Newspaper Page Text
The Starkville News weekly. NOT A PLEASANT ERRAND. UnntiMfnctory Interview of the Com mittee on Reform with t<he Chinese i^myrms. The native committee appointed to wait upon the empress dowager of China in the interests of reform is granted an audience with the emi nent lady, says the Cleveland Plain Dealer. The Empress Dowager Distin guished eminences, the mother of the moon salutes you. The Committee (groveling at her feet) —We humble our ignoble forms before your gracious peerlessness. “Rise, I command you. And now what special message do you bear to me?” Ki Hi —Reverend ineffableness, we— that is, we— Shi Guy—We have — Ski Pi—We have —that is— The Dowager Empress —Speak out. Why this, mumbling? If you have aught to say, say it and be done with it. Speak! Ki Hi —We have —we have — Shi Guy—Come — Ski Pi —We have come— The Dowager Empress —No more of this stammering. My time is pre cious. If you really have anything to say. why not say it in chorus? Now, one, two, three. Go! The Three Com mil teem en (in cho rus) — We have come to request you to retire from the throne in the in terests of reform. The Empress Dowager —What! In whose interests? The Committee (shrinking towards the outer door) —In reform’s inter est. The Empress Dowager —Never heard of him. What claim on the throne has he? Ki Hi—lneffableness, you do not understand. The Empress Dowaper T under stand all lon re to understand. Yon want to depose me and put this for eigner with the queer name in my place. T didn’t think it of yon. Ki Hi. Nor of yon. Ski Pi. nor of you, Shi Guy. Away, and quit me pres ence, ungrateful ones. Ki Hi —But your answer, ineffable ness. The Empress Dowager Answer! There is no answer Your proposi tion is an insult. Von are a trio of despicable slnnmgullons. Away to your kennel. Ki Hi! And yon. yon ungrateful Ski Bi. and yon. Shi Guy. Be off with yon all? Reform, for sooth! Ha, ha, ha! Scoot I DANGER IN YANKEE BRAINS. German Scholar Fears Americans Will Soon Load in Educational Institutions. German scholars are beginning to give unusual attention to American intellectual progress. Prof. Wetz, of Freiburg university, comparing the scientific development of Germany and the United States, says the real American danger exists in intellec tual rather than economic things, re ports the Chicago Tribune. The foremost American universi ties, he points out, are now better equipped than the German universi ties for comprehensive training, as the munificent gifts from private individ uals for libraries, museums, labora tories and professorships supply the American professors with facilities for instruction superior to those of their German colleagues. Therefore, Germany is in danger of being sur passed by the United States in intel lectual development. Contrasting the methods of teach ing modern languages and literature in German and American universities Prof. Wetz shows that the German work is limited chiefly to philologies and individual literature, whereas the American universities have special professors for comparative literature. He instances Columbia, with four pro fessors. and says this department of Columbia could be matched only with the greatest difficulty in all Germany. “German investigators often pain fullyrealize the fact that their Ameri can colleagues work under far more favorable circumstances. "We have libraries, even numerous and good, but there is not a single one where it can with certainty be reckoned that ade quate material exists for the subject in hand. The larger German univer sities, like Berlin, Munich, and Goet tingen, have often attempted to get means for supplying the missing books, but in vain. After several weeks’ correspondence with six or more libraries the inquirer finally ascertains that it is impossible to write a dissertation in Germany at all.” In conclusion the professor asserts that the Americans not only have the better tools, but, owing to their large teaching staffs and more minute sub division of subjects, the American students are able to pursue individual scientific tastes more effectively. Delinquent Poll Tax List The following is a true and correct list of the poll tax in this, Oktibbeha county, which was unpaid on the 2nd day of February, 1903: M. MAXWELL, Sheriff and Tax Collector. Sworn to and subscribed before me this February 12, 1903. H. H. SIKES. Circuit Clerk. Ciity of Starkvillc. Adams, Winston Marquis, Hiram Alston, Will Miller, Henry (col.) Alston, John Montgomery, Wal- Alexaider, Davis ter Alston, Robert Montgomery, Tom Archer, Jim Mitchell, Geo. Alston, James Murdock, Jno., Jr. Abbot, F. A. Montgomery, P. R. Bard well, Solomon McGowan, Westley Buckingham. W. J.McGee, Amzi Bell, Andrew', Jr. McCollum, G. M. Bonney, H. H. McNichols, Sam Balen, Daniel McNichols, Estin Bishop, Tom McKell, Henry Butler, Nathan Mcßeth. Tonier Bell. Tom Nash, Andrew Bushy, F. M. Nelson, Tom Brown. Robt. Newman. J. S. Bell, Nace O’Neal, Ben Bishop, Frank, Lewis Bell, Wm. O’Neal. Dan Bardwell, Neely Peebles, Wm. Bardw r ell. Moses Pitts, Wm. Butler, Ed Peaterson, Will Bonner, Bob Perkins, R. P. Bailey, Robt. Pince, Gatlin Campbell, Rubush Peterson. Robt. Curry, O. G. Puller, Sam. Sr. Collier, Hunter Phillips, Henry Curry, R. P. Perkins, Steve Cunningham, Wm. Peebles, Alex Cumingham, Jake Peterson, Wm. Collin, London Petty, Sam Caldwell, John Pierce, Dave Campbell. Jim Pierce, E. F. Ohorn, Tom M. Peyton, Layton Curry, Tom Page, Evans Collin, London Perry, Bonie. Jr. Cross. Paul Philips, J. W. Crowder, John Peterson, Jonas Curry, P. C. Peebles. Sam. Jr. Curry, Jim P. Robertson, Henry Chiles, C. M. Rush, Jno. Davis. Thurman Robertson, Tom Dobson, L. A. Rogers, Young Davidson, Geo. Robertson, Thora- Dupree, Geo. ton Drake, Jim Robertson, Tom Duncan. Ben Rcdus, Henry Davis. Sevall Rush, Sanders, P Doss. Jess Rush, Sanders, Jr. Elliott, J. R. Rogers, Oscar Eads, Charlie Rogers, January Emmerson, W. H. Stanton, Wirt Eagal, Joe Shelton, Higgins Fort. Tom Smith, Ed Gibson, Frank Scales. Albert Green. Wm. Self, Lindsey Gandy, Walter ! Scales. Ramble Green, Jim (col.) Self, Jude Gladney, George Smith, Scott, Jr. Hendrix. Jim Scruggs, Wm. Harris, Jim Simons, Arthur Harry. Dan Self. Jack Hudgins. A. B. Taylor. Oscar Henry, Jim Thompson, Juniper Harvey, T. C. Taylor, Sam Hill, Elmer Thornton, Tom Hannan, J. W. Thomas, Joe Hughes, Mack Ward, Sam Hill, Reed Whitfield, Harrison Harris, Seborn, Jr. White, Charlie Hughes, Wm. Winn, Jim Halbert, Beverly Ward, Turner Harris, Dock White, Jeff Holman. Roz Wim, Tom Harris, George Winn, B. Hampton, Wade Winn, Lee Hopkins, Mod Winn. Sam Johnson, B. F. Winston. Jack Jefferson, Tom Woodward, J. S. Jackson, Wm. Watt. Jno., Sr. Johnson, Ed Williams, Jno. Johnson, Charlie Winn, Newt Jordan, Sam Ware, J. F. Kincade, Robt. Ware, Herbert Kimsley, Henry Winn, Charlie Kimslev. Jno. Williams, Jno. Kemp, Abe Williams, Nelson Lowry. Claiborn Watt, Humphrey Lane, Glasco Watt, Ed Lovely, Henry Ware, Mack Love, Jno. Winn, Jim Linsley, Jao. Ward, Sam Livingston. J. R. Watt, Jno., Sr. Love, Burrel Watt, Jno., Jr. Little, Jack Yeates, Charley Murdock, Jno. Yeates, Glosto Mack, Jake Young, Jno. Starkvillc Precinct. Askew, Jim Emerson, Bob Arthur, Wm. Edmonds, Will Arthur, Joe Evaas, Henry Abner, Jno. Edgar, Ben Bevil, Clem • Elliott, Buster, Jr. Brown, Ben Elliott, Ned Brown, Jno. . Edwards, Jim Bell, Sam Fuller, Burl Bell, Emmet Fulton, C. L. Boyd, Charley Freshour, W. H. Brooks, Elbert Forsythe, Jno. Barrv, Mack Freeman, Alfred Bell, Collins Fulgham, Richard Bell, Spencer Fort, Wm. Bell, Wash Ferris, E. B. Bell, Henry Gladney, Chas. Bishop, J. H. Gordon, Buck Bell, George Gearty, J. M. Bankhead, Jno. Gillespie, Jno. C. Baker, G. W. Gillespie, Alston Bush, Less Green, Pleas Bell, Geo., Jr. Green, Nathan Bush, Less Gillespie, Jim Collins, Clanza Gillespie, West Cushman, Turner, Gillespie, Henry jr. Gillespie, Charley Clark, R. R. Green, D. Campbell, Jude Gandy, John, Jr. Collins, Jno. Gillespie, Jim Collins, Geo. C. Gibson, Charley Cooper, Henry Henry, Jno. Carter, Jno. Holliday, Jno. Cheatham, Ed Harpole, Cuff Conner, Sam * Harris, Jim Coach, Henry Hamm, Jno. Davis, Tom Holliashead, Cain Davis, Jno. Harris, Sam Dockins, Prentls Hamn, Tom Davis. Geo. Hinton, Freeman Dickinson, Boss Hoggins, Joseph Davis, Forrest Halbert, Jim Doss, Geo. Hogan, Robt. Davis, Loveless Hollinshead, Jno. Hamilton, Jim Prather, Edmond Henderson, Evans Pearson, Will Henderson, James Rice, Lee, Sr. Hendricks, Mose Rice, Lee, Jr. Robert, I. B. Rice, Jno. Henry, Porter Rogers, Jao. Hill, Oilan Roberts, J. E. Harris, James Rogers, Hogan Hill, Tom Robinson, Ben Hollis, Tonie Rush, Jeff Howard, Richard , Rice, Wiley Joiier, Ben Rice, Snip Jones, Jack Rush, A. F. Johnson, Walter Robinson, Jno. Johnson, Richard,Robinson, Jack Jr. Ream, Jim Johnson, Peter Rabb, Elijah Jonus, Albert Ramsey, Jno. Johnson, Dave Reed, Alex James, Tom (col.) Rogers, Andy Jackson, L. L. Spencer. Watt Jackson, Wash Smith, Bill Jefferson, Ben Steal, J. S. Konegay, Elbert Sudduth, Ben Kline, H. D. Skelton, G. G. Kemp, P. L. C. Spencer, Jno. Kemp, L. P. Self, Jim Locket, Jim Stiles, B. V. Locket, Frank Skinner, Tom Lowry, Wm. Simmons, Frank Lanier, W. R., Jr. Simmons, Tom Montgomery, Milt Smith, Fred Moore, Ben Stewart, Westley Muldrow, vVm. Spencer, Hogan Montgomery, Bob Simmons. Arthur Montgomery, Bob, Spencer, Tonie Jr. Spencer, Rhet Moore, Titus Seals, Henry Miller, Tom Shelton, T. N. Miller, Atlanta Shelton, Neal Miller, Reuben Shelton. Jim Miller, Hughey Smith, George Moore, Tom Spencer, Robt. Miers, Pleas Stashe, C. R. Miller. Sam Turner, George Meeas, Preso Turner, Robt. Montgomery, Jno.Turner, Will (col.) Turner, Wiley Morgan, George Troupe, Joe Moore, Dock Tabb, Charlie Montgomery, Mur-Turnipseed, J. H. ray Thompson, James Miner, Moses Tucker, C. V. Moore, Titus Thaxter, G. R. McGee, Isam Trower, Peter McGowan, Tate, refer McGee, Collins Thompson, Sam McKell, Wm. Terrell. Reuben McKell, Jno. Valentine, Murray McCottry, Joe Vaughn, Rash McClary, Jim Vaughn, Ed McKell, Tom Watt, Jno. McAllister, Felix Ware, Meek Nix, Louis Williams, Richard Nix. George Weaver, Wess Neely, Murray Wlndon. Manuel Nash, Charley Williams. Charley Nix, Jim Williams, Lige Norment, Jack Williams, Colum- Owen. Tate bus O’Neal, Will Wilson, Robt. Owen. Claiborne Williams, Ben Outlaw. Ben Winn, Frank Partridge, A. Wood, Isaac Pitts, J. T. Weichardt, A. Y. Perkins. Jno. Williams, Lewis Peterson, Jno. Wind, Bennie Peterson. Abe Ward. Herbert Plair. Mint Wilson, Geo. Pearson, Jeff Ward. Charley Price, Tom, Jr. White Dave Poe, Will Winston, Ollie Powers, Tom Wine. Cato, Sr. Pearson, Jim Washington, Frank Peyton, Wm. Wall, C. L. Pearson, Dossie Young, Jones Poe. Robt. Young, Isaiah Page, A. M. Young, Alfred Pratrick, Abe Ycates, Joe Pearson, Isaac Yeates, Grafton Pearson. Manuel York, Jesse Patrick, Geo. Longview. / Alexander, Bill Hogan, Anthony, Anderson, Jim Sr. Anderson. Will Hall. Nelse Buford, Tom Hazlewood, Jno. Buford, Sara Harris, Ike Carpenter, Collins Isam, Sam Childress. Wess Jones, Collins Carmichael, Oscar Kemp, J. L. Carmichael, Virge Kemp, L. B. Colemai, Albert Lindsey, S. E. Dickerson, Charlie Lindsey, S. A. Dickerson, Will Moore, Peter Dickerson, Walt Meax, Robt. Dickerson, Jim Malone, Jonah Davis, Jim McManes, W. T. Edwards, Leroy McDaniel, G. E. Fleming, Lawrence Nichols, Rufus Fleming, Charlie Nevils, Burl . Glenn, J. T. Owens, Jim Gillespie, Bill Peterson, Henry Gillespie, Emmet Peterson, Jake Gray, Wess Pearson, Willis Glenn, G. B. Peterson, Abe Gillespie, Ansham Robinson, Eddie Gamble, Wm. Sikes, W. H. Gillespie, Ed (col.) Sikes, W. R. Gamble, Wm. Smith, Duo Green, Harry, Jr. Skidmore, W. A. Gillespie, Jim Smith, Alex, Jr. Hollis, Jim Sherman, Tom Henry, Jno. Skidmore, J. S. Hockman, Geo. Sharp, Bill Harris, Louis Thompson, Gen’l Hardy, Peter Thompson. Martin Harris, Henry Townsel, Wm. Hall, J. C. Upton, Wm. Hadnett, J. F. Wilson, Anthony Henry, Wm. Hickory Grove. Alston, Arthur Cooper, Lem Alston, Jno. Caldwell, James Alston, David Crow, W. C. Almon, Richard Crow, J. T. Abram, Charlie Davis, Jno. Bell, Rafe Danzy, Ship Bell, Lewis Davis, Spencer Brooks, Reuben Davis, Ransom Bingham, Willi© Edwards, Hubert Boyd, J. S. Evans, Joe ( Bingham, Jim Edgar, Chas. Bell, Jno. Ellis, Wm. Bell, Isam Finland, Thos. Bell, Geo. Gray, Henry Billups, Henry Hines, Jesse Bell, Louis Henderson, Doc Bell, Jim Hudson, Ben Barron, Buster Hollinshead, Wm. Braylock, Johnson Henderson, Jno. ' Baxter, Allen Henderson, Hugh. Carroll, Jim , Hamilton, Chas. Cochran, W. C. Harris, Cap Clay, Joel Huggins, Lewis Cooper, Ben Henderson, Wm. Coke, Charlie Hamilton, Jim Curry, Henry Hamilton, Henry Hollinshead, Smith Mitchell, Doss Henderson, Lee Minor, Bob Harris, Neal Moore, Henry Joiner, Ned McLamore.- Jim James, Eli McDowell; Willie Jones, Allen Nichols, Albert Joiner, Jim, Jr. Nealy, Mose Johnson, Asbury Powers, Goo. Jones, Humphrey Page, Tom Johison, Sam Powers, Wm. Jordan, Geo. Phelan, T.hos. Johnson, Iko Powers, Henry Jones, Ike Page, Arthur Jones, Jno. Ramsey, Henry Jones,Bill Ridley, Chas. Jones, Jim Ridley, Virgie Jordan, Richard Reed, Ervin Jenkins, Lee Roach, Danzy Kemp, George Rice, Ben King, Chas Smith, E. M. King, Guy Simmons, Vandron Kilbourn, Will Shelton. Jno. Kilbourn, Dan Stainback, Tom Kilbourn, Tallie Stewart, Dan Kidd, Jack Spencer, Prince Kemp, Jno. Strong, Charley Keai, Bill Stewart, Daniel Keal, David Taylor, Lewis Keal, Lucas Turner, Wm. Kilbourn, Pate Tolin, Charlie King, Jury Vick, Henry Kemp, Chas. Williams, Jno. Kemp, Aaron Williams, Prince Lindsey, Alex Williams, Lee Lowry, Jeff Watt, Walker Lowry, Lawson Winston, Troans Lewis, Frank Williams, Joe Montgomery, Mack Williams, Mose Montgomery, Hen-Ward, Albert ry Watt, Isaiah Mi lien, Jno. Winston, Nash Miller, Emerson Williams, Frank Osborn. Aaron, Lem Mosely, Tom Anderson, Ed Manuel, Robt. Barnes, Buck Muldrow, Will Bardwell, Aaron Moore, O. S. Butler, Alex May, Jim Boyd, Charlie, Jr. Montgomery, Mose Brown, Peter Minims, Hugger Butler, Billie, Jr. Meek, Jim Brown, Hance McDowell, Munch Brown, Jasper McDowell, Willie Brownlee, Jasper Mcßay, Harry Brown. Harry McCottry, Jim Blair, Munch Nelson, Daniel Blankenship, J. R. Nettlis, Will Blankenship. W. J.Norment, Joe Bardwell, Aaron Outlaw, Charlie Bryan, Homer Outlaw, Wm. Coleman, Jerry Outlaw, Mose Cook, Turner Outlaw, Geo. Cook. Mitchell Owens, James Chiles, Homer Perkins. Wm. Cannon, Lige Parks, Frank Coach, Prince Plain. Steve Carter, Felix Pearson, Manuel Caldwell, Jim Pearson, Morris Clay, Henry Pope, Alex Dunlap. Sam, Jr. Price, Mack Dawkins, Burl Price, Wood Davis, Ollie Perkins, Ed Davis, Gilbert Plair. Steve, Jr. Edgar, Jim Pearson, Emmet Evans, Nelson Price, Bob Edgar, John Pearson, Alf Evans, Gus Page, Dock Evans, Joe Price, Merca Fields, Squire Pearson, Bob, Jr. Fulton. Jno. Perkins. Henry Gibson, Richard Quinn, Dan Gibson. Mayor Rogers, Charley Garth, Charlie Rogers, Charley, Glenn, Robt. Jr. Glenn, Jno. Rush, Charley Glenn, Simon Ridley, Jno. Hamilton, Emmet Rice. Josh Hogan, Henry Rentfrow, A. O. Hogan, Monroe Robinson. Jno, Hood. London Rogers, Sam Howard, Frank Sanders, Honie Hampton, Hardy, Seitzer, B. H. Jr. Singleton, Gregg Humphries, Mose Sanders, Gus Hendersoi, Wm. Singleton, Henr^ Howel, Jno. Smith, Simon nogan, Calvin Sidney, Jno. Harrison, Alex Sidney, Jno. B. Higgins, Albert Smith, Reuben Howard, Frank Thompson, Doss Jenkins, Ed Taylor, Jno. W.. Jr. Johnson, AndersonTomlinson, J. B. Jackson. Jim Taylor, Jno. H. James, Eli Tolbert, Jno. Jones, Ishmael Townsend, Geo. Jonnsoa, Jerry Thompson, J. L. Jackson. Frank Taylor, Frank Jones, Joe Taylor, Jao. Jones, Geo. Valentine, Lewis Jones, Jno. Weed, Albert Jordan, Geo. Williams, Simon Jones, Bell Wade, H. W. Jones, Dick Williams, Andrew Jones, Allen Williams, Wm. Johnson, Jim Wilson, Jerry Jordan, Paul Wright, Wm. Johnson, Brag Ward, Sam Kelly, Derry Williams, Jno. Kelly, Bob Weed, Sam Lindsey, Tom Williams, Robt. Lindsey, Gen’l Williams, Arthur Lee, Tom Weed, Mitchell Leonard, Isaac Williams, Gus, Jr. Lewis, Henry Williams, Gus, Sr. Logan, Lewis Whalin, Jack Meeks, Isam Williams, Will Meeks, Henry Beils School House. Alston, C. P. Flind, Wm. Alexander, Lewis Gillespie, Green Adams, Geo. Green, Isam Alexander, Arch Green, Geo. Adams, Jim Horn, Ned Buckner, C. M. Hawthorn, Antho- Bell, Jno. ny Bell, Lee Hiaes, Aaron Boyles, Decatur Hollinshead, Robt. Brown, Mose Houston, Lewis Banks, Hicks Hawkins, Ben Bell, Wash Halbert, Wm. Boyles, Dennis Hamilton, Sam Bell. Jim . Hale, Lige Claudrin, Robt. Hill, Will Clark, R. L. Hill, Arch Cunaingham, Wal-Hamilton, Owen lace Hamilton, Samp- Carpenter, Bob son Covington, Jno. Higgins, Rafe Cook, Jim Hall, James Davis, Jim Hayman, Jno. Deal, J. D. Higginbotham, J. DeLashmet, S. W. F. Davis, Rafe Hill, Oscar Davis, Dick Ingrahan, Will Drake, Collins Jones, Sandy Fisher, Simon Joiner, Ben Fisher, Murray Joiier, Lewis Fisher, Ben Johnson, Sherman Jenkins, S. P. Pearce, Aaron Johnson, Manuel Peal, Geo. Jordan, Jno. Plair, Alex Johnson, Arthur Pearson, Aaron Johnson, J. E. Reed, Steve Joiner, Joe Reed, Peter Jackson, Edgar Rogers, Alex Johnson, Jim Ross, Bill Johnson, Lee Reed, Bob Johnson, Geo. Roland, Jim Joiner, Joe Reaves, Anderson Jordan, Vallie Rogers, Alex Jones, Lincoln Robinson, Jim Jordan. Sharp Strong, Jim Lee, Charlie Spooner, Harrison Lewis, Geo. Smith, Albert Love, Joe Smith, Jim, Jr. Love, Jno. Scott, Jim Miller, Robt. Sprewel, J. W. Moye, Jno. Shields, S. H. Montgomery, Jno. Scott, Charley Miller, Rate Scott, Will May, Jno. Smith, Harrison Motley, Jas. Sherman, Guy Montgomery, Bob Shambley, Guy Montgomery, GillisThomas, Gray Miller, Lon Thomas, Joseph Mason, Sol Townsen, Geo. Martin, Nelson Turner, Tom McDoward, Rich- Totten, Bennie T. ard Totten, Mu.t McAllister, West- Taylor, Richard ley Townsen, Willie, McCarthy, Henry Jr. McAllister, Jno. Thompson, James McAllister, Jno. M. Willis, Ed McDowell, Ab Willis, Ed, Jr, McAllister, Hale Wooton, Lindsey McDowell, Ander- Wooton, Jno. son Wooton, Sam McDowell, Ike Wooton, Pig McAllister, Seborn Wofford, Wm. McDowell, Paul Wofford, W. H. McDowell, Spencer Wofford, Ollie Neely, Robt. Woodward, Aaron Page, Geo. Walker, Guss Parmore, Dave Wilson, Bus Plair, Cap Williams, Ed Pain, Tom Watt,Columbus Maben Precinct. Alston, Will Joiner, Rufus Alston. Joel Jones. Sandy, Jr. Alexander, Lem Lee, Willie Alston, Jno. Lovely, Jno. Ames, Jno. Lofton, Tom Bishop, Bunk Malone, Sam Buford, L, B. May, Will Bishop, W. P. Meads, J. M. Bedford, Jake Miller, Robt. Brown. Jno. Moore, Wright Brown, Wm. Mcßride, Henry Berry, S. B. Mcßride, Frank Barns, Johnson McGee, Wm. Catlege, Tom McGee, Joe Cummings, Gibby Mason, Saulsberry Chafin. Matt Nichols, Ivey Calhoun, J. C. O’Brian, Charlie Curry, Ed O’Brien, Shep . Caldwell, Jerre O’Brien, Ben Coleman, Brown Perry, Jno. Carothers, Jno. Parker, Nelse Davidson, Dock Posie, Ben Emmerson, Jno. Ramsey, Eddie Fort, Forrest Ramsey, Isaac Ferguson, Sam Ramsey, Sumner Freeman, J. A. Rainey. Henry Givens, Jim Sewel, Mack Grant, Tate Sewel, Wm. Green, Frank Spencer, Will Gillespie. Jim Smith, J. A. Gillespie, Jack Sanders, J. M. Glawson, Alston Shanks, J. F. Hull, Will (col.) Thomas, Bat Hollins. Rufus Turner, W. M. Haily, Dock. Thomas, King Hogan. Nero Thonias, James Hunt, Will White, Henry Harney, H. C. Welborn, Nelson Joiner, Jno. Williams, Thomas Joiner, Sharp Woodward, Dave Jones, Richard Watson, Jasper Joiner. Lincoln Wooton, H. F. Joiner, Spencer Washington. Ben Joiner, James Wright, Marshal Jones, E. S. Washington. Tom Jackson, Evans Wright, Lee Jackson, Dock Welch, Ed Johnson, Will Yeates, Peter Town of Maben. Barker, Henry Hughes, Sara Brown, Jno. O’Neal, J. S. Evans, Jno. Owens, W. P. Freeman, C. R. Sproggias, Ik© Godan, Bill Welch, Ed Howard, Sam Wofford, W. J. Double Springs. Azwell, S. G. Jupiter, Rich Allen, T. J. Kimbrel, Jno. Archer, T. C. Konegay, J. M. Arnold. W. P. Lemmons, Henry Bardwell. Homer Lucas, Sam Brown, Will Love, J. H. Bruton, C. B. Malone, W. O, Brown, R. L. McMinn, H. V. Brown, Wm. McGee, Joe Barns, Lewis McGee, Jao. Burton, Cass Morris, Bob Brown, Ben Morris. Robt. Bishop, B. D. Morris, Jim Covington, Yancy Outlaw, Robt. Cooper, Jim O’Brian, Charlie Cothran, Bill O’Brien. Joe Cruso, Russell O’Brien. Shep Cardin, Ed Owen, Tate Collier, Marcus Partridge, Wm. Coleman, Brown Parrish, Jno. Davis, J. T. Petty, J. T. Freshour, J. M. Rushing, Will Fulgham, Jim R. Sanders, J. W. Gregg, Abner Sharp. J. R. Gosie, Bill Sherman, E. B. Henry, Allen Scoggins, E. C. Hawkins, J. C. Taylor, Ben Hawkins. S. G. Thaxton, J. R. Henry, J. H. Vaughn, Tonie Hill, Mellan Watson, W. Y. Holder, Henry Waits, Z. N. Jordan, W. Y. White, B. W. Jones, Will Yeatmon, J. S. Jupiter, Peter , Sturgis. Albritton, Oscar Burton, Monroe Avant, J. A. Bateman, Buster Alexander, Tom Bardwell, Ollie Barron, Andy Bardwell. George Barron, Joe Barentine, S. E. Barron, Squire Bardwell, Tom Burgess, Sam Blue, Billy Brooks, Caster Bardwell, Homer Bell. E. B. Burton, Walter Bardwell, Joe Collins, Eli Butler, G. T. Cannon, Henry Burton. Pate Coliman, Charley Bardwell, Hamp Cooper, Cal Bardwell, Frank Cannon, Jim Bardwell, Alex Cooper, Floyd Burton, R. D. Carothers, Jno.