I SOCIETY II l - il sin mm i. uu.lim .. ■ H, i, BEGINNING THE DAY Only fools and hypocrites make lamentation.— McGrath. “What matter the sort person one has been, or the life one has led, if he has come out of it with the knowl edge and the wish to use it well?’’ “Moral courage is the rarest of Qualities and often the most ma ligned.’ “In the race of life endurance is of more importance than speed.” * • • *********** * SOCIAL CALENDAR * *********** Friday— The Young Women’s Bi ble Class will meet at the Baptist Church at 4 o’clock. Mrs. Paul Castles will teach the lesson. Friday —The Campus Bridge Club will hold their first meeting of the fall with Mrs. S. 0. Elting. Monday— T h e regular monthly business meeting of the W. M. U. will be held at the Baptist Church at 4 o’clock. Mrs. John White will be the leader. , . Tuesday— Mi’s. Harry Critz will be hostess for the Tuesday Bridge Club. Wednesday— The Wednesday Rook will meet with Mrs. J. 0. Gunn. Wednesday— The Wallace-Miller wedding will be solemnized at 4 p. m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mil ler at Trim Cane. • * ♦ *********** * NOTICES * *********** There will be an election of offic ers for the Bible Study Class this af ternoon. All members are urged to be present. The D. A. R. will meet Thursday at 3 p. m. with Mrs. J. M. Beale on the campus. All members are urged to be present. Officers for the com ing year will be elected. X- * * * Tuesday Rook Club. Tlje members of the Tuesday Rook Club held a delightful meeting Tues day afternoon with Mrs. J. D. Mal lory at the home of Mrs. Eckford. The apartment where three tables were arranged for Rook was artistic ally decorated with cut flowers. Af ter the game an salad course was served. Mrs. Eckford assisted Mrs. Mallory in entertain ing. The guests were limited tb the * club members. Mesdames W. W. \Magruder, Jr., T. H. Peters and A. S. are lovely additions to the rlub. • * * W. C. T. U. with Mrs. Foster. The W. C. T. U. met Monday af ternoon with Mrs. John Foster. Re freshing punch was served by Mrs. All Next Week We Offer \ A Lovely Collection of Ladies Trimmed Hats AT S7M See Window Display. The Style Shop Mrs. S. W. Scales / > * For PICTURE FRAMES Made Right in Starkville—see MONTGOMERY STUDIO ♦ H. E Wamiley.Prop. I Portraits—Commercial Work—Kodak Finishing. INt “Here is the Photographer in Your Town." Harry Foster as the guests arrived. In the absence of the president, Mrs. T. W. Woodward, Sr., Miss Montgomery presided. Law En forcement proved a live topic for dis cussion. Mrs. T. Howerton read from the Commercial Appeal an ex tract from the address of Gov. Milli kin of Maine, on the advantages .of prohibition, delivered before the Fif teenth International Congress on Al coholism. The annual election of officers, the featurb of the meeting, resulted in the election of Mrs. Bet tie Gillespie as president, Mrs. Wood ward who had for so long held this office refusing to stand for re-elec tion. With this exception the other officers were retained: Mrs. A. B. Barrington, secretary; Mrs. G. T. Howerton, treasurer. The advisabil ity of calling together the women of the town and campus for the pur pose of organizing a good citizenship league was discussed and authorized. The meeting adjourned with the Aronic benediction. m * Miss Louise Saunders Hostess. The home of Miss Louise Saunders formed a lovely setting for a bridge party Wednesday when her guests included the members of the Wednes day Bridge Club and a number of other friends in Tionor of her at tractive house guest, Miss Annella ‘Abbot of Tuscaloosa. The apart ment was converted into one and beautifully decorateu with baskets and vases of golden glow and golden rod carrying out a yellow color scheme. Two attractive guest prizes wore given. Among the other honor* guest were Mesdames Gus Hogan and Raymond Goodman, two recent brides and Miss Wiener of Carlyse, Penn., who is visiting Miss Mana Blu menfeld. A delicious salad in tones of yellow was served at the conclu sion of the game. • * ♦ Mrs. John Saunders Hostess. Mrs. J. S. Saunders was hostess to the Matrons Bridge Club Tuesday afternoon. This is the beginning of the fall season and was the time for the election of officers which result ed in Mrs. D. A. Saunders, president; Mrs. Gabe Utz, vice pres.; Mrs. Max Goodman, secretary. Bridge was played at three tables, Mrs. D. A. Saunders winning the highest score was awarded the -club prize. Mrs. Raymond Goodman was given -the guest prize. Mrs. Saunders served a tempting salad and ice course, as ' sted by Mrs. Thomas Katz and Mrs. Magruder. ♦ ♦ * Pretty Card Party. Mrs. Donald McClure entertained at a pretty party Tuesday afternoon. Bridge was played at two tables in ma frMßfcVtxXfc (kte.) NteWfe the living room which was simply but effectively decorated with cut flowers. After the games a lovely ice course was served. ♦ • ♦ Susie Thomas’s Class Entertain. ; The members of the Susie Thomas Sunday School class entertained at 'their regularly monthly social Tues day night. Delightful sandwiches and fruit punch were served after the business meeting. Plans for pre • ing for the revival which will be conducted in the near future by Rev. jb Jones of Montgomery were dis missed. Several other important matters were brought up but defer ed until the next meeting. * a a Personal and Notes. Mrs. J. M. Peden of San Angelo, Texas is the guest of her brother, Mr. R. S. Wilson. Mrs. Robert Gunter who has been •isiting her daughter has returned to Columbus. Miss Annella Abbott is the charm ing guest of Miss Louise Saunders. Mrs. Alex Ames is visiting rela tives in Alabama. Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Wells, of Co lumbus, were week-end guests in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Saunders last wo k. Miss Jernne Sage, of Columbus, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Frank Hogan. Dr. and Mrs. Eckford and Mrs. J. D. Mallory spent Monday in Colum bus. Mrs. H. D. Oakley has returned from a visit to Greenville. Miss Mary C. Gladney, of Artesia, spent teh week-end with Mr. and Mrs ohn Gladney. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Hogan have re turned from their wedding trip and arc with his parents. Mrs. A. B. Harrington spent Tues day in Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moss and Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Weston have returned from a delightful visit to St. Louis. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Magruder, Jr. will move this week into their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Goodman have returned from their wedding trip and have taken a cottage on Main Street. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Locke were visitors in Columbus this week. The “High Y” held the first meet ing of the fall Tuesday afternoon at the school. Mrs. R. L. Bowen entertained a few friends at bridge Thursday night SCHOOL BOOKS CASH On account of the rigid rules un der which dealers are placed in hand ling School Books, we must continue t c Sell SCHOOL BOOKS FOR CASH ONLY. This rule applies to all, re gardless of financial standing or abil ity to pay. Please do not embarrass us and yourself by asking us to make an exception of your case. We glad ly charge Tablets, Pencils and other School Supplies to those who have accounts with us. R. K. & F. L. Wier. 21-3 t xxxxxxxxxxx X SAND CREEK LOCALS x xxxxxxxxxxx Mr. Will Woodson and family have returned to their home in Eo line, Ala. Mrs. Ed McMinn had as her guests Thursday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Doc Nabors, Mrs. A. Shaw, Mrs. S. Adams and Mrs. O. C. McClure, of Ackerman. Mr. J. C. Woodson and family vis ited Mrs. U. Kellum at Big Creek Sunday. Mr. J. J. Cutts and Ola Mae spent Saturday afternoon in Ackerman. Mrs. R. D. Woodson and family of Reform, visited in the home of E. M. Woodson Wednesday. Mr. Lee Adams and family were the guests of Mr. John Ivy Sunday. Mr. Curtis Long, of near Reform, is visiting his brother, W. G. Long. We are glad to report that Prentis Green, who is ill with typhoid fever, is some better. Miss Nola Adams is seriously ill. Ed McMinn and family visited in the home of J. H. McMinn Sunday. Mrs. W. Cutts and daughter, Maggie, gre visiting relatives in the delta. Mrs. Olivia Woodson has returned home to Big Creek. Miss Jennie Hannah, of Memphis, is visiting her parents for a few days. Mrs. Love, of Ackerman, has been the guest of her son, Rufus Love. xxxxxxxxxxx X LITTLE HELP LOCALS x xxxxxxxxxxx Mr. J. H. Pugh, of Louisville, spent Wednesday with his daughter, Mrs. Edna Jackson. Mr. Corbet Jackson, of Bradley, spent Sunday in the home of N. R. Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Heflin were the guests of Mrs. Bill McHann Sun day. Mr. Pat Jackson and son are in this community this week cutting hay. Miss Carrie Sanders, of Bradley, who is teaching school in the con solidated school of Craig Springs, is boarding with Mrs. Martha McClel land. Mr. and Mrs. F. B, Merritt spent Sunday in the home of Mr. Yancy McHann. Mr. John McClelland and family were the Sunday guests of Mrs. Ru bye Ferguson, near Bradley. Mr. Mack Speir left Tuesday for Birmingham, where he will secure work. Little Eugene and Lurlene Jack son spent F'riday night with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pugh. ECHOLS—JORDAN A pretty wedding was solemnized a short time ago at the Methodist parsonage, the contracting parties being Mr. H. A. Echols and Miss Myr The Real Hat Show / of Starkville Never have we been so adequately prepared with such an unusual showing of decidedly dif ferent and original creations. Beautiful de signs in Hats from the best makers. We cannot even begin to describe the special features—one must see to appreciate the com pleteness of the Hat Show of Starkville. , Colors are Black, Brown, Henna, Taupe, Etc. Starkville Millinery Company HOME OF “KING BEE” HATS > - - - —I ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■BlHKEßHI■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ | The I BARRY SHOE ■ "For Men Who Care to Dress Well.” S The New ! Styles are ms Come in and befitted. BLOCK’C _ of Starkville k-/ ■! ■ ■ iT “Quality Remains Long After Price Is Forgotten” CUT GLASS should be clear as crystal, artistic in design, and finished by the most skillful workmen, to insure the excellence which such articles require. We buy only the best, for that is what you want when making a selection for a wedding gift or for your self. You will be pleased with the variety and quality to be found in our new stock of Cut Glass. Wier Jewelry Company “The Gift Shop of Oktibbeha” tie lordan of this city. Rev. Md- Cafferty performed the marital rites, after which the couple departed in their automobile to tour the northern part of the state and will be absent several weeks. • , The groom is a young man of fine character and has one of the finest fetock farms in the county) while the bride is a young lady of splendid at tainments and lovable character.