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The Starkville news. (Starkville, Miss.) 1902-1960, December 17, 1920, Image 1

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VOL. 19
To-night’s meeting of the Cham
ber of Commerce being the last reg
ular meeting for the year, the Board
of Directors have named it “Sugges
tion Night,” and every member is
requested to be on hand with sug
gestions and plans for the work of
the organization next year. In addi
tion tb this, and the regular business
an added feature for the evening
will be a moving picture show put on
\y the ‘movie crew’ of the Chamber.
Special attention is called to all
members that the meeting hour has
been moved up to 7 ;30.
Six new members were added to
the rolls at the Board meeting Tues
day night: Messrs. M. H. Moore, J.
S. Moore, Geo. C. Gunn, A. C. Wal
thal, D. A. Hill and W. M. Didlalke.
“A still small voice spake unto me,
Thou art so full of misery,
Were it not better not to be.”
'There is lurking i apparently in
nocent quarters microbes waiting
for you or me, and the greater the
quantity the more the danger of con
tagion. Where place the responsi
bility for extermination? Is it fair
for the “other fellow” to assume all
the burden or should each visualize
sufficiently to become part of the
working forces for human progress,
and betterment?
4 Christmas Seals are on sale in all
the stores in Starkville, the money
to be used to fight tuberculisis in
Mississippi. It is a commingling of
philanthropy and self-preservation,
a saving of untold misery. Let eve
rybody buy Seals cheerfully and
freely, for affixed to packages or
letter ’twill convey the message-that
you are awakened to fostering hap
piness for humanity’s sake.
Work on the Mayhew road and
the Osborn road, is being pushed
along fast now. Slow progress had
been made up to now on these roads
owing to a lack of rock, but this
difficulty has been overcome, and
there is plenty of rock on hand for
this purpose.
Mr. R. R. Elkin, Jr., is in charge
of the work and is in need of teams
for hauling the rock from Starkville
and the college. Here is an oppor
tunity for some farmer with idle
teams to make some money.
A well attended conference of the
district stewards of the Columbus
district was held at the Methodist
church Tuesday, Practically all of
the stewards of the district churches
were represented.
The important feature connected
with the meeting was the fixing of
the. presiding elders salary and the
distribution of conference assess
ments. Rev. and Mrs. Brownlee en
tertained the visitors in a manner
which was appreciated.
Among the ministers present were:
Rev. A. T. Mcllwain, presiding el
der, Columbus; Rev. E. H. Cunning
ham, Kosciusko; Rev. T. T. Gregory,
Central Church, Columbus; Dr. T.
Lipscomb, First Church, Columbus;
Rev. Olin Ray, Macon; Rev. Carroll
Varner, West Point; Rev. Storment,
Ackerman; and Rev. Ben Jaco, Cen
tenary Secretary, Winona; and oth
Mr. and Mrs. Noel McCafferty
are happy over the arrival of a sweet
baby girl at the home of the infant’s
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Mayfield Monday night.
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| Tl always come to visit you at Christmas-time each year*
fm But every time I come along I miss a face that’s dear;
A Some girlie is a woman grown, some boy is now a man,
mßut while the crop of kiddies lasts I’ll do the best I can, a
limC T° you shout instead of cry, 1 ,
And make you laugh instead of sigh!
.mu ' ' •>!
**' 1 ■• up *fc? i 's : *
Santa Claus Will Visit Starkville Saturday, Dec. 18.
Santa Claus will be in Stark*
ville this Saturday, with a present
for every good youngster that
conies to town ro meet him. .He
also wants the children to write
a letter to him, and bring it Sat
urday, telling just what they want
for Christmas.
This much information was
given in a message received by
the Chamber of Commerce Tuet
day night which requested that
organization to see that every
child, boy or girl, white or color
ed, in the county gets a special
invitation to be on hand.
Just how Santa is going to get
here, remains unknown, but it is
rumored that he will land at the
Courthouse at one o’clock, and it
is known for certain that he will
be here at that time and that he
will spend an hour or so with the"
youngsters before leaving for the
next city.
In his wireless, Santa said, “Be
sure to get every good little boy
and girl in the <ounty at Stark
ville Saturday at one o’clock. I
want a letter from each one, tell
ing me exactly what they want
for Christmas. Just as a fore
taste of Christmas, I’ll have a
little gift for each one that is
Rev. Bob Jones, who made many
friends and admirers here when he
conducted a most successful revival
at the College Chapel in October)
has just closed a great meeting of
five weeks at Cambridge, Ohio, and
the following extract taken from
the Daily Jeffersonian, of that city,
will be read with great interest by
the people here:
Jones Revival Closes.
(By J. S. Taylor)
Singing “God Be With You Till
We Meet Again,” and waving a
Chautauqua salute with white hand
kerchiefs, Cambridge on Sunday
night bid Godspeed to Evangelist
Bob Jones, closing the greatest day
of a five weeks religious revival,
that will live forever in the hearts
of the Christian people of the city.
Bob Jones does not “count mere
numbel’s of conversions” and seeks
to avoid any idea of seemingly boast
ing about the manner in which the
Lord has blessed his work, but as
conversions are usually counted in
evangelistic meetings of this kind,
the number would be near four thou
sand. The number, of strictly first
decisions, people who before the
campaign were not members of any
church, is over one thousand.
The tabernacle audiences Sunday
crowded the building to the doors
and at the evening service hundreds
were turned away. At 6:30, a half
hour before the time set for the ser
vice, every seat in the great build
ing was filled and the choir enter
tained the early comers with a re
markable song service, during which
Mrs. Don Cochran sang beautifully,
“He Will Not Let Me Fall,” and Mr.
Loren Jones, “There's All a Guilty
Sinner Needs in Jesus.”
The churches that invited Bob
Jones to the city and his admirers
at the tabernacle services showed
their appreciation in three free-will
offerings at Sunday’s services. The
total of the three collections was
$5,553, which was raised without
any personal solicitation, beggings
or a subscription collection on Sun,
Speaking on behalf of the Minis
terial Association of the City, Rev.
Smith of the Second U. P. church,
expressed the appreciation of the
ministers of the city for the work
that has been carried on here by
the Bob Jones party. Commending
the high standard of Christianity
that Mr. Jones had set up at the
start five weeks ago, and tenaciously
adhered to throughout the meetings,
the clean understanding of the
meaning of a decision for Christ giv
en to converts, the sincerity and
Christian frankness and candor of
the evangelist, he stated that ho
voiced the unanimous opinion of the
ministers who had said, “You can’t
make it too strong for me.”
The members of the choir pre
sented Mr. and Mrs. Loren Jones
with a purse of over one hundred
dollars. The ladies of the cottags
prayer groups presented Mr. and
Mrs. Cochran a purse of one hund
red and twenty-five dollars. The
ministers and ushers presented Don
Hindman and Rev. T. P. Ullom with
tie pins, watch chains, fountain pen*
and a purse each.
Buy ChrUtmai Seals? 7 ?
At the weekly prayer meeting of
the Methodist congregation Wednes
day night, the members of the board
of stewards of the church for the
: coming year were installed. Those
| present were: R. C. Bridges, chair
man, A. W. Reynolds, Zeno Yeate*,
T. J. Gunn, Dr. J. W. Eckford, L.
Camp, F. L. Hogan, Dr. B. L. M
gruder, G. S. Turner, Robt. Magru
der, R. K. Wier, Prof. J. C. Her
bert, F. L. Wier, W. H. Sudduth.
1 Buy Chriitma* SeaU? ? ?
No. m

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