OCR Interpretation

The Southern farm gazette. (Starkville, Miss.) 1895-1909, March 01, 1907, Image 14

Image and text provided by Mississippi Department of Archives and History

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87065613/1907-03-01/ed-1/seq-14/

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Tamworth Swine
The bacon hog, bred from St. Louis
Fair premium takers. Will ship pigs
in 60 day* for $7.50 each. $14 per pair,
320 per trio. Also long staple Allen
Cotton seed, which brought me 24
rents a pound at #75 per ton. Also
■mail red cob deep grain corn, se
lected, at $1.50 per bushel.
C. C. GO/.A, Port Gibson, Miss.
Nswr "Redbird" Strawberry
10 days earlier than Klondike,
more prolific and a better berry
than Klondike, Lady Thompson
or Excelsior. Write us and we
will tell you what others think
of it. Marlborros Prolific Con. Mcilcii
Everbearing Tobe Roso. The ••Flonlli”
it the great family garden straw
berry. S. WHERRY & SONS.
Durant. Miss.
choice pigs on band. Price 910
to *15 f. o. b. here. Culls go to
pork pen.
J. W. Hamilton, lioulka, Miss.
of choice breeding and very good sndl<
ridually. four years old for sale.
THOS. uEE. Jit..
Agricultural College, Mis*.
Ribbon Cane Seed . ^ * ,
by nit!,
which makes 50 gallons of syi»
up. Try it. It's fine.
A. F. Wilt sunt k,
R. F. D. 1, Yaiden, Miss.
Fine hardy pigs and service
boars subject to registration.
Do not write unless willing to
pay a fair price.
Wm. Kuos, Starkville. Miss.
Jacks, Jenneits, Stallions, Etc.
70 Imp. and Kentucky Jack* 70
35 Jennetti 35
30 Saddle Stallion* 30
10 Trotting:'Stallion* 10
10 Pacing Stallion* 10
at Lexington, Ky.
27 Jack* 27
at Newton, Kansas.
We are In the greatest breeding «1ls»
met in the world of mammouth jacks,
•addle and harness horses; and we
have the grandest lot to show you of
any firm In the country. It is to your
interest to insj^et our stock before
buying. Write for catalogue or come
*o see us. J. K. COOK A CO.,
(-.ciiogtcn, Ky.
Branch Barn, Newom, Kansas.
Get This Bulletin
The Mississippi Experiment
Station, Agricultural College,
Miss., has printed a bulletin
by Prof. J. S. Moore, that all
who have milk cows should send
for. It describes the good qual
ties of dairy cows, treats of
feeds, the care of a cow, etc.
Various rations are suggested,
and the bulletin includes a table
that gives the amount of dry
matter and digestible nutrients
in 100 pounds ot feed stuffs.
This last enables an intelligent
farmer to determine how he
can use the feeds at band for
test results. There is no use
trying to get s cow t give back
the full value of fee in mi.k if
her ration is not ba ccd; »nd
balancing a ration c ght to be
learned by everybody who has a
single cow to keep.
We want a good agent for this
paper in every neighborhood in
each state. We want an agent
to solicit advertising and sub
scriptions and also to collect.
We want a permanent agent.
Write na for particulars.
Cotton Rust
Epitov Gazkttr:
Will you please inform me
what kind of fertilizer could be
used on lauds that cotton rusts
on? We have some in the bot*
tom that is of gravel nature and
irrnora nff writ and nuta nn fruit
well, but in the fall it dries up
aod dies. James A. Bk.uk,
Jerome, Miss.
Answer by Prof. B. K. Lloyd,
Agricultural College, Miss.:
I think on this land I would
use a mixture of 250 pounds of
kainit and 150 of phosphoric
acid per acre. In some cases
kainit or any of the potash salts
will prevent rust. The phos
phoric acid will hasten the ma
turity of the cotton and make it
fruit better.
$! Bargain
Three new subscriptions lor
one year will be given to the Ga
zette for $1, or the paper will be
sent three years to one address
for $1 if all the time is in ad
vance. No one owing back sub
scription can have three years
for $! till the arrearage is paid.

••I would not take $50 for the ooro attachment
to my Cole Planter." J. E. Hough.
**! would not
take 8150 tor my HIGHEST
Cole Planter If 1
I cotil.l not R;t AWARD,
another. Kd* ’
ward Scholtr. GEORGIA
Distributes guano and drill* cotton seed at the same time. Drops
corn one grain, or more if wanted, perfect pea planter, 6ne for
peanut*, sorghum, beans, etc. Gives better stands, increases the \
yield, and saves labor. It is simple, practical, and easy to run.
Over 30,000 farmers are uaing Cole Machines with pleasure and
profit. They will save you much time and money. We pay the
freight and guarantee satisfaction. Write for free catalog today.
THE COLE MFG. CO.. Charlotte, N. C.
... - - - - -»•
|h^V^ Bfl^^KH^lSnUl^^^ ■"<*- ‘c^-C’ +
Hi From ■
SA ■ I the cotton I
■P field to prosperity, 1
»nd constantly I
growing bank account awaits you ■■■■■■■■■■
if you plant, fertilize and cultivate your crop with system. A
The most important thing is to apply to your soil, about ten M
days before seeding, a plant food in the shape of 400 to 1000
pound* of high grade ^^B
Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers^®
per acre on lower acres. If you follow this advice, your^^^^^^B
i ofton w .11 he wi;.( high by the time many of your *Vxten-^HH®
«.ve culture" neghbors are hoeing o\er their cro^the first ^^B®|®|
time. T 1 m t<»o tliey may have used a poor grade
only \ iRtilMA*
Cakoiiva K»k substitute.
A * k \«mr for a our handsome new
alinan:^. or write us for one—it is free.
Vir|i«li-Caoltai Chtakil Ct., J®®RB|
hacks or r teas.
aiunu.Os i»»wi»h,(k. AllBilHallWiWlS
Mawptu*. Taon
dm*«r**l. I*.
SkbaMui, Va
Nu»*atk. Va.
tHiiham. a. C.
Itiaitmaa. H C.
ItelltinMS. M4.
DCCC No »uPply«»* demand for honey. Car- QPPQ
load* shipped from this county (Noxubee) DECO
every year. Am overstocked on bees and will sell a limited num
ber at $5.00 a hive in lots to suit the purchaser. All in S-frame
dovetailed hives of A. I. Root’s make.
J. S. CAVETT, Route 2, Macon, Mis$.
■ — ill— ———MM——————————, % 4
Cotton Seed M)0 bushels Cook’s Improved cotton seed I
fl per bushel. In the teats made at Ala*
hama hxperiment Station last year of all leading varieties, Cook's
made 3the«greateat yield of all. Can also furnish Runnel! and
some Berry Big’Boll
PAUL HOFFMAN, Wavksly, At a.

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