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Newspaper Page Text
THE NEWS. LOCALS. Mi*. J. A. Caret hers spent Sun day in Columbus. J. Beverly Hogan paid Acker man a visit Monday. Sam Fink lea, of May hew. was a welcome visitor Monday. R Winn paid Penn Station a “flying visit” Wednesday. Col. Thus. J. Wood spent M on day in Ackerman with friends. Fresh ( ’ rack?i‘s- Of all kinds at Perkins* Grocery. Mrs. Arthur Whittam spent h day or two in Birmingham last week. Fresh h'ru Hs. Always on hand at Perkins Grocery. Hub Saunders and Miss Mary Con Holliday spent Sunday in Columbus. Mrs. Harrell, of Sessions, was recently the g’uest in tow not Mrs. Foster. Graves Davis, now of Okolona. is greeted here by bis mans friends this week. Capt. Frank Young, of Ses sions, was in the city transacting business y ost e rda y. H. Winn lias assigned for the benefit of his creditors. Max Stern is the assignee. Miss Cal. Jernagin, of Macon, Is the attractive guest of Mrs. J. L. Lucas this week. Will Jones left Thursday for Hattiesburg where he goes with u view* to locating there. Pork and If einertrttrsf. Sausage always on hand at Perkins' Grocery. Try some. Mrs. T. M. Cummings and children returned Tuesday trom a pleasant visit to Birmingham. Mrs. Ruth Yeates leaves this week to visit her daughter Mrs. E. G. Chandler, of Birmingham. Prof. W. F. Hand has return ed from New York and resumed his duties at the A. & M. Colie it, The many friends ot Rev. R. A. Meek, now of W. sr Point, w ere glad to have him with them Monday. We are glad to learn that Capt. Love, who has been quite sick at his home near Osborn, is im proving. Next Saturday, January olst, is the last day on which you can pay your poll lax and preserve your right to vote. Capt. Emmet Cavett alter a short stay with hisdaughler.Mrs. Robert on the College campus left Tuesday morning. Hon. Jas. T. Harrison, of Columbus, passed through here Tuesday en route to Jackson. His many friends here are always glad to see him. Mrs. Phil Goodman entertain ed informally at cards on last Wednesday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Block, who returned Sat urday to her home in New York. The Self Culture Club, of the A. & M. College held an instruc tive and altogether delightful meeting with Mrs. W. H. Ma gruder on last Wednesday after noon. Dr. Eckford spent Sunday in Macon, where he went to visit his step father. Dr. Featherston, who has been quite ill for several weeks, but who is now conva lescent. David Perkins, who was raided here bill is now in charge of large fanning interests in Sunflower county, has been here for several days past on the “look out tor a ear load of mules. Mr. Chas. G. Carothers spent Monday night of this week in town. Mr. Carol hers was on his way back to Memphis, hav ing attended the funeral services of his brother-in law, Mr. Blewitt in Columbus, on Sunday. Will Gladney returned to Chi cago, Wednesday alter a pleasant stay with “home folks” here. He holds a responsible position on the engineering corps of the C. A: N. W Railroad. Joe Love, who with his brothers Ed and Sam, have removed to Sunflower county where they are engaged in fanning, has been here at his fathers, near Osborn, for several days past. Mrs. Nettie Fried Block, after a most pleasant \ isit here to the family of Col. Simon Fried, returned to her home in New York City Saturday much to the regret of her many admiring friends here. Mrs. W. C. Welbornwas the hostess of a delightful live o'clock tea. on Saturday the 10th, to which a limited number of guests were hidden and which was given in honor of Miss Mamie ( ritz ot Columbus, and Mrs. Watkins, ot Bristol. Tenn. Mr-and Mrs. Tilden Mitchell returned this week to their old home in Sardis, where they will reside in the future,. Number less friends extend their heart felt good wishes accompanied by sincere regret at losing this pop ular young couple from on r midst. Another social affair of utmost charms and socially which took place last week was a dinner ol eightcoversgiven by Miss Doxsey at her lovely home on Main St. Her guests on this occasion were Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Welborn, Mr. and Mrs. Dero Saunders, Dr. and Mrs. R L. Mag ruder, Mr. and Mrs. Ahherdee. B. T. Johnson has recently bought the Hattiesburg “Citizen and moved with his family to that thriving little city. Mr, Johnson is an enterprising news paper man and a good citizen. We commend him to the good people of that section. Arthur Richey left Wednesday for Hattiesburg, where he goes to takes charge of the Telephone Company ol that thriving little citv. Mr. Richey is a capable, and worthy young man and we regret to give him upas a citizen. His family will soon remove there. Miss Mamie Critz, of the I. I. and 0 in Columbus, after visit ing her many friends in town for a week is now the guest of Prof, and Mrs. A. B. McKay on the Campus. Miss. Critz will return to Columbus in a few days, hav ing enjoyed this short rest from her duties and responsibilities in the intirmry of the college dor mitory. Col. T. J. Wood, a prominent lawyer of Starkvilie and also a leading candidate for the State Senate, was in town on business Monday and made this office a pleasant call. Col. Wood is a man of considerable ability and experience and if elected to the State Senate will make the people of the District an able and faithful representative. —Acker- man Plaindealer. Pay your Poll Tax on or before January 31st, if you want to vote this .year. Hon. C. B. Hannah. of Sturgee, paid us a pleasant call yesterday. We tried to feel his “political pulse” but couldn't find it. yet we are constrained to the belie! that he lias Senatorial aspira tions. ()ur friend “Cul" Hannah, would be as potent a factor and as conspicuous a figure in tin Mississippi Senate as your uncle Mark Hanna is in the IT.l T . S. Senate. Capt. W. H. Chiles, who ha> been confined at home'with ai attack of La Grippe for the past ten days is, we are glad to stare, rapidly improving. Mrs. Chiles who was recently called to Vicks burg on account of the illness ol her little grandson has returned home bringing with her the little one, who is very much improved* and its mother. Mrs. Powell, who is welcomed by a host of a friends here. On Friday the ‘.Mb a most ele gant luncheon complete in every charming detail was given by Mrs. Adele Critz to tier guests Miss Mamie Critz and Mrs. Wal-i kins, (nee Miss Josie Evans Critz i of West Point) whose home is now in Bristol, Tenn. Beautiful table decorations combined with aj faultless menu served in several} courses, {urnislmd delight alike j to the eye and palate of t In* hand somely gowned ladies seated at j the board. Covers were laid forj ten and the guests together with! the hostess and honored were: Mesdames F. J. Weddell, George Turner, .1. A Anti march. R. K. Wier and W. li. Perkins. PROFESIONAL. JAS. T. CHILES, ATTORNEY AT-LA W STARKVILLK MISS. THOS. J. WOOD, , ATTORNEY-AT- LA W STAUK VII.LL MISS. JOHN J. DENNIS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW STARKVILLK. MISS. |l. KIIA.NK BKI.I. .Jll. <•. OOIK DAMKJ. j BELL & DANIEL | LAW Y JELLS. Will practice in all ibe courts. < <>l icction a sprciall} . M >iH*\ to loan on real ostato. minis ease. ’ Starkvillo, Miss. JAS. W. NORMENT, I.AWVEK. STAUKVIT.I.K. MISS. (Ottice Next Halbert Hotel.) Will prari ire in all the courts. Money loaned for private part ins w ith ovt r ha rgt*. WILEY N- NASH, ATTOIiNKV AM) COIXStM AT LAW. AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, STAUKVILLK. Oktibbeha County. Mississippi. Ollire cast side of Courthouse Square. H. HARRINGTON. AtTOKNKV aXI Cot’NSKf.oU AT I-A \V. M A HEN. - - * MISS. Will prartire in all the. Courts of Ok tibbeha and surrounding enmities. Money to Loan on Improved Banns at S percent interest. J W ECKFORD, lAhyslc'mn ond Surgeoi), STAUKVILLK. MISS. DR- A, A. WOFFORD, DKNTAL StTKJKOX. Stark vl He. - - Miss. Ollire in Opera House building. J. B. HOGAN, Old Established INSURANCE AGENCY, Represents the strongest Home and Foreign Fire, Tornado, Accident and 1 Life Companies. Yoar business solicited. lj lj lj l:j lj;l ilj lj l.j l.j_i—i l J < L.^v j Tj > LJ;Lj;Lj,LJ i uj.pj > g^^g^ ra rH n.n r“-i:rn nnfl nn ® ‘ \ a1 'I'C ||| JL “ - sSfe 8 THE FABUIMi lIII’LEHKNTS | I ~ t II.IIM HAS I - J ,E - FjiH | 1s p v I ti it g fr t h special i r rifr u effort to get || ]L *■ r Ar mr\ m nucmrcc ~fr P hr iSE * J II And lotfi at end is offer- |i it inu EVERY INDUCE-1 n.T Jib S MENT' reason could ex- |j* IP . M G pcct. JE j.*- A rjTr Ever vm mg in the Farming if : -V ~ ' 3 : E -A Implement or Hardware Line i* j e E wB || to be found anywhere and of Mg | the BEST QUALITY too for | |J LESS MONEY than you pay || J,L ptci |p for an interior grade of goods jp J.H Sg || elsewhere. || Toil FJ n J MorfifiVl sc will I ISM 45. t * • ktii %-IS! o|| YT* . L - .-Mmrmwmvw*n ... imk-wwimimiw aMJMi—mi - ir prr |l The Best of everything in cook- II ing and beating stoves, ranges, jo _j l_ -j r IP Cutierv, Crockery, Queens- it -*. L - ** gig IP ware Glassware, Wooden ware, M - J ; u pip | Tinwork* Etc’., Etc. te .A- -| — ——-^uun- Mmam mmtmm: KiiranwawanM'JUfJumiißaam iln Ie a LARGE and select accourt- S| ulr ' # Ip o;e men! of Buggies and Surries ot U p-t all styles and prices, Harness, p ii Bridles, Saddles, Collars and i the like always on hand and || |at the LOWEST PRICE. | rn You ran NO RISK in trad- 1 St ing with I || # ■ 1 IJ- * .- n | for your MONEY IS REFUND- | || El) if goods are not as Repres- | 3| ented. ffi n-j" LLt