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Ought to Put Rubber Tires on Your Carriage Think how comfortable a rubber tired carriage Is! Think how much longer your car riage will last when equipped with casv-riding rubber tlresl And how greatly rubber tire* will Improve the appearance of your carriage and your driving team! Rubber tires don’t cost much. And good one* l«' t n long time. Why not put rubber tires on your carnage? “Wing” Carriage Tires people everywhere are putting Goodyear "Wing” Tires on their carriages. More Goodyear "Wing” Tires are sold every •ration than any other kind of rubber tires, because they wear longest. The secret of their amazing endurance lies In the fresh, lively rubber of which they are made, and In the "wing” feature. Note the "wing”— how it presses against the shies of the channel and completely fills it. ft keeps out all water, mud, dust, dirt and gravel, which otherwise would work into tile channel and cut out the tire bnse. Goodyear "Wing" Tires will fit your carriage. Any dealer can easily put them on. The whole job costs but very little. And once you've tried them you'll wonder how you ever put up with commonplace, hard-riding steel tires. Our “Eccentric” Cushion Tire For tight r unabouts we recommend Tire, a remarkably easy-riding tire; and. because the wire hole is below the t. . .._ . „ center. It insures a 1"® Goodyear Eccentric" greater wearing: depth. This tire {fives 50 per cent more service than any other cushion tire. Postal Brings Book Goodyear "Wing” or "Eccentric” Cushion Tires can he had at most carriage dealers. fie ad postal today tor Book on Buggy Tins and name ol nearest Goodyear dealer. (527) The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company Akron, Ohio Largest Makers of Ituhher Tires In the World, j YES, YOU SHOULD Whether or not you are planning to P’it to any Cement -tanks, silos, (loots—you should inform your -u'lt Hilly hi regard to the advantages u using Cement in your future build ing operations. W'e have an illustrated booklet of II- I Igt-s treating over 11)0 subjects with working plans which give the ox o t proportions of cement and other materials required, all devoted to the use of CONCRETE IN THE COUNTRY which we will he glad, to send you without cost, A postal card will bring it, tint we will greatly appreciate a letter from ' on stating the work you are plan 'l"g 1 his will enable us to give you he b, uellt of our experience and that >t our customers who have done this • amo kind of work. Write today. Dixie Portland Cement Co., —Blc*y». Chattanooga, Term. FOUR TOOLS IN ONE all combined .a Iron Age. our No. b |, dnIU accurately any thicknea. doored. Snui-og on header, bwah agitator in hopper. Changeable mitantly liom l)nll to Hill 5«d., uirnm. Drop. 4 to 24 rnchaa, V d"‘,''d <■ h»n«rd to Wheel Hie- a three lamiy, |, j)U, on(. ,4 ecmplgt. |jne that lit. the need, and purae el every ’ gardener (. an be pmchaard in umplrii .em wd adiled to a. different attachment, • r:UI 1 *?• Perfectly all work -IdhT.'T' XV1 “*,dfn, You •»>«“« •ee tfu* toa 1. \tk youf |o • W (Ua ua tur .p«»i booklet,. Complete /ina of fana. far Jen and orchard tool*. BATFMXN M'F'G CO. Lit kjj.^ UXRNI OCH. N J THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER Each Advertiser’s Reliability Guaranteed. WK will positively make good the loss sustained by any subscriber as a result of fraudulent misrepresentations made in The Progressive Farmer on the part of any advmiser who proves to be a deliberate swindler. This does not mean that we will try to adjust trilling disputes between reliable business houses and their patrons, but in any case of actually fraudulent dealing, we will make good to the subscriber as we ten e jiist indicated. The conditions of this guarantee are, that the claim for loss shall bo reported to us within one month after the advertisement appears in our paper and after the transaction complained of. that our liability shall not exceed *1,000 on any one advertiser, and that the subscriber must say when writing each advertiser: ' I arn writing you as an advertiser in The Progressive Farmer which guarantees the relia bility of all advertising it carries,” Average Wee Six Months SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year. *1.00; six months, 55 cents: three months, 30 cents. To induce new subscribers, one new subscriber and one old subscriber may both get the paper one year for *1.50. 10 Weeks Trial, 10 Cents. To new subscribers only. The Progressive Farmer will be sent ten weeks on trial for ten cents. Sample copy free. Tell your friends who need it but do not read it _We Want Your Name VOUlt name and address will bring you a catalog of wagons in which 1 paint does not hide such imperfections as kiln dried wood. The timber in Piedmont and Hickory Wagons is air seasoned for years. Spokes for our 1917 wagons are now seasoning in theirsheds. Huy a Piedmont or Hickory Wagon. If you think you don’t need one it’s because you do not know that they are hand ironed with first quality wrought steel and that We Guarantee Every Wheel seasons*1"* UP’ *° kccp its dish ai,d to track ri«h* under heavy hauling* in all If you know a farmer or teamster with a Piedmont or Hickory Wagon ask him what he thinks of this wagon that we want to tell you more about. nun Write—Now!—for catalog and name of dealer nearest you. Then see the wagon. PIEDMONT WAGON & MANUFACTURING CO., Hickory, N. C. \ OMiprFartn \ New John Deere Book i* UT_-J «mpntS 1 IlhutrmUj md ducribe* the m«l <^raM’gpS«jM iB Si ’HjL ol ' pWplvUv11 i er.:nplote line of farm Implements. ftxaj ft * i'JTiMU t '•>!:• h«w to adiiwt and uw item V!®sttBl«-«5F0C/S»'.ffli\ \\ \ ’ WltTltlnilB | u< Ho»ro«st-,rtfc 1^“ L I JowDKMl>lo,to—^ Get Quality and Service . '~J:=±Zl_m~-~-^. r—ZZ t - >l»i Deere IkeUere Gin Both 'ftj ~^_—=>_■=• ^rrz-* Davenport Roller Bearing Steel Wagons 1 Hpy \ our Wagon Once For AII the strongest known wheel construction. Every spoke te f » Jh™* V ***** made that is stronger, more Jurat* aid ' tirf' ■ w | W ui lighter draft than any other This m\aon is u v [*e*ar<iJ«« aa to whether the spoke is at the tap, side of K Br bottom of the wheel, it always carries its share of the load. w I pi. ,, L“* *BrWr* Roller Bearing* jj» \ toe,Xr withh'M J** ,n'kr «~™8* "*"•**« «* *m.rally cooceded. 01 1 8 Uk. the steel railway b^.r“t i" h d,!r *"“* preMure---,h* V3n0ua 3t>'le3- straight roller bearmg u the simplest 3 J constructed for hardest lifetime ser- »®“ mnst succeasfuL jt | J vice. Strong and durable. tor this wagon the straight relief nl B Kai'h front, gear and each rear gear bearing ls especially adapted. | B is practically one solid piece that The spindle* and hubs are straight. J 35 cannot come loose or apart. Consequently, a* this wagon is flu y a, . %,rv . equipped with straight roller hearing* 80 Steel Wheels it tool light draft. 89 J This wagon has steel wheels that - — A little honk well be pleased to Rj * are trussed and made with a ten..ion — . , send free, tell* of a good many more H f Tt« Keiw Bcsrbi* superior features this wagon has. j2j 'l“C:-reIl,^T 2* "Bm" Farn '*•*■"«» »«• to V» 1W end in order to ‘ 0 J11 information regarding ike above described wagon, aek for Package No |g o « > JOHN DEERE PLOW^^^^Y^MQLINE. _^ MVE HARD WORK mm 7, MAKK A SULKY PLOW OF YOUR WALKING PLOW m»« IWIKI i-outrol plow r,lt,l‘ C«-.800f«f> »t, fl.W»»hl«gioa.WI«. I y**aw"f Different than all others and better be cause of the double gears, big oil boxes, drop-forged wrist pin, removable bearings, center lift. No side strain, no noise. Big, Heavy and powerful. 4,6. *■ 20 It. Aaaaeam. Send foe C.I. !°*- Also feed mills, pump =^=s=ssSS9 lacks and gasoline engines. sT»?vfR manufacturing co. aamson A^ve^yreenort^iii^^^ Feed—sows ki: l Cf„'ee Fertka{y4r^On'COrr05h'e^ivM ! sows in wide range'of muSH’ 11$ brands of standard comrntrchS Kg a 1 w a y s k ceps^th e Kferri 1 izeraiw»S? II a fertilizer hopper lined IB vamzed metal. Itn *«■ ■ square ttbuSrsted’"*-” madt of || : or sag. s ee . -in not warp N GrcC* DUCkCyh ^osUi Con‘ Geo II closed delivery; Double Disc or bhoe. ’ noe UJfises—Any size front one-horst Buckeye Drills are simple construction very light draft, aad ! P*ant the seed at an tvvn depth. Send for the Buckeye Catalogue and then go to your local dealer i Drill *nS1St °n seeing tlie Bu=keye i [ "The Buckeye— f I : A Wise Buy." |j Tfft jmmsEEDfNGm/tm M*CO**OMA*eO 5fafffNGF/£LD.MO. USA. On receipt of $4 we ship \ anywhere In United States four Empire Steel Wheels to fit your wagon, for 30 days’ hauling test. They will save 25;« of the draft, _ save your back and please you in every** It not exactly as represented, return them® our expense and back comes yourffwlth® delay. Otherwise, pay balance and wheels* yours for a lifetime. Perfect .Measuring* vice free, for measuring your wagon skein* 1912 Model Empire I Farmer’s Handy WagNl Ask for Great Introductory Offer on wot* best Handy Wagon. Choose from 20styittl for every purpose. Wagons have enornioai carrying capacity—save 25 per cent of (Ml and half the labor of loading and unloading BOOK FREE-WRITE TODAY I EMPIRE MFC. CO. Box 841, Quincy. III.__ .. Don't fA/kio^royin^an^tyle; ® vehicle or harness until you I... B ‘g haveseen-diisbignewcataloK. / MjL II 2S1 illustrations, full descrip-/ V fjW g tionsof 138vehiclesand74har-/[*ibfl II nessdesigns: Send.for it to- r 11 day! Every vehicle sold / g jHHfclf I direct from factory—withjj % IpQjttH I years' guarantee — anilI safe delivery assured. \J| I J30saved“^>*“ buggy is an example of how Murray saves you % to Enormous production and direct selling make this possi ble. Yet we guarantee qual _ l*y unsurpassed_ApoiJtal 10(7 ay* The Wilber MurrayMfg S10 Fifth Av».t Cincinnati, Ohio WAGON St#5 fyssrsnrsj&s'* For comfort’s sake IP1 Electric Handy W It will save you 4iJ®® fo-bet* ? set ol Electric fcteej ", ,i 0 make your old w:>aon ' cost. Write for catalog^ Bfcrec ma. a.