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PRACTICAL TRAINING FOR BUSY HOUSEKEEPERS Hmv the Colorado Agricultural College C.oes Directly to the Housekeeper and Helps Solve He, Problems. By Miss Mary F. Rausch. Professor of Home Economics. Ft. Collins. Col. I I lib COLORADO Agricul tural College, at Fort Collins we have done quite a gooc deal of extension work in domestii science. We hold short courses it different parts of the State. Tiu plan is as follows: The college pays the cost or gro ceries and travelling and hotel ex penses, l ut the town furnishes * hall, fuel, light and heat and a worn an to wash the dishes and keep the kitchen clean. The college receive* $100 from each place. This mean* that 100 women attend the school and each woman pays $1 for the course. In some places we have had 2 00, 300, <00, 500, and In one place ooo women. We ask for the $100 and anything they make over that belongs to the club or society which organized the short course. In some cases, they furnish books for their library, etc. We also attend farmers' Institutes all over the State and give talks on household management, care of chil dren, the wise spending of money, the cooking of meat, eggs, vegeta bles, etc., how to sew neatly, how to furnish a house, how to have a mod el kitchen, hints for health, and oth* er things along the same line. These household conferences have been given in different parts of the State. A uew method is being started this summer. We feel that the rural school work needs attention. Five of the professors connected with this college will attend the teachers' nor mal Institutes this summer. These teachers will teach agriculture, na ture study and domestic science. I expect to teach one hour each day during the institutes. We cannot do much in tlvo days, but we can help to interest the teachers so that they may know what they can do without money and without equipment, or with an outlay of $5 a year at the very most. outside w< rn is growing so in this State that \.e hardly know how to take care of It. Clubs, schools, and Institutes are writing for help, and It seems to me that this is a very big problc a. It is v ry easy to create interest In this w rk. The people are ready and willing, and when we give lec tures along this line, the halls are crowded to the doors. There is one thing to keep in mind in all this work: It must he done in a sane way. In all my work In the State. I try to give really helpful, practical things that will help the average farmer’s wife. Extension work can never he successful unless it really goes Into the home where there is very little money, and these people must he shown how to do their house work in the easiest way, and how to keep the house attractive, clean, and to make a real home of It. Editorial Note.—Miss Rausch sends us an outline of her work in domes tic science, the following extracts from which will glvo a good idea of the very practical nature of the work: "Lesson 1—Personal Clcanli IIiicns.—1. Care of the body, in cluding the necessity of fre quent baths and clean under wear. 2. Special care of the hands and finger-nails. 2. T lie care of the hair and head. Hair should be brushed every night for five minutes to make it glossy. Hair should be washed about every three weeks. The scalp must always be kept clean. 4. Little children should always have clean face and hands. 5. . Teach the value of having but 1 tons on clothes and shoes. A Few Personal Habits to be Avoided—1. Teach the chil dren not to spit on the floor or slate. 2. Not to swap chewing gum or apple cores. 3. Not to pick the nose. 4. To turn the face aside when coughing. 5. I'o keep the mouth closed. 6. Not to put the pencil in the mouth. Note.—The mouth is for eating and speaking and should be closed when not in use.” “Lesson 4—Setting the Table. Kules for setting the table.—1. Have table is center of room. 2. Cover the table with silence cloth or clean blanket. This is for quietness and protection. 3. Have the tablecloth even on all sides. 4. Have a center piece in the center of the table. 5. Have flowers on the table. Note.—A clean tin can with geranium in it and a clean white paper pin ned around it may be used for center of table. 6. Be sure that the table linen is clean. 7. Place the fork on the left side of the plate with the tines turn ed up. The knife is on the right with the sharp edge toward the plate. 8. The water glass at the tip of the knife. 9. The napkin folded square and placed at the left side.” Other lessons In the course are: No. 2, Sleeping; 3. Measurements; 5. Care of the Kitchen; 6, Dishwash ing; 7, Eating; 8. Food; 9. Sew ing; und so on. The value of such systematic in struction to actual and prospective housekeepers can not easily be over estimated. and every State in the South should have some provision made for practical instruction along these lines. I.ight I tread or Rolls. The following is a tested recipe for bread or rolls: Two cups milk, 2 cups boiling water, 2 tablespoons lard, 2 tablespoons butter, 3 tea spoons salt, 1 cup yeast or 1 yeast cake, dissolve in % cup lukewarm wate r, 12 cups sifted Hour, 1 table spoon sugar. Put butter, lard, salt and sugar in large bowl or pan. Pour on boiling water. Scald the milk and when lukewarm add the yeast. Combine mixtures and add the most of the flour. Beat thoroughly (a dover egg-beater is useful for this process), so that the yeast may be well distributed. Add remaining flour, mix and turn on floured board; knead until mixture is smooth, elastic to touch and bubbles may be seen upon the surface. Return to bowl, cover and let rise until it doubles its bulk. Keep in a warm, even temperature. Toss on slightly floured board, knead, shape into loaves or rolls, place in greased pans, having pans nearly half full. When they have almost dou bled their bulk put into a fairly hot oven. If the oven is too hot the crust will brown before the heat has reach ed the center of the loaf, which should continue to rise for the first 15 minutes of baking, when it should begin to brown and continue brown ing for the next 20 minutes. The last 15 minutes it should finish bak ing in a somewhat cooler oven. This recipe will make five largo loaves or sir small ones, and may be made, mixed, raised and baked in five hours. Don’t worry about your work. Do what you can, let (he rest go, and smile all the time. Directions for Storing Food. From Farmers’ Bulletin 375, U. S. Department of Agriculture upon “Care of Food in the Home,” the following directions for storing food aie taken. This bulletin which may be had upon request will be found to be a helpful acquisition to any home library, and every woman who reads our Home Circle should send for it: Breakfast cereals and crackers should be placed in a cool dry place. Corn meal spoils more readily than flour, consequently should be obtained in as small quantity as is practicable. Rice, tapioca, macaroni and similar dry materials, dry fruits are best kept in covered cans or crocks. Sugar and salt may be kept, the former in tin, the latter in wooden or crockery receptacles. Glass preserve jars are best and most convenient containers of small quantities of food material. Turkeys, chickens and other birds should be carefully drawn as soon as killed and without washing hung in the coolest available place. Hams and other smoked meats are best kept when hung in linen bags. The old-fashioned method of the plate, or board, and stone to keep the salt pork in the brine is a satis factory device. Many housekeepers have success in packing eggs in bran vats or dry salt, but a prepared, tested method is a 10 per cent solution of waterglass or lime water, directions for making of which may be found in Farmers’ Bulletin 12 8, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Easier Work for Hot Weather. It is hard to keep furniture dusted and polished but I delight in it. I take a soft, damp cloth and rub off my furniture after it has been dusted, then take another woolen cloth and dampen it with spirits of turpentine and kerosene, and rub the furniture again. It will leave an unpleasant odor in the room, but in a short time it is all gone and you have a nice sweet room. I have a Spotless washing ma chine. I like it splend'dly. I do all the house work and get through washing by 2 o’clock, and stop to cook dinner. 1 have a smoothing iron heater that is another great article. I wish every sister farmer had one. It saves wood, trouble and the ironer, on the warm days in the summer from ^eing worried so much from the heat. They sell for $2.50. Any one wishing to have one can just ad dress the Smoothing Iron Heater Co., Sumter, S. C. The company will pay the freight on one to any place on receipt of $2.50. MISS LIZZIE TALBOT. lie Knew the Requirements. Uncle Silas, in his youth, had been "fond of the society of the opposite rex," to use his own words, and the timidity of his 23-year-old nephew was a great trial to him. "What’s the matter with you, Rod, that you stick at home Sunday even ings?” he demanded plainly, after many unavailing hints. "Why don’t you go calling on some of your young lady friends, boy?” "Oh, 1 don’t care about it,” said Rodney, turning a lively crimson. "They wouldn’t find me interesting.” “Wouldn’t?" puffed Uncle Silas. "Well, l should like to be told why they wouldn’t. You’ve got a good black suit and a new straw hat, and you’ve got a pair of legs that could take you to the candy shop on Sat’day night, and enough pockets to put a box or two in. 1 should like to know what more you need to make ’em find you interesting?”—Youth’s Com panion. See the delighted expression on the faces of these people. They’re happy because they’re comfortable from the feet up—they’re wearing FORTUNE . BRAND HOSE, the kind that wont bruise or irritate the feet, because they have no seams, and are so well made. FORTUNE HOSE wear ever so much longer than the ordinary kind, being spun from extra quality long staple yarn. The colors for ladicsare Black No. B-38 and Tan No. T-37. Sent in either one color or assorted. Sizes 8l, 9, 91 and 10. The Men’s Sox come in the following shades: Black No. E-51; Tan No. C-43; Blue No. L-92; Red N >. D-77; Gray No. H-85; Violet No. V-63; Green No. X-48. Are sent in any assortment of colors desired. Sizes 9l4 10, 10'o, 11 and 111/2. FORTUNE HOSE are sold by the most pro gressive merchant in nearly every town. If your dealer doesn’t handle them, send us his name, and we will supply you direct, upon receipt of price. 6 pairs of Ladies’ Seamless Hose 75c, postpaid. 6 pairs of Men’s Seamless Sox 60c, postpaid, or both for $1.25, postpaid. We’re after big sales— that’s why our prices are so low. FORTUNE HOSIERY MILLS Box 10 La Fayette, Ga. THE Mother's Magazine !• a Monthly Home Magazine devoted to all that iz of interest to the Mother, the Girl* and the Home. This is one of the very best publica- ONE tionsof its kind, sells at 60c per year. YEAR All who have had it speak of it in the FREE highest terms. fllll* Off OF Send us only 60 cents for a UUI Ullvl new six months’ subscrip tion to The Progressive Farmer and Gazette, or if you are a subscriber, send 11,00 for one year renewal and we will have Mother’s Magazine sent to you for a full year, or to any address you wish. If you are a man, get The Mother’s Magazine for your wife or mother. If you are a woman, insist upon having The Mother’s Magazine. A Chance to Help Your Neighbor YOU KNOW your neighbors should read the interesting and helpful articles which The Progressive Farmer and Gazette gives its read ers in each issue. Their boys will be interested in the Boys’ Corn Club Prizes. Ask one of them to give you a six mouths subscription, they will thank you for starting them reading the Farm Paper that makes better Fanners of its readers, and you will enjoy The Mother’s Magazine. DON’T DELAY-ACT TO DAY-And re ceive the next insue of Mother’s Magazine. HAILTH1S COUPON TODAY Progressive Farmer and Gazette, Starkville, Miss. Gentlemen:—Inclosed find 60 cents for a six months subscription to The Progressive Farm er and Gazette. Same to be sent to Town---State. R F.D.Name___ Send The Mother’s Magazine for one whole year free to Town...State . R.F.D_Sign Name... •S'PIease write in ink and very plain. 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