I'm1^ Savage
real engine news for you. The
powerful, practical, economical Dazzle BlRwB
Patch farm engine to run all your small VUli'
IH^B machinery—\\^ h. p. only$27.21. No better ^Bf§|
W^M engine made than the Dazzle Patch. Judge the ^B^
j^B price yourself. You can t beat it. Here's proof: ^Bi
B Works For You ■
■ Two Months JT tVUiHi B
EB Just *° show you what a genuine Dazzle Patch cn- ^B
-^B gine can do for you. 5 years’ guarantee with |5,- ^B
|^B 000,000 backing Prompt shipment. Direct factory ^B|
|^B price in every one of the entire Dazzle Patch line ^Bj§
H^B up to 12 h. p. Write NOW for catalogue with
"I'BB Savage's wonderful offer. Address ^Bjj^
M. W. Savage, President.
HHBk M VV. Savage Factories, Inc.
BHH^Bicp<' 525Minneapolis,
Prevent blight,
destroy insects which play
havoc with your crops. 300,000 suc
cessful gardeners and orchardists
will tell you—use—
Brown’s Auto Spray
40 styles and sires. For 6 acres of field
crops, or 1 acre of trees, use Auto Spray
No. 1—hand power, 4 gal. capacity—Auto
Pop, non-clogging nozzle—all kinds of
sprays with Instant change. For largo
sprayers, Brown’s
Non-Clog Atomic Nozzle
--the only nozzle made that will spray any solution
j dft?H without clogging. Adjustable for all sprays.
I Write for Spraying Guide FREE.
P» lay St., Rochester, N.V.
Thirty Days Trial of
United States Bonded
Cngln*. Burns gas, gasoline,
ksroMns, distillate. Consider these
112 ••Adivantages—12
1st, Pays for itself in fuel saving
in short time. 2nd, No violent vl
, bration. ird. Greatly reduced bulk,
r Easily portable; mounted any
where. 6th,. Every engine oart and
horse power guaranteed. 6th, Ab
solutely frost proof. 7th, Positively
moat economical running engine
bcTth**Idas'’ W,tf* pu,,ey on
IJ**:*J?^ bKmwsk'^
I WondorfMl Naur jith. Uwo* — —
V ftiispIsglnglM inbwsJnss#
Irml*?*!1 oSSif tm*"*1 «*»**•
uws down trees, holds like a pocket-knile. Saws any kind ol
“SKI ?.n an£ *t,n<*i0* ground. One man can saw mors t ini bet
V.\an.2 nu;n ,n any other way, and do it oulor. Send fot
£?. ,,.lu1*tfateJ ?ata»of No. AOS showing Low Prlco sad
SesumomaU from thousands. Pirst order gets agency.
Double Aotlon. Triple Geared
Thin No. 6 is one of our
leading Feed Mills. Particu
larly adapted for grinding
ear oorn and small grain for stock
feed. A medium priced mill that
Gives Satisfaction
Strong, durable and
ea*y running. Mounted
on a heavy hard-wood
box. hully guaranteed.
Write for free catalog.
Over styles and Bixe*.
JHK BAUEN Bros. CO., »m 414 SptiagtigH, Ohio
■ prevent damage to eggs, giuTletHruck^ruits^iv^tockl
■ on road to market. Make any wagon a spring sagon. Soon!
■ save cost—produce brings bigger prices—wagon lasts!
■longer—horses benefited—thousands in use—"my wagon!
rides like auto says one. Get a pair at dealers.
Tfi ”n<?tat dealer's write us. Insist on Harvey's.
I) I 7,1 gfiKf-*1 jSny wagon-sustain any load to f
u I 10,000 lbs. Catalog and fistful of proofs free. *
1 R,KI™' **-s'
Qtop Buying Sweat Pads!
**Use Nameless Adjustable Collars,
Johnston-Slocum Co.,802. Stalo SI., Caro, Midi,
A Dixie Pea Muller
mnUes big profits out of Cow
Teas. Hulls and cleans with
out bursting the peas, in
creases their value 10 cts per
bushel. Thousands have
given entire satisfaction for
over 10 years. Illustrated
catalog free upon request.
Write today Dept 22.
Rome, Go.
' -
Use the Planet Jr Combined Horse Hoe and ^
M'*s^ Cultivator this season and the increased size of your
K* cotton crop will show it’s the greatest implement in the •- w
tfSL world for cultivating cotton. /**u[
r Planet Jr f
I >9 just as good in tobacco, corn, potatoes, etc. It will do your hoe- |l
III jng, plowing, cultivating, furrowing, listing, dirting, scraping, and /T1
\1 laying-by—and do them just right\ for a practical planter
jl designed it. Planet Jr tools are used throughout the civilized /i )
rT world. Light, strong, easy to handle, fully M IMl
t[| guaranteed. ‘
\ IpD ITiri A 64-page illustrated W
jj A * Vly JC^» farm and gardeabooK! |
IM Every farmer, gardener, and cotton-grower should I
jfm nave this handbook on short cuts to best results. It Kj
III f^ows also 55latest improved horse and hand tools for all II
lU *arm and garden uses. Send Si
iri postal today! H
IjW SL Allen 6 Co Jl
jU Bo* U07B Philadelphia Pa TtS
Cotton In Hills Pays Best
Increases Yield—Saves Labor and Seed
The thinking farmer no longer plants cotton in drills—the
VW==A labor of ‘‘clipping out” and the waste of valuable seed eats
'A \\ UP too much of his profit. By planting in hills you not
\\ \\ V*~mi only save half the labor and a large per cent of I
Can Y\ I ■ seed, but you increase the yield by providing [I
alt° I H plenty of space between the plants. N
Harriman Seed Dropper I
plant- lY^lWT iflP _ solves the entire planting problem. It drops B
• R| tae seed in hills at regular distances as de
4 sired, with just enough seed in a hill to in
PEAS, K 1 \ sure a good stand, and eliminating waste
i BEANS. 8 ■ don ‘ h?ve to l)e ^olled or del in ted—another
Eic f^avi 11 & ,an? one, bushel will plant four acres,
fc‘°' c5;au?? wh.oet regulates depth and permits shallow
Planting, Insuring Quick germination. The Harri
in labor, money, and increased yield. Why plan't "n drills whencotton in hiHs pays best '{**
Write TODAY and we will send yon full AetMs-eonvincing proot-ot the work of thi«
cal. money-saving, crop-increasing Cotton Planter, and tell you where to buy it. ** 01 tblS praoti‘
i The Harriman Manufacturing Co. 58 River Ave., Harriman, Tenn.
40,000 Farmers Plant IjSPJRW
V lm\s*grrrlr“
^ Tli0 Aspinwall Potato Piantor No. 3 pot»to'^^i,
I UrKe °r «m»ll. (Vv-a «reo m»^ 2* a;''CSs-o WlIlTiaodle whole V, or cUt «eed B.
■ **£ e ^^^/ek^:ryer cataioK ‘noiudum y^sss^&sssss\sssssri&V
Cahoon Seed Sower
"i°„rld’s,standard broadcast sower for all kinds of i
dHiu acd Brass seed- Used instead of exrensive
Antrim, N.H.
_ The limit of efficiency //^^9
and economy reached. I
Few parts and perfection in de- // ® IB
sign, with mechanical exactness I ItH
in construction, have made this //
_ possible. No
other engine // ^iJ/“*sSB
costs so little // -3/ % ■
to operate, li~3/ %JB
Runs on its T7/$» ]■
own base— EjH
_ doesnothave 1 M
_ _. up by pump. eslijfl
Send for our Engine Books -hs >JI
Tell you how an engine should’-IWT FB
be made to do effective work— |f| PM
what is important — tell how li). IW1
engine users are misled. If you II rB
have need for a small engine, but II k ■
one that can be put to half __ II J|| I
a hundred uses, you ■
should write for these 1
books without delay. BJEffii I
^Pepl. N .Warran,1
Free Trial
We will send you any one of our 44 year
famouB Quaker City Feed Mills and If
mill is not entirely satisfactory at end
y°« can return same at OUR EXPENSE.
Bold direct from factory to user. 23 styles, rang
ing from hand to 20 horse power, to select from.
Quaker City Feed Mills
make and save bjz money wherever used for grinding corn
ana cob *n<| sUkinds of small grain separately or mixed}
table meal, SHUCK and KAFFIR CORN, fine, medium
«r coarse; also grind soft and wet corn. Our free trial and
S?.r^bS°1U,ely pro‘ect you' We also handle EngiaO.
utters. Shelters, etc. Send for FREE CATALOG.
Dept. M. 88th * Filbert St.,
Phila. Pa., Uept. L. 3701-9
So. Ashland Aye., Chicago,
Silo Information
49~Our Silo Export while traveling
through the South wishes to call upon
you. Hi. valuabl. Silo axp.rl.ne.
extend, over year’s and will
you money.
ft?*S.nd u. your address If you
tomplato purchasing Silo, during
Western Implement Co., Old Board of Trade
makes Quick, easy digging for
feuoe and telephone po3t 4? cocctil
holes. By extending the handle || pricet*
With our patent appliance, will also II lnW
bore wells. Three full turns All II dues
yourltthreertfcM3tf0hole?llinSS I! no?*
Tou like to get just whrt you ask H
fer. not a substitute, don’t you? c..
Then ask your dealer for the gen
uine Iwan Auter with "Iwan (1 S /I
B™3- on the handle casting. II ^ if *HSi
Digging” booklet free. Send Ikril dlt*
for jt now.
,1 WAN BROS., Bex A. South Bend, IndM