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THE STARKVILLE NEWS. VOLUME VII. Big Unloading Sale! *'' . 1 Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Notions, Etc. T Must Be Sold Within the Next 1 Fifteen Days, at A Sacrifice Thursday, January 28-Lasting 15 Days. THESE goods must ,go regardless of price. Every particle of the stock must be con verted into CASH and the cash gets the goods at almost any price you may 4 name. There has been many so-called Reduction Sales in Starkville dur ing the past few years, but this is a GENUINE SELLING OUT SALE. The goods are actually going at actually fifty cents on the dollar. Come and at least price the goods and your call will be appreciated whether you buy or not. ESeIoTXT - “'sXT's Q-ciote of tlcxo,ra.<d.s of Ea.rgra.ira.g' Offered— Wonderful Bargains in Clothing, 50 cents on the Dollar. Everything in thig line new, latest I seasons styles. A big lot. of 150 suits. Men’s Suits-worth from 8.00 to 16.00, in this sale $4.75 to $7.50. YOUTH’S CLOTHING. One big lot of 75 suits, all shades and all styles, worth from 6.00 to 10.00; will go in this sale for $3.00 to $4 50. BOY’S CLOTHING. A Big Stock to Select from at Extrtmely Low Prices. Splendid line of suits best material, tailor made, ft ° n| . v p£ a wO ; School time is here and boys need warm clothes, we have all-worsted suits, worth 1.75, in this sale, only joQ Best brown suits, sells for AQ 2.5 C everywhere, 0n1y... | LADIES’ TAILOR MADE SKIRTS. Big line of 200 skirts, latest out, all shades. You can buy these for less than the manufacturers cost. Worth from 2.00 to 6.00, only sl.lO, $2 00 and $3 00. YOU NEED THE GOODS! ' WE NEEUTHE JttOMEY! This is not a Sale of a few special items to get the people to come here, but every article will be marked down to halt price. It is an hon e st Sale. Come at least and see the goods. No goods will be charged at this Sale, bst every purchase guaranteed, and should any purctase unsatisfactory, bring back the goods and your money will be refunded. 1 >\\ ! : ' r ' r ' ' :;FRgE f ; The gentleman who spends I ) j The Lady who spends the%; the first 13.00 at this Sale gets I ‘ : first 3,00 at this Sale will gel ; a tine pair of pants free. I * STiVRKVTLLE, MISSISSIPPI. /. ] cr Ia £i*e skirt Free. J —i — N ,r" r ~~ Rememberthe Place—Next JDoorto Post Office. MEN'S HATS. Large assortment of latest A styles, worth 1.50, now., All 2.00 Hats going at 1.40 All 3.00 Hats going at 1.98 All 5.00 Hats going at 2.40 OVERCOATS. A splendid line, large assortment worth 0.50 everywhere, 0% OO going at, only WWW Great bargains in better grades. Try one. DRSSS GOODS. A big assortment of Broadcloths, all colors, "regular price OA 30c, only ’*■■%#C A better grade, 36 inches wide, reg ular 1.00 value, going in M Q this sale at, only IIqQ Brillianteen, mohairs, 65c quality, going at.* JJIK All-wool Cashmere, double width, sells for 60c everywhere, _ now, only Big assortment of flannelette, 123^c value, now SHIRTWAIST PATTERNS. In beautiful designs worked in silk and made of the latest and best fabrics,and marked down at prices that will sell them. • 75c & 98c STAKKVILLE. MISS., FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1909. Big: Line of Silks at Greatly Reduced Prices. My stock of Silks is •one of the newest, best selected and most up-to date stocks in the city. Everything of the latest style and Just from the Fastern markets. Come and gje t these goods at half price; and all of standard brands. PANTS, Latest all-wool Cheviot, worth double the price asked, _ in this sale, only Extra good, worth 2.50 to gM M Q 3.00, at |V|4|o Tailor made very stylish, 4.00 value, at ‘ fcuiUy Boys Knee Pants, nice qual-df ity, 50c value, at • * I S#C A better grade, worth 75c, M _ a bargain at that, only.i.flni: LADIES’ SHOES. The Celebrated Diamond and Other Popu lar Makes. A popular 1.50 Shoe, very > serviceable, only .ZjqQ One medium weight ladies Shoe, solid leather: made for durability. This shoe is guaranteed and is one of our leaders. It is worth Jj AP 2.00, now’ only Best 2.00 Shoe, a rare bar-g| M—9 gain at that, only | B m Nice 4.00 patent leather . Shoe for, only ’‘'mm'lmjmm NOTIONS. CORSETS, good 75c value 22c One dollar.Empire Corsets, 0n1y..48c COM US, hack, side, etc, gold trimmed. Try one 18c HAND BAGS; all colors, at 22c HANDKERCHIEFS, Indies’ and mens', plain and bordered 3c Ladies’ Hemstitched with em broidered corners, 10 value 4c Silk Handkerchiefs, worth 50c, as long as they last, only -24 c SAFETY PINS, per card... .2c *fe 3c THIMBLES, needles, hooks and eyes, pins and hair pins, only . .. 1c SHEARS, excelsior, all sizes, guaranteed, at COST. Shears worth from 25c to 75c, in this sale for, only. ...28c *fe 25c RAZORS, of the finest steel 48c TOWELS, bordered 18x26 6c Fine embroidered lined, 0n1y...12c HOSIERY, ladies fast black 8c Ladies’ extra heavy grey, at 8c Silk Finish, worth 35c, only 23c Men s fancy silk worked, for 8c SHIRTS, worth 65c, your choice. .48c 1.15 and 1.50 Shirts, only 79c TIES, 50c Four-in-hand, price...29c UNDERWEAR, heavy fleeced lined, shirts and drawers, each.39c i MEN’S SHOES. Our stock is larger than ever. We have all shapes and styles in every variely of leathers—Kid, Calf, Patent Gun Metal, etc. Hig lot of Heavy high top shoes, guaranteed water-proof, sells every where else for 5.00, will A go for, only A splendid 3.00 Lace Shoe $M M Q very serviceable, for... Jj Lace Blucher 3.00 Shoe, A Sale Price . | All our fine 4.00 Seoes dur ing this sale > Lfjilfr LADIES’ CLOAKS. Latest style long Coats, AA 0.00 value, now— . .t: u "J Perfectly elegant cloaks, lailor made, in lighter heavy; during this sale A Large Stock of Unbleached Dom estic, regular 8c value, 3 _ during this sale \ As above staled wfe mention only a few of the many thous and of bargains. If you don’t find what vou are in need of listed above, be assured that we have it and at the right price. NWEK Hi