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Image provided by: Mississippi Department of Archives and History
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THE NEWS. Now, Young Man, Will You Come South? Come South, young man, and grow up with the country 1 The formal signing of the treaty with Colombia for the con struction of the Panama canal by the United States has no greater future domestic significance than its certain effect to wonderfully accelerate Southern develop ment. There will he a striking of new balances now in population con centration, trade and varied in dustry. The long overlooked South is to have her delayed grand inning. She will be the “new south'’indeed. For almost a generation the South bravely delved in 1 lie debris and ashes of the civil war to clear the right of way for the golden car of progress hitherto rolling undeviatingly westward. Had there been no war, in all probability the center of popula tion would now be within the Southern States. The South had more than the West genial and seasonable climate, unde veloped natural resources, an abundance of cheap land susccp tible of high productivity, great markets at her door, and plenty of room for home-seeking mil lions, But the South was under a ban. The emigrant tide swept by her to the West, ignorant of the vastly better opport uni ties to be found nearer home. The West tilled up and the South lay fallow for the few who knew the “ground floor" when they were on it. The opening’ of the Panama canal to the world's traffic will more directly and largely benefit the cotton belt than any other large section of the country. The vast current of overland traffic to the Pacific will be in a large degree diverted to the South Atlantic and gulf seaboard, stimulating southern railroad building proportionately and building at southern harbors cities that will rival the greatest of the north. The whole south will be transformed into a teem ing industrial community, where the manufacturer has every ad vantage of convenient, cheap raw material and coal, unequaled facilities to compete with his rivals elsewhere at home or abroad, and a short haul to ship board or the great continental centers population. Such tre mendous industrialism will create a magnificient home market, and the husbandman no less than the tradesman and labor in all its branches will prosper. The South will become the workshop and market place of the western hemisphere. This being the fact—and no speculative probability could bo more self-evident from environ ing conditions—the appropriate ness of our paraphrase of Horace Greeley’s famous advice is ap parent. The young man who has his fortune to hew out with his strong hands and plucky heart, can emigrate to no field of scanti ly exploited possibilities to begin to compare with the Southern states of the union. Here he will find his opportunity, if the stuff is in him, and a cordial welcome. The guide posts of future ma terial supremacy are pointing South.—Atlanta Constitution. IQ OTTIE3 Friends and Patrons: We are in a position to show now during this tall, an ele gant line of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. I I Clothing. Shoes. Suits. I Neckwear etc. I Comprising the latest novel-lies the sro- | son. On r prices will hr 1011 1 LO II 'EH than elsnrherr,and the and | stifle of oar goods wilt romnmud j/oar trade- || Come a'nd price oar goods and //on anti | I sure- in on pi/ hi/ haying from as- I ]j V- make A ICE SUITS TO OH DEC. C/re I as a trial- MCA DEEDS OF SAMPLES'-to i select from, and a-e guarantee a Jit or no sale- g ■ Respect fall if, 1 I STERN & GOODMAN. [ S I\< )C‘ k Island SysleiiV* I HALF I D EITHER ONE WAY DR ROUND TRIP | "PC > Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma and Indian Territory : I ONI October -Ist, November 4th and 18th, I ( )YEK The Choctaw, Oklahoma & Cult K. R. n Uouiul Trip Kates Dailv to ARIZONA, NEW and I H/CryilOW old MEXICO. I DURING OCTOBeTC 530.(10 TO CALIFORNIA, I THE SHORTEST LINE to Hot Springs, Little Rock, I Oklahoma, El Paso and the West. I Through Chair Cars to San Antonio anti Loading Toxas Cities. 1 | Through or Connecting Sleeping Cars. | I Throe Trains Daily Leave Memphis I I UNION DEPOT I I or Call on .JOHN .1, COODKICIL List. Pass. Agent. I I :t4T Main St.. Memphis. 1 .... 'l':i k o T'lic .. . . CULF i Sllll’lSLAl RAILROAD. Quickest add Best Connects with trains in all di rections at GULF I’ORT lITTIESHLIIIi AM) JACK SON Through line to Gulf Port, Miss. The Xtw Port of the Sovth. DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE. Short lino between Jackson and the (lull, making close connection with trains for all points from Gulf Port, Hattiesburg and Jackson. TWO THROUGH TRAINS DAILY. No. 2 leaves Gulf Port at 0:45 a in. loaves Hattiesburg at 10:10 am, arrives at Jackson at 2:00 p in. No. 4. leaves Gull Port at 3:5:> p. in., leaves Hattiesburg at 7:15 p m and ar rives at Jackson at 11:05. No. 1. leaves Jackson at 4:35 a. in." leaves Hattiesburg 8:15 a m and arrives at (i 11 1 f Port at 11:15 a. in. No. 3. leaves Jackson at 2:40 p.m., leaves Hattiesburg at 0.35 p m and ar rives at Gulf Port at 10:00. These trains are arranged with a view of making desirable con nections at Gulf Port, Hatties burg and Jackson. Parties can leave Jackson in the af ternoon and reach Mobile or points of: the Gulf coast the same night, or take ( the L. &■ N. coast train in the morning and go to interior towns without bing over in Gulf Port. j 1000 mile tickets, good for 1 >ear For further particulars call on or address. TIIOS. P. HALE, g. p. a. Gulf Port, Miss. PLANTERS HOUSE, STARKVILLE, t S ?. Corner of La Fayette and Lampkii Sts, Table Supplied with the best th mat*" ket affords. GOOD COMFORTABLE BEDS. Lunches Served all Times of the Daj. TERMS: Sls.ooper montl oi #1 par day. Single meal 25 cents. J, S. LANDER* Trap. 3T.LOVIS ® STATION CAIRO (8) ~EB' D ' A N^^S<on toomery J (•) MOBILE Td) JACKSONVILLE (•) NEW ORLEANS TIME OF TRAINS AT STARKVILLE. No. 42. Arrives (daily) 12:15 p. .m No. 44 Arrives, (daily) 6:25 p. in No 41 Leaves (daily) 10:05 a in No 43 Leaves (daily) 4:25 p. in. c. 8. CLARKE. General Manager, ST. I.OCIS. C. M. SHEPARD, JNO. M. BEALL, Geu'l PasiTr Agent. Am tGen’l I'aoi’r Agent. JIUBIL.K. ST. LOUS. NOT IN ANYTRUST Many newspapers have lately given currency to report* by irresponsible parties to the efl’ect that THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO had entered a trust or combination ; we wish to assure the public that there is no truth in such reports. We have been manufacturing sewing machines for overa quarter of a centu ry, and have established a reputation tor our selves and our machines that is the envy of all others. Our “ New Home” machine has never been rivaled as a family machme.—lt stands at the head of all High Grade sewing machines, and stands on its own merits. The “ New Home" io the only really HIGH GRADE Sewing Machine | •r on the market, It Is not necessary for us to enter into a trust to save our credit or pay any debts as wehave no debts to pay. We hay* never entered into competition with manuffcotanrs of low grade cheap machines tha t are Hde to sell regard less of any intrinsic merits. Do not be de ceived, when you wantaWWlng machine don’t send your money awayllom home; call on a “New Home " Dealer, he can sell you a better machine for less than you can purchase elsewhere. If there is no dealer near you, write direct to us. THE NEW HOME SEWINQ MACHINE CO -a ORANGE, MASS. * New York, Chicago. 111., St Louis, Mo,, Atlan- Qr f Jr’Vf WMSiTi-anciseo, Cal. Ostecrpa.tln.3r.. Osteopathy is the new Science of Healing Dis eases by a Scientific Manipulation , thereby using no drugs or knife . .Yrither is it Christian Science, nor Fa it h(‘ n re , hut it is based on akn oir/edge of an a tom y and Vh fjsi ology of fh e iiaoian body. Lit era tare f ur ni shed a yon reinvest . Hot if I'hones. E. T. RILEY, M. D„ DO. (OU'MIJI'S, MISS. | [ first and third Tuesdays of each month, beginning October 21st. For one-way tickets, Half the One=Way Rate, plus $2.00; ’ round-trip tickets, one faro plus $2.00, to points in Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma and Indian Territories. Write for particulars and cost of ticket from your home town. J Tho Cotton Heit runs solid through trains to Texas, equipped with 1 ho j most modern and comfortable cars. These trains make quick time f and direct connections for ail parts of the Grout Southwest. Ift If you tiro KeokiiiK a hotter place to locate. write lor a free copy of I our handsome illustrated booklets. Homes in the Southwest and < 32 Through Texas With a Camera. D * W. C. PEELZR, District Passenger Agent, Memphis, Tcnn. I |\ E. W. La BEAUNE, General Pass, and Ticket Agt., St. Louis, Mo. /■ IWHlM———i ■ ITT —r a* •rimwrinrr<i>gfi , ‘iv‘-Tr-r- t Art. \ isr^.vjvw/.nr.mmmwm—■———— I ! rs VY fr re ® /v iu\\\ L 1/ ■Maggß3CQMwainn^siLt Choose; Wisely * • j; * ► yrhco you inrya SEWING MACHINE. YoaTl find all sorts and kinds at * > i > cofftspor.ding But if you want a refutable serviceable Machine, then take < * ifWHITE. j| i ► -L •/: , i; . ' X : i 23 years experience has enabled os to ! ► i\ Y ' r ::,.t a R AIYDSOME . . . \ ]► IHBWv- v SYMMETRICAL and WELL-BUILT S it ... I"-;.'J, & £ t----y-i -'; -■*; • ) ..?y,..?ROD UCT t combining in its ' c| e-ttp all the good points common to j> l[ jra[M C' h; o -:i grace machines and others that are ) c if jplf ftvvv.s odv on the WHITE —for instance, J i\ Ip I cv ' TENSION INDICATOR, a device Jj | fiJt H that shows the tension at a glance. But < > i J Ife! this is coi all,, we have ethers that appeal i > io c'r 'ful buyers, vibrator and rotary j| White Sewing Machine Cos., CLE oSm“ D ' 11 >. i’f •%' ; Jp. r : vs*v^fS I FACTORY LOADED SHOTGUN SHELLS fl h| “New Rival" Leader" Repeater ■ F you are looking for reliable shotgun am- B B I P munition, the kind that shoots where you || H HJb point your gun, 3 buy Winchester Factory H ■ Loaded Shotgun Shells: “New Rival,” loaded with B S Black powder; “Leader” and “Repeater,” loaded ■ S with Smokeless. Insist upon having Winchester H ■ Factory Loaded Shells, and accept no others. B B ALL DEALERS KEEP THEM