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M or?aepa rtmen t Fas tor Gfliaas. Be1 and more varidfeagchihits. h as to rutilling and hairi.ess on Grand Foo1 Ball Gairt^ Octf JHagl-' purses and pfPnniun.s. Brand Foo1 Ball bamt Uclf jgHliWc & M. College amWJiyversity Sf Alabama. 'Novel zitil^yia! attraction*. Snlenrtid^JBanrl of Music, ^ne I»hI trip on a11 railroads. Address, “ J.*W. COOPEK, Secretary. ‘*.L* jt j!5& Pi®', fame i Costs Oflfy25 certs Or mail 25 cents to C. Cures Eruptions,f" Worms. WISEijSfc' S#M5!5I^I|Hl & THE EFFE^Jp^U|f SUMMER’jfl-teAT , wf^ tffi ' It,/El! # ■ ■ 4 . V 1 am nqw prepared lo funiish in large or*smaIl quantities Prompt «|teii very. . \ R. S. RIVES, Cures Cfiolera-lnfanlum, Diarrhoea,Dysentery’, and ^Afljowel trouBks of ^pmarenoMn/ Age, iflj Digestion, Regulates ' ;Jwcls, Strengthens ~ Xhlld and Makes ETHING.EASY. T. LOUIS, Q^u^ves and Prevents, erects And overc hiNg CHlf 'UP. At Kieves’ Livery Stable Whiskey in Jugs==Pure Whiskey. ^entl vis your orders tor whiskey in jujfs; are s 11 :Lil{irt.aCm! tegive perfect satisfaction er money refunded. Remem ber wc are tha largest house south and control the out put of nine distilleries in Kentucky. We recommend the following brands to those who desire to enjoy a good drink, “The kind that benefits everybody.” GROSSMAN'S LEESVILLE RYE or Bourbon.4.00 GROSSMAN’S ARCOLA RYE or Bourbon .3.50 GROSSMAN’S PLEASANT I-I1LL Rye or Bour.... .*.00 GROSSMAN’S LANESVILLE RYE or Bourbon-2,50 Our Special Offer, Four Full Quarts Farmers' CUolce Rue A' ■o At $o.20. • 8tT jksm «gr Write to us for our elaborate price lint giving: names 6f all popular nrands. Trial order solicited. Goods shidded in plain hoxes and EXPRESS PREPAID by us. Cash must accompany orders, J. GROSSMAN’S SONS, .Tug Trade a Specialty. Distillers and Wholesale ITquor.Deaiers. p O. B< X 1J78. NEW ORLEANS, LA, 1 have added to my complene Una of Coffins and Crskets. a full line ol Lames, Gents and Gnndrens’ wet Of the latest style. With each Fu neral, I shall gfurnish my Hearse without charge. Home' Mission i [Last, year our pl< jrkville A u Indians;' hat is ■■vent i were Sic August u Indian is removes the need •bei work kmoig them, tow them witi prayer seed .4bwing he Wo lTHc nian^Home Mission Society in isolate has done ainaig them Ihe past year may yield ui ahun dant. harvest. This year our aujtjiiar,’ pledge goes 10 the Ruth HBJp'h Semin ary at Key West FI a ^'iss Em ily Reid is principal of thi school, and for the lack of room'twenty five little souls were turiSd away from there last year. Mail we let this continue’?’ Let is make this a subject of prayer. Let us get more members. The Week of Prayer will soon comfort us; from this dsy on, let ns send up to the Tbroneof Grace a mighty volume of piayer that lives may be quickened and brought into close relationship with Him. This week will be in vain uni ss the Holy '.spirit is on%> in our midst. Whatever else we do let us pray Let us not forget to mftke it our business firing this Week of IYayer to Re tire subscribers for om Homes. A new book. ‘‘Under Our Flag,’' was adopted by the *W. H. M. band last April. It. is pre pared especially for inter denom inational H. M. Study, ft deals with the needs of our i j try— has Bible Bessons, tjyfmas, sug gestions for H. M, meetings, topics for thought, etc., making up a real H. M. text book of val ue, and will be needel for Week of Prayer program. Order from Fleming H. Revill Co , Chicago, cloth, .'(lets, net; paper. SO e.ts. net. Miss Fannie Moore, who has been in charge of our Choctaw School, has been appointed to the Augusta. Ga., City Mission Board work. She is a graduate of the Scarritt School, and last year demonstrated a spirit of rare fidelity in her work. She will spend a few weeks in the Settle ment Horne in Atlanta before go ing to Augusta. Auxiliary Supt. of Press Work. L0UIS1LLE, MISS. Is one of the oldest towns in this section of the State, noted for its size as an interior town, for its refined people and good water. It is the best town by far on the new G. & C. road. Property is now being sold and new buildings going up. I have a fine lot of property now listed. Write me. W. C. Hight, Real Esiate Agent, Louisville, Miss. Yon Know What Yov e Taking. WheD you take G >’s Tast less Chili Tonic bee, the for uiula is plainly print in every bottle showing th? simply iron and Quinine ii tastless form. No Cure, No 50c, [proceedings board of supehyisors The Board of Supervisors met in regular session, ail members and officers were present. The County Treasurer sub mitted the following report: Pension Fund. Balance on hand last report,... $28.66 Returned te Auditor. 28.66 Sixteenth Section Fund. Balance on band last, report,. - • $92.44 Balance on hand this date. 92.44 School Fund. Balance on hand last report.. $11074.93 Paid for warrants. 1514.1,) Balance on hand this date_ 1560,77 School Institute Fund. Balance on hand last report.... 43.81 Paid for warrant . 43.81 Common County Fund. Balance on hand last report, ,$8042.75 Received during quarter. 127.00 8169.75 Paid for warrants . 2094.74 'Proas Commission, 1.27 per ct., 2096.01 Balaam on hand this date.... 0073.74 Court House Bond Fund. Balance on hand last report .. $1021.01 llalaace on hand this date.... 1621,91 Public Hoad Fund. Balance on hand last report.. $1672,47 Paid for warrants. 1451.01 Balance on hand this date.. $221.08 Totol cash on hand__ 9569.94 Respectfully submitted, R. M, Cotton, County Treajj. Sturkville, Miss., Oct. oth, 19U3, J. B. McCreight, Supt. of poor house, made his report wJ|ch was approved and ordered fifile. W. H. MJ^er, Supt. of Educa tion, maoWuis report, which was approved and ordered to file. The certificate from the State, Auditor in approval of the as sessment roll, was filed by W. W. Edwards, Clerk, which was ex amined and accepted. It is ordered that the contract for building the brid.Se across Josey Creek be made, and same is hdreby awarded to Henry Mar tion, for he is to receive 98 cents per junning foot, his bid being the lowest. Petition of G. K. McRlvaney et al, asking that a stock-law be created in Sections 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 28 and 34, Township 17, Range j 12 was considered and ordered ! filed until 1st Monday in Novem ber! when at that time same will be acted upon. It is ordered that all pine tim ber, suitable for making cross ties, now standing on the land situaten in Section 16, Township 18, Range 13, be and is hereby sold to John Edmonds at price of $60.00, witli the understanding that the time in which to cut and move the timber and the life of this agreement and sale shall terminate 12 months from this] day. * It aopearing to the Boardlthat] the school houses throughout the County are in need of repair, it is therefore ordered that the sum j of $250.00 be donated for that ' purpose, same to be equally di I vided among the 5 beats, each to j have $50.00, which is to be used I for that purpose. It is ordered that the following I accounts be and the same are hereby allowed, and the Clerk authorized to issue warrants on the County Treasurer according 1V : C. C. Crow, Lumber.. $18.75 H. Gf Doxsey, Lumber. 6,04 J. W. Ycotman, Lumber. 39.59 D, D. Hartness, Nails. 1.58 •I.L, Martin, Nails and Plow.. 7.75 W. P: Reynolds, timer. .50 A. Harrell, Building: Bridge.. 154.00 Dau Walker, Timber. 3.00 Parke Daniels, Lumber. 33.69 J. P. Stiles, Timber. L.75 W. E. Rush, Building Bridge.. 30.0() R A Lumpkin, cash pd. r’d hands. 53.00 w H Curry. Salary, rood foreman, 31,50 H H Sikes, hay for road teams... 5.20 D A Saunders, ditto. 9 28 Geo-Parker, ditto., 4.50 W W Scales & Co., Corn. 18.90 W W Scales & Co., mdse pauper, 4.19 Lucinda Mabamson, pauper allow 3.00 Bettie Templeton, ditto .• 4.00 Oliver Hill, work at poor house, 6.00 S H MeCreight, 125 cds. vvd. p—b, 170.00 D D Hartness, mdse for the p-k, 33.90 J T Tomlinson, Mdse Co. farm, 3.Oil Rose Cotton, cooking for Co. jarm, 6.00 L L Lindeamau, sal. eouv. guard, 35 .00 W W Scales &Co.,mdseCo. farm,, 2.90 .T J Gill, acct. vs. poor house,.... 1.00 City, Starkvills, light for ct. h., 3.30 J ,L Martin, ditto,..75 Yeates & Wallace, brick for c-h., 1.40 Jim Campbell, work at c-h.,.... 2.00 Ned Maxwell, work jail. 2.50 J J Gill. aeet. vs. court house, 8.40 W C Gunn &. Son aeet vs. eb. elk., 1.45 HH Sikes, cost. 0.55 M Maxwell, ditto . 5.00 i M Maxwell, ditto. 5.00 M Maxwell, feeding prisoners— 6 00 W W Edwards, fees, lunacy case, 3,50 M Maxwell, fees, lunacy cade ... 3.00 C DThompson, Juror lunacy case 1.00 E Richey, same . 1.00 Tbas. Gillispie, same. 1.00 H A Bell, same. 1.00 W J Valentine, same. 1,00 L Martin, same ... 1.U0 M Maxwell, conv. lun. to asylum, 28.50 Dr. J S Montgomery visits io p-li, 24.00 Hr M Yeates, same .4. 3.^1 M Maxwell, sum. jnry inq. 3.00 D E Rainey, holding inbuest. 5,00 T A Keeton, juror.1,00 J A Odom, same. 1.0(3 C S Fon d ren, same. 1,00 E H Ivey, same. 1.00 A W Betts, same. 1.00 J D Langford, same. 1.00 Turner & Fierce, acct. vs, Go.,,. 3,so East Miss. Times, pub. proceed’gs, 9.37 East Mfes. Times, ditto.... 9.37 W W Edwardt, elk pension board 4.00 N Q Adams, mem. pension board, 2.00 G W Narou, sumo. 4.00 H T Saunders, same . 4.00 F D Ellis, same. 2.00 See. Sta. Bank, amount paid on int. Court house bouds. 628.00 .1 R Fulgharn, inspectiing roads, 4.00 ,T F Stiles, same. 4 00 J Quinn, same. 6.00 R A Lampkin, same. 4,00 11 Winston, same. 4.00 E A Buckner, assess, personalty, 385 20 Caldwell & Lampkin, aeet vs jail. .85 Caldwell & Lampkin, acct vs c-h.. .35 Caldwell & Lampkin, acct vs. p-h, 37.41 W H Miller, sal. Supt. Ed . 57.00 W H Miller, postage. 11.00 Caldwell & Lampkin, acct vs rds, 7.89 D J Cochaan, ditto. 7.60 Henry Curry, c-h porter . 10.00 W J Seitz, lumbet. 40.65 H A Martin, lorn, and bail, beige, 36.70 It is ordered that all gates across the public roads through out the county shall be removed by the 1st of March 1904, any gates standing- et that time shall be be abolished dnd set aside. Ordered, that the Board ad journ until the 1st Monday in November. L. A. Lampkin, President. W. W. Rewards, Clerk. Bears the UigEature of CjMSWOHHA. Tbs Kind You Have Always Bought