Big News For Incubator Buyers
The famous Belle City Incubator
wins the “Tycos”Cup Contest over
i Machines costing 2 to S times as
Zuch making it the Double World’s
Champion. A nd winner raised over
I 97 per cent of chicks. Order Now.
Get in champion class. Order direct
from this advertisement to get early
\itart. Hundreds of others do. I guar
antee satisfaction. Read remark
goffer below. J- V. Rohan, President.
m Buys the Best
■ Egg i| n
Incubator [Jp
/Ever Made
$4.85 Buys the Best Brooder
Both Incubator and Brooder, ordered together
cost but $11.50— Freight Prepaid (E. of Rockies).
The Bello City Incubator has double walls
and dead air space all over, copper tank, hot
waterheat, self-regulator, thermometer, egg
tester, safety lamp, nursery, high legs,
double door. The Belle City Brooder Is the
only double-walled brooder made, hot-water
heat, platform, metal lamp. No machines
-'***'- ■ -- at any price are better.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Write for our book to
day, or send the price
now and save waiting.
140-Chick Brooder J- K. Rohan, President.
Belle City Incubator Co., Box 101 Racine, Wls.
Brown Leghorns
The larger kinds with well-developed
combs, and that soft, smooth brown-blaok
color that Is so muoh admired. The bred
to-iay-klnd. We also have
Ons of the very best breed*. We have eggs,
baby chicks, and stock at all timps. Prices
reasonable. Send for descriptive circular
and prices. Promptness our specialty.
Sturtevant Brothers
Winners at Kansas City, Mem
phis, Birmingham, Jaokson, Pine
Bluff, and other large shows.
20-acre farm, oomplete In every
detail, devoted to perfeotlng this
one variety.
You can profit by the hundreds
of dollars we have expended Im
proving our strain, at prices no
higher than the small breeder
Write your wants. Eggs and
Winner at Kansas baby ohloks.
held In America. K. 2. Box 113. Columbus, Miss.
—-—. ■■ ■— ■■ ■ ■— :
R. c. R. 1. Reds, 8. C. R. I. Reds and 8. C. White
Orpingtons at 13.00 per 15, or *5.00 per 30. Mam
moth Pekin duoks at *2.00 per 11. My Reds, are
red to the akin and winners wherever shown. My
Orpingtons are Kellerstrass strain—the heavy
.Inter layers.
W. W. LOFTI8, Columbus, Miss.
Southern Poultry Yards
R«»dP. Rooks. White P. Rocks, 8. C. Rhode
Wand Reds Black Wyandottes and 8. C. Black
lnoroas. Choice lot of breeders now for sale
« reasonable prices, of blue ribbon winners of
Ujj ate Fair, Delta and Mississippi State Fairs,
W, M. ARMSTRONG, Bee., Valden, Miss.
ing from prize-winning White Wyan
t! ins J',mners at the largest shows. Eggs *1.50,
today *° Mating list free. Write
_ _P. O. Box 340, Jockson, Miss.
lr0T? S. C. White Leghorns, Barred Ply
mouth Rocks and S. C. R. I. Reds.
hu. l.n’lfo* at, i","State Fair, Tennessee, Colum
“Bs an<i Starkvilie, Miss.
*1.50 and *2.50 per 15.
^A. ROBINSON, R. F. D. 1, West Point, Miss.
1 Wh?»«ilze,winninK stuff- s- C. Reds. S. C.
horns u/K ?rn?;.Buff Wyandottes, Buff Leg
0rninir»^„ lte Wyandottes, Crystal White
Vance °nS’ anc^ barred Rocks. Cash in ad
- LLIAMS Proprietor, West Point. Miss.
Poultry Supplies
. Seeds
write for our catalog "C".
" °rlda of Information contained
• • Maw Orleans. La.
broilers are in tip-top shape to be
sent to the markets. But still there
are a few other things to be looked
into before the broiler is ready to
be passed into the hands of the con
sumer. A few rules, if carefully ob
served, will also help deliver these
same broilers into the hands of the
consumer in first-class condition:
Give no feed for at least 3 6 hours.
Pick dry and free from all pin feath
ers. Cool thoroughly before they
are packed. Never sever the neck
of a broiler that is intended for
shipment. Never pack an inferior
broiler in the same box with the good
ones, as an inferior one will ruin
the looks of the whole package.
Now, that the birds have been
without feed for a period of 36
hours, we take each bird and insert
its feet into a noose of stout twine
which has been provided for the pur
pose and which is hung from some
stout object and hangs about level
with our shoulders. Take a killing
knife and open the bird’s bill and
insert the knife into the seat of the
brain and at the same instant give
it a quick turn. This motion after
a little practice severs the artery
and benumbs the fowl at the same
time. Now if we pull the large wing
and tail feathers, we will find that
they drop easily, but we will have
to do this quickly as this period of
dropping only lasts for about a min
ute, and we must make quick work
of it. Carefully pick each bird, and
wash out the mouth and remove all
signs of blood.
During warm months pack care
fully with small ice and just tight
enough so that they will not slip and
slide in transit. Cheap nice baskets
are good to ship small lots in, for
private customers, but if we ship in
quantity, good boxes should be pro
vided for same.
Richmond, Va.
Your paper is doing a great work
in this community. There were more
two-horse plows bought and used
last year, more seed selected through
the ads in your paper and used than
ever was used before. Everybody
seems to be taking more interest in
the new methods of farming and bet
ter seeds and a very large part of the
credit belongs to The Progressive
Farmer.—H. W. Weir, Weir, Miss.
. • - ■■■■ . - ■ ■ ! ■ .....
White Wyandotte Eggs
From vigorous and carefully bred stock,
$1.50 per 15.
H. R. GUTHRIE, - - Port Gibson, Miss.
Providence Stock and Poultry Farm
Is the home of high class Berkshires, Barred
P. Rocks, S. C. R. I. Reds, White Orpingtons.
Eggs from Rocks and Reds, $1.50; Orpingtons,
$2.50. W. W. MARION, Nettleton, Miss.
Buff Rock. Cornish Indian.
Partridge Wyandottes. each.
$2 per 16. Brown Leghorns,
$150 per 15. For beauty,
size and uniform color; none excel.
J. H. ELEY, ... Union Springs, Alt.
Eggs! Eggs!
S. C. White and Buff Orpingtons, correct in
color, size and breeding, $2 for 15. Buff Or
pingtons, for more than one setting $1.50 One
White Orpington cockerel left at $6. One pair
of White Rock exhibition birds for $5.
J.S. MONTGOMERY, StarkviHe, Miss.
S. C. Rhode Island Red Cockerels 11.50 to <4, worth
double that. Laying hens tl <o 13, broiler size chicks <10
per dozen, baby chicks 10c each, from best pen, safe de
livery guaranteed. Eggs from actual prize winning
matings, <1.50 to <2 per 15, <7 per 100. S-l fertility guar
anteed. Write for mating list.
F. P. PHILLIPS, - - - - Columbus, Miss.
S. C. White Leghorns
Wyokoff strain. Blue Ribbon winners, carefully
selected, mated no akin, large, white end heavy
layers. Eggs, ^ Columbus, Hiss.
Winners wherever shown. Pei
males, and First Prize and high
per setting. Other pens of first
ment. and capable of producing
ting. Orders filled same day n
wrapped. Good stock and fair i
Eggs From My Pen of Mammoth
Bronze Turkeys
From choice, largo and vigorous and
carefully mated stotk for sale at $4
per setting of 12.
W. M. HOLLAND, - Maben, Miss.
$4 per dozen. Single comb Brown
Leghorn eggs, $1 per 15. : : ;
MRS. KNOX COOPER, Eupora, Miss.
bahy chicks
Day old from Plymouth Rock and mix
ed breeds 10 cents each. From well
mated White Wyandottes, Taylor and
Sinclair strains. A—At 25 cents each;
B—At 20 cents each.
S. A. Scott, West Point, Mississippi.
Light Brahmas, |„cw„K',iiKV.
from fancy prize winners, $1 per 15. Registered
Berkshire pitfs after June 1st. Masterpiece stock.
MRS. TOM FALLS, Route 1, Booneville, Miss.
White Rock Eqgs
Eggs from Snow White Rocks, best of layers,
$1.50 per 15; $2.50 per 30.
GEO. A. HUMMER, - - - Prairie Point, Miss.
White Orpington $2.50 per 15.
Buff Orpington $1.50 per 15.
Young stock White Orpingtons. $10 per trio
while they last. Crystal White strain.
W. S. PAYNE, . - Jackson, La.
From Taylor’s Strain ol
M I wfl —W White Wyandottes.
$1 Per Setting of 15
MRS. ELLIE STUBBS, Baldwyn, Miss., Route 2.
Indian Runner Duck Eggs
For sale, best of layers, $1.50 per 13; $8 per hun
dred. Also S. C. Rhode Island Reds exclusively,
$1 per 15, $5 per hundred.
Kellerstrass White Orpingtons.
15 Eggs assorted from 3 pens for $3; 30 eggs
for $5. Parent stock direct from Kellerstrass
Farm. Ref. First National Bank.
H. S. Green, - - Corinth, Miss.
Rhode Island Red Eggs
From Prizewinners and of a Two Hundred Egg
laying strain.
Price per setting of 15 eggs, $2.50.
P. L. VINSON, Lexington, Miss.
Single Comb Rhode Island Reds
High-class well bred birds; eggs from best
pen |2 for fifteen. This pen is headed by a one
hundred dollar cockerel. Second pen. $1 per
fifteen. Good hens mated to a fine cockerel;
red to the skin.
Mrs. C. E. Fontaine, Route 2, Quitman, Miss.
Homer and Fantail Pigeons. Shipped any
where on approval at reduced prices to reduce
stock quickly. Leghorn cockerels $1 each.
Write quick, good hatch, satisfaction guaranteed
Wlndes Poultry Yards. Leighton, Ala.
S. C. W. Leghorns
If you want to win at the early fall shows, now
is the time to get your eggs. My birds have
made a wonderful record in the show rooms.
Are extra large and heavy layers. Booking
orders now for early hatched pullets. Catalogue
giving winnings and prices free.
Box 321 C, Center, Ala.
Dr. S. C. Tatum, Prop.,E. L. Peek, Mgr,
J' Indian Runner Duck
Eggs for sale at $1.50 per
doz. Mrs. J. L. Frizell, Du
rant, Miss.
S. C. R. I. Reds will Help
You Fight the Boll Weevil
Winners at Memphis Tri-State Fair, Mississippi
State Fair, st Jackson, Columbus, Tupelo, Boone
vtlle, Starkvllle and Cortnth, Mlsa.
No stock for sale. Eggs will be sold the balance
of season at half prloe. and by the quantity special
prtoes will be given.
Day-old ohlcks for guaranteed delivery aiter
March 20th. Prices It and 26 cents each. Send
(or mating Hat for 1911.
Yours truly
MRS. N. E. DEUPREE * CO.. May hew, Miss.
is One and Two are headed by FIRST PRIZE
■coring females. Eggs from these pens at $2.60
class young stock mated according to tempera
winners. Eggs from these pens at $1.60 per sit
:ceived, and shipped in tafety boxes carefully
lealing is my motto. Mailing list free on request.
- - Seminary, Miss.
111) a 9 4
S. C. Rhode Island Reds
If you want Rhode Island
Keds'that arctarge.tstrong
and good layers, andihigh
class show birds at farm
ers’ prices let me send you
my catalogue.
My Birds Won Highest
Honors in lour Slates
this Seasoa
Sec. Tenn. Valle) Poultry Association
S. C. B. Minoreas
* Best winning at Memphis, Jackson. Mis-,
issippi, Greenville, 8 first, t* second, 3 special
for shape and color, 11110.
Few good cockerels still left. $2 00 to $5.00
each. Eggs. $1.50 to $5.00 per 15.
(i. t. CAIMIWAV, Oakland. Hiss.
Dixie White Plymouth
Eggs from utility pens $1.50: eggs from special
pens $3.00; eggs from exhibition pens $5.00.
Cockerels and pullets for sale.
Mrs. Alma Arnold
Eupora, ..... Mississippi.
Single Comb FFifi**
Brown Leghorn
$1.00 for 15.
HL S. LAMB, - Tupelo, Miss.
R. C. R. I. Reds,
Bred to Lay,
Weigh and Win.
From prize matings, $3.00 per 15. From pens
Nos. 1 to 5, $1.50 per 15; $4.00 per 45; $7.00 per 100.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Send for mating list.
J. D. Marshall, Georgetown, Copiah Co., Miss.
We Produce Baby Chicks
ol High Quality
and guarantee safenrrival.
WIiMe amt Brown Leghorns
and Butt Orpingtons.
Catalog free.
Sanitary Poultry larm
Box 500. : Comfort, Texas.
i White P. Rocks
(Fischel strain): Barred F. Rooks (Thompson
strain), and Single Comb Brown Leghorns for
sale. A nice lot of young stock and some high
scoring birds, worthy to head any pen; Eggs
now ready. First pen $2.00 per sotting; second
pen $1.50, run of yard $1.00. 1 guarantee a fair
hatch and ali true to name.
D. F. LOVE, Kosciusko. Miss.
Cook’s strain true white and fawn.
200 eggs and up per duck. Write for
catalogue and prices on eggs.
H. A. COVINGTON, Quitman, Miss.
Sliver Spangled Hamburgs and While Wyandottrs
We have the Quality, get our catalogue. See
our winnings at the big shows; eggs from prize
winning pens $2 for 15; utility stock $1.50 for 15.
H. A. COVINGTON, Quitman, Miss.
S. C. Rhode Island Reds
Fancy Stock. Wonderful layer*. Pure fresh
eggs, $1.50 per 16.
A. B. LEHMANN. Oldenburg, Miss.
Single Comb Rhode Island Reds
Choicest strains in America. I am breeding for
layers as well as show quality and 1 have a
combination of both. 1 won 1st and 2nd pens
and 1st as largest and best display in Chickasaw
County Fair last season. My birds are making
a ecord for themselves ns I have gotten about
500 eggs from pen 1, consisting of 12 hens since
Jan. 1st. Eggs of good breeding. $2; prize mat
ing, $3 per 15. Vi hatch guaranteed. Can sell a
limited number of baby chicks from the best for
$5 per dozen. Yours for a square deal.
L D. ROBERTS, - • Woodland, Miss., Rt. I.
S. C. Buff
The best in the State. Won in two showings
at Mississippi State Fair, Jackson. Miss., and
Attala Co. Fair, Kosciusko, Miss., 6 first. 3
seconds. 2 thirds and 1 fourth. My first pen is
headed by a son of the first prize winner at
Madison Square. New York, and the females,are
from first prize winners at Baltimore. Eggs
from this pen at $5.00 per setting of 15 eggs.
Eggs from second pen at $2.00 per setting of 15
eggs, all from prize wiuners. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Write me.
SIDNEY J. SPAIN. Kosciusko. Miss.
Woo twenty-four prise* this season; world’s beet
HI producers. Eggs, *1-00 P«r 15. Circular tree.
MBS. R. D. WOODSON, Sturgis, Mtse.