Newspaper Page Text
ocmi oeccpuon; to oner nny trine; which e did not honestly believe to bo his own. But, as (hese occurrences are no! new tit Win, he knows how to pity and forgive. Time, which tries and proves nil tilings, -trill dear up the ermr of inexperience. A word more, while on this subject. The Writer of these essays, though not ona of established fame, does not offer himself as w mere notice, and will not, therefore, claim exemption from censure on the score of ex treme ynvth. At the same time, he humbly request tlie reader to hoar in mind that his advantages have been few, and his sphere of action limited. As, without lay ing him elf open to tho chargo of egotism, the writer could rot say more on this subject he now drop it, with the hope that it may never again bo revived. Materials nre not vn ntinpr, .Mr. I'.tVit r. tweh as they are; but, having nearly writ ten out the sheet, without touching upon some matters which have occupied my thoughts, and not wishing to trespass too far upon your columns, it wouid, perhaps, be a? well to defer them tilt next week. Yuur old friend, Muib FREDONICUS. Communication. Ms. Pai.h : Tho following lines arr rx tructt'd from an old firman writer. Will vua insert thi'iu in your Ti-lt graph .' TO ELLEN. For thro, r;ll'ii, ii heart will heat In truth and hue'- ( onu'cnial -I rile ; ' J11 thee my fondest wishes meet, " Thou ilenrest nhjeet of in life. rn lit tonti of ever new delight, Thy name alone halh lill'd my breast. And, deek'd in all that's fair and bright, Thy radiant form ol love is drest. The tender bads of early love lilooni forth, and never, never fade; i A', like a vision from above, I see thy form, thou loveliest maid, Hh;;t thoughts upon my fancy throng J ' 1 wake, at will, the 'minstrels lone, Anil every sweetest, holiest sonir, Rebounds, fair E,, f,,r thee alone. July heaven is unairM in thine eyes "My paradise within thy breast'; ' And oh! in soft and seraph guise. Thy every charm of youth is dret : .One sole tlerire, with blest control, Exertl it mastic spell o'er me ; One only thought inspires my soul It is, dear E., the thought of thee. . Augiit, Mt!6. CoMMl'.NIOATKl). DIED In this town, on Wednesday, file 17ih inst., Mrs. Lcearrn Payne, wife of JVlr. John Payne. The deceased was uni versally respected fir her (lumoslic virtue iumI for her faithful performance of all the duties of a wife, mother and B.eidibori To lier afflicted husband) and motherless, chil dren, the loss is irreparable, and they can look for support only to ihnt Being who lias declared himself tho comforter of tho alllici ed, and tfie God of the orphan. Favkttb, Aioust 15, 1830. DIED In tfils i.eounty, on the lilih inst. lit tlie; residence of her mother, Miss TIkstjh Aj R. M aiuilk, aged 24 yours: she has left ah aged mother, three brothers and two .Pinters, to mourn departed worth. Her name, tier zeal, and her labors of love, veiled as inuoh as possible from the public eye, by her mudesty and humility, will long live in the hearts of many. Oh, what is death, 'ti- life's hist shore, Where vanities are vain no more; Where all pursuits their goal obtain, And life is all retouch d again. P. LATEST FROM TEXAS. From the X. Orleans Commercial Bulletin. The sclir. San J;iointo, four days from Galveston, reports lint the Mexican Fchr. Matilda, from Sisal, for Campeachy, with a cargo of linens and assorted pr isions, arrived on tho Hth inst. under charge of a prize master. She was captured by tho armed sehr. Terrible, (lute Union) which had run ashore nnd destroyed-ariothor Mex ican vessel on the 5th instant; the name l.ot recollected, The Tcxian army, :i!)C0 strong, ttndef command ot Gen. Rusk, was concentrated nt Matagorda, it is said on their mai'Ch'for Metamoras. NEW ESTABLISHMENT. TUV, Subscriber begs leave to inform his fi Kinds and the public that lie lias taken tho commodious house recently occu pied -by Messrs. Sruart and Cochran, and is fitting it tip i:i supori irsiylo as a COFFEE HOUSE & GrRCGESHr. His bar.rill, at all times, be furnished with the chuteert 'Vines-, Liquors and refresh' uicntsnf every variety. OYSTERS, nnd Eatables of all kinds, in thir season. Families supplied with fine Wines, Cor dials, &.c, by the dozen or single bottle. jKrom his long experience in the business end prompt attention, he confidently invites public, pattrateigo. PRICE NOR RothjPpVag. '2.!, 1SJW. 28-tf ITOTICE- THE Undersigned, having been duly commissioned as an AUCTIONEER, 1)V fiic honorable the Board of Police of Jef ferson County, will toceive and dispose of nil Gouds, Merchandize, &lc. consigned to him, on the usual terms. PRICE NOE. Refer to lion. A. L. Bixoamam, ) Mr, VV. H. CiiAUBiiKs, Natchez. " Maiik Izod, Mr. Josi.i'ii Wils, Yicksburg. Rodney, Aug. 23, lH3u: 28-tf (y- Tho NateheB WeeWw' Courier will please publish tho above, aud forward their account to this othec. THE THIRD INSTALMENT of $20 per Share on the Capital Stock of ibis 13 v order of tho B ird. JOILN OOODIN, Canhier. Rodney, Aug. I!-'. IB$X 28-tf BTOLH1I OX the Tdi inst., from the subscriber, A SMALL CALF-SKIN POCKET BOOK containing aboit fifteen dollar in money, and sundry uoics of hand, via: One on Mr.. Man Pines, for four hundred U Z-ira.ia favor of Divid Pipcs,md by him en dorsed, and due the first day of January next. One noo on N. C. Halt far one. hun dred and fifteen dollars, due the first of January next. One on George and Lewis Nance for ninety dollars, dae first of January next. One on Mr. Frisbv. f r t'rrntii fiiur tint. im, due the first of January next. Also, a receipt written against a no:e of Rus sell, for forty doll art. A liberal reward will be paid for the de livery of the above described notes nnd mo ney. Steps have been taken to stop the payment of the notes. JOHN T. FOR T. Rodney, Aug. 23, 1830. 2S-,lw NOTICE S HEREBY GIVEN that an Election will bo held en the 2Uih inst . in ihn Rodm.v, Jefferson County precinct, for the purpose of electing OaeCotoftn Command ant, one LiKi ricxANT Colonic and one Majuii, for this rajriiuaaC Tho following persms nre appointed Judges of said Ejection, to wii: m T. A. Comitov, Jno. (;. Javki, Baupkv Bakkki. ISAAC A. B. ROSS, President of the Board of ( 'otinti Police. Rodney, Aug. 2 , IMS. 28-rf NEW FIRM, L A T E It EM 0 V A L, AND FRES Ii U O O Si S . T3" li. li'A.S l.e.s leave to iiil'otiu his friends un j the pithliti in general, thai ho has lately taken into copartnership, M.-. 11i:.nkv Clwtwn. 'J'hey will continue the transaction of the mercnntie hut-iuors in Homey, under tho firm nnd s'yie ol Evans & Clayton. Wo beg leave also to inlbriu the public lliat we have lately nuved to the e!l-!ii)nwn boui o, f innerl y owned and used by Wlsuti vc Allison as a Dry ijood Sluro, and late l.y Mr. John Payne, where they nre now receiving from New York a fresh and splendid tttisbrtmeikl of Goods, Consisting part,of Black and BhieCloths, Black, Blue, Gray muI Striped Cassime're and Cissincts; BJofek'cts, Flannels, Eastern and Kentucky Lin. !scy-and Jane:'; 1-1,7-s and 3-4 Heavy Lowell,;; Bi'bwn, Bleached, Apron and Fuinitiirc Domestics; Irish Linen, Cambrics, Jaeone's and (Jiughams. A general ttssorwibnt of Plain tiri I figured Siiks, Ci.vasskm, Muslius, Boinbttzins. Boinbazcts and i'hui's. Fancy Si k, Chilly and Merino Hand hcrrhhfx, d'& Worsted, Buff, Cotton, Linen, Kid, and Silk Gloves. Caps,, AitTJrtorAL Critu, &.e. Tortoise, Silver and B.aziiiah Tuck and Side Comhtt, and Silver Head O. -laments. A General Assortment of Clothingy adapted la 'he season MATS Drab, Vhi?e and Black Beaver, Castor, Rorain, Siik, VV.: nnd Leghorn. SHOES. -A gcnoral assortment of La dies1 and Gentlemen's Shoes Gentlemen's Biots. Assorted qualities, &c. HARDWARE, Mill, Cross-cut, linn and Tenant Saws, Patclit Bihincos. Shades, Shovels, ( isels, Augers, Bench Plates, C illins1 Aes,Gruh bing Hoes, Cut and Wrouglit Nail.--, D.aft Log and Traee-ch,iin-, BAVib & Crocket Knives aid Arkans is Tooth-jneks, Pistohj and (Jims suited far Texian emigrants, &d. SADDLERY. P.; ten- Railed an 1 Com irra Side Sid lle., (Gentlemen's Spanish, French and English Saddles, of superior qualifies. Siddlc bags, Bi'idlcs, M irtingnlcs, Sursingle.sGirilis,vy, Coach, Dray, Riding and Nesro VVhins. Ridinu Svlutelifts nnd Walking Canes; also, a lot of Saddle Trim ming. G-Z10CE.3XBS. Old Part, Madeira and U!a;'et Wines. Champnlgn Wine, in baskets. Champagne, C ignac, 1) ancslic, and P. Brandy. F.imilv S-ian. Patent TalloW nnd Snorra Candies,' Tea, C ifl'ee, Donlilc-rcKned Laaf ugnr, Spanish Cigars, Honey Dew and Small Plug Tobacco, Fig BJu0,f&c. A general assortment of CROCXERY and CHINA; W of GLASS YAREt&c. together wiih uhmst every arliele to be found in D;'y Good hujisGS which wo offer low for cash, or to puuctimf men. The piiblic'are invited to call and cxim iniiif our stock una prices, and patronise us, sn (at as may be consistent with their own interest and our merits. Rodney, August 10, 18931 27-tf JUST Roceivcd by the s thscriber, Car penter's Medicine Chest, No. 1 and 2, a very superior iirlielo and medical siddle hags manufactured expressly fur Physicians AlsoCarponlei's fluid extracts of Sarsaparilla Liverwort. Pink-root, Kreos at and Bachu, cerate of copiiya for Burns, Scalds, die, T. G. COMPTON. Rodney, Aug. 15, LS30 27-y COMMITTED to the Jail of y Jeffirson County on alt. a negro mnii w ho says his name is and sail that Ko belongs to JAMES VERTNER, of Adams or Wilkinson Counties. Henry is about 2& years of age, 5 feet v inches high, black no marks discovered C. MURRAY, Jailor, Fayette, August 15, 1838 874w the ih iustan', four negroes named JOSHUA, CIIAULOTTT, BEN AND DELIA. JC8HUA is ahout3:i years ofage.Ofect bigli, d irk complexion, with Urge whiskers, talks rather slow. CHARLOTTE is aUui 28 years of age, dark color; ha high cheek bones: round shouldered; talks quite lively when calm; hut, when questioned, rather in re cautious. She h is a gtoiipagc in her speech and has several marks of the whip. or.. is tin it 5 feet H inches hi-'h: rather of a light complexion; talks mild and toler icl yfas. and walks pretty smart. OTUtbsJ is somewhat lighter in color titan Ben, and walks very straight. JOSHUA took wnh him two suits of cloilung; ouobluccoat; one gingham lound about; one iair of blue pantal xins; one pail of black, do.; one tin. do. yellow n ui- keen do.; one dark tljwerud silk vest; one cap and s'raw hat. Tho tw o ijii ls had w ith them several now calico dress pitterns and sines, and oilier articles, too tedious to aaatiun. AI.S( ) i negro bajr, named TBAV1CE, who ran away nliont the I0:h of M iy Ust, all of whom, it is supposed, have been stolen, or conveyed to some secret place. A liberal leward will ! e given fee the de livery of said negroes, or for any informa tion, so tint he can got them again. P- K. InORRIS. An-'. 10, 1S30. -JT-tf ATT EN MAN!! N Election will be held at the differ ent nrecints in this Couulv.on the 20th of August inst., for th? putpoao of electing one Colonel, Lieut. Colonel and Maior for this reffimeht. By oilier t.f the President of the Board of County Police. I. A. B. ROSS, PretS Attmwt 8, 1830. m STRAYED from the s il.seiiher :ii;K IV 3 HORSE, near 16 hands hiirh : no marks recollected, except a while Mripe above one i n is n icks. a inierii reward will be miren to nny person delivering said h .rse to him in R d,i. v, or for nnv infortnaiihn. ro tint lie can get him ag dn. GEO. S. BURBRIDdE. Rodney. Aug. H, Ks:;i. 2iy-( I ST RECEIVED, ahd for s ilo bv MONTGOMERY BATCiftJtOR. "A Review of a Lsftor from the Presbvlerv of ChilHootllB to the Pre. hyle;y of Alissis sip)i, on the Subject of Slavkkv," by Rev. fames' Smvlie, A. M. Aug. P, 183ft. -Sw NOT WE. TIlC Undersigned Ins been constituted Agent for Mrs. RraiKOCA Sobhuli.j of Vir ginia, by her Power of Attorney, to eollecl wbalir.-er nionoys may bo due iho estate of JaMKS Sohui ll, dec eased. Those indehled to said cstnta Will please make im:nedia!c piywatnt to me fit Rodney, and nny persons having any of bis property in possession arc earnestly requested to deliver iho same tome. J. B. LO.VI. Aug. 2 20-1 NOTICE, HllE Sul scriber. intending t be absent -- from the State for a short time, has ap pointed John- Pavxk. Estji his Ignnt, who is duly authorized to attend to llie business of ilAitiiis, Kkli.v, &c,, Hahvis St Lai'h, and his own inrlividonllv, daring his ab sence. LI.V I C. A S. Rodney, July 28, 1838. 25-tf IVotice. URSUANT to an order of the Hon. Probate Court of Jofibrson County, I shrt!l expose to Public S do at my house, five miles from Rodney, Pn Saturday, the 27th day of Angus' next, the personal pro perty ot the late Ha rah stsson, deceased, consisting of a horse, bed and heddiug, and some articles of household furniture. S ale to commence between die hours of 12 A. M. anil, P.M. Twelve m. nils' credit will be giveiij i.nd bohil wi:h ixkI security rc quirod. ELDRfDGE SISSON, AdliCr. Rodney, July 2Clf IHSS. 2f-tf E X EC I TOR'S SALE. G II EE ABLY to an ord-r of die Probate Court of Jehersoh County, will be sold to the highest bidilpr, at tho Court II iUso in s'.id county, on Monday, the Stll day uf Si-'p'omher netj ail the interest of tho heirs of John Bdls, deceased, in and to a certain tract or parcel of land, in said c i ity, containing acres, adjoining llie lands of Washington B irch. H. B. HarrisoA) and Jacob E. Stampley, one-third of the pur chase money te be p.. id in twelve inondis, the balance in one and two years thereafter. Bond and good security will bo fequircd. The undersigned w ill sell, at the same timo nnd place, her interest in said pre iniwta, boing a life estate, by which the pur chaser will obtain a complete title. ELIZABETH BOLLS, Executrix. August 2 25-3 w UST (jfcECElVED, 1,000 yards Ki:x ti'i'ky Janks; 800 do. Lix- si:v- l.y B. CAMPBELL. Rodney, Aug. 2, 183:5. 85-tf NEW FIRM. TliC Undersigned, having purebr ed the entiro stock of goods, formerly owned by Allisou iSi Snyder, beg leave to inform their friends and die public in general, that they hatfe associated themselves together under the firm of Lapo &. Snyder, and hope, by long experience and unremitted utten tion, to merit a portion of public patronage; W. LAPE, A. SNYDER. July 8, 1830. "J2-tf NOTICE. ftVILL soil, o'l accoinmodaling terms, my Stock of Merchandize and Store House, and give possession immediately:! JOHN PAYNE. Rodney, July 1, 1830. . 21 if Valuable Laud for Hale. wishing to purchase will please apply to John T. Spencer at Brandon, or to the sub scribers at Rmluev. C RIFHNG &. CAROTHERS. A i-. 2 25-tf State of MississippiJ 1'roUiiv Court. July Jefferson County. Term, 1830. XT PON the apdi J M'Dugall, Gu Baker and Everett pphcaiion of Eliza M. G. Guardian of rhonias F. Green Biker, minor heirs of Thomas Baker, deceased, praying permission to sell a certain tract of land containing aliont three hundred acres, lying in Jefferson county, in that pari of said County known as "the "Maryland Settle ment and it being represented to tho court that it would be to tho interest of said mi nw to sell said tract of land: It is, there fore, ordered by the court that citations issue to all persons interesled in s lid re i! estate, requiring ihem to be and appear at a regu lar term of the Probite Court, to be Imlden a,' the Court House, in and for the county of Jefferson, on the fourth Monday in Au ii ist noxt, to show cause, if any they can, w hy said tract of land should not be sold. I Certify die above to be a Into and cor rect extract from Ui minutes of said court. r In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and scnl ol jHlsuid couri, at Eavette, this 25ih ua oi juiv, A. U. iri.R. C. T. MILES, D.C An?. 2. 85-8 A TCtl E N, J E I V E I. R V, cc7 MUST RECEIVED by the. Subscriber, a 99 beaiilifd asfortmenl of GOLD AND SILVER PATENT LEVER W ATCHES. Lcpinc and plain, do. Also, a lot of JEW EERY, embracing the latest nnd neatest patlcriisyill of which were carefully selected by himself. Haviiyj made iiis puichascs principally from the English and French importers, he feels confident in assuring Mic public that they are of the very best mate rial, and that ihev can be offered as low as any nriicles of the same quadity brought to this market. From long experience in the business, ho fl.iiters himself that a lihe-al share of pu! lie favor will be extended to him. GEORGE M. GRAVES. N. B. All kin Is of timo pieces carefully repaired and warranted, at the shortest ioi tico. G. M. (i. Aug. 2 i).-;tf IVotlcc. THE PUBLIC are fuewarnod from trading for a Note of Hand drawn bv Siuarl &, Co' hraii, dated 2Mlh April last, and made payal lo in the ComfMroml Bank of Rodney to J. J. Qon, f ir clctcii hundred and nint fr eight dolltrr.-i 80 cents. 'The consideration having failed to be complied with, we are determined not io pay it, unless compelled by law. STUART fc COCHRAN. Rodney, Aug. U, IMti. 25-tf W i S I il i i 83 . The Bprinorship berelof ire existin-r be tween the undersit!ned,was Ibis day dissolv ed by met ial cinn-ent. The business Will hcrecjet he conducted under the name and s y!e efSTUARfnd S.MI'TH, who stands charged with the settlement of the former linit. V. M. STUART. S. A. COCHRAN, Rodney, July 21, lS3!i 21 tf UST RECEIVED a choice lot of KENTUCKY JANES. LINSEY and SOCKS. STUART & SMITH. Rodney, July 21 lHtlii 21 -tits. JLO0K HER II! WILL give, in Merchandize, from 50 to 75 els. a piece, for f;ood COTTON BASKETS, if delivered soon. B. CAMPBELL. Rodney, July 20. 'M-ll A DM INISTRA TOIVS NOTIC 'A I ETTERS of administratiuti having J been granted to die undersigned nt the Apial Term, 183 of the Probate Cirl of Jefferson County, on of Stki-UBX UoaMAN, dee'd., nil persons indebted to said estate nre herehy notified to eornc for ward and make imediatc setiletnertt, and all these having claims against tho es nv arc requested lo present them within the time prescribed by law or llioy will be lor ever barred. JOHN DUCKER, Adm'r. April 20, 1830 12-fbn. Scmucl A. Mason.) BY VIRTUE of the r.v. above Writ of Veu. Ex. y.iggonerfcCoIo.) t6 me directed, M Shc lilf of Ji.'tferson County, I slnll expose at Public to tho highest bidder, for ready iraonoyat thedoflr of the 'Court House of said county, on tho first Monday iri Septem ber next, within the hours prescribed by I nv, on said day, nil iho right, title and in'oron; in and io a certain tract or pucel of Unci f inff on tho bank of the Miasisahml river, six teen miles below Rodney, in s tid coun'v, of saw aetcnuants, to imiifl 's cliim an. I all costs. PHILIP O. HUCJilES. July 20 'EX Ecu 2i-:f TOR'S NOTICE. Sheriff's! Sale. Y VIRTUE of tho sundry Execu tions, to me direelod. as SknrUT nl Jotrerson (.aiu.y, I shall exjioso at Public Sale, to the hiiilicst bidder, for moaV jrst Monday in September next, nt the'deor to me ijurt House ol said county, within the hours prescribed' by law on said day, all iho right, title and interest of Win. P. F. Cogan, in nnd to ono HOUSE AND LOT in the town of Kavctle; aho, a considerable lot of DRY GOODS, CROCKERY WARE. lovicd on as iho property of said Co gun, id sutisfyij plaintiff's claims, uud ufl PHIL'O. HUGHES, Sheriff. July 20 f Mf ii haong been igned by the etferson Coun no the estate A otice is here' by giren to nil persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and ilNwe having claims agtnt aaid totale to prudent them within the time prescribed by Irw, or they will ho forever barred. LUCRETIA MAYBERRY, Executrix PHILIP O. HUGHES, Executor. J.ilv 8, t838. 22-1m St MiOOM. 11JRS. ROSS respectfully informs the inhabitants of Rodney, end its vicioi iv, that she has opciled a Pikpakatoit S. ikol for Children, at her residence, one door alMive Dr. Savage's, on Magnolia st. Mrs. R. h s to deserve the patronage of the citizens bv paying attention to the chil dren entrusted to her care. Terms, &.c, made known on applying as above. P. S. Staenl Scholars can le accom modated with boarding in her family. Julv P 21 3w M. B. BREWS TER, & Co. WS6l E S ALE I) E A L E R S (37 Nassau, corner Liberty SI.) NEW-YORK. '"Bill E above S:ock entirely new and as Wl etcn-ive as nny in the city, is adap ted e.)ressly to the S mtlieni Market and having been prepared under the inspection a Gentleman of superior qualifications for this department! it is believed that Soitlliern MerchauM will find it much to their inter est i. examine this assortment previous to purchasing. Jui 1,183. 21 3m ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. BURSUANT to an order of llie Uof. Pruliate Court of Jefferson county. will be sold to the highest bidder, at the teat deive of John C, Johu-mi, ill Fayelle, on ihe Idi div of Auifust next, llie whole ofihe uersonal e.-t:'.:e of J. dm R, Jamison, dee'd.. consisting of a small flock uf Cattle, three llirses, and llirce Negroes; (ono Negro .Man and two Women.) Household Furni ture a lot of Carpenters and Gin Wright J. is. f'he Negroes to bo sold or. a credit of one and two ye us ; the balance on a credit of six m mths; purchasers giving bond with approved se airilv. CAT.IARIXE JAMISON. Adm'x. JOHN C. JOHNSON, Adurr. Jaly 1, 1 8S0. 21-sl State of Mississippi,! Probate Court, Jane Jeffewn G wnty. Term 1898. PON ttic ncfifidn of R. B. Ricketts, adnrinistralor of the etlate of William S. Hodge, deceased, praying permission to sell a certain tract df land, containing THREE lIUXDItEp AND TWENTY AORRS, more or le.-s, ly ing in Madison county and it I eiilg represented (Oi the Cunt that it would be to the interest of aaid estate to sell said lot or tract of land: It is t 'lerif .irc ordered by the Court, that filia tions issue to all persons interested in said tract of land, requiring diem to bo and ap pear at a realtor lerui. film 1'iohat.c Cuart. lo bo hidden at the Couil House, in and'liu ffie county of Jeflcfsoh, on the fourth Mon day in August ucxt, to show cause, if nuy fiiinj why said Iniet of land should not bo sold, according lo the prayer of the peti tioner. 1 certify the above to he a true cxtracl from the miii'itcs of said c ourt. in testimony whereof, I have horcunloset inv hand and seal of l&ggjwgi.iaid court, at Fayette, this 28th day of J ane, )838; C. T. MILES, D.Cl'k. July 1 Pr. fee; 1$10 15 21-w Suite of Mississippi,) Probate Court, June Jefferson coultty. crm, 1830. TTPON the petition of "it. 1). Rirlcetts J adiuiiiiiralor de bonit won of ihe es tate nf Sidney SJiaw, deceased, orayirtf permission lo soil tho uiidividod interest of life heirs of said decoased, iu a tract of land in JeH'ers n county, contaiiiing One Hun dred am fifty Svren Acres, (it being tlip s inlr ira'c' on which Mrs. 5l. Sliaw now rc si de.-;) and it being represented to the court, that it w ould be to tho interest of said es tate to sell the same; ii ihcrtfore order ed, that citations i.-s;i3 to all persons inter ested itl said tract of l iiid, requiring tliem to appear before the Probato court; on the ioiirdi m indtiy in August, nt the Court House of said county, to show cause, ifanv they can, why said court should not then order that said tiact of land, or the undivi ded inieiest of said heirs in the same he Mil, 1 do hereby certify that the above is a true extract from the minutes of said court. njs witness my hand ahd seal of OfiUaid court, this 23th day of Juno C. T. MILES, D. Ci'k. Julv 1, 183d. 21 0w Pr. foe, $10 50 Siate of Mississippi,! Probate Cbnrt; juhe Jcilprson cunty. Term, 1830. rgOall persons interested in the lands, Jj tenements, and hereilitaineins ol John Outlier Pi es, minor heir of John VV. Pipes, deceased, O'rctlingi X"ur are hereby eited to appoar before tho Prolmtb Court of said County at a regular tori;: thereof, to it hol len Hi die Co art House of said eounly, on tho four! It Monday in Aujtnet next, then and liiere to show cause, ifndy you can,1 wliy said Cotut shot Id not then iSrder that the lands, tenements, and ht'reditaments, ol said minor be S lid. 1 d i hereby certify that the above is a true extract fnuri the m'iputes of said court. Witness my hand and seal of ourt, this 28th day of June, C. T. MILES, D. Ci'k. July 1 21-Gw Pr. fee $ 7 70 NVERY Varieiy of BLANKS kept on hand and for sale at tins ollxo 3 9?5isilt( State of MissnstppiJ Profcate, court June Jenerson county. Term, 18SS, ON applicatioo of R B. R.cketta,fcd ministrator ie bonis nan on the es tate of Sidney Shw, deceased, and it ap pearing to the satisfaction of the court, that the estate of said deceased, is insolvent aoJ iooli, ,,-oi In y its debts, 17 it therefore ordered that Thomas A . Compton, John Docker. J.4m G. James, Jo seph M in'gomerv, and John Payoc, he ap pointed commissioners to report claims a gainst the estate of Sidney Shaw, doccaaod: A true cooy from the minutes. J AS. J. COLLIER, Clerl: July p W3S. 2t j UST RECEIVED A kit of DOUBLE MATTRESSES of good quality, for nle lev, by B. CAMPBELL flay 13 4r4F A DMLS'ISTRATOIUS NOTtCBi ETTERS of adminmtration on the os tatc of John R. Jamison, deceased, were granted to the onderstxned by the H n. Probate Court of Jelferaon county, on the 27ih inst. Notice therefore it hereby giren, lo all persons h iving claims against said ealste, to present tbem legally authen ticated within the time prescribed by law or they il! be forever barred. Katharine jamison, Adm'i. JOHN C. JOHNSON, Adm'r. Julv I, lKtfrt. gitf REMOVAL. MESSRS. STUART and SMITH, respectfully inftvm their friends aMi the public rjpnerallv that thev have remov ed their DRY GOODS STORE to the cor ner of Magnolia and Commerce streets I n wn as the corner occupied by B. M. Stcd nan & Co. Rodney, June 9, 1838. 18-y Tim PHILADELPHIA MIRROR. JPlIE splciiflid patronage awarded to the Philadelphia Saturday O urier, induces taW editors lo commence the publication, ondR the above title, of a qifarto edition of their popular journal, so .ng known as the larg est Family Newspaper in the United States, with a hstofnearTW NTY-SIX THOUS AND SUBSCRIBERS. 'The new feature recently introduced of fdrnishing their rea ders with new booty of the best literature of the daydiaving proved so enlinontly suc cessful, the plan will be continued. Six volumes of tho .celebrated wri'ings of Cap tain iI irrvatt. am siviv.fivo nf Mr ll,..v.t-'j aluahle Letters from Europe have already een published withottt iii'crfering with, it news and miscellaneous re ulm r The Courier is the largest and cheapest family newspaper ever issued in this rmmtrv. in- tnining articles in Literature, Seicnce,and Arts; Internal Improvement, Agriculture, in short the every variety of topics usually introduced into a public journal. Oving full accounts of sales, markets, anJ news of the latest dates. ( It is published at the low price of $2. I' or thLi small Slim subscribers net valuable and cneruiuing matte eaoli week enough to nu a common bo.'k of 00 pf.ges, and equal to ; volumes a year; and which is cstimatcil to he read, weekly, by nt lea!tWo hundred thousand people, scattered in all paris of (be flfeuntry, from Maine lo Florida, and from the sea board to the lakcsi The paper has bech how s"p lorig established to render it two well known to require an extended prospectus, the p.iblishors, there fore, will ld rto more than refer to the two leading daily papers of opposite polities. The Pennsylvaniai! say s--'The Saturday Courier is the largest arid one of tho best family newspapers in the Urffon the ouicr, the Inquirer nnd Daily Courier, says, "it is the lan-cst journal nuhlixhw) in MiU.I. pbia, and one of tho very best in die United IO . . mi . . OIUICS." IIICIew York Star lita umt. TIlC Naw York Star i,lg. know of nothing more liberal oil the part of Ihe editor.; ahd no mentis more efficacioUT 10 a raw out tne dormant talents of otfrcbiiir try, than their unexampled liberal) m of. fertrijj literary priies." . Tho Albany Mercury of March Ifjtli; 1830, says, "the Saturday Courio's is de eidedJy die best Family Newspaper eVr. pnl dished in this or any other country, an f its value is duly appreciated by the pitbh'.", 11 wo may j-idje from tts vast cireulatioL which exceeds 25,000 per' week! ftscon tcn'sare agreeably vrrtod, and each numb -contains more really valuable 'readuig rtkfti ter'ihnh is published in a week in an yd air; paper in the Union. Itr rn imtnoth dirneu. Sions enable its pnlnrnmi,, ,.....:.,...- Messrs. VVoonwARn fc ClviikH, of Ph'il -delphia, to re-put dish in its columns, in tli ; course of a year, several of tho most inte es.m new woriis that issue from theBritisli pres.-; which cannot fail to give' lo it a per manent interest, and redder it worthy f. preservalioh. 'J'u meet tlio wishes thcre lorc of such of their subsribers as desire" t ! K have their n mbcrs bound they have d'efc; mined on issuing an edition of the Couriji in the quarto form which w ill render it iiittcfi' more convenient for reading when, it Is hound in a volauie, arid thus greatly ei; ancc i's value." TOE QUARTO EDITION. Under the title of the Piiiladelpii i.i MiKKOK, will cammeilco tv.ilh the publica tiou of the Prize Talc, to which was awjird ofl the prize of $100, written by Miss. Le lie, oJitor of the sp'leddij Annual (he Twkeii ' and author of Pencil Sketches and d her Lva limbic contribulions to American Litera tdro. . 7,T . T E II 31 si , , The Philadelphia Safttrd'ay Courier is still coh'fnuod in its largo form, nt the sanVi price as huretiifore. The Philadelphia Mir ror, being a quarto edition of tho Saturday Courier; with its increased attractions,, ais printed on the best .fine white paper ofth same size as tho Now York Albion; wilj be put at precisely one half the price of that valuable journal, vizi Three 'Dollars per annum, payable in advance, (including thai Maps.) VYOODWARD & CLARKE. I Philadelphia .Vf . ()The paper will be sent in exchange 1 to such newspapers as may oblige us 1 y publishing our advertisements. May 13, 1833. 1 - H -;Jr ii: s I--5 12 IE:.::1' Mi,