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The City Itemizer Established 1S94. THURSDAY, SEPT, 15. 1910 Yalobusha County, Miss. Office Phone. 256, Residence Phone, 183. Mr. R, L. D. Stephens, who for the past several months has been holding a position as salesman in the store of A. E. Jennings & Company, left last week for For est City, Ark., where he takes_ a position as Book-keeper for a large Mercantile firm there. Mr. Steph ens is one of our city's best busi ness men, and the house he is to be with has made a success in their choice. - * —— Miss Lillie Hartwell left Satur day morning for Port Gibson, where she takes a position as a member of the Faculty of the Port Gibson Female College. FOR SALE—The Douglass property on the corner of Sim mons and Calhoun streets. Ap ply to J. V. Blackmur. --—■*- • -•>— M essrs. W. T. Neal and A. W. Moss have purchased the hand some brick residence of Mr. R. L. D. Stephens on Main Street, one of the best located pieces of prop erty in Water Valley, and in the near future will make it their home. --+--— Misses Lillian McCammon and Lyta Nations, of near Air Mount, spent last Friday in our city the guests of Mrs. Alice Goforth. Education is tho training of a human being with a view to mak ing him all he may become. The proper meaning of the word edu cation is not a drawing out, but a training up, as vines are trained to lay hold of, and rise by means of what is stronger than them selves.- Spalding. M rs. Mamie Westmoreland, ol k 1'atesville, after a three weeks & visit to our city, the guest of Mrs A W. 1’. Vanderburg, returned home I D. R. Wagner, Pres. W. B. Mauldin, Cashier i Bank of Water Valley E i 3®1 Hg Water Valley, Mississippi. gj 5 E p» Will extend liberal accomodations and loans lor g all worthy and legitimate purposes. You are jgj invited to call and see them, as they are anxious “*s» to accommodate. Ample provision is made for Sg the safe keeping of all deposits. 5| YOUR BUSINESS IS SOLICITED. % WMILLIH RMSiWHe* 1111*1 M»a THE SAFEST AND QUICKEST WAY TO 1 TRANSFER MONEY j 1 IS BY J f % l Long Distance Telephone t FOR RATES APPLY TO LOCAL MANAGER $ 1 CUMBERLAND TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO 3 | Incorporated, g gees aassaxsemm ■%/* MsassawBa asm As long as women workers stop work at marriage they willcontain ue to be, as a class, low-paid, over worked, unskilled, looking only to the day and never to the future, entering industry casually without training, retiring from it unexpect edly without warning, hard to or ganize into trade unions, hard to interest in technical improve ments, hard to inspire with finan cial ambition, behaving, in every respect, with the utmost good sense, just exactly in the manner in which any class of admittedly and consciously temporary work ers should behave. It is hard to believe that such a situation can be right either for women or for industry, The women lose op portunities. Industry loses abili ties.—Everybody's, --«*- • -•»— Mrs. E. W. Gant and two chil dren, Misses Juanita and Alma, returned to their home in Grenada Thursday, aftes a couple of weeks’ visit to our city the guests of Mr and Mrs. J. S. White, parents of Mrs. Gant. No, we havn’t wet a hook this year, and although we had very little room for shrinkage, we be lieve we have drawn up almost an inch and a half. Miss Carolyn Whitson left last Friday night for Grenada to re sume her position as a member of the Faculty of the Grenada Public Schools, which opened Monday. Do you ever recollect of getting very busy? Well, that’s just the fix we are in at the present sitting of the court. -♦ - + mm-■ Miss Blanche Stephens and her guest, Miss Emily Bailey, of Tex is, left Sunday night for F Gibsou, where they have e incepted positions in thej Gibson Female College. -m • -- Misses Mary Hobson f May Tatum left Tuesde ly Springs to resume in the Mississippi Syr lege there.