OCR Interpretation

Southern telegraph. (Rodney, Miss.) 1834-1838, May 02, 1837, Image 1

Image and text provided by Mississippi Department of Archives and History

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87065592/1837-05-02/ed-1/seq-1/

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"lie that will not reukon
bieot: he
utiiiot. i m fowl; anil ho rT dnrtr nt
Vbliuiic 4.
?. os xt ai i:oa.)
tflttCr, HAT S,
1 3 37. f j
arm: south kiin
TMU 'I AN It. IMI.MF.lt,
At KIVP. HOT.!, AKS i.cr .vonr, in drai
SIX nt the exiiirntinn of the year.
r fr!Mii nfiiwr iliwoiitimittl until nil ,'ir
,ff niv 'tiijil, mile-- :il tin- option of the nlitnr
fc" S't'itmplinm rrerired for a ihortti
fiorf than one t,'i"'-
Term of Jtdvrrtlftinsr.
mrr of ton litir or le, fur the fit in-
nDllitr', for each additional uuer
y tVnU,
L ones. trn rent per line for thafi
BU per line lor each additional inf
our Customer & the Pub
lic generally.
h have just received, direct pw
.New York, a sphm lid assortment c
fh'ch tle following is a part
k7A and 4-1 Lowell Cottons,
pn & bleached Jheotin -s and Shirtings,
Shirtingsflnd l-iaper,
Beau'ilui as-iirimcir ot nuns,
(,dain and figured)
la i s.
incy uanuKcruucis,
it i i : r.
It c .
UIUCIS. Cv C. i'.r.
rii i l : ., . ,,,,,,
lo wnii ii we iii ne uiu aui ii i""
of tin
Ladies particular. v.
A handsome lot of Jc.VClry, Jst rocM,
war;:, queFsXSWare, am)
jlen lid Stock of SKIING & SI'.MML
HATS, BOOTS, StIOKS, &c. &-. &c,
t To which we call llm attention of the
Clttlein.-ii and iiroinis- to !. in llm.
April d, 1837.
8-1 f
The Pressure Relieved.
calling on the undersigned, pcKons
wishing to pun hase
(i 0 () L S,
" ' "' ""."J! S j lie-datum, of
ii . i
1 VI.. ..
1st a reduced price, can he accomodated Irt4
I heir entire sails action, hates will lie
de to those whonav nun tuallv. at a very.
II advance on tlie original cost. Ill
i . i . ....
b:ih:h iim ii ion i i insist oi on; oninii tiuiuu
to lie lo and in the market, sav,
Whiskey, Brandy, and Li
quors of nearly evcryV
kind, &C.&.C.&C.
(ja soon, or vou nnv miss inanv valua
ble bargains. 'Tut not off until to-morrow
that which can be easily attended lo to-day."
Rodnev, April d, 1837. 8-'f
AYE just received, and offer for sale,
a lot of
Greer ics
consisting in part of,
RING, &c. dtc.
A LS .-
A beau'iful lot of
To punc'ual customers, good bargains
HNav be obtained lv calling upon us.
i Rodney, March'28, 1837. 7-:f
N E W Q 0 0 D S
1 111' subscribers are now
HPtenuiu -sS innieiH in
t ,-i ... . ..r
"ci is yaewr rs.nr.Tt?
Togelher with an assorttnent
nil of which were carefully selected in
New York by ono of the tirin. The pub
lic nro invited to give us n call.
March 28, 1837 . 7-t)
1 'i un;le,rsi''neil Having loinu-o o mn
hershii) with Alt'. Joiitv (J. IvfCKS, woum
ll i - i I ...,i.,,,,,,'-.-
friends that the b isine.'.-i will be continued
gt the old stand, (corner of Magnolia und
Commerce streets,) under the firm of
Tim name of ilia old firm will be used as
neretoforc, cither in tho transaction of bu
iincss or settlement of llio late concern.
In Announcing the above change, we
would beg leave to tender our sincere thanks
fir the very liberal patronage heretofore
l mi. I solicit n piintloiiniiee. irssur
niw""' L. l
our friends nnd the ivi viic in generdMU I
nr pains will lie spared to merit H
J YlxKr I I
Loxg, Esu.
, in a si v In
ltho cn uitn
'ruanut'i' ii
ftis fi.lcdmi
triorf'; experience in
ed with his unceasing
erilolis to ntotl
liat lie will merit a
nil pitrotia"
I the puldx, und pnr-
culurlv from ihol-vim hive kn milium
troin Ins early hovho
, AjUlic Union has, heretofore, been pre
serutf .two. he indulges the hape that
niBHl Am- he prrsorved.
1 ITaldogii he furnished widi every
--!,-: ti,n''HH-t can nltord. the Bar
- i;inlied aliiindtijit v win (tnttfoL'malicx.
Tushiiihle fi'i'ed witli provender. Ilav-
careful arid attentive nstlor, travellers
n V res' assured lint no pains will he spar
ed towards the goml kceaiir: of their horses.
Rodn-, April 4, 1837. S-tf
Fashionable Tailoring.
uniinotmccs to his
fripudl anil the public in general,
that he has returned lo Rodney under more
faVortlhle auspices than th.ise which induc
ed him to leave; and hav ing, as he hopes,
.ruined the good will of tlie community,
confidently think that n liberal share of
latroimge will he extended to hull.
is shop may he found oopo-iie to the
ion House, and one amir l elow the
re ol Messrs. Fntlvcr & Firnsworih.
All ordegMIl
Ifoduey, AfHp
punctually attended to.
, 1837 10-tf
HE undersigned respectfully informs
his Irienng ajjd cus'imicrs ihat he has
St received direflKini New York, a liand-
tie and w(dl sotc'ted su;; l of
S P 1U N GAN 1) S U M M E It .
u too it s,
Comprising Staple and Fancy
SPRING & SI MMER Clot hill
' s
a lUPfkioK toy ox
Aw -A f
D mble-barrclled GUNS,
which, add
to bis former slock, makes
his assorti
uent vry complete.
jfufly invites purchasers to call
iqprnis stork.
lie resp
and ex ami
ney, Mtrcl 1S, 1S37. 7-'f
,000 a5?.ES 0? LAND,
THE subscribers propose selling fifteen
thousand acres very superior level
situated on the bank of navigation, outirc
ly free from inundation. Growth, highland
dogwood, red-bud, sassafras, hickory, wal
nut, locust, boxelder, holly, gum, &,c. und
very large cane.
now upon the land. Possession given im
mediately. Credit 1,2. 3,4,5. 0,7 nnd
S wears. For a more particular description
of the above property, and for terms apply
Ii Jfctber of the owners.
1. llll)iiu.,
11, 1837.
fjnf IE subscriber will, at the new May
Term of thewmbatc Court of Jeffer
son Co., settle a final account of bis admin
istration of the estate of Benjamin Wanton,
deceased. m a
' r xitto nj i i'ai-v i i......
April 11, 183) D-tf.
W 0 T I 0 3 .
THii subscriber will, at the next May
Term of the Probate Court ofJWer-
fton County, present bis accouift as ndminis
trator on the estate of Ivy H. Walsun, for
ottleineiit and allowance.
April 11,1837. .Mf.
just received nnd for salo by
Rodney, March 28, 1H37. 7-'f
THE undersigned, ndministratnr of the
Estate of Philip Miv, deceased, will pre-seql-his
acfimfor final settlement and al
lowance, at the next May-term of the Pro
bate Court of Jefferson rnutytv.
March 28, 1837. 7.(5
in sfiltscrihers.il larjre lot of Iioavy
11 151. 1' wilh a su-
:iefo orlJED &, SADDLE BLAN
; '. 1 183IL D.-y
T - v r Ms"
wfleri' hast
IMC nus h
(From the "Sarnd Sungi" nf Thonxat Moore.)
' Fallen i thy throne, oli Isracd!
Silenci- is o'er thy plain;
Thy UwpIBiijji nil lie ilcsnlale,
Thy children weep in l.aiiu.
v Where arc the (lew? Ihat Jul ll.ee -On
Eth m"s burrcii shore J
That fire from hi arcn which led thee,
Now lilits thy path no aiure.
Lord ! thou didst love Jerusalem
Once she was all thv own ;
Her love thy fairest heritage,
Her power thy plnry's (hronc:
Till evil came, and hlithcd
Thy longdoved olive-tree;
And Salem's shrines were lighted
For other tiods than Thee!
Thjfsnnk the star nf Snlvnm
Thru pass'd her glut's day,
Like heath lhat In tlie iviidurni,
'Hie wild wijjfl whirls awny.
Silent and wate her hnwers,
Where once the mighty trod,
And sunk lhoe pinky towers,
While Baal reign MustJod! ' '
"(o said the !,nril-"V conquerors!
Steep i n her blood nnr sword-,
And rase to earth her battlements,
For ihev are not the Lnrd'a!
Till Ziiuis mournful daughter
O'er kindred bones shall tri ad,
Add llinnom's vale for ill tighter
Shall hide but half her dead !"
.11 I !jCE lili.t NCO Its,
From the Natchez Galaxy.
Continued from our latt jmper.
fllAVTEfl n.
Pill Our friiaids view UmtK things dili'ereiit
l and, as mr friends, so niii-t we.
Oarrow I think so, anil, in 1 think, so I'll
iici. friends' thoughts to tho tontrary, cutwith
standiag, so, I'll wed lu-r. B&N Jo i.vso.n.
1 am not good at description. But' it is
access i ry, in order to the continuity "I my
.-lory, that 1 should say, on the northern
confines of the village E , is one of the
most beautiful groves of f nest oik lobe
foond in the State. The trees cluster toge
ther in that admirable irregularity with
which nature distributes the thousand beau
lies that we rnfiet with in all her works.
Their outspreading brunches project end
intertwine, blending (heir foliage so closely
as to exclude the ray s of tin: vertical s in
from the soft and silky grass spoil beneath.
Under this leafy canopy, and in the eternal
shadow, some of my sweetest days have
past. At either edge of tins rural retreat,
is situated a neat wooden building, in which
the village schools are taught. Immedi
ately between them stands the village
church: its white walls and archinii irluss
windows, together with its modus! spin-.
just OUttOpping ihe green oaks which grow
around, gives to the scene the interest of ro
mance, lis situation is elevated, and over
looks the village below, and when the chil
dren are freed from the restraints of school
and have gone to their homes, this silent
and love'v spotfeemsto an observer the
very home oi rjuiet. Nothing disturbs tlie
serene stilness which reigns around, as the
sun sinks beneath the horizon, unless a lone
and inaleless jehipirwill should perch and
send out for a moment its melancholy notes
--or some mischievous urchin in parsing,
for very sport, p ill the pendant bell rope,,
and then scamper nway f a' four of detec
tion. This spot, in such an hour, is of en
selected by the villagers, as a favorite pro
mon ide the thoughtless may be seen mer
ry and noisy skipping over the grass the
valeUadenurian pensively dragging his en
ervated finn along the grave thoughtfully
strolling and musing on the beauties around,
whilst the plump and romantic iaiden.
wilh her flippant gallant, is tripping it
through I he-shade for pleasure and recrea
tion. Thitherward were wending our
friends Peters and Foster the b air was
later than Ihe usual one f ir strolling and
there was now not one to he seen upon the
lawn of the academy grove, as it is c alled
among the villagers, save our friends.
I have Contemplated this scene many a
night, Foster, saifl Peters, wilh emotions
to i full of delight f ir description. See here,
under ihfise oaks it is dark as a moonless
midnight; the fire-flies have selected it for
their sport; how many hundred are b i.z nu
in sight at once, and no where but here can
they hp seen.
It is ti m st lovely space, replied Foster.
Hear the low humming I the balmy breeze
as it steals through the hoisted windows ul
the church, and the crenkin.: of the bell up
in its cony, as though it was threatening t-
strike. Is there not s iinething in the man
tier too, in which this buildiug is ocuipiuil,
calculated til ex itn admiration?
v.. ... r.,u , i ...., i i.K
i ' . . ill, "Vill i,t-"j r.iu 4 l'l.-'i.
hevo tins is the only biulding'in the world,
erected and dedicate I to God, as a h-mse
of public worship, w hich is open to all h i
profu.-s tlie uume of Christ I hove seen in
this church men of every cast and creed,
tolerantly listening to the preaching of the
gospel, and mingling nt the sacramental
boa i tt with brotherly feeling which do honor
toour nature -and yet I doubt if this com
mingling be productive of gwd.
1 have in jiclf sometimes thought as much
St there Invc n lie irt burning
istjietfirh (In- general ami tVslio it -farbtcli
1 hope Will always pre-
I wii4i
iV indeed; I,
lfrimc .M
1 upon it, the
nnd Bin'is
time irtust
agree-roi! and water iltiiie firs- 1 1 ik at the
sra-iotli saint-tike l k of oi l Billy O.vlcs;
that look, rovers m ire duplicity nnd ava
rice than nil the p mis of oar country r.nn
wash away. It will not he Ion.' before hint
and his twin brother, tin- meek Josiah, will
split; ihev are lo ulers of their respective
flocks, and I make them brothers only ns
worshippers of niauiin hi.
I b iie, Pers, said Foster, your predic-l
Hons may not prnv. true.
True, my dear fellow. Why, Jt mo tell
Vou, the moment there springs tnjjNth it they
term n revival, then coamii'nee'Pflic strife.
Yon will see hundri dsof the liule Irv drojH
nni in, and it eeites no commotion; !mt
let l)r. II ill go hy the i.oard, and ihiu or tw
more join the Methodist, mid no to ca
uiii-p ci cr i'ie' iioiit;vieo iiio. i; sixeoooM
.i :
lor votes, than these sfjets will tor pr;clvtgN
Then tliey split, auol this seipiestereifHB
heavenly spol 1 ei nines the scene of .
What's lhat, Foster?
IJark! said Foster, in n whisper, ns he
Mtsed himself to his toes hark! By Hea
vens, Peters, that is the voics of Caroline
Morton II irk! I: is, and in distress; lot e
leap the palings and relieve her. He laid
Ins hands on thj fence, hut Peters checked
hi pi.
j ' Jltny, Tom, those arc not the tones of
distrLs. She is in anxious conversation
with soiue one. in ihe orchard. Let us with
draw. Nu, said Fester, in a whisper, let us stay
and ascertain Hie purport of the conversa
tion which seems in progress.
It Would he dishonorable, Foster, longer
lo s'av under such circumstances.
1 must stay, Peters, 1 have reasons.
I Then stay alone, said Peters.
You Will not le ive me, Peters 'he world
cannot know that we overheard llus con4
Caroline, said a deep-toned voice, are
you not mind by promise! Have you n it
told me that you loved me, and that you
would at a proper lime be mine?
O, Mr. Worthington. said the sweet voice
of Caroline M uton, I love you still cm
you ask more? B it my duty to a parent,
w hom I love better than my own happi
ness, Bids ou tell me that you must marry an
other; your words mean so much.
William, said Caroline in a tremulous
voice, which rendered Ihe accent doubly
sweet my !iear','iis true, my heart is yours,
I sh. .11 never lorget'lhe day, I first told
you s i much, but
I can lose you, Caroline, say no more
, . . ti i ... , , ,
nut ten me, nas your I aiiieraiiv Knowledge
of your attachment to me?
None, said Caroline.
Then, how d i you know he would (lis
approve of our marriage?
I know his prejudices against strangers,
said Caroline, and I also know that hi; has
set his heart on . in v inarrvin.' a Air. buster
of our own low n, and
And you approve fire choice, Caroline.
Mr. Foster, said Caroline, is a young
man of merit, and worthy the hand of SHV
Farewell Caroline, sai l Worthington ; we
never meet again, or only as strangers. He
turned abruptly nWay, and in a moment
leaped the fence, and was in the presence
of Fos'er ami Peters. Ami dogged? said
Worthington. Who is it that Ins darod lo
ohtrunViip'iii my privacy ? N an: but .scoun
drels can be guilty of such conduct. As he
spohijjus he seemed to collect all (he dig
iHty of Ins nature in his manner.
This card, said Foster, coutaiHS By name.
Y ul can find i:ie at my office ill the village.
This, sir, you,will recollect, is a pijSic
walk, and if h ive heard your conversa
tion, it was accidental, and the result more
of your imprudence; th in our fiult, for it w as
unknown to us that you were in the grove
or its vicinity.
I was h is!;.-, gentlemen, and in the impel
u sityof my feelings done yon injustice. 1
crave your pardons. - What is umntcntioru
ally heard, with honoralife men, is always
site, return your card. Good evening,
gentlemen. With this, he walked hastily
aw iv
First rate, Tom, neversaw it better done,
a true Christian. My word fir it that fel
low is the ilesLteu hint of a hugaiiet. Foster
made no reply. Ah, continued Peters, ye i
ii m dumb. I see how it is ire y ui satis
fied that old M n toii wauls you for a son-in-law
I will suffer no mm lo jest with lio on
this s ibjeet, said Foster. Goodnight. He
turned from Peters and dis ipaeired in lha
darkness of the grove, evidently much ex
cite,'. Poters snod n moment, lo 'king in the di
rection lhat i'is'er had gone; then exclaim
ed in a ftMripvhit would hive d me honor to
Stentor himself, "il re I am, s ibis, alone,
iiuthes woods by myself, and nobody with
with me" an I thrus'in; his hinds into his
jacket pockets, walked leisurely home.
CIIM'iltH 111.
Ifl doubt nut inanv, very many,
llnve died nf t! isn g ;i,ili tiueiit."
Win-n Mr. Morton left the company of
friends of wlrom he was so bind, he hurried
directly home. No man possessed more e.
. o - c .i:,
leusivioy on; iai uioi ii.uoo :n 01 0111 net nef
than the-qnod old squire. Hu was one of
those lrtil and correct danters of the
South, av ho, from lean beginnings, had nc
cumulated a handsome trtuue; and whnJ
ilmugh wealthy, hail not abau loned live ecOf
notuienl hnbiis, and plain unos'eotatioosl
manners, winch characterized him in his I
, earlier day s . 1 Litre was a rough tort
'y in lit dgp irtmcnt, sot
cetjty of artJgw
in his uproi Ii, m
llicclrdfy CjlUdld.
Iie.e the JrstfeMBMl wksovl
: f luiid'them, without inuuirt
of tin ir ijiiserv; was chartl
inoiigii's aiio icettos, a
coiuhict; I -Hiked with a c
UjHiti the i -ii proprieties of
and though not a Christian By pniiession,
was foremost in prac isin the countless
virtues inculcated by thReJeeim'r. He
had only to two chil Iren ; his beloved Alick,
as he sometinws called his son, and the he
roineofgr ule. the w
el an I accoiiudish-
ed,Car..!i..o. Mf. AJ no.i had not em
Hie hem lits ot a Kjeral
tint "educa".
Ua.ittanto eve llctterAbiJi in F
C:i 1 It i I " I W 1 Mm T 1
ins leiiow men ; one ntnWiet
J L .4 i ('If
tr trim ttiewilg.
cducatedjMt- hive
1 'jSjii .ti4sls eotriii
ii4P('uewlBWTiW.iid a;
" aogfruM Pinan." art;
in airnling t
every opportunity
preseineu in our
, 11
eipiaiiv attesitivc
education of his
ation ii
eted Ac
en completed accord-
ing to tlfe fas
ethod of ihe limes,
at a higlrsfjJuil
. , i
ion, ami sue li id 1
W rei:irned,Wie not
any the comfort (if her parents m ihe
ence of her brother, but also the
spirit of her native village.
It was to his f unilv, composed o
and daughter, that he leturncd on
nig ot which we are writing,
entered the door, notwithstanding
duct ot the young man in irrey, ho b
e-.pectation of finding him at his
but the parlor was empty. Wife,
Sqnire, in his accustomed familiar
leciionate m inner Wife, has there
no one here within the last half hour
mo at all, replied his better half.
expect any one?
Why, not e.victfik said
was a young man aiVWil
said the S(U
Ikins' whoc
liter in v house, iin hsnt out this wav. hef ire
me, anoj I had siiiiie,e;i that he wofild be
here beforfine, VhVe is Carol i no?
C me to walk, answered the lady
cucqucutlv I sou are too hasty,
jB only sjBt a great nvyvJiiie
HpltivaaHp No, iid MB, i
iPhad been keep them at Mte;
ij)are(l HO p.-ilns
hid be
bstryM 1
nnd if- hnr.jn-.ffrhcr
Did vou If
mm I
I wish the girl was here; I IrfPc I hong!
. I . .1 I i tr
oiar me lad wliom 1 saw at llio mil, wa
something ni ne than coinpion ;he was a
pretty spruce looking huckyind I kniw he
will he here simetime this evening; mil 1
wanl iiivgtrl in her best, to show bun
there is something here a little better
common. Where tlie nlmne can she Inv
She is only taking one of her nVc'iistomc4
walks, said tlie lady. Caroline loves tlsjie
tiioonlight nights how often have I serh)
her gazing upon the in ion, nnd humming a
favorite song she learned at Trenton.
Well, w ife, look about you,amJ let us have
tea as soon as possible; perhaps they will
come inUgc!ln:r. ThitigsjpBP as the
Sipiirc wrfhe I llieui, for the ha'rsfrmy which
all'ection produces in the domestic circle,
swei ti ns the duties iptpnaJ upon all of the
household; and nothing gave thisaoed cou
ple more delight thin to gratify tjjjpvislies
and anticipate the w.m's of oajHwtie4-
The c'o'h had been sureJEl the tea in
waiting for some time, aiin injiWer CSo
n a i nu m i uiicr eame.
What keeps tlie girl? said the-Suf
1V!wi IVlltat letiwt no ll,,.. I r..-.
in hi. Wife, hive you nnvlicf
I t I i
I in in hum, u ami II I lltJtjK I ll
icr an i v.. ii-oiiue will usaive a tnati
shortlv ? that is a line follow.
" -,
0, Mr. Morton, said his lady, I know no -
thing of Caroline and Mr. Foster's
Nonsense, wife, nonsense, vol
111 liters
kn iw more of
these kV0 matters tfrlh We of
the roii'dier sex. Nu .no'her ever neglects
to watch the slightest propensity tol.we in
her daughter, and faith I bciieve tlijfccn
erally discover the iueliii iti m of thiffitf'.
feeliugs, before she is herself inscious of
them. Yd i know Caroline has a leaning
to Tom. How could she help it? A
1 am not so certain of tin', Husband.
Thera is something in Caroline's manners
that I don't exactly on leislau I. S mieliuies
w hen Mr. Foster is in Carry's compiny? I
think she my like him; but. -whenever be
inaiuRFM air. t mi"
e, s'io looks as
kold as icr';iiurI
lle.ilv tf'VIin' love I him.
wljsrrshears him praised, she would at
least-lMMsretMcd, or bi tth, or slkjMfcomo
sign of parti a I jiy tor h-tu but sbeoems as
indiifervnt, nud even more so, tlani when
he takes her hand or praises her sin ring
What, said M . Mortou, don't yfoo. think
he hal courted her?
No, I d.i not. Why, it was but bc other
day I beg in to joke her sijAtAlr. Foster,
and when I told her 1 wished ibey would
come to the point at once, she looked fright
ened, and I saw her wipe her eyes as she
went into her room, and she didn't come out
for two hours
You surprise me, wife You djk't think
then that she loves him?
I hardly think so, s iid Mrs. ApWtou.
Then devil take mo, wife, ir he sha'l
have her. I wo iid r.ithtjf
never ats
married than to see her tftih appil-arso. J
thought she loved him I know he loves
hnr. Confound it, wife, I could not see inv
dearchild miserable; she never -disobey ed
me in her life; she is iilwivs trying to
please me;
always findii.goiit somethin
.1. .1 ,r,-,... -
that will gratily me; and will
im'e ss I consent, t'o-il 1 1 fbrci
' conaHiryv,Ui Wfr own inTTiuBi
an nvinf No, curse i:ie,-if-'
never ny Foster to l"Jtjjjg
I live-
I Ujpmn know.
iestoe loan. ! -Wrppe ll
nkiiunli iw. I-Hunk s ieWi-
S miels WjsjjysjJj
-y co;
rSyLoJlTuinMBH MeiPuulK
sahlth tt she thou dd
y A better heart, but a
ustert and I dare sov slio
ter thjg she d ies waiter h it
sInj loves him ePlieri
Mm either? whv wmbi
f twit with it at on
opinion hushaiidi that Caro-
ueb iilvvjdicn she was nt the)
I hei l I link
what wfriak
vou think iMt
Why iptrW
line saw s.
ly when she was nt the;
that she h isn't forgotten. mmma
r. M..rt.,n. Imie.lv. Tt will
boarding school, thai she h isn'i forgo-ten.
Vh.it! mud Mr. M..rl..n.liedv. ml Willi
otue eiaoti hi, tall m Jove at scbuuli and
Villi I vai
IKpt iniiroe
oksv ! No. rurte ule it she hasn t
of her old f ithcr's bool that t'onies
aartpo. My daugbier love and irtifi'V a vim-
Bs& I hu rather see her imrrv an tndi-
o, no wile. iNo onion and potatoe
ingL'entlem ui ever sets inydiughter.
You are too Ins'v, husband. Are there
t u great majvJiiie men whoare yiuikees?
No, s lid MB, if there are any( they
ep tin hi at MasV; ihev never sen I theul
to the 5i null, a pciJilling shavirig packwitl
faces as smooth us garble, and hearts as
deceitful as the deviT IM have rFme oi'
ihetn guessing and you iiadiit ought to
Widl. I ,lo't wteb to vex Ton: n t
ow that On-line is in love with any IkH
hope inW is not, as 1 should hatd to
ith her yer- -
nun W, did you say, wife? Why
ever mean to do; If she marries .t
ever tellow. I mean to m .kc him comtor
and settle Ittin down by mf'
e my t'!.ild every d i v, an r
d as well as she cult to save
sake, that is, if he is not it
lojnow, husbahd, Mow f ir my
JWl should hale the yankees sor
nrt why
;erc is parson
nawifi, he's a vanhceinnJ
proper good man he is
The devil he is! now that felhtw is a pro
per sample of thele of lllnin) he is it
real puritaii, whining about and I nikiug as?
sanctified nf if ho never thought of mi-chief;
V hat Ihe devilfe he iduiiiL' about Mrs,
ird's for? Now do you mind if he don't
irry tier.
ell, my dear, suppose he does) F.l bd
nil he loves her, if he does.
old scratch! No, beloved her no
that's what he's after. You make
believe that a hearty, hale young mart
wenty-hve, who v as never sick a miv sift
hislffr, fuh of blood and feeling, could hivrf
that old w ithered witch of a creature of fifty
who, at her best when yoiin.', was only tit
to frighten birds from a corn field
O, rtly dear, said Mrs. M. d m talk so of
our nei-hlior: she is a well moaning wo-mari;
Mighty well .meaning, wife: I knor her.
Didn't yonhoarofhor stiekinguf ,r; through
bcrjfMjf girfs tonguo the other d ty 1 and
'10iKhi(ieisas inseparable from her apron
strinfiplless when in use,) as hci' bjucU
of keys. Gad, I hiSMisi a wilH dd your
good Mr. Swift's Hoto I ;io grirtu"stAietiaKl
devil take; me if,isWiiiVto. Tme, fel
lows come out here to nroach' 'h gosoert
Ihev sa ; did VSBfcver know one of ihuui 1 1
-or, virtuous and respeet-
hei f If vou Have,- yot
evordid. Tnev general
elves juto the possession of
a wtte;'abit her qualities
nro never over-particular! and as soon
i u-.ii, , iiii-y uiL- e.ioeuiv i.iie-n
".with a pain in the iirea, dyspepsia, liver
as tins is done, thi-v are siddenlv taken
coinuliimt. or somethm - th it nuts an end
to their inini.-teriiil ch iraCteri old they irtikti
the worst misters on earth.
You are too severe husband. Here i.-r
Caroline, now. At this irtstartt, droliurf
eiibjtod the room; her cheeks were pale a-
tjpize about her neck her eyes were!
nnyl swollen -anil every feature, ofr-toef
lovely faca, bore exjdeuce o Iter Waving
been weejung. W
Whatisdji matter, Cirollne? suid her
fitber, as hjkwe to receive Iter, m iortcVy
ing uiu diMpiy concerning liar
NSthing'SKToa. reylivl his d iii-rliter. a
she smiled in his face, bivo only walked
too fur, an I ama little fSri iie"d;
Well, wife, said tho ii inirc. lot us take?
our tea, siu.;e ono of o-ir expected goes,
... L Wilt,-.
; 1 4 &
liuEHake af.ncyt-
e n iiieius
lias c unci tho jgh I am something dis.ip
poiuted she did Nut bring the' strait for witji
her! Cirolinn sigh-d deeplv '.she turnOtl" fc
from her p ren---heT checks fl lswd grOw
pile -her liosrv thnrbbon-iiftl niMaf1'
faintu, site ralhor staggered, th m wulltotf
to the s ifi,
Wh u in the world is the irfiter,C irofinef
said her nio'!ior--ar: you sick-fas she roe'
and Xppriachcd her whwt means tbis con
L:t uvaf to my fiKKir. mother, if voi
t)B ti
1 an, ,
ilcase. flbi if, it mwelL hot iinh imiv."
C irolirrShid the old man. he sir I'irt bin
vou; curse
bid hit
J iiie vijjg sr!i
'X, said (Tirol
I an.
wjf an f she' Icfl thef
Inrlliug lfer l.iee hetweeu lier bands.
hi yon slw diduft live Fitstcr,- said tie;'
htdwan n.w mmm ulfcrmii
it; she thinks yoM want Iter luniarrv him,
and her lovefirr yourso gWTrW t verity
la lievo she would marry Ijim to m ike vo'u
ippv,-at too e.rt'irsc of hef ir.vn pence.
Is opt I w ait f tt :e b"r It-
be happy. I hope. T thiu't
i nf a chd I null ipuy
: if. , .!' d
s ul or I ns. said
bis eyes; ami w is
;ss slru wLsltes ti
VP law. one of ihe grout
wnd may divorce -his wi
iCO l too ouch talking.
Woen she tin
1.4 1 1 .li. ... I I . .
nri .urn i .-rrr.ini urine so 01
BahglPiafe urs sil
SMMsjlillll'l I I wint

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