Newspaper Page Text
Ml f H t. Vac Establishment. ESECtTTIlIX'S EAUL m 1 1 m d on mfurtahl er failin; lIlO tlOCOSSVv I'll' r'jp. en m-'li in Rceom- m latiBJrmtBfcpflin with 'J.-ta-i Ml'! s--;ir:to i'r.TrR'Hc! ,in:fiinh!c. c. If dcsirm, I wiilbo soil the stoca which i tiJiriiblv larjc; FARMING UTELS, &c.J JfcL'.' "'i . A FEy PWT-JjATE HANDS. Possession iriveeraf er the crc now boins (mrftl AilMiathpio I. ' IVr-on Uiimos-of pnrchisinj: arc re- ipi-stpd tit call nxti me prcvio'is it May, about which tunc I home. U J. B. M.rch I, 1887. i y t nVBBfl irn-dH I in. ,i- tv i constant ) r n nT th-no who ir.iv ' for fix si'imi to iircomm -uJ equal nrapMrtkm nitxl e,n'iii"sioo."',n np hc Pmba'c Court of Jef rcc uvc n I audit H mils uf Sinxr.v Sntw. v.'d, . will m.Mi l r ih it pur h M'fi'liv f M,-h wn'h rcessivclv, at the counting and McCull, in o 'I. live jus received anil arc now o largc and splendid assortment ol e;oon iHLR TO the SEASON rnxtitrmn r rvur ok i m.ic n wck cimis, BYa v Over-coals ami Cloaks, ( i supcrinr 1 arlteV.) A be i t it'iil mill well selected stock nl CALICOES. Rrown & bleached Sheetings and Shirtings. Rliinko's. Gentlemen's Shoes and B (, ' Prunelle.M ro-envV Kid Shoe wHa of RUSSETS. IW.n One lot of lor Clothing. aim on hand, a room ol Messrs. Compton Kodiicv. T. A.COMITON', 1 JNO. DICKER. J AMES, , Coinrs. JOS. MOXTCiOJIERY, John paym:. j Fchniarv, 7, 1837. .ri2-lf. 8 dO. NOTICE. nniunssi ners an- Ladies1 fin A first rate T STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, ( Ji:rtu:nso Coryrv. Vi Probate CtdkWilarch T lMfP 1837 ,;!"( v) nil nflflV intercsfeifcTTrWe lanoT: t'ria 'IViiPnlMaar .I k,ii,liimninh .,1 to sell mi as a Duncan Mel.aiirin it eeaood. ( Irei-lin r . 'Ustomcrs . .., . Vo l are hereby cited tube nnd appoar j l)l,ice net i,-p the Probate Court ol said eoun!Kit n Refill r Term thereoiBHi tlie4;h MofHk W in May nevt, to show ewe. if any y vi cm., wliy said Conrt, shoMld'not trn order tlm t f np irt of the Real Estate, dcc'tl he sold. " I do he.rcbv certify the extract from ih minul i naH , HOW es els! Fve arakuiincl .cTpTWloTlatiiij "H H . as air. other i"a1 IPnn )!SS!O X Till-: unhirs p iin'ed bv the PWbaie Court af Jelfersiin 'ountv. to receiv e hud audit claims njrninsl the estate of David N. MrWftUI deceased, mpMtad inolven. w ill meet f r that ur jpftpfl on the f itrth Sit irdiv in aaeh month, for six ipoiiths suce-sivelv. at Jlto. Steele's. JO. DUNBAR, ) .1 MI1S WOOD, CommVs. ROB. Y. WOOD. M .rch 7, 1M7. !- f A OHEAT BARGAIN. GO023S lfhto ld esot our!. Iiafin" Ima I April 4, irt, thisday. td Witnnps inv said Onir! March .WSJ 1837. STATK OF MldSfsyilMM. Jei itu-.-x Co'Wntv. CirritirConrt December Term, 1 83G Tins. ii. Diggan.) Mr" vs Aitachinent furjH9,31 .1 Jin All. ) rrfTlR day came the Plnntiff by his attorney iffld it Dtienfinj that the attach -oeiit herein i fftuttied executed, on motion of the Plaintin", it is oAred -h it nil', less the Defendant do "appecf and plead to this action on or before the first day of the next June Term of this (i by dcfiult will be euterc bun. And it is further nrder'e this order be uiiblish-' h J elcjiraph niililistieu at Ji n I certifV tin- above to be a of the proeelinrs in our said Circuit ( 'oari in the above stated caso. Given under my han't and seal ot sunt lirtirf. tins lotn iiavml March, AD. 1S37. of. ('BM;fiB' T I 71 1.. t. f I' 1- 71 r. 7 ibj1'' noiv rcrcniML' frnm mv York and TBIiilad JAja a larre and general aWtt mcaT i Kiln, nnrr"itlnr in part of Omk srrcv and sinned Lussuncrcs and Til rWiil dersijne 1 wisluv- to sell his mtation Ivinj in Milli 'an's Rend, lifteen miles above Vickshurjj, coana'ins of i S O ,Srrcs, alvout one hundred r.nd fifty of w hich are nii-t- now m cultivation, an I one hull bed more the enn be nut in with rer little trouble. I will alsnsell with ifccploro, TEN GOOD ACCLIMATED HANDS, and the Crop that is now on it. Thirty Riles have been already picked, and there are upwards of one hundred still in the field. To persons wishing to purchase a plan tation, no better opp rf mity could be offer ed to make a speculation, as nm desirous to sell. WILLIAM NEVILS. ALSO 1 grnrral assortment nf riv October 25, 1838. 37 tf PTPH AS cloth and Kentuckv Jean qauinicre pantt, aMorted ; Sne T 1 mi, .i ui iuii'iii ;1 herein against in the "S aitlieni rdjl4',.forSi:v up t l!larl and Mac Cnat-; tritBl I tMt. c. Co. rOOKTIIKS WITH 4-1 and 7- r.owc'l domestic; Blankets, white ami red Flannel-, and a rood article of New Y.irk plaid inmui; Iri-li Linen! dark anil li;hl frjnrliaiii:ytanilirici, JneltfmH, cnided Mi.-lin, Mull iff,, fivniv.1 ami p'ain; lllninl, MarianM, (n snnTrror nrticlw") amortod rnlor; Boinhazi-tt ami Ruiiibiziner nnd Cirrnminnn; n snnerioi-article of black and light iilk, Challvi, ite. Ahn, nn assortment of U R nn' A li R A N 1) C I T r.KT! V , T?nct Itrn-rans of nllpi7i, : Ladlen1 and Oont'n, Rhni',!i!i"ti'd,':"ua(Mliinfa, ft, r. HATS Blnclt, wfrRn and drafi. nf I lie latest lashion ; an FO K S A h E, THAT valuable Property known as the Brttk Store, now occupied by MessrS! James ti Baylv. Also till! FRAME STORE AND EOT, adjoining, now tenanted by Mr. Noe. For terms, &c. apply to Mr. Levi C. Harris. SAMUEL A. AIASO: Rodney, Nov 1830. V ransenpi 8 MarcJ, C. 1S37, ES,D.CL'K as. .1. Uoiuer Uieru, 7-8w. pr4(e4ll, harp, also, iut reoiived from iitVnrlc n fi-if. selivtinn nf.Jewellrv, pnnitii)( ot goal and illvr r.evrr Wntehs, 0,)Jd OljWns, Watch I-"evs Fimrrr Rtne, ami Rrettll Pius. Aim, PM6b, Bowie Knives and ArkaniToathriicki. TocKTiiKiwnur A LOT OF S iii .i. .i.i fu ni wiui'ii ineyotlcr low tor cash, or oi conunodatiiijr terms to pnurtual customers. LAPE St SNYDER. Konvi:v, .-ept., WTlHJti. ;;j,tf LDDLERY. tVJaJ ii'- " it, 1 - IjeaPlyclo iifwBh orcuVo-j icrs and the public t Tallv, I'm' ' f 1 II I.' The on NOTICE. I ndersiined has been constituted HARRIS, KF.LLY S&Co , HAW. jnt rcoved a lare and superior lot of Kentucky R.YfifilXfi,' ROPE 49NP' which they offer low f.Tr cash, or on short time to pmieltial cutomeri Those wishiu,' to purchase will please call on Messrs. I,ap4laud Snyder, who have the article in shne anBio are their duly commissioned arenti to sellV Rodney, ScjTt. (!, 18.')t 30-tf SpATE OF MISSISSIPPI, JermRsON CottTrf. Probate Court February Term, 1S37. njpo all person-s interested in the lands, tenements and hereditaments of James Stuart, deceased, greeting: You are hereby cited to appear before the Probate Court of said county at a regu lar term thereof to hg holden in and for Jefferson county, and State aforesaid, at the that our TROD (ai1ioinin the lrv tiuods'Moir i-- iwv open, and that we are ready to nreomnio rfate them with any articles in that line, ei ther hv wholes lie or retail. V,' would re pcctfnlly solicit a call frotnJifi .wfci may wish to purchase. FAUVEIi & FARNSWORTII. Rodney. Feb. 21. 1837. 2-tf J UST received. SUGAR, COFf luntitv ol superiiiT 5E. SALT SuLl- Awnt for Airs. Rkbkcca SoitKi,t, of Vir-j in April next, to shew cause, if any una, by her I ower ot Attorney, to collect Vou can, why said Court should not then hatever monev8 may he due the estate uf LiU il.iil.- :,. , :.. c , . - j . i . i . i . iii.ibiiiii.ij , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 una in mii in II o i .ia.iiks subrkll, (leeeiseu. Those indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment' to me at Rodney, and any persons Hiving any ot lus property in possession, arc earnestly requeued to deliver the same hnfcn. J. B. LONG. Aug. 3 25-tf JOHN January 25, 1830. A. WA TKIXS. ,r)0-!f F" IACTMBbE AND COMMISSION BESHBS IN MfJBfl.K. The subscriber renew the tender ot Ins servi ces as a Factor and C iinlnission Merchant in Mobile. Circumstances beyond his con trol will cause him to remain iuftlobile so I ite that he will he un i!.o to seiHaany of his Georgia and S.mth ('rnHKr'iends personally. Hu is, however, cnBfl trt say that he hasconntfrdW himAir-flNaVCol. C. Press nnor Ware House business, by which he offerilo all whftay be pleased Jo pit r aiie hi m, mpar'vtr fire proof S'.orngo for nit cottons cwisined to hiin tbrale. From his long evparieneff in Augunjji, Ga., in this business, hi? does nut doubt he "'will Le able to iiiie eerflT d satisfaction. JtATVivLliN U. 111SAKU 5-4m Mobile, U HHnaauUilf. and wa M aIBii l W; Rodney, SejiLf!, 1 I1LOUR. hm,l R A N A WA Y, FROM the suhscrther, living in Claiborne county, about i miles from Rodney, on Sunday the March 7, lS:37-li-(U 24lh ilny ot April last, a negro m in named lire fefM inches M!H(icd 2R years, and of copper color. Siiid iregro, it is supposed, is still ItifkiuK in the neiahimrhaad, A lih- reward will lie given to any person upon his delivery toDajgaat securing iiiffi so th it ro i':ie r iBBVlr;' given, to all per il;; at the Ferry opposite Rodney, to make payment at the time of Fayette, and also a tract nf land, containing two hundred acres, more or less, and known as the Davis -Tract, adjoining lands of Charles Clark, Charles West, and Airs. Harper, be sold. I do hereby certify the above to be a true extract from the minutes said court. Witness, my hand and seal of said Court, this fourth day of Alacih, 18:17. C. T. MILES. D. Ci'k. r. fee, .10 00 STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, Jkfferson' Cotjntv. Probate Court February Term, 1837. TO all persona interested in the lands, ten mentsand hereditaments ofOclavia E. II un mers, a minor, greet ins Yon are hereby cited to appear personally before the Pro bate Court of Jefferson county, at a regu lerm thereof, to be holden at the Court House in and fir the said county, on the fourth Monday in May next, then and there to show cause, if any you can, why the said C mr! shall not then order that the lands, tenements and heraditamcnts of said minor he sold. 1 certify the above to he a true extract L. M.ithews,l'Billa county, inlhe Btoiifff thoir crossing; and hereafter there shall be from the ,llimitos of s:li, Cillirt no credit whatever allowed for ferriage. MARY TULLId. January 24, 1830. 50 tf 7. in S lyjrh Alabama and nAilisli the almve for 4 rd their accounts h C. 11 E. bted to the lmson, A. Skyb n, are here ward immedif with the. ed to r ame, ns uoua i ess should ir pay -I.1 i M M brj LAPE $ SNYDER HAVE JUST RECEIVED a large and wol!-se!e"ted assortment of SPRING and SUMMER CLOTHING, Summer Boots and Shoes, together with a general collectionof articles ltd ipted to the season. Rodney, May 0,1833. 13-y. : TA KE NOTICE. V1NG sol i my slock of Drugs and edicines to Messrs. '1 . G. Compton &,Co. I must earnestly solicit all persons having n accounts with me for the last and pre- 41 a II . lit years, to come turwaru and close tnein. GEORGE a. HAYLY. 830. 37 tf I VERY variety hand and fe aa r. refill I rmg i Mmmmmmwt in aiaii ninfaVMaaMar t FIRM, having purchased s, lormerlrowuod V beg leave to inform public in general, th -it (ed themselves together iUpe & Snyder, and hope, rtence and unremitted atten- a portion ol public pafroi m lv . I, mssi Given unilerinv hand and seal iof said Court, the fourth day of gJMareb, 1837. C. T. MILES, D. Clerk. Alarch 7, 1837. 0-Gt-pr fee $8 00. FINAL SETTLEMENT, k LL persons in any way in'erested in the final settlement oi the estate of Rennet P. Sanders, dee'd, are hereby noti fied that we shall apply at the next April term of the Probate Court of Jefferson county, Miss., and make a final settlement of said estate. JOHN DUCKER, J. B. WARREN, Administrators. Alarch 7, 1837. 4-lf BLANKS! BLAKS! M.U.I iGSafBBBl . a Mm m JUST PRINTED, and for sale at thi Ofiice, Bills Lading; Rilln Exchange; Notes in Bank; Attachmf nt&anfl Attachment Bonds; Recognisances ; Side W arrants;Subpctnas; Executions; Forttjpoining Bonds ; Alpha bets, Labels and Sknc Bills, for Merchants use; Cotton Recrifls, Sec. See. liavingagood aiortment of JOB TYPE re prepared execute any' orders, ay lie torwKfded, with neatness and ii. I!IE tlic T tire ciiuhn' L'ener vrh-, lint I pa rliier-hiftWn te.lIdZ', f'vitp wir i rimer tiii tirmW iNDKRSON A HILL, hi. die puipise of ii ins.euiuL' ihc mercan tile business in this place; and having pur chase J an entire NEW STOCK OF GOODS, would respectfully solicit n call from their Iricnd-', and hre (by constant attention lo busini's-'. anil a desire to please,) to merit a share of publh' atmnaoe. ROBT. T. HENDERSON, ROBERT R. HILL. Rodney, January 17, 1S37. offer eene- "4 "T E h ive now on h ind nnd V V for sale on libera! terms, n ral assor'tiient uf STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS, suitable to the season also, an assort ment of llAIWWAItH a CUTLERY, CROCKERY, QUEEXSWARB, AND GLASSWARE Fashionable Hoots and Shoes, do Ready made ( 'loth iff nnd Hats GROCERIES! And would respec'fullv invite our friends, and purch aser-J ffener d v. to give us a cull. HENDERSON & HILL. Jan. 17, 1837. 40-tl superior lot IIENDERSflN &. HILL, AVE just received mi l are now open-ini- a fresh supply of i'iXc y & STAPLE DRYCOODS, together with a very superior lot nf HARDWARE. QUEKNSWARE, AND CUTLERY Also, a complete nssortmont of GROCERIES, IS. wliidl llmv hn l.w.rr.,,. It.. sale mi very liberal terms, &c&c. Ridnoy, January 31, 1837. f!:f LOOK SHARP! I WILL attend daily tit the s'ore of Messrs. I leaders on &, Hill during the next thirty days, for the purpose of closing the Accounts of Ballantino Nelson. All those indebted will do well to call, as at the expiration of said time other measures wil! have to he resorted to, THOMAS VV. RECK, Attorney. 21 , 1837. &tf NOTICE. THE partnership of B illantinevV -Neb-ai is this day dissolved by th" de.'h of Mr llilhmtine. The bnsiuess will only lie eontinrtbrl for the purpose of settlenient.and in which the name nf the linn only will he used. WILLIAM NELSON, Surririii(r Partner. THOMAS Vf. RECK, Attorney. Rodney, November 8, 1830. 8)-i ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. HHE undersigned, having letters of nd ministration on tho estate of . Ton S, NoHRts, dee'd, requests all those indebted to said estate to come forward and settle their notes and accounts, and (Lose who hold claims against the estate to present them within the time prescribed bv law duly authenticated, or they will he forever barred. GEORGE OVERAKER, AdmY Rodney, April 29, 1830. 13-tf 1W wiih ml delay, and make payment, nnd all those having claims agaiust the estate ore ree,ucsteip present them wnbin the t.u t pre.cibod b 1 iw or the u ill l. barred. J. 0. 1 .HKt.., A'lm'r. v c- rr NOT ICE. JAMES, J COLLIER is ap- poin'ed atehf to sc't'eTbe business of th late Mrs. MARG ARETTA TIERE, n iw AKNTGOMERY viy4toreceive and receipt accounts duo-her iSid to pay all ac counts d ic bv her. . JMfe to drfl nil her " HOUSEHOLD AND KITJjUEN FUR NITURE vp eithen'Vpnblic ornivote sater. i ANDRBW MON'rfiOMERY. Marc, 21, 1837 LIS !' OR LETTERS Vf) I'MAININ'i'i in the l,s Olli-e 11 -. L'.i.. !. Uf I uu i1, on mi pi .uajxn ejSff within 3 monijpi the li in the fort Office at te. on Jlrt MiUfh. which if within 3 monMiMSAvill be for ieneral Post Oilir-e. Jordan, J or M K neda Will h, J A 3 2 inerann, David Killingsworth Katha- G not take war ileu A Alexander, L R ddwin, lliram Butch, I) Satf Bridg-s, KluvW Biildwn, John 13 lis, Di iuah, 1) Brown, Mis Margaret Leigh ton, Geo I eyonfBl oungcr, i iios R.nno. H L& Co Huel, John Baissccnn, M C ( ' ileman, John G M M 'Caleb, Y M 5 Mayherrv, Abram Mnrry, Christopher Mcdutcbic, Isaac Mitchell, Joseph Cix, Miss riar'hi M Mo Kv, Samuel fTitnc 2 Montgomery, Miss E E Montgomery, Maty on 2 Montgomery, A J Maloy, Martha Mont)-otnery, Will 2 Middlcton, Mrs S.i- MaXL ,c E G MillrrrlsPines 'ur- Marble, A B O Os'een, Gnrbrial een, Solomon John io . .i.iim 11 V II micron, o A Cumn.Wni P F ( 'ole, .1 ones N Cumdm, II F Coll., O R Pgatt, W P& others Clvimberlin, A Can-all, Steph Currv, Mr (C vevor) Clements, B' Cucuthers, .1 Chamhliss, lsjC 2 Clerk, Circuit Court Crossin, 'i'hus M Cipro's. A Cable flfrlcs C Corrall,lpolley Dix hi, Riky-t Diwi, I'hifl D irden, M uirarct F ' vis, Ph ,. N 1 ) I vis, Jud Dvis,Mrs Martha.'! Dunbar. I iac I vi la. Joseph Dalwymple, Jas C I) tpuv, Jas WL Dtckerson, 1JSR.B 3 Scott. II E StamaM Stenhon lM.t.T T Been, .1 faynfjjj lines PipuSl Be wis PiePf John Pemsny, Punnel Piilmer. Mary Pipes, J W ' ikt,, R lioss'A B RingBjBJ Chester Ivihhtttf, Caroline RoiibeSls John HjsRiAron Smith, W 1! Stine, Frances Stamply, Julian Sj 4 NOTICE, LL personsare hereby forwarned from - tiainni; tor a note drawn by A.M. Holley in 1834, for fifty dollars, and ni ide payable to me 15th January, 1835. as said 1 I I . I . .1 . T own; iiiitj oeeu iusi or misiaiu so mat i ca not. hivl it. GUY COTTQ January 22, 1830. SALE, of Virginia manufac tured Tobacro, f superior quality. by HARRIS, KELLY & Cio.' Rodney, Nov 21), 1833. -12-lf lvips, John W Estes, A L liiaui, Pleasant F Frishy, Win Furgasun, MisA Foreman, Mrs Sarah Smith. John S Flowers, J Ii 2 Stakes, G W 2 Flag.;, M. TV Stamply, Mrs Mariali FlutehcTjU iry, J T ti ' Torrill. Henry Jas M ter, Kicbarcl Smith, Edward Stamply, John J Shield, (iali Shepperd, II A LGreen W ( i iWne,ITyj&. others (rah, A co. LGraenf W , i Trimble. M W FOR A QUANTITY a. ite, S C COPARTNERSHIP "17 THE subscribers would respectfully In form their friends and the public that they have entered into a Copartnership for the purpose of transacting the mercantile business in the towns of Rodney, Jefferson county, and Sharon, Madisun county, Mis sissippi, , The Business will be conducted in Rod ney, under tlie firm of Grilling, Carothers &.Co., and in Sharon, under the firm of Cafothera, Grimng, &. Co. JASPER D. GRIPPING, TUGS. CAROTHERS, KINSMAN DIVINE, CALEBS. BROWN. Dec. 13, 1830. . 44 tf ADMINZSTHATOR'S NOTICE. LETTERS of administration having been granted to the uqdersinged bv the H&norable Probate Court of Jeffetwon (Jaunty, on the Estate of James Sorrel, dee'd. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and most; to wtiom the Estate is. indebted are requested to present their accounts properly authenticated, as soon as possible. J.B. LONG, Admr. September 27, J.830. 33-tf. NO ALL those interested in the lands and tenements of William and Joseph Holms, are requested to come forward immediately and show cause, if anv thov can, why said property should not be sold, as the under signed intends making application for nn order of sale at the next November term of the Probate Court of this county. HOWELL HINDS, Guardian. Oil. 23 1830. . 37-tf elf, Mrs Judith u-ist M II Hinds, Howel Hughs, P O Uei ing, WmB II illiberlill, & C HindmanjT & Htirison, R Harper, W B Harper, .bad i lamer, Thomas Hamffrlin, A Hall. N C Tony, G G Torn-, D Ton-'y, O Tony, J Taylor SusiiB W Wridflp W 0 Whflffjv, John M Vood, Robert Y oo I, James G iod, James 5 Kitten, Richard ttson, L C Wajjlcs, Ed B Wolft, David Wildman, Ansom Wooff, James Were, Will W 1 1 imhcrlin & Youag. Wdliamsfd' T ii:.. a. '11.. m -1 1 -Mm l t-. Hinds, TlMtnas i : Irvin.tfol WmG J Jefferson, Q James, EiPr .Fohuslon, Jas S Jones, B F Favette, Wilkinson, Daniel WilkmBnTKSII Wade, Laae It WqaaJlenjaniin WojBjpfJiiroline Watkins,0 M Ydlt'-, Alex. T. IkDUGGAN, P. M. April 11637, 0-3t NOTICE. rfflllEsubseribpr will, at the next May 'Perm of the Probate Court of Jeffer son County, present his final account of his guardianship jthe estate of Martha Blan ton, a "minor, for settlement and allowance. JAMES WATSON, Guardian. April 11, 1837. i)-,f. GRIITING, CAROTHERS A Co. Tcr i -in. t . . ' uivri jusi receivca a lot ot RAGGING & ROPE. . Also -a- lot of supe rior PLOUGHS, which thov offer low. January 10, 1837 47tf TWO SUPERIOR GIN STANDS, ADE by Aliens Adams of Nash- tedr-for salo by M vill the subscSbjfrs. II Kodnev. Nov. 15, I BBBBBBBBBl i uurran RIHS.KE 1830 LLY & Co. 40-tf Febru irv h'rm ihcre-d", I will, as Efal f John I. W. R ,se. deceased, offcrMl to the highest bLUlcr, i rree Lots in Thk town Iatrtte, designated on the plat of said town as No. 2. 4. and 5. in Souarc No. 8, containing each O21C Half oi' an Acre. S;id Lots to be sold on a credit of one, tfli ind three y ears, purchasers to give thai notes with epp; o ed s, .uiri' v. Sib' to take pl.u e on the 2'Jlh day t April next, between the hours of 12 nnd o'clock, Pi M-, at the door of the House uf Jefferson couutv. JANE B. ROSS. Of Jno. I. W. R xch 2ft, 18:17. 7-5t l.sfj NOTICE. THE undersigned having be ed administrator on the estate 1 ToU5oe, deceased, lute of this claims agiinst said estate, ii. .t . . 1 .... a iiuiy amnenncaieii witiun Hie tun.) ed by law; and all persons inJehtc estate, arc requested to come font settle the same . G. T. MARTIN, At N ivembcr 1, 1836. 38- sfAOBPiognn stories from real tmayojonooan v ma 11111 1 . . , 'mii entire anil aeciaca apt with which the little volume, "Three Experiments of Living," (vi cently published) has been receiv Huston and vicinity has induced the er 10 issue a new cililion ot 1', as It numbered' a Periodical that individual families, in distant, as well as nei'dil regions of the United Slates and Provinces, may have within their a a small expense, those "three moi ... 11.11 . ' M IU . . wen mai stories. I tie mi: uects connec ...:.i. L. a. . . t ! i 1 . imi urn --moans 01 living, uiung v ine an arrangement nas been made to coutinti n scries, of five small volumes, all. havini direct practical hearing upon the duties anal happiness of life. The title of this new pe riodical, will bo '-Stories from Real Life, designed to teaeli true Independence, and Domestic Economy." Each part, or vol ume, will contain about l.'iO pages, and 1 complete 111 1 sell. It will be issued nion ly, commencing this month. Price ecu's a Part. The whole series will L'iven for one dollar; or, if preferred, copies of either pan will be .vnt to address for one dollar, and thirty copies five dollars, or six conies of the series five (I rllars, to oneeddress. Payment required in advance Pari first is now ready, and contains Three Experiments of Living Living within the Means; Living up in tao'Mo ms; Living Beyond the Means. EXCrHTK EDITION, II is written ma pleasing style, and c tains lesfijns on domrs'ic cc mouiv, wort im.j.: . . 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 1 . "i oeim; 'eau ami poll llTCtl tiy till Cl lSl of people.' 'We have read with much pleasure, (hi liiile volume, which is calculated to good. 1 1. e author is well acquainted Ml the human hearJtj and desirous ofoleva the tone of moral feeling in s xuetv.' it is peciitiarlv well adapted to t times of extravagance and speculation 1 he story is well lold throughout; and sons in all the different walks of life, 1: lino valuable bints.1 :lt is replete with sound dostrine and utarv precepts, conveyed on the mora. tbrce well told but simple stories.' 1 .17. . . . ... itu cannot too Highly commen work. It is practical in its lessons, si in its language, excellent 111 its moral conveys its lesson m an irresistuhle a tl..'pllllfT m-lnnoi ' 'If the hook should fall into the hands novel readers, they will enjoy the plcaU of a story well told.' "A great curi isity is evinced to kno who is the author. It is said to be writtet by a lady; but her name, and whether ma tied or sin gle, no one knows. It' she is n married she ought to be." 'Husbands and fathers cannot besto yie.iiui l.ivur on ineir amines, Ulan bv or scnting them with the Three Experiment! "I lie wiiole is designed to teach lessoi ol moderation and benevolence. "It describes real life in a manner ...... ., c.:i 1.. ...i!i . . "-iiiinii 1. 111 1 siiuci wuiie 11 teaeiies m impresively that real independence consis in living wilmn the means." .tqntoii i mii an MAN '.'1 IVI'l (, "It is one of the best things m the En hsh language. 1 Ins unqualified praise Mi given without a full and careful ex iminaf tion of its contents, and of their social ami' moral tendenecy." PltOM MKS. L. It. SlfJOUKXKY. "I was not able to lay it out of my handsf until it was finished, so deeply interesting was it to me.' ,0, w ,S- C0LM lusher. Ml Washington Street, Boston, Mass February, 1837. 6 TO NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS THE Editor of "The DRr.ini.J published at Wilmington, Del. proposes 1 NEWSPAPER DIRECTORY and therefore asks as a favor, that oaal nnwqiiiiinr mihliali.... "... . I. i r . . 1 i .... .... ,M.;... i -i .nll ' winoiu wui man, one copy ofl paper. He intends to arrango "then ouues, giving ineir politics, &c. l-'or mi-ut, eucii emior scnuing lus paper receive one copy of tho Directory, as' as made ready. The advantage 'J . of ibis kind to publishers, roost be appa3 CirEditors will please copy th0 on'.uor iHice,inoniertoijivc it cir JiLircb 2K, 1837 .