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THE NEWS - PUBLISHED BY THE NEWS PRINTING CO. TELEPHONES Office 215. Editor’s Residence 221. THOS. J. WOOD - - - Editor Our Motto: . “Tell the truth —No matter whom it helps or hurts Entered the Post Office at Starkville, Mississippi, as second class mall matter Published every Friday. Subscrlp ton price SI.OO per year Pork Sausage Casings at Arnold’s Meat Market. ■'t > " Money to Loan on Improved Farm Lands. •We are in position to place loans on easy terms, 1-10 annual ly for five years at 8 per cent interest on improved farm lands, without commissions. Come to “see us when you are in need of money. Bell & Daniel, Attys. H. T. Saunders, Inspector. SCHEDULE OF THE AUTOMOBILE TRANSEHT COMPAHY. Car leaves Hotel Halbert at 6:40 a. m. and make round-trip to A. &. M. College every hour until 5:40 p. m. After 5:40 p. m. the car is subject to rent by the hour. For further informa tion apply to H. A. WISE, Operator. Phone 204-D. Mr. A. J. Upton, one of our best citizens and prosperous farmers of the Agency neigh borhood, was a business visitor here Wednesday, and kindly, substantially remembered us. We appreciate such callers and subscribers. •——— ■ ■ —— Brown Eyes of Self Creek has joined the News’ staff of cor respondents and is an interesting and instructive contributor. Our readers may expect something new from that section each week. • 11 County Treasurer E. A, Buck ner of Longview spent Monday night in the city and returned home on the following morning. Such a clever man cannot keep from being popular and having friends. • > Mr. A. D. Cummins of the Bradley neighborhood paid our office an appreciated visit Tues day. Mr. Cummins is one of our real farmers who makes every thing at home. We have sent out a few bill Which cost two cents each or the value of one copy to each sub scriber. This is expensive though it looks like a small amount. We are not begging, but only remind ing those of our dues- Mrs. J. W. Norment spent Sunday in West Point. Mr. D. J. Cochran, who has been living out at Mr. W. W. Miller’s for the past few weeks, has returned, and will remain. A subscrider to a country pa per in a neighboring town wrote to the editor: “Can you tell me what the weather will be next month?” In reply he wrote: “It is my belief that the weather will be very much like your sub scription.” The inquirer ered for an hour what the editor was driving at, when he happen ed to think of the word “unset tled.” He went the next day and squared his account. ■■■ —* • Bring us your Job Work. First class work guaranteed. Our ’Phone No. is 215. *. , K • • STURGIS LOCALS. ' * ’ BY MISS BALLIE BEVILL. Mrs. Era Morlan is selling out her stock of goods before leav ing for Oklahoma. People are taking advantage of cut prices. Dr. J. W. Edwards and Sons have opened up a mercantile es tablishment at the place recently occupied by Mr. Al Edwards. Mrs, Jennie Hunt went to Ack erman Saturday. The following teachers went to Starkville Saturday to attend the * association: Messrs. F. D. Cooke and C. S. Waller, Mrs. Allie A. Greene, Misses Mollie Crumpton and Sallie Bevill. Misses Pearson and McCreight spent Saturday and Sunday with bomefolks. Rev. Nations preached at the Cumberland Presbyterian Sun day, Mr. Maxwell, conductor on the I. C. railroad, and family were the guests of Mr. W. H. Durham Saturday. Miss Ilah and Mr. Era Wood son spent Sunday in Starkville, Their little neice, Allie V. Wood, returned home with them. Mrs. Maude Buntin has ac, cepted a position on the Search light staff, Miss Ilah Woodson having resigned. We are glad to welcome Mrs. Buntin. The Okt ibbeha County Teach ers’ Association convened at the court house Saturday. The ses sion was rather brief as only one of the speakers was present. Prof. C. S. Waller presided, Prof. W. W. Kellum being un able to get there. Prof. Waller and Prof. Byrd gave short in, teresting addresses. The ladies were somewhat reticent. Two of them were probably engaged in estimating Mr. Wallers’s vast wealth as he stated that his “face was his fortune.” We happened to over-hear the said young ladies discussing his good looks. DEAD. The remains of Mr. Josegh C. Hannah were brought here for interment Saturday. He died at the Hospital for the Insane at Jackson. He had been an inmate of the .institution for nearly two years. He has been singularly unfor tunate all of his life. His father died before the child could re member him. When he was still a boy his mother became a helpless invalid and as he reached man’s estate he became afflicted with a spinal affection that ren dered him a helpless sufferer for years and finally destroyed his reason. He left one brother and five sisters to weep o’erUhis bier. His life was rendered as pleas ant as conditions would allow by the untiring devotion of his sis ter, Miss A. C. Hannah, whp sacrificed all selfish pleasure tljpt she might alleviate the suffering of members of her house-hold. The suffering has ceased and his weary spirit has found rest. Though denied the privilege of a life spent in active service, his life has not been in vain. As friends gazed for the last time upon the pale face they whis pered, “Joe was a good boy.” May the all-wise Father pour His healing balm upon their ach ing hearts. I IT MAY BENEFIT YOU TO KNOW THAT If (Efye Bank of Sturgis, | Sturgis, Oisssissippi, j| With a capital stock of $10,000.00 is now || open for business and can give you every :g accomodation in the banking line. : : l|; Call to see us and leave jour money with us. | rat obm* Mvoainv n w vihb omin. I a I N. Q. Adams, Pres. J. A. Mcßeynolds, Cashier. !g! 68888888888883888888888888888888888888888888888888888 I LONGVIEW LOCALS. BY UNCLE SILAS There was preaching here last Sunday by the pastor, Rev. J. T. Sargent. Bro. Sargent is a good man and a good preacher and al ways brings a good message when he comes. Misses Bamma Bell and Clem mie Seitz of West Point were pleasant visitors among their friends and relatives here Satur day and Sunday. Mr. Charlie Richardson of the A. and M. College spent Satur day and Sunday at home. Mr. Sargent of the A. and M. C. was a visitor to our town last Sunday. Mr. J. T. Seitz of this place de parted Monday morning for — well, we don’t know where, but guess he will tell us when he gets back. Messrs. S. Shropshire, T. E. Veazeyand J. W. Shaw spent Monday in Starkville on business. Mr. E. A, Buckner spent Mon, day night in Starkville. Mr. W. T. West was in town last Tuesday looking after busi ness for Uucle Sam. Mr. W. H. Durham, the ef ficient cross-tie man, was here Tuesday, apparently trying to pacify the tie buyers here. But we predict that the only way to pacify them would be for Ayers & Lord to order an inspection at once. Hon. J. H. Welborne of Stark ville was here Tuesday, marking out land lines for the people of Longview. Messrs. Calvin McCreight and Walter Wood of the Smyrna neighborhood has been in town several days this week to get lumber at the saw mill here. Now, that Christmas is over and we have launched out into a new year, let us endeavor to look on the bright side of life as much as possible and let us resolve to use all the smiles and kind words at our command to make those around us comfortable and hap py and everything will run smooth and pleasant and all will be benefitted. Mr. W. J. Grayes of Joplin. Mo., spent several days in the home of his cousin, Mr. P. J, New, two miles north of Stark ville. Before returning home, he will go to West Point and visit Mr. Chas. New, near there. Several years during the war and after, he resided with his uncle, the late J. L. Graves. This is his first visit here since then. Mr. Graves is a very pleasant gentleman and we are glad to know that he enjoyed his stay very much We enjoyed his visit to our office. SELF CREEK ITEMS. By Brown Eyes. The inclement weather has re tarded the average farmer from starting field work. The pleasant countenance of Prof. James Nason of Sturgis, brother of Dr. Nason, was visi ble here Sunday. Mr, J. H. Foster and family of Ellis county, Texas, has returned home after visiting Mr. J. S. Hannah, his brother in law. It was a happy meeting when Mrs. Hannah and her brother met, af ter an absence of fifteen years. Miss Ada Cummings of Maben, who is “shooting the young idea” at the Bush Arbor Acad emy, is being assisted now by Master Connell Mcßeynolds. The latter is a good and pro ficient student, and the appoint ment reflects credit on him. Mr. G. A. Robinson and fam ily of Osborne has moved into the premises lately vacated by Mr. C. W. Edwards, the latter having moved to Mr. Tom Norris’. Rev. Mr. Adams will occupy the pulpit at the Self Creek Bap tist Church next Sunday. It is hoped a large congregation will greet him. Master Henry Phelps and Un cle Billy made a flying trip Sun day into the McMinn Chapel community. The young people have been enjoying candy “breakings,” coupled with plays during the past two weeks, and they are still in progress. The little four-year-old boy of Mr. Will Rushin sustained pain ful injuries last week, breaking his wrist in two places. With other children, the tot was rid ing in a toy express wagon, when he fell out on the hard ground. Dr. Nason was called and rendered surgical aid. Mrs* Leona Crow, wife of Mr. Jake Crow, who met with an ac, cident last week is improving. Mrs. Crow started off on a visit. When a short distance from the house, one of the buggy traces came unfastened. Instead of stopping the horse, she went on down the slant of a hill and one of the buggy wheels ran into a deep rnt, precipitating herself and baby to the ground. She was seriously hurt but is now better. ■ ■■ Mr. John Gladney was a busi ness visitor to Columbus Wed nesday. Mr. Jos. Erwin paid us a pleasant visit this morning, and presented us with a copy of the Moran (Texas) published by Mr. J. S. Harrison, who was once associated with the old Ok tibbeha New Era. PROFESSIONALS. di*. l. pe/Oißg, Physician anb Surgeon, Phones; Residence 41, Office 11-a. STARKVILLE. - - MISS. B. Frank Bki.l. G. Odik Daniki.J Bell & Daniel, I_ l £LT7v r 3rers. Will practice in all the courts. Money to loan on real estate. Terms easy. ftJiLBY R Hash, /Ittorney and Gounccllop at Law arid Solicitor iii Chancery. Starkville, Oktibbeha County, Miss. Office east side Courthouse Square. JAS. W. NORM ENT, ATTORNEY-AT LAW, Starkville, Miss. u>r. i. a. SAXON Ideal Estate agent, GULFPORT, - MISSISSIPPI. REFERENCE: ANY BANK IN GULFPORT I can give you Good Bargains. Lots on Easy Terms. THE GOLF-COAST REALTY CO. U. M. DKXIEL PHES. GULFPORT, - MISSISSIPPI. Buys and sells real estate and pay taxes for parties living at a distance. Will furnish abstracts of titles to prop erty. 3T.LOVIS®VNIOn station CAIRO® JL.COLUMSUS / WEBIDiAnA #V montgo^eby Jm ) Jacksonville (g NEW OBLLASS TIM- ~ \T Starkville, Miss No. 41 daily lv. at 10.10 a rn N0.43 daily lv. at 3:10 p m No. 41 Arrive at Artesia, .. 10:50 a m No. 43 Arrive at Artesia 4:00 p id NORTHBOUND. No. 2 leave daily 4:19 a id No. 4 leave daily 4:28 p m No. 6 leaves daily 10:56 a m SOUTHBOUND. No. 1 leave daily 12:13 a m No 3 leave daily. 11:34 a m No. 5 leave daily 4:23 p ni R. V. Taylor, Jno. M. Beall, General Manager, General Passenger Agent, MOBILE. ALA- ST. LOUIS. MO * I- C. R. R. SCHEDULE. NORTH BOUND. No. 334 Arrives..... 10 47 a.m No, 392 Arrives 2 30 p. in. No. 204 Arrives 7 25 p. m. SOUTH BOUND. No. 203 Arrives. 9 30 a. m. No. 291 Arrives 8 30 a. m. No. 235 Arrives 4 23 p. id. South bound trains connect at Durant with through trains for North, South, , East and West. An Invitation. Those receiving sample cop ies ot the News will accept same as an invitation to sub scribe, as if personally solicited. If you find it interesting, bring i or send us one dollar for a< year’s subscription. The News/ is one of the best advertising mediums in the state, and is the city and county official Journal with a large circulation. Thanks in advance for your f inscription and advertising. (