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Citation Notice. Btat of Mississippi, I Chancery Court. Oktibbeha County. ) 3 To Minnie Stubblefield: You are commanded to appear before the Chancery Court of the county of Oktibbeha in said state, on the second Monday of March A. D., 1909, to defend the suit in said court of Ed Stubble field, wherein you are defendant. This sixteenth day of January, A. D., 1909. K. O. Mcllwain, Clerk. —■ 0 Mrs. Shelborne of Bardwell, Ky., and her two bright children are the guests in the home of Mr. T. N. Shearer, Mrs. Shel borne’s father. Miss Saunders Receives In teresting Appointment. An interesting acquisition to the bus iness circles of Atlanta is Miss Gene vieve Saunders, who was appointed on the fifteenth as teller in the Woman’s department of the Fourth National bank. Miss Saunders succeeds Miss Jennie Armstrong, who was the first and for a number of years the only woman teller in the city. Since Miss Armstrong’s resignation the vacancy was temporarily filled by a man until the appointment last week of Miss Saunders. Miss Saunders does not come to her work without ex perience, for several years she has ably filled the position of cashier and assis tant manager of the New England In surance company. With a keen busi ness instinct and unusual mental gifts, she has a delightful personality that will win her a host of friends in her new work. Miss Saunders is actively interested in Y- W. C. A. work and has been a strong supporter of all movements which have advanced the work in Atlanta. In the physical department she has been particularly .interested and has been a delightful and encouraging friend to hundreds of girls who have come to Atlanta, strangers to the town and to the new fields which they have entered to earn a livelihood. The position of woman teller* is a try ing one, and perhaps no m£n, however kind and thoughtful he may be, can so well answer the needs of women depos itors as a woman herself. The average woman has little Idea of banks and banking, and the average man Is apt to find her a .troublesome and annoying person to waste time with. A woman teller has more or less sympathy with her ignorant sisters, which makes the arrangement one of mutual benefit and pleasure. The appointment, several months ago, of Miss Kmgsbery at the Central iiank and Trust company has proved a happy selection by the bank and its de positors, aud the entrance of Miss Saunders to banking circles is .of wide interest and congratulation. —Atlanta Journal. Miss Saunders is a Starkville young lady who has been resid ing in Atlanta for the past few years, and her many friends in her old home will be delighted to know of her promotion as a bus iness young lady. The Fourth National bank is to be congratulated upon secur ing this most capable, refined and accomplished young lady. Dr.M ilis'Anti-Run Pills fenixrt SCIATICA. \ | They Relieve Pain Rheumatism., -. Iff fyiW" "■ ' | QuidUy, leaving no BACKACHE. bed After-effect. p AIN | N CHCST Distress ih / ]m, Take ON 25 Doses | sSSss ✓ *T of the L.tHe Tablets || 25 Cents omWQSHCSS Sy AND p A|N |S g ONE H Neyer Bulk ■" *** *^S//////////7J?j/}jffflfjrff7fnfo Dr. Fred J. Mayen. i 1 This distinguished lecture* and eminent physician who de livered an interesting and in structive lecture at the court, house Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock, on Hygiene, • was form erly of New Orleans, but now of Jackson, and is state lecturer on hygiene for the Mississippi state board of health. He was form erly chairman in hygiene, medical education, medical jurisprudence of the state medical society of Louisiana, and for manv years assistant quarantine physician for that state. We only make men tion of these to point out that Dr. Mayers is not only learned and skilled in his prbfession. but that personal experience better equips one for one’s duties* Theory and experience, the two, make valued chums, so to speak. Dr. Mayers was greeted (by a cultured and an appreciative au dience of both ladies and gentle men; this embraces many of the bright boys and girls of the pub lic school, who had heard him in the morning at the school house. We regard the Doctor as a good orator, though he makes no pretentions along that line; if he does, he has a nice way of concealing it. He is a fluent and forceful speaker who holds his audience spell bound, and withal most eloquent. ' We re gret that it was not the privilege of everyone within the county to have heard the address. We were very much im pressed with his allusions to the fact that with all the ailments the human family is heir to, 85 per cent is through ignorance of hygiene and sanitation. The mosquito, the common house fly and other obnoxious in sects that he spoe of were in structive subjects. We regret that we are not able to write as we should desire about this lec ture. No doubt, the Doctor received much inspiration from the well timed and eloquent introductory presentation by His Honor, Mayor Henry A. Beattie, who did honor to the enlightened audience, the lecturer, and re flected great credit upon him self. He made friends of all the chil dren and made ineffaceble im pression—sowed good seed that will germinate and bring forth good results, good fruit. The state board of health made no mistake in their selection in the person of Dr. Fred J. Mayers; he is the right man in the right place. Dr. Mayers is doing a great missionary work along his line, and we hope that he will find it convenient to return at some time in the near future, and wherever he goes, none should far! to hear him, and that, too, gladly. ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ " 1 ■ 11 '■ Small Payments on Diamonds , Watches , Silver , Cut Glass , and other articles of Merchandise . I will be glad to sell yqp any thing in my stock on the same terms I give you on Diamonds. You can now pet your silver table ware you have been wanting and did not feel able to pay all at once, by settling for them oh my easy plan that meeting them will not be an inconveniece. My plan only requires a small cash payment and the balance you can distribute over twelve months time if you like. • • h Lv Wiv * W. F. Reuther, • THE EXCLUSIVE JEWELER. A Brand New One v. * Agents Say: “Good Bye to Competition.” Farmers Say: “Good Bye to all other forms ot Poultry Fence.” WHY? Because the VERY BEST value ever, offered in the VERY BEST grade of Fence on the market is in the ‘‘PITTSBUGH PERFECT' ' SPECIAL Poultry and Garden Fence. Just think of it! A good substantial Fence—chicken tight—good enough for stock; top and bottom wires .No. 11, all other wires No. 14. Ail galvanized wires, and cheaper than poultry netting. It is the neatest, prettiest, strongest, best Poultry Fence on the market. LISTEN! • One pound of No. 14 wire measures about 60 feet. One pound of No. 19 wire measures about feet. Most of the hexagon poultry getting sold is made out of No. 19 wire. •The Pittsburg Perfect*' Special Poultry and Garden Fence has for the smallest wires in it No. 14, and you can buy it for less per square foot than you can buy the light, flimsy hexagon melting. SEE THE POINT ! Also full line “Pittsburg Perfect*' Field Fence ; all heights. The “Pittsburg Perfect” Fences weigh less per rod than any other fences made out] of similar sizes of wires, because in every otherjfence the stays are wrapped or clamped to the strands,- thus adding weight, to the detriment of strength and lasting qualities. The “Pittsburg Perfect” Fences, on account of the stays and strands being welded together by electricity, have no waste wire in them to add weight, and are cenceded to be the strongest on the market. We sirnply can’t explain the many superior ad vantages this fencing - has over all other nettinys, so invite you to call in and see for yourself. s“iE, J. L. MARTIN, mmm. The Hardware Man. There was quite a delegation here yesterday to see Gov. Noel with refer ence to the candidacy of B. F. Bell, a Starkville lawyer, for the position of the circuit judge for the first district to succeed Hon. E. O. Sykes of Aberdeen, whose tetm expires March 1. Judge Sykes is an applicant for re-appoint ment, coming to the Capitol himself, with a good indorsement to back up his own good record on the bench. The party from Starkville included J. H. Welborne, representative from Oktibbe ha; Dr. J. W. Crumpton, member of the state board of health from the first district; Sheriff T. G. James of Oktib beha; Rev. R. H. B. Gladney and O. F. Turner who bring a long string of en dorsements from Oktibbeha and other counties of the district. As is his cus tom, Gov. Noel made no promise nor in timated anything as to his intentions in the matter, and it wfll be a waiting and guessing game for all concerned. —Cor. N. O. Picayune. Of course, we of Oktibbeha county are for our own man, and believe he will be appointed. Mr. Bell is young and vigorous, learned in the law, and would make a satisfactory judge. We believe he would give satisfac tion to the entire district. In any event, the Governor will do what may seem proper to him self and for the district. WOMEN’S WOES. Starkville Women Are Find ing Belief at Last. It dobs iseem that women have have more than a fair share of the aches and pains that afflict humanity; they must “keep out,”must attend to duties in spite ol constantly aching backs, or dizzy spells, bearing-down pains; they must stoop over, when to stoop means toflture. They must walk apd bend and work with racking pains and many aches from kidney Ills. Kidneys cause more suffering than any other organ *>f the body. Keep the kidneys wpfl and health is easily maintained. Read of a No Land So Rich That Fertilizer Cannot Make Better You use fertilizers for the profit you get out of them—and the better the land the more profitably a good fertilizer can be used on it. Do not imagine because land will produce a fair crop without Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers that these fertilizers cannot be profitably used on it, or that they were made only for land too poor to produce without them. If poor land will show a normal Increase when fertilizer is used, good land will show at least double the increase. Use Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers to increase the quality , as well as the quantity of the crop—and you will increase the profits from your land. “I have been using your fertilizers for a number of years” says Mr. William Fraiser, of Glasburg, La .^andfind that it not only pays to fertilize , but to do plenty of it , and use the best fertilizers to be had, such as your brands. I have used a number of them and found them to be as recommended and to give better results than any other fertilizers that I have ever used." Every planter and fanner should have a copy of the new 1909 Virginia-Carolina Farmers’ Year-Book. Get a free copy from your fertilizer dealer, or write our nearest sales office. Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co s. Sales Offices | Sales °^ ces vfipiippH gsa^c. Columbia, S. C. Baltimore, Md. Atlanta, Ga. •Columbus, Ga., Savannah, Ga. Montgomery, Ala. Memphis, Tenn. Shreveport, La. remedy for kidneys only that helps and cures the kidneys. Mrs. S. E. Tidwell, 15 Stonewall Street, West Point, Miss., says: ’‘Doan’s Kidney Pills have made me a well woman and 1 think It no more than my duty to pass the good news along to my neighbors and friend s. 1 could not sleep well at night, and during damp weather, or If I caught cold, my back pained me Intensely. My strength and energy left me, and though I tried ev ery remedy I heard of, I found no relief. A friend who had been cured by Doan’s Kidney Pills advised me to try them and after using them for two months I was restored to good health.” Plenty more proof like this from Starkville people. Call at J. J. Gill’s drug store and ask what customers re port. For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cts, Poster-Mllburn Cos., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Bernemher the name-—Doan’s —and take no other. Prof. G. Y Scroggins of Self Creek High School was looking after business here today. Dr. C. W. Jordan was assas sinated last night rear West Point, on his way or re turn inf, from a visit to a patient. We have not heard or seen any ac count of the particulars. Dr. Jordan was a native of this county, born and reared seven miles south of here, a splendid man and of one of the first fam ilies of the county. Miss Jennie jGary of Kosciusko is the charming guest bf her sis ter, Mrs. M. Block.