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local and personal Remember that we send far one year for 2 dollars, The News and The Issue. Cash down-Ex- Gov. James K. Vardanian is Ed itor of The Issue. Send now s2,o{) for the two 1 papers or $1.50 for The'lssue, if both are not wanted. For headache Dr. Miles’ Antl-Paln Pills •• ■■■■ Miss Fannie Richardson, of Longview, visited in the home of Mr. Peter Kemp Tuesday at Sturgis. .. • ' ■— Mr. Horace Cunningham, of the popular Mercantile Cos. visit ed Sturgis Tuesday. Lawyer G. O. Daniel was a Sturgis visitor Tuesday. Mr, John White returned Wed nesday morning from New Or leans where he went on a busi ness trip. Mr. J. J. Henry spent Sunday at home with his family* Mrs. Kate McKell visited in the home of Mr. R. B. Ridgeway in the Ellis Store neighborhood Monday, to remain for several days this week. , Mr. .1. F, Ware who is engag ed at Strong's spent Sunday at home with his family. Mr. R. A. Cox made business trips to Bradley and Sturgis Tuesday. Mr. Max Goodman, ol the pop ular dry goods establishment of Goodman Bros, was transacting business at Sturgis Tuesday. lion. W. H* Welborn spent Tuesday at Longview making surveys. Room for Rent. One nice, large room furnished or unfurnished. For further par ticulars apply at Dr. J. W. Eck ford's office. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McKell departed for their California home Monday morning. Dr. Tail Butler, of the So. Farm Gazette, departed Monday afternoon via M. & O. K. R. for Washington, D. C., and will prob ably be absent ten days or two weeks. i Pork Sausage Casings at Arnold’s Meat Market. Mr. Glenn Mcllwain, of this place, and Miss'Parilla Ellis, of Columbus, were married Sunday afternoon at the bride’s aunt, Mrs. J. W. Butler, Chapel, seven miles north of Sturgis. The groom is an energetic and promising young man and is the son of our esteemed townsman, Mr. Me. D. Mcllwain. The bride is a very pretty young la dy of “sweet sixteen,” and is the niece of Mrs. J. M. Arnold, of this city. Mr. and Mr% Mcllwain arrived here Monday night where they will remain for a while on a visit, after which they will go to Col umbus, their future home. The News joins friends in good wishes for this popular young couple. FOR SALE. Sixty acres good land near Pheba at a bargain for quick sale. Cash or terras. Address Box 407, Meridian, Miss. Prof. Lamb visited West Point Sunday. Col. and Mrs. Simon Fried are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Morris Meyers, at Selma, Ala. Pork Sausage Casings at Arnold’s Meat Market. The friends ol Mrs. J. E. Mad dox are glad to learn that she has returned to Starkville, and is now the efficient assistant in office of C. H. Stillman’s furni ture store. Little Miss Edna Robson has returned from Columbus, where she made a brief visit the latter part of last week with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Reuther and children spent Sunday in West Point. Misses Ethel and Sophie Hal bert spent Sunday in West Point. * INSURANCE. Life, Fire, Tornado, Accident, Indemnity. Some of the world’s bes t companies represented, lour patronage appreciated Phones 143-212 Geo. D. Hotness, Agt. Miss Hah Woodson, of Sturgis, came up Tuesday afternoon and will remain for some time with her sister, Mrs. J. Cooke Wood, and will be an assistant in the News office, where she worked last summer. Mr. C. R. Smith was tried be fore Squire Bob Mithell last Sat urday for killing A. E. Laurent at Artesia the day before and al lowed bail in the sum of SBOOO.OO, but another affidavit was sworn out by a brother of the deceased in Columbus and tried before Es quire Beverly Mathews who de cided it not a bailable case and Mr. Smith was committed to the county jail. Circuit Court of Lowndes County, will convene next Monday. • So far it looks very bad for the defendant, but he is to be heard and tried by a jury. Mr. B. P. Williams was a bus iness visitor here yesterday. 4 * Mr. Davos White of near Stur *gis, was a business visitor here yesterdy. Mrs. Susan Lyon departed this morning for Louisville where she will visit her daught er for quite a while, Mrs. N. L. Tomlinson. Everybody seem of one mind that the bright sunshine days are exhilerating and refreshing. f Mr. and Mrs. Pettus, of Cleve land 0., are visiting their daugh er, Mrs. Wise, near the A. & M. C., and will likely spend the winter. We nope that they will like so well as to become one of us. Wish them a most pleasant visit. Mrs. J. W. Pope and Misses Sadie Pope and N. M. Montgom ery who have been in St. Louis for the past week • are expected to arrive home this week. ■ i Mayor Veazey, of Longview*, was in the city Monday, and paid our office a pleasant call. Miss May Kemp Curry, form erly of Starkville, but now of Louisville, spent Sunday here with her aunt, Mrs. H. A. Belk. She returned Monday, accom panied by her grandmother, Mrs. G. A. Curry, will spend a short while in Louisville. Mr. H. C. Stiles has been very sick for the past week, to the re gret of his many friends. ’ t By strengthening the mmrm fM* control the actios ef the Beer aa< besreli Dr. Miles' Nerre Starkville Merchants Associ ation. ' f * k Starkville has long felt the need of au active and wide awake business men’s league or association. Such an organiza tion has been recently effected and the roll of its membership as given below -is a guarantee that the importance and inter ests of Starkville as a trade center will he properly looked after. The Starkville Merchants’ As sociation is a branch of a state wide organization embracing similar associations in many other towns and cities. Its leading purposes are to co operate for the mutual benefit of all, to abate trade abuses, to protect its members and their customers f#om fake jobbers and wholesalers of dishonest goods; to disseminate useful informa tion, to prevent excessive freight rates and to facilitate the collec tion of claims for loss or damage in shipment; to assist its mem bers in collecting delinquent ac counts, to protect them against non-paying and fraudulent cus tomers. Its aims and purposes are hon orable and commendable, and all business interests should unite with this organization in its ef forts to make Starkville the trade center it should be. Its membership, as it now stands, is given below: Blumenfeld & Fried F. Goodman Caldwell & Lam kin C. H. Stillman Turner & Pierce L. & H. Kleban Goodman Bros. * H. J. Livensteiu S. Mer. Cos. J, M. Arnold F. M.Hale J. M. Carpenter R K *fe F LWler A E Hearon Z E Yeates D D Uarlness M Block Chiles & Rosso JJJ Gill Mrs Portlock D A Clardy Barton Bros. W D walker J H Smith & Cos Starkville Cot. Oil Cos. The officers of the association are: Z. E. Yeates, president; F. M. Hale, vice-president; W. D. Hartness, secretarj 7 . Mississippi Seaports. ♦ Referring to our comments in regard to Gulfport, the Newton Record says: “With the opening of the Pan ama Canal the commerce of the world will find ingress and egress through the State of Mississippi, and it is gratifying to all Missis sippians that the state Jias a port within her borders that is second to none.” Yes, and we will have many seaports on our south front when the opening of the Canal corns pel congressional action in the mat ter of appreciation. Gulfport was a creation of the Gulf and Ship Island Rail Road, and there will be many other city building rail road going down to the sea, ere that day dawns, to make all our beautiful coast towns impor tant entrepots and harbors; and when next a rail road seeks salt water it will not be forced to either buy a town or build one of its own. —Aberdeen Examiner. The State farmers’ Union Ware House is to be built at Gulfport, so decided at their late convention held at Jackson. Shifting the Blame. It seems to be human nature to shift the responsibility or blame on someone else. If w© make a mistake or do a little wrong how ready we are to try to make some one else responsible for the error. This shifting of responsibility began with the first that lived on earth. When Eve took the forbidden fruit she laid the blame on the Serpent and when Adam was called to give an ac count he laid the blame on Eve. Mother Eve seemes to have plac ed the blame on the proper one (the serpent) as he is present when responsibilities are trying to be shifted on others, Press. The brother understands bow it is. About 12 o’clock Wednesday night a small framed building of 2 rooms the property of Gen. Nash was consumed by fire. It was within the fire district and but a brick building can lie re placed. We understand that there was no insurance and friends sympe thize with the Genl. in his loss. Judge G. G* Thompson, of Hickory Grove, was looking af ter business here yesterday. Dr. A. H. Rice, of Oktofc, neighborhood, was a visitor here yesterday. Hon. J. W. Norment is on a business’ trip at Joplin, Mo., looking after his mining interests out there and will probably vis it old Mexico before returning home. Messrs. John McKinzie, R. O. Cotton, W. M. Colton, H. J. Tay lor and Wm. Kemp were here Tuesday on business. Judge'Hollimon, of near Brad ley, was a business visitor here Monday. Right and justice prevailed in Tennessee. Governor Patterson’s veto over ridden the state wide prohibition is passed by the law makers at Nashville, May God grant the early fol lowing of the great common wealths of Arkansaw, Louisania and Texas. Whiskey is the ori gin of ninety per cent of crime. WhisKey the greatest enemy of the human family is being exter minated by due process of law; no mob violence nor bribery. We as a nation owe so much to the good women of the land and particularly that organiza tion, the W. C. T. U.. have worked in season and out of season and God has crowned them triurapant thus far. All right thinking good citizens are for temperance, state wide and national prohibition is the way to secure it. * * - We are glad to learn that Dr. J. C. Hardy, president of thr A. & M. College, was most success fully operated upon last Monday morning for gall stones and six ty extracted and is doing nicely, in which his numerous friends * here and throughout the state will rejoice to know. Mr. L. M. Pritchard, was a business visitor here Monday. #* Mr. Shelly Shropshire, of Longview, was looking after business here Monday. 801 l Weevil. Maj. George Smith is good authority and many coincide him. He says that the boll wefevil is of no disadvant age, but to the contrary of great advantage to the cotton growers, for more numerous the weevils greater the quantity of cotton made. He is an old cotton grower and says that the weevills only at tack the small bolls and makes the others grow larger and more prolific. . He says that that state’s acts demonstrates the proposition. Who can refute the assertion? Whereas, one half of the cot ton lands can now be utilized in planting corn and difersitication. The matter is worth thinking about right at this time. 9 Capt. and Mrs. Isaac Winston visited their daughter, Mrs. L. L. Linderman, and shopped here yesterday. ~ Mr. John Highr erf* W*estern Oktibbeha, paid us a pleasant visit Tuesday. John is an old College boy and is a prosperous and progressive farmers and a splendid young man. We are always glad to meet our friends and know that they arc prospering. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hartness spent several days this week with Mrs. Hartness' mother, Mrs. Rice and other relatives. Mr. Ethan Richey is in charge of the correspondence and finan cial department of the Southern Farm Gazette during the absence of Dr. Tait Butler at Washington, D. C. Mr. Richey is most capa ble and efficient in every respect for the duties. Mrs. David Gladney of Artesia was shopping here Wednesday. Mr. J. R. Davis of Trim Cane, his countenance like sunshine, was seen upon our streets yes terday. — -.♦•— ’Squire.T. E. Sanders of Brad ley was a business visitor here yesterday. Mr. John A. Yeates was a bus iness visitor here Saturday. He is another farmer that makes ev erything at home and to spare. Maj. John B. Hudson is again connected with the Soutnern Farm Gazette as traveling so licitor for subscriptions. The Gazette knows a good thing and is to be congratulated upon its good* fortune in securing Major Hudson’s services, who is now in the field doing active work. Mr. and Mrs. Wain Richey are receiving congratulations on all hands. A fine boy arrived about nine o’clock Wednesday evening, crowned prince of their house hold. We hope that the child will wax and grow strong and till the highest anticipations of the loving parents. Mother and baby are doing well. Every Mississippian regrets the personal newspaper contro versy between the Governor and State Treasurer, and particularly the harsh and unseemly language applied by the Treasurer to the Executive.-Aberdeen Examiner. True, it seems entirely unnec essary and no good to be accom plished. Miss Ada Cox visited relatives and friends at Sturgis this week Tuesday morning. | Chas. C. Buder Edward E. Bader I i Buder Bros. \ A ■ J Manufacturers Of | i FINE JEWELRY AND i | DIAMOND WORKS, | | Watch Inspectors for M.&O. : j and Southern Railroads. | I COLUMBUS, MISS. I Congressman E. S. Candler, of Corinth, is spoken of as a pro bable candidate for governor in the next state election. Mr. Candler would make a formida ble candidate should he decide to make the fight.—Greenville Democrats. We are under obligations to Hons. A. J. McLaurin and E. S. Candler for valuable public doc uments. Col. and Mrs. J. A. Wiggs shopped here yesterdav.