OCR Interpretation

East Mississippi times. (Starkville, Miss.) 19??-1926, December 10, 1909, Image 8

Image and text provided by Mississippi Department of Archives and History

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87065609/1909-12-10/ed-1/seq-8/

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Fruit Cakes, Oranges and all
Other Kinds of Fruits.
A Fresh Supply of Nuts, etc.,
Just Received.
Now, Fresh, Candies of all Kinds
Turkovs, Chickens, Kggs, etc.
Try a pound of our
The U. !)• C. Chapter, will meet
with Mrs. JW. 11. Magruder on
Tuesday afternoon Dec. 14. The
subject for the afternoon will be
the “Kn Klux” and each member
is requested to bring up something
bearing on this subject.
For a mild, easy action of the
bowels, a single dose of Doan's
Regulets is enough. Treatment
cures habitual constipation. 2uo
a box. Ask your druggist for them,
Mrs. J. Niles Boyd and little
son, after visiting her mother, Mrs.
J. J. Veates, returned to Eoscius*
ko Monday.
The Correct Time
to stop a cough or cold is just as
aoon as it starts —then there will
be no danger of pneumonia or con
sumption. Just a fow doses of
Ballard's Uorehnund Syrup taken
at the start will stop the cough. If
it has been running for sometime
Mie treatment will bo longer, but
the enre is sure. For sale by all
Saturday night, or early Sun
day morning, thoughtless and mis
chievious persons demolished the
sale sign of the Dixie Bargain
House and also mutulated and de
stroyed the signs of T. J. (Jladney
and M. Kossoft. They also carried
the Receiver'ssale'sign ol'M. Block
and placed it in front of W, W.
Scales store; this, alone, might
have been regarded as a peice of
prankish humor as the house of
Scales is about the last in the stale,
or any other state, likely to go into
the hands of a receiver. But the
mutulatiou and distraction of prop
erty is inexcusable and the perper"
trators should he apprehended and
Don’t be hopeless
about yourself when you nro crip
plod with rheumatism or stiff joint
—of course you’ve tried lots of
things and they failed. Try Bal
lard's Know Liniment—it will
drive away all aches, pains and j
stiffness and leave you as well as \
yon ever were. Sold by all drug- j
Desirable Residence For Sale or Rent j
Parties wishing the advantage of j
town or couutrv life will find it to
their advantage to apply to Mrs.
Adole W. Crity, who offers her
homo iu the northern part of town
for sale or rent. Possession Given
Nov. Ist.
Pea* Wanted.
I -will pay the highest market
priee for field peas delivered. Ap
ply to 8. J. Wallace.
Slaikville, Miss
Tor Infant* and Children
Tki m Yn Nivi Always Bought^
At A. & M. College, Tuesday.
The ('inner Stone itf the
new Chemical Building' at
tke A. A M. College wan laid with
imposing ceremonies by the Knights
of Pythias on Tuesday morning.
' Owing to the disagreeable leather
Ihe crowd was not as large as was
j expected, although many promi-
I uent men from various parts of the
i State were present. The eeremo
j nics were conducted by Oram!
, Chancellor Mont.gnmey, of Vicks
! burg. Speeches were made by Mr.
j Montgomery. 11. M. Ruimi, (Jarml
j Keeper of Records and Seals. Dr.
Tto Butler, and others. - At the
j conclusion of the ceremonies all
present were invited oyer to the
spacious rncss hall where an elah
oraie repast was served by Dr.
Howard, the college steward.
Her Heart was Broken
because her complexion was had
and and she could not find nothing
to clear it up. Ladies, a bad com*
! plexion is caused by an inactive
j liver. An inactive liver will he
put in perfect condition by taking
Ballard s Herbiue. The unequaled
i liver regulator. Sold by all drng
-1 gists.
Mrs. i;. W. Hunter, of Atlanta,
j Ga., and Mrs. W. O. Butler, of
| Louisville, Miss, are visiting their
[parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. W.
j Stanton,
A Hearty Appetite
is what most babies have, but is id'
'no benefit to them if they have
worms. Be sure your baby is not
troubled with them. Sure symp
toms—always hungry, rings under
• the eyes, not gaining in weight and
, yellow complexion. A few doses
of White’s Vermifuge will expel
all worms. It is a positive cure
aid reliable. Price 25e per bottle.
I Sold by all druggists.
Miss Marion Carothers, daughter
of Hon. Thos- Carothers, of Chat
tanooga, Teun., is a guest in the
home of her uncle, Mr. J. A. Ca
•The peculiar properties of Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy have, been
thoroughly tested during epidemics
of influenza, and when it was tak
*ll in time we have not heard of
a single ease of’ pneumonia. Sold
by all dealers.
The ftPst is” having
souse enough to wi*,v aftmg With
out any, ,
. ..1 ** „ A.JU v V M' -
The best pill is DeWitt’s Little
Larly Risers—the safe, easy, pleas
ant and sure little liver pills. De-
Witts Carboqijfcd Witch Hazle
Salve is the original, .flood for
cuts, burns.tfr'hrfdses,a*uVfEspecial
ly for piles. Sold by R. K. & F.
L. Wier and Jacksoq
Lots of young gitTs know en
tirely too"much long- before their
educations are finished,
The greatest danger from in
fluenza is of its resulting in pueu* l
monia. This can tie obviated by j
using Chamberlain's Cough Rente
i dy, as it. not only euros infiftenza,
but .con ntornets any tendency of
the disease towards pneumonia-
Sold by all druggists.
1 H. CARROLL. VV, W. j
Chfpoll & r
Will practice in all courts, both
taio and Federal.
Gorgeous Sonic Production of j
the Beautiful Rural mid
Pity Melo Drama
in 4 arts
Metropolitan Cast. Special Senic |
and Electrical Effects
PRICES 75c,, 50c, and floe j
I Reserved Sente on Sale nt I
The Kind Yon Haro Always Bought, and which has bcea
la use for orer 30 years,' has homa the signature of
/> —and has been made under his per
if sonal supervision since its infancy.
'^ La *yjr, S-cctcAiM. Allow no one to deceive you In tins.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are hut
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment.
Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
ami Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children’s Panacea —The Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Haye Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
' ————‘T
a mmmms
oil ujd
Nettleton Shoes have a National Reputation for
Excellence of Material, Workmanship and Correct
Styles. The same Characteristic which makes
them Superior in makes them
Superior in San Francisco and New York.
Fail Styles Are Now On Sale
The Reporter Goes a Visiting to Learn
Just Whet tlio V/clI-Drcssed Man of
Moderate Means and Good Taste
Would Need in the Way of Foot
gear for Fail and Winter Wear.
NE'V York, Sept. 9. Men’s Fashion
reporter talked vitli several Fifth Avenue
doalcis to aaccflain the correct require
ments in Men's Foot dress for the Fall
and Winter erasen. The dealers do not
hositr.e to say Hint many temptations
■vill l-o put in the way of those who feel
iku deferring e liU.e to (he informality
if dress, by indulging in siuuc of the freaks
<f fashions so alluringly displayed.
' Fortun. tely these who appear in this
‘ eccentric fualgear will be the young, who
ra.iy.be forgiven. It is only when some
untie, ions uren'er beyond the years of
youth, rissu -ueh skittish footwear that
ds inairpinpriutcneas becomes apparent in
,!! ii grot, srincness. .
Indispensable to the man of taste will
le the patent'leatber pump, or a patent
. e.'u , n> lip. button shoe for Evening
Irc. i i.oa u'the patent leather or black
■•atfrkin 1 '.in shoes for Afternoon or
Tiurch w ar; for Morning or Business
■;cir, the black calfskin lace shoe or the
; -.‘t o !f. kin lace shoe.
‘ The black calfskin pumps will be. worn
* infor ml ahairs bv those of good taste
tyho pla -e a high Value upon tills leather,
i mi.vVhen inquiry was made regarding shoes
■“’.£ ef <1 hired Kid leather, the dealers
id said that these shoes are a law unto
la map l es and are worn by those who
ul light slims and comfort ahead of
vcrytb.ng else.’
Plain styles, fine materials, and good
workmanship will mark the wearer as a
man of good taste.
New fleat Market
Fresh Fish and Oysters in Season.
UAUsriN. .
4] W* handle them in largo quantities and there- j
“L,li>rt"w<ruhp|l you any class or color Mono i
ut a price us low an the lowest.
C Write for our’ Diamond’ 1 book for ull diamond
information and in It you will U*rn how easy j
we make it for you to buy n fine str no.
Meyer & Sehamber Jewelry Cos. i
Established 1f,09
For Sale or Rent.
The residence 1 am now oc
cupying is either for Sale oi
Rent lor further informa
tion apply to H. A. KLLBA>
at the Dixie Bargain House,
DeWitt’s Kid icy and Gladder Pill:
Ir:. her Twelve.
pi x ANOY
i ANDY '
We re now handling the fa
mous Coijminis Tent Candy, which
has b-c eso well known through*
out Tort:i Mississippi. It is the
purest candy you can buy and only
sel.s at : > cents per pound.
■ § 1 N3SON.
Wli* t . • . . .nul wife, Mar
lin J‘ deliveretl to J.
; tv. 1( . , . ii •; i. :• cert.‘iin Trust
j i)e k i. • . :>•<. loo> and duly re
! *or ,1 M iindn*r 117 on
> '* o • -i Chumvry Clerk
•n't s !-.. ( m.i i\. Slate of Mlssissip
i. . I ... 1 ;■ m>i v tlie follow
"! • i j i :! property and
i I •i ' <!.li i ljelia ('oiinly .
•' ■ 1 '■ ■'• . iir a.* i Quarter ol
i-v. ;• -.op 17. K:in#e ill K.
i" -*‘e ;v ■ r.j i iehteoaess named in
'Slid t .1 t-U. :I Ii able to H. A.
I.ani -in ai . -i> : i’.d ! li-dness having
• j , due ; -till )viuaiuint£ un
paid : no i;•.• - aid iiikK trustee
m■.vin 1 ■ ■ ;• i lh'. said benetli*-
j mm! ilir < al >r per oi >aid indebt
•• • a■••• I ■ 1 * s* I !•■• t m -1 eontaiaed in
i -iI Ii ii -ii’i 'l .a ' t > uueelose said
jl.ni'ide-'i ! \ .-ale. oi Ih- property eon
v- i iis-n in ai p 1 ; led in -aid trust
.n w Ihcrd; .i. the underpinned
i iU>tc \ I \ i of the pro
'i-i' . id tpi i t will proceed to
and a ai • . *n >i*d property,
• si .. and IV .I he floor of the
<>uid ilouse <■ .id ouniy. in Stark,
id *, s'..; • •i;idy. Mississippi,
'•* • •• ‘o . ii •• . • i'll at public
un i' . i ‘ ' i I >eeemher. A.
>.. 11 l‘ 1 .. i•** h •- of 11 o’clock
• ■- ' i iid ’ > . in of I hat day to
ii • her w ith
) .ii lie- 1. I'!: ; ; a e*. peir-e< of c\'e
. outiu;; this in? I,
| J .i tla da. o . .winder. 11). p.
i. i t .\ ui.lv, 'J’ru-tce.
j "1,.,. i r 'i -ml wifi’,
ii." I ; li .lay of
' ''■ 'M'! . ' oil ill ilolUit |o
i. : if. !u i ! iMec. ii mist
- 1 ' ' i i•. i iloiciin coun
!y. •"ial ■ ■■■ .; ii ..i. Ii ■ rein de-erlb
, ■ I* I ■ ( 1 fj 100 ,]||,, f, v
: J■' ■ • im• yii• (;, I’xivil
j ' ... II , ililgage ( 'i)lll
i t. a i nisi (lee.| ii;
nty in
; .. . ■ ■ \ I. it refer,hoc is
I .i. .. i • ili'fnnlt has j
'■ r ■ i.i li- I I’iiT.l n( tli.. limn- j
'. -S:."ii t (li-i’ii; ami j
• I ''>> is - 1 non <lnly J
j i'i " a ' I .l' '■ 1 1 I-" 11-1 •." in |||(. I
|.'o\ ill- j
l -,i 1, . ■ .■ t. ini-i i ouivin I
I ‘ ■■■ v i■ I • roliv I
> . ' > \ illlli* of (
■' :t. , i. : . l t 1,.| ,j, ( |
i 1 ,!1 'ld •' !■ ' ii.' trustee. on !
••t. ii . I ■•* ■ ■ ... .liomai'y, ]J.lu, I
j'• i. i. anil j;i>. in j
at t’ ■' 1 ■lO • lie ll l.'ll of
: !■' : ■ ■ aiiiy. wiil, |,J. ;
I ' * • ■ '.I 'Ho iilKhM liiil- I
is Hu' ousli t: a ~ ili.Y,fas ti,...-i ill,ml.
|..' i ii, • ' *•••: ■ . .. -1 •|o il.'V Son- ■
|‘" 'i i A ' •.* v ' : ■■ ■■ hi; i'iyiitia.ll j
1.- 1. ( lii "i ! :-. i i-.. - 1, nit t on- j
! ■ o!‘ .n i'iri ii nil .'-hi nr am; ~m .
half i i'll. la. iiiT' .i iiiiue or loss.
’ ."i n -i lii. t ilooil, ami
-no., till, v, ;il u yi' -u a- i- vo-toU in
■,.0l tin. loa. . V. UKUs. ,
if Siiiistitutoit I’nistce. 1
BeSI 6l Daniel,
A!; vn.l.i- . - iss |
.. j
... ■ i
.5',.'.... •■■ii . us money j
'.ill 1 ... ..1 settle same i
at . * are quitting-'
is H, A. Kleban
C!u , hoi Beinedy i
Qurm Cold#, Croup Cou^U.' j
the State of Mississippi, Ukiiaheht
To Mamly Fields Ashland, Atlanta,
f !!■ I 1
\<m are hereby commanded to b and
t.o appear before the Oimnoery Court of
Mini county and state in Starkville on
the second Monday in March. m 0 Ul
dirfoud the hill of John T. Ashland
'vhcrom he prays for a devoree against
>on and wherein you are defendant.
Witness my signature this Uflih dar
of November, lino.
E. O. Moll wain.
Chancery Clerk.
NWl?s^,t A ;^rn^
"• Magntder as trustee, a „
otr oS2S?
1.? , Oktibbeha County, State of
Mississippi, i|onTeying; to said trustee
ii ttdhnving described prooertv
te ii aml fersoriul situated In -aid Ok
bi-elm i.imty and State aforesaid, to-
h 4
West 1 f V*n B|i 8 | il u ion , -° :lr “ 1 -uT*
’ A a, “ l ‘ s °uth 3-( of 'West 1.0 uf
? W ton? ion 2,1 * !l ln T*’n
•lC„"s r ; K 1 * Kai,t - containing: 340
: ami oue° hh, h .l! ,t 8 •' T'* 01,1 n ' ame John,
IS on '* white and
iboiit """'"'l nnii red ox
l ai'LVahom'y '" imed Ball *nd one
onm hl7l ye,lr U° lrt """CHI Hen
one black ox about 5 veain ..Id
named loin ami one No 3 ‘3-4 Fi-h
‘ !h * ina "nil 4
. ke , all of said personal property
t,n, AmiA; "f, 4 * 1 CM,'l,ted to
said trust de'd mdrbt ‘ ,d,, e 8 ni "ocd in
Uerea; the said J. A. Scott,
j "'I and w m°, W T' Ut '
;:y;7v,-; r rtainTn.M^. d M ( X:it.^
! [took jl: nat D . ( la Uy r 'T or,1 cil in .Deed
!•<•Uf i }l lfV f * an ‘* recurdi,
fra.ili.nai Wes {'l of , Sc, ‘ t,o . n wl "ic
all I lie 1., nf | i, T? °J section being
-aiii'di,;, l ": a,r r tlonai n ' vn, ' (j
(lie said 1,1 Zin Sal l , I tn,,t d(, cii. all of
To,, nsbin to i7 f ‘ n < flections being in
lug so , r.s Kan^l3 Knd contain
" Oder both , o 'sib/ ' n(l '‘ , >te f| ness
collie pas, lnd l t : t,now l>a>ine be
maiuing unoalll an . (l . stiß r U
undersigned trustee^" 8 ! t | lfl n"" 1
ri'ifUesteil by ly. ha ?"*.i**n
ami hv n„> i„: , a * benefldftn*
•ii'liiediii'i.i * o" ner of said total in-
I, ii,,,* ' .'eente the trust contained
t l tr ,’ ,st ''"ed. and to fore
i r’.'er V 1 1.0 , (loe,lH h - v le of the
in -aid t-„s, |s , ‘ onve . vt l as provided
trustee tlv vinf. 0 ,lu ' Undersigned
Mild hiui .to ri 1,0 nf provisions in
tl.l ab, l l' ri| eei'd to sell all
Personal iiVrni . Property Keal anil
House „f ‘ JV r ° n 1 °" r of the rourt
i" O iih l, CHUnt y. In Starkville.
ippi. to ti,nh| ,a i County, Misslss-
I'Mhlif i ? hept for fsh at
an , \ i> 1 iu." ,:,P , U, ‘ ~av "f Janu
-1 ity an , r . w ; t . hl ; 1 ’ r, * al ho " r * to
der.siiid , ,' hI ‘ indehtednw* uu-
Ar J f " \ MA({KVt>ER ' TruMeP -

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