OCR Interpretation

East Mississippi times. (Starkville, Miss.) 19??-1926, January 30, 1914, Image 3

Image and text provided by Mississippi Department of Archives and History

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87065609/1914-01-30/ed-1/seq-3/

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•rt• r > • t • " *.• • i i
The Campus Sewing Circle mot
last Friday with Mrs. L. L. Pat
* *
J. H. Brinker, a well known
merchant of West Point, was in
Starkville Monday.
• * •
Mrs Fred Carr, of Crawford, is
the guest this week of Mr. and
Mrs Walter Scales, Jr.
* • •
; Miss Blanche Pepper, of Durant,
was the guest last week of Mr. and
Mrs. Powell, at the College.
* ♦ *
Miss Lillie Eiehelbnrger, of the
I. I. & C., spent Saturday and
Sunday in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. L. L. Linden nan.
♦ * *
Mrs. Samuel Webb Scales is at
home this afternoon to a large
number of guests at the Masonic

C. K. Stark has about finished
his handsome bungalow on the
corner of Raymond and Greens
boro streets.
* ♦ ♦
Miss Amio Beall, an attractive
young lady of Durant, has been
spending several days as the guest
of Mrs. S. Pankey.
m ♦ •
Mr. and Mrs. Hub Saunders, of
Starkville, were visitors of rela
tives in the city yesterday.—West
Point Times'Herald.
* * ♦
Quite a crowd went out to the
College Friday evening to hear
Constance Frisbie, the noted sing
er, and enjoyed it very much.
• * ♦
Miss Ethelda Spe&sard, of Mn
con, and Miss Lucile \Vebb, of
Crawford, are attractive guests in
the home of Dr. and Mrs. Hunter
** ♦fr
Miss Annie Belle Pigford, who
has been visiting her sister, Mrs.
F. M. Hate, for the past several
days, left yesterday for her home
in Meridian.
♦ ♦ *
Miss \V illie Weaver, of Green
wood, came over from the I. I. &
C. and attended the dance Friday
evening. She was the guest of
Miss Martha Carpenter.
♦ ♦ ♦
Mrs. Thompson, of VVhitevil'c,
Tend., and Mrs. Miller, of Tui c
have returned to their homos uL r
quite a pleasant visit to their
sister, Mrs. W. A. Jordan.
♦ * ♦
Misses Jessie May Gill and Anne
Laurie McKay left today for
Columbus, where they went, to
stand an examination for fresi
man year music, preparator to
entering the I. I. & C. next ses
* * ♦
Samuel Elkind, of New York
city, visited his brother, 11. Elkind,
in Starkville, several days and re
turned home this week. Mr.
Elkind is a wholesale produce
merchant and this is his first trip
South. He expressed himself with
being well pleased with the South
and especially Starkville.
* * *
Mrs. Walter Scales, Jr., will
entertain her Sunday School class,
“Character Builders” and their
young lady friends at the Masonic
Hall this evening. Mrs. Seales
has one of tho largest classes in
the Methodist Sunday school, and
does a gr at deal to make their
work attractive. This occasion
will no doubt be one of the most
enjoyable of the seast it.
* * *
The Epworth League Sunday
afternoon ■ml the evening service,
holli at the Methodist church,
were eomhicted by Prof. Nelson,
of the 'i. M. C. A , who made a
good talk on both occasions, as
ditl v ensrs. Tn eleven, Vaughn
and Gray, three of tho young
gentlemen who nt tended I lie i\eent
Miss oiniry Congress at Kansas
Rlil>. The sci vices were inter
■fer-c! with music, one number
flpng n qniuiette, by Mrs. Nei on
[and three young men Horn the
Mayor Sudduth Ims retur -ed
from Murphreesboro, Tenu.
Miss Tenuie Hogan, of the 1. I.
& C., spent a couple days at heme
thii week.
• * •
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. llearon left
Monday for their new homo nt
• • •
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Owen have
rented Mr. A. E. Hearon’s house
ea Hogan street.
**♦ _ I
Airs. Mary Gill WhitelieiM, of 1
Ala liana, is visiting her s's'.er,!
Mrs. E. D. Yates, this week.
♦ • •
Missus Marjorie Ramsey and |
Lillian Rhine, of the 1. 1. &C.,i
are visiting Miss Mattee Bell.
♦ • *
Mrs. M. A. Saunders entertained
the Auction Bridge Club yesterday
in her usual gracious manner.
• ♦ •
Miss Mary Linderman came over!
limn tho I. I. & C. and spent
Saturday and Sunday at home.
* • •
Miss Rosa Swan, of Macon, wu|
tho guest last week of Dr. and
Mrs. J. C. Robert, nt the College.
• * *
Mrs. Pete Tumliuso a and daugh
ter, Miss Lillie Tuuilinson, ot
Double Springs, spent Tuesday in
• * •
Mrs. J. W. Eckford accom
panied J. D. Malloy to Memphis
this week, where he went tm j
medical treatment.
• *
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Smith. <JI
Starkville, were Sunday visitor* >d
• heir parents, Mr. and Mrs ■). E. j
var .nets. West Point Tim* *
* * •
Mr, and Mrs. James Ward arc
being congratulated upon the nt
rival of another line girl into their!
home. The little lady made her
advent on the 23rd hist.
• ♦ *
'•'be fiends of Mrs \V. C
Wtlborn will be glad to know'Hm'
she i expected to arrive this week
from Toi.as, and will remain fan e
time with her mother and sisler,
Mrs Wakefield and Mrs. Rives.
♦ ♦
Dr. E. C. Lucas, of Ebeuezer,
passed through Starkville Tuesday |
en route to Macon, where he was
called to the bedside of his mother,
Mis. E. P. Lucas, who is seriously
ill. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Luces, of
this city, also went down.
* * ♦
Messrs. Pickens Watson ami P.
•I. D. Howard, of Oklahoma ( i(y,
Okla., left Wednesday, after spend
ing several days with friends in
Starkville, They will visit Mem
phis, New Orleans and other |*oiuts
in the South befofe returning to
the West.
The VV. C. T. U. met with M s.
A, M. Maxwell Monday atte rnoou
and elected Mrs, Norma Cunning
ham, president, to succeed Miss
Madge Montgomery, who re; itgned
in order to assume the respi tisi'iie
position as editor of the While
Ribboner with Mrs. Arch ie 11 ey
nolds, associate editor.
The Times extends cougratnla
tions to Mr. and Mrs. M. R t issolf
upon the birth of a daughter. Mr.
Rossnff received a telegram last
Thursday from New York city
announcing the happy event. He
is making preparations to go to
New York next month. hi-mV wib en
he returns will bring M.a. Ko*rt ft’
and the little lady with him.
Mr. and Mrs. S. W.. Pan her
gave a delightful entertainment to
a large number of friends Tuesday
evening. Their home on Jackson
street was beautifully decorated
and illuminated for this social
gathering, which was given in
compliment to their visiting guest,
Miss Amie Beall, of Durant. The
ever pop liar and interesting game
of Forty- two was played until late
in the evrping when a debcicm
course of salads and ices
1 ' <■■■■■■■■"■ mmmmm—mmm ■ ——
Joseph Chamberlain
Closes his Career
in Political Life
'iiars.jau/- TtaMH *a*i
non no-1 Ms intention of ri-tl'--
ing from parliament at tho nest
general election so tliat bis fol
lowers in Birmingham may elect a
younger man to the Unionist service
at Westminster, lie hits been con
dittuud to the seclusion of an invalhl's
li e for the past right years and lias
t; ken no active participation in affair
Le has left London and gone to the
jortli of Prance.
I seph Chitmberluln at Jie outset of
Ins poll; I i-areer was i radical, i n.l
i ■ served ti-.n 1 -r the late William
K van UhulK’.ono In several emon-in
i> pre.-Ulert of tho board of trade t n
p"e.iideut of the local government
h. :.rd. lie became a Unionist at 11.0
lime of the break in the Liberal party
over the home rule for Ireland ques
tion, and he was secretary of stale b r
the colonies at the time of the Do*t
war. He is seventy-eight years old.
and has boon married three times, Ills
third wife, to whom lie was married
in 1888, being Mary Kndieott. e ly
da lighter of Hie late W. Mudleoi',
secretary of war during President
Cleveland's luli'i'al.-ii-alluii. Mr. Chain
hi riaiu was the chief commissioner
for tho settlement of tho North Amer
ican fisheries dispute In 1887. Ills
career was threefold—commercial, mu
nicipal. political—and in Ids day he rose
to very high place in each.
Joseph Chamberlain happened by
chance to be born in Loudon, but ho
was a Birmingham man all through,
lie went from London, where his
father was a wholesale bather and
metal merchant, to Blrmln, ham at the
ape of sixteen, having Just left school.
There was a firm of scrowmnkers in
Birmingham, Neltlefold by name, tr
whom the elder Chamberlain had given
credit for a large amount In (lie w..y
lof metal. The lirra had fallen behind
|in payments and the father scat young
1 Joseph to look Into tho affairs of the
|li m and advise.
i Tho son advised Ids father (hat ti e
j firm .was perfectly good, but short of
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Photo Ly American Press Asso elation.
working capital, anil further advised
his father to take out the debt in <i
share in the business and continue the
credit The father agreed, and Joseph
Chamberlain was launched upon his
business career.
He needed only that much intvodu •
tlou to get tbe chief partner's stool in
record time, and soon lie made a de
cision that led to the making of his
vast fortune.
One day a workingman walked int i
his office with a patent 1o sell. The
patent was a screw with a sharp end.
Up to that time all screws were blunt
nosed. The man had hawked it about
to all tbe other manufacturers, and
they had all refused to buy it. Some
one finally told him Joseph Chamber
lain was a pushful, progressive man
and advised that the patent bo shown
fa a flash Joseph Chamberlain sav
the chance nil his rivals had refused
to take, ami lie purchased the patent at
the man's own price, SSOO.
That decision delivered (he whole
I trade in screw making info Ills hand
He bought or smashed every other
screw malting business in the country,
ff the firm would soli ho bought; I’
they would not lie swamped their mar
ket until they gave up in despair.
Chamberlain was now in ids lap
twenties, and inter, when he retired
fr ni the firm, lie took as Ids share of
the business $5,000,000, which, togoth
er with what he had saved, allowed
him he said, “enough to live upon."
(bit during the yews he wa.- estate
Ua dug himself he devoted himself to
del pal politics. He been me tha chief
!(iV in I'Jrmlngham. ami in th"
wigHtffe'-' when a deputation from tin
KjriiHdi f ifiles studying municipal gov
lenunouf' visited that city, they doscrlb
, 0 (1 |t as■"!(,„ best governed city in the
p<vmi municipal politics lie entered
national politics at fin* age of thirty
iscvca and son; oceanic r intlODHi fig
-tir... Ills chief eh irncterlstlcs were
Ibh enrage as an opponent and hh
IJloyalty aa a friend.
an—Mi umui,.- r -ji la
Liiglish Home of
The Washingtons
Mi; ateti to Peace
;—y-: wf-r.i.MWjmr iwim
N :i ijiii.'; run)l neighborhood.
52 vvti to Hi. farmhouses are quaint
111 ;u; 1 :. 111 ■ <; 11 ; 111 ■ 1 1. stand - Snlgrave
11111111;!'. till! Hill' ftllll- Kliull-ll
homo m l!n' Washlnglmi family. rlio
manor never really saw (learge Wash
ington or Ills i'at! or or ovoii Ills grand
fatlior, but the Washington family
possessed ami occupied II during most
■ ■ t lie slxtponl Ii ind so . ii
I .rlos. It is still possible to distin
gulsh over the main entranee to the
ed bllildi (be beraldb' dot 1 e of
>iirs and .-I.a)a ■ will h Washington
a copied as Ids awn i o il of arms and
vdll h I e unnouly regarded as tin
origin of (lie American Hag.
What a fortune had that shield of
a private English gentleman (o be
come the i lost notable blazon of all
the world; Strange to think that tills
Utile obscure stone coat of arms In a
sc I tided village should be (he original
of so much—should still be extant. As
strange to think of the eontrast be
tween the torpid and monotonous rus
tle life surrounding it with (be rush
of existence in our great repnblle.
In the summer of lull the sugges
tion was made by a prominent mem
ber of the Hritish peace ctnninilteo
that the historical property should bo
purchased and dedicated as a memo
rial to Hie peaceful relations existing
between the two countries during (ho
past century, the dedication lo Uo one
of the features of the International
celebrations iu 1011. This idea Imme
diately met with popular favor, and
(Ids I ivar lias crystallized into tangible
support, with Ilio result Hint no tv the
I’.ritlsh committee is able to aniibnnee
that if has acquired the property, and
the idea of dodi aling it to peace will
be consummated in duo season.
A committee of custody has been ap
pointed, end as the memorial will he
visited | in ns rily by visitors from ibis
country It lias been considered advis
able to have the co-operali.m of an
A merle i <a minllti u to ai range for
the Intel national celebration anal its
dedication Che manor will he made
ini.) a hall of records, whore matter
pertaining to Anglo-American unity
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Si; Mi WAVE MAM in
will be lu" ; li Is understood Hint n
k'i line dial. will Ini supplied hy tlui
pmTiascrs mid (lint .la men (now Vis
ciHi'it) Bryce, i ’ it in I irissn <l< •!* In the
I nil ml Sliiles, will bolls lirsl on ill >:■ nt.
The iiiniitir Is a charming piece .jf
old archill dure, gray with tin* mins,
frost and sunshine of bill) \ •am. ’I ho
h- stands at the c ■stein oxlmnlty
•;f the villain; of Sulgravc. in .North
amptonshire. and it Is approaelieil
from the west by a pretty green croft,
separated from the utmost encircling
road by a hedge.
3 'ti the right of the gable end of the
indoor is a low stone wall with an
aril' gate, facing a small court, part
ly paved and pi rllj in grass. I Tom
tin courtyard thi house is entered by
a handsome old atone doorway, above
which a littlu attic projects from a
tiled roof. The due old Tudor door
way is sttrmouiiM'd by a shield con
taining the Was) ington < nit of anas,
which three centuries have somewhat
ml Pod of its original sharpness, but
which is still uni listaliablo.
The old building is in an excellent
state of preservation. Till; main ball
has a line fireplace and an oak beam
ceiling. The ancient oak staircase
lias very beguiling twisted banisters
and a fascinating secret cupboard at
.he Intermediate landing. The drat
inti room Is on the second door, as
was the custom ,n the days when ll
vr. built, and In me of the bedrooms
it is said that (.neen Klizabd.li once
slept. Tic sun mndlng estate con
sists of about 20b acres of gently roll
ing land, substantially all of it in full
i lew of the manor.
Unfortunately little of the village of
Knlgravo as It wrs In the days of the
Washingtons now remains. A disas
trois (he la bob swept the village,
ami only a relic i iay be seen here and
tin I- In an .nicb'iil house, Mo t of
die .tracts a •>; ,1 with nat brick
hoa .es. doming i . I (ho (-'linn h o!
All Taint one o. M fniiej on-'sell
in me business < of some iuliioi
Si; ■ Hngland ci • ill ratlici
lev of glare and i e ud Hie com
inanity held lu 'e. • arc by
the presence of (lie 1 church
In dedicating tin; n a- a a me
norlal to iho peaceful a I as cist
I- between tin’ two i linillsl
king nations .1 ■ ' tury ib
RrP sir comm 1 1‘is I m a fu
about memorlu o' ;• ent ir
teres t.
W. W. M ~1.-. I’n e*nt. A.t. 1 •. i . ' ; I.! ' y. \ •*> ' r
PEOPLES S V ‘ rS 71/:. I ;
STAP.lvVile . I—
v- --
lli'e- a i cut ml HaiiKiii;, 1 ■.: ;. 1 Hi •• <y
mill I’ll ■.■Jli cm il l
// 30ULE COi
/ I ,- / / r !/ Nl'.W ORLVI/%1 -V. .-A
)I/ Gr^ c nn ' r ."
JFI Mm/iTF-,. Wy //f / i Burme.s., and
Y m iv. :\ r . 4 . Vc tj.-i
* tilled -icilili'js. 1 ’• u./ *- 1
SHOULD BE EDUCATED • ° ' School wi An
TO SUPPURI THEMSELVES * : ["enev ... . , ,13
* ' li!w I••-V .Mid O.llfi c cas* .
Special accommodations for Iv. 1 instruction.
No ini ..; |iu*scn..i.ion to Koi.arc p , ofaduntes n•• nvaj
‘h rough th. ii superior training. CaL.O. SOL’U. & . ...
rsii nvE mss
Majority of FtienJs Thought Mr.
Hughes Would Die, Cat
Cue Helped Him to
Pomcroyton, by.- In inlerest'nf ad-'
vi:c3 from this place, Mr. A. J. Ihr;h
writes as fellows: “I was down w 1
stomach trouble lor live (5) years, ,t..J ■
would have bait headache so bad, , j
times, that I thoup.ht surely 1 would die.
1 tried different irealments, tut tliey
did not seem to do me any good.
I i,ol so bad, I could not eat or sleep,
and ail my friends, except one, thought I
would die. He advised mo to try
iltcdford’s Black-Draught, and quit
—1 5 ,-r*rk. .
Ip -yfa. f, ! r r
rl L W
\•— I / \ ' ■ j J>'*\ % \ ' r- -
rwr V-; j Y Ift v,- :
C'r 7 Si • ); TN
fcl ;
ir- v, : :
Aid to Busy Folks
The telephone aids tin; i)iis;. iunner to 1 <. ;y
in touch with neighhorhooi aiTuirs ev<‘ti di in
the rush season. lie can ;.i!l hi neighbors in ikj
evening and discuss the events of the day and
arrange plans for community worl: after the crcpi
are laid by.
Every farmer needs the help of the telephone.
See the nearest Hell Man •r or aid a postal for
our free booklet and see how small the cost is.
Cumberland Telephone f
and Telegraph Company % *
1?'-. ' ,UTH PRYOR 81 R CAT. -'.AfflA. V-A
A Great Discover.
<!. (V. Kaii.itin i l l *: • MU .i>]>i,
i lerliil liquid and
■d ie, j-rca-iM-.--. |u. v. n i..-!
KuykcmiiiH’s Hcztaia
'I i- a never-lulling remedy I .■'
■<•/• in:i. tetter. worm, poison
oak. itch, fever ’ :i tors, chicken [)u
oriekly 11< 11 1 <• rash uml all I
kln'!> of • .in . !ti'lions. Tin* lieaiir
I* •-f llii up- i Unit it.li;i ■ • •oreo
oM i > ■-n. -oil ill lobee.ineM*
On I. .1 oiiiV- |,. igstor Mi.iri.
vi 11 '<: 1 1 Tlioma- &il ir ley, Mai> ",
M, .
w~ • • V
f- w*J|
A ■- * *
! taking other medicines. Id. I .3
take his advice, although 0
any contUience in it.
I have w been tn' ng r ,
lor three months, and it I ; , 1
haven’t ha 1 ((rose av.iul si . t 1
siin ■■ i be;. ;n using it.
I am so llianl Ini tor \ . ■
Hini ,;M has done for me,”
Th 'dfaid's Black-Draught ! ■: ri
1 ' ’■'!.(! a very valuable med .
I :ii.,omenls of the stomach and I. c
|composed of pore, vt 1 I
contains no dangerous in. c.i i
act* gently, yet surely it can
used by young and old, and h n : 1 >
kept in every family chest.
Ciet a package today.
Only a quarter. j
, r ? ')¥AT!C P*
. I mo ot lh'"rt 1
1 i ctinf ~, aln tr.t Ilia r ■. .1
( 1 . i Oil is usc'l. 'I !.
1 ; . ekly it is re . Ily ur;
t’; LI. bluing 0,1 i;, ( ~ •
poonrit 1 >
r 7 in lit ■
* f&; air.. . ;
I 2 ‘fW I (,'i lll‘
I? ;: |f . i
\ . y/
1)0 l to
1 ’■ 1 , Rubbc'l on cli- 1
.'■•in ,' ii pr, ’ontiii' i . J
1 Her 1 l.r acute sore th •*. ,
’ e Iroltlis by all r -
Ir ; its e/ory where. Maui . ct
1 5. Ria.nui Medici; eto , Storimu,. ..

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