OCR Interpretation

The Southern farm gazette. (Starkville, Miss.) 1895-1909, November 15, 1906, Image 1

Image and text provided by Mississippi Department of Archives and History

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87065613/1906-11-15/ed-1/seq-1/

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A Semi-Monthly Journal for Farmers.
_Stock-Raisers, and their Emilies.
A great Winter Prize Contest Is Arranged by the
Gazette for Getting Subscriptions.
1 he Southern rtrm Gazette
will give cash prize* amounting
to $500 on the conditions named
below, and commissions amount*
ing to $1250. The commission
will be paid whether agents win
a prize or not. The winning of
a pri e will depend on whether
an agent excels others in getting
subscriptions and whether the
number he gets is as large as
the following paragraphs state
to be necessary. If no one win*
the first prize, the first winner
majr secure the second prize and
the winners of smaller prizes will
follow as the number of sub*
scribers each scuds in warrant*.
Since the comroi*aion* will be
given, whether an agent secure*
a prize or not, one i» sure to be
well paid for bis work; and if he
wins a prize, nc win oc very wen
paid. Commissions arc to be
reserved by agents at the rate
of 25 cents for each subscription
when they remit for subscrip
tions sent in, and everything
munt be kept on a strictly cash
basin. Neither the Gazette nor
• the agent shall be a debtor to
the other, as it would require
too much bookkeeping. To be
entitled to a prize, an agent
must say in every letter contain
ing a remittance that the agent
is in the winter pri/e contest.
No one will be allowed to take
autisrriptions for less than 50
| cents a year, or $1 for three
years that arc wholly in advance.
Any subscriptions taken for less
will be cut from the list as soon
an the publishers learn of it.
There will be ten prizes given.
The following statements show
what the winner of any prize will
get, and how many subscrip
tions will be needed to win in
any case:
1st Prize, $25<>
2>o i subscriptions required.
Commission on 2500, $*.25
Prize,. 250
Total earnings, .. $*<75
2d Prize, $1«)0
1000 subscriptions required.
Commissions on 1000.$25"
Prize* . • 100
Total earning*, . $350
'd Prize, $*•»>
mh) subscription* required
Commission on »•<*>. $15o
Prize,. **o
Total earnings,. $2lo
4th Prize, $ to
400 subscription* required.
Commission on 4oq,.$10n
Prize.* 40
Total earning*.$H0
5th Prize, $20
200 subscription* required.
Commission on 200,. $50
Prize,.. • 2o
Total earning*..$70
nth I*i i/e, $10
It mi subscriptions required.
Commission on 1CH*. . $25
! Prize,. 10
Total earnings,.. $55
7th Price, $5
| 50 subscriptions required.
!Commission on 5“,.$12.50
Price. 5.00
Total earnings,.$17.50
Price* *• and 10 are the same
in all respects as No. 7.
tireat care bas been taken to
provide prizes for those who do
not secure large lists of sub
scribers, likewise to insure that
each will be paid for his work
even if he should happen not to
win a price. One cannot lose
and may win a neat sum. This
i* the most liberal oflcr ever
made by any Southern paper,
and it* like will probably never
be made again. The contest
must close at the time set, and
will give a good opportunity to
put in time profitably during
the dull winter season. Send
for sample copies and get to
work right away if any of the
big prices and liberal commis
sions are wanted. Delay will
not accomplish anything. Start
today to become a winner.
Sot* I HICKS FaHM (tAZK'l n,
Starkville, Miss.
On the Hoad Ip
I*. II. Kennedy, Adaton, Mu*.
Em ton (Iazkttk:
As I have not seen anything in
the dear old Gazette to swell its
circulation, I thought I could
pass a few pleasant moment* in
no better way than in giving its
readers a few dots. I think I
would be treating you with in
justice if I didn’t tell you how 1
have prospered since takiug the
| Gazette, the best farm journal in
Dixie. I am an old Cooled, was
a member of Co. C, Htb Miss.
Vol. Kcgt. I always bad just
enough brains to take counsel;
and will add that with the aid of
the Gazette 1 have made this
year four bales of cotton and
200 bushels of corn, and made it
so easy it seems like a gift. Had
I not taken the Gazette and been
educated by-its teachings, I
would today be still on the dead
road to damnation. Farming
friends of Dixie, you who don't
now take the Gazette take it one
year; and if you don't realize
compound produce and handle,
more mooey in one year than
you have in two, I wilt cheerful
ly pay for the paper.
Kditorial note: If more men
would seek the aid of others'
experience to find a way to get
on the road going up, they
would rise faster, make the new
Dixie a land of greater abun
dance than the old, and find
more joy in life.
Oat growing should be done
more extensively in the South,
especially since it gives oppor
tunity to grow more cow peas
conveniently. Oats is one crop
with which fertilizer brings
good returns, if grain is the

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