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PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT RALEIGH, N. C. STARKVILLE, MISS COMMUNICATIONS REGARDING ADVERTISING OR SUBSCRIPTION! MAY BE ADDRESSED TO EITHER OFFICE. ENTERED AS SECOND CI.AS MATTER AT THE POSTOFFICE AT RALEIGH, N. C., UNDER THE ACT 01 CONGRESS OF MARCH 8, 1879. Imder the Editorial and Business Management of TAIT BUTLER and CLARENCE POE. Prof. W. P. MASSEY..Associate Editor E. E. MILLER,.Managing Editor JOHN S. PEARSON.Secretary-Treasurer Advertising Representatives: Fisher Special Agency, Nev York; Albert H. Hopkins, Chicago; S. M. Goldberg, St. Loui ana Kansas City; J. L. Mogford and C. F. Koonce, Field Repre sentatives. We Guarantee Our Advertisers. W® will positively make good the lose sustained by any subecribei as a result of fraudulent misrepresentation made in our col uma on the part of any advertiser who proves to be a deliberate ■w™dler. This does not mean that we will try to adjust trifling disputes between reliable business houses and their patrons, but ii “V **5? •cto*lly fraudulent dealing, we will make good to the subscriber as we have just indicated. The condition of this guaran *■ **«* claim for loos shall be reported to us within one month after the advertisement appears in our paper, and that the ralsaibw must say when writing each advertiser: “I am writing 700 “ *dvertiaer in The Progressive Farmer and Gazette, which guaruatsm the reliability of all advertising that it carries." Average Weekly Circulation for Six Months Ending March 31. 1010, was 00,521. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year, $1.00; six months, 66 osnta; three months. 30 cents. re indues see whswtotteag. aue new subscriber and mm old obooorooo M8|i mm P® w® PW pMf for $1 • 600 Faculty Changes at the Mississippi A. and M. College. | ESS THAN a quorum of the members of the _;_ Board of Trustees of the A. & M. College met Wednesday evening, May 4, 1910, and after a short session the following changes were announced: Prof. W. L. Hutchinson, who has been the Director of the Experiment Station and Dean of the School of Agriculture, was made Di rector of the Farmers’ Institutes, Professor of Animal Husbandy, and Dean of the College of Ag riculture; Mr. J. W. Fox, Assistant Director ol the Delta Branch Experiment Station, was made Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station; Mr. E. R. Lloyd, who has been Director of Farm ers’ Institutes, was made Animal Husbandman ol the Experiment Station and Vice-Director; Mr Archibald SmUh^ who has been Professor of Ani mal Husbandiyand ex-officio member of the Livt Stock Sanitary Board, was removed from this position which he has so ably filled, and offered the position of Assistant Director of the Delta Branch Experiment Station. A very few of these changes may be for th< Vv a _ __ __ _ i_ . . _ _ uvbv» uavxiig ttuy tuiuwieage oi in( duties of these positions, and the qualifications ol the men, can not fail to see the absurdity of re moving Professor Smith from a position for whict he is known to possess the highest qualifications and putting him in a position for which he has m special training or fitness. Those who know the manner in which Professor Lloyd has conductet the Farmers’ Institute work will 'not appreciate his removal from this work to a subordinate post tion on the Experiment Station staff. But the highest point of absurdity was reached when Pro fessor Smith was removed as Professor of Anima Husbandry in the College and the Director of the Tick Eradication Work of the Live Stock Sanitarj Board and Prof. W. L. Hutchinson given the Pro fessorship of Animal Husbandry which also made him, ex-officio, a member of the Live Stock Sani. tary Board. With all kindness to Professoi Hutchinson and with the highest appreciation ol all his ability, it must be stated that he posseses neither the training, knowledge, nor any othei semblance of a qualification for these duties We are doing Professor Hutchinson no injustice it this statement; his training has been in entirely different lines. J The only honest, patriotic reason which could possibly exist for taking Professor Smith off the Live Stock Sanitary Board and putting Professoi Hutchinson thereon is one, or all, of the follow ing: (1) That Professor Smith was incompetent as Professor of Animal Husbandry in the College or as Director of the Tick Eradication Work; or, (2) That he is the best trained man that can be found for Assistant Director of the Delta Branch Experiment Station; or, (3) That Professor Hutchinson is more compe tent in animal husbandry and tick eradication work than Professor Smith. That all of these propositions are the extreme height of absurdity, no member of the Board of \ Trustees will, be rash enough to deny, but, of ' course, there is an explanation. To remove a . man of outstanding ability from a position he has filled with such marked efficiency as to put him above criticism and for which he has had long years of training and experience, and put in his • place a man possessing no special training or • knowledge regarding the work, is such a remark able procedure as to call for an explanation. ' The live stock owners of the State have a right ! to this explanation and it is the duty of the Board . to give them the genuine reasons for this most remarkable procedure. Turn on the light! Editorial Gleanings. /ft/jN ALL OUR church affairs In America to day (and the writer speaks as a member LK—» of one of the leading orthodox churches) there is nothing else so dark and shameful as the church paper alliance with death-dealing patent medicine fakirs and frauds. These church papers are edited by good men who simply haven’t been Informed, haven’t studied the matter, and if every church member in The Progressive Farmer and Gazette Family will read our open letter on next page and then write a note or postal card to his own church editor, we’ll have a reform that will not only save untold human lives, but remove perhaps, the darkest blot on organized Christian ity in America. m . and Mule Special will be June 4th ead of May 2 8th as we had announced. This postponement will give you time to get In your experience In raising horses and mules, or buying them, or training them, or feeding them, or work ing them, or about them in any way. Let us hear from you at once; there’s not a day to lose, and we want to have this Special just chock full of bright, brief, snappy talks of a practical nature by practical farmers. * 1?68t 1111118 to d0 t0-n,*ht Cor to-morrow night, if you can’t do it to-night) will be to have our reply to the patent medicine advertising agency read aloud to the whole family so that every member, young and old, will learn the plain truth about the biggest swindle and fraud in America to-day. We account this matter too as strictly within the province of a farm paper because It is the farmers and farmers’ PWives Tnd° ,8,UTrt the Patent medlc,ne fraud to-day aklr wl LT6 Wak® UP t0 ,ts vIlen«s. the raklrs will be forever put out of business i the artlcle and Bh°w it to your neighbors. A Thought for the Week. fjjjaE the MEN of to-day and of tho f„,uro aM x rutl“ “we •« »° i» «« important oVat^X."^ ^TatT and" °XnU ““Xtllnio'"^fU“'la,ne'‘ta‘ all-important virtues iXo arX ' work, if he ha. not in him ttXXnXh W‘" n0t to be a good husband and father Xh.P°Wer woman is not a good house wX.' } a,araee many healthy children iv a good motl*er of W ill go “wm n„“Xr X. *“* W1U of artistic development 1 “ar,be ltB brilliance But these homelyPqualltiea J?aterlfal achIeven»ent. must, in \ ,Ues are not enough. There that power ot working la organisation, : end. which the Gernan '°T ‘ com“°o signal fashion during the last haTfV^11 ln 8UCh over, the things of the snfrtt 6ntUrjr* Mor® Portant than the things £ YlYT “°re lm' well do without the hard intoi body’ We can tellectual barrenness of whaf6^06 aDd arId ,n' theological systems of the pas^ burY0? ,n the been greater need of a hS bUt}bere has never ■ spirit than at the present 6 relI^ous , Roosevelt’s address at B r n Y °m Tbeodore , 1910. Berlin, Germany, May 12, 1 1 An Open Letter Exposing Fakirs and Falsehoods. j [Turn first to page 368 and read the attack on our position by the advertising agency handling patent medicine advertisements, and then read our reply herewith, in connection with the em phatic letter of Dr. Wiley on page 377. We had intended publishing the letter with names and ad dresses, but the agency in question after getting this reply hastened to announce that their letter was not written for publication anyhow, conse quently we omit all mention of their names, sim ply publishing the statements in their letter in order that our readers may get their side of the case. ] Gentlemen:—I have your letter of April 28th, the gist of which is contained in a single para graph. ‘The Pure Food and Drugs Act, passed several years ago by Congress and now in op eration, makes it utterly Impossible for such a thing as a patent medicine fakir to exist. If you will read the law, and if you will study the workings of the law, you will find this to be the case. Where, then, are the patent medicine fakirs and the vicious quacks? Can you not specify?” Very well, I shall take a great deal of pleasure In "specifying.” I have Just picked up a copy of my own church organ, dated March 2, 1910, edited by a man who is my friend and whom I admire, but whose advertising is chiefly furnished by you, and two ads. in this issue will answer the purpose of "specifying.” I might mention a full page ad. at the back In which "Bodi-Tone” professes to cure nearly all the Ills that flesh is heir to; I might call attention to an ad. of a "specialist" ex posed, I believe, by a man from your own State a few weeks ago; I might discuss a disgusting ad. from Joliet, 111., but we will let all these pass, and will take up two other specimen ads. for the pur pose of “specifying,” and you may read them for yourself, if you. can without blushing. Here they are: [See reprints of these ads. on page 377.— Editor.] You must have seen these ads.—most lik«l~ they were furnished by your own agency,—and ' --—~ ^ mai unaer me new Pure Food and Drugs Act "such a thing as a pat ent medicine fakir can not exist.” When a scoun drel can prey on the naturally sanguine temper ament of a pitiful consumptive, can delude him with false hopes for the filthy dollars that he may wring from the dying sufferer, and when, more over, he can use the professed Institutions of the Living God to find his victims—in Heaven’s name what need have we of any further witness? You virtually start your letter by referring to an hon estly-expressed opinion of mine as "a false state ment ; if I were inclined to be no more respect ful, I should have more reason for saying that your assertion that patent medicine fakirs simply can not exist is not only false, but pitiable for Its very impotence and absurdity. * It happens that all over the United States to i ? ®re,at organ,zed movement against tuber culosis Is In progress and noble men and women ar! S™ tIme and mo“ey in an efTort to stamp graat plague* and °ne of the greatest dif ficu ties they have to encounter is the tendency of Victims tn nnt i_ _■ ■ * foir<*a _.u . »«tiuuu quacK8 ana IrSK*W^°' 88 1 Baid ,n tbe atatement to which you object, and said truly, “rob the sick and dy ,n-«i0ftie.n delud,ng the 8ufferlng with false hopes tJ n.a",C,ha“Ce °f recovery by Proper medical treatment Is forever gone.” happens, moreover, that In my own city a Pd »!7LUl°,8lS Exhlb,t,0°. in charge of distinguish ed au i°/,t,e8l°n th,s 8ubJect- baB Just been open tor^ hT ^ubl,c* and ln bia opening addresB Direc tor e. j. Routzhan declared: P.irid 18 a truth that consumption can be cured. Patent medicines won’t do this, ‘for of^m’”*UdS and fak6a aDd 1,e8’ Bveryon® He went further than I would have gone, and ndil^H undff8tand aBd appreciate his righteous ndlgnatlon. At a great Antl-Tuberculosls Meeting 11 Greensboro. N. C.. a few weeks ago, the same yarning against patent medicines was sounded by /\.SL°°d8 Hutcb*nson. the distinguished author )T The Conquest of Consumption,” and one of he most famous medical authorities In America, is well as by Dr. Livingston Farrand. Secretary rreasurer of the American Tuberculosis Assocla ion. Dr. Hutchinson’s expert testimony was that