OCR Interpretation

The city itemizer. (Water Valley, Miss.) 1894-1918, November 18, 1909, Image 3

Image and text provided by Mississippi Department of Archives and History

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87065643/1909-11-18/ed-1/seq-3/

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The City Itemizer
Established 1894*
THURSDAY, NOV. 18,1909
Yalobusha County, Miss.
Office Phone. 256,
Residence Phone, 183.
Rev. J. E. Hobson and Mr. R.
D. Allen attended the Synod of
the Presbyterian church in Yazoo
City this week.
Col. A. E. Jennings, of Green
wood, spent a day or two in our
city this week looking after busi
ness matters.
On account of ill health Mr. J.
B. Rogers has secured leave of
absence from the Drug house
which he represents as traveling
salesman, and his place will be
tilled by Mr. Tom Rogers, who
has entered upon the discharge of
his duties.
Mr. Robert Lehman and Miss
Sallie French, both of this county,
were united in marriage last
Wednesday by Esquire E. EL
Miss Ruth Strolin returned
home Sunday from a visit of eight
months to her sister in Hermo
sillo, Sonora, Mexico.
Union service will be held in the
Baptist church Thanksgiving day,
in which all denominations will
participate. Let us not forget
this day, for we all have much for
which to be thankful, don’t you
think so?
Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Hobson
returned Monday from West Point,
where Mr. Hobson has been as
sisting in a meeting, The West
Point Leader has the following to
say of the meeting: “A series of
services is being held this week in
the First Presbyterian Church,
East Broadway. The pastor is
assisted by Rev. J. E. Hobson, of
Water Valley. He is a thorough
expounder of the principles of the
Christian religion, a fluent and
interesting speaker and has much
of that personal magnetism that
ottracts and holds the attention ol
his hearers.”
$500.00 in 58 Days.
Fay Walls, of Glentield, Miss.,
two years ago completed a course
of instruction in Bookkeeping in
LEGE in one month and twenty
eight days. Since that time he
has paid all his expenses, such as
board, clothes, laundry, etc.., and
has saved §500.00. which is now
out on interest. He accepted a
position with the Green River
Lumber Co., Memphis, Tenn„ on
the day he graduated, and since
then he has not lost a single day.
There are hundreds of graduates
from this School who have done
equally as well. If you are think
ing of taking a Business Course,
write and ask Mr. Wells what he
thinks of the MEMPHIS BUSI
NESS COLLEGE, and then send
to us for full particulars concern
ing our courses of instruction in
Bookkeeping, Stenography and
Cotton Classing.
Memphis Business College,
Memphis, Term.,
J. T. Thomas, Principal.
Mrs. Allie Whitson Moore, of
Grenada, came up Monday to
spend a few days with her parents,
Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Whitson.
Mrs. W. H. Hartwell was called
to Winona Monday by the an
nouncement of the serious illness
of her little grandson, Master
Hartwell Blackston.
Fresh Oysrers every day at the
City Cafe. H. B. Carr.
Phone 168.
Tomorrow (Friday) night the
ladies of the Missionary Society
of the Baptist church will give an
oyster and meat supper at the H.
J. Jennings’ old stand. You must
not forget to be present and find
out -hat it is to get a good whole
some supper consisting of meats,
oysters, turkey, chicken, salads,
cake and a lot of other good things
that the ladies will prepare to
serve you in good style.
Capt. Gr. W. Price and Mr. J.
W, Meece attended the State Re
union of Confederate Veterans in
Vicksburg last week.
Are You
Much sickness is due to
a weak nervous system.
Yours may be. If it is,
you cannot get well until
you restore nerve strength
Your nervous system is
nature’s power house; the
organs of your body get
their power from it. If
the power is not there, the
action of the organs is
weak, and disease (sick
ness) follows. Dr. Miles’
Nervine cures the sick
because it soothes the
irritated and tired nerves
and gives the system a
chance to recuperate.
Try it, and see if you do
not quickly feel its bene
ficial effect.
“I was given up to die by a lead
ing doctor. Got one of Dr. Miles
books and found that Dr. Miles’ Ner
vine fit my case. From the very first
dose I took I got better. I am better
now than I have been for 3rears, and
do all my own work on the farm.
That’s what Dr. Miles’ Nervine has
done for me, and I am glad to recom
mend it to others.”
JOHN JAMES, Riverton, Nebr.
Your druggist sells Dr. Miles' Nerv
ine, and we authorize him to return
price of first bottle (only) if It falls
to benefit you.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
Everette Cock,
Your Patronage is cAppreciated.^^
Mr. W. W. Nash spent seve,4BM
days last week on a business trip^
to Chicago.
■--—»— -
It is hard for the people to real
ize how good their own town is.
You are Proud of Your Wife
and Children.
Why don’Cyou bring them to us
to be graphed? We will
give yc^^Eoicture that will muke
| you pr^

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