fast Jimre VOL. 54 ■ , . | “Down Home the skies are bluer, “Down Home” the girls are truer, ‘Down Home our woes seem fewer. Ain't it so ? Let’s go to The Blue Bird Theatre Friday and Saturday, Matinee and Night I Mats S Bus I j RUN LIKE NEW I 9 Don’t junk it, but let us remodel it i ® into a good car* B I WE DO I H Repairing Bakery Work f I Oxcilated Welding 1 9 Wc supervise all work and guar- l— antee satisfaction. M ? I Our terms are Cask which en* £ ahles us to make very reasonable I charges for our work I WHITE MOTOR CO. I Telephone 377 1 JMii'iiiiii'liiiiilipii \ iSeed Potatoes I [LANDRF.TH’S § IlrishCobbier and | Triumph—Red | Landreth’s English Peas | and Beans in bulk, Z Get f he Best | (UUIM.. WlEft I /O mm sr* /? SOULE COLLEGE f I Xspl sVA y * /' *EW Oh'.tLANS. LA. M Highest uxi Mot PrsctiaJ t/ z/\S Cmr*u in Butineit. in Shorthand and / h r.nelUh. Best Equipment*. Un* -MTJaled Fadlitic*. Complete College SHOULD BE lOUCATEC Hank. Only Scnool with Actual Store, TO SUPPORT THEMSELVES '"<> Actual Money in which students heap the books end balance cash. Special accommodations h>r ladies, ’arsenal Instruction. No fnifreuresentatior oalronage Graduates m general demead tftro’igh their superior *e* OEO SOULE k SONS* STARKVILLE, MISSISSIPPI, FEBRUARY 18 1931 I Methodist Church Has Narrowly Escapes Burning Ibe Methodist church had a close call from being destroyed by fire Sunday morning. The sexton bad made fire in the stoves and at B=3o was ringiuK.the bell calling the congregation to Sunday School. At the same time the east roof of the building was in tlames and the same time .the fire whistle was canning with the church belt* Considerable time was loss in getting the buse truck to the file as there was uo gasoline in the truck’s tank aud an auto had to be commandeered to Haul it, The hose Was attached to the fire plug toe low pressure from the power house deluded in getting the stream into t'lut. It seemed like provi dence was with the church, there was no breeze stirriug and the flames made slow headway. It was a narti fight however tv save the edifice. The vocational war stu dents tought tike they were going alter the Germans aud to them great credit is due. The roof of the .building is so badly damaged that probably a complete new roof will have to be pnl on aud the carpet and furni ture were badly damaged by water with which the interior ot the build* tug was Hooded, The loss is ooyer eu by iusurauce. The building was erected in 1882 aud has hud several narrow escapes from fire. Several years ago the roof caught in the same manner but the fiames were extinguished* before much damage was done. Another time the tall suire was -truck bv lightning, set on fire and adly demolished, Mrs. Wui. Brewer and little sou, Oliver, of Mayfield, Ky., and Mrs. Howard Mat or aud little daughter Bet tie May, of Epse, Miss , arriv ed Wednesday and .will visit their pureuts, Mr, and Mrs, J. O. Gunn ou Louisville Street. I Mrs Laura Bridges returned h me Friday from Eupora, where ads wa- tailed in the death of her mother. Mrs. Berrvhill. who ass about 9U years of age. it is hiuted that the league of cations may discuss the Irish dues* tiou. But it is unlikely anything new tan l>e said on the subject. • ; ■ art ’ dv icai of noi versa! Jisanmin.ti:t, pi tided ,it; beui'is wuu out An crop of theives, mugs auu noldup men. Mr. and Mrs, H. J. Leven“tein have a little daughter to add pleas ure to the pleasures ot their home. —West Point Times-Aerald. Japanese statesmen are urging disarmament, Good, Jappv We nominate you to lead the van**- hut you won't, !<>■ n dar'htinga forth new prob ilems for ns to face, hut uight I usually comes before we cau get I around to it. 1 JlFra" ;e bes invented anew pun capablia >1 shoot / .it r ‘ mile*, and not a ',n.u to shoot a(. What luck I Mrs. Finis Heston and Mr*. Ed. Yen'i a made a shopping trip to West Point Tuesday. A popular man seldom talk about h inself. That makes him more popular. Gray hairs are always respected —when the? are rich. By Seed That Grow I In the Light of the Moon j Or the Dark of the Moon | They | Are * | ■p 1 [ rresn BEST VARIETIES OF S When You A ~ _ GARDEN SEED Uet i hem From FIELD SEED US LAWN SEED | FLOWER SEED ! No j Leftovers j HERE ! J. S. Puller, Druggist j STARKVILLE, MISS. I p— — ——*mm ~"j | ARRIVING EVERY DAY | I NEW STYLES I (READY-TO-WEAR | Early Spring Hats I (Beautiful Combinations in Satina 3 Braids and Straws I A New Line in Ilian Staw for Children I j Starkville Millinery Company | ! ' ~ ! NO 18