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WMHm -lie that v ill nat reason, in a. bljoi: lie- Ilia t cannot, in a foal; and be thai dare not, iu a ln .' oiitiH 2. R0D2TBT, c.::co rr.iD.4. i no r. o, jaittrt e, iC36. dumber 48. THE SOUTHERN TE LECR A I II ib (.ditHi and resuMta trm fsiai bv , TItOUlS B. 1' I . 'I : ; : . At Fl K IK),I,AKS per tear, in aJ: unr,", or SIX at the expiration of the year. .Nj .S'uAcriifio;u rectii td fur a sbnrttrpt i.jJ titan one year. Term of .tavrrtioln. Per square of ten lilies or Ic-s, lur the fir-t in sertion, One Dollar; for each additional isscr- tioii, i'il't Cent.. Ixiup r Jo?, ten cents per line for (lie fir-t, nnd five ceats per line for each additional inter ti m. ' (pTo those who adverti-e by the year, a l.hemldiscoiint will he made. PMtTHV. it There sing. Thcr n MttU preUiaOM iii the jen iu liiilc Mng about Utile things, which .Iltiuny QaHjMt rUier, ill, iiinl she wore a tittle was a little i bonnet, And she hail a Httie linger, with a little ring . upouit; Ami what's a little odd, her little heart was then In love, but Lot u little, with the hot oflitllu men. For the little youth had exercised his little at'ring tongue, ml down before her little feet, hia little knees hail llutigj lie pressed her little hand, and in bet little lace ' h u-nzed, And looked u Uratica ait 1 i 1 1 lc ksai d had brtn a luUc erjuwd, - warning liltle Alas! her little lover did with liltle leave' her, And she found Mi liltle better than n deceiver j Then in a little tioment, stirlng all her little aishot, Shloeklutle jump all above the little nMics. Now ull ye little nilTbien', whose little love sgrnw fonder, Upon the litlfc mural of this little si ponder j Beware of little trinket', liltle men, and littl sichs ; For yon til lie know what great things (tea little thills mil) rise. imst i.i.i, ijseoi s. ; ariti Scenes, Characters, &c. A friend in Georgia ha lent us a kittle work rf the above title. Wttifth we have read with infi liite plea-lire. (If all the efforts loch have been made to cut eh the Suuthepi dialect, a- coHtru- his r flc the Soap ttick, and that be was very confident of winning beef with Iter, or which is nearly, but not quite tho game thing, driring the cross )rith hir.' " Well, " said I, "if the hsnttng match is not too far out of my way. Ill ma to it with pleasure). " I nless yotntwny lies through tlie woods from here, " laid Hilly, " it'll not ho much ou t of your lira) j for it's only a mile ahead l us, an. I there in Re) oilier mad KM yo i In tilkc, tii! you get there; and as th itlhnij; you're riding m ain't well tutted In fatal travelling, among brush knobs, I reckon you won't much, bv going by. I reckon yon hardly ever as at a si, , male!:, stranger, from the cut of jour coal?" "(Hi u'-,-' returned L" ucny a lime, b "'n ! .t'at one. when ferns han'iv old c 11 nili u. hold a Ph't viinoMfMt;"' Children donl go to shooting matches about here," said lie with a smiie of incred ibility. " 1 never heard of but one that did, and he was a little .v;ric-cat. lie area born a shooting, and killed squirrels before he waa weened. " vior did ever hear of hut one,"' replied I, "ami tkal one vas myself." " And here did you win beef so young, stranger! "At JJetry Adams'. " " Why stop, imager, let me look nt you good. Is your name fjfaiim Hal.?" "The very same," said I. , " Well, dang my Luttons, if you ain't the very boy tty daddy used to tell me about. 1 was too young to recoliect you myself; but i ve beard daddy talk a nine, i beneve inamun korcluci now, (hat daddy won on your shoo ling at Ciilleo It .; id's store, when you were hardly knee high. Come along Lyman, aad I'll go my death upon you at the shooting match, with old Uoap slick at your shoul der." " Ah Billy, " said I, the Soap stick will do much better for your own thonlder. I; waa my rnuther notion, that sent me to die The lreef was not pre ent, nor is it ever on such oerasiraM; but leretal of tlieompa ny had se( ii it, who ail c. incurred in the pinion that it Waa a beef, and well worth the price that tv is set apoa it eleven dollars. A general iuayiiry ran round, m order to form some opinion as to the number tf shots that would be taken ttt of awwasj the price of i shot is cheapened in protHV iion to the increase nftbatnunthtw, It was so in aecwrtaiaed thai n t inure ilum twenty persons would I ike eltMtesjaj but ihoctucn- Kiss my iaMtj anil Mealy. "Th-iiin tnif lv relieved from anxiety by ml picy dictated hat I should fire with a I'l rn'i'ii tnt,Tlii) l.nlLtti.. n :.t " u.tnr.ti c. ........ I f..i. I...I... r I...l.f nl t n t . . ..... a 1 . ed to take the iiLiuiucr ot shots, at five cents each. competitors now began to give in bout vou many a 's not a neck-hand- (lisliii.,ni lied ll'iim ' TiinTiletstv Sticcesbf i''i f, tlii- i- (he Ollll oni. t Kilt luis lullsn iimler our oh-erviition. Tiie sli riis w hich are told bv i In n'lif iliM.-w' 1. ' i i. Imvu iiit in i r -hi Iff mr. quaJntaace with the common walks of lite aad a soul for fun. Wb give the following as'n ipecf men of hi - power. Fverv man who hai had a riile iii Ida baudi cannot fail to be doUgfc ed with it. To the Hvnttrt of Knttiirki it Will be a real treat: Frantyart (Ky.) Co mtnonnetaUk' s'riiK ciioo t i.Mi Phootini; matches an; probably nearh Co ill with the oojoniztttron ofGeoraia, Tbov ill common throughout the ti nithern atcs; thouffh they are not ai eoiumoii as they were twen'v-fi.c or tllifty year;- ago. Cbatice led nic to one about a year no. 1 was (ravelling in one of the north-eastern countries, when I overlook a awartliv , bright I c are i m shootin r iiMitch at Bcrrv Adiiiiiri"': nnd to tail you the honest truth, it was tkugether a chance shot that made mo w in heel"; but that wa.-'nt gcnerallv known ; and most eve ry body believed thai 1 Was carried there un account ot my skill in slim. ting; and my lame was spread far and wide, 1 remember. 1 remember top, very weH-, your lather bet on me at the store.' J"r was at the ihooting match, and nothing could make me believe, but that I waa a great shot with a ride, as well OS a shot gun. llet he would, on me. in spite of ail 1 could say; though I assured him, that I hail never gj)ot u rifle in my life. It so b.ppencd too, that ;!irr were but two bu!.!, or rather, a UvlJot and aJjaJfjand p.' confident was ydnffuther in my ski!!, tlml lie made me shoo; the half bullet ;"iul strange to tell, by B Bother chance tbot I like to have drove the cross, and won hiti bet." "Now i know you're the very chap; fo;' 1 heard daddy (ell that very thing abcjUt life hall' bullet. 1) n't s n any thing about it, Lyman, and darn m old shoes if 1 don't !iire the lint oil' the boy a with you at the shooting in : teli. They'll never 'spec! such a looking m in as you are of thing abuat a riiie. I'd ri 'l'h their BfJiftaj assjte fur one, some fur two, OHM for three, and a few for us many a four shots. Billy Curlew Ir.ut'r back to the last; and when t':t lit was olfored to lulu, tivo biuA remained undisposed of. f How man.- dots kf ?" inquired Biiiy. Five: "'was tho rcj lvsn " Well, I take 'em nil. Put down four -li.d : l ie, an ! mi ! I. in ui 11..!!, puid tor ny v iinam iunew, 1 was llcai. U r r-'rai k n it at his prnposi- tion to nav for un s'i.i', lav .o . i know thai Hilly .:. "lit it as a token of friend-hip, and he would have teen hurt if I had refused to let him do me this Rivorj but at the yrtejt peeled announcement of my n;me as a com petitor lr beef, lit least one hundred miles from I he place of my residence. 1 was pre paid! for a challenge from Billy to some l his. neighbors for a pritate match upon ine; but .not lor this. I therefore protested against bis putting in lor me, and urgou every reason to uis suade hire from it without pounding his feelings. wPut it down," said Bilry, i:h tl,e au thority of an K npornr, and with a look that spoke volumes intelligible to every by-sian-dei "i ckon I don't know what I'm about.'1 Then wheeling off, aid AfJttering m an un der nelf-confidcnt tone " Dang old Roper" continued he, " if he don't knock that erOMf to the north corner of- creation and back u gaifl before a sat can lick her fool." Had I I ecu the king of the cat tribe, thev could no) have regarded me with more cun out attention than did the whole company from thifl momeHt Mvery inch of me w;is examined with the scrutiny ; and some plainly expressed by their looks, that they narl never taken mo for such a I ite. I saw no alternative but to throw myself upon a third chance sin!; fat though by the rubs of the spori 1 would have been allowed to shoot by proxy, I, v ail the rules of (rood breeding 1 was hound to shoot in person, li would have been nnpardohnhle, to uis ipp int lite expectation which had I ocar.r ad mi Unforttinatoly too, forma, tho matched dif fered in one respect from ih.ise which I had been in the habit ofaUendingin my youi erd. ys. In olden times (he contest was carried on chiefly with fM jnrnt, a generic way I'll creep into that bull-eye s n fitc' ' You'd better "rqp into your hind-sight" said Darby. Meulv7ied and tired. " .V pretty too : sifcl! Meil," slid Mi". "Yes. a blamed SiodJaVbol! " !:iid a seexaid. Well done .Mcnl!" said a ihinl. 1 v as reiorce! when on" of tho company inquired - Where is itf" for I c-uld hard ly bc.icvethey w ref amdittg tltese ren'iark upon the evidence of their senses. "Jits' ontheriht baud side of tho bull's-eye, " was. the reply. 1 looked with sli ihe power fif my eyes; but was unabioto discover the least change in die surf ice rjflhe paper. Their report, however, was frue 1 much keener is1 the vision of l praolljed than an unnracticcd eye. The nel in order was Hiram Baugb. Hiram was likoH-irifc race horses which I havo seen he wal too good, not to contend for uVery piizo, and too good lor nothing cv ur to win onr. fclitlcinen," said he, as he came to (ho nmrti, - 1 don I .-av that I'll win heel; Imt iV my piece don't blow, I'li-at the pn ,cf; or I e .-:,', ;. , p: to .! . jr. ,. i, : , . lieve ni;. r . .'I , jiOwtier ire u ! powder. geii!!e:ii( n I hooglit it tkut;. (tion.) Zeb. D.igg. :. and gin him three q i:irter a dollar a pound I it but it, are n t wliatl .-.ill good p iwder, gentlemen; but if old i luck-killer lairns it clear, the I ov v i call Hiram Baerh eals paper, or coon - migli v near it." Well, ftre away, ".-aid Mealy," an! be to:i,nud Z"!i. D ig:.ret; and vmn ij .i I. .-1. i wnerncu v oe, : icK-killer. and ..ur po'.v - dtT horn tnl shot pouch to boot! 11 .v ong you "'.vine stand thtir talking 'fore vou ihoiitt? ' Nejor niufll, said Hiram, 'i.1 can talk a even! Which seemed tome better calculated falling nfie, and I adopted this modefdeter- I i 'Hwu? a iNiM ii.iu cui : m,.lng to tire as swai as the iMght came on out the lower uii.'le of theWiud, directly j a ,ne w, i,c dm mot id, htwA or no bead. own right line with tho efnae. Arcordinrlv 1 cunitnameed knreriruT old i'liree or four followed him without bet- Siap-stick ;"but in spiteef-'all my muscular tering his si; t; .ill of whom, however, with ; one exeep ton, "eat the pifpcr. It MW entM to Sjiivcy's turn. There was nothing teaarkable in bis person or inaiin.-r. He tjok bis place, lowered his rillo slowlv from a pcrpeudicular, until it came on a line with ibe mark held it there like a vi e for a moment, and fi od. Pretty criorou.t, but nothing killing I i?s 0y his 4 "said Billy," 1 know yet," said Billy Curlew, as he learned the him." place o: ,',)ivcV ball. u It mav be f.,Bj - j,njd tne j, u jj Jt uve s nan n art just broken tho upper ; ,x,ks mightily like yearnest to a man up p iv. ers, she was strictfy obedient to the 'aWsot gravitation, and came down with a uniformity accelerated velocity. Before I could arrest her downward flight, she had no! only passed the target, but was making rapid encroachmen tm my toes. " WhVjhe'nlhe weakest man in the arms I ever ,-ccd, said one in a halt arhwpe- an jle of (be diamond; be.i'ing Pirmby about half iLs width. A few mnrn chot in -diW ttum.u... " .jini, -" rfui UkiUt; nothing remarkable, hi ought us to Bill? I slrnf ener: i nrlcw. Uniy stepped out w ith much con fidence; and Lrought the Soap-stick to an order, while he deliberately rolled up his nice res. Had Rodged Billy's-chance of FUCCesa from the l)ks of his mb), I should l....: i : i ri. . ?K ii n ampowssa. i lie siock: oi Soap-stfek --eemed to havo been made with a case-knil'e;and had it been, the tool would have been but a poor apology for its clumsy appearance. An Bttgur hole in the breech, served flir a grease bov. a cotlon string as sisted a single screw in holding on the lock and Ike thimbles were made, one of brass, one of iron, and one of tin. " Where's M irk. Spivy's luTllet?" cried out Biily to the judee-, as he finished rolling ii hs sleeves. " About ihrcc riuarters of an inch from a f run I now, of course, determined to reverse imw.le of tiring, and put lorthbll my phy- ;ies to. ljistick to the mark. ani on i i i . . t i' i eyeo? smeiKy mile ieitoJ.n(liiig a si, mil poney, and bearing on liur shoulder a long licavy rifle, which, judging from its looks, 1 should say done service in Morgan's corps. t " Good owning sir! "said I, reining up my horse as 1 came beside him. " I low goes it. stranger?" said he. with a tune of independence and self confidence, that waked my (".iriesity to know a little of his character u (doing driving?" enquired I. "Not exactly, replied he, surveying my horse, with a quizzical smile, "1 havein been driving by myself for ayear-or two, end my nose has got so bad lately I can't carry a cold trail without houndi to help me Alone, and without hounds, as be was, the Question was rather a silly one; but it an swered the purpose for w hich it was put, which was only todraw him into a emu cr eation, and 1 proceeded to make as decent a retreat as I could. "IdidV know," said I, "but that you were soina to meet the huntsmen, or coing to your stand. " " Ah, sure enough, " rejoined he, " that fnout bo a bee, us the old woman said when she killed a wasp. It seems to me I ouuht to know you. " " Well, if you ought, why opnV you?" "What moiil your name ho?" "It might bo any thing," said I, wilh bor rowed wit; for I knew my man, and knew what kind of conversation would please him most. Well what is it then ?t' "It is Hall," said I, but you know it might as well have been anything else." " Pretty digging, " said he, " I find you're not the fool I took you to he ; so here's to a better acquaintance with you." "With all my heart," returned I; but you must be as clever as I've been, and give mo your name." " To ho sure I will my old coon take ii take it, and welcome. Any thing else a- bout me you d hko to havo. " " No;" said 1," there's nothing clso about you worth uaving." " Oh, yes there is stranger ! Do you sec this? " holding up his ponderous rillo with an ease that astonished mo. "If you will go with me to tho shooting match, and sec me knock out the IiuWs-eye v ilh her a few times,you'll agree the old SoapJSikk't worth Bomeiningwlion billy Uurlow puts lussliuul uer to ner. " This short sentence was replete with in formation to mo. It taught mo that my companion was Billy Curlcrf: that he was gomg to a Shooting match; that he colled tn jwiii x your c snots 1 soon discovered that .the father had eat- irgrapes,and the kon'e teeth were on p'i Jv'k- "aaajeaif ff bsn' r 'Ui i ' icrrui how; but you always makes out asifyo 'Cotton! I mint i in those (lavs. an cage; tor uniy was post as incongioty obstinate, in his belief of my dexterity with a rifle, as his lather had been before him. We soon reachod the place appointed for tho shooting match. It went by the name of Sims' Cross Roads; because here two roads intersected each other, and because, from the time that the first had been hod oril Archibald Sims had resided there. Archi- ad been a Ju-tiee of the Peace in his day;, ind where is the man of his age in Geor- gia who has nol?) cmscqaBn ly he was cal led Sqmrc hiius. It is the custom in tins Stale, when a man has once acquired atiiio civil or military, to force it upon him as long as he lives; hence the coerlless number oi titled persunagea Who are introduced in these sketches. We stopped at the Squire's door. Billy hastily dismounted, '.rave the shake of the hnnH which he h id IvAnn n oiel inllv res(r- ving for a mile back; and, leading me up to the Squire, thus introduced tne) "Uncle Archy, this is Lyman II ill; and for all you sec him in these fine clothes, he's a twinge cat a darn si;;ht cleverer fellow thin lie looks to I.e. Wait till you see him lift the old 3onpstick, and di.iw ahead upon the iiirs-eye. iou gwme to see inn nere io ly .1 m'tsay nothing about it. " " Well, Mr.;e-c:i'," said the Squire here's to ft heller acquaintance with you," offering mo his h and. How goes it Unclfl Archy," said I, ta king his hand warmly : (for I am always free tad easy with those who are so with mo; and in ibis course I rarely lail to please) " How's, the old woman? " "Eeid," said the Squire, chuckling, " there you're too hud tor mo; lor she died two and twenty years ago. and I haven't heard a word bom her since. a Wfiat! and you never married again?' "Never, as (dud's my Judge!" (a solemn isscrvutiim truly, -upon so light a subject.) Well, that's p it my fault " " No, nor it's not mine neither, " said the Squire. Here we were intevrupteii ny ine cry oi another ltanecv Snidle " Hello here '. All you as w ish to put iu lor the shooting mulch "come on here! fortheputt'n in's riddy to begin." About sixty persona, including mere spec tators had collected; tho most of whom were more or less obedient to the call of Mealy Wbitecotton for that was the name of the self-constituted eouiinaiidor-in-chicL Some hastenod, and some loitored, as thoy desired to be first or last on the list ; for thoy shoot in the order in which their uamcs ure cntorod. embraced three description:) ol fire-arms Jmlian-iraJn. (n lorn.', cheap, but sometimes excellent kind .ifg m.'hit liioiliHkiiain used to' send jki'lici 'ro'ilcwillipiiaus,) the hire Mud Siof9Wpro::erl si lc I. Rifdos were however, always permit ted to compete with thern, under equitable restrictions. They were, that they should be fired oil-hand, vvhilc tire shot-guns were allowed;! rest, tho divncc being equal; or t lint the distance should Jie ouo hufidre yards lor the rillo. to sjlbo sh -t- mi the mode of firing bci 1) it this was a mute mil tnese arc uy tar !nh()i the tlie hk i" is lar- Uij u-.iw i. i.ihi..h aK r..-, .1 ..1 . mm hi:m , CI) must CAiainion at this tinjM Most of the competitors fire at the same targe'; which is usually a board from nine inches to n foot wide, cluured on one "side as hi ick as it can be made by fire without im pairing materially the uniformity ol is sur fare; en the darkened Of which is pet a square piece ol v. lute paper, which trer or smaller, according to the distance at which ii is to I e placed by the marksmen. Thit is almost invariably sixty ysjfrb, and for it, the paper is reduced to about two in ch's and a hall square. Uut ol the centre ol it is cut a rhombus ot the width ot an inch, rtfeasured diagonally this is bulTs-eyc or diamond, as the mari choose to call lU in ihe centre of this cross. B it every man is permitted his tui'cei to his own taste; and accordir some remove one-fourth of the paper, tin from the centre of tho snutap to the two lower corners; so as to leaver a large anle more or less; but it is rarely the case all are satisfied with one of these figures. The beef is divided into five prizes, or, as thev are commonly termed, five quarters the bide and tallow counting as one. For several years after ihe revolutionary war, a sixth was added; the lead which was shot in the match. This was the pri.e of the . . i . i j e i'.n.. HtXtu OpSl Bitot j anil ii nseu io nu carciuuv extracted from the board, or tree, in which ii was lodged, and nferwards reinouldored. But this grew out of the exigency of the limes, and has, 1 believe, been long since abandoned. The three mastor shots, and rivals, w ere Muses Fifmby, Larkiri Spivey and Billv tJurow to whom was added, upon this oej eiision. by common consent, and with awtul f'urchodiui's your humble servant. Tho tur 'et was fixed at an elevation of about, three hundred leet Ir.r.n the ground and die jtidget (Uuptaiu turner ami quiru Porter) K.k liieirstands by i!,j lined by a i. nit half ihe sncctntors. The first n-imo on tho catalogue waa Mealv Whiiecotton. Alealv stepped out, rifle in hand, and toea the mark. His rifle was about three inches longer than hmiseii, nnu near m in vii thickness to make the remark of Darby I, ,i.i ns Iib. stepped out. tolerably up- nnpriotc -" Hore coinos the carn-stock add Ujc suckel ! " said Darby. little toe; hut that's nothing here goes! Hirayjt assumed the figure of a note of irftorrogaiion tsk a long tight and fireil. "I've ont paper," said Hiram, at the crack ol H10 JfUD, without looking or sfeni ingtolook towards the targot. " Buck-kii-ler made a clear racket. Where is itgen ilemen?" " You're just between Mealy and ;';.c dia iiiond,' was tho reply. "1 said Pd eat paper, and I've done it; haven't I uontlemeri?" " And 'spoee you have!" said Mealy, " what do that amount tot You'll not win beef, and never did." "Be thai us it mount be, I've beat Meal 'Cotton mighty easy; and the boy you call Hiram Batigh are able to do it." " And v hat do that 'mo mt to? V.'li the devil am'i able to beat Men no h weregwiue to keep 'em makin' crosscu for you conftiant, and then donothin' but " eat I'.tpcr" nt last-; and dial's a long w.iv from eatlhg href, 'cording to Meal. "Cotton's jo ti uis, as you call him- " Simoot) Stow was now called on. "Oh Lord!" exclaimed two or three; " Now wft have it. It'll tuko him as Ion lo shoot aA it would lake S pii.e Djbbins to run round a trade ot land. " " (iood-by boys," said B b Martin. " Win r. you going Bol) ? " " Going to gather in my crop Pi I bo back agin though by the time Sime. Stow shoots.'" Simeon was used to all this, and there fore it did not disconcert him in the least. He went oil' arul brought his own target, and set it up with his own hand. tie then wiped out Ms rifle rubbed the pan wio ins drew a piee ol t.v.; through ibe touch-hole with his wipes fil led his charger with ''real care noured the powder niio the riho w ith equal caution fehoveil in with his ringer the two or throe va grant grains that lodged round the mouth of his piece took out a handful of bullets looked them illoverearefullv selected one witbout Haw itr wrinkle drew out his patch ing found the most even part of it spi g open Ihe grease box in the breech of his n ilc; took up just so much grease distribu ted it with great equality over the chosen part of his patching laid it over the muscle of his rillo, grease side down placed his ball upon it pressed it a little then took it up and turned the neck a littlo more endicularlv downwards placed his fc-hau lie on it--iust buried it in the uih of die nfie cut olf the redundant latching just above the bullet looked at it, and shook his head, in token ihat he hud cut off too muob or t.Mi littl, no one knew which sent oowu too lhiii measured tno con tcutsof his o;u,i with his first and second lingers, on ihe protruding part of the ram rod shook his head again, to signify ihe re was too much or too little powder primed carelully placed an arched picco of tin over tin; hiud sight to shade it took his place got d friend to hold his hat over the fore-sight to shade it took a verv long sigh: fired and did'nt even cat the paper the crass," was the reply. " W..II, clear tho way! the Soap-stick's coming, and she'll be along in there among 'em presently.? Billy now planted himself a straddle, like The e(f .rt silenced Billy, and gave tongue to all his companions. I had just strengUi enough to tuis'er Soap-stick's obstinate proclivity, and consequently my nerves be gan to exhibit palpable signs of distress with her first imperceptible movement upward. A trciubliug commenced iu my arms in crcastji and extended rapidly to my body and lower extremities; so that by the time that I brought Soan-etick up to the mark, I w is shaking from head to too', exactly like a nttfl under the continued action of a strong galvanic battery. In the meantime my friends givo vent to their fjelings feely. ' I swear poin' hlauk, " cried one, " that man cau'i shoot. " "He used to shoot well," said another, " but can't now nor never could. " You'd b t cr git away from 'bout that mark!" bawled a third, " for I'll be doddur ned if Broadcloth don't give some of you the dry gripes if you s and too close thare." " t auger s got the pecdoddles," said inverted V -hot forward his left hip a fourth, with humorous gr.ivity hia body hack to an angle of about forty-five i grees with the plane of the horison brought his cheek down close to the breech of old Soap-r IV k, and fixed her on Ibe mark with an un'rembling ban; long, and ihe swelling muscles of his arm led ine to believe that he was lessening his chance of success, with every half second that he kep' it Burdened with his ponderous r:tl"; but it neither nagged nor wavered mi ni 9 ifip-atick undo her report. " Where am 1?" said Billy, as the smoke rose from before his eve. i. Am, " You're jhsl touched the cross on the low. cr : ide," wa.- the reply from one of the Judge. 1 was hfratd I wa drawing my bead gfl I ' fitters aiii Billy. Now i,ynxtn, you see w hat the Soap-stick Can do. Take her, and shaW the bo s how you used to do w hen you wai a boy. " 1 begged to reserve my shot to the last; pleading, father soph 1st ically, that it was iu point of tact,' one of Billyh shots. My plea was rather indulged toad sustained, and tho marksmen who had taken more than one shot, commenced ti e second round. This round was a manifest itqproveihent upon the, first. The cross was driven three times ; once by Spivey, once by Birmby, and once by n i leu a parsonage than Mea ly VYhitcco'-ten, whom chance seemed to favor for this time, merely that he might retaliate upon Hiram Baugtltand the Bails eye was diffijured out of all slnpc. The third and fourth round were shot. Billy discharged his last thot which lefi the rights of parties thus: Bill Curlew first and foar'bdioi -e, Spivey seem, o Pinnby third, and Whitecotion fifth. Some of my readers in iy perhaps be curious to learn, how adis I ine lion comes tn be made between several, all of w hom drive the cross. The distinc tion is perfectly natural and equitable. Threads are stretched from the unaffoctcd parts of the onco in '..secting lines, by means of which ihe original position of the cross is precisely ascertained. E tch buiiet holo being nicely pegged up nsit is made it is easy i ascertain its' circumference. To this, 1 believe, they usually, iftiot invafia bly, measure, where none of the balls touch the cross; but if the cross be driven, they measure from it to tho centre of tho bullet hew. To make a draw shot, therefore, be Kveen two, who drive the cross, it is ne cesary that the cen're of both balls should pass directly through the croas a thing that v cry rarely happens. The Uiie alone remained to shoot. Billv wiped out his rifi i carefully, loaded her to the top ot his skill, awd handed her to me Now," sail! lie, " Lymtindraw a fine be id, but not too line, for Soap-stick bears up her ball well. Take care and don't touch the trigger, until you'vegot your bead; for she's syring-irigger'd, and goes mightily easy; but you hold her to the place you want her, and if she dou'i go, then dang old Iopor." I took hold of Brian etiesa und lapsed im mediately into the most hopeless despair. 1 l! he had bullets enough iu his; gun, he'd shoot a ring round tho bull's-eye big as a spinning-wheel,'" said a fifth. As soon as 1 found that Soap-stick was His sight was j high enough, (for I made no furthcr.usc of the sights than to ascertain this fact.) 1 pul led trigger, and off she went. I have al ways found that tte most creditable way of relieving niysjlf of derision, was to height en i. nr. self as much as possible. It is a gi u i plan in all circles, aiid by fir the best tthj'h can be adopted among the plain rough fanners of the country. I according ly b ought old Soap-stick to an order, with tin air of triumph gave Billy a wink, and, of served, " Now Blv's your ne to malm your forhiucf Bot 'em two to tne that le t kjMM k-d out thecross." My piece was badlv loadned," an id am sure I never hanolod ns heavy a gun iu Simeon, when he learned the pi ice of his all my hie. "Why Billy," said I, "yoi boll. little mortal you! what do you use such a H Oh. vnn did'nt rnlro nan. " said Monlv.4 -'till as lllis for? " " No man can shoot that's in such a hurrv I ' "l-1 ' 'he bulls-eye yonder!" snid Bill as you is. I'd hardly got to sleep 'fore I hoard the crack of the gun. " Tho next wi.: Moses Pirmby. Ho was a tall, slim man. of rather sallow complex ion; and if is n lingular fact, that though prvuably no part ot tho world is moro heal diy than the m nintain ms region of Georgia the niixintainoois have not generally robust frames or fine couijdexions; jhey are, how ever, almost inexhaustible by tod. Moses kept us mt long in suspense. His rifle was already charged., arid be fixed it upon tho target, with a steadiness of nerve and aim thut was astonishing to ine, and ata ruling to all tho rest. A few seconds, aud the rejiort of his rillo broke the dcath- UKa suence which prevailed w No great harm done yet, " said Spivey, " True " said I, hut I can't shoot her, it is impossible. ?' it " Co along, you old coon ! " said Billy, " I see what you're at" iniiinating that all this was merely to make the coming sho', the more remarkable "Daddy's little. boy don't shoot any thing but the old Soap-stick here to-day, 1 know." The judges, 1 knew, were becoming im patient, and withal my situation was grow ing more embarrassing every second ; so 1 e'en resolved to try the Soap-stick without further parley. I stepped out, and the most intense in; terest was excited all around me aud it flashed like electricity around the target, as I judged from tho anxious gaze of all in that direction. "Nat Pl bedod blamed if I do,'" said Billy, " but I'll bet you two to one you haint hit the plank." ' "Ah, Billy," said I, "I was joking about betting, (or I never bet; nor would I havo you to bto; indeed I do not feul exactly rights ainji.t shooting for beef; for it is a species of Taming at last; but Ml say this much if that cro-s is'ut knocked out, I'll never shoot for beef again as long as I live. " "By dod," said' Mealy Wbitecotton, yea II lose no great things at that. ' Well," said I, I reckon I know a life tie about-wobliug. Is it possible Billy man who shoots as well as vou do, ne practised shooting with the double wabble? It's the greatest take in, in the world, when vou learn to drive the cross with it. Ano ther sort for getiiicj t.ots upon, to the dropwi i mht, wfth a single wa hble ! And the Soop- k s the very yarn lor it," "Tell 'you what stranger," said one, 1 " vou're too hard for us here. We never Aeorno' that sort o' shoot'n in these parts." " Well," returned I, "you've seen it now and I'm the boy that can do it." The judges were now approaching with ihe target, and a singular combination of circumstances had kept all my party in ut ter ignorance of the result of my shot. Thoso about the ttfrget had been prepared by Biiiy Curlew for u great shot from mo; their expectati ms had received assurances from the courtesy w hich had been extended to me; and nothing had happened disap point them, but the single caution Bbom i gain ' the "dry gripes,''' which wasJPlil.e ly to have been given in irony as in earnest: for my ag aiics under the weight of the Soap suck, were either imperceptible to thein at die distance of sixty yurds, oxbcing visible were taken as tho flourishosof un expert who wished to " astonish the natives." The other party did not think the direction of my ball worth the trouble of a question; or if they did, my airs and harangues put the thought to flight hctore it wa deliv- cred. Consequently they were all trans tL';ed with astonishment when tho judges presented the target to them, and gravely observed " It's only second best ufter all the fuss." "Second best!" exclaimed I, with uncontrollable transports. The whole of my party rushed to the real targot to have the evidence of their senses before they would believe the report: but most marvel lous fortune de-reed that it should be truo. Their incredibility and astoni.-lunent were most fortunate for me; for they blinded my hearers to tho feelings with which the ex clamation was uttered, and allowed me sufficient time to prep :re myself for making the best use of what I had said before, with a very different object. " Second best!" reiterated 1, with an air of despondency, as tho company returned from the targot to me. " Second best only ! Here Billy, my son, take" the old Soap stick,' life de!J This word wat entirely new to mej but like most, imot alt Worilt,in use anniii; the common people, It is dflnbtluss a legitimate EnglMi word, or rather a compound of two wordu, tbc lait a little corrupted, and wiu very aptly applied in this instance. It is a compound ol " " MTp with one eye, aud " daddk, " to totter or waiW.