting, we should sudVr the morp disgrace in being beaten Ly rwr. In cac of war, therefore, we mnsl pn f nh our whi'lastrrngi'i, that we may have a short war, a i d l.v ting peace. And, ncl ing in this spi,t, we have no dnlt the Executire will exert all lb resourcs vhlrh ibe aw have placed in h h-inds, ui?il Congros can cotnc together ta mule t'ir coCir-r.iiif-rjAl powers wnh his o ?n. Vn.: ciadcu'.f ihil .Lc pT--!: i.o wi.l se iioneyoru ot.: tiij requirea ny tne com mancJirju' getieial in Texas, it will bo of the utmost importance that ' the troops should be sen'.. into that fcOte without de lay. . This consideration will render it proper that they should come from such part of the State as can most promptly furnish them. , I have the honor to bp, Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, W. L. Al AllCY, Sec'y of War. lor the True Democrat. To Messrs. J. H. I'o&eU, Drury Hynum and Joel E. Wclborn. Gentlemen: As you are the spirant3 to a seat in our next legislature, it is noth ing more than justice, to the voters of Jones County, that you should give a full expose of your views in relation to the course you would pursue upon matters b'jst calculat ed to promote the interest of the county and State. Which of tho candidates for IJ. S. Senator would you give your vote for? And what are your reasons forsirch preference Ar-3 you for or against a change of tho present system of the Peni tentiary convict labor? Are you for or against the amendment of the constitution allowing nero-s to bs brought into the State as merchandise? Are you for or op posed to any system of free schools? If you are opposed to any sys.tern of free schools, stale your objection? And if you are in favor of the system, give us your plan? Give us your views in relation to the propriety or impropriety of an agricul tural survey of the ytate? And gentlemen, do not evade giving a definite view of the much tallfd of Ilri-coe Kill? These ore questions of great moment to the people answer them boldly, and fearlessly, with out throwing the veil of partybm over any thing yet! may say, at tho request of MANY" VOTERS. County, Sept. 12, llo. I'roe.i tlio Wa'.ei:to!i UniJn. SPIRIT Ob' TUC PEOPLC. A rumor was circulated in Philadelphia on Tuesday or Wednesday, that Mexico had declared war against the United S. It produced considerable excitement which beun to manifest itself in a man ner that was worthy of the American spir it. Ta!;e one remarkable example. Goti. Patterson, ol Philadelphia, well known ihioughont tiie country for the manly and elevated character which he bears, came on yesterday to this city, and offered his services to the government in case of a declaration of war. We im Jent uid tliat COM roinu'eir uiLmt hi calculated on cond the arm of the Executive, and the will of CongreshJ-rthut they will rally around ibe banner of the nation, aud present nn tin divided front to our iueaiies, be they one, or be they more--be they weak, or bo they powerful? Texas is ours. Itisoun by the best principles of the enlightened rige in which we live by tho concurring con sent of ibe people of the two republics. It. is not, then, for Mexico, or for the world at large, to forbid the banns, or prevent the annexation. We have acquired Texas with tiie hearts of both people. Wo ill defend every inch of her soil with the arms of both. V Died, et his father's residence in this coun" 3J, oa the 20th inst., Mr. Morgan Bridges, son of Mr. Wm. BrioVes, aged abotit 20 years. This yotmgr.-.iulema:i wns the p?i Je of his fa mily. We were present at the late Montrcsa Arndemy Examination, and from the tffoit which be made upGa that occasion, there is no doul t, bad bo lived, ho would have Lit n one of the brighti st ornaments of s:n ty, end an honor ta the country. Every perscn acquainted with him, not in 'ich less than his relations, deeply deploie his loss. But the will of God be done. I lied, in this county, en the 19th instant, Mr. Jesse M'ALriv. He has left a family to mourn his loss. Alexander fi, McXutt, A candidate- for the otuce of .Senator in Con gres, will address the people of Mis?is?ip;t. at Gill. tin, Copiah, F.-iJay, Wegtville, Sunpson co, S.stmJ Br:inJ.)n, liinliin, MendiV, PoPi'vilh-, Sent!, TieiLv. Hilbboro, " Wed.i 'sbi r Sept. 23 '27 29 30 1 3 4 0 7 8 0 10 II 13 14 1G 17 13 20 21 22 21 ii u Oct. (i I) ratur, Newton, FriJjy, Union, ' S'turd-iy, l'luladeljihi i. N'.sho!), M iiidjy, Vazoo Town,- Tu. sliy, Do Kul:, i.'!nper, WtdnesJty, N u lcet i. Kemp-T, I.ej.lerd de Spiings, Fiid iy, Mariou, Satuid.iy, F.nt rp:i !, Chile, Monday, Qiitnun, 4i TuisJ.iy, Paul ling, Jisp r, Tll'irsdiy, Killen's Store, Ju?;er, Friday, ! i 4 !i,'.b, H .tniuay, Willi imj'jueg. Covington, Monday, Mi. C-innfl, 'Purs 1 iy, M nti;."-I.i, I.awii nee. Wednesday, Ctduml.i i, Ma; ion, Friday, ii u (i ii ii Ccn. II. Stuavt 1'oclc, It is expected, will be in attendance at inot of Gov. MeNutt's n pointm-mts. LAM) FOIl SALE. 7" Wl.jlltobill my pl uUu'.iun oil'! mile west -- of I'anldiiig. together widi my crop of corn &c. Tins property is tiie ly si'uti d an I wi ll watered- Aly o!j ci in otfering this proppity fer ?ale, is, r enable me to close my leisiii; s. I am in delt, nnl nun a ciaisi de-abb: (pjanti'.y -f l.n J llnl is n it if.'jiljLle I cm m ilii;tne ti rins i My. A .iy gentleman van.iu pool Liul. gojj wutcrisnl a healthy simanou in l'ie rlbiliy of IauWin-f.'wonU to wlllof x ajnine tills ni op aty and j'idge fjr themsi s. W. C. D02IER. Sept 21, 1341. 10-tf We are aerrj iinted wi'h the Doctor' planta tion, and can rerornemi il lo the livarabl no-li-:B f ilio wishing to purt-h isf IM.'tor. (PASlf ibUI) bTr" mbr:7divered7r"i Faulding. b n.nrnr.i.n & reid. 21, lob". ID ff RUNAWAY I.N J All.. yj V.'us committed !o tf:e J;iil of Per yX rv county, on the 9th itiS'ant, by John M.' Terrell, a Justice cf the Fence in and fr said county, ns a runa way slave, a negro boy, who says hi name is WILLI A V; he i fiv f:et 5 inches hi.b; about forty five or fifty yearj of age, dat!; complexion, pitted in ti;o by ibe small pox. His left hip out nf place, neirly all of his light ear ofT. Some mails of ibe w hip o:i his bacJr. II id on when commit ted, a pair of black stripe pantaloons, a Domestic shirt and Woolen cap; says he belongs to Doctor William Elwards, resi ding in tie town of .Mille Igevillo Georgia, and that he run n.vay fro;u rvmaii in the ciiy cfNe .v Orleans by Hi es name of Wil fciris Hunt whowason bis way to Texas. The owner is neuested to come forward prove property, pay cash and charges, and take him away, or bo w ill be sold to pay jul fees. J. 'CARPCNTER. Sheriff of Perry county. August., Mi. Sep'gi, IS 13. 19 tf CAUTIOW A LL persons rue hereby notified not ta trade for a cert note now in the bands ol IVter L'ssery, bf Newton county, mde by the undersigned togelbf-r with Dmiel . Monroe, lo G. 1 or George 1 Willian.s, in the year 1S3S, for S'237, or thereabouts. It leing the net- in vx isiance made by taid parties to the said Williams, ijaid njte wat ci veil to Geo. L. Wiliiams for part of lot No. 23, in De catur; which lot was af;erwards sold as the property ofG. L. Williams by the hcrilf of Newton county, under sundry executions o'der ihau I is deed lo the un dtrsignej. I wiil Iherefom not pay the note, I adve;li;ed the id mih rote 4 or 5 years ago. JAJJEi J. MONROE. Sept. 10, IS13. m 17 if "TJ" ITr.nCDT f.iruBiD :l rv-r,s fvn :rzl in5' ( r ic.,! r'i rj mt" cf Thr H ;l, i Iv r l-br, for a - rf f. rT dj'lir, piTill'' H J-rt-mT I! I?, ni r!f-d -i-n tie fr.'r,tt rf "FcVtit cr j .1f--h LV.' 1 n " v -s -'fn I -r tv j-:r-ch rf a rrt- n n 3f-t n h ;h Lit porn fblh-'l Arl I ern d".rr--.Tnd tertf to r-y lh n'-t ur.Irts r i--r,-v!l--J J- ,) n:'v;iv iei i ie : . kj . . l I 1 KJ 14.1 . as. i j J l. 17, 1 15 I: I j TIic I.iuMIn? lloteh f Tmu.; ti' f f liAojusi, uuuergooe a thorough repair, and is how I ta ' I "f,e1' ,or lna rcccP''on c tiZllMZk Visitors. The proprie- UASJtist undergone a tor thankful to the public fr their past patronage bestowned, will endeavor to still merit the same by assid uous attention to the comfort of his gue3t. His table will be furnished- with the best tlfat'the Country afibrds, and his Stabli will bo furnished wish provender- and. at tentive ostlers. - JESSE HYDE. May 14, 1S15. 1 I-tf -' - NO'iicji. '-H-.-lrr ' E SHALL present my acepunts against tho Estate of James M' Daniel deceas ed to the Probate Court of NevTtpn court ty.for ajiproval and allowance M. Admin istrator thereof, on tho 4th Monday of Sep tember next. WM. M'DAWIEL, - Admioistrator Aug. 27, 1815. i5 6yi : T. C003II3dr;R, HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER. "T3 prepared to do all work in bis line at tie shoMt-st notice, viz: House Painting, in all its branchrs. Coaeh Painting and Trimming, Graining, Marbling. Glazing,1 Lettr.rirrg, Coloring, Repairing, Ornamental painting, of every description, &c. &c , on rtaronstt terms. Orders left ot this Office, will be attended to.. May 13, 1S43. - l-tf J C Al'Alj.m. Geo.W.Shclion. i 3rALPI!.E lc SIIKLTON, A TTORNIES AT LAW, ui Pecatcr, Miss'fi, - . ' ,! "' AVE associated themselves in the' Prac tice of their proesfion. and will atter.d I all busiiTss entiuttfd to thorn m the Circaii Courts of Newtmi nnd the adj-ieent Counties, and also in the High Courts nt Jackson. .', June S, 1843. . 6 tf W.'l. H. MILLER. JNO. 8. 000JH JMILLr.n-& GOOCII, " " COTTON FACTORS, : AXP General Commission ZSIcrcIianls N). 77 Poydras Street, ' , NEW ORLEANS. ' July 23, 191". ' - 10 -ly., JOILV H. IILANKS, tUloviicy V Counscllsr at JLatr, QUITMAN, .Miss. J!:2I2!;ii S tf r.Y ZZJLTSIZIT, La.t side IlLifril Street, eppositt the Thetire between St. Mlr.hisl Jf- St. Streets, . 3IOBILK. Jr7"-I3ard and Lodging per week, $5 03 djy, 1 00 V7liU ATS O. EWEIl'S IVavtrhy Slab! eon Royal St. neir the Branch Bdnk, f labile Ala. A u ?. 20. 1845. 13 tf N. P. HF.AMAN, CO.M.'ILS.SIO; AIIHiCH ANT, AI031LE, Ala S rt. 10. IS 15. 17 tf A. DON.VLDi Faetor-Si Commission Merchant, No. 31 Front t'.rctt, Mocill, Ala. 10, 1513. 17-tf Tan Slate of Mlissippi. WA YM-I COUNTY. Circuit -Court, April Term, A.D,T&i5 Jaunts McDugnfd. ) IV. v Attachment. Mark Cole. ) This day camo the pUintiff by his At torney into court, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defend ant was a nonresident of this State; but whose de.nh bcinjj suj-jrsted and satisfac tory proof thereof odduced. It is therefor ordered by the Court now here, that unless tne representatives oflhe defendant, do appear here, on, or before tho first day of the Circuit Court of Wayne County, next lo be bolden nt the Court House thereof, on the second Monday of October, A. D. IS 15, nnd piena, answer, or demur lo the plaint iJTs action, the same will be laken pro confesso. And it is further ordered by the Court, that n copy of ibis order b published it the Aurora, a nc.vrsp.iper pub lished in the town of Puuldiu, Miss., for a rxriod of sis months. Attat, W.L.II01NE. Clerk Circuit Court, Wayne County. May, H, IS 15. l Gm The State of 3IisIssipnI. WAYNE COUNTY. Cirew.7 Court, April Ikrn, A. D. 1S45. Lanj t Shaw. ) -IV. Attacbrrcnt. Marjr Cole. . This diy cann the p!ainti2s by their Attorney, b;to Court, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the court tbtt the dtfon dent was a n-n -resident cf th 8 Sla'e, but whose death bei-ij fizzcci, Mid satis-fac-ory proof thereof adduced. It is thcre f -re, ordered by tho Court no-x here, ibut unless lb- rrprc-tntotivps cf lhg dtfvcanl do8p-v.-irhr-,pn or before Ibe Cr?t day of the Circuit Co.irt c-f W.iyne conniy,i.ext lo be holdeu at the Gmrt II vise thcrecf, ontbefcconl Morlsy cfOctor, A. D. 1S1". aid p'cad, answer, or dcinnr to the r'ainnf cctisn, !;e tame will be taken pro canfesso., . An I , it is f-iriher crdcrcd ty tVCr.m,t?.at a copy of this crr bo p-Jv'rhcd iu lu') A'.iroa, a r!wr rub in tb-!-: cf p-'- ;.. ;.. toe prr.od of.x rr.c!;j. MM Vi.I-. HO PAT -- CI, . t CrntW Ci ... Yt- - r- ' :. n, it:.-;