Newspaper Page Text
THE STARKVILLE NEWS. VOLUME VII. Board of Supervisors. The board met in regular ses sion Monday, January 4, 1909; all members and officers present. The following accounts were allowed: Mack Barrv, erroneous assin.... 67 J. H. Robson, same 5 00 •Terry Tate, same 65 Gregg Singleton, same 1 40 John Pearson 200 John Kims, same 2 00 Peter Taggart, same 2 00 Nathan Bell 2 00 w. H. Miller, sal and postage.... 86 33 Spence & Kinard, lumber 26 33 Hell williams, erro assort 2 00 Mack Jackson,r'aame 2 00 Abe Jones, same 3 60 Ann & Nancy Chaffin, paup 8 00 E. H. NicUles, insp r'ds 12 00 Jim Bell, paup 2 50 John Lewis, paup 4 00 (4. w. Parker, rep bridge 10 00 J. L. watkins, erron ass'm 2 00 Tom Edmonds, lumber 5 15 ,j. 8. saunders, erron ass'm 4 80 C. s. Fondren, insp roads 12 00 Sallie Johnson, paup 4 00 Bettie Templeton, paup 4 00 w. U. Boone, rep bridge 20 00 T. G. James, conv prisns 6 40 Jim Caldwell, fixing grates 2 75 M. T. wofford. erron poll tax 2 00 starkville Lumber Cos., lumber.. 3 60 J. L. Martin, plows 10 00 J. B. McCreight, keep'g paup... 00 00 Zeno Yeates, stoves 51 00 w. I. Collier, rep bridge 2 00 starkville News, print'g 18 75 E. M. Times, print'g 18 70 Maben press, pub tax notice.... 100 A. F. Young, erron poll tax 2 00 E. O. Mcllwain, sal co. auditor... 250 0() E. O. Mcllwain, ex-officio serv... 150 00 E, O. Mcllwain, copy R. R. asst. 10 00 Alex Hall, erron poll tax 2 00 The report of J. B. McCreight as to condition of pour house and paupers was read and filed. The report of J. H. Miller, supt. education, was read and tiled. The bridge on Lick Creek near Steele's Mill was let to J. H. Johnson at 60c per running foot, his being the lowest and best bid. E. A. Buckner submitted his report as county treasurer which showed ain't overdrawn to be $3,291.58 The petition of T. N. Gillis et al was heard and it was ordered that the following sections be placed under stock law: Sec tions 13, 24, 25, 26, 34, 35 and 36 in townsip 17. range 12 E., and sections 18 and 19 in township 17, range 13 E., same to be full stock law. The petition of A. Frazier et al for stock law in sections 22 27 and 28, township 17, range 12 was granted. The petition of Joe McHann et al for full stock law in sections 20 and 21, township 17, range 13 E. was granted. Cicero Wesley was appointed overseer of Starkville and Tib bee road in place of Hardy Hampton Jr. Board adjourned till Tuesday. TUESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1909. The board met in regular session; all officers and members present. It was ordered that the asses meat of the Maben Branch Bank be reduced from SIO,OOO to $7,- 500, a reduction of $2,500, the same being erroneously assessed. The following accounts were allowed:. R. K. &F. L. wier, sup supt. ed 40 R. K. & F, L. wier, tt ch cl’k... 85 Caldwell & L„ oil for j’l X 65 Caldwell L., nails 1 33 w. w. scales, plows 12 15 J. I). Gaston, juror inq 1 00 J. I). McCann, juror 1 00 Frank Oakley, 1 00 Dave Kiunard, M 1 00 D. w. Outlaw, act. coroner 5 00 R. M. self, bailiff 3 00 so. steel Cos. hammocks for j’l... 38 00 T. G. James, freight 2 32 Mrs. I). O. self, lumber 3 34 Turner Pierce, locks 30 T. G. James, conv pris 26 40 D. W. Outlaw, insp roads 12 00 The following petitions for stock law were granted: On petition of C. B. Ferguson et al for section 15, township 19, range 12 E; on petition of L. C. Funderburg et al for sections 2 and 3, township 17, range 12 E; on petition of H. W. Daniel et al for section 10, township 17, range 12 E; on petition of Wil liam Hutchinson et al for sec tion 1, township 17, range 12. The petition of W. W. Miller et al for the survey of anew channel of the over flowed land in Sun Creek swamp land dis trict and the counter petition of Y. A. Pearson were considered. The petition of W. W. Miller et al not having a proper majority of land owners of said district as shown by the counter petition of Y. A. Pearson, it was therefore ordered that said petition for drainage oi’Sun Creek swamp be not granted. In the matter of Wirt Adams, revenue agent, in the matter of H. T. Saunders et al recently de cided by the supreme court of the state was considered. It ap pearing that H. T. Saunders had paid the sum of $948.71 to the revenue agent in full of all com missions due him in the said cause and has also paid into the county treasury of Oktib beha county the sum of $3,794.84 and also paid all court costs and complied fully with chapter 246, laws of Mississippi for 1908, is entitled to the relief provided therein. It is now ordered by the board that the said H. T. Saunders is hereby allowed by way of settlement and refund under authority conferred by said act of the legislature the sum of $1,423 53 and the clerk is directed to issue warrants there for upon the common county fund payable out of . the county treasury. The board adjourned till Wed nesday morning. WEDNESDAY, JAN’Y 6, 1909. The board met pursuant to ad journment, all members and of ficers present. This being the time to select the jurymen for the circuit court, the following persons were named as constituting the list of jurymen for the year 7909: District No. 1. A J Jackson T W Hamm P J New J J Gill C B Elliott J H Orltz D J Cochran W T Ramsey Jos. Erwin D A -Brady H H Reynolds G D Davenport J C Bridges C C Bardwell F L Hogan Bragg Alston John Lewis G M Ellis H Cunningham Zeno Yeates W G Rffffin W H Lewis W G Watt Al Fondren Tom Edmonds Shade Richey E B Gillespie J E Konsey W W Hall Ethan Richey J F B Richardson A O Green S Shropshire G D Hartness J W Warner A W Halbert J O Thomas, Jr. W H Hull Tom Gladnev J A Sikes D M Crowell D G Blair C P Bell H K Rosseau Eugene Erwin Fred Arnold B Biumenfleld J M Arnold J G McCreight S B CrlU STARKVILLE, MISS., FRIDAY, JANUARY 15,1909. District No. 2. E U Turner Floyd Langford H H Sikes It M Langford W L Cassy Isaac Winston J R Blanket*- W T Lumains ship, Jr. J C Hand R P Turner Y 0 Luramus J C Thompson L F Boyd F L Thompson CDThompson B E Self Ed Kennedy W H Thompson T J McCollum H G McCollum E F McCollum VV M Lummus J E Robinson Jas, Thompson V J Robinson J R Cannon Watt Sykes VV E Drane T B Daugherty Ralph Winston J H McCollum Jno. Leatherwood C A Robinson T A B Lemons JaThompson W C Love J A Love District No. 3. L D Sharpe J G Southerland P T Vaughn Tom Mcßride J S Hannah W F Thompson W R Vanderford R L smith WC Archibald J E Duke W P Crow W E Fulgham J VV Sanders C H Douglass VV C Betts W E Johnson J H Shurden Tate Douglass C B Templeton A O Douglass R C Hawkins A s wofford C C Reed F M Johnson S B Reed T B wofford J H Reed R F Reed Reed Blasingame j O Quinn Jno. Ray H H Turner Jake Crow M C Corner Hnnry Vaughn L C Brett VV J Butler J A Monts J M Phelps H M bavnum B F Aswell D w williams E J Betts J A Freeman VV B Beard Obert Burton J It Davis w E williams G VV Boyles J w McGowan District No. 4. J s Livingston, Jr. Will Sanders P J simpson Bob Rainey J A simpson R J Spier F M Adams Win. Brown H J Taylor Henry Upchurch J U Crow S D Livingston J T Crow Feeley Mcllwain John R Long A S Sikes L w Cooper J RE Hunt J A Brown Jim Kolb Jno. Hutchinson D B Jackson T E Dudley Winston Hunt ww Kellum Sjarn Woodson w H Durham M VV Stanley F E Shropshire J F Sharpe C C Ferguson Dan Berry Pink Davis R E Hannah H E Montgomery Alex Strowd Andrew Frazier B F Quinn L L Funderburk Jim Shelton western Uammill A. Livingston J Y Oswalt John Butler G E sanders J R Blake Jas. Ivy B B Davis T A Keeton Willie Buckner District No. 5. W D Askew F M Oakley Paul Cavanaugh J M Carpenter J P Castles J L Crlgler A B Dilie J A Carpenter F D Ellis J D Estis S V Frye D A Flournoy V M Harrell Jas. Foster Eugene Fox Arthur Gaston L P Kemp J D Gaston T E Lance F J Gray R B Ridgeway P M Oakley E W Rush W F Rushing J T Tomlinson G G Sanders M Savage J McGray H G Young R P Hartness R E Savage J D Uoliinshead W H Blankenship Dave Kinnard R L Carpenter M A Moorehead W L Crlgler Shields Mcllwain T P Edwards J D McCann W T Edwards VV W Oakley T M Parks M L Stewart H A Rushing J F Stiles A J Upton H A Fox Jr. E. H. Nickles and C, S. Pon dren appointed to inspect road near Longview as petitioned for change, report unfavorable' for said change. The report of T. P. Sanders, J. P., beat 4, was read and tiled. The report of L. S. Peterson, J P., beat 4, was read and ordered filed. The follbwiug accounts were allowed; J T Shaw, tax ref 3 00 Jas. McMlnn work on road 6 (X) Jake Dupree, labor 2 95* Fitch Dustdown Ob., 1-2 bbl. dust down 6 48 T G James, freight on dust-down. 92 VV H Reynolds, J p service 35 35 A W Welch, constable 14 5o J H McKenzie constable 14 5o J F Davis, constable 18 5o L S Peterson, J p.. 5 45 N M Moor, J p 7o E G Harrell, J p 3 lo T F Sanders J P.. 11 J S Spraggins, cbbsidble 11 25 W W Richey, keeping clock 2 5o Mose Simmons, C.H.-porter .... Itr-ob The board and officers Were al lowed the usual mileage atkd per diem. The board adjourned to meet; the first Monday in February. * A. A. Montgomery, Pres. Board of Aldermen. Starkville, Miss., Jau’y 5, 1909. The new mayor then adminis tered the following oath; “You and each of you do solemnly swear that you will faithfully and impartially and to the best of your skill, ability and judge ment perform all the duties of the office of alderman of the city of Starkville in accordance with the law and constitution,” to Guy M. Nason, R. C. Bridges and L. R Howard. Herris Maxwell qualitied and was sworn in as city marshall. W. J. Rosseau took the oath as city treasurer. The board then proceeded to elect the mayor pro tem. G. M. Nason was put in nomination oy Mr. Bridges, seconded by Mr. Howard and all members pres ent voting yea. 0. H West was elected night watchman for two months; O. C. Davis, si reet commissioner; Pat terson Pearson, pound keeper. After some discussion the board agreed to give the super intendant of water and light plant lull power over all help and he be held responsible for same. Geo. Mclngvale was then elacted supt. The questien of salaries was then taken up. The mayor’s salary was fixed at $50.00 per month, Howard voting that it be $45.00. The clerk’s salary was fixed at SSO 00. The marshall’s salary was fixed at $50.00 per month, Howard voting for $45.00. This salary of $50.00 holds good only on condition that Mr. Max well wear policeman’s uniform. The night watchman's salary was fixed at $45.00 per month, for two months. Bridges voting for $50.00. Aldermen’s salary was fixed at $4.00 per month. The street commissioner’s salary was fixed at $40.00 per month, Howard voting for $36.00. Mr. Bridges then moved that the fee of fifty cents be charged for each head of live stock placed in pound pen, 25c to go to the city and 25c to the pound keeper and 25c per day for feed ing same, all to be paid by owner Of stock. The motion was seconded by Nason, all present voting yea. The supt. water and light plant fixed at $75.00 per month. The two engineers Were allowed $50.- 00 per month each. Dr. Eckford was Elected health officer. Carrol} & Magruder were elected city attorneys, at $50.00 per year. The mayor then appointed the following committees; Committee on Water and Lights, Howard and Bridges; Committee on Rules, Ways add Means, How ard and Nason; Committee on Side Walks and Streets, Nason and Gladne/. The street commissioner was ordered to repair crossing in front of E. O. Mcllwain’s and W. C. Bridges’ residences. The board then adjourned over till Thursday night, Jan. 7. Walter Page, City Clerk. H. A. Beattie. Mayor. THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, ’O9. The board met pursuant 4*) ttd- Jodrihnfeiit. Thbsfe presetit. Mayor pro tem Nason* Alder- men Gladney, Howard and Bridges. Clerk Page, and Mar shall Maxwell. Absent, Mayor Beattie and Alderman Doxsey. The bond of the city clerk was examined anct approved. Mr. SuddUth asked permission of the board to be allowed to place his books in the Securely Slate Bank vault for safe keeping on account of there not being enough room in the safe for two <ets books and the request was granted. There being no further business the board adjourned. Walter Page, City Clerk. G. M. Nason, Mayor pro tern. Bail Granted. The trial of the Edwards brothers was concluded last Sat urday evening about 8:30 p. m., charged with the murder of Dr. A. F. Richardson at Sturgis on the night of Dec. 24, 1908. Hon. W. H. Reynolds, who heard the testimony and ev idence, decided that the defend ants, Dyke and Al Edwards, were entitled to bail. The amount of bond was ‘fixed respectively at $5000.00, which was oonsumated Monday morn ing and both parties returned to Sturgis that evening. Our idea is that a newspaper should state facts and not dilate upon its partialities, prejudices, fancies or follies. The exigen cies are of too great gravity to be nothing more than a jest* The matter is in process of law and we shall abide our time with patience to see the result. We can truthfully say, and in all honesty and sincerely and with good conscience, that none re gret the tragedy more than we. We have confidence in our fel lows and the virtue of the law. Let the law take its course, If the defendants are guilty, let them attone to the offended law; and upon the other hand, if not guilty, let them be acquitted. We shall expect to go to Stur gis as long as we live or remain in this county. Some of the best people we ever knew live there. We w T ould not do so if we expected to wade in blood knee deep. Such foolish talk is what brings about discord and dissention. We believe in law and Order, and less talK and more execution. ]\ Chas. C. Buder Edward E. Under I | Buder Bros, j 11 Manufacturers Of S ii FINE JEWELRY AND ! | DIAMOND WORKS, j WatektaapactorsfarN.tO. s and Southern Railroads. i COLUMBUS, MISS. ! ■1 i 111* rmfirtL ‘At, *a^M WV lU6IXlu§ UIQ Wl eootHl t*e ¥ *• Dr. Miles* mm NUMBER 45