Farm and Noma Weekly for the States of Mississippi,
Alabama, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Tennessee.
^_ SATURDAY, MAY 21.1910.Weekly: $1 a Year.
Hatie Your Own CoWpeas and Crimson GloVer Seed NeAt Year
/N a seedsman i price list just received, cowpeas are quoted
in lO-bushel tots at $2.60 to $3.10 a bushel; soy beans, at
$2.20 per bushel; crimson clover, at $8.75per bushel, with
bags extra, and red clover, at $8.25 per bushel.
Many a farmer wttl not plant cowpeas in his com this year,
or them on his wheat and oat lands when the crops are re
moved, simply because "the price is too high." Many a farmer
will leave bare next winter
the floor, shake it up good with a pitchfork, and all the seed
will fall out ” These seed will, of course, be in the chaff and
possibly a little hard to sow; but they are likely to grow even
better than the cleaned seed.
You don’t want to leave any land bare next winter—you can’t
afford to do it; and crimson clover is as near the ideal winter
cover-crop as we have. Therefore, save every seed you can/
Mnnt vnnp cnt-n rrtmA mi#.
land that should bo sown to
crimson clover because "the
price of seed is too high.”
Sow, oven at these prices,
these crops can be profitably
boom. Tme cost of sowing an
aero io oowpeos or soy beans
or crimson clover is small
indeed, compared wifh the
benefit that may be derived
from the crop—In fact, it is
just as ere have often said,
"Wo cannot afford not to
sow them.” Southern soils
need the nitrogen they edit
gather and the humus they
will add ; Southern live stock
need the feed they wilt make ;
Southern farmers need the
money that this nitrogen, this
humus and this feed edit
bring io their pockets. If all
these seeds were twice as
high, it would stilt pay io
\ plant them, because it is only
by increasing the humus sup
ply in the soil and by making
uss of the free nitrogen of
the air that most lands can
Lwot week wm gave Mr. A. L FtoX'r tathiwi as to the value of the efla, together with detail*
ad Agure*. ahowtog foot what often af different typea havaeeet to our tanltery. We do not want any
rendu to think hocuuoo thie atle talk wae puhttehed to the Dairy Special, that allege la a feed for the
dairyman only, nor do aw wo want aay road nr who coatoatplataa keeping any considerable number
of livestock to try to go an without a eife. Tkerefer* wear* bringing the silo to notice once again,
and would urge every reader who oaa to emulate the prngTMetvo farming pictured hate.
W - --
ton fields and truck patches
next fall, not forgetting t6
put out a special seed patch.
Somebody is making money
raising crimson clover seed at
$8.00 and more per bushel.
He is making hi* land better
ail the'time, too. Why, then,
cannot you take a hand in the
business and get your share \
• of the profits ?
As to cowpeas and soy
beans, the thing to do just
now is to plant them. Plant
them in your com, of course,
and save what seed you can
gather there, if you can get
the picking done; or if you
are situated to do so, plant a
field especially for seed. You
can save the peas with a mow
er and rake, or the soy beans
with a reaper—not a binder—
and thresh them with one of
! the improved pea threshers.
But that comes later; the
thing to do now is to save
your crimson clover seed—
your bur clover, too; and
be built up to permanently
profitable production. Southern farmers, however, should be
the last people in the world to complain of high prices for any
of these crops. It is their own fault that these seeds are scarce
and high; and if they suffer on account of this scarcity and
these high prices, they can blame themselves alone.
The fact is, the average farmer should be selling these seeds
—some of them, at least— instead of buying them.
Now, this is just what we want our readers to be doing next
year. It will not only mean more dollars in their pockets at the
season's end, but also more fertility in their soils, and the chance
tin aMn better and more profitable farming the next year.
But if they would have these seeds to sell instead of to buy next
year, or if they would buy part of what they plant at lower prices,
they must get busy right now. ,, , .
Every man who has a field of crimson clover should try to
save at least enough seed to supply his own wants next year.
I And as a farmer said to us the other night, we have never yet
known a man to grow too much clover. The man with a large
acreage can clip the tops off with a mowing machine and have his
seed threshed out with a clover huller. The man with only a
Utile patch can follow the directions given by a ieJ't
last year : "Cut early in the morning when damp, rake up next
morning when damp, let it dry out, haul to the bam, throw it on
plant a patch of cowpeas or
soy beans, or bom, especially for seed. Then next year the high
prices of these seeds, will mean money in your pocket, as it
means to many other wide-awake farmers who know how to
seise an opportunity.
Cover (Trope for Orchards... 370
Dr. WUey on Patent Medicine
Claims . 377
Faculty Changes at Missis
sippi A. A M. College.372
Feeding the Dairy Cow. .... 376
Home Dressmaking, No. 2. . 370
How Alfalfa Builds Up the
Soil . 380
How John Crakore Fooled
Hia N'elxhbora. 300
How Tillaice Affect* Bacterial
Life in the Soil. 307
Injury to Cotton hy Late
Froet* . 370
Look Out for Sore Shoulders 875
Meeting of Mississippi Live
Stock Association.875
Our Alabama Editor.867
Our Progressive Farmer Boys 876
Patent Medicines Exposed .. 868
Special- and General-Purpose
Breeds of Live Stock.... 374
The Legume Special.366
The Value of a Sponge Bath 377
Use the Weeder Right Now. . 370
Varieties of Cowpeas for Spe
cial Purposes . 378
“What’s tho News?”. 368