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SOUTHERN TELEGRAPH. I clonic 3 THE SOUTHERN TELEGRAPH EDIT Vd PUILISnKO tvrir FtlDiV IT THOMAS B. TAL.tfRH, At FIVE DOLLARS,,orJcr,,nJ.n,or SI at the expiration of the year. &5No paper discontinued until nil arreara ge are paid, unless at the option of tlietditor. JVo Svbteriptiotu netted fur a thorter pe- fAai ne year. . y TerMHTif Advertldnr. rcr square ol ten littei or lew, for the first in- ' "") fonar; lor each additional inser tion, rifty Cents. Longer ones, ten cents per lino for the first, and five cents per line lor each additional inser tion. ,-J&,7 lhose who advertise by the year, a liberal discount will be made. meibv. Hv Riaotrr. From the Port-Gihson Correspondent. A t'ARGUKLL Farewell ! I feel how sad it is to part ! With nil that's nearest dearest to the heart! To leave a homo of harmless jovou mirth, And wander o'er a dreary cheeriest earth : No soul can toll no language can express The melancholy thoughts the restlessness The deep anxiety of those who roam Far from their friends, tlnir country and their home. In vain I look for aup;ht on which to rest A mind disturbed, corroded, and opprest Bill ah ! the thirsty soul as well might look On Arabs sands to find a cooling brook ; A stranger's voice can never greet my ear In such soft accents as I used to hear A stranger's hand can never seem so kind As some I prest in grief and left behind. Home scene enjoyed in earlier happier days Around the fond imagination plays And seems ten thousand thousand times as dear As when that very scene itself was near. One thought alone supports the sinking soul, And beckons onward to a promised goal iic muugiii mui an tins anguisn, toil a'ld pain man oe forgotten when wk 'ei:t again! HOOSHIER Port Gibson, Feb. 27. j debtor, whom he might tear limb from limb, aim presently met our triend X; " There stocks lower, and pork hnrher tha 11 rvor. J 1 --j i neo tue successful operator, with half a smile. John thought the smile a sneer, though it waa but the natural svinptoiu of a kind heart and lull pocket; for "the fact was, he had no pork, but a large amount of stocks, and besides, his eyes were wrong end fore most. "What the old bovdo I care for Mocks and pork?" growlod he, and clapt anuiiiLT wrniKie to nis Mow. Stocks low er," ho muttered to himself, as he turned into the bank, ' I've a vast muvi to come out Jackson man, if it were only to grime mm nirnson speculator, tint must come anu ten me slocks are lower, foul fall mm; 1 shall get mad before the through, at this rate." that ws a terribler-forctfoon at the dis count-board i houses of adamantine credit trembled; the friends of otWenuwed nntaa groaned inwardly; and more'han one saga cious nod, and mystic remark, threw con- sternatton over the endorsers and upholders ji me uurrison speculator. Meanwhile, at home, Mrs. John, every uouy Knows her, ihe est, 3 36 -Whole Mm, 1 ! Tod IJIT that he ih0U'd TO,ke more auspicious P..S. lam happy to add. that UmTT?J?. ht. na.l r1 1.;.., k " ... . L . ' "c vuun 13 l,r"P -"en- 1 H ( uauRiupi. j. 11. p. I hi tiro. I o- Phe favor of iiou wilt bo ac- ol day's Miss Landon is always peculiarly hannv in Iier graphic manner ol portray ing nature, ana giving her scenes a brightness more fcweet and beaut. ful than even that of sun shine. The following lines display a pic ture that ought to make a young painter wild with excitement; though, wc fear, did ho ask his palette for colors to perpetuate it upon can a ass, he would be wild with des pair. " It was an eve when June was calling I he rose to its summer state. When the dew-like tears around are fallins;. Such tears as unon nitv wait. 1 ill' w i s 1 - 1 I II' rrmi-ii pel. Which vet shone throuirh the shadowv screen, With gold amid the kindling irrecn. 17111 XI U T 1 1 Lr 1 1 S I f ' H I' Mil s men, opening to a garden, made its own. 111st iliirhtlv broken, shade. 111:111.1111 1 mill nil! 1 1 rriirc sivrr in. Illl lavolv nlilllls in vmsiil Ilium Wore colors caught iu other skies; 1.1-1 'ij-lllll I " MJt II 1"! UHSU Ml Idll. Made captives for their radiant eyes. nl in !,,. ......Ir.. ..1 - A fountain, like an April shower. To many a jinlu and ilroonine llower. mil. wearied wn 1 ino suiirv nuiiii. The isolation of sovereign lri fvi.i'cii.'L'.i. in II... I . . 1 ....... c state is also lines: " Alas, the steps of that young (piecn I'pon life's rudest path hath been. An orphan! ah, despair is heard In but the echo of that word ! Left in her infancy alone, On that worst solitude a throne." MIS(JKLIjANF.OI!S. From the Cincinnati Mirror. THE WORTH OF A WJFE. It was a very dark, muggy, impatient r 1 t. ..(' ...... ...... 1 1 dvi i ui . ui. 1 i ' " " ' - r 1 I- ...1. .... . ... 1 . ,. ... r I . n.. . in rr sin l.nU(i 1i.ilff'd nunr GinVnrnl Rlnnr ill I. til I ill Ilrtl3 IVlVlfcUV wivi ww.w. . ...w., 'I l...l ...III. .. nlln r.l k,.nl,. I I r IT nll.i.'n.l Kll IllUil leClillll WHO U"l. lli.-ll W....1WU w ... T. .1 1 ii" 1 ifMiir fiiiiiiiiMi m ni. (11111 in. n mi ""'.i in niv . . . . 1. 1 - ..a ..t nil. nr 11m iuiqi. unrii i . i . . 1 1 . .. l..l'......t Inui iiiiins mill ihinnrtnrl wins. 1 1 1: .,ltaa nftnHiill ... . I . -.1.1 T.i.nnn..ina llAIVDnilUri ...I unilor tha hiirli nrnSHiirn thus 11 I In l.i.. iiniinliniT.nvitn found the lire iust opening its eyes, 1 LI ! ! uu-ii,1' 1 C (ItA fii t n i. . 11 1 u U .......1.. id nivii .w.iw - p r ; r ' . . a. Having began wrong, ne very naiurauy oir Benjamin, and half the papers were not leu: anu a uruyiiiuii l"1 1 .UI.iiau f 1 in mmla nuva niivi tiv uuv iu ' ------ I ... " 1 i. !ft l...niinr. . l timo'nt lUArhi U I1IO M" . - . , . 11 J I dirtied, and pulled about, without one mo ment's comfort; it was worse than being a 1 1 VK I .A.r.nAn. II, III, I! wished he'd been bom a blacksmith. Pinched by his passions, and worried by M.!r . jsa treet, noping 10 meet 'some uciiuijuuh prettiest, nicest, kind ilYfi luiitnot . . 1 . I-.. 1 i..iii.1nrni, ui:cniii nonat liirest in body that ever was in the world, was hard at it, rubbing and scrubbing, and running up sums and down, as busy as a ber, and nil n m.l- I. l ! 1 " r .! ... .nunc i,ci iiusuaiiu coimoriaoie; lor she knew his humor to be variable and his temper touchy, and she worked well to cure him, not by scolding, bless me, not she! but by doing every thing so nicehy feeling every thing so keenly, and being herself forever in such an active, not 'passive Christian, not stoical, good humor, that old Bluebeard himself, would havo lived with her till this time, I doubt not. And now the table was set, and 'he hair smoothed, and the cape accommodated, und the hearth swept, and the work-b skct open, and she was all ready to look up at him with her bright f.nd brightening face, and put her I.-..,. ..,.,....1 Ll- I. .. I I '. uiiuo aiuuuu ins ttecK, anu out we must go back to John. 1 A'er Hank-hours, selling his teeth, and looking the storm fjll in the face. (Tor h'd forgotten his umbrella) he took his wav homeward. Never was a man so crossed, and worried, and laughed at, as he d been : the dogs he met seemed to sneer at his losses, and a venerable old pig that stood his ground on th.o tidewalk, was evidently assuming airs because of the fall of stocks; he went out of his way to get a stone, and threw it at the sarcastic porker with so much.passion as to lame his shoulder for a week, Presently he came to his own door; it was locked ; that was too much, to be fas tened out of his own house, lie drew a long breath, winked two or throe times very quickly, and thought of staving the door in; while he yet thought, it opened, and his wile stood bel'oro him; he put her aside, laid down Ins hat, and walked to the fire, leaving his muddy marks behind him. 1 need say nothing about the sudden ebb of her sea of joy and hope the tears sprang to her eyes, though she tried stoutly to choke them down he threw himself into a chair, she came and sat at his feet, and looking up into his dark countenance, asked, "What it was that she had done wrong?" and behold, his eyes, which had been blind, were opened, and he saw. The next week came Christinas; and John, when ho went to church, heard of the great lire in New York a matter of much consequence to him, as he was deoply in volved with tlio'e tliat might have been ruined. Troubled and anxious, he was bound homeward, when the cashier of the bank stopped him, with a long story From Bulwer'i Rirnzi. A PRISON SCEN& The lapse of y ears his strange adven tures his unbroken snirit the rlinr of Rome when relieved from his inflexible justice the new power that intellect daily and wonderfully excited over the minds of me rising generation the eloquence of 1 et rarch, and the common sympathy of the vulgar far fallen greatness. all con.mwwi to make Rienzi the hero of the age. Not a town through which he passed which would not have risked a siege for his protection not a house that wo ild not have sheltered him not a hand that would not have struck m his defence. Refusing all offers of aid disdaining all occasions of escape, inspired oy ins fnoomitaoie nope, and his unalloyed Delict m ihe brigliincss of his own destinies the tribune sought Avignon and found dungeon! These, his external adventures are brief ly and easily told, but who shall iell what passed within ! who narrate the fearful history of the heart? who paint the rapid plunges 01 emoinin ami 01 thought the in dignant grief the stern dejection the naiignty disappointment that saddenod whib It never destroyed the resolve of that great 11 ii' 1 . -' soui 1 wno can say what must have been endured, what meditated, in the hnrinitniro ot Maiella; on the lonely hills-of the per ished empire it had been his dream to res tore; in the courts of barbarian kiiiTS.- and, above all, on returning, obscure quitcd.'1 "Ha!penk asain." "Thou wilt be heard, my Gila thou must bo free! Great God, 1 about some acceptance on v hich lie had be come liable, and dropped a hint that some drafts on New York, in consequence of tho great fire, might come back protested, &lc. ifcc. &c; every word of which converted our friend John's heart into ashes, and made every mercantile nerve in his body twitch with excess ot misery. Uuined in business, nervous ana irritated 111 body, what was there to live for? Again he wished (lim it a dog, a clod-hopper, a scovengor, any thing, nothing: to be beggared by .1 lire 11 thousand miles oil'! what folly to leave his affairs in such a state! he belicvod he was born a fool, not fit to drive a dray; there was nis neignuor maKing $du,uuu in porn, while he, like an idiot, was losing all his father left him. He stopped an instant, at his tUor to real ize that he was a beggar, and, ns he stood, the vision of his wife came up before him. Would she care for him? Would she love him the less for his beggary? Would she labor the less to please, to quiet, to improve him? And his brow grew smooth again as he thought of her glad face, and his eye joyous as it met, though but in fancy, hers. He turned, walked down the steps again, and cleaned his shoes as carefully as if hVd come courting. Her warm affection her gentle, May like dependence her self forgetting devo tion broke the sealed fountain of his heart. " There is something to live for!'1 and he almont shouted it " Something better than wealth, more godlike than knowledge, more satisfying than fame:" and though he did not say what it was that ho was so crazy about, you might have guessed, perhaps, had you been one of the circle round his lire-side . There were children to kiss, and babies to play with, and more than one damp palm to press, and press again. There were Dick, and Sophia, and Mary, and lit tle Billy Button, and all so bright and so merry; and yet, believo me, there was not among them one so truly merry as that ruined merchant fi r he had conquered a bosom si : his better nature, which, like tho Prodigal Son, had been dead, was alive again it had been lost, and was found ami disguised, amid the crowds of the Christian worm, to the seat ol his former power? What elements of memory, and in what a wild and fiery brain! What recollections to be conned in the dungeons of Avignon, by a man who had pushed into till the fer vor ol fanaticism four passions, a sinle one ot which has, in excess, sufficed to wreck the strongest reason passions which, in inemseivcs, it is most difficult to combine the creamer the aspirant the nymph oplept of freedom, yet of power of knowl edge, yet of religion. In a few minutes he was apparently ab sorbed in the Icaiure; so intent indeed was he in the task, that he did not hear the steps which wound tho spiral- stairs that conducted to his cell, and it was not till the wards harshly grated beneath the huge key, and the door creaked on its hinges, that ltienzi, in amaze at intrusion at so unwont ed 1111 Ji inr, lifliid bia io Tk. ,I,. ,A rcclosed on thedungeon,and by a lonely and pale lamp, he btliold a figure leaning, as or supprt, against the wall. The figure was wrapped from head to fixit in hat, shad ed tiy illumes, concealed even the feature ol the visitor. Rienzi gazed long and wistfully "Speak," he said at length, putting his hand to his brow. "Methinks either long soli tude has bewildered me, or, sweet sir your apparition, dazzles. I know you not I am sure? "and Rienzi's hair bristled while he slowly rose "Am I sure that it is ing man who stands before me! Angels have entered the prison-houso before now. "Alas ! an angel's comfort never was more needed." The stranger answered not, but the cap tive saw that his heart heaved even beneath his cloak; loud sobs choked his voice; at length, as by a violent effort, he sprung for ward, and sunk at the tribune's feet. The disguising bat, the lung mantle fell to the ground it was the face of a woman that b acquitted. "And Rome think then!" L The Iribune sank on his knees, and nev- had his heart, ,,, ,js youngest, purest Kur, poured forth thanks'giving more fer nt, yet less selfish. When he rose again tie whole man seemed changed, llljpvn had resumed its earlier expression of deep nil A ... , . . . ( m 1 .iu surruo comma iiu. fli ijosty sat upon his brow. The sorrows of the exile were forgotten, injjis sanguine and rapid tho 'ghts ! stnejl aV aM-ttVo jrwrdmn ofh couutr) and its sovereign! SINGULAR INCIDENT. Dh. Fuxt, in his lecture last week on the anatomy of the brain, illustrated the astonishug influence which the nervous, sy stem ttercitM over the whole corporeal mental functions, bv a v . II authenticated anecdote, which is too remarkable to be lost. He stated that in Berlin, in Prussia. . . . . . an HioHtduai, during a violent dispute with irs wne,in tne course which both narties became much enraged, undertook to admin ister a little salutary chastisement. He struck her with his hand, a lisht blow r.n the back of her neck. Tho woma n instant ly fell, and became apparently immediately deprived of all sensation and after various methods were restored to without success to reanimate her, she was pronounced to hr dead: gnsve. clothes were provided, and some persons commenced stripping the body for its interment. On removing a han kerchief from her shoulders, the woman to the great consternation of all orespnt. start ed up, assumed a menacing attitude, and proceeded to finish an opprobrious term which she was applvins to her husband when he struck her Ihe blow thataouearedto have produced such serious results. It was ascertained, on subsequent inves tigation, that a pin, which confined a cer tain portion of her garments to her neck, was, by force of the blow, driven through the integuments and spine until it reached the spinal marrow, and wns the cause of this instantaneous suspension of all the functions of the body or mind. She was restored to consciousness, and to the full possession of all her fncultic. as soon as i was removed. iVctr York Journal. 1 A DOWNING LETTER. WMUHM City, (East Room.W Saturday nirhf. Jan. 30. 1S38 I To the Printer of Major Jade Downing' ii in, t'oruamd, ttale of Maine. Sir: I feel very bad to hear that my cousin, the Major, is' still at Downingville, and cant attend to his paper. Neverthe less, the great duties I owe to mv country in general, and to the Gineral in particular, maki-s it necessary that I should write a letter to-day to inform the readers of the Gazette, that we are at last, thanks to the perseverance of the Gineral, safe and sound out of the French difficulty. Toe Gineral has at last, after two or three years bard struggling for it, made peace with the French and got em penned right up io a corner, so that they've got to pay over the money whenever it's asked for. This is what I call doing tho business up about right. I dont think there was ever sich a man be fore as the Gineral is. Gineral Washing ton was considerable of a man in his day, but he was no more to be compared to the Gineral, than a mouse in a cheese to a bear m a cornfield. OONOBBfS. Monday, Feb. 32. The House of P "oresentati vaa. KH an sit. The following message was received in the Senate from the President : Presidents .We$sge. The following Mesage was, on Monday, transmitted to Congress by the President of the United States : To the Senate and House of Representatives: I transmit, horcwith, to Congress, -rpi otthe correspondence between the Secre tary of State snd the Charge d'Affuraof His Britannic Majesty, relative to the me- uiauon ol lireat Britain m ourdisagret witn France, and to the determination of the French government to execute the Tnut. of Indemnification, without further delay, ob the application for payment by the agent of the United States. The grounds upon which the mediation was accepted will be found fully developed in the correspondence. Oa th m r Ther's no mistake about ihw.V. 1"T wen Pub ... ' - 15-wotceuieu. uerore ma mtur m it umiM 1.. j. ' ' WHIM UO iv ooked upward through passionate and gla zing tears the arms of a woman that clasp ed the prii-oner'sknees! Rienzi gazed mute and motion'ess as stone. "Powers and saints of heaven!" he muttered at last, "do ye tempt me further! is it! no, no vet .-peak!" "Beloved adored! do you not know me?" "It is it is!" shrieked Rienzi wildlv, "it is my a ina my wite my " llis voice forsook him. Clasped in each other's arms, the unfortunates for some moments seemed to have lost even the sense of delight at their reunion. It was an unconscious and deep trance, through which some thing liitc a dream only faintly qnd indistinctly stirs. At length recovered at length restored, tho first broken exclamations, the first wild caresses of joy over Nina lifted her head from hor husband's bosom, and gazed on his countenance "Oil what thou hast known since we parted! what, since th,at hour when borne on by tho bold heart and wild destiny,thou dids'. leave me in the im perial court, to seek again the diadem and find the chain! Ah! why did 1 heed thy commands why suffer thee to depart alone ! How often, in thy progress hitherward, in doubt and danger, might this bosom havo been thy resting place, and this voice have whispered comfort to thy soul! Thou art well, my lord my Cola ? Thy pulse beats quicker than of old thy brow is furrowed. Ah! tell mo thou art well!" "Well!" said Rienzi, mechanically. "Methinks so! die mind diseased blunts all senses of bodily dpcay. Well! yes! And you you, at least, afc not changed, save the maturer beauty. The glory of the laurel-wreathe has not faded from my brow. Thou slmlt yet" then breaking off abrupt ly "Homo tell me of Rome! And thou how earnest thou hither! Ah! perhaps my doom is set, and in their mercy they have vouchsafed that I should see thee once more before the deathlisman blinds me. 1 remember, it is tho grice vouchsafed to malefactors. When Fwas a lord of life or death, I, too, permitted the meanest crim inal to say farewell to those ho loved." "No not so, Cola!" exclaimed Nina, putting her hand before his mouth. "1 Suiao: -On Friday last, the steamboat .luuinftfMnil. notn rtert-riieuiiu, len me body orchard D. Halsay, of New York at our town for burial, who tommitted 6ui cide on the 29th ult. by stabbing himself through the abdomen. The causes given for the deed are contradictory. It is said he left New York city a few "months since, ana settled in iXatchez, with a view of prac tising law,of which profession he was a prom ising member that lie became enamored ol a widow lady of much beauty and wealth, neglected his pursuits, squandered his mo ney, rtnd being unlortunate in Ins attach ment, in a fit of despair, committed the horrid deed. He was thought to be about 25 yjars old. Randolph Rec. Pretty considerable cold! -The editor of the Newcastle Gazette relates a storv about a couple of gentlemen in that neighborhood. who had a tjre kindled in their sleeping room, a fow evenings since, and kept it bur ning all night: but such was the extreme coldness of the weather, that, on awaken ing in the morning, they discovered hang- ng troii each end of the big back-Ion; "large icicles, sit or seven inches in length!'1 Itic editor ol the Gazette says he aint afraid to put this fact against any thing this side of k'K-land. The beautiful Duchess de B , when Napoleon inquired her age, she answered thirty-five. Napoleon very coolly turned to her son who was standing by "And how old are you?" he inquired. "Precisely one year older than my mother, Sire," was the native reply. EXPENSE OF WAR. The War with Black Hawk, is found to have cost the country $1,500,000, though the fofte employed, did not amount to 2000 men. It is calculated therefore, that the Military force to be employed in Florida, exceeds 5000 men ; the cost of tho Semi nole Campaign, will be near $5,000,000. The "Spy in Washington" romaks that our administration will thus have succeeded by its wisdom and foresight, in reducing ihe dreaded surplus revenue by a pretty con siderable subtraction. A letter from Washington to the Journal of Commerce, says "The President is outrageous and furious in his denunciations of the Pennsy lvania Legislature, for presuming to reharter the United States Bank. He threatens ven geance against all tho public men and po litical aspirants who have been concerned in it. Mr. Rush and Mr 1-illas, as you have before heard, have gone to Harris burg, to claim the right of appearing at the bar of the Senate, as the delegates of a pnb 1 ic meeting, to oppose the passage of the bill in that body. Tho President, appre hensive that the bill will pass the Senate, has held a Kitchen Cabinet Council, in which it was determined to appeal from the Legislature to the people of the State, and to direct the assemblage ofa State Conven tion, composed of the Democratic Jackson party, who are to be instructed to take mea sures for the destruction of the bank, at all hazards and to create a revolution, if Ihe end is to bo attained in no other way." the matter fairly settled, and vou ma v tell the readers of the Gazette ihey need'nt be afraid of the French war any longer, but goon with tbttr birds-egging as fast as they piease. j nem mat has got vessels may ioaa em ana send em trom Dan to Beershe ba, and the French wont touch one on em The banks may untie their money bans and pourout a little without being afraid that every body is going to fail and not pay tbeir notes. Them that has got lands mav now stir about and sell em, and them that is tra ui ng may fill up their stores. Tell all hands to to to work like irood fel- 1 .. .... " . . - : iows, wr mere 'it be as good a time for busi ness the year to come as ever there was in the world, and if they only stir round a little they can in a little while make ud for L - .111. . . naving to noia back so the last year. Now, for all this good luck every body ougni to give tnanks to the Uincntl. It's all his duins, and I can prove it. It is true it has been'brought about jest now by what mey can English mediation; but if we trace it all through we shall find that the Gin eral was at the bottom of the whole of it. this mediation was brought over last week to Norfolk in the king of England's Pantaloon ; not his corderoy pantaloons, but bis brig Panmloon. Well now, how came the king of England to send over this ves sel and offer to settle this hash business be tween us and France? Why it was because the French had called home their charge aim meir minister, nnn mere seeinea to Be no other way left to settle the business, tin less it was to go to fighting. Well, what made the French call home their charge that was here to see to the business? It was because the Gineral called home ourn. And what was the reason the Gineral call ed home ourn? It was because the French would'nt pay the money. And what was the reason the French would'nt pay the mon ey ? It was because the Gineral called them sich outrageous names in his message fall before last, and would'nt make an ex planation. And why would nt the Gineral nako an explanation? It was because he had'nt a mind to. And there you come to the end of the worsted. So you see, tracing it all through step by step, and connecting it altogether, the gineral is the whole cause of England's sending over to settle this confounded French quarrel. And if it had'nt been for the gin eral it would'nt have been settled in the world. The gineral is at the top and bot tom of the whole of it; and though 1 say it myself, he has done more for his country than any one else ever did: and I think he ought to be President as long as he lives and then appoint the one to reign after him. I remain the public's nnd the gineral's faithful and humble servant, SARGENT JOEL DOWNING. ceived here. From the Baltimore American, March 3d. The following gentlemen will compose the board of directors for the new Bank of the United States, chartered by the State of Pennsylvania: DIRECTORS. Nicholas Biddlc, John Sergeant, J nomas P. C opo, Manuel Eyre, John R. Neff, William Piatt, Charles Chauncey, Joshua Lippincott, Ambrose White; Lawrence Lewis, Matthew Newkirk. John A. Brown, Richard Price. John Beylard, Jr. Henry Troth, James Worth, of Bucks, Jona. Roberts, of Montgomery, Amos Ellmaker, of Lancaster Charles Ogle, of Somerset, William Robin9on, Jr. of Alleghany s M. L. Beven, Esq. has been elected President of the Board of Directors of tho old bank of the United States, vice. N. Bid- dlo resigned. Mr. Biddle has been elected President of the State institution. Mobile, Feb. 3. A rumor came yesterday by passengers on me steamboat Dover, from Montgow lery, that hostilities have actually commenced on the part of the Creek Indians in Georgia, against the white citizens of lhat state. A rencounter had taken place between a company of whites, about twenty in num ber, und r charge of a cadet from West Point, and about 300 Indian warriors. This engagement took place within 13 miles of Columbus, and, it is said, resulted in the defeat of the whites, with two of their party killed, and five wounded, Mer, Adv. At Ihe Stock Exchange N. York, on the 19th ult., 100 shares of the Planters' Bank, Mississippi, were sold at f 125. JV. y. Cour 1A7u:i. 1 . "uusi eacn 01 me two Gov ernments has thus discovered just solici tude to resort to all honorable means of ad justing amicably the controversy between them, it is a matter of congratulation that the mediation has been rendered unneces sary. Under such circumstances, the anti cipation may be confidently indulged, that the disagreement between the United States and France will not have produced more than a temporary estrangement. The heal ing effects of time a just consideration of the now ;rful motives for a cordial mmA un derstanding between the two nations tho strong inducements each has to respect and esteem the other, will no doubt soon oblite rate from their remembrance all traces of that disagreement. Ot the elevated and disinterested part tha government of Great Britain has acted, and was prepared to act, l Have already had oc casion to express my high sense. Univer sal respect, and the consciousness of merit ing it, are with governments as with men, the just rewards of those who faithfully ex ert their power to preserve peace, restore aarmony, and perpetuate good will. 1 may be permitted, 1 trust, at this tinto. without a suspicion of the most remote de sire to throw off censure from the executive. or to point it to any other department or branch of the government, to refer to the want of effective preparations, in which our country was found at the late crisis. From the nature ofour msrf ration Vhe movement!! of the government in prepared n for humili ties must .ever be too slow for the exigencies of unexpected war. I submit it then to you, wnemer me nrsi duty wo owe to the people who have confided to us their power, is not to place our country in such nn attitude as always to be so amply supplied with the means of self-defence, as to afford no in. ducemenls to other nations to presume tiritin our forbearance, or to expect important ad- antages trom a sudden assualt, either upon our commerce, our sea-coast, or our interior frontier. In case of the commencement of hos. ilities during the recess of congress, the time inevitably elapsing before that bodv could be called together, even under the most favorable circumstances, would be pregnant with danger, and, if we escape d without signal disaster or national dishonor, the hazard of both unnecessarily incurred, could not fail to excite a feeling of deep re proach. I earnestly recommend to you, therefore, to make such provisions, that in no future time shall we be found without am ple means to repel aggression, even al though it may come upon us without a note of warning. We are now, fortunately, so situated, that the expenditure for this pur pose will not be felt; and, if it were, it would be approved by tho?e from whom ail its means are derived, and for whose bene, tit only it should be used, with a liberal eco nomy and an enlightened forecast In behalf of these suggestions, I cannot forbear repeating the wise precepts' of one whose counsels cannot be forgotten: u The United States ought not to indulge a per suasion, contrary to the order of human events, they will forever keep at a distance those painful appeals to arms, With which the history of every other nation abounds. There is a rank due to the United States among nations, which will be withhold, f not absolutely lost, by the reputation of weakness. II we desire to avoid insult, we must be able to repel it. If we desire to seeure peace, one of the most poweful in struments of our rising prosperity, it must be known that we are, at all times, ready for war." ANDREW JACKSON. February 22, 1836. Upon this message being read, the Tele graph says: . Mr. CLAY arose, and addressed the sen ate, in his happiest manner. He congratu lated the senate on the important part which they had acted in preventing hostilities be tween the two countries. This they had done, hrst, by musing to accede to the wish of the executive, that an act of contin gent reprisals should be passed by congress Had that been done, war would inevitably have been the result. And then their refusal of the three millions appropriation was ano ther act, by which the likelihood of hostile collision betwedh the two nations was far ther removed. He would not, he said, now enter into an examination of the principles claimed in the message of the president, that no foreign government had any right to use any kind of interference with the internal affairs of another, or to ask any explanation of An acts of public functionaries, in tbeir inter course with each other; If it were true, then this very administration has,insund y